Biodiversity Health Society and Biotechnology
Biodiversity Health Society and Biotechnology
Biodiversity Health Society and Biotechnology
Lesson Objectives
The biodiversity International has released a module titled :Law and Policy of
Relevance to the management of plant genetic resources: (Bragdon et al., 2005)
which aims to help professionals in managing, conserving, and using plant
genetic resources for food and agriculture. The module provides the following
GMOs offer longer shelf life, enhanced color and taste, enhanced production
or reduction of enzymes, and other modified characteristics of plants, animals,
and microorganisms.
6. Nutritional and pharmaceutical enhancement
GMO crops like maize fortified with lysine and Golden Rice fortified with
Vitamin A and Iron. There are now edible vaccines for viral and diarrheal
7. Reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides
here are over 400 million acres of GMO farmlands all over the world.
The Top Five Countries that operate GMO Farmlands
a. United States
b. Brazil
c. Argentina
d. India
e. Canada
Approved GMO Agricultural Products for Public Consumption
a. Alfalfa
b. Corn
c. Papaya
d. Soya bean
e. Sugar beets and
f. Squash
Common Food with GMOs
g. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
h. Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
i. Ultra Slim Fast
j. Quaker Yellow Corn Meal
k. Alpo Dry Pet Food
Potential Risks of GMOs
1) Since genetic engineering is still young branch of science, there are inadequate studies on the
effects of GMOs to humans and the environment.
2) Genetic Engineering promotes mutation in organisms which the long term effect is still
3) Human consumption of GMOs might have the following effects:
More allergic reactions – GMO food may trigger more allergic reactions, more so create
new ones, as side effect of the gene alteration.
Gene Mutation – GMO food may develop abnormalities and mutation, more than the
desired product of the gene alteration.
Antibiotic resistance – GMO food contains antibiotic-resistant genes; this may cause
disease-causing bacteria likely to be more antibiotic-resistant too, increasing the possibility
of widespread of the disease.
Nutritional value – GMO food may have change in their nutritional value.
Potential Environment Risks Caused by GMOs