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MTID Weighing - Local Webinar - GWP - Proper Weighing With Lab Balances - FT 2024

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Good Weighing PracticeTM

Proper Weighing with
Laboratory Balances

May 2024

Your Speaker Today :

Firmansyah Tanjung
Sr.Sales Engineer - Labtec LinkedIn
Follow Our Social Media 23

Mettler Toledo International, Inc




Agenda 24

1 Introduction

2 Optimum Location

3 Proper Operation of The Balance

4 External Physical Influences

5 Technical Weighing Terms

6 GWP® - The Weighing Standard

For internal use - Confidential

Industry - Workplace vs Weighing Process 25

Challenges of Accurate Weighing

Incoming Control of
R&D Laboratory Quality Department Production
Raw Material

Consistent Small samples Evidence of high Cost efficiency

batches ▪ Small and often quality ▪ Reduce overfill
▪ Identify differences expensive ▪ Reproducibility of ▪ Consistent quality
in compounds and components all results at all
time ▪ No reworks / no
quality (based on ▪ Exact waste
weight) reproducibility of ▪ Avoid Out-of-Spec
formulation ▪ Reduce downtime
▪ Identify differences (OoS) results and
in quantity ▪ Must show strong bad batches
evidence in field ▪ Ensure consumer
trials safety
▪ Pass audits

For internal use - Confidential

Regulations Affecting Scales & Balances - GLP

How do we put this

into practice?

“4.2. Apparatus used in a study should be periodically inspected,

maintained, and calibrated according to standard operating
“7.1 A test facility should have written SOP’s that are intended to
ensure the quality and integrity of the data generated by that test
OECD Principles of GLP 26
2015 Revision of ISO 9001 27

Strong Process and Risk Focus How do we

put this into

“This international Standard promotes the adaptation of a

process approach when developing, implementing and improving
the effectiveness of a quality management system […]
The process approach involves the systematic definition and
management of processes […]. and can be achieved using the
PDCA cycle with an overall focus on risk-based thinking […]”
ISO 9001:2015: 0.3 Process Approach
Guaranteed Quality– Reduced Costs – Safe Audits 28

▪ We want to produce excellent products.

▪ We want to save costs and reduce efforts.
▪ We want to meet GMP regulations.

You want to weigh accurately to avoid OOS, bad batches and costly rework.
Compliance Needs 29

Put a lot of
responsibility on you,
the user
Good Manufacturing Practice 30

“Say what you do, do what you say,

and be able to prove it.”

Good People

Courtesy Novartis

Good Equipment
Good Products
Courtesy Roche

Good Processes

Courtesy Nocartis
Challenges in Labs (QC and RND) 31

How can we support How can we ensure full

production, with a quicker compatibility to standardized
response? methods and comply with

SOP Formulation, Density,

Moisture Analyzer, etc

How can we reduce

documentation and
improve traceability?
How can we cope with a
diversified range of samples?

How can we increase lab

throughput with limited
How can we handle samples resources?
in due time?

How can we shorten sample How can we optimize

preparation and analysis time? laboratory costs?
For internal use - Confidential
Accurate Weighing: Essential for Your Processes 32



Contoh: Formulasi Kosmetik di Laboratorium 33
Accurate Weighing: Essential for Your Processes 34

The accurate weighing results will impact subsequent analytical procedure.

Key Laboratory Trends 35

customer need for a

Trends Less qualified personnel in the labs and high good return
productivity pressure ask for simpler on investment
Very high pressure to increase productivity and
development speed require streamlined and
automated processes

There is a drive for higher precision and highly

dependable measurement results

Increasingly strict regulation of most industries

require good tools and processes for quality

Customers increasingly look at total cost of

ownership and at solutions which are reliable
and easy to maintain for years to come
Laboratory Balances 36

Traditionally, balances are selected based on:

▪ Maximum Capacity

▪ Readability of the balance

▪ Price

Emphasis on readability because of misunderstanding of accuracy

Static Weighing Instrument - Selection 37


, QC Field
After Webinar 38
Agenda 39

1 Introduction

2 Optimum Location

3 Proper Operation of The Balance

4 External Physical Influences

5 Technical Weighing Terms

6 GWP® - The Weighing Standard

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For internal use - Confidential

Ideal Location

IDEAL LOCATION – Similar with Moisture Analyzer 41



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▪ Getaran
Gunakan meja penimbangan yang kokoh dan
stabil untuk mengurangi getaran. Pelat
peredam dapat membantu dalam beberapa
kasus. Hindari memposisikan timbangan di
dekat peralatan mekanis, seperti pompa, dll.

Tip Khusus. Hindari getaran dan gunakan meja

penimbangan yang sesuai.


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For internal use - Confidential


▪ Efek aliran udara pada penimbangan

Masalah angka bobot yang ditampilkan berubah-ubah terus-
menerus, menghasilkan operasi zero/tare yang sulit, waktu
stabil yang lebih lambat, dan akurasi pengukuran yang buruk.

▪ Kemungkinan alasan
Timbangan terletak dan dioperasikan di lingkungan di mana
aliran udara terjadi. Kemungkinan penyebab dan keadaan:
- Timbangan terlalu dekat dengan outlet AC, kipas angin,
jendela atau radiator
- Keseimbangan terkena aliran udara yang berasal dari
perangkat laboratorium memiliki kipas pendingin
- Perbedaan suhu yang besar antara sampel dan
sekitarnya yang mengarah ke arus termal
- Timbangan terletak di area terbuka yang tidak terlindungi
(misalnya lingkungan produksi)
- Timbangan ditempatkan di dalam lemari asam atau
biohazard cabinar


For internal use - Confidential

Ideal Location 51

▪ Suhu
Pertahankan suhu ruangan sekonstan mungkin. Hasil
penimbangan sangat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan suhu
yang cepat
Jangan menimbang di dekat radiator atau jendela !

TIPS: METTLER TOLEDO menyeimbangkan dengan “FACT”

(kalibrasi otomatis penuh teknologi) dapat mengkompensasi
penyimpangan suhu. Untuk alasan ini, "FACT" harus selalu
Catatan: FACT (Full Automatic Calibration Tecnology)

▪ Kelembaban
Idealnya kelembaban relatif (% RH) harus antara 45%
dan 60%. Timbangan tidak boleh dioperasikan di atas
atau di bawah rentang pengukuran 20% hingga 80% RH.
Pemantauan konstan disarankan dengan timbangan
semi-microbalance sampai microbalance.
Internal Adjustment (FACT)

Automatic adjustment with internal weights helps to

eliminate the risk of obtaining incorrect weighing

Perubahan suhu di laboratorium adalah sumber

kesalahan kalibrasi yang paling penting.
misalnya XPR205 = 1 x 10-6 / °C
ProFACT dapat diprogram untuk menyesuaikan
timbangan pada interval yang dipilih dan secara
otomatis akan menyesuaikan timbangan sesuai
dengan kriteria suhu yang berbeda yang dipilih
oleh operator

Built-in adjustment weight

Lakukan Setiap Hari

setelah proses warming
up atau setiap pagi
sebelum digunakan
Internal Adjustment (FACT)

Automatic adjustment with internal weights helps to

eliminate the risk of obtaining incorrect weighing

Perubahan suhu di laboratorium adalah sumber

kesalahan kalibrasi yang paling penting.
misalnya XPR205 = 1 x 10-6 / °C
ProFACT dapat diprogram untuk menyesuaikan
timbangan pada interval yang dipilih dan secara
otomatis akan menyesuaikan timbangan sesuai
dengan kriteria suhu yang berbeda yang dipilih
oleh operator

Bukan menggantikan
Pekerjaan Kalibrasi

Warming Up Timbangan 54

▪ Standby/Switch on
Jangan putuskan daya listrik dari timbangan dan selalu biarkan
dalam mode standby. Hal ini memungkinkan timbangan untuk
mempertahankan suhu pada sensor timbangan.

Saat Anda menonaktifkan timbangan, gunakan tombol standby.

Timbangan sekarang dalam mode standby. Timbangan masih
berfungsi dan tidak diperlukan periode pemanasan

!TIPS: Kami merekomendasikan waktu aklimatisasi yang berbeda

untuk setiap timbangan saat pertama kali disambungkan ke daya.
Ini adalah:
• Timbangan Microbalance (6-7 digit) : 24 jam
• Timbangan Analitik dan Semi-Microbalance (4-5 digit) : 60 -120 menit
• Timbangan Presisi : 30 menit

Selalu perhatikan waktu minimum yang ditentukan dalam instruksi

pengoperasian timbangan Anda.
Agenda 55

1 Introduction

2 Optimum Location

3 Proper Operation of The Balance

4 External Physical Influences

5 Technical Weighing Terms

6 GWP® - The Weighing Standard

For internal use - Confidential

Proper Operation of The Balance 56

User Balances


• Check that the balance displays exactly zero at the start of each weighing.
• Read off the result only after the small round circle in the balance display has
disappeared. The weighing result is released by this stability detector
Proper Operation of The Balance 58

Always check that the air bubble is in
the center of the level indicator
before each weighing.

we recommend the MS-TS, XSR,

XPR families of balances with the
built-in “LevelControl” automatic
warning function
Leveling Balance

Leveling Balance 60

▪ Mengatur Gelembung Udara

Selalu periksa apakah gelembung udara berada
ditengah indikator sebelum setiap penimbangan.

Kami merekomendasikan tipe timbangan ML-T,

MS-TS, XSR, XPR dengan fungsi peringatan
otomatis dan panduan mengatur gelembung
udara "LevelControl".
Leveling Balance

Proper Operation of The Balance 62

Routine Testing / Verification

“4.2. Apparatus used in a study should be periodically inspected,

maintained, and calibrated according to standard operating procedures.”
“7.1 A test facility should have written SOP’s that are intended to ensure
the quality and integrity of the data generated by that test facility.”
OECD Principles of GLP
How do we put this
into practice?
Influence of Weighing Parameters on Accuracy 63

Balance XPE 204: Individual Uncertainty Contributions (@k=2)

Relative Measurement Uncertainty [%]


0.001 U_NL


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Sample Mass [g]
Sensitivity & Eccentricity
Repeatability dominates uncertainty dominate uncertainty
Summary: Influence of Weighing Properties 64

Dominant influence with samples of small mass

Sensitivity & Eccentricity

Dominant influence with samples of large mass;
negligible influence with samples of small mass

Not dominant with samples of small mass; generally not
dominant throughout the entire sample mass range

It is normally not necessary for the user to assess nonlinearity; this is

done in the framework of the calibration by the service technician.
Weight Selection for Routine Testing 65

▪ Systematic deviations are dominant at the upper end of the weighing range:
Test sensitivity with a test weight close to nominal capacity (weight 1).
▪ Random errors are dominant at the lower end of the weighing range:
Test repeatability with a smaller test weight, of a few percent of the capacity (weight 2).

Indication Characteristic curve with

sensitivity offset

Correct sensitivity

Weight 1: Sensitivity

Weight 2: Repeatability

5% Nominal capacity
Assessing Repeatability with Weight 2


At the lower end of the

measurement range, the
Feasible, but
difficult to handle repeatability is almost

OK and easy to handle

« 5% 5%
USP <41>: "To facilitate handling, the test weight that is used for the repeatability test
does not need to be at the minimum weight value but can be larger because the
standard deviation of repeatability is only a weak function of the test weight value."
Test Weights for User Tests: Lab Balances

( )

Weight 1 Weight 2 Smaller Weight 1

Test Weights for User Tests: Industrial Scales

Laboratory Industry (High resolution) Industry (Low resolution)

< 100 kg ≥ 100 kg < 100 kg ≥ 100 kg

100% 100% 30%
Eccentricity 100% 30%

Large Test Weight Repeatability

Repeatability 5% 5%
Small Test Weight

Note 1: Note 2: Note 3:

%-numbers indicate level For “100%” the next smaller weight will be selected. For “30%”, weights are rounded up/down to the
of testing related to max. load Example: 60 kg max. load → 50 kg test weight nominal value closest to the calculated value
Chapter <41>: Test Weights Summary 69

Minimum Weight ≤ mTW ≤ 5%

Sensitivity (Accuracy):
5% ≤ mTW ≤ 100%

mTW = mass of test weight

Weight 1 → Accuracy. Largest OIML/ASTM

CarePac weight below balance capacity (≤ 100%)
Weights for
Weight 2 → Repeatability. Largest OIML/ASTM
Routine Testing
weight ≤ 5% of the capacity
Perhitungan Sensitivity

Nilai keberterimaan Sensitivity Test:

Batu Timbang ± (Toleransi Penimbangan (1%)

Timbangan kapasitas 220 g
Daya baca 0.1mg = 0.0001 g
Weight Test 100% from capacity of the balance
100% x 220 g = 220 g = 200 g

1kali penimbangan
200 g ± 1%
200 g ± 2 g

198.0000 g – 202.000 g PASS

Perhitungan Repeatability
Nilai keberterimaan Repeatability Test:
2 x SD / minimum weight sampel x 100% < 1% (Toleransi Penimbangan)

Timbangan kapasitas 220 gram Repeatability
Daya baca 0.1mg = 0.0001 gram 10.0001
Min Weight sampel yang akan ditimbang 200 mg 10.0001
Weight Test 5% from capacity of the balance 10.0001
5% x 220 g = 11 g = 10 g 10.0001
10 kali penimbangan
Nilai keberterimaan:
2 x SD / min weight x 100% = 0.067% 0.067 < 1% (PASS)

Artinya masih bisa menimbang 200mg dengan tingkat akurasi 99%

Perhitungan Minimum Weight
Min Weight = 2 x SD / weighing tolerance x Safety Factor*

*Safety factor for Laboratory Condition is 2 ; Safety factor for Production Condition is 3

Timbangan kapasitas 220 gram Repeatability
d = daya baca 0.1mg = 0.0001 gram 10.0001
Min Weight = 2 x SD / weighing tolerance 10.0001
= 2 x SD / 1% 10.0001
= 2 x 0.000067 / 1% 10.0001
= 13.4 mg 10.0001
Min Weight x Safety Factor 10.0002
13.4 x 2 = 26.8 = 30 mg 10.0003
Routine Testing Interval 73

When determining the calibration intervals or Routine Testing, the

following should be taken into consideration :

▪ Manufacturer recommendations
▪ Frequency of use
▪ Equipment condition, stability, previous calibration
▪ Recorded history if maintenance and servicing
▪ Influence of the working environment
▪ Internal Policy
▪ Etc (source : HOKLAS SC No. 2, ILAC-G24, IECEE OD-5011)

The recommended frequency of routine testing for any given balance will increase depending on the risk and
consequence :
Tare vs Zero 74


• Check that the balance displays exactly zero at the start of each weighing.
• Read off the result only after the small round circle in the balance display has
disappeared. The weighing result is released by this stability detector
Better Weighing Results
Keep Your Balance Clean
Why Should You Clean Your Balance? 77

Important Facts The Importance of Cleaning

Did you know… To Safe and Optimum Performance
▪ More than 90% of laboratory ▪ Maintain accurate performance
balance failures are caused by
liquids, powders or solids entering ▪ Minimize cross-contamination
the weighing cell. ▪ Ensure user safety
▪ The cleanliness of your balance can
▪ Avoid instrument downtime
have a major influence on the quality
of your weighing results.
Cleaning a Balance 78

Why is Cleaning Important?

▪ Safety of balance users

▪ Accurate weighing results
▪ Avoid cross contamination
▪ Extend instrument lifetime
▪ Compliance (in regulated environments)

What do You Need to Know?

▪ How to disassemble the balance?
▪ What parts should be cleaned?
▪ What should they be cleaned with?
▪ Do you need a cleaning SOP?

For internal use - Confidential

Common Lab Challenges 79

How canI reduce
I reducespillage
spillage How can I clean the balance
during weighing? quickly but thoroughly?

Should I dismantle the

▪ How
balance to clean itthe
to disassemble

How can I clean up sticky

Can I use solvents to
or viscous spills?
Whatup sticky
parts spills?
should be

Will spillage of acidic or sticky Which Cleaning Agents

samples affect the balance Should I Use?

IsIs the
the balance
balance toughenough
robust enough
Is the balance durable for use
to weigh
for useininthis
over extended time?
reliably over time?
For internal use - Confidential
Prevent Spillage During Weighing 81

Innovative Solutions to Avoid Spillage and Cross Contamination

StaticDetect™ ErgoClips™ Automated Dosing

▪ Automatic detection and ▪ Support for tare containers ▪ Replace manual powder
elimination of electrostatic of all shapes and sizes dispensing with a spatula
▪ Weigh directly into tare ▪ Automated dosing hits the
▪ Reduce powder scattering container target and prevents
on balance and outside of spillage
▪ Conveniently positioned
weighing vessels
for ergonomic weighing ▪ Suitable for wide range of
▪ Avoid weighing errors powder types, from 1 mg
▪ Reduces spillage risk
caused by static charges to several grams

For internal use - Confidential

Don't Let Spillage Affect Your Weighing Results 82

Ergonomic Design Allow Spills to Fall Through Weighing Pan

SmartGrid™ SmartPan™ Make Spills Visible

▪ Hanging weighing pan ▪ Weighing pan design ▪ Exchange white drip tray
design allows spills to fall minimizes effect of air for grey
through into the drip tray drafts, for higher accuracy
▪ Makes spillage of white
below and faster settling times
powder easily visible
▪ Spilled substance will not ▪ Weigh to 3 decimal places
▪ Easy to disassemble for
be measured and falsify without a draft shield
your weighing result
▪ Simple to lift off for
▪ Easy cleaning design cleaning

For internal use - Confidential

Innovative Design for Fast and Easy Cleaning 83

Quick and Effortless Cleaning

Easy to Dismantle Spillage Contained Dishwasher Proof

▪ Remove and replace draft ▪ Drip tray contains any ▪ Most weighing pans, drip
shields in seconds solid and liquid spills trays and draft shields are
dishwasher safe
▪ QuickLock glass panels ▪ Easy to remove and clean,
without tilting ▪ Wipe clean with water or
▪ No tools required 70% isopropanol

Video: Easy Cleaning Video: Easy Cleaning

Videos XPR analytical balance XPR precision balance

For internal use - Confidential

Robust and Reliable Weighing 84

Balance Usability in Challenging Weighing Conditions

Protective Covers
▪ Terminal cover protects screen and prevents
▪ Protective covers protect balance from spillage during use
▪ Easy to clean or replace
▪ Dust cover protects balance when not in use

Convenient Operation
▪ Large touch screen for ease of operation
▪ Dedicated "Gloves mode" allows touch screen operation
whilst wearing protective gloves
▪ Suitable for use in all environments

For internal use - Confidential

Robust and Durable Weighing Design 85

Trusted Weighing Results Over Long Instrument Lifetime

Balance Durability
▪ Built to withstand challenging weighing environments
▪ Full metal housing protects weighing cell
▪ Resistant to harsh chemicals, e.g. acetone
▪ Long instrument lifetime assured

Balance Robustness
▪ Overload protection – protects weighing cell from excess
▪ High precision MonoBloc weighing cell technology –
robust against mechanical impact
▪ Automatic internal adjustment

For internal use - Confidential

Standard Balance Cleaning Procedures 86

R: Recommended by MT
(R): Partially recommended by MT
(D): Depending on the material used

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R: Recommended by MT
(R): Partially recommended by MT
(D): Depending on the material used

For internal use - Confidential

Standard Balance Cleaning Procedures 88

For internal use - Confidential

Balance Maintenance by User 92

Precision Balance – MS-TS

For internal use - Confidential

Agenda 93

1 Introduction

2 Optimum Location

3 Proper Operation of The Balance

4 External Physical Influences

5 Technical Weighing Terms

6 GWP® - The Weighing Standard

For internal use - Confidential

Calibration vs. Day-to-Day Use 94

Calibration Day-to-Day Use

▪ Single moment in time

▪ Controlled environment
▪ Trained Technician
▪ No effects
from sample/ Calibration
material / tare vessel

We determine the overall Your measurements are affected by the (1) error of the
error (including uncertainty) instrument (determined at calibration) and (2) day-to-
of the instrument day influences inherent to environment, user, sample

Ongoing, day-to-day use of instrument

Specific Moment in
During Calibration: 95

Measurements are influenced by:

User Environment Sample

+ Material

Weights of the
calibration supplier
In Daily Use: 96

Measurements are influenced by:

Balance User Environment Sample

External Physical Influences 97

If the weight display does not stabilize, the result slowly drifts in one direction. This is usually due to
undesired physical influences.

The most frequent causes are:

• Influences on the balance from its surroundings
• Moisture gain or loss of the weighing sample
• Electrostatically charged weighing samples or vessel
• Magnetized sample or weighing vessel
• Temperature differences between the sample, the weighing vessel, the balance and
the surroundings

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External Physical Influences 98

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External Physical Influences 99

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External Physical Influences 100

Corrective measures
1. Use clean and dry weighing vessels
2. Keep the weighing pan free from dirt and water drops
3. Use vessels with narrow necks and add a lid or stopper.

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External Physical Influences

▪ Displayed value is unstable

▪ Weighing result is wrong

Electrostatic - Reasons:

▪ Electrical charges attract / repel

▪ Charges from friction (e.g.clothing)

▪ Dry air has poor charge dissipation

Electrostatic - Solutions:

▪ Increase humidity > 40%

e.g. vessel of water inside chamber

▪ Treat vessels with anti-static spray

▪ Use metal vessels

▪ Use Haug anti-static kit

External Physical Influences 104

For internal use - Confidential

Agenda 105

1 Introduction

2 Optimum Location

3 Proper Operation of The Balance

4 External Physical Influences

5 Technical Weighing Terms

6 GWP® - The Weighing Standard

For internal use - Confidential

Accuracy Definition 106

quantity value true quantity value


true value
Readability atau Daya Baca adalah kenaikan interval terkecil
yang dapat terbaca pada layar timbangan

D= 0.00001 g D= 0.00005 g
0.00000 g 0.00000 g
0.00001 g 0.00005 g
0.00002 g 0.00010 g
0.00003 g 0.00015 g
0.00004 g 0.00020 g
0.00005 g 0.00025 g
dan seterusnya dan seterusnya
Common Misconceptions about Weighing 10

1. What you See − Is what you get !

Laboratory Balance
Capacity: 220 gram
Readability: 0.0001 g
How accurate is this
measurement ?

0.00014 0.00006
0.0001 X

± 80%
. Uncertainty

What you read on the display is not what you get! Every measurement
comes with uncertainty.
Common Misconceptions - Readability 10

Apa yang saya lihat itu berat sampel saya!

Timbangan Capacity 2100 gram
Daya Baca : 0.01 gram

Bolehkah kita menimbang 0.10g

menggunakan timbangan dengan readability
0.104 0.095

± 10%

Apa yang Anda baca di layar bukanlah apa yang Anda dapatkan! Setiap
pengukuran datang dengan ketidakpastian.
Common Misconceptions - Readability 11

Apa yang saya lihat itu berat sampel saya!

Timbangan Capacity 2100 gram
Daya Baca : 0.01 gram

Bolehkah kita menimbang 1.00 g

menggunakan timbangan dengan readability

± 1%

Apa yang Anda baca di layar bukanlah apa yang Anda dapatkan! Setiap
pengukuran datang dengan ketidakpastian.
Kesalahan Dasar Tiap Alat Ukur Digital

Maka : rentang Penyimpangan Penimbangan

menggunakan timbangan dengan readability 0.01 gram
adalah :

Penimbangan Rentang Toleransi

Penyimpangan Penimbangan
0.01 g 100 % 0.01 g ± 0.01 g
0.10 g 10 % 0.10 g ± 0.01 g
1.00 g 1.00% 1.00 g ± 0.01 g
10.00 g 0.10% 10.00 g ± 0.01 g
100.00 g 0.01% 100.00 g ± 0.01 g
1000.00 g 0.001% 1000.00 g ± 0.01 g
Apa Arti Akurasi untuk Proses Anda? 112

Berapa besar Eror Penimbangan yang masih bisa saya

100.0 ± 5.0kg → 5%
100.0 ± 2.0kg → 2%
100.0 ± 1.0kg → 1%
100.0 ± 0. 5kg → 0.5% Costs?
100.0 ± 0. 1kg → 0.1%
Successive Approximation for Tolerance 113

▪ Consultant: "Bapak/Ibu apakah saat penimbangan 100g boleh jika

toleransi penimbangannya di 20g?"
▪ Customer: "Tidak boleh"
▪ Consultant: "Bagaimana kalau10 g?"
▪ Customer: "Masih terlalu besar, saya tidak mau"
▪ Consultant: "Bagaimana dengan 5g?"
▪ Customer: "Masih terlalu besar"
▪ Consultant: "Kalau 2 g"
▪ Customer: "Saya mau 1g saja"
▪ Consultant: "Oke tolerasi ada adalah +1 g dalam 100 g: 1% 1%

1g x 100 % = 1 %
100 g
Jadi saat menimbang 100g adalah dengan
tingkat keakuratan 99% dan kesalahan 1%
Contoh Pada Keseragaman Bobot

100 g - 110 g → 105 ± 5 g

5g x 100 % = 4.76 % = 4% Diperbolehkan error

105 g 4%

Toleransi penimbangan adalah batas error yang diperbolehkan

atau diterima oleh bagian quality

Accuracy = Readability?
Or do I need a scale with a higher readability, for
example 0.1 g, 0.01 g or even 0.001 g?

But what about

the accuracy?
Accuracy and Readability? 116

Does a finer readability

give you better
Readability & Resolution 117

220 g Maximum Capacity

Readability 0.01 mg


= capacity / readability

= 220g / 0.01 mg

= 22,000,000 intervals

Readability is not the smallest amount you can weigh

Which is more accurate? 118

A 3

Error: 2
Which is more accurate? 119

B 3.0

Error: 2.0
Accuracy and Readability? 120

Does a finer readability

give you better
Instrument Error 121

Your Watch's Time Actual (UTC*) Time

3:35 pm 3:30 pm
What is the error of your watch?
*UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time
Does your Watch's Accuracy Improve? 122

In other words, is the error reduced?

Accuracy  Readability 12

Dayabaca pada timbangan ini

Tetapi bagaimana dengan akurasi

Sensor: Untuk
akurasi, kualitas
sensor yang lebih
baik harus dipilih

Tampilan layar:
Keterbacaan dapat
diatur secara elektronik
ke nilai berapa pun

Keakuratan alat penimbangan dinyatakan dengan

ketidakpastian pengukurannya.
Common Misconceptions about Weighing 12

The Higher the Readability − the more Accuracy !

Apakah display timbangan di sebelah kanan

lebih akurat?
Keakuratan timbangan TIDAK
ditentukan di terminal timbangan atau
di layar timbangan

Untuk akurasi yang lebih tinggi, Anda memerlukan sensor yang lebih
Akurasi Timbangan Analitik
Akurasi Timbangan Presisi

Out of Spesification, apa yang harus kita lakukan?
Meninjau Mundur Proses untuk Menemukan Akar Penyebab nya
Contoh Kasus
Meninjau Mundur Proses untuk Menemukan Akar Penyebab nya

0.10% 0.30% 0.40% 0.20% 0.20% 1.20%≤2%

Menimbang Melarutkan MengencerkanDiencerkan HPLC

Labu ukur Pipet Volume Labur ukur
Persyaratan Akurasi Sistem di Metrologi
Preparasi Standard
0.1 mg/ ml, berapa berat sampel yang bisa saya
timbang di timbangan saya dengan akurat?
▪ 1 mg dilarutkan ke 10 ml
▪ 5 mg dilarutkan ke 50 ml
▪ 10 mg dilarutkan ke 100 ml

5 digit 6 digit 7 digit

0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
gram gram gram
0.01 mg 0.001 mg 0.0001 mg

Contoh: Formulasi di Laboratorium 13
Formulasi Emulsi Kosmetik di Lab

Kami ingin memproduksi emulsi 2 kg dalam gelas

kimia berat 500g. Kami membutuhkan bahan-
bahan berikut:
▪ Water : 1,400 g
▪ Oil: 400 g
▪ Emulgator: 100 g → >2500 g gross
▪ Moisturizer: 60 g
▪ Stabilisator: 36 g
→ 4 g smallest net
▪ Fragrance: 4g → 1%

Setiap komponen harus ditimbang dengan ketelitian minimal

1%. → 4 g ± 1%

→ 4 g ± 0.04 g (dua decimal)

Jika memungkinkan, kami ingin bekerja dengan satu


Timbangan mana yang harus digunakan?

Contoh: Formulasi Kosmetik di Laboratorium 13

Dapatkah saya menggunakan timbangan

dengan keterbacaan 0,1 g untuk
menimbang zat 4 g dengan akurasi 1 %?

→ 4 g ± 1%

→ 4 g ± 0.04 g (dua decimal)

Readability = 0.1g
Kapasitas : 4,1 kg
Minimum weight : 8.2 g
Formulasi Emulsi Kosmetik di Lab

Kami ingin memproduksi emulsi 2 kg dalam gelas

kimia berat 500g. Kami membutuhkan bahan-
bahan berikut:
▪ Water : 1,400 g
▪ Oil: 400 g
▪ Emulgator: 100 g → >2500 g gross
▪ Moisturizer: 60 g
▪ Stabilisator: 36 g
→ 4 g smallest net
▪ Fragrance: 4g → 1%

Setiap komponen harus ditimbang dengan ketelitian minimal

1%. → 4 g ± 1%

→ 4 g ± 0.04 g (dua decimal)

Jika memungkinkan, kami ingin bekerja dengan satu

Timbangan mana yang harus digunakan? Readability = 0.01g
136 Min weight = 0.82 g
Contoh: Formulasi

Dalam formula 100 g, toleransi 1%, menimbang flavor : 5 mg / 0.005 g

10 x

Dalam formula 1 kg, toleransi 1%, menimbang flavor : 50 mg / 0.05 g

Untuk menimbang
flavor 50 mg pakai
timbangan yang

0.00001 g (XSR205DU) 0.0001 g (XSR204) 0.001 g (XSR1203s) 0.01 g (XSR2002s)

0.05000 g 0.0500 g 0.050 g 0.05 g

Contoh: Klaim Kadar Vitamin E

→ 0.05 g ± 1%

→ 0.05 g ± 0.0005 g (empat decimal)

Contoh Aplikasi - Pertahankan Toleransi
Penimbangan – Proses Scale Up – Scale Down 9
Contoh Aplikasi - Pertahankan Toleransi
Penimbangan – Proses Scale Up – Scale Down 14

▪ Planning for scale up


3.6655 mg 33.33g

3.31 kg 4.036kg 361.6 g 403.6g

Pilih Timbangan yang Benar untuk Scale Up 14

Sampel 4.036 mg Sample 33.33g

XSR225 XSR160001L

220g ; 0,00001g 16kg; 0.1 g

Min Weight 2 mg Min Weigh 8.2 g

Persyaratan Akurasi Sistem di Metrologi
Timbangan yang Akurat

The Accuracy Limit = The Minimum Weight

Sebuah timbangan dikatakan AKURAT,
Ketika memenuhi persyaratan proses dan kualitas users:

Yaitu, Kapan:


0.5% < ex: 1%

Minimum Weight Minimum Weight

Balance < User (SOP)
50 mg ex:(100 mg)
(Min Weight SOP dibagi Safety Factor)
(100 mg / 2 = 50 mg)

… faktor lingkungan bisa memberikan ketidakpastian dalam proses

penimbangan dan ketidakpastian ini akan muncul dari waktu ke waktu.…
Referensi Toleransi Penimbangan Kualitatif 145

Qualitative decision tree – gives you an alternative

Process Quality Rating: Effects on Quality, Cost,

Tolerance % Impact Efficiency and Waste

< 0.1 Specific Super-critical components high effect /cost

0.1 Crucial Expensive & very critical components
0.2 Very High Key components high quality expectations
0.5 High Above average quality
1.0 Median Standardized requirements / processes
2.0 Low Inexpensive / base materials / low impact
5.0 ~ 10.0 No Recycling e.g., paper
Apakah Anda Mengontrol Biaya Secara Akurat? 14

Measurement Tolerance Loss/d $ Loss/y $

100g ± 10g 10% 500 120'000
100g ± 5g 5% 250 60'000
100g ± 2g 2% 100 24'000
100g ± 1g 1% 50 12'000
100g ± 0.5g 0.5% 25 6'000 Measurements per day 10
Value per gram (USD) 5
100g ± 0.2g 0.2% 10 2'400
Days per Month 20
100g ± 0.1g 0.1% 5 1'200 Days per Year 240
Kerugian dalam Proses Penimbangan

Rp 60,000 /750 g
750 ml ± 20 ml 1g = Rp 80,-
750 g ± 20 g
750 ± 2.6% 20gr = Rp 1,600,-

Kerugian per hari

Scale Capacity : 2200 g 1 hari 5,000 pcs = Rp 8,000,000
Readability : 0.01 g
Kerugian per bulan
30 hari =Rp 240,000,000

Kerugian per tahun

1 tahun = Rp 2,880,000,000

External OIML Tolerances

OIML Tolerances - Potential Loss per Day

Harga per kg = 10,000

Per Hari 500 Drum

Kerugian per hari = 0.3 x 10,000 x 500 = Rp 1,500,000

OIML Tolerances - Potential Loss per Month

Kerugian per bulan = Rp 1,500,000 x 30 = Rp 45,000,000

OIML Tolerances - Potential Loss per Month

Kerugian per tahun = Rp 45,000,000 x 12 = Rp 90,000,000

Persyaratan / toleransi apa yang kami miliki? 15

Kualitas atau pengerjaan
Produk ulang




Accuracy Definition 153

quantity value true quantity value

measured value

true value
Calibration of Instruments

"Operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a
relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties
provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with
associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses
this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement
result from an indication."
International Vocabulary Of Basic And General Terms In Metrology (VIM)
JCGM 200:2012, item 2.39

There is a need to transpose the sophisticated calibration

process into tangible results for the user.
Menimbang pada Timbangan yang Tidak Terkalibrasi 15

Measuring with a non-calibrated scale…

Seperti menimbang
dengan mata tertutup

Mengapa kita mengkalibrasi timbangan?


Mengapa kita mengkalibrasi timbangan?


Karena saya Karena auditor saya

menggunakan data meminta untuk melihat
untuk menunjukkan sertifikat kalibrasi saya
timbangan saya akurat

NEED a KAN Certificate
▪ Apakah semuanya menjadi benar, menjadi akurat….?????

▪ "Seperti Sulap"

"Saya punya masalah

pada timbangan saya:

Timbangan tidak stabil

ada drifting, tidak "Semua baik-baik saja,
pernah dilakukan Calibration tidak ada masalah,
preventive Certificate timbangan ini
maintenance, pengujian sempurna"
repeatabilitynya tidak
bagus, kondisi ruangan
di area timbangan tidak
stabili, dll, dll"

"Saya Memerlukan KAN calibration"

Sertifikat mana yang Anda Inginkan?


Calibration Calibration
Certificate Certificate

Rp 500,000 Rp 1,500,000

Perbedaan testing, kalibrasi, dan adjustment
▪ Testing (calibration)
"Menentukan penyimpangan antara nilai 101 g

terukur dan nilai sebenarnya dari variabel pengukuran di

bawah kondisi pengukuran tertentu tanpa membuat
perubahan apapun."
→ memahami keadaan di instrument saya 100 g

(mengerti seberapa akurat timbangan saya)

▪ Adjustment
100 g

"Penyimpangan dicatat antara nilai diukur dan

nilai sebenarnya (kalibrasi), maka koreksi dilakukan,
sehingga pengukuran menunjukkan nilai yang benar"
→ mengubah keadaan di timbangan saya 100 g

(meningkatkan akurasi pada timbangan saya)

Apakah Anda ingin "memperbaiki kesalahan"?

Calibration 101 g

Berdasarkan hubungan ini, Anda

tahu instrumen menampilkan 1g
ekstra dari nilai sebenarnya saat
100 g menimbang 100g

Penimbangan harian
101 g
Jadi, berdasarkan pemahaman yang
dipelajari selama kalibrasi…

Untuk mengukur 100 g, Anda harus

menunggu sampai timbangan
menunjukkan "101 g"
As Found vs As Left

As Found Service As Left

Calibration Activity Calibration

▪ Preventative
of 5 g
▪ Adjustment to
improve the
Kami belajar bahwa The Scale now shows
skala menunjukkan an error of zero
kesalahan +5 g
As Found vs As Left

As Found Service As Left

Calibration Activity Calibration

▪ Preventative
▪ Adjustment (if

Bagaimana tingkat Bagaimana tingkat

akurasi timbangan akurasi timbangan
(sebelum proses (setelah proses
adjusment)? adjusment)?
For internal use - Confidential

Performing Adjustments
▪ Penyesuaian penyimpangan
terpisah dari pekerjaan Kalibrasi,
dan meningkatkan akurasi
melakukan penyesuaian antara
As Found (sebelum disesuaikan)
dan As Left (setelah
disesuaikan) untuk meningkatkan
kinerja timbangan Anda (akurasi)
▪ Hanya teknisi METTLER TOLEDO
Resmi yang dapat melakukan
penyesuaian pada timbangan MT
▪ Jika Anda hanya melakukan
"kalibrasi" internal atau
menggunakan pihak ke-3,
bagaimana Anda melakukan
penyesuaian pada
penyimpangan yang terjadi?

Calibrate the Process, Not Just the Balance

Total control over processes

Calibration and regular routine testing help to avoid OoS (Out of Specifications) results.
The "As-found" test determines if results meet the specified accuracy requirements. The
"As-left " test records the weighing performance after calibration and is a reference for the
subsequent "As-found" test.
The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has been
adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose,
and shall take appropriate action as necessary.
(ISO 9001:2015) Measurement traceability

"Accredited" Part and Beyond

▪ Sekarang kalibrasi selesai

▪ Data kalibrasi hanya menunjukkan kinerja perangkat PADA KALIBRASI (belum
ada informasi tentang kinerja saat timbangan digunakan)
▪ Kinerja instrumen hanya dinilai untuk poin-poin tertentu tetapi informasi tentang
kinerja untuk beban apa pun belum dievaluasi

Karena itu:
▪ Interpretasi hasil kalibrasi sangat penting
- Performa instrumen di antara titik kalibrasi
- Performa instrumen dengan mempertimbangkan penggunaan
▪ Ini di luar "bagian terakreditasi" dari sertifikat kalibrasi

To maximize the value of the calibration certificates, the so-

called uncertainty in use should be derived and documented.
Interpretasikan Hasil Penimbangan Anda
Sertifikat Kalibrasi tidak mencakup:
▪ Penentuan ketidakpastian dalam kondisi proses penimbangan
yang sebenarnya
▪ Penilaian terhadap persyaratan tertentu dan spesifikasi

The GWP Certificate akan menyertakan

Pernyataan pass/fail statements bergantung
pada hasil kalibrasi

▪ Minimum Weight
▪ Safety Factors
▪ Menerapkan hasil kalibrasi ke proses penimbangan atau pada aplikasi penimbangan

A calibration with GWP Certificate proves that the scale is fit for purpose
167 Internal usage only
New ACC / GWP Certificate

Calibrate your process,

not only the scale!

▪ Timbangan sesuai dengan tujuan
▪ Memenuhi persyaratan proses dan kualitas
pelanggan (ISO, GMP, GFSI, 6S, dll.)
▪ Rentang operasi penggunaan timbangan yang
aman dari minimal hingga maksimal
▪ Memungkinkan peningkatan proses dan
penghematan material

 Measure your scale All calibration providers do

 Improve your process
Unique value add of MT
 Increase your margin

Internal usage only

Apa yang Dapat Diterima dan Apa yang Tidak?

Timbangan memenuhi persyaratan

proses penimbangan yang ditetapkan

Ikon ini berarti bahwa berat bersih

terkecil yang diinginkan customer
lebih kecil dari berat minimum yang

Ikon ini berarti timbangan tidak

memenuhi persyaratan faktor
keamanan, artinya safety factor
kurang dari 2 atau kurang dari 3

Internal usage only

Berat Minimum dan Rentang Penimbangan Aman

Safe Weighing Range

5 mg
Weighing Tolerance: 0.5%

Semi-micro balance
Readability 10 μg
0.01 mg 1.63 mg 5.00 mg
Readability Minimum Smallest Net Weight Capacity 220 g

170 Internal usage only

Berat Minimum dan Rentang Penimbangan Aman

Safe Weighing Range

20 kg

Industrial multi-interval
floor scale
Readability 20/50/100g
Capacity 300 kg
0.02 kg 16.62 kg 20.00 kg
Readability Minimum Smallest Net Weight
171 Internal usage only
Faktor Keamanan dan Penimbangan Aman

Your requirements determine the Safe Weighing Range

As long as you weigh in the green area you will be within tolerance
Internal usage only
Faktor Keamanan dan Penimbangan Aman
▪ Faktor keamanan diperlukan untuk menangani perubahan lingkungan dan
pengaruh buruk pada keakuratan penimbangan.
▪ Berat bersih terkecil = Berat bersih terkecil material atau sampel yang
ditimbang oleh Anda

Applying a safety factor guarantees safe weighing

Internal usage only
Weighing in the Red Range

Accuracy  Readability

The Accuracy Limit = The Minimum Weight

Sebuah timbangan dikatakan AKURAT,
Ketika memenuhi persyaratan proses dan kualitas users:

Yaitu, Kapan:


ex: (0.1%, 1%)

Minimum Weight Minimum Weight

Balance < User (SOP)
25 mg ex:(50 mg)
(Min Weight SOP dibagi Safety Factor)
(50 mg / 2 = 25 mg)
We utilize safety factors all the time

Safety Factors Faktor Keamanan mencegah Anda

mencapai / melanggar batas tertentu limit
Minimum Weight and Safety Factor

"I must arrive

4:00 5:00 by this time"
Current time Current time
Dinner Time

Safety Factor

Safety Factor

The safety factor accounts for things you cannot control, like:

What concept does this picture demonstrate?

Jarak 1 meter


Jarak 2 meter
(safety factor)


Jarak 3 meter
(safety factor)
Safety Factor

Apa yang harus ▪ Apakah dalam perjalanan

menjadi factor ada kemacetan?
▪ Apakah ada perbaikan
keamanan saya
▪ Apakah dalam perjalanan
ada perubahan cuaca
seperti hujan?

Apa yang harus ▪ Apakah user sudah

menjadi factor mendapatkan pelatihan?
▪ Getaran? Aliran udara?
keamanan saya
▪ Perubahan temperature
▪ Electrostatic?

Weighing in the Red Area

The Red Zone and OOS

The Red Zone and Bad Product Quality

The Red Zone and Reworks

The Red Zone and Waste

Weighing in the Safe Weighing Range

Weighing in the Safe Weighing Range

The Safe Weighing Range & Increases Profits

Guarantee Profits & Save Money

In Simple Words 189

▪ We calibrate to "find out" or to "learn" the behavior

▪ More specifically we learn the measurement performance

▪ Even more specifically, we learn the accuracy

▪ If the accuracy meets our requirement, then we pass

▪ If the accuracy fails, we try to adjust the balance to improve the accuracy

▪ Adjustment is a completely separate action from calibration

▪ Only after you do calibration can you determine if you need to adjust

For internal use - Confidential

Why do we Calibrate Scales? 190

To Understand
(to learn how accurate )
Why do we adjust Scales? 191

To Improve
(to improve accuracy)
Another Perspective…. 192

Balance Lifecycle:

Evaluation Selection Installation Calibration Routine Operation

What you actually do at each stage:

Prepare the device and

Determine the accuracy Select the right device environment to achieve Monitor and maintain
Determine the accuracy
need for your accuracy need the expected accuracy the accuracy
from the beginning

Define the instrument purpose Achieve intended purpose Continue to achieve the intended
from the beginning purpose over time

These concepts are components of:

Design Qualification (DQ) IQ / OQ Performance Qualification (PQ)

Focused on the intended purpose of the instrument



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