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Chapter III 2. For Propaganda.

This found in books that

describe one’s personal success and
Elements of Literature
achievement in life. Most of the books of
Literature Defined Literature is derived from the history, advertising and marketing portray this
Latin term “litera” which means letter. It is a kind of literature.
faithful reproduction of man’s manifold
3. For Therapeutic Value. Catharsis is an
experiences blended into one harmonious
emotional relief experienced by the reader
expression. On the other hand, literature refers
which eventually helps him with recovery from
to a French phrase, “ belles-lettres”, meaning
a previous emotional dispute.
beautiful writing. It is a term designated to
written language. It is one of the arts that is Uses of Literature
expressive of human feelings. It is an expression
1. Emotional Appeal. This is attained when the
of thought and ideas through symbolic
reader is emotionally moved and touched by
presentation through, poetry, drama or play,
the writer’s persuasion through the literary
essay, among others.
Classifications of Literature
2. Intellectual Appeal. This entails the
1. Escape Literature. This is for entertainment acquisition of information and knowledge which
purposes, that is, to help us pass the time in will remind the reader of what they have
agreeable or acceptable manner of life. It takes forgotten.
us away from the real word. It enables us to
3. Humanistic Value. This can be realized when
temporarily forget our troubles. The object of
the literary work affirms the dignity and the
this literature is for pleasure.
worth of all the people. This also attained when
2. Interpretative Literature. This enables us to it is able to make the reader an improved
sharpen and broaden deeply our awareness of person with a better outlook in life and a clear
our lives. This takes us deeper into the realm of understanding of his inner self.
this world through imagination. It illuminates
Two Groups of Literature
some aspects of human life or behavior and
gives us keener awareness of what it is to be a 1. Prose. It is defined as the spoken or written
human being in a universe that that is language without metrical regularity.
sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile.
2. Poetry. It is the imaginative expression of
Uses of Literature emotion, thought or narrative frequently in
metrical form and often using figurative
1. For Moral Values. The main purpose of
language. Poetry has traditionally been
literature is to present the moral values of the
distinguished from prose by rhyme or the
thoughts expressed by the writer for the reader
rhythmical arrangement of words.
to understand and appreciate. The values could
either be directly or indirectly stated. The Types of Prose.
literary work may make the reader appreciate
and understand the work; hence, make him a 1. Novel. It is an extended fictional prose
better individual. It could either entertain or narrative, often including the psychological
moralize the readers. development of the central characters and of
their relationship with a broader world. The
modern novel took its name and inspiration
from the italina novella. Novel is classified 1. Narrative Poetry. it describes important
according to genres and subgenres such as the details in life following the order of events
historical novel, detective fiction, fantasy and either real or imaginary. They are classified as
science fiction epic, metrical tales, metrical romance and
2. Short Story. It is an artistic form of prose
fiction which is centered on a single main a. Epic. It is a narrative poem or cycle of poem
incident whose aim is to produce a single dealing with some great deeds like the founding
dominant impression. Its qualities are economy, of a nation or the forging of national unity. They
compression, brevity and emphasis. often use religious or cosmological themes.

3. Play. It is a piece of creative work presented b. Metrical tales. It is a type of narrative written
on stage. It is usually divided into acts. in verse. It is classified either ballad or metrical
4. Legend. It is a traditional or undocumented
story about famous people, commonly religious c. Metrical Romance. It is also a type of metrical
in character and frequently posing problems of tale composed of a long rambling love story in
authencity. verse.

5. Fable. It is a story in either verse or prose, in d. Ballad. A metrically simple sometimes

which animals or inanimate objects are given unrhymed or dependent in assosance. It is
the mentality and speech of a human being to a concerned with some emotional event.
point out a moral or lesson.
2. Lyric Poetry. It is short poem which is
6. Anecdote. It is a product of the writer’s songlike. This is the most common type of
imagination whose aims is to bring out lessons poetry.
to the readers. It can be stories about animals
a. Haiku. A short, Japanese poem consisting of
or children.
17 syllables arranged in three times.
7. Essay. It is a short piece of non-fiction dealing
b. Ode. A serious lyric poetry which
with a particular subject from a personal point
commemorates important public events. It
of view.
consists of stanzas with the same pattern of
8. Biography. It is an account of person’s life. It rhythm and rhyme.
may consist of factual details of a person’s life
c. Elegy. A common lyre poem that deals with
told in chronological order, but has generally
life and death. It mourns the death of a love
become matter of interpretation as well as
historical accuracy.
d. Sonnet. A love poem which mostly consists of
9. News. It is a report of daily events in society,
14 lines and has a certain pattern of rhyme and
government, or in science and industry.
10. Oration. It is a piece of wok relative to
3. Dramatic Poetry. Tells stories like narrative
speech whose aim is to arouse the listener’s
poetry, but in dialogues of play rhymes,
interest and emotion.
repeating rhythms, and other poetry elements.
Types of Poetry One of the most famous dramatic poet is the
English playwright William Shakespeare
Qualities of a Literary Masterpiece. economical and social context of hid times in
order to truly understand his works.
1. Artistry. It appeals to our sense of beauty. A
person is said to be artistic if he knows how to 2. Moral/philosophical approach. The larger
appreciate something beautiful. purpose of literature is to teach morality and to
probe philosophical issues.
2. Intellectual Value. A literary work stimulates
thoughts. It makes our mental life rich by 3. Mimetic Approach. How well the work
making us realize the different fundamental accords with the real world. Is it real, genuine, is
truths about life and human nature. it accurate? Moral?

3. Suggestiveness. This is associated with the 4. Formalism/ New Criticism. It involves a close
emotional; aspect of literature. This quality reading of the text. Formalistic critics believe
moves as deeply and stirs our imagination to that all information essential to the
work above and beyond the level of ordinary life interpretation of the work must be found within
and experience. the work itself not influenced by the author or
character’s life and time.
4. Spiritual values. Literature brings out the
understanding of the moral values which lead us 5. Psychological Approach. critics view works
to become better person. It inspires us to through the lens of psychology. They look either
acquire these values which we will cherish or at the psychological motivations of the
put into practice, thus bringing us closer to our character or of the author themselves. Common
creator. Freudian psychological approach is the Oedipus
complex or the Electra complex in literature, or
5. Permanence. A great work of literature can
the Jungian approach “individual differences”
endure the test of time. It can be read over and
and the three levels of oneself: the shadow
over again as each reading gives fresh
(dark, villain in the story), persona(man’s social
personality (hero), anima (man’s soul
6. Universality. It appeals to all anytime, image(heroine).
anywhere because it deals with the basic
6. Mythological/Archetypal/Symbolic
feelings of people, fundamental truths and
Approach. this approach assumes that there is
universal conditions.
collection of symbols, images, characters and
7. Style. Great works are marked by their lasting motifs (i.e. archetypes) that evokes basically the
substances and by distinctive styles. same response in all people.

Literary Approaches. 7. Feminist Approach. it is concerned with the

impact of gender on writing and rewarding.
In appreciating literature, the following They may argue that all gender difference are
approaches may be used by the reader. A imposed by society, and that gender determines
specific approach or a combination of nothing.
approaches may be used in appreciating a single
literary piece. 8. Reader-response Approach. it analyzes the
reader’s role in the production of meaning the
1. Historical/Biographical approach. it is a text itself has no meaning until it is read by the
reflection of the authors life and times (or of the reader.
characters’ life and times).it is necessary to
know the about the author and the political, Common Literary Types and their Elements
The most common literary types considered fro 2. Characters. This refers to the people or
appreciation include short story, poetry, novel animals that take part in the action of the story.
and essay. Reading for character is more difficult than
raiding for a lot, for character is much more
A. Short story. A work of fiction that can be
complex, varied and ambiguous. Characters can
read in one setting. It is a prose fiction which
be classified as a protagonist or the principal of
hats its early beginnings in parables, fables,
the characters of the story; and the antagonist
tales. Allegory and folklores.
or the villain, the one who opposes the
Elements of Short Story protagonist.

1. Plot. It refers to the sequential arrangement Characterization is used by a writer to preset

of related events and actions of which a story is characters. It could be direct characterization or
composed. It serves as the skeleton or blueprint indirect characterization.
of the story. Villanueva presents the parts of a
Direct characterization is used when the writer
fully developed plot.
portrays about how a character looks, behaves
a. Exposition. It is the beginning of the story. It and thinks while indirect characterization is
provides background or the information about used when the writer lets you draw your own
the situation that gives rise to the problem. It conclusions about a character from the way the
introduces the character, the setting and the character speaks or acts or how other react to
point of view. the character.

b. Development. Consists of a number of 3. Setting. The locale or place where the event
incidents showing series of changes or or action took nplace.
complications pointing to a solution of the
4. Theme. It refers to the message
problem and preparing the reader to
communicated by the story. The controlling idea
understand and accept the turning point.
or insight in a literary work. It is the unifying
c. Turning point. It may be an accident, a speech generalization about life stated or implied by
or a gesture which may mean the difference the story.
between the favorable and unfavorable
5. Conflict. The conflict is a struggle between
solution. It is a point where a logical solution is
two people or things in a short story. The main
reached and no other solution possible.
character is usually on one side of the central
d. Climax. The highest point of the story arouses conflict. On the other side, the main character
the greatest interest and evokes the most may struggle against another important
intense feelings of the reader. character, against the forces of nature, against
society, or even against something inside
e. Denouement. It refers to the “unraveling” of himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).
the plot, the action or intrigue ends in success
or failure, the mystery is solved or the B. Poetry.
misunderstanding is cleared away. It may also
A branch of literature that imaginatively and
include the reversal of the hero’s fortunes,
figuratively expresses man’s thoughts and
weather to his success or destruction.
feelings, usually in verse form. It is a
f. Conclusion. This refers to the ending of the metaphorical communication, “the highest form
story depending on the outcome of the actions. of talk”. It is intended to provide pleasure
through beautiful, elevated, imaginative Hyperbole. When the writer exaggerates for
expression of strong feelings and spontaneous effect.
overflow of powerful feelings recollected in
Oxymoron. When the [poet combines
tranquility as universal as language. The most
contraries or opposites to portray a particular
primitive people have used it and the most
image or to produce striking effect.
civilized have cultivated it. The most challenging
among the types of literature for the following 2. Tones refers to the atmosphere, feeling,
reasons: attitude, stance or the way the poet look at his
subject or the world. Such atmosphere could
1. It requires the proper choice of words or
either be serous, ironic, bitter, joyful, resigned
and others.
2. It requires the denotative and symbolical
3. Imagery. It is the representation of sense of
meaning of the text used.
experience or the total sensory suggestion of
3. The limitation imposed by the structure and poetry which includes visual, auditory, tactile,
rhythm of sounds does not limit the universality gustatory, and bodily images.
to the thought implied by poetry.
4. Sounds. This is characterized either as
The theme is generally personal such love, pleasant (full, open vowel sounds) or
death, frustration, hatred, faith in god and man, unpleasant (short abrupt, vowel sound).
human sufferings: and culture and traditions.
5. Rhythm and meter. It is related to the “beats
Elements of Poetry of our hearts” and “ the flow of air from our
lungs”. Rhythm is the regular and irregular
1. Language. It refers to the poet who uses
patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables,
every resource of language. In appreciating
metrical or rhetorical stressed. Meter is the
poetry the reader may look at the language
accent that arranged as to occur at
used by the poet in the following ways.
approximately equal intervals of time.
a. Denotative languages (actual meaning)
6. Thought or Meaning. This refers to what the
b. Connotative language (implied meaning) poem implies or trying to express. There are
two meanings distinguished in a poem: the total
c. Poetic language( language that considers meaning (which refers to the total experience it
diction, vocabulary) communicates) and the prose meaning (whcich
d. Figurative language. The most common refers to the value or worth of the poem).
figurative language/devices used are: 7. Shape of the Poem. This refers to how the
Simile: used in comparing two unlike things. words are arranged on the page. Most poems
consists of lines called stanza. Stanza has
Metaphor. Used in indirect comparison distinct features of thought similar to
Personification. Used when the poet gives paragraph. 8. Speaker. This is the voice that talks
human characteristics and capabilities to to the reader who may or may not be the poet
nonhuman or inanimate objects. or author/writer.

Apostrophe. When the poet addresses an C. Essay

absent person as if he were present or an
abstract idea or inanimate object as if it has life.
An essay is a literary output or the geography but also the beliefs, cultures and
composition/writing on a particular topic o traditions, practices and values of a particular
subject. The writer/author expresses his place or historical period.
personal thoughts, feelings, experiences and
2. Plot. This serves as the basic foundation
opinions on a particular subject or a phase of in
which serves as the framework of the novel. It
an individual’s life that catches his attention.
gives proportion and shape to the novel. It can
The writer wants to make his reader appreciates
also describe as the order of events or
the good things he points out or the beauty of
happenings in the novel. Conflict is an important
its work and the unwanted effects of certain
element of the plot.
attitudes and behaviors. It may be grouped as
formal or informal 3. Theme. The universal truth found in the
novel, or the main idea or topic. It does not
A formal essay is heavy, informative and
mean the moral, value but rather the message
intellectually stimulating. Its aim is to instruct or
that teaches the reader in the latter part.
give knowledge. On the other hand, an informal
essay is light, humorous and entertaining 4. Characters. This refers players in the novel.
They do not only act but imbibe and portray the
Elements of an Essay
moral, emotional and intellectual characteristics
1. The issue introduced. This introduces or and qualities endowed to them by the writer
reflects the actual purpose of the author.
Chapter IV
2. The writer’s viewpoint and thought. This is
The Drama and Theater
an outpouring of idea of what the writer’s
thought about the issue discussed if he is for or Drama and the People
against it. This is also the final stand of the
author. Drama is believed to have originated from the
art of dance. It is found in some form in almost
3. The relevance of the issue to the life of the every society, primitive and civilized and his
reader. This refers to how the reader would served a variety of functions in the community.
appreciate the output based upon his It is the dramatization of human experience
perception, response and if it brings about a before an audience. All dramas must be
feeling of enjoyment with the message/ theme performed or acted out by the characters on
of the essay. stage, on film, radio, and television.
D. Novel Importance of Drama
A long work prose fiction dealing with “The future of our nation depends on our ability
characters, situations and scenes that to create-and to be creative. During the coming
represents the picturesque of real life, its setting decades our most important national resources
and the action in the form of lot. The purpose of will be human resources .if our nation is to
fiction whether long or short, gives us moral continue to meet the challenges of the future,
lessons and provides pleasure. today’s schools need to develop creative
Elements of Novel
Elements of Drama
1. Setting. This includes the time, the place and
the background of the story. It involves not only
1. Plot. This is the soul of the drama or the 6. Costume and Make-up. Costumes must be
summary of what happens in the story. This is comfortably and securely placed together so
the framework of what happens in the whole that actors of the drama won’t worry about it
story. The plot is usually presented through once the drama has started. A costume designer
script. is usually present to assist the performers
during the play. Costumes must suit every
2. Character. Also known as dramatis personae.
character portrayed on the story, hence, a dress
These are make-believe persons, who are either
rehearsal must be done before the
protagonists or antagonists. Their personalities
performance. Make-up on the other hand
are brought about carefully by their
complements the costume hence, every
appearance, delivery of speech, portrayal of
makeup artist must be given enough time to do
their action and what other characters say of
their job in order to come out with a real
reflection of what is being expected from the
3. Conflict. This refers to the struggle, clash of character.
wills and conflicts. Conflict in drama may be
7. Dialogue. Involves the conversation or
categorized as
exchange of views between and among the
a. Man versus himself (e.g. soliloquy, characters of the drama.
monologue of the protagonist)
8. Setting, scenery and lighting. Scenery and
b. Man versus man (the physical or verbal lighting and other backdrops together with the
conflict between characters different paraphernalia must be simple, for its is
supposed only to suggest the scene and the
c. Man versus nature (the characters struggle audience imagination will complete the picture.
against typhoon, earthquake, famine and other Proper lighting will have a great effect on the
forces of nature. realistic presentation of the play. Stage lighting
4. Theme or Idea. This what is meant by the is always electrical, and only the assigned and
story. A conviction about the real world where responsible person should touch the electrical
we live in and it may be complex with equipment.
contradictory evaluations. The central idea of The les Miserables Theater Arts Workshop at
the story. It could be social issues which the Isabela State University
story writer and the characters would like the
audience to resolve. In 1992, the members of the Tinig Kamalayan
(TIKAM), a theater arts group of Isabela State
5. Music and Spectacle. This adds to the total University-Echague which was then headed by
appeal and provides beauty to the drama. Aside the Student Supreme Council President, Serafin
from the background music, there is music of Ngohayon underwent a two day basic
speech and of movement. Music could also be Integrated theater Arts Workshop (BITAW) at
used as “transition” that indicates passage of the former Isabela State University-Boys
time. Spectacle is the action itself. This gives Dormitory at the Old site (now Echague
intensity to the emotions acted, whatever these National High School)
emotions are. In theater, this heathens the
atmosphere whether of vitality or terror or

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