Lesson 2A
Lesson 2A
Lesson 2A
All three domains – animals, plants and microbes – are not only
involved in production of biopharmaceuticals but also find their
application in manufacture of food products.
Although there is a high level of public support for the development
of new biotech, that is, for the production of new medicines (insulin,
interferon, hormone, etc.), diagnostics (cancer detection kits), and
food enzymes (recombinant rennet, etc.), there is no support for the
production of GM whole foods. This is because of the safety factor
that is involved in the consumption of food. This can be covered in
detail in the next lessons
Animal cell lines
*In the past 40 years or so, a number of modern techniques for
improving animal lines have been developed.
*Artifcial insemination has already had an enormous impact on the
dairy industry. Other techniques such as in vitro fertilization, embryo
cloning, and nuclear transplantation are becoming more prevalent.
*Developments in biotechnology that most likely
will affect food animals are the use of exogenous, GE substances
administered to the animals or used in foods derived from the animals
and the transfer of new genetic material
into animal genes to produce transgenic animals
*Transgenic technology offers some direct
medical benefts, including the availability of valuable therapeutic
proteins (viral vaccines and other products of biotechnology.)
*Currently, recombinant DNA (rDNA) products produced in animal cell
cultures include enzymes, synthetic hormones, immunobiologicals
(monoclonal antibodies, interleukins (ILs), lymphokines), and anticancer
*Although many simpler proteins can be produced by recombinant
bacterial cell cultures, more complex proteins that are glycosylated
(carbohydrate-modifed) currently must be made in animal cells.
*However, the cost of growing mammalian cell cultures is high, and thus
research is underway to produce such complex proteins in insect cells or
in higher plants..
*GM animals are also an important category of genetically modifed
organisms. Transgenic mice, rats, rabbits, sheep, and pigs have been
developed in the early 1980s, but the process is a slow, tedious, and
expensive process.
In 2015, AquaBounty salmon was approved in the US by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Two months later, however, the FDA issued a ban on the
import and sale of GM fish until clear labelling guidelines were established.
Canadian supermarkets have become the first in the world to stock
genetically modified fish, and about five tonnes of GM salmon have been
sold in the country in recent months.
Canada has also approved the GM pig (trade named “Enviropig”) developed
by University of Guelph and it is designed to reduce phosphorus pollution
of water and farmers’ feed costs. Enviropig excretes less phosphorous
manure and is a more environmentally friendly pig. It will be years before
meat from genetically engineered pigs could be available for human
The first drug manufactured from
the milk of a GM goat was ATryn
(brand name of the anticoagulant
antithrombin) by GTC
Biotherapeutics in 2006.
It is produced from the milk of
goats that have been GM to produce
human antithrombin
Most people suffer the lactose intolerance in varying
degree. Thus the milk of transgenic animals that produce
lactase (β-galactosidase) in the mammary gland might show
reduced lactose content (Mammary grand of milk cow was
transformed with a gene encoding an extracellular
lactase-hydrolyzing enzyme cloned from a human small
intestinal complementary DNA (cDNA) library. (Chen et al.,
Mass culture of Plant
cell lines for food
*Conventional plant breeding has been going on for
hundreds of years and is still commonly used today by
artifcially mating or cross-pollinating to increase yields.
*Then once the science of genetics became better
understood, plant breeders used what they knew
about the genes of a plant to select for specific desirable
traits to develop improved varieties,
*Plant productivity will be enhanced by
genetic technologies in the areas of increased yield,
improved fertilizer and photosynthetic
effciencies, better disease and herbicide resistance,
greater tolerance to saline soils, higher
nutritional quality, and reductions in undesirable plant
constituents 6.03.2019
*Plant tissue or cell culture in vitro, which is the propagation of
plant cells in aseptic nutrient media, offers tremendous
potential in the production of high value biochemicals and
naturally derived food ingredients (semi-commercial status is on
vanillin )
*Recently, the production of foreign proteins in transgenic plants
has become a viable alternative to conventional production
systems such as microbial fermentation or mammalian cell
*About 35 commercial (i) herbicide-resistant or (ii) insecticidal
Bt (B. thuringiensis) protein containing crops including soy,
maize/corn, canola, and alfalfa have been developed and many
are already in the market, and many of their derived
GM ingredients are on the grocery store shelves, that we eat
However, DNA-based vaccines are potential candidates for
plant-based production in the future. After the cell is grown in
tissue culture to develop a full plant, the transgenic plant will
express the new trait, such as an added nutritional value of food
or resistance to a pest
*The GM crops currently on the market are mainly aimed at an
increased level of crop protection through the introduction of
resistance against plant diseases caused by insects or viruses
or through increased tolerance toward herbicides.
Biotechnology involves the potential use of all living forms, but
microorganisms have played a major role in the development of
biotechnology. This is because of the following reasons:
*Microbes are the tools of fermentation because they produce
enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, biogums, other valuable
recombinant proteins, flavor compounds, and organic acids
*This discussion will thus mainly focus on the growth of bacteria and
fungi as they are ideal objects for study of the growth process,
current scale-up process for the manufacture of industrial products,
and many aspects of food biotechnology.
*Negative aspects of microrganisms are also the most common causes
of food-borne illness and food spoilage and thus the detection of
pathogens, and so on, using biosensors and nanobiotechnology can
also be covered in the next lessons.
*Fermentation technology is becoming increasingly important in
the production of various bulk chemicals, fine chemicals, and
*Compared to the chemical manufacturing processes of various
compounds, the fermentative production process is a very
promising technology to produce enantiomer pure chemicals with
low environmental burden.
*High conversion effİciencies are often achieved in fermentative
production processes. For this reason, chemical industries are
now investigating the feld of biotechnology as a more economic
alternative for the chemical synthesis of compounds.
*Moreover, by means of fermentation, it is possible to convert
abundant renewable raw materials or waste materials to produce
high-value products
*The most important bacterial species that are involved
in biotechnology processes
*Fungi, namely the yeasts and molds
*Most fungi are aerobic microbes that form long
flamentous, nucleated cells known as hyphae.
*The cell sizes are larger than bacteria, being 4–20 μm
wide and >100 μm long.
*Yeasts form one of the important subgroups of fungi which have
lost the mycelial habit of growth.
*The presently recognized number of fungal species exceeds
50,000, but only about 39 genera with 350 species are accepted as
The industrial processes commonly carried out by the specifc
types of yeast can be divided into four major classes:
(i) the production of yeasts as a source of baker’s yeast or single
cell protein (SCP),
(ii) ( the production of nutritional, flavor, and bulking aids
provided by inactive yeast,
(iii) the production of alcohol beverages by brewer’s and wine
yeasts, and (
(iv) the production of bread or baked goods by baker’s yeast.
*Molds are higher fungi with a vegetative structure called a
mycelium, which is a highly branched system of tubes. Within
these tubes is a mobile mass of cytoplasm containing many
*Molds do not contain chlorophyll, are nonmotile and
reproduction, which may be sexual or asexual, is accomplished by
means of spores. The mycelium (which is very dense), coupled
with the mold’s oxygen-supply requirements for normal function,
can cause complexities in their cultivation, as the mycelium
offers a substantial mass-transfer resistance.
*The most important classes of molds industrially are Aspergillus
and Penicillium.
*Major useful products of these organisms are antibiotics, organic
acids (oxalic acid, citric acid), and biological catalysts (enzymes)
*Filamentous fungi are also *Molds
large-scale producers of
pigments and colorants for
the food
industry and some
fermentative food grade
pigments from flamentous
fungi exist in the
market are:
*Monascus pigments, Arpink
red™ from Penicillium
oxalicum, riboflavin from
Ashbya gossypii, lycopene
and b-carotene from
Blakeslea trispora.
* Osmotic requirements;
* Temperature;
* Oxygen
* pH
*Microbial growth
*In higher organisms, growth is defined as an increase either in
size or in organic matter.
*In unicellular microbes, however, increases in number
(population) or mass of cells normally are used as indicators of
*The rate of increase in bacteria at any given time is
proportional to the number or mass of cells present, which is
similar in many aspects to fİrst-order chemical reaction
*The velocity of a chemical reaction is determined by the
concentration of the reactants, but the growth rate of bacteria
remains constant until the limiting nutrient of the medium is
almost exhausted.
Microbial cultivation systems
and operation modes
Regardless of the type of bioprocess (with the possible
exception of some biotransformation processes) an
established process may be divided into six basic component
1. The formulation of media to be used in culturing the
process organism during the development of the inoculum and
in the production fermenter.
2. The sterilization of the medium, fermenters, and ancillary
3. The production of an active, pure culture in sufficient
quantity to inoculate the production vessel.
4. The growth of the organism in the production fermenter
under optimum conditions for product formation.
5. The extraction of the product and its purifcation.
6. The disposal of effluents produced by the process
*Food Industrial
Applications of SSF
*Submerged fermentation (SMF) processes have commonly
been employed since ancient times in the manufacturing of
wine, beers, fermented milk, and other food
products. SSF has been employed in the production of bread
and cheese, in the processing of fsh, and in other processes.