Rawandeep Kaur (1) Cs
Rawandeep Kaur (1) Cs
Rawandeep Kaur (1) Cs
8. NMAP commands---
Here, I have used nmap tool on
www.google.com . we can see
that only two ports are open ,
rest are already filtered . port
number 80 is used by http and
port number 443 is used by https.
Here -sS flag is used for TCP SYN
Scan, Which is a stealthy and
efficient method of scanning for
open ports on a target system.
Firstly, go to
https://portswigger.net/ and
create your account. After doing
so, scroll down to the end, and
click on cross-site scripting.
Now scroll down a bit and click
on view all XSS labs.
So, you can see the alert
dialogue box being appeared,
which means this site is
vulnerable for XSS as we are
being able to make change in the
script on the backend and
initiate the particular functions
through it.