Lab Assignment 05a
Lab Assignment 05a
Lab Assignment 05a
Penetration Testing EvilBox
We can also use fping to see available ip addresses which we can reach:
#fping -aqg
-a: Show only the hosts that are alive.
-q: Quiet output. Only displays the summary or results.
-g: Generate a list of IPs from the given IP range or subnet.
This is fast and flexible and simple.
Lets scan for open ports in this ip which is, or we can scan for all to see which one has
open ports .
#Nmap -sC -sV
nmap: The network scanning tool.
-v: Increase verbosity, providing more detailed output.
-T4: Set the timing template to 4 (Aggressive), which speeds up the scan.
-p-: Scan all 65,535 ports.
-A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.
-oN nmap.log: Output the results in normal format to the file nmap.log.
This port scan gives us idea on which ports its is serving and which ports are open which os version is
running which version of service is running etc.
Now we can see there are 2 ports are open : 22 and 80.
We can for directories in the port 80 web server ,first we see if the web server is enabled or not.
So its opne . Now we search for directories via directory brute force using gobuster:
#gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x
php,html,txt -o dir.log
gobuster: The tool used for brute forcing URIs (directories and files) in web servers.
dir: The mode to use, in this case, directory brute forcing.
-r: Follow redirects.
-u The URL of the target web server.
-w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt: The wordlist to use for brute forcing.
-x php,html,txt: The file extensions to append to each wordlist entry.
-o dir.log: Output the results to the file dir.log.
Now we scan for folders and files in other two directories we found .
We found a evil.php file in secret directory. We need to fuzz scan the file to find secret elements via this
file . To do that we need to install go lang and fuff fuzzer in parrot.
#apt update
#apt install golang
#go install
# nano .bashrc
#add line : export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin . save and come out.
#source .bashrc
Here we got we can use command in the place of FUZZ . Lets try it and try to open the /etc/passwd file
where password info’s are saved.
Now to get the source code of the evil.php we can use curl or from url, we can get the page in encoded
mode because the web server executes php file rather than outputting like text.
So this is the base64 converted php file we got. Now we will decode this base64 code and get the evil.php
source code.
#base64 -d <<<
From here we got a rsa private key,.
Now to get this id in our machine we can use wget .
#wget ‘’
Now to crack the key we need to first change the exec mode of this file .
#chmod 600 id_rsa
So this is the passphrase matching with the hash of id_rsa file .
Now let use this key to get into the server using its user “mowree”.
Here we can see we got the shell of the EvilBox server using its rsa private key.
Now we want to escalate the user to root so we need to hash the ‘root’ and replace it on the please of ‘x’
beside root in the /etc/passwd file .
Here we hash the word ‘root’ using openssl.
Before putting it /etc/passwd file we tried to enter root using different password.
Here we failed . Now we will take the hash value of the word ‘root’ and paste it in /etc/passwd file beside
root: in the place of x.
#nano /etc/passwd
We are now trying to get into the super user by using ‘root’ as password which we entered in /etc/passwd
file , able to edit this file from other users which is vulnerable like mowree can be make it vulnerable too.
So the ownership of this file and editing permission of this file must be preserved well.