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Edfd211 Syllabus

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UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES College of Education EDFD 211: Psychological Foundations in Education First Semester, SY 2011-2012 I.

Course Description Psychological Foundations of Education is a critical study of the educative processes and underlying psychological principles, theories, and methodologies including evaluation and measurement of educational products. It focuses on explanations of human development and how people learn. Theories and research on methods to improve learning and teaching, motivation, personality, and intelligence are included with emphasis on practical applications. Course Objectives: Upon the completion of this course, the student should be able to: A. Explain the essentials of developmental approaches (theories, models, researches) of physical/ motor, cognitive, language, psychosocial, and moral theories; B. Define terms and principles related to teaching, learning, and motivation; C. Integrate the theories with real life examples; D. Discuss current researches in educational psychology; E. Appreciate the importance of educational psychology in enhancing instruction; F. Value insights gained in understanding the complex process of teaching and learning. Course Content



A. Learning 1. Phases of Learning: Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer 2. Factors that Affect Learning (Harvey Walberg) 3. Domains of Learning: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor 4. Setting Objectives and Lesson Planning 5. Theories of Learning and Their Application in the Classrooms a. Behavioral Learning Theories b. Cognitive Learning Theories c. Humanistic Learning Theories A. Learners 1. Physical Development 2. Cognitive Development EFFECT OF FAMILY STRUCTURE ON CHILD'S COGNITIVE AND SOCIOEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT BY ROWENA LALO 3. Moral Development 4. Psychosocial Development SOCIO-EMOTIONAL LEARNING BY MARIELLE ALETA

Teaching (NCBTS DIMENSIONS) B. Social Regard for Learning C. Learning Environment STUDENT ANXIETY AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT BY KATHRINE 1. Physical Features of Learning Environment and Effects on Performance and Feelings 2. Redl and Wattenberg's Positive Influence Techniques 3. William Glasser's Choice Theory (*) 4. Jacob Kounin's Discipline and Lesson Management and Basic Teacher Characteristics 5. Haim Ginott's Congruent Communication (*) 6. Rudolph Dreikurs Discipline through Democracy and Mistaken Goals D. Diversity of Learners (and Promoting Equity in the Classroom) 1. Individual Differences in Intelligence (Ability Differences and Teaching) a. slow learners (*) - discuss heterogeneous vs. homogeneous grouping b. gifted learners 2. Learning Styles and Preferences a. Multiples Intelligences b. Dunn and Dunn or Kolb TEACHING CONCEPTIONS, TEACHING APPROACHES, AND LEARNING APPROACHES BY JENNIFER 1. Economic and Social Class Differences GAP IN ACHIEVEMENT BETWEEN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY LORENA EDUARTE 4. Language Differences COMPREHENSION DIFFICULTIES IN MATHEMATICS BY PAULA MAE MENDOZA 5. Gender Differences ((in scholastic abilities, physical and motor skills, motivation, self-esteem, explanations for success and failure, expectations and career aspirations, interpersonal relationships) E. Special Education Needs, Inclusion, and Diversity (refer to DSM 4) 1. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia DYSCALCULIA (MATH LEARNING DISABILITY) BY CYRUS ALVAREZ 2. ADHD 3. Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder * Depression 4. Epilepsy 5. Hearing and Visual Impairment

F. Curriculum 1.Models of Teaching (principles and strategies) a. Behavioral Systems Family (direct instruction, mastery learning) b. Information Processing Family (discovery learning, inquiry model, memory or mnemonics model, synectics) c. Social Family(jigsaw, role-playing, team interview, graffiti, think-pair-share) d. Personal Family (non-directive teaching) DYNAMIC LEARNING PROGRAM BY MAAN 2. Fostering High Order Thinking Skills (Group 5) a. Teaching for Transfer (or transfer of learning) b. Critical Thinking c. Creative Thinking and Problem Solving 3. Motivating Learners (Group 5) a. Self-Determination Theory and Organismic Integration Theory (Extrinsic-Intrinsic Continuum) INTERACTION OF INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION BY ANNE (INCLUDE DISCUSSION ON WHAT'S TOO MUCH WHEN IN COMES TO PRAISING AND GIVING REWARDS... IT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO FIND OUT WHEN PRAISING CAN BE DAMAGING). b. Goal Setting: Learning Goals vs. Performance Goals; Mastery Orientation vs. Learned Helplessness c. Attributions: Perceived Causes of Success and Failure and Conditions that Promote Productive Student Attributions BY NORIEL G. Planning, Assessing, and Reporting (Group 6) * Parental Involvement * Assessment a. Getting the most from Traditional Assessment (Developing Tests) b. Alternatives to Traditional Assessments ISSUES IN STANDARDIZED TESTS BY MABEL BUELA H. Community Linkages and Activities for Meaningful Learning COMMUNITY LINKAGES IN EDUCATION BY EDEL RAMILO I. Personal Growth and Professional Development


Course Requirements/ Grading System* Regular and punctual attendance**

15% (less .5 per absence, less .25

per tardiness) Class participation/ expert presentation*** 42.5% (see oral presentation rubric) Reflection papers and Review of Literature**** 42.5% (less .5 per week for late submission) * A grade of Inc. is only given to student who has a passing class standing, but fails to take the final examination or complete the requirement due to illness or valid reason. Otherwise, the student gets a grade of 5. ** 3 tardiness is equal to 1 absence; coming in late for more than 25 minutes is considered absence. When the number of absences exceeds 6 meetings, then the student will be advised to drop the course. *** In the expert presentation, your group is expected to lead the discussion of a topic of your choice. Start working on this project as soon as the topic is assigned to you. **** All papers done in this class are considered major papers. Do your best in writing them. V. References Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational psychology: windows on classrooms. Prentice Hall. Jensen, E. (2006). Enriching the brain: how to maximize every learners potential. Mangal, S.K. (2007). Essentials of educational psychology. Prentice Hall of India. Mayer, R.E. (2008). Learning and Instruction. Merril Prentice Hall. ODonnell, A.M. (2007). Educational psychology: reflection for action. Omrod, J.E. (2006). Educational psychology: Developing learners Upper Saddle River, NJL Merril Santrock, J.W. (2009). Educational psychology. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. Slavin, R.E. (2009). Educational psychology: Theory and practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Sternberg, R.J. (2010). Educational psychology. Allyn and Bacon. Taking sides: clashing views in educational psychology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education: 2008 Willems, P.P. (2006). Educational psychology casebook. Allyn and Bacon. Woolfolk, A.E. (2010). Educational Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. * Most of these references can be found at the reserved section of the U.P. College of Education library


Instructor Information: Instructor : Prof. Lizamarie Campoamor-Olegario Email Address : lizamarie_olegario@yahoo.com Mobile Phone No. : 09228972337, 3461685 Consultation Hours : TTh (11:30-1:00; 4:00-5:30) WF (11:30-2:30) Other days (by appointment) Office : Rm 110 (Mezzanine), UP College of Education * Any student in need of special accommodation should consult with the instructor

Academic Dishonesty Definitions

Activities, that have the effect or intention of interfering with education, pursuit of knowledge, or fair evaluation of a students performance are prohibited. Examples of such activities include but are not limited to the following definitions: A. Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, material, or study aids in examinations or other academic work or preventing, or attempting to prevent, another from using authorized assistance, material, or study aids. Example: using a cheat sheet in a quiz or exam, altering a graded exam and resubmitting it for a better grade, etc. B. Plagiarism: using the ideas, data, or language of another without specific or proper acknowledgment. Example: copying another persons paper, article, or computer work and submitting it for an assignment, cloning someone elses ideas without attribution, failing to use quotation marks where appropriate, etc. C. Fabrication: submitting contrived or altered information in any academic exercise. Example: making up data for an experiment, fudging data, citing nonexistent articles, contriving sources, etc. D. Multiple submission: submitting, without prior permission, any work submitted to fulfill another academic requirement. E. Misrepresentation of academic records: misrepresenting or tampering with or attempting to tamper with any portion of a students transcripts or academic record, either before or after coming to the University of Pennsylvania. Example: forging a change of grade slip, tampering with computer records, falsifying academic information on ones resume, etc. F. Facilitating academic dishonesty: knowingly helping or attempting to help another violate any provision of the Code. Example: working together on a take-home exam, etc. G. Unfair advantage: attempting to gain unauthorized advantage over fellow students in an academic exercise. Example: gaining or providing unauthorized access to examination materials, obstructing or interfering with another students efforts in an academic exercise, lying about a need for an extension for an exam or paper, continuing to write even when time is up during an exam, destroying or keeping library materials for ones own use., etc. * If a student is unsure whether his action(s) constitute a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, then it is that students responsibility to consult with the instructor to clarify any ambiguities. (Source: Office of the Provost, 1996) - http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/osl/acadint.html

Inclusion, Mainstreaming in the Philippine Education System Developmentally Appropriate Practices Learning during Adolescent up to Early Adulthood -Ariel Dominique E. Santos 06-20346

ronald jalmasco

ronald_jalmasco@yahoo.com to me

show details Nov 26

Hi Prof Olegario, Here's my topic: Teaching and Learning techniques for adult learners: With career and other distractions on the way, how do we retain attention and interest? Any appropriate teaching method for this type of learner?

Regards, Ron

Teachers' Preparedness in Dealing with Persons with Dyslexia in the Philippines

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and persists throughout life. As of the moment, there is no medical cure for it, but rather, the school will be the one to develop a plan with the parent to meet the child's needs. Many parents or teachers do not understand the nature of this condition and sometimes it is being interchanged with another condition which leads to ineffective learning plan. Some Persons with Dyslexia, out of lack of knowledge of parents, are being sent to a regular schools and are often misunderstood. This study aims to: * Gauge teachers' awareness and understanding about the condition. * Know the different strategies and techniques being used by teachers and assess how efficient they are.

* Examine if application of proper assessment, planning and reporting are implemented. * Identify what is lacking in their approach to improve the effectiveness of learning.
Marilou B. Mallari

Eisma, Sarah Alviar 1998-13893 TOPICS for Educational Psychology

26 November 2011 EDFD211

When I was choosing what course to take for my masters degree, Im thinking of Educational Psychology because I have a baby and I want to understand how a child learns. Even though I am already a teacher but my focus is secondary education and I want to know more about infants and toddlers. The first topic Im interested in Education or learning is how to sustain learners motivation especially when they dont find the activity or subject uninteresting whether they are bored with the subject or it can also be a pre-conceived idea about the subject or activity. Sometimes you were able to motivate them but how to sustain their motivation wherein learners right now cannot wait long, they wanted instant output. I have had students who dont like taking multiple choice test because they cant choose what is the best answer, some of them is says that they are confuse and cannot think critically. Another topic is what concerns me also as a High School Coordinator of our school in Bulacan. My experiences as a teacher are all from City Schools namely UPIS, Chiang Kai Shek College, and Grace Christian College. But when I get married and settle in Bulacan, I applied in a school in my hometown. As I head the high school department theres a lot of culture shocks that I experienced. First, the level of learning which is low compared to city students (I even taught in freshmen college and goodness they cannot even create a good simple English sentence in self-introduction both written and

oral). Second, the parents who are output oriented. They wanted their child to excel and be in the TOP 5 and they cannot see other form of assessments as part of the learners evaluation; all they wanted is an examination and their children should perfect the exam yet their children have problems in understanding the lesson. How can we meet their expectations yet when we follow the competencies that the students should have in their respective level the students are way below the needed competencies so we need to go back to basics yet we are thinking that they should be in a higher level set by the Department of Education? Or is the competencies set by the DepEd appropriate or is it met when they are still in their primary education so they can be prepared for secondary education? Lastly is about the teaching load and learning of students, according to a DepEd memo. Teachers should teach for 6 hours a day and 2 hours for paperworks. In private school setting this is strictly followed to maximize the teachers and what they are paying them. Because there are no specifications and guidelines given in the DepEd memo, sometimes and most of the time, teachers were given 6 hours of teaching everyday with 4 preparationsthe teachers were given other subjects to teach. Im wondering now, how can a teacher prepare the lesson well if he/she needs to prepare for 4 different lessons and some of it is not even his/her major or forte? How can the teachers give immediate evaluation and feedback if he/she needs to check 240 essays, quizzes, projects, reaction papers, etc. (given that each class has a minimum of 40 students multiply by 6 classes a day)? I actually pity our teachers because first I did not experience that in my former schools especially when they are going home 7p.m. just to finish their task for the day and when they reach home they still need to prepare for the lessons for the next day. Given the fact that there will be no change in that situation; can there be a solution for them to teach well so that students can learn effectively? And many more topics like, what is the difference in teaching in private school from public school? How categorizing of students such as star section and lower section affects the learning? How to teach regular classes with unidentified students with learning disabilities? How to go against the strong peer influence and make it the school more influential to students? And other things about learninglearners and teaching-teachers.

marissa perez

marissa_perez27@yahoo.com to me, mindset_tutori.


details Nov 30

Hi Professor Olegario! I think my Topic is Accommodating Instruction to meet individual differences. I choose this topic because it is related to my job as a school/ homebased tutor. I have been working for more than five years now.

marissa_perez27@yahoo.com to EDFD211_LCOleg.

show details Nov 28

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Hi Prof. Olegario. Thanks for your advice! Im glad you will include lesson planning in our subject Educ psychology. By the way mam re bout the topic.. Im not good at formulation "TITLE." I'm not so familiar with topics for Ed Psych.. probably my focus is more into ACCOMMODATING INSTRUCTION TO MEET INDIVIDUAL NEEDS, because I have exp in tutoring, so it is thing that pops into my mind. But mam can you help me to formulate a good topic? Thank you & God bless!

Eisma, Sarah Alviar 1998-13893 TOPICS for Educational Psychology

26 November 2011 EDFD211

When I was choosing what course to take for my masters degree, Im thinking of Educational Psychology because I have a baby and I want to understand how a child learns. Even though I am already a teacher but my focus is secondary education and I want to know more about infants and toddlers. The first topic Im interested in Education or learning is how to sustain learners motivation especially when they dont find the activity or subject uninteresting whether they are bored with the subject or it can also be a pre-conceived idea about the subject or activity. Sometimes you were able to motivate them but how to sustain their motivation wherein learners right now cannot wait long, they wanted instant output. I have had students who dont like taking multiple choice test because they cant choose what is the best answer, some of them is says that they are confuse and cannot think critically. Another topic is what concerns me also as a High School Coordinator of our school in Bulacan. My experiences as a teacher are all from City Schools namely UPIS, Chiang Kai Shek College, and Grace Christian College. But when I get married and settle in Bulacan, I applied in a school in my

hometown. As I head the high school department theres a lot of culture shocks that I experienced. First, the level of learning which is low compared to city students (I even taught in freshmen college and goodness they cannot even create a good simple English sentence in self-introduction both written and oral). Second, the parents who are output oriented. They wanted their child to excel and be in the TOP 5 and they cannot see other form of assessments as part of the learners evaluation; all they wanted is an examination and their children should perfect the exam yet their children have problems in understanding the lesson. How can we meet their expectations yet when we follow the competencies that the students should have in their respective level the students are way below the needed competencies so we need to go back to basics yet we are thinking that they should be in a higher level set by the Department of Education? Or is the competencies set by the DepEd appropriate or is it met when they are still in their primary education so they can be prepared for secondary education? Lastly is about the teaching load and learning of students, according to a DepEd memo. Teachers should teach for 6 hours a day and 2 hours for paperworks. In private school setting this is strictly followed to maximize the teachers and what they are paying them. Because there are no specifications and guidelines given in the DepEd memo, sometimes and most of the time, teachers were given 6 hours of teaching everyday with 4 preparationsthe teachers were given other subjects to teach. Im wondering now, how can a teacher prepare the lesson well if he/she needs to prepare for 4 different lessons and some of it is not even his/her major or forte? How can the teachers give immediate evaluation and feedback if he/she needs to check 240 essays, quizzes, projects, reaction papers, etc. (given that each class has a minimum of 40 students multiply by 6 classes a day)? I actually pity our teachers because first I did not experience that in my former schools especially when they are going home 7p.m. just to finish their task for the day and when they reach home they still need to prepare for the lessons for the next day. Given the fact that there will be no change in that situation; can there be a solution for them to teach well so that students can learn effectively? And many more topics like, what is the difference in teaching in private school from public school? How categorizing of students such as star section and lower section affects the learning? How to teach regular classes with unidentified students with learning disabilities? How to go against the strong

peer influence and make it the school more influential to students? And other things about learninglearners and teaching-teachers.

Nadine Smith

nadinec.smith@gmail.com to me

show details Nov 27

hi ma'am, here are my topics: 1. Activity and constructing knowledge (learning) through play 2. developmentally appropriate practices 3. Motivation by tapping interests and emotions

Marife May Lim Moralde

marife11012009@gmail.com to me

show details Nov 27

HI ma'am, here's the list of topics I'm most interested in:

1.Theories and techniques of motivating students of different ages. 2. Impact of time and environment on learning. 3. Proper management of behavior problems. 4. Assessment and evaluation of student's performance. ronald jalmasco

ronald_jalmasco@yahoo.com to me

show details Nov 26

Hi Prof Olegario, Here's my topic: Teaching and Learning techniques for adult learners: With career and other distractions on the way, how do we retain attention and interest? Any appropriate teaching method for this type of learner?
Ec Balus

ecrhometutor@ymail.com to me

show details Nov 26

Hi Ms. Olegario, I'm sending you six topics. 1. Cognitive Remediation: Stories to Play with Tales Told with Puppets, Toys and Imagination for Children with Special Needs. 2. Cognitive Remediation: Play therapy and interventions for Children with Special Needs. 3. Language Learning through Stories to Play for Children with Disability.

( I come up with this idea because last Thursday Nov. 24, we had a class observation at UPIS and I got interested that Language grammar can be applied through play therapy for special individual) 4. Alternative Learning Systems: Transform Non-formal Education and Interventions for Individual with Disability. 5. "Minorities" in Special Education. ( ...got this idea during my adventure in some different rural places here in the Philippines....and of course when I got to visit some provinces areas in Thailand) 6. Adaptation for Children with Disability in the Classroom.

Submitted by: Maria Cristina B. Sanipa

Maria Josephine Lumawig Hi Ma'am,

jotronolumawig@gmail.com to me, LIZAMARIE

show details Nov 25

I have an interest in researching and reporting on Psychological Principles Related to Planning Lessons and Instruction. This will cover how some theories in psychology are used or applied in the teacher's lesson plans and instructional methods. Please let me know if this is a 'good' topic to work on. Thank you. Regards, Jo

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Des de Ramos <des_deramos@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Ms Olegario, Will this be okey as a topic? Internal and External Factors why some Filipino parents "homeschool" their children. Actually I will be working on a research proposal related to this topic and it be a big relief for me as a working student if I will be focusing on the same topic. For your approval and thanks.... God bless you.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Danica Guban <danica.guban@yahoo.com> wrote: > Hi Ma'am! These are the topics I have in mind: > > 1. Evaluation and Assessment > 2. Classroom management > 3. Motivation

Maria Josephine Lumawig Hi Ma'am,

jotronolumawig@gmail.com to me, LIZAMARIE

show details Nov 25

I have an interest in researching and reporting on Psychological Principles Related to Planning Lessons and Instruction. This will cover how some theories in psychology are used or applied in the teacher's lesson plans and instructional methods. Please let me know if this is a 'good' topic to work on. Thank you. Regards, Jo



"Izah" <marissa_perez27@...> wrote: > > > Hi Prof. Olegario. Thanks for your advice! Im glad you will include lesson planning in our subject Educ psychology. By the way mam re bout the topic.. Im not good at formulation "TITLE." I'm not so familiar with topics for Ed Psych.. probably my focus is more into ACCOMMODATING INSTRUCTION TO MEET INDIVIDUAL NEEDS, because I have exp in tutoring, so it is thing that pops into my mind. But mam can

you help me to formulate a good topic? Thank you & God bless! >

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