Caie Igcse Ict 0417 Practical v2
Caie Igcse Ict 0417 Practical v2
Caie Igcse Ict 0417 Practical v2
1. Document Production
1.1. Word Processing (MS Word)
Serif – with flicks, e.g. Cambria
Sans-serif – without flicks, e.g. Calibri
One part of the document is 1 column, and the rest is in
two columns. a → section break.
the option All Caps
When you want to move text to the next column, a →
To set certain bullets to a list style → click on format →
column break.
click on Numbering → Bullets tab → choose the required
To force all further text onto the next page → page break
A widow= single line that appears on the next page or
To indent text for a style → click on format → Paragraph
column, separated from the rest of the paragraph
and input required indents under the Indentation section.
An orphan = a single line that appears on the previous
Choose hanging indents to indent the whole paragraph
page or column, separated from the rest of the
and the first line indents to indent only the first line of a
To add page numbers in the header/footer ------→ Place
your cursor where you want to put the number → Go to
insert tab → Quick parts → Select Numbering category 3. Mail Merge
→ Select Page in field names → Click Ok
Add the file size/name (including file path) → click on
Quick Parts in the Insert tab → click on Field → select File 3.1. Mail Merge
Size or File name. For file path →, check the box to include
file path. For file size →, choose whether Kilobytes or Create a master document, which is mainly given as a
Megabytes. source file
Include date → click on Date & Time in Insert tab → choose In the master document, click on the Mailings tab
an appropriate format as specified. (If the date/month In the start mail merge section, click on select recipients
format is flipped →, change your region/ language → select use an existing list → choose the source file
settings on your computer to the United Kingdom.) Select records to be used, filter if necessary
Update fields if required (select auto-update while
inserting fields.)
2. House Styles
2.1. House Styles
Insert merge fields where indicated with chevrons, i.e.
Remember to follow all the instructions given to avoid Place automated current date and/or time, as well as your
losing easy marks name, centre number and candidate number where
Type in the name of the style exactly as it is in the paper specified. Ensure the date is in the correct format
Click on the drop-down arrow in the Styles section → specified.
select Create a new style
Always base your styles on the Normal font
S etting the line spacing → click on format → then
paragraph → select required options
From the same tab, you can change the spacing before
and after the paragraph
Spell-check and proofread the document.
Setting all capital letters → click on format → font → tick Save the master document, and click finish and merge.
Preview results and ensure that they look as required.
While printing:
Check all merge fields are placed
Field codes are visible if necessary. (Go to Advanced
settings so they are displayed when printing. Proof of
date inserted may be asked, right-click and toggle field Average of fields in a report =AVG(\[Field_name\])
codes, or just use the shortcut Alt+F9.) Minimum of fields in a report =MIN(\[Field_name\])
Maximum of fields in a report =MAX(\[Field_name\])
When you are using another file as a source file (ego for a
LOOKUP function), make sure it is open until the end, or
else the spreadsheet will no longer be able to access that DESCRIPTION FORMULA
data. =IF($B$1:$B$8=A1,”A”,
To make a cell reference absolute, press F4 while IF($B$1:$B$8=A2,”B”,
highlighting it IF($B$1:$B$8=A3,”C”,D)))IF
Nested IF the value in the range equals
A1 then write A, if it equals A2
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide =A1+B1 write B, A3 write C and none
SUM = Adding a range of of them D
numbers =AVERAGEIF($D$4:$D$64,G3,
Average IF – it searches for
AVERAGE - Find the average =AVERAGE(A1:A4) $E$4:$E$64)$D$4:$D$64 is
criteria and makes an
MIN - Find the low value =MIN(A1:A4) the range, G3 is the
average of the range
MAX - Find the highest value =MAX(A1:A4) criteria, $E$4:$E$64 is the
according to the criteria
average range
COUNT - Finding how many
=COUNT(A1:A4) SQRT – Square root of a
numbers are in a range =SQRT(B3)B3 is the number
COUNTA - Counting the
number of items in a range
INT - Converts to the lowest
=INT(A1) 7. Website Authoring
whole number
=ROUND(A1,2) The 2 is the
ROUND - Rounding numbers
number of decimal places 7.1. HTML
ROUNDUP - Rounding =ROUNDUP(A1,2) The 2 is the
Anchors: help navigate throughout a webpage
numbers up number of decimal places
Highlight the destination of the anchor, and set a
ROUNDDOWN - Rounding =ROUNDDOWN(A1,2) The 2 is bookmark
numbers down the number of decimal places You can use
=VLOOKUP(A1,$B$1:$C$8,2)A tags in your code around this text
1 is the cell to <div id="top"> Destination text </div>
VLOOKUP - Looking up what check$B$1:$C$8 is the array Highlight the word or image that will be the hyperlink,
particular values mean from to look in2 is column 2 click insert a hyperlink, and type the address of the
a table arranged vertically from $B$1:$C$8 meaning website, the bookmark, or the email address provided
return the value in column 2 in in the respective places.
that section. If the link needs to open in a new window, select New
=HLOOKUP(A1,$B$1:$G$2,2) Window from the target frame. This will give you a
A1 is the cell to target setting of "_blank."
HLOOKUP - Looking up what check$B$1:$G$2 is the array
particular values mean from to look in2 is row 2
a table arranged horizontally from $B$1:$G$2 meaning
return the value in row 2 in
that section.
=SUMIF($B$1:$C$8,A1, $D$1
SUMIF – adding up specific :$D$8)Checks if any cells
values in a range in $B$1:$C$8 = A1 and if they
do then it adds them together
=COUNTIF(A2:A4,">4") Checks
COUNTIF - Counts the that cells have a value greater
number of cells in a range than 4=COUNTIF(A2:A4, A1)
that satisfy the given criteria Checks that the cells are
equal to the value in cell A1
=IF($B$1:$B$8=A1,”A”)IF the
IF – Deciding what will go into
value in A1 appears in the
a cell
range of cells then write A
If there are specified dimensions for a table, use the table
properties to set these values.
Check the code to ensure that the table is not set to 100%
width, if there are other values given.
Tables 11.2 Explain the need to reduce file sizes for storage or
Tables have many attributes to help style them Smaller files upload and download faster than larger
Cell padding: creates space between text and cell ones and thus are better for transferring data on the
border internet and between computers and other devices
Cell spacing: creates space between individual cells like printers.
Borders 13 Explain why headers and footers are needed:
Background colour: background tags in the tables only Headers and footers ensure each page has all the
apply to the tables. required information like the page numbers, company
Individual td or th headings can also be specified in CSS logo and name etc. It makes the document more
reliable, professional, and consistent, as the
Table tags format information appears on every page. This saves time
cell padding Table { padding :40px;} and reduces errors as they are only typed once.
cell spacing Table { spacing : 30px;} 14 Explain what is meant by corporate branding/house
Table { border-width:3px;} style:
Table { border-color: #000098;} It refers to a specific style of fonts and formats used in
borders the making of ICT solutions by organisations.
Table { border-style: solid;}
Table { background-color: #009499;} 14 Explain why consistent styles are required:
Consistent styles enable users to associate a
td { font-size: 3;}
particular organisation with a style. They look
Td/th tags td { font-family: Calibri;}
td { color: #000000;}
15.1 Explain why the automated suggestions given by
table { width:50px;} spell check software do not always give the correct
table { height:60px;} response:
Some words, e.g. proper nouns, are not found in the
body { background-repeat: no-repeat;} dictionary. This makes spell checkers less efficient.
body {background-position: top/left/right/bottom;} Spell checkers do not identify names and places
h1 {text-align: left/right/top/bottom;} 15.1 Explain why validation checks must be appropriate to
the data that is being checked:
An inappropriate check can lead to error messages
8. Editing Images and altered data, as it may accept or reject wrong
8.1. Editing Images 15.2 Describe the importance of accuracy and the
potential consequences of data entry errors:
To save a picture with 8 bits - of colour depth, save it as a Accurate data ensures the results obtained by the
gif processing of data is relevant, which is essential to the
Open it in Paint and save it as usability of the model
To compress the size of a picture, open it in the picture 15.2 Define the term verification:
manager A way of preventing errors when data is copied from
Edit picture one medium to another
Compress pictures 15.2 Describe visual verification:
Choose the most suitable option Visual comparison of data entered with a data source
To change the colour options of a picture, use picture Checking for errors by comparing entered data on the
manager screen with the data in the original document (not the
Edit picture same as proof reading)
Colour 15.2 Describe double data entry:
Enter data twice and compare them either after data has
9. Answers to Theory been entered or during the entry process.
What if: changing values in cells to see how the CSS files have a “.css” extension
outcome of formulas change 21.3 Explain the hierarchy of multiple attached
20.2 Explain the need to test a model before it is used stylesheets and in-line styles within a web page
Reduces the number of possible errors when using Internal CSS have more preference over Inline CSS.
real data Inline CSS overrides externally attached stylesheets.
21.1 Identify and describe the three web development If several external stylesheets are attached to one
layers web page, the stylesheet attached last (at the bottom
Content layer: Holds the content of the webpage of that part of the code) is given preference (over the
structure. other ones). Priority increases as you go down a list.
Behaviour layer: scripting language of a web page or 21.3 Explain why relative file paths must be used for
an individual element the attached stylesheets
Presentation layer: responsible for the formatting of a They should be attached using relative file paths, as
webpage(s) or elements (using a stylesheet). they are stored along with the webpage since they are
21.1 Understand the function of: stored in the same folder.
Content layer: enter the content of a web page 21.4 Explain how to upload and publish the content of a
structure website using FTP
Behaviour layer: enter scripting language to a web
page or an individual element Used to upload website files to the web hosting space. To
Presentation layer: format whole web page(s) or upload these files successfully, the user needs:
individual elements FTP client software
21.2 Explain why tables are used to structure elements All files in one folder
within a web page Host Name/URL/IP address for FTP
Host port to be used for upload
Tables make the basic structure of a webpage and Username and password
organise page layout.
21.4 Create a test plan to test a website including web
21.2 Define and understand the terms relative file path page elements are visible, navigation within/from a web
and absolute file path page
Relative file path: A path referring to a file in the same Open the webpage in different browsers to check that
directory relative to the page the reference is made in. all elements appear as they should.
Absolute file path: The full path of a file which is not Click all hyperlinks to ensure that they direct users to
relative to anything. the correct pages, using functional testing. Check that
21.2 Explain why absolute file paths must not be used for both internal and external links are functional. Check
hyperlinks to locally saved web pages/ objects that fonts and background colours are appropriate to
Absolute paths always include the domain name of the the purpose of the website and its users (audience)
website Perform user testing on a group from the target
These should not be used to refer to locally saved web audience, gain feedback from their usage, and use it
pages as the computer the webpage is stored on (the to improve the website before publishing it
server) is not the same as where the webpage was 21.4 Justify the choice of test plan
developed, and an absolute file path would point to the The test plan used to test a webpage must be justified
wrong address. based on the tested elements. e.g. If hyperlinks are
21.3 Explain what is meant by the term cascading being tested, it checks if all the hyperlinks are
stylesheets redirecting the user to the correct webpage/ section of
CSS (cascading stylesheet) is a text-based language the webpage.
which is attached to web pages to set their format.