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RDBMS Practical 5

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RDBMS Practical 5

Implement SQL query based on various function.

1. Create table name product_master,
Data are :- pro_id, pro_name, sell_price, cost_price,
Reorder level.
Ans 1: create table product_master(pro_id varchar2(5),pro_name
varchar2(30),sell_price number(6,2),cost_price
number(6,2),profit_per number(5,2),reorder_level number(3));
2. Create table name salesman_master,
Data are :- s_id, s_name, address1, city, pincode, sales_amt,
Ans 2: create table salesman_master (s_id varchar2(5), s_name
varchar2(15),address1 varchar2(30),city varchar2(15),state
varchar2(10),pincode number(6),sales_amt number(10),doj date);
List of queries to be performed :-
1. List all the product whose value (sell_price) is less than 500 ₹.
Ans : select pro_id, pro_name from product_master where
sell_price <=500;
2. Add salary field in a salesman_master table.
Ans: alter table salesman_master add (salary number(10));
3. Display total no. of product.
Ans: select count(pro_id) ” totol product” from
4. Display total no. of salesman.
Ans: select count(s_id) “Total salesman” from salesman_master
5. List product with minimum sell price & maximum sell price
and rename output as minimum price & maximum price.
Ans: select min(sell_price) “Minimum price”, max(maximum
price) from pro_master;
6. Display cost price in a rounding value.
Ans: select round(cost_price) from pro_master;
7. Display total salary of all salesman.
Ans: select sum(salary) “total salary ” from salesman_master;
8. Display average salary of all the salesman.
Ans : select avg(salary)”average salary” from salesman_master;
9. List name, city & state of the salesman who are not belong to
Gujarat & Maharashtra.
Ans: select s_id, s_name , city , state from salesman_master
where state not in (‘Gujarat’, ‘Maharastra’);
10. List product whose price is more than 1000 & increment
the sales price by 10 %. Mention old price and new price.

Ans: select pro_id, pro_name , (sell_price *0.10+sell_price)

“Updated price ”from pro_master where sell_price >=10000;
11. Display salesman name in upper leader, lower leader
and statement case.
Ans: select upper(s_name), lower(s_name),initcap(s_name)
from salesman_master;
12. Display sales_amt form product master & id by padding
* for each price.
Ans: select rpad(pro_id,*,7),lpad(sales_amt) from pro_master;
13. Select first 5 character of product name from
product_master table.
Ans: select substr(pro_name, 0,5) from pro_master;
14. Display all salesman who are joining after March 2020.
Ans: select s_name from salesman_master where
to_char(doj,’mm’)>03 and to_char(doj,yyyy)>=2020;
15. Remove unwanted character from product description.
Ans select ltrim(pro_name,’pro’) from pro_master;

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