2022 23 Accounting
2022 23 Accounting
2022 23 Accounting
From: ANY Colorado community college To: MSU Denver College of Business
Degree: AA in Business Degree with Designation (DwD) Degree: BS in Accounting
Semester 6
Semester 2
Corresponding Course Course Title Credits
Course Course Title Credits
Course ACC 3090 Income Tax I 3
ACC 1021 Accounting I ACC 2010 4 ACC 3520 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ECO 2001 Macroeconomics ECO 2010 3 CIS 2010 Foundations of Information Systems 3
ENG 1022 Composition II ENG 1020 3 CIS 3320 Business Analytics II 3
MAT 1400 Survey of Calculus MTH 1320 4 MGT 3000 Organizational Management 3
Total Credits 14 Total Credits 15
Semester 3 Semester 7
Corresponding Course Course Title Credits
Course Course Title Credits
Course ACC 3300 Accounting Information Systems 3
ACC 1022 Accounting II ACC 2020 4 ACC 4200 Auditing and Attestation 3
BUS 2017 Bus Com/Rept Wrt BUS 1950 3 ACC (3000+)3 Upper-Division Accounting Elective3 3
ECO 2002 Microeconomics ECO 2020 3 FIN 3300 Managerial Finance 3
GT – AH1,2 Arts & Humanities Arts & Humanities 3 MKT 3000 Principles of Marketing 3
GT – SC1 Science with Lab Nat. & Phys. Sci. 4 Total Credits 15
Total Credits 17
Semester 8
Semester 4 Course Course Title Credits
Corresponding MGT 4950 Strategic Management 3
Course Course Title Credits
ACC (3000+)3 Upper-Division Accounting Elective3 3
BUS 2016 Legal Env of Bus MGT 2210 3
General (Unrestricted) Elective2,3 3
BUS 2026 Business Statistics CIS 2300 (elective) 3
General (Unrestricted) Elective2 3
GT – AH1,2 Arts & Humanities Arts & Humanities 3
General (Unrestricted) Elective2 3
GT – HI1,2 History History 3
Total Credits 15
GT – SC1 Science Nat. & Phys. Sci. 4
Total Credits 16
Total Credits for Bachelors Degree 120
Please check out MSU Denver’s College of Business website to view the articulation agreement for completing your
Associate of Applied Science in Accounting at CCD prior to transferring to MSU Denver.
1. Completion of an Associate Degree: This transfer guide identifies the courses a student needs to complete (with a C-
or higher) to earn an AA or AS degree at a Colorado community/junior college to be able to finish the designated
baccalaureate degree in no more than 60 credits. Course credit may be applied to major, elective or other requirements
at MSU Denver discretion. If more than 60 college-level credits are taken or the student gets lower than a C- in one or
more courses at the community/junior college, then some loss of transfer credit may occur, and students may not be
able to complete this baccalaureate degree in 120 credits.
2. Transfer Before Completing an Associate Degree: If the student intends to transfer prior to completing an AA or AS
degree, this transfer guide should still be used to identify the courses that can most effectively prepare them for
efficiently completing the designated major at MSU Denver. Students are strongly encouraged to finish course
sequences (such as English Composition I & II or Calculus I, II & III) before transferring.
For additional information on CCHE transfer policies and gtPathways guaranteed transfer of general education credit, visit
http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Transfers/Students.html. To file a transfer-related complaint with the Colorado
Department of Higher Education, visit http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Complaints/default.html