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Chapetr 4 Notes

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Chapter # 4

Short Questions:
1. London dispersion forces are weaker than dipole-dipole forces. Why?
Ans: London dispersion forces are the weaker forces because these forces are present significantly in
non-polar molecules. Non polar molecules have least forces of attractions between them. So, they are
weaker forces as compared dipole dipole forces which have forces of attractions between their partial
positive and partial negative ends of the molecules.
2. Why the melting and boiling points of halogens increase down the group?
Ans: melting and boiling point of halogens increases down the group (from fluorine to iodine) because
of increase of their atomic sizes. As the atomic sizes increases the dispersion of electronic electronic
cloud is more easier which enhances the polarizability between the atoms, which increases the melting
and boiling point.
For example: Boiling point of Fluorine is -188.10C while the boiling point of iodine is +184.40C.
3. Why intermolecular forces are weaker than intramolecular forces?
Ans: Intramolecular forces: the forces of attractions present within the molecule between the atoms
are called intramolecular forces.
For Example: In HCl molecule the force of attraction between Hydrogen and chlorine is the
intramolecular force.
Intermolecular forces:
The forces of attractions present between the molecules of atoms are called intermolecular forces.
For Example: the force attraction between two HCl molecules.
Hence, the forces of attractions present within molecules are stronger than the forces of attraction
present between the molecules. So, intramolecular forces are stronger than the intermolecular forces.
4. Why dipole-dipole forces are much stronger than dipole-induce dipole forces?
Ans: dipole dipole forces are present between the polar molecules which are stronger forces than the
dipole induce dipole forces where one molecule is polar while other molecule is non polar. Polar polar
molecules have stronger forces than the polar and non polar molecules. This is reason dipole dipole
forces are much stronger than the dipole induce dipole forces.
5. What are London dispersion forces?
Ans: The momentry forces of attraction created between the dipole dipole and induce dipole molecule
are called London dispersion forces.
A German physicist Frits London in 1930 gives the explanation between these weaker forces of
6. How the increase of polarizability down the group in Nobel gases is responsible for increase in
melting and boiling points?
Ans: zero group elements or VIIIA group elements are called the noble gases and these all are
monoatomic gases. Their boiling points increases down the group from Helium (-268.60C) to Radon (-
61.80C). By moving down the group the atomic sizes increases and the dispersion of electronic cloud
become more and more easy which increases the polarizability of noble gases from Helium to Radon.
Hence London forces also increases which is the cause of increase of boiling point in the Noble gases.
Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
7. Why the melting and boiling points of alkanes increase with the increase of molar mass?
Ans: Melting and boiling point of alkanes increases with the increase of molar masses because molar
mass increase when the number of atoms in a chain of molecules increases. Larger molecules have more
places along its length where other atoms of molecules can attach easily which cause the increase in
London forces which is the responsible of increase in boiling point of alkanes. So, increasing molar
masses changes alkanes from gases to liquids and finally into solids.
8. Water is liquid at room temperature but H2S and H2Se is a gas, give reason?
Ans: water is liquid at room temperature because it has strong hydrogen bonding. As Oxygen is more
electronegative and form two hydrogen bonds per molecules. Due to strong hydrogen bonding, water
exits in a liquid state. While in H2S and H2Se London dispersion forces are present and no hydrogen
bonding exists. This is the reason water is liquid while H2S and H2Se are gases.
9. Lower alcohols are water soluble, but corresponding alkanes are insoluble in water?
Ans: Lower alcohols are water soluble because both contains OH bond which is the responsible of
intermolecular hydrogen bonding. As like dissolves like both water and lower alcohols are soluble in
each other. While respective alkanes have weak London forces and no hydrogen bonding are present.
That’s why alkanes are insoluble in water.
10. Water and ethanol can mix easily in all proportions. Why?
Ans: Water and ethanol are easily mixed in each other due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Both
contain OH- bonds which creates hydrogen bonding. As “like dissolves like” water and ethanol mix with
each other in all proportions.
11. How in a very cold winter fish in garden ponds owe their lives to hydrogen bonding?

Ans: When winter comes, then temperature falls down. The water at 4oC has maximum density. So it
goes to the bottom of pond. The surface water freezes into ice. During ice formation the water molecules
get regular arrangements due to Hydrogen bonding. When further temperature fall from atmosphere a
blanket of ice is formed. This blanket of ice act as an insulator of heat it prevents underneath water from
freezing. Therefore fish and other aquatic animals owe their lives (survive) under thick blanket of ice.

12. Hydrogen bond is present in acetone and chloroform. Justify your answer?
Ans: In chloroform, three Chlorine atoms makes Carbon atom as partial positively charged atom. As
chlorine atoms deprive electron from carbon atom which in turn form highly partial positively charged
hydrogen atom which can form hydrogen bond with the electronegative atom oxygen in acetone. So,
hydrogen bonding is present in acetone and chloroform.
13. Give reason for low boiling point of HF as compared to H2O, although the hydrogen bonding in
HF is stronger than that of water?
Ans: Fluorine is most electronegative as it forms only one hydrogen bond per molecule due to the
presence of one hydrogen atom. Water has two hydrogen bonds per molecule which creates strong
hydrogen bonding. This is the reason water (1000C) has higher boiling point than HF (19.90C).
14. Ice floats on water. Justify it?
Ans: Water molecule has hydrogen bonding in them but water molecules are not motionless these
hydrogen bonding forms and breaks. As temperature is decreased to 40C density of water increases and
permanent hydrogen bonding are forms and water molecules tends to arrange themselves in regular
arrangement and empty spaces are created between them. At 00C ice is formed and it has 9% spaced
than liquid water. This is the reason ice floats on water.
Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
15. Why the heat of vaporization of water is greater than that of CH4?
Ans: heat of vaporization of water is greater than CH4 because water has intermolecular hydrogen
bonding in them but CH4 has weak London forces in them. Due to strong hydrogen bonding heat of
vaporization of water is greater than CH4.
16. How the rate of evaporation depends on the surface area?
Ans: heat of vaporization of also depends upon the surface area. Greater the surface area greater will be
the rate of evaporation because water molecules have much space to escape from the surface due to
increased surface area. As the surface area is smaller, the rate of evaporation will be lower as molecules
have less space to escape from the surface.
For Example: Rate of evaporation in pond water will be greater than the rate of evaporation of water
molecules in glass.
17. Steam causes several burns that do the boiling water. Give reason.
Ans: The temperature of boiling water and steam is same but the heat content of steam is greater than
the boiling water. The latent heat of vaporization is greater in steam which causes severe burns than
boiling water. Moreover, the steam is present in gaseous phase while boiling liquid is in liquid state.
18. Why ones feel cooling after taking bath?/one feels sense of cooling under the fan after bath?
Ans: one feels sense of cooling after bath under the fan because after bathing water molecules are left
over the body. These water molecules absorbs body heat and evaporates this reduces the body
temperature and under fan the rate of evaporation is very fast and one feels sense of cooling.
19. Evaporation of liquid causes cooling. Why?
Ans: water molecules have different energies some molecules have high energy and some molecules
have low kinetic energy. When high kinetic energy molecules leaves the surface and low kinetic energy
molecules are left behind and the heat moves from the surrounding to the liquid. In this way the
temperature of surrounding also falls. So this is the reason evaporation causes cooling process.
20. Evaporation takes place at all temperatures. How?

Ans: Evaporation is a surface phenomenon. It takes place at all temperatures. When high energy
molecules come at the surface of liquid, they escape out of surface. However by increasing temperature,
the average K.E of molecules increases. Hence rate of evaporation increases by increasing the
temperature. At low temperature, the kinetic energy of molecules is less, so rate of evaporation slow
down. Thus evaporation continues at all temperatures whether the temperature is low or high.

21. Why earthenware vessels keep water cool?

Ans: Earthenware vessels have pores in them. Water rises from these pores by capillary action and
evaporates from these pores and causes cooling. During evaporation, the escaping molecules get energy
from neighbors to overcome intermolecular forces. Thus temperature of remaining water decreases.
Further these Earthenware vessels are insulator and do not allow the heat to move in them. In the old
earthenware’s pores are blocked with dust. So water cannot evaporate. Thus they do not keep water
22. Vacuum distillation can be used to avoid the decomposition of a sensitive liquid?
Ans: Vacuum distillation is the process in which a liquid is boiled under reduced pressure or under the

Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH

Some liquids start decomposing at their boiling points. To avoid the process of decomposition boiling is
carried out under reduced process and liquid distilled without decomposition.
For Example: boiling point of glycerin is 2900C at 760 torr pressure but it starts decomposing at this
temperature. By using vacuum distillation the glycerin can be boiled at 2100C at 50 torr pressure. It is
distilled at this temperature without composition.
23. Why the vapour pressure of water, ethyl alcohol and diethyl ether are different from each other at
Ans: water, ethyl alcohol and diethy ether has different vapour pressure due to difference in their
intermolecular forces. Water has lowest vapor pressure at 00C because due to strong hydrogen bonding
and polar nature. Ethyl alcohol has relatively higher vapour pressure than water at at 0 0C due to the
presence of hydrogen bonding lower than water. But diethyl ether has highest vapour pressure at 00C
due to the presence of lowest intermolecular forces.
24. The boiling point of water is different at Murree hills and at Mount Everest. Give reason.
Ans: Boiling point depends upon the external pressure. When the external pressure is low the boiling
point of a liquid is also lower. At Murree hills the external pressure is 700 torr and water boils at 980C.
At Mount Everest the boiling of water is 690C as there is lower extranal pressure of 323 torr.
This is the reason boiling point of water is different at Mount Averest and at Murree Hills.
25. What are the advantages of vacuum distillation?
Ans: Advantages of Vacuum distillation:
i. Vacuum distillation reduces the time for distillation process.
ii. Distillation process is economical because less fuel is required.
iii. The decomposition of many sensitive liquids can be avoided by this process.
26. Define boiling point, is it related with external pressure?
Ans: Boilng Pint:
“When the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the external pressure this is called the boiling
point of water”.
Boiling point is related to the external pressure as the external pressure is high the boiling point of liquid
is also becomes high.
For Example: when the external pressure is 1469torr the boiling point of water is 1200C.
When the external pressure is reduced the boiling point of water is lower.
For Example: water boils at 250C when the external pressure is 23.7torr.
27. Boiling need a constant supply of heat. Why?
Ans: When heat is supplied, kinetic energy of liquid molecules increases and kinetic energy is directly
proportional to the absolute temperature. The temperature is increases the vapour pressure of liquid
molecules also increases. At boiling temperature, the vapor pressure of liquid is maximum. for further
supply of heat is this heat is utilized to break the intermolecular forces of liquid and liquid molecules are
converted into vapours. So boiling needs a constant supply of heat,
28. Why the things can be easily cooked in a pressure cooker?
Ans: pressure cooker is a closed vessel in which food is cooked quickly. As heat is supplied to the
pressure cooker the vapours of liquid gathers above the surface of liquid and absorbs more heat to boil.
Food in the liquid cooked quickly because of high temperature of vapours. This is the reason food is
cooked quickly in the pressure cooker.
29. Why the heat of sublimation is greater than that of heat of vaporization?
Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
Ans: Heat of sublimation is greater than the heat of vaporization because in sublimation process the
solid is converted into vapours directly without changing into liquid state and solid has a strong
intermolecular force which needs a lot of heat to convert into vapour state. The phase change in
sublimation process is from solid to vapours. But in vaporization process phase change is just liquid into
vapors which require lower heat to break the intermolecular forces. This is reason heat of sublimation is
greater than the heat of vaporization.
30. How liquid crystals act as a temperature sensor?
Ans: liquid crystals act is a temperature sensor like in thermometer etc. liquid crystals shows colors
when any wavelength of light is reflected. When the temperature is changed, the distance between the
layers of liquid crystals changed. The reflected light also changes colors. Due to this coloring property
liquid crystals act as a temperature sensor.
31. How liquid crystals are used to locate the tumors, infections and breast cancer?
Ans: Liquid crystals are used to locate the tumors, blockage of arteries, infections and breast cancer
because these infected parts are warmer than the surrounding tissues of body. Specialists use a technique
called skin thermography to detect this lockage in veins and arteries, tumors or infections. A layer of
liquid crystal is painted on the skin or breast, a tumor or infections show up hot area which is colored as

Chapter 4 (Liquids and Solids)

Important board M.C.Qs:

1. Which is a pseudo solid:

(a)Glass (b)NaCl (c)CaF2 (d)All
2. Boiling point of H2O and C2H5OH is:
(a)Equal (b)Different (c)98oC and 70oC (d)100oC and 90oC
3. How much space is occupied by water on ice formation?
(a)11% (b)7% (c)6% (d)9%
4. When 10% urea is added in NaCl solution then which type of shape of crystals becomes:
(a)Sphere like (b)Rod like (c)Needle like (d)cylinder like
5. The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form is the example of:
(a)Ionic crystals (b)Covalent Crystals (c)Metallic Crystal (d)Molecular Crystals
6. Boiling point of water at Mount Averset would be:
(a)98oC (b)69oC (c)100oC (d)101oC
7. Allotropy is the property of:
(a)Compound (b)Element (c)Atom (d)Mixture
8. London dispersion forces are significant for:
(a)Polar molecules (b)ionic solids (c)non polar molecules (d)Metals
9. Transition temperature of Sulphur S8 is:
(a)95.5oC (b)98.6oC (c)100oC (d)97.86oC
10. Which one is not isomorphic pair?
(a)NaNO3, CaCO3 (b)NaF, MgO (c)K2SO4, K2CrO4 (d)Zn, Cd
11. The boiling Point of Halogens:
(a)Remains constant (b)Decreases down the group (c)Increases down the groups (d)All
Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
12. How many allotropic forms are present in Carbon?
(a)Two (b)three (c)Four (d)Five
13. Crystals formed due to London forces of interactions are:
(a)Covalent (b)Metallic (c)Molecular (d)Ionic
14. Acetone and Chloroform are soluble in each other due to:
(a)Intermolecular H-Bonding (b)London dispersion forces
(c)dipole dipole forces (d)All
15. Forces which are present between ions and water molecules are:
(a)Dipole dipole interactions (b)Dipole induce dipole forces
(c)Ion dipole forces (d)London dispersion forces
16. Ionic Solids are characterized by:
(a)Low M.P (b)good conductivity in solid state
(c)High vapour Pressure (d)Solubility in polar solvents
17. The boiling of a liquid under reduced pressure is called:
(a)Vacuum distillation (b)Fractional distillation
(c)destructive distillation (d)Simple distillation
18. The structure of NaCl is:
(a)Body centered cubic (b)Face centered cubic (c)Simple Cubic (d)Radial
19. K2SO4 and K2CrO4 are isomorphic solids and exist in:
(a)Orthorhombic form (b)Trigonal form (c)Tetragonal form (d)Cubic form
20. The transition temperature of KNO3 is:
(a)13.2oC (b)95.6oC (c)128oC (d)32.02oC
21. Coordination number of Na+ ion in NaCl is:
(a)Four (b)Six (c)Eight (d)One
22. Vapour pressure of liquid depends upon:
(a)Amount of liquid (b)Surface area (c)Temperature (d)Size of container
23. The crystal of diamond is;
(a)Ionic (b)Covalent (c)Metallic (d)Molecular
24. Structure of CrO4 is:
(a)Tetrahedral (b)Octahedral (c)Cubic (d)Triclinic
25. The example of hexagonal system is:
(a)Sulphur (b)NaCl (c)Graphite (d)Diamond
26. Weakest intermolecular force is:
(a)Dipole dipole (b)Ion dipole (c)Debye’s force (d)London’s force
27. Which shows a highest boiling point:
(a)C2H6 (b)C4H10 (c)CH4 (d)C6H14
28. Which one not a super cooled liquid:
(a)Glass (b)Glue (c)Rubber (d)AgNO3
29. In Crystal of Sodium Chloride, a Cl ion present at the corner of cube is shared between how many
(a)8 (b)6 (c)4 (d)2
30. In solid I2, the distance between molecules of I2 is greater than gaseous I-I bond due to:
(a)Strong forces (b)weak forces (c)polarizability (d)Rigidity
Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
31. Which one is not a metallic property?
(a)Melleability (b)Ductility (c)Brittleness (d)Lustrous
32. When external pressure is 23.7 tort, boiling point of the liquid is.
(a)20oC (b) 100oC (c) 98oC (d) 25oC
33. Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to:
(a)Surface tension (b) Cohesive forces (c) Adhesive forces (d) Viscosity
34. Kerosene oil is used to kill mosquitoes because it has surface tension:
(a)Very strong (b) Very week (c) Zero (d) No effect on surface
35. Glass is a vitreous:
(a)Gas (b) liquid (c) Solid (d) Plasma

Solid Portion
1. Sodium is a good conductor of electricity but sodium chloride is not. Give reason?

Answer: Sodium is alkali metal and has free electrons are present. These free electrons are responsible for the
conductance of electricity in sodium. While in NaCl there are no free electrons are present and strong
electrostatic forces are present between Na+ and Cl- ions. Each Na+ is surrounded by Cl- ions. So, NaCl not
conduct electricity.

2. Sodium is softer than copper, but both are very good conductor of electricity?

Answer: Sodium is alkali metal and it has only one electron in its outer most orbitals. Copper is transition
element having ten electrons in its outer most d-orbitals. So there are greater chances for overlapping of orbitals
in copper and hardness is developed. So sodium is softer than copper but both are very good conductor for

3. Define polymorphism and isomorphism. Give one example of each.

Answer: Polymorphism is the phenomenon in which a compound exists in in more than one crystalline shape.
For Example: AgNO3 has rhombohedral and orthorhombic crystals.

Isomorphism is the phenomenon in a two different substance exists in same crystalline form.

For example: NaNO3 and KNO3 both show rhombohedral crystals. The atomic ratio in NaNO3 and KNO3 is

4. Cleavage of a crystal is anisotropic behavior?

Answer: Anisotropy is the property of a crystal which show variation in physical properties depending upon
directions or which obey a property better in one direction than the other. Cleavage is the breakage of a crystal
along definite planes. Since cleavage of crystals can take place only in particular directions, so it is anisotropic

5. What are crystallographic elements?

Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH
Answer: The quantitative aspects of a crystal lattice are deduced from the size and the shape of the unit cell is
given by six parameters. These are three edge lengths i.e. a, b, c and three inter facial angles α, β, and γ. These
are called crystallographic elements.

6. The transition temperature is given by elements having allotropic forms and by compounds
showing polymorphism. Justify.

Answer: the elements having more than one crystalline form are called allotropes and existence of a compound
in more than one crystalline form is called polymorphs of each other. At transition temperature one crystalline
forms changes to other. So, the transition temperature is same for all those elements which show allotropy and
for compounds which show polymorphism.

7. Why graphite is anisotropic in electrical conductivity?

Answer: The substances which show variation in physical properties depending upon directions is called
anisotropic. In graphite the delocalized electrons are present in parallel layers. Electrical conductivity is possible
in these layers. But not conduct electricity in perpendicular direction. So graphite shows variation in its
properties depending upon direction. So graphite is anisotropic in electrical conductivity.

8. Crystals have their own habits. Justify it.

Answer: the shape of a crystal in which it usually grown is called the habit of a crystal. Crystals obtain by
cooling the saturated solution. If the conditions for growing the crystals are maintained, then the shape of the
crystals always remains same. If the conditions are changed then the shape of a crystal may change. For
example, a cubic crystal of NaCl becomes needle like when 10% urea is present in its solution as an impurity.

9. Why the ionic solids have high melting points?

Answer: In the ionic solids the strong electrostatic forces of attraction are present in the crystal structure. The
positively ions are surrounding by many negatively charged ions. Very high energy is required to separate the
cations and anions from each other. So the ionic crystals are tightly packed structure and having high melting

10. Ionic crystals don’t conduct electricity in solid state. Why?

Answer: ionic crystals do not conduct electricity is solid state, because on account of electrostatic force existing
between them the cations and anions remain tightly held together and hence occupy fixed positions. Ionic solids
conduct electricity in when they are in solution or molten state because then there are free electrons which
conduct electricity.

11. Why the ionic solids are highly brittle?

Answer: Ionic solids are highly brittle because ionic solids are composed of parallel layers which contain
cations and anions in alternate positions. When an external force is applied one layer of the ion slides bit over
the other layer along the plane. In this way like ions come in front of each other and hence began to repel. The
repulsion between two layers causes brittleness.

Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH

12. Diamond is hard and electrical insulator. Why?

Answer: diamond is a three dimensional network of carbon atoms. All the carbons undergo by sp3-sp3
overlapping and form a giant structure. The bond length is 1.54Ao is suitable for effective packing. Electrons in
of carbon cannot move freely from one atom to other atom. So, diamond is hard and electrical insulator.

13. Why diamond is electrical insulator while graphite is a good conductor of electricity?

Answer: in diamond all the carbons atoms are overlapped sp3-sp3 hybridization and no free electrons are
present for the conduction. So diamond is electrical insulator. While in graphite out of four three electrons are
bonded covalently with other carbon atoms while forth electron is loosely bound. These loosely bound electrons
are delocalized in the layers and are responsible for the electrical conductivity in layers.

14. Molecular solids are soft and easily compressible. Why?

Answer: molecular solids are soft and easily compressed because in case of molecular crystals, the molecules
are held together by weak Vander Wall’s forces. Due to these weak forces molecular solids are soft and easily

15. Why the electrical conductivity of metals decrease with the increase of temperature?

Answer: the electrical conductivity of metals decrease with the increase of temperature, the reason is that with
the increase of temperature the positive metal ions also begin to oscillate and the motion hinders the free
movement of mobile electrons between the positive ions. This hindrance decreases the electrical conductivity.

16. Why the metals are malleable and ductile?

Answer: in the metallic crystals, the lattice points are occupied by positively charged ions and free electrons.
When stress is applied on the metals then the layers slip pass each other. There is no repulsion between layers
after being slipped. So, metal crystals deforms and easily malleable and ductile.

17. In the closest packing of atoms of metals, only 74% space is occupied. How?

Answer: when sphere are packed according to cubic or hexagonal closest packing, there is always space left
unoccupied between them. This empty space is called interstices. The magnitude of these interstices depends
upon the way of close packing. When a metal atoms are of identical diameter are packed together then there are
two different ways to do so. These are called hexagonal and cubic closest packing. In both these ways only 74%
of the total volume is filled of the sphere of atoms and 26% space remains unoccupied.

18. Metals show shiny surface (luster) when they are freshly cut?

Answer: when a metal is freshly cut, the electrons present in outer most orbitals are excited when light falls on
them. The incident light collides with the mobile electrons and they are excited. These electrons when de-
excited give off some energy in the form of light. This light appears to be reflected from the surface of metal
which gives a shining look.

Department of Chemistry: SIR NASRULLAH


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