SSES-GRADE 1 and 2
SSES-GRADE 1 and 2
SSES-GRADE 1 and 2
Week of the Most Essential Learning Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ competencies Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Grading Period
Learning r online) link if
resources online)
1st Q/ Week Labels the external parts 1. Compares the main parts of Module
1 of the human body the human body
1st Q/ Week Describes the main 2. Infers that each body part has a
2 external parts and specific function and that some
function of the human body parts work
1st Q/ Week
1 Q/ Week Communicates clearly 3. Infers that the human body has
4 proper ways and healthful to meet its needs in order to grow
practices s/he does to care strong and healthy
and protect his/her 4. Practices proper ways of caring
different body parts for the different parts of the body
1st Q/ Week Infers that animals have 5. Observes the external body
5 body parts that help them parts of animals found at home or
survive in school
6. Infers the function of the
external body parts of animals
found at home or in school by
observing their behavior
Week of the Most Essential Learning Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ competencies Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Grading Period
Learning r online) link if
resources online)
1st Q/ Week Infer that animals have to 7. Identifies the needs of animals
6 meet certain needs in order found at home or in school
to live 8. Predicts what may happen to
animals if their needs are not met
1st Q/ Week Show care and concern for 9. Describes ways of caring and
7 animals at home or in showing concern for animals
school 10. Explains why animals should
be cared for
2nd Q/ Week Infers that plants have 1. Describes the parts and
1 parts/structures that help functions of each plant part
them survive 2. Explains that the absence of
some plant parts affect their
2nd Q/ Week Investigates what plants 3. Performs simple structured
2 need to live experiments to find out the needs
of plants found at home or in
school to live
4. Predicts what may happen to
2nd Q/ Week plants if their needs are not met
3 5. States that plants need
sunlight, water, air in order to live
2nd Q/ Week Shows care and concern
6. Describes ways of caring and
4 for plants found at home
showing concern for plants
or in school
2nd Q/ Week 7. Explains why plants should be
5 cared for
Week of the Most Essential Learning Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ competencies Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Grading Period
Learning r online) link if
resources online)
3rd Q/ Week Infers from a given set of 1. Compares materials according
1 observations that some to observable properties, (e.g.
(Matter) materials have similar color, shape, size, texture, odor,
and / or different taste)
3rd Q/ Week properties
2. Classifies materials according
to their physical properties
3 Q/ Week 3. Orders materials according to
3 the degrees of their properties
(Matter) color – light to dark; size – small
to big; short to long, narrow to
wide, short to tall; odor/taste –
bland to strong texture – smooth
to rough
3rd Q/ Week Investigates how to make
4 an object move (e.g., A 4. Tells how force makes objects
(Force and boy goes forward and move/ cause change in motion
Motion) backward when pushed or
3rd Q/ Week pulled 5. Discusses changes that take
5 place when objects and materials
(Force and are pushed, pulled, thrown,
Motion) dropped, or rolled
3 Q/ Week Demonstrates ways to 6. Discovers ways to produce
6 produce sound sound
(Energy) 7. Identifies devices that produce
Infers that sound is sound
Week of the Most Essential Learning Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ competencies Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Grading Period
Learning r online) link if
resources online)
3rd Q/ Week produced by objects / 8. Describes and compares the
7 things that vibrate sounds produced by different
(Energy) objects
Describes the properties 9. Relates the sound made to the
of sound (loudness, pitch, force applied and the kind of
quality) vibrating object
10. Concludes that different
objects make different sounds
4th Q/ Week Infers that the outer part
1 of the earth is the place 1.States that the earth is made of
(Earth’s where we live land, water and air
4th Q/ Week Describes the things 2. Describes the living and non-
2 found in water and land living things on earth
(Earth’s 3. Explains why we should show
surface) care and concern for the earth
4th Q/ Week Describes the weather
3 condition for the day 4. Tells whether the day is sunny,
(Weather) based on observations and rainy, cloudy, windy and stormy
basic weather symbols 5. Uses basic weather symbols to
record weather conditions
3rd Q/
Week 4 Performs an activity to 7.Infers that gas has no definite
show that gases have volume
weight using an improvised
Week of Learning competencies Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
the Grade 2 Science Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Learning r online) link if
Period resources online)
8.Orders materials of the same kind
Demonstrate that gases
but of different sizes
have no definite volume
3rd Q/ Infers that there are 9. Identifies where force can come
Week 5 different sources of force from
1. Wind
2. Water
3. Magnet
4. Gravity
5. Other moving objects
3rd Q/ Infers on the importance of 7. Infers that light is necessary to life
Week 6 light as a form of energy 1. Illustrate real life situations that
light is important
2. Predict what may happen if
there is no sunlight
3rd Q/ Explains the effect of light 8. Identifies the effects of too much
Week 7 on different materials exposure to light
1. describe proper ways of
protecting oneself against too much
exposure to light
3rd Q/ Shows evidence that light 9. Investigates effects of light on
Week 8 bends when it travels materials
1. Describes what happens when an
object is in the path of light
• more light passes through
transparent materials
• little light passes through
Week of Learning competencies Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
the Grade 2 Science Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Learning r online) link if
Period resources online)
translucent materials
• no light passes through opaque
4th Q/ Infers that the Earth is the Features of the Earth’s Surface
Week 1 resource for life and one’s 1. Identifies the things from Earth
needs that living things need to survive
2. Identifies renewable resources
from the Earth
3.Identifies non-renewable resources
from the Earth
4. Explains the importance of land,
water and air as resources for life
4th Q/ Infers that the surface of Human Activities
Week 2 the Earth is affected by the 5. Identifies some activities of
activities of human needs human beings to meet their needs
6. Describes the activities of human
beings that affect the surface of the
Natural Resources
7. Identifies the natural resources in
the area
8. Relates community activities and
livelihood with the natural resources
found in the locality
4th Q/ Describes how the Pollution
Week 3 community makes use of 9. Describes the characteristics of
the natural resources found polluted soil, water and air
in the locality (town, city, 10. Identifies practices that cause
Week of Learning competencies Learning Objectives Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
the Grade 2 Science Exemplar/ develope available (provide a
Learning r online) link if
Period resources online)
province) soil, water and air pollution
11. Infers how soil, water and air
become polluted