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Role of Motivation in Learning Strategy: Oleh: Septika Shania M BR Sinaga 4163131028 Kimia Dik C 2016

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Oleh :
Septika Shania M Br Sinaga
In the performance of teaching, there are many important
aspects that determine, namely teachers, materials, methods, media,
and assessment. Effective teaching in teaching students can be seen
from up to how much students gain changes in knowledge,
attitudes and skills, as he gained experience or training during the
teaching process takes place.

The effectiveness of teaching is closely related to student

motivation. Effective teaching is a teaching that can develop
students' motivation in learning as much as possible. For the
teachers in charge of teaching success need to see to it that every
component involved in teaching can support increased student
motivation in learning. This chapter will try to discuss the
relationship between any aspects or components of teaching it to
the students' motivation separately.
Motivation and
Attitudes Teachers
The Teacher As A Model
But none of us would argue that the behavior of teachers
affect their students' learning activities. The teacher becomes a model
for the students at any time. Students are constantly in action terhasap
attitudes and values ​and personality teacher. They made the teacher
as a model to follow. Bandura and Walters (1963) has long argued the
characteristics of people who easily serve as a model., That is, people
who have a position that gives the effect of, or have a high profile,
has the authority and ability as well as having the power to grant the
award. With this explanation, it is clear that the teacher is the one
who has the conditions to be used as a model by her students.
Students capture subtle expressions, gestures, and attitudes of
teachers, although teachers themselves do not reveal the behavior
Unidimensional Contra Multidimensional Classroom Classroom

As well we have seen that the self-concept of students

greatly affect the motivation of students who are learning.
Students who have a positive self-concept were the students were
convinced that he achieved the feat through effort, show
independence in learning and do not give up easily.
These teachers develop standards for success, causing the
atmosphere of a class called "unidimensional classroom.“ There is
another teacher who developed the standard for success, causing
the atmosphere of a class called "mulitidimensional classroom", ie
teachers who always convey to her students that many ways to
achieve success, that success does not depend on how much effort
to learn it does. Teachers emphasize that every student is different
and each student has strengths and weaknesses. No student who is
more powerful than other students in all aspects. These teachers
always motivate students in that way, and as a result of the self-
concep is a very good student.
The Attitude Of Teachers Towards
Students' Behavior

The attitude of other teachers who are less

boost learning activities students are teachers who
are easily offended or affected by attitudes.
The Attitude Of Teachers Towards
The Students' Characteristics
The attitude of other teachers at a
disadvantage on improving student learning
activities is to predict the success of students by
socio-economic status, gender, race, and cultural
Teacher Attitudes Toward Different
Student Sex
Will take place in the classroom, where teachers have
preconceived notions that are less appropriate to the learning ability of
students based on gender differences. These teachers suspected that male
students have the ability to learn is better than female students. Or
conversely, that female students have better learning abilities than in men.
Teachers who have preconceived notions that are not appropriate as this is
called a "stereotype" of the sex differences in learning ability.

To avoid or eliminate the stereotype that has been

owned by the students themselves, because it mimics the
teacher, then Shapiro, Kramer and Hunerberg (1981)
suggested guidelines are as follows:
Teacher Attitudes Toward Students
with Different Culture Background.

• Helping students to be more aware of stereotypes

about gender effect is not good in attitude, or
behavior and way of thinking of students.
• Trying to change school practices that foster
stereotypes about gender differences. Teachers
often do not realize that the rules, procedures, or
statements that practiced in schools leads to the
assumption that teachers provide different
services to students of different sexes.
• Helping students to not separate sharply career
fields according to their gender.
Teacher Attitudes Toward Student
Achievement Differences

It can also degrade or disrupt the learning activities of

students is if teachers show different attitudes to academic
progress and success may be achieved by providing guidance
for the cultural background from which the students come.

The attitude of teachers who lack develops maximum

learning activities is to interact differently to different students
achievement. Their teachers are awarded and more questions to
students in high-performing compared to students with low
achievers (Good, 1970). The same was found by Kranz, weber,
and fashel (1970) in his study of the interaction of teachers and
students at the schools elementary school in the learning process.
There are four groups of models of teaching that each group consists
of several models again as proposed by Joyce and Marsha Weil. The
groups in question are the teaching methods Information Processing
Model, The Personal Model, The Social Model and The Behavioral
System Model.Group learning model called Information Processing
Model aims to increase the desire to understand the world by teaching
them how -how to find and organize data, training them to skillfully use a
variety of concepts and skillful use of language. Group teaching models
include models of teaching is called:
 Inductive Thinking Model
 Inquiry Training Model
 Advanced Organizers Model
 Memorization Model
 The Developing Intelect Model
 Scientifict Inquiry Model
The group aims to develop a personal model of
selfhood students. The models of teaching that includes
group teaching models are models of teaching is called:
Nondirective Model
Synetic Model
Awareness Training Model
The Classroom Meeting Model

Group teaching model called The Social Model

consists of models of teaching is called:
Group Investigation Model
Role Playing Model
Juriprudential Model
Laboratory Training Model
Social Science Inquiry Model
Group learning model called the Behavioral System
Model consisting of various models of teaching, namely:
Mastery Learning Atau Directos Instruction
Learning Self-Control Model
Training For Skill And Concept Development Model

Teachers are responsible for providing the material (facts,

concepts or principles to be learned students to achieve the
learning objectives). In addition, teachers should organize the
subject matter in a way that is easy and happy students learn
(Skinner, 1968). Organizing subjects greatly affect motivation and
learning outcomes.
1. Choosing a Subject Matter
Gagne and Berline (1988) suggests that teachers should know the
factors considered in choosing meteriang lesson to be learned so
that students interested in learning.
A. The Level Of Students' Abilities

B. Association With The Experience That Has Been Owned By

The Students.

C. The Level Of Attractiveness Of The Material

D. The Level Of Novelty And Actuality Material

E. The Level Of Students' Progress

2. Organizing Lessons
There are various ways that can be done to organize the subject
matter as suggested by Goyer (presented by Gagne and Berliner,
1988) as follows:
A. Organizing The Subject Matter Is Based On "The
Relationship Between The Components"
(Component Relationship)

B. Organizing Materials Based On "Relations

Order" (Sequential Relationship)

C. Organizing The Subject Matter Based On

"Relevant Relationships" (Relevance Relationship)

D. Organizing The Material To By "Transitional

Relationships" (Transitional Relationship)
Motivation and
instructional media
1. Advantages of using the instructional media
Heinich, Molenda and Russel (1982) suggests the benefits of
using the medium of instruction in teaching students, it is:
Instructional media can be concreting ideas or ideas that are
conceptual, thus reducing the learning curve students'
Media teaching can enhance students' interest in studying the
learning material
Teaching media provide real experiences that stimulate the
activity yourself to learn. Students Encouraged to perform learning
activities for encouragement in yourself.
Media teaching can develop a sustainable way of thinking
2. Select The Teaching Media

A. Analyzing The Characteristics Of Students

Teachers should pay attention to the characteristics of

students in planning the teaching media used. There are two
types of student characteristics that should be known by
teachers, namely:
1. General characteristics which include gender, level, class,
intellectual ability, talent and culture.
2. The special characteristic of the background experience of
students on the topic or teaching materials that cover the
knowledge, skills and attitude towards the topic or subject
matter or be served
B. Setting A Of Teaching
Teachers need to set goals, because teachers should
choose media and sequence learning activities appropriate to
achieve that goal. Knowing the goals to be achieved also
requires teachers to create rich learning environment so as to
facilitate the achievement of these goals.

C. Selecting, Modifying And Planning Subject Matter

Selection of the proper subject matter according to

science education will have increased steadily if
accompanied by a media setting instruction in the classroom.
D. Using Media Lessons
Teachers also need to plan how to present
the material and some time is needed to serve it.
E. Request Student Response
The response of students to the teaching situation
may be in the form of repeating the facts that have been
studied and may also form a complex creations.
F. Evaluating
That evaluation determines the use of the medium
of instruction, of course we do not doubt.
1. Function Assessment and Increase Motivation
No doubt that the assessment that teachers do influence the
motivation of students. Many students increased learning excitement
because he knows that there will be a vote and want to get good results.
But not infrequently happens that teachers do vote will weaken the desire
of students to Study abroad enterprising. If the assessment exercise was
not planned with the best possible learning motivation that comes from
the assessment exercise will not show up as expected by the teacher; or
simply motivated students studying for exams only.

2. Characteristics of a Good Rating

Good judgment in the sense of improving students' efforts to
learn is that the assessment was planned and closely linked to short-term
goals and long term that will be achieved by students during the learning
process. Therefore, the assessment should be carried out continuously
during the learning takes place. Students should be assessed activity
during tasks, discussions or group work.
3. Aspects and Comments Ratings
Giving figures and comments in the paper student assessment is
very helpful to encourage students to better student learning, because
students are aware of the mistakes and limitations of what they have done
and to know a new and true. However, there are teachers who give
numerical scores without any comment. In this case the teacher does not
only fail to engage students to assess themselves, but also let the students
do not know how he should work and henceforth he can not make
improvements in the right way.

Although this comment is a comment but less so to encourage

students to strive to improve the correct answers. In a comment that
build students' motivation, the following points need to be considered,
Point Out First From The Point Where The Students The Correct

Give Sympathetic Criticism, Do Not Criticize Or Push The Student

As Has Been Exemplified In The Above Description, The Teacher

Has To Explain Where Students Can Obtain The Correct Answer

4. Assessment By Students
An assessment method that can be done by teachers is to involve
students in assessment. They were engaged to assess their own work and his
friends. A group of students made the jury for themselves and their friends
participated comment on why they judge the case. They discuss keertas
quizzes, book report or other tasks to uniform opinions, to compare with the
standard answer that has been prepared in advance and determine the value
to be given. This can be done by students in rotation, so that all students
have the opportunity to be a group of assessors or jurors.

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