Case Study Gordons
Case Study Gordons
Case Study Gordons
1. HEALTH PERCEPTION Patient G.P. defined health as wealth “Mahirap man tanggapin na nawala
HEALTH MANAGEMENT “lalo na ngayong pandemic kailangan yung baby naming kaylangan siguro
doble ingat kasi hindi natin nakikita naming tanggapin siguro dahil sa
yung sakit na kalaban natin” she disrasya na nangyari samin kaya
stated. She rated her health as 8/10 nawala si baby” she stated.
which 10 is the highest.
2. NUTRITIONAL METABOLIC Patient G.P. eats 3x a day (breakfast. When the patient is admitted, she
PATTERN Lunch, dinner). She consumes 2 liters was given an NPO diet for her
of water daily. The patient diet is operation.
usually vegetables, fish, with meat
sometimes and cup o rice. She
doesn’t have any difficulty in
swallowing and chewing food. She
also mentioned that she doesn’t have
any allergies.
3. ELIMINATION PATTERN Patient G.P usually voids 6 times a day Patient G.P voids 6 times a day with
with light yellow urine without light yellow urine. she defecates once
discomfort. She defecates once a day a day with brown color and soft
every morning. She stated that the consistency. She also stated that she
amount of urine she void is about 1 doesn’t have any constipation and
liter. She describe her color of stool in diarrhea.
dark to brown and soft in consistency.
She also stated that she rarely
experience constipation and diarrhea.
4. ACTIVITY EXCERCISE Patient E.C. considered doing ”mahirap gumalaw galaw ngayon lalo
household chores as exercise. She na kaka opera ko lang pag uwi ko ng
stated that her chores and taking care bahay hindi naman ako makaka
of her children is tiring but happy. She galaw ng agad agad kailangan padin
takes a bath 2x a day one in the ng pahinga para tuluyan ng
morning and one before going to bed. gumaling” she stated
5. SEXUALLY REPRODUCTION Her menstruation last of 7 days and Patient G.P. is not sexually active
PATTERN would consume 2-3 sanitary pads in a because of her hospitalization. She
day. She and her partner are both still wears clothes according to her
sexually active. She had 2 children. gender.
She wears clothes according to her
6. SLEEP REST PATTERN Patient G.P sleeps 7-8 hours a days. The patient stated that she still
She sleeps around 9:00 in evening and experience pain because of the
wakes up around 5:00 in the morning. operation and the lost of her baby.
She doesn’t have any difficulty in Her sleep is interrupted every 2
sleeping. She also describe sleep as hours.
her rest for a tiring day
7. COGNITIVE PERCEPTUAL Patient G.P is fluent in speaking Her sensory function did not change
PATTERN tagalog and Ilocano. She is alert and as well as her thought process.
coherent. She doesn’t have any During the interview she talk to us in
difficulty in her senses as she was able a nice way using tagalog language.
to answer questions immediately. She can interact well and answer our
questions immediately. She has
limited knowledge about her
situation as she can only understand
simple terms.
8. ROLE RELATIONSHIP Patient G.P belongs to a family of 5 The patient never felt alone during
her father, mother and 1 sibling. She her hospitalization because she had
and her husband has their own house. her husband beside her in this
She stated that she is a loving wife and difficult time. Her family also visit her
a loving mother to her husband and 2 once in a while
kids. She also stated that when it
comes to decision making both of
them is involve.
9. SELF PERCEPTION- SELF Patient G.P. describes herself as kind, The patient stated that she felt sad
CONCEPT PATTERN loving, and generous especially to her about her situation. But need to deal
family. Her family has been supportive with it for her 2 kids waiting for her.
in everything she does. She also stated She’d feel weak at times but it
that she is very happy seeing her doesn’t make her less strong.
family smiling.
10. COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE The main source of stress to the The pain that the client is feeling is
PATTERN patient is the household chores and causing her stress. But she stated
sometimes the kids. she stated that that she will get through this pain
she handle stress by eating foods and because her 2 kids are waiting for
quality time with her family which she her.
called family bonding.
11. VALUE-BELIEF PATTERN The patient is a Roman Catholic and Patient G.P never fails to ask for help
stated that she is praying everyday for from god to give her strength by her
protection and guidance of her family. situation. Her belief in God has
strengthened more during her