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3. Play. It is a piece of creative work presented b. Metrical tales. It is a type of narrative written
on stage. It is usually divided into acts. in verse. It is classified either ballad or metrical
4. Legend. It is a traditional or undocumented
story about famous people, commonly religious c. Metrical Romance. It is also a type of metrical
in character and frequently posing problems of tale composed of a long rambling love story in
authencity. verse.
3. Suggestiveness. This is associated with the 4. Formalism/ New Criticism. It involves a close
emotional; aspect of literature. This quality reading of the text. Formalistic critics believe
moves as deeply and stirs our imagination to that all information essential to the
work above and beyond the level of ordinary life interpretation of the work must be found within
and experience. the work itself not influenced by the author or
character’s life and time.
4. Spiritual values. Literature brings out the
understanding of the moral values which lead us 5. Psychological Approach. critics view works
to become better person. It inspires us to through the lens of psychology. They look either
acquire these values which we will cherish or at the psychological motivations of the
put into practice, thus bringing us closer to our character or of the author themselves. Common
creator. Freudian psychological approach is the Oedipus
complex or the Electra complex in literature, or
5. Permanence. A great work of literature can
the Jungian approach “individual differences”
endure the test of time. It can be read over and
and the three levels of oneself: the shadow
over again as each reading gives fresh
(dark, villain in the story), persona(man’s social
personality (hero), anima (man’s soul
6. Universality. It appeals to all anytime, image(heroine).
anywhere because it deals with the basic
6. Mythological/Archetypal/Symbolic
feelings of people, fundamental truths and
Approach. this approach assumes that there is
universal conditions.
collection of symbols, images, characters and
7. Style. Great works are marked by their lasting motifs (i.e. archetypes) that evokes basically the
substances and by distinctive styles. same response in all people.
b. Development. Consists of a number of 3. Setting. The locale or place where the event
incidents showing series of changes or or action took nplace.
complications pointing to a solution of the
4. Theme. It refers to the message
problem and preparing the reader to
communicated by the story. The controlling idea
understand and accept the turning point.
or insight in a literary work. It is the unifying
c. Turning point. It may be an accident, a speech generalization about life stated or implied by
or a gesture which may mean the difference the story.
between the favorable and unfavorable
5. Conflict. The conflict is a struggle between
solution. It is a point where a logical solution is
two people or things in a short story. The main
reached and no other solution possible.
character is usually on one side of the central
d. Climax. The highest point of the story arouses conflict. On the other side, the main character
the greatest interest and evokes the most may struggle against another important
intense feelings of the reader. character, against the forces of nature, against
society, or even against something inside
e. Denouement. It refers to the “unraveling” of himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).
the plot, the action or intrigue ends in success
or failure, the mystery is solved or the B. Poetry.
misunderstanding is cleared away. It may also
A branch of literature that imaginatively and
include the reversal of the hero’s fortunes,
figuratively expresses man’s thoughts and
weather to his success or destruction.
feelings, usually in verse form. It is a
f. Conclusion. This refers to the ending of the metaphorical communication, “the highest form
story depending on the outcome of the actions. of talk”. It is intended to provide pleasure
through beautiful, elevated, imaginative Hyperbole. When the writer exaggerates for
expression of strong feelings and spontaneous effect.
overflow of powerful feelings recollected in
Oxymoron. When the [poet combines
tranquility as universal as language. The most
contraries or opposites to portray a particular
primitive people have used it and the most
image or to produce striking effect.
civilized have cultivated it. The most challenging
among the types of literature for the following 2. Tones refers to the atmosphere, feeling,
reasons: attitude, stance or the way the poet look at his
subject or the world. Such atmosphere could
1. It requires the proper choice of words or
either be serous, ironic, bitter, joyful, resigned
and others.
2. It requires the denotative and symbolical
3. Imagery. It is the representation of sense of
meaning of the text used.
experience or the total sensory suggestion of
3. The limitation imposed by the structure and poetry which includes visual, auditory, tactile,
rhythm of sounds does not limit the universality gustatory, and bodily images.
to the thought implied by poetry.
4. Sounds. This is characterized either as
The theme is generally personal such love, pleasant (full, open vowel sounds) or
death, frustration, hatred, faith in god and man, unpleasant (short abrupt, vowel sound).
human sufferings: and culture and traditions.
5. Rhythm and meter. It is related to the “beats
Elements of Poetry of our hearts” and “ the flow of air from our
lungs”. Rhythm is the regular and irregular
1. Language. It refers to the poet who uses
patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables,
every resource of language. In appreciating
metrical or rhetorical stressed. Meter is the
poetry the reader may look at the language
accent that arranged as to occur at
used by the poet in the following ways.
approximately equal intervals of time.
a. Denotative languages (actual meaning)
6. Thought or Meaning. This refers to what the
b. Connotative language (implied meaning) poem implies or trying to express. There are
two meanings distinguished in a poem: the total
c. Poetic language( language that considers meaning (which refers to the total experience it
diction, vocabulary) communicates) and the prose meaning (whcich
d. Figurative language. The most common refers to the value or worth of the poem).
figurative language/devices used are: 7. Shape of the Poem. This refers to how the
Simile: used in comparing two unlike things. words are arranged on the page. Most poems
consists of lines called stanza. Stanza has
Metaphor. Used in indirect comparison distinct features of thought similar to
Personification. Used when the poet gives paragraph. 8. Speaker. This is the voice that talks
human characteristics and capabilities to to the reader who may or may not be the poet
nonhuman or inanimate objects. or author/writer.