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STS Project 2

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Rosalie Ellasus
She is a former overseas Filipino
worker in Singapore that turned
into a farmer.

She attended the Integrated Pest

Management- Farmers Field School where
she was introduced to the world of
Genetically Modified Organisms specifically
Bt Corn. Since then She volunteered to
participate in demo-testing in her own field.
During the procedure no insecticides are
sprayed on the crops.

Genetic Engineering
Jack Williamson first coined the
term genetic engineering
- Jack Williamson is the author of the science fiction
novel Dragon's Island. The novel was published before
the actual research of Watson and Crick about DNA's
role in hereditary as well as it's double helix structure.
- The process og genetic engineering involves a
deliberate manipulation of genes of organisms such as
transfering of their genes from one organism to
Antibiotic-resistant E. coli Many opposition arise as more doors for innovations
bacteria created in 1973 opens.
There is an ongoing research
- Such problems includes ethical, social, and environmental
regarding genetically modified
issues that are related to GMO.
male mosquitos.

What to expect during this lesson?

- Introduction to genetic engineering specifically GMO's, the impact
of humankind, and the controversies that surrounds them Potential Risk
- How GMO takes part in food and agricultural industries?
- What are GMO's in Non-food crops and microorganisms? - Environmental Risk
- The benefits of GMO. - Human Health Risk
Genetically term used for an organism created

through genetic engineering

Organism "organism, either plant, animal, or

microorganism, in which the DNA has
GMO been altered in a way that does not
occur naturally by mating or natural
recombination." (WHO, 2014)

The development of GMO was

perceived to help in the
advancement of technology for the
benefit of humans in different
industries like agriculture and
The Genetic Engineering Process on Plants

Bacteria DNA Extraction and Cloning and

Isolation Designing Genes

Plant Breeding Cell and Tissue Transformation

GMO in Food and
Agricultural Industries
The Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health
(CEEH, 2013) identified the the following roles:

Pest Resistance Virus Resistance Herbicide Tolerance

genetically modified plants genetically modified plants to resist genetically modified plants to
to resist certain pests certain viruses tolerate herbicide
Ex. Roundup ready soybean
Ex. Bt. Corn Ex. GM papaya/ rainbow papaya
GMO in Food and
Agricultural Industries
The Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health
(CEEH, 2013) identified the the following roles:

Fortification Cosmetic Preservation Increase Growth Rate

genetically modified organism that has
genetically modified plants fortified genetically modified plants to resist
higher yield in growth than normal
with certain minerals natural discoloration species
Ex. Golden Rice Ex. Arctic Apple Ex. AquAdvantage Salmon
Ex. Diapers Ex. Detergent
Example: Lipbalm

Bacillus microbe ferments corn GMOs have been developed Microbes or fungi genetically
sugar to lactic acid, which is heated specifically to assist in the production enhanced to produce biotech
to create a biodegradable polymer of cosmetic ingredients.Metathesis enzymes, which are added as
for woven fabrics chemistry applied to convert brightening and cleaning agents
renewable vegetable oils to
replacement ingredients

Shrinking our Lowering the Price Alleviating Hunger Increase the Reduced chemical
Environmental of Food and Malnutrition nutritional value of pesticide use
Footprint Around the World foods

GMOs enable farmers GM technology helps GMOs have helped feed Rice high in beta Many GMO crops have
to be better stewards reduce the price of more than 300 million carotene, also called been genetically
of the environment, crops used for food, Americans and a global golden rice, was modified to express a
allowing farmers large such as corn, soybeans population of 7 billion – developed to help gene that protects
and small to grow more and sugar beets by as of which 1 in 8 suffer prevent blindness in them against pests and
crops on less land while much as 15-30% from hunger and regions where local insects. Which gives
using fewer pesticides malnutrition. diets are chronically the GMO plants a
and less water. deficient in vitamin A natural resistance.
Potential Consumptions of GMOs may have adverse
effects because it is not naturally or
Human organically produced.

Health Consumptions of GMOs may alter the

Risks balance of existing microorganisms in the

human digestive system
caused by
GMO’s Production of toxins may be detrimental
to human health

Production of allergens may have adverse

effects on humans
Other potential risks that raise major
concern are:

01 02 03

Human Genome Mutation of genetically Cloning

Project The asexual reproduction
of an organism using
It was feared that the ability Genetically modified parent cell through
to produce human genetic bacteria and viruses may genetic engineering. In
information would create mutate to become more February 24, 1997, the first
biases and give much power resistant or virulent that mammal, Dolly, a sheep
to people holding the may cause more dreadful from Scotland was born
information and disadvantage diseases to humans. through cloning. With its
to those who do not have the
celebrated success came
genetic information.
the fear of human cloning.
Biosafety on GMOs
The Codex Alimentarus Comission (CODEX)
It was created by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) together with the World Health
Organization (WHO). CODEX is an intergovernmental body that develops the Codex
Alimentarius, which is responsible for the development of standards, codes of practices,
guidelines, and recommendations on food safety. The principles include pre-market
assessments of GM food products and its evaluation of direct and indirect effects.

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

It is an international environmental treaty that regulates the transboundary movements
of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs). The Cartagena Protocol requires exporters to seek
consent from the importers before its first shipment of LMOs.

International Trade Agreement on labeling of GM food and food products

The agreement requires exporters of GM food and food products to label their
products and give rights to the importing parties to reject or accept the GM products.
The premise of this policy is that consumers have the right to know and the freedom
to choose GM or non-GM products.
Potential Risk of GMO's
Inadequate studies on the effects of
GMOs to humans and the environment

Mutation in organism which the long

term is unknown

GMOs might have the following:

Allergic Gene Antibiotic

Reactions mutation resistance

GMO's have the following nutritional

Major Concerns:
Potential Environmental Risk
Caused by GMOs

Emergence of new Recombination of

forms resistance and Virus and Bacteria
secondary pests and Risk in gene flow to produce new
weed problems pathogen
Risk in Gene Flow Emergence of new forms Recombination of Virus and
resistance and secondary pests Bacteria to produce new
and weed problems pathogen

Ex: a decayed GMO corn Ex: a GMO Weed Ex: a GMO Plum
(viral resistance)

GMO crops resistance trigger new

It could possibly transfer the The modified gene can be
form pest resistance while GMO
modified genes to the bacteria and transferred and integrated in the
herbicide tolerant crops overuse may
fungi of the soil viral or bacterial genes
trigger new form of weed resistance.
Other direct and indirect
environmental risk
caused by GMO's
Direct Environmental Risk

Harmful effects to
Disruption of the natural Possibility of unexpected
ecosystem which cause
communities behavior of the GMOs
negative impacts to the
Indirect Environmental Risk

Evolution of insects, pests, Varied environmental Alteration agricultural

and weeds that became impacts due to GMOs practices
resistant to GMO crops interaction and release in the
natural environment.
GMOs in
1990s 2002
• Released of
• creation of the Administrative Order
No. 8
Committee on • Entry of GMO
Biosafety of the importation started
(NCBP) through • Philippines was
marked to be the
Executive Order
first country in Asia
No. 430 of 1990. to approved
cultivation of GMOs
2004 2005 2006
• Negros Organic • Cartagena
• Philippines was Protocol on
Island was
classified as one of Biosafety
the fourteen
through a
biotech-mega • Executive Order
countries No. 514
(MOA) between
• Bill on the Negros Occidental • Establishment of
mandatory labeling and Negros the National
of food and food Oriental Biosafety
products with
Framework (NBF)
2010 2012
• Representative
Teddy Casino,
· Organic together with
Agriculture congressmen,
Act filed a bill
pushing for the
labeling of GM
food and food
2015 2016
• Administrative
Order No. 8, • Five government
series of 2002 of agencies passed
the Department a Joint
of Agriculture of Department
the Department Circular No. 1,
of Agriculture series of 2016
declared as null
and void

Genetic Engineering is an Preserve and Prolong There are advantages

emerging field of science life and disadvantages

Some are approved by There are still debatable Humans seek answers
experts and governments controversies. and innovations

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