Activity - Compare and Contrast
Activity - Compare and Contrast
Activity - Compare and Contrast
BSEd 2 Fil
SEdProf 212 (Assessment in Learning 1)
The similarities between traditional assessment and assessment in outcome-based
education, both are helpful to students. For example, providing post-assessments,
pre-assessments, quizzes, creating portfolio, projects and other tools can help determine
whether students have learned and made improvements in the lessons or topics taught by
you as a teacher.
The difference between the traditional assessment and assessment in outcome based
education is that Outcome Based Education assessment is a type of evaluation or
measurement approach to assess a person’s knowledge, skills.
While Traditional Assessment tests multiple choice, true or false that most of us are pretty
familiar with. These assessments are easy to grade, but only test isolated application, facts,
or memorized data at lower-level thinking skills.