Shivaprakash 1
Shivaprakash 1
Shivaprakash 1
Born on 4th June 1955.
Formerly at Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012
Adjunct Professor, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong (2022 -
Adjunct Professor, NIT Jalundhar, Jalundhar (2021 –
Emeritus Professor , Visveswaraya Technological University, Karnataka (2020 -
Bachelor and Master degrees in 1976 and 1978 from Mysore University.
Ph.D degree in 1982 from the Mysore University
Electronic Instrumentation, Analytical Instrumentation, Embedded systems and
Development of a high pressure DTA and its applications, cry cooler based
Cryosorption Pumps, conducting polymers and OLEDs.
Completed many R & D and consultancy projects funded by DRDO, ISRO, DST,
Has developed indigenously many Instruments which have potential applications in space
programme, fusion applications and defense research. A few of the development works are
listed here.
A novel high pressure Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) has been developed.
This is an analytical instrument developed indigenously as commercial ones are very
expensive. Developed instrument is used at very high pressures and temperatures.
This has been extensively used in the phase transition studies of chalocogenic
Organic Light Emitting Diodse (OLEDs) have potential applications in saving the
power consumption. Fabrication of Organic Light Emitting Diodes using polymeric
anode has been done. Also design and developed Electrochromic conducting
polymers for smart pixel display applications.
Design and fabrication of flexible cryogenic transfer lines to transfer Liquid Helium
and Liquid Nitrogen to end applications has been successfully done. This
development work is very useful for fusion applications.
Magnetic sensors plays a major role in electric vehicles. Developed a monolithic thin
film magnetic sensors with a combination of Anisotropic Magneto Resistance and
Planar Hall Effect for 360 angle and Giant Magneto Resistance for turn counting.
Development of multi-turn sensor with magnetic, nano-wire are under progress. A
multinational company Honeywell is involved in this work with our group.
Over the last 42 years of research career, contributed substantially by publishing and
presenting over 170 papers in reputed International and National journals.
Senior member of IEEE (USA)
Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers,
Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology,
Fellow of Instrument Society of India.
Chairman/expert member in committees of MoE, AICTE, NBA, NAAC and UGC
New Delhi.
Member of Selection Committees of many IITs, NITs and Universities.
Chairman/member of Governing councils, Senate and Academic Councils of
Institutions of repute and Universities.
Referee/ Reviewer of many International and National Scientific Journals
Member of Joint Review Mission of World bank TEQIP project,
Mentor and performance auditor of TEQIP funded Institutions.
Delivered many key note and invited talks at the International and National
conferences India and abroad.
Visited USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, France, Russia, Ukraine,
Poland, Japan, Berlin, Indonesia, Singapore and Spain