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UCSP Crap-1

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Leader of the Opposition (LO – 1st) Constructive -- 8 minutes

- [Introduction]
Opening Statement: "Honorable adjudicators, respected members of the Government,
and distinguished audience, today we stand in opposition to the resolution that cultural
relativism is the root cause of anomie in society. We believe this stance is misguided and
overlooks the true complexities of both cultural relativism and anomie."
Thesis Statement: "Our position is that cultural relativism is not the cause of anomie, but
rather a tool that can promote social cohesion in a diverse society."

- [Counterplan]
Objective: Instead of blaming cultural relativism for societal issues, we propose that embracing
cultural diversity with a framework of shared universal principles is the key to preventing
Method: We will refute the Government’s major points, present arguments against the resolution,
and provide evidence supporting our view that cultural relativism can be a force for good.

- [Refute the Government’s major points]

- [Present arguments against the resolution]

1. Cultural Relativism Encourages Respect and Peace:

 Cultural relativism helps people understand and respect different cultures, which reduces conflict.
When we respect each other’s differences, society becomes more peaceful and united, not
confused or chaotic.
2. Anomie Comes from Big Social Problems, Not Cultural Differences:
 Anomie usually happens because of big problems like economic inequality or sudden social
changes. These things make people feel disconnected and lost. Cultural relativism actually helps
people feel included and understood, which can prevent these feelings.
3. Diversity Makes Society Stronger:
 Instead of breaking society apart, cultural relativism allows different cultures to live together in
harmony. This diversity makes society richer and stronger because it includes everyone, rather
than making some groups feel left out.
4. Avoiding the “My Culture is Better” Attitude:
 Cultural relativism prevents people from thinking their culture is the best and others are wrong.
This attitude can create divisions and conflict. Instead, cultural relativism encourages people to
talk and understand each other, which strengthens social bonds.
5. Universal Values Can Work with Cultural Differences:
 Cultural relativism doesn’t reject universal values like justice or respect. It just means these
values can be understood differently in different cultures. This flexibility helps keep society
stable without losing shared values.
6. Promotes Responsibility and Understanding:
 Cultural relativism teaches people to be responsible and understand others’ perspectives. This
makes everyone feel more connected and reduces the chances of social breakdown.

- [Evidences]

1. Cultural Relativism Encourages Respect and Peace

Evidence: Cultural relativism promotes the idea that all cultures have intrinsic value and
encourages respect for cultural diversity. This approach can lead to greater tolerance and reduced
conflict between different cultural groups.
 Herskovits, M. J. (1972). Cultural Relativism: Perspectives in Cultural Pluralism. New York:
Vintage Books. Herskovits argues that cultural relativism fosters mutual respect and
understanding, which can lead to more peaceful and harmonious interactions among different
cultural groups.
2. Anomie Comes from Big Social Problems, Not Cultural Differences
Evidence: Sociological research indicates that anomie is often linked to major social issues such
as economic inequality, rapid social changes, and the breakdown of traditional social structures
rather than cultural differences alone.
 Durkheim, É. (1893). The Division of Labour in Society. New York: Free Press. Durkheim’s
work emphasizes that anomie results from the disruption of social norms and institutions,
primarily due to economic and social changes, not from cultural diversity.
3. Diversity Makes Society Stronger
Evidence: Research shows that diversity can strengthen societies by fostering innovation,
improving problem-solving, and enhancing social cohesion through inclusive practices.
 Page, S. E. (2007). The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms,
Schools, and Societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Page argues that diversity
enhances societal strength and resilience, contrary to the idea that it leads to fragmentation.
4. Avoiding the “My Culture is Better” Attitude
Evidence: Cultural relativism helps counteract ethnocentrism, the belief that one's own culture is
superior. By encouraging an understanding of cultural differences, it reduces the likelihood of
cultural conflicts and promotes social unity.
 Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. Geertz highlights
how cultural relativism can prevent ethnocentric attitudes and promote greater understanding and
harmony between different cultural groups.
5. Universal Values Can Work with Cultural Differences
Evidence: Cultural relativism allows for the adaptation of universal values to fit different cultural
contexts, facilitating social stability while respecting cultural diversity.
 Sen, A. (2009). The Idea of Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Sen discusses how
universal values like justice can be interpreted and implemented in culturally specific ways,
which helps maintain social order without disregarding cultural differences.
6. Promotes Responsibility and Understanding
Evidence: Cultural relativism encourages individuals to consider and understand perspectives
different from their own, fostering empathy and social responsibility, which can contribute to a
more cohesive society.
 Nussbaum, M. C. (1997). Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal
Education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Nussbaum argues that understanding
diverse perspectives through cultural relativism promotes empathy and responsibility, which
strengthens social bonds and reduces potential for conflict.
Cultural Relativism - is the position that there is no universal standard to measure cultures by, and that
all cultural values and beliefs must be understood relative to their cultural context, and not judged base d
on outside norms and values. Proponents of cultural relativism also tend to argue that the norms and
values of one culture should not be evaluated using the norms and values of another.

Anomie – According to Durkheim, anomie is a state in which expectations are unclear and the social
system that keeps people functioning has broken down. He believed that anomie, or normlessness, could
result in feelings of deep despair and worthlessness for individuals and makes them feel as if their identity
or role in the society has been deemed worthless or of no value.

RESOLUTION: “Societal Danger: Cultural Relativism is the Root Cause of Anomie in Society”

[Government Argument & Counter Arguments]

Breakdown of a Shared Moral Compass/Universal Values

- Cultural relativism, by rejecting universal moral principles, leads to a society where there is
no common set of values, resulting in confusion and normlessness.

- The Government claims that cultural relativism erodes universal values. We argue that
cultural relativism does not reject universal values but promotes understanding and tolerance,
which are themselves universal values that strengthen social bonds.
Fragmentation of Social Cohesion

- When cultural relativism is taken to an extreme, it results in societal fragmentation, as

different groups adhere to their own norms, weakening social bonds and leading to anomie.

- The Government suggests that cultural relativism leads to societal fragmentation. However,
we believe that cultural relativism fosters dialogue and mutual respect, which can actually
enhance social cohesion instead, especially in the multicultural society that we currently live
Moral Ambiguity and Anomie

- Cultural relativism creates moral ambiguity, where individuals lack a clear moral compass,
leading to a sense of directionlessness and the rise of anomie.

- The Government argues that cultural relativism creates moral ambiguity, leading to anome.
On the contrary, we assert that cultural relativism encourages moral reflection and
adaptability, helping societies to remain cohesive and relevant.

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