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Intestinal Obstruction: Borborygmi Bacterial Activity

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Intestinal Obstruction

Adhesion due to abdominal


Cessation of peristalsis

Increased contractions of Borborygmi Gases and fluids Bacterial

proximal intestine accumulate in the area Activity

Distention of intestine

Severe Increased intraluminal pressure vomiting
Increased secretions into the intestine Loss of hydrogen,
ions, potassium

Compression of veins
Increased venous pressure

Decreased absorption

Edema of the intestine

Dec arterial blood supply Compression of

terminal branches of
mesenteric artery
Ischemia, Anoxia

Necrosis Perforation Bacteria or toxins leak into:

of necrotic

intestinal wall Peritoneal
Blood supply

Dec bowel Cessation of

sounds Peritonitis Bacteremia
Diagnostic Examination Medical Management Nursing Management
Computed Tomography (CT) scan - It detects
 A nasogastric tube is placed and inserted for the  Fluid resuscitation with electrolyte replenishment is
inflammation, edema, and bleeding. Examine the soft
tissue and organs of the abdomen for cysts and gastrointestinal contents to be aspirated and prevent necessary to maintain proper volume status.
malignancies. aspiration to the patient.  Patients should be placed on NPO and stomach
Ultrasonography - It helps screen for kidney stones, liver  Other resuscitative measures to be placed and inserted decompression using a nasogastric tube and flatus tube
illness, malignancies, and various other abdominal are intravenous fluid’s commencement and to reduce discomfort, vomiting, and distension.
problems. Examine the source of your stomach ache or replacement of electrolytes to correct imbalances.  Determine the usual range for urea and electrolyte
bloating.  An appropriate dose of Opiate Analgesia is findings to recognize dehydration and the danger of
Fluoroscopy - To assess the existence of arterial administered based on the tolerance of the patient. deterioration and intervene effectively.
obstructions, see the transit of contrast via the  For symptomatic management, it should be noted that  The use of a nasogastric tube allows for intestinal
gastrointestinal system and the flow of blood through the though it does not aggravate surgical results, if there are decompression, which relieves discomfort around the
coronary arteries. any, some of the medications can make obstructive blockage. Also, to aid in the management of emesis,
Air or barium enema - It allows for more accurate colon
dysmotility worse. These medications include opioids provide correct intake and output data, and reduce the
imaging. During the surgery, the doctor will inject air or
and anti-spasmodic danger of aspiration.
liquid barium into the colon through the rectum.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - It aids in site  For patients considered terminal, it is significant to  If the patient is unstable or sick, use a Foley catheter to
identification and etiology estimate. MRI might enable involve them early in palliative care to avoid refusal and monitor the patient's urine.
more precise and faster identification of patients for promote continuity of care.  If the pain is severe, the nurse may provide analgesics.
operative intervention without exposing them to radiation.  Patients with problems or recurring blockage should be
closely monitored.

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