Enee 660 HW #7
Enee 660 HW #7
Enee 660 HW #7
Professor John S. Baras Homework Set #7 DUE: Monday, December 15, 2008 Problem 1
A given system is modeled by the two-input three output transfer function matrix: s +1 0 ( s + 3) 2 s+2 T (s) = 0 ( s + 4) 2 s+2 s +1 2 ( s + 5) 2 ( s + 5) (a) Find the zeroes and poles of each scalar transfer function between each input and each output. (b) Is the union of the zeroes in (a) the zeroes of the system? Is the union of the poles in (a) the poles of the system? If yes justify your answer if not find the zeroes and poles of the system. (c) Find a left coprime matrix fraction description of the given matrix transfer function.
Problem 2
Consider the unstable, linear time invariant system 0 1 0 x(t ) = x(t ) + 1 u (t ) 1 0
y (t ) = [ 0 1] x(t ) that resulted from an engineering design problem you are considering. (a) An engineer colleague suggests that you can use constant state feedback to stabilize the system. He indeed argues that by using the control u (t ) = K x(t ) + r (t ) , where K is a constant 1 x 2 gain vector, and r(t) a reference input, the degree of stability of the closed system can be made arbitrary. Do you agree or not? Justify your answer. Can you make the closed loop system exponentially stable by such a control? Justify your answer. If you agree find such a K.
(b) An engineer colleague suggests that you can stabilize the system with constant output feedback. That is, by using the control u (t ) = Ly (t ) + r (t ) , where L is a constant gain and r(t) a reference input, the closed loop system can be stabilized. Do you agree or not? Justify your answer. Can you make the closed loop system exponentially stable by such a control? Justify your answer. If you agree find such an L. (c) An engineer colleague suggests that dynamic output feedback compensation can be used to render the closed loop system exponentially stable with arbitrary degree of stability. This dynamic compensator is a linear time invariant system that accepts as inputs u(t), y(t) and a reference input r(t), and produces the control u(t). Do you agree or not? Justify your answer. If you agree construct such a dynamic compensator.
Problem 3
Consider the system with open loop transfer function matrix: s +1 0 s2 T (s) = 1 1 s 2 s s 1 Design a dynamic compensator that can place the poles of the closed loop system at s = -1, -1 + j, -1 - j. Use any method you like to accomplish this.
Problem 4
Consider a two input two output system described by the transfer function:
s 1 s 2 T (s ) = 21s
s s +1 0
1 s +1
We want to design, using polynomial matrix techniques, an output dynamic compensator so that all of the closed loop poles of the system are at s = 1 . Note that apart from this requirement you have quite a number of options.
(a) Construct an appropriate Matrix Fraction Description for T ( s ) to help design such a compensator. (b) Describe the method and develop the equations that determine the desired compensator (i.e. its parts from the input and the output of the system to the control). Show the appropriate block diagram to aid your development. (c) Solve the equations and construct the compensator.