Lab Assignment 04
Lab Assignment 04
Lab Assignment 04
Penetration Testing Windows 2008 Server Metastablevia a Different Port
Today we are here to experiment in a lab where our target host will be a Metasploitable 3
Windows 2008 server and our attacker will be Kali Linux. We are here going to scan the target
host and see which ports are open and will try to penetrate the host on each portsand try to hack
the target using a Kali machine as an attacker.
At first we are going to open both machines . In the Kali we use netdiscover to findwhich IP’s
are available in the network block :
#netdiscover –r
Via the search, we can see except attackers IP and both system and gateway IP, thereis another
IP we discover which is the ip of the target machine.
So, the target machines ip here is
Now, we scan to find which ports are available and open in this host and their version .To do that
we use nmap to enumerate:
#nmap –sV
Here –sV command gives the version of the open ports, so that it becomes easy for usto find
payloads for that port to exploit.
21(ftp) port exploit:
Here at first we see 21/tcp port is open. It is providing ftp service. Its version is Microsoftftpd.
Lets try ftp to get into the ftp server of the target. To do that we just have to write ftp and give
the Ip beside:
Here we can see we can get into the ftp server but we were blocked by authentication process.
To break this authentication process we can use hydra to crack the usernamepassword. To know
what is hydra write on terminal :
#whatis hydra
For that we need a list of username in .txt file and also a list of password in .txt file. Wecan also
use predefined user password list like rockyou.txt, for todays experiment we are going to use
self-made username and password list.
Now to use hydra to login crack we have to command :
By running a brute force logon cracking attack we got the user name password for ftpport to
login .
Now we can login via ftp port to see what files the ftp server have :
Now our login is successful with the username and password we got .
Now if we check what file the server has , we need to check by using “ls” command.
Here are the file we have over the ftp server folder . now to put or get file from theserver
we must change our scripting type by commanding binary:
This will download the file from remote server to local machine. These files will be savedfrom the
directory which the terminal is working.
Here we can see welcome.png is here.
So this is the directory file location where our files are saved. Obviously for the vulnerability of
the target host we are getting these files. Now lets download another fileto check .
Now if we want to delete any file from there we just need to write delete along side withthe file
name .
Here we can the see the file was deleted successfully . With the ls command with all thefiles list ,
there the welcome.png does not exist .
Now if we want to upload or put a file again in the server like if we want to put the
welcome.png file in the ftp server which was downloaded form there , simply we justhave to
write put along with the file name beside .
ftp> put welcome.png
22(SSH) port exploit:
Here to get access via ssh port we need username and password for login via ssh. Nowwe are
going to use crack user logon of ssh using metasploit .
To start metasploit have to give command msfconsole :#msfconsole
Now we search for ssh_login payload for username password cracking .
We found two payloads here , we are going to ssh_login which id is 0. Now wecommand
use 0 , to use this payload.
Msf6> use 0
Now we set RHOSTs, set User list file and also set password list file. We also have toset
stop_on_success true.
Msf6>set RHOSTS
Msf6>set user_file /home/kali/Desktop/username.txt
Msf6>set pass_file /home/kali/Desktop/password.txt
Msf6> set stop_on_success true
To see the setting we have to give command give show options command:msf6>show
Here the username : Vagrant and Password: Vagrant.
This port is used for the Server Message Block sharing files between different operatingsystem
i.e. Windows-Windows, Unix-Unix and Unix-windows. Server Message Block in modern
language is also known as Common Internet File System.
Here we will use nmap for the enumerations of the port 445 smb port to see if the port isopen or
not, and also find system information.
Here we can see via this scan we can get port state and version along with deviceinformation.
NMAP has various script to scan vulnerability . Now we are going to scan with inbuiltscript for
SMB vulnerability:
#nmap --script smb-vuln* -p 445
In this scan we found vulnerability of the port 445 smb version of this target host. If wesearch
its cve websites we can see the severity of this vulnerability.
Here we can see the severity of this vulnerability is high. As result, it has shown thetarget
machine is highly vulnerable to Ms17-010.
Now let’s see how to exploit this vulnerability using Metasploit. To
start the metasploit we have to give command : msfconsole.
Here we can search for the payload for vulnerable server ms17-010.msf6>
search ms17-010
We set rhosts and give command to exploit. And it gives meterpeterreverse shell
to control the target , it gives a gateway.
After configuring the payload we set the rhosts and give command to
exploit and it gives us the reverse shell of the target .