Quadric Surface
Quadric Surface
Quadric Surface
P 24
APPTNDIX 2 CoNrc srcnons. Qunontc SURFACES
A line througl+a focus of a hyperbola and parallel to the 2l Find the graph of all points whose distances from the point
diiectrix is called a latus rectum. The length of the segment (8, 0) are always 3 times their distances from the line x: 1.
cut off by the hyperbola is called the length of the latus 22 Show that an asymptote, a directrix, and the line through
rectum. Show that for the hyperbola the corresponding focus perpendicuJar to the asymptote
(x2la2\ - l'''lb'): I pass through a point.
the length of the latus rectum is 2b2la. or
Given the hyperbola (y2 14) - $2 16\ = 1. Decide whether
20 Find the graph of all points'whose distances from the not tangents to this hyperbola can be drawn which pass
are always uEt15 times their distances from the through any of the points P(0, 8),Q0,5), R(4,0), and S( -8;
tO, J?ii
line y:2slJn. -9). Find the equations of the lines, wherever possible.
where the quantities a, b, c, ...,1 are positive or negative numbers or zero. The
points in space satisfying such an equation all lie on a surface. Certain special
cases, such as spheres and cylinders, were discussed in Chapter 13. Any
second-degree equation which does not reduce to a cylinder, plane, line, gr
point corresponds to a surface which we call quadric. Quadric surfaces are
classified into six types, and itcan be shown that every second-degree
equation which does not degenerate into a cylinder, a plane, etc., corresponds
to one of these six types. The proof of this result involves the study of
translation and rotation of coordinates in three.dimensional space, a topic
beyond the scope of this Appendix.
* ,t,l +'}:,,,,: o}.
,, ,,i *'} : ,,r: o},
and the trace on the yz plane is the ellipse
n,* r*= 1,,:ol.
The section of the surface by the plane z = 1 is the curve
I *
fzl +zyz + 422:12,) fzy'+4e2+15:0,)
lx:3 [x:3 ]
Since the sum ofthree positive quantities can neier be zero, we conclude that
the plane x:
3 does not intersect the surface. The section is D empty.
DEFlNtrtoNs A sudace is symmetric with respect to the xy plare if and onty yih, porntQi,
- z) lies-on the syrface wheneuer (x,,y, z) does; ir is symmetri"Htt .op""t
to i[u
x axis if and only if the point (x, y, z) is on the graph whenerr, (*, y, z) is.
- -
similar definitions aie easily formulated for symnetiy with respict to the
remaining coorilinate planes and axes.
APP 26
APPENDIX 2 Comc secnoNs. QuADf,tc st RF cet
The surface is sketched in Fig. 13. The x, l, z intercepts are the numbers
!A, + B, * C, respectively, and the traces on the xy, xz, and yz planes are,
respectively, the ellipses
x2 y' x2
' t-' zz -l - tv2..+'z2
Sections made by the planes y: k (k a constant) are the similar ellipses
xz J- -z2
A2e-krlBr)'Czt-krlBr)-t " '-:b "' -B <k< B.
= -,2 .:!-
- _ =
C20 kzlB2\
* ="rr"Z'.-." ,,
:1, x:krif lkl> A,
B2(kzlAz - \' Cz&rlA, - l)
whiie the section is empty if I k| < ,4. The sections made by the planes ],,
: k and
z: k are hyperbolas.
A typical eiliptic paraboloid is sketihed in Fig. 16.
A11 three iotercepts are 0; the traces on the yz and ,= 6,DEs are
parabolas, while the trace on the xy plane consisti of a single point- thc origro-
sections made by pianes z:
k are ellipses if I( > 0, empt-\i if k < CI" sertions
made by planes x k and ! = k are parabolas-
lf A:
B,we have a pareboloid of revolutioq and th€ satims madc by tbe
planes z:k,k>0 are circles. The reflecting surfaoes of U{cscopcr aLlto-
mobile headlights, eti., are always paraboloids of revolutir:o ISGE SEson I
v) A hyperbolic paraboloid is the graph of an equation of fu lrm
FrcUNI 16
1z 82
APP 28
APPENDIX 2 CoNrc sEcrtoNs. QuADRlc suRrACEs
EXAMPTE 2 Name and sketch the graph ol 4x2 - 9y' + 822 :7}.Indicate a few sections
puruit"t to the coordinate planes.
1694 -" -r u*-**r:' 19 Show that the intersection of thc hypcrbolic paraboloitl
x' - y' = z with the plane z - x * ! consists of trro inter-
sccting straight lincs. Establish tf samc rcsult for thc iatcr-
section of this quadric with thc plane z ax + cy, whorc
,**l=t+* t -*'1694
-!' *" =r a is.any numbcr.