7.assignment - DBMS 2024 2025
7.assignment - DBMS 2024 2025
7.assignment - DBMS 2024 2025
5) Define: (1) Primary key (2) Foreign key (3) Unique Key (4) Not null (5) Commit (6) 7
Candidate key (7) Rollback
6) What is Relational Algebra? Define Relational Algebra Operation cross product 7
with example
7) What is join? Explain various type of joins with example 7
3) What is normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, 5NF and BCNF 7
2) Explain Two phase commit protocol? Explain conflict serializability and view 7
3) What is concurrency? What are the three problems due to concurrency? How the 7
problems can be avoided, explain for one of the three problems
4) Explain the Immediate Database modification Log Based Recovery method with an 7
appropriate example. Explain role of check point in Log base
5) Explain system recovery procedure with check point record 7
2. Explain the difference between Discretionary access control and mandatory access 7
3. Describe GRANT and REVOKE commands. State the differences between 7
COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands
4. Explain DDL,DML,DCL with example. Discuss aggregate functions with 7
5. What is a view? What are its types? Write the syntax for creating a view 7
7. Write a note on stored procedure with suitable example. Cursor and trigger with 7
syntax and example.
Assignment-5 (Write any 5 Questions)
Prof. Namrata Patel Head CE & CSE Dept Head IT & ICT Dept