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Feasibility Study of Establishing A Wind Turbine Power Plant in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Complete

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Submitted by:
Torres, Ephraim Leianne
Delgado, Dale Justin R.
Gabriel, Janine
Liwanag, Carl Angelo A.
Lupanggo, Paula Mae
Lacanlale, Elijah James C.

Submitted to:
Engr. Mark Joseph Rivera


A. TITLE: Feasibility of Establishing a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine in the

Municipality of Sta. Ana, Cagayan


Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) are the most common

wind machine designs in use today. HAWTs utilize aerodynamic

blades fitted to a rotor, which can be positioned either upwind or

downwind. HAWTs are typically either two- or three-bladed and

operate at high blade tip speeds. The rotor receives energy from the

wind and produces a torque on a low-speed shaft. The low-speed shaft

transfer the energy to a gearbox, high-speed shaft, and generator,

which are enclosed in the nacelle or protection.

Notice how the blades are connected to the rotor and to the

shaft. This shaft is called the low-speed shaft because the wind turns

the rotating assembly at a leisurely 10 to 20 revolutions per minute

(rpm) typically.

The low-speed shaft connects to the gearbox, which has a set of

gears that increase the output speed of the shaft to approximately

1,800 rpm for an output frequency of 60 Hz (or a speed of 1,500 rpm if

the frequency is 50 Hz). For this reason, the shaft from the gearbox is

called the high-speed shaft.

The high-speed shaft is then connected to the generator, which

converts the rotational motion to AC voltage. This speed is critical if it is

used to turn the generator directly because the frequency of the ac

from the generator is related directly to the rate at which it is turned.

In commercial turbines, a computer or programmable logic

controller (PLC) is the controller. The controller takes data from an

anemometer to determine the direction the wind turbine should be

pointed, how to optimize the energy harvested, or how to prevent over-

speeding in the event of high winds.



Sta. Ana is a municipality located in the province of Cagayan

Valley, NE Luzon on the northeast tip of the province. Sta. Ana,

Cagayan was chosen primarily because it is located within Zone I as

described in the National Structural Code of the Philippines (refer to

figure 2), where the extreme wind speed design criteria for

infrastructure starts from 70 meters per second and higher. In addition,

the area being on the eastern side of the Philippines is on the typhoon

path. It should be noted that the Philippines experiences about 20

typhoons per year on average.





B. PROJECT TECHNOLOGY: To use a Solar Parabolic Trough system.

This technology uses parabolic trough shaped mirrors to concentrate

the incident DNI onto a receiver tube which is placed at the focal line of the

trough. The basic elements of parabolic trough power station are: a) Solar

collector field, b) Conventional electricity generating unit (steam Rankine

cycle or combined cycle) and c) Thermal Energy storage (optional).

Fig. 1 From: Noor N., & Muneer S. (2010)


Bangladesh gets solar radiation of average 4-6.2KWh/m2/per day that

shows a great opportunity for all types of solar power generation technologies

ranging from small to large scale.



At present, Bangladesh has energy supply from both renewable and

nonrenewable sources. The main renewable energy comprises of biomass,

biogas, solar, hydro, wind, wave energy. This country fully depends on natural

gas, imported oil and biomass to meet energy demand. Present electricity

coverage in Bangladesh is only 62% of total area and per capita electricity

consumption is about 321 KWh. Electricity generation is 6000 MW average

against demand of 7500 MW while the demand for electricity has been rising

by 10 percent every year. This wide gap between production and demand is

mainly due to shortage for gas, high speed diesel (HSD), heavy fuel oil (HFO)

and hurting the power sector. Due to geographical position, Bangladesh has

about 300 clear shiny days with solar radiation of average 5KWh/m2/per day

that shows a huge prospect for CSP plants.

Recent advancements in production techniques, materials, particularly

the development of cheap plastic Fresnel lenses have driven the costs of

CSP technologies down to a remarkable competitive level with photovoltaic’s

as well as traditional power generation sources and other renewable

technologies such as wind. CSP technologies are relatively expensive in

operations and maintenance compare to PV systems but those possess

thermal energy storage (TES) facilities also suitable to dispatch power in grid

by hybridization with existing conventional generation system, so CSP

systems can easily use fossil fuels such as natural gas as a backup fuel

which Numerous modern designs are equipped with heat storage system that

allows dispatch of electricity smoothly in absence of sunlight.


Bangladesh is a densely populated country. Therefore, it is difficult to

find a huge and vacant area that is needed for CSP technology. But CSP can

also be deployed in smaller scale in dispersed areas. In the cities, especially

in the capital Dhaka, solar dish technology can be easily employed on the

roof top of countless high-rise buildings. In the rural areas, one solar dish of

25KWe placed in an open place can serve nearly 200 families.

Why CSP System?

The land use requirements for CSP plants are in fact less than

hydroelectric plants or coal plants if the size of the artificial lake or the land

required for mining and excavation of the coal are taken into account.
Fig. 2 Cost comparison of different power generation methods. From:

Noor N., & Muneer S. (2010)

From Fig.2 it is seen that the capital cost of CSP is somewhat greater

than other technologies but the levelized cost is lower than Supercritical

pulverized coal (SCPC) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)

with carbon capture and storage. The shortage of domestic gas and coal

leads the government to think of imported coal and furnace oil-based power

plant. Considering the environmental issues and the colossal work of

importing and storing such a large amount of fuel, renewable energy,

especially CSP can be a worthy choice for new power plant construction.

Why Parabolic through System and not other CSP technologies?

There are four types of CSP technologies are being used in this world;

they are parabolic trough, power tower, parabolic dish, Linear Fresnel

Reflectors (LFRs). Among the all of the CSP technologies, parabolic trough

technology is highly developed and it deserves the most commercial

experience. Power tower technologies deserve high temperature producing

facilities and require less land compare to parabolic trough. Moreover, the

cost of manufacturing is relatively low because heliostats reflectors are nearly

flat. Parabolic dish technology offers the highest solar to electricity

conversion capacity. Several features, including: the compact size, absence

of cooling water, and low compatibility with thermal storage and hybridization

put parabolic dishes in competition with PV modules, especially

concentrating photovoltaics’ (CPV), as much as with other CSP technologies.

Linear Fresnel Reflectors (LFRs) will probably have lower energy conversion

efficiency and may not have the high optical accuracy like dish and trough

systems. It has the potentiality for lower capital and operating costs. It could
produce energy cheaper than other solar thermal systems. In Table 1

important characteristic of existing four CSP plants have been discussed

Table 1. Comparison of the major features of the four main types of CSP


Now, each of the CSP technologies has some advantages as well as

disadvantages. The operating temperature of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) in

parabolic trough is only 400ºC which makes the overall solar radiation to

electricity efficiency to only 14%. Yet the advantages of lowest materials

demand, good land-use factor, modularity, thermal storage etc. make

parabolic trough the most popular CSP option. 93% of the current operational

and 67% of the under construction and announced CSP plants are parabolic

trough technology based. Although parabolic dish has the highest

efficiency (31.25%) its hybrid operation is still in the R&D phase.

All large power plants in Bangladesh are steam turbine and natural

gas based. Most of the plants are easily combinable with parabolic trough

technology and natural gas can be used as an auxiliary fuel to operate the

combine cycle CSP plant the in absence of sun. Due to good solar radiation

of 5 KWh/m2 and 360 shiny day’s annual plant capacity factor of parabolic

trough plant 25-28% will be according to rated value. Parabolic trough is a

matured technology and commercially proven for more than 20 years. On the

other hand, solar tower technology is on pilot commercial projects stage.


From the technical and environmental point of view it is observed that

installation of CSP plant in Bangladesh can bring huge benefits than alone

stand building roof top or solar PV system. It is a non-oil producing country,

recoverable gas reserve will deplete soon and the coal reserves will last for

only the next few decades. Supply of nuclear fuel via uranium is governed by

geopolitical and matter of high secured technology. Most of the developed

countries are going to stop nuclear fuel-based power plants. By installing and

utilizing CSP technology in power generation present power crisis can

mitigate without carrying huge burden of fuel cost and without threatening the

environment. Till now CSP technologies are expensive to install and matter of

sound technological knowledge. These CSP plants are cost effective only for

large scale production. Nevertheless, a joint study of Greenpeace

International, the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, and the

International Energy Agency's Solar PACES group investigated that the

production cost per unit of power from CSP plants will be cheaper than power

from coal fired plant by 2015 due to efficiency improvements and mass

production of equipment.
Note: Besides considering land utilization, future cost reduction; solar tower

power plant should be in second option.


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