Lit Reviewer
Lit Reviewer
Lit Reviewer
Literature is everywhere. Purposes of Literature
1) To unlock unfamiliar words
Literature is life.
2) To provide entertainment
Unconsciously, we create own literary 3) To help us understand more the world
pieces through life itself. we live in
When reading literary pieces, we tend to be 4) To uplift the mind, the heart, and the soul
consumed by another world which can be 5) To feed one’s imagination
real or ideal.
Standard of good literature
To be an effective reader, we should 1)Artistry
master literary competence that allows us 2)Intellectual Value
to convert words on the page of a literary 3)Suggestiveness
work into literary meanings. 4)Spiritual Value
Definitions of Literature 6)Universality
a. Literature is a body of written works.
The name has traditionally been applied to VI. Summary and Conclusion
those imaginative works of poetry and Literature is derived from the Latin word
prose distinguished by the intentions of litteratura which means writing formed with
their authors and letters.
the perceived aesthetic excellence of their It is defined as written works that have
execution lasting value. It reflects humanity. Lastly,
life is manifested in the form of literary
b. Literature is books and writings published pieces.
on a particular subject (Merriam-Webster’s
Dictionary and Thesaurus)
Furthermore, prose can be fiction or non- Example: “The patient boy and quiet girl
fiction. were both well-mannered and did not
The kinds of fiction are short stories, disobey their mother.”
novels, legends, adventures, allegories Explanation: The author is directly telling
(fables and parables), drama, fairy tales, the audience the personality of these
and myths. two children. The boy is “patient” and
the girl is “quiet.”
The kinds of nonfiction are biography,
autobiography, diary, letter, journal, 2) Indirect or Dramatic
essay, current publication, and history. Characterization shows things that
Nevertheless, we do not limit the kinds of reveal the personality of a character.
fiction and nonfiction with what just included
in this lecture. Example from The Cat in the Hat:
Many of the words spoken by the cat at
the beginning of the story have an
upbeat connotative meaning. For
A poem’s form is its appearance. Poems
The repetition of the same or similar sounds,
are divided into lines. Many poems,
usually in stressed syllables at the ends of
especially longer ones, may also be
Describes one thing as if it were another.
Repetitive sound produced by consonants in the The moon was a ghostly galleon