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process of drawing. The form of its letters at first occupies the focus of his attention.
OF QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS As he progresses, the matter of form recedes to the margin of attention and finally
LESSON 1.1: Introduction to Questioned Documents to the subconscious mind. Then, the focus is centered on the execution of the various letters
- that is, they are actually written instead of drawn. This process of writing becomes more or
For some 6,000 years, humans have made an indelible mark on history through the less automatic. These habits may not be even known they exist—most of these common
loops, strokes, and other characters that constitute the written form of language – characteristics of one's handwriting pass unobserved by the average person. The
handwriting. Whether it is the movement of a stylus inscribing wet clay or the motion of a questioned document examiner knows about them, however, and through them, he can
pen across paper, handwriting is one of the most familiar forms of expression and one of the determine whether or not the same person wrote the specimens.
most distinctive. The study of handwriting is also an essential part of forensic science. By
analyzing the characteristics of a handwritten note or signature—not only the slant of the As the writer matures, his writing develops in numerous individual characteristics
writing and how letters are formed, but more subtle features – a trained forensic document consistent and repeated from one specimen of writing to another. It is a combination of
examiner (FDE) may be able to extract valuable information for determining whether a note these characteristics unique to an individual, which permits two writing specimens to be
or signature is genuine, as well as the likely writer. identified as the product of one person. Likewise, it this unique combination of
characteristics, which permit most people to recognize the handwriting of friends, relatives,
A forensic document examination results can have far-reaching consequences: a and business associates.
person's life or liberty may hang in the balance. An FDE may be called upon in a court of law
to answer or supply information that would help a judge or jury answer – questions involving During the examination, the expert examines in detail the writings involved in the
authenticity and writership. However, there is increased recognition and concern, highlighted investigation. These will generally consist of documents bearing the handwriting that is in
by several recent studies cited throughout this document, that the nature of evidence and question and other documents bearing known handwriting samples of a suspect. The
human factors have the potential to influence forensic examinations, including handwriting examiner determines the combination of characteristics present in each of the writings and
inadvertently. compares the two. The actual examination involves a thorough, detailed study of all aspects
of the writing, including the entire features, qualities, elements, and factors.
The study of human factors examines the interactions between humans and other
elements of a system – technology, training, decisions, products, procedures, workspaces, C. Mature Writing
and the overall environment – to improve both human and system performance. Inadequate Mature writing is modified by other factors such as education, training, personal
training, extraneous knowledge about the suspects in the case or other matters, poor taste, artistic ability, musculature, nerve tone, and the like. But once the form of the letters
judgment, limitations of vision, sophisticated technology, and stress are but a few factors and their manual execution have been crystallized by prolonged usage, the identifying
that can contribute to errors. Furthermore, poor management, insufficient resources, and characteristics may or may not change as time goes on.
substandard working conditions can also prove detrimental to an examination. Analyzing
human factor issues in handwriting examination – how they arise and how they can be Based on examinations by numerous highly trained experts over a great number of
prevented or mitigated – can informbthe development of strategies to reduce the likelihood years, it has been accepted that no two people/individuals write exactly alike. Granted, there
and impact of errors. will be some superficial resemblance in the write of two or more persons as a result of
similar training received. However, the complexity of writing is such individual peculiarities
and characteristics will appear. A document expert can detect these characteristics and,
LESSON 1.2: Psychological Basis of Handwriting thus, arrive at a scientific opinion. (Kalalang, 2009)

A. Development of handwriting
Handwriting is the act of writing using a pen, pencil, or other writing instrument. It LESSON 1.3: Kinds of Questioned Documents Examination
may also refer to a person's particular style of writing.
The examination of questioned documents falls into two broad classes:
Through handwriting, a writer expresses his fixed muscular habits in fixed mental 1. Criminalistics Examination – for the detection of forgery, erasures, alterations, and
impressions into ideas, words, and symbols. It is physical, psychological, and physiological. obliterations.
Therefore, handwriting is an expression of the writer's personality. To be able to relate a
person to handwriting, however, requires an in-depth study. This science that deals with the 2. Handwriting Identification – to find out who is the author of writing.
study of handwriting, particularly its characteristics, is graphology.
The Criminalistics examinations of documents are similar to other kinds of
B. Mechanism of Handwriting laboratory work. Dr. Wilson Harrison, the noted British examiner of questioned documents,
When man first learns to write, he develops habits of forming the letters. The says that an intelligent police investigator can detect almost 75% of all magnifiers and
different letters are placed before him in his first step, which is only one of imitation by the measuring tools. The examination of documents in the Criminalistics Laboratory is also a
scientific procedure that can't be learned quickly. Interlineations
It uses ultra-violet lights, special photography, and chemical and microscopic tests Cancellation and Obliteration
to determine the age and the kind of ink or the composition of the paper because the
typewriter specimens are also which a criminalistics operation. Materials from which document are made
Handwriting Identification (analysis), on the other hand, is a more complicated Ink
procedure and requires a long study and experience. Because we recognize the handwriting Writing Instrument
of other persons fairly quickly, we think that it is simple. The problem is that no person ever
writes his letters the same way every time. The handwriting expert has to learn differences THE APPEARANCE OF THE DOCUMENT
of form and structure by a sort of intuition, which is not easy to reduce to a science. Thus,
the police investigator or the laboratory criminalist should confine his work to the detection of A document submitted for examination may appear in a variety of forms and
forgeries and erasures and leave the identification of handwriting to a more qualified conditions. The following description may be present in some document:
document expert (Panganiban, 2016).
a. Folds and Creases – most documents are kept in a folded condition.

LESSON 1.4: Definition, Discussion of Documents, Standards, and Characteristics b. Impressions – impressions of paper clips, stamp pads

Concept and General Principles of Questioned Document c. Cancellation stamps – hand stamps of Post Office results in impressions that may
cancel some contents of the document
What is a Document?
A document – is an original piece of written or printed matter conveying authoritative d. Erasures – by rubbing the surface of the paper results in reducing the thickness of the
information or evidence. A document may include photographs, plates, lithographs, writing, paper
figures, marks, or printed matters. Any written, printed or typed material is also considered a
document. When introduced as evidence, it is known as documentary evidence. e. The surface – examination of the surface of the document should be conducted in strong
daylight to detect the presence of effected chemical erasures
What is Questioned Document?
Questioned Document – is a document or paper whose content has been either contested f. Blots and smears – blots are devised for obscuring forger's intention to hide rather than a
in whole or in part as to their authenticity. Thus, if the origin of the document is unknown or manifestation of the careless use of a pen, while smears and smudges usually result from
its authenticity is in doubt, the article is considered questioned document. contact with the other writings

Classes of Questioned Document g. Dimensions – common practice to commit forgery is a careful trimming of the genuine
Documents with Questioned Signature size of paper of the document rather than attempt to erase
Documents Containing Alleged Fraudulent Alteration
Holograph Document Questioned or Disputed h. Perforations – slight irregularities in tearing may prove valuable to the examiner
Documents Attacked on the Questioned of their Date and Age
Document Attacked on the Questioned of Materials Used in their Production Adhesive stamps – stamp if examined, will sometimes reveal an unsymmetrical outline due
Documents that Identify the Handwriting to perforations.
Genuine Documents Erroneously or Fraudulently Attacked
Documents to Identify Typewriting i. Holes and tears – regard all holes and torn places as a suspect document deliberately
made to cover acts of forgery; e.g., a hole for fastening a sheet together
Mechanical Erasures j. Wire marks and Watermarks – are identifying features of a sheet of paper introduced
Symptoms of Mechanical Erasure into the paper at a very early stage in its manufacture.
The ink line is wider
The ink line tends to run or to fader out sideways. Document – the most common meaning given to the term “document " is " any
The ink shows through the back side of the paper. material which contains marks, symbols, or signs, in which these components may either be
visible, partially visible or invisible, - legally competent in conveying meaning or message to
Chemical Erasure someone."
Questioned Document – the term offers varied meanings such as, "any material
or any document in which some issue has been raised"; or that which is under scrutiny" or "a In handwriting identification, standards of comparison or what is commonly referred
document which has a "doubtful origin." to basis of comparison consists of the known authenticated writing of a person.

Questioned Document Examination or Q.D.E – Q.D.E. refers to making a close A comparative examination of a questioned signature or writing is made with the
and critical study of any document – questioned, disputed or attacked, necessary to discover standards of comparison in arriving at a conclusion or an opinion about the genuineness or
the facts about them. authorship of the disputed matter.

During the examination of the document, various techniques, including microscopic, Positive opinion on the genuineness or identity of writing is not given or reached
visual, photographic, chemical, ultraviolet, infrared examination, are utilized to discover the unless an adequate amount of appropriate standard writing for comparison is supplied.
facts about them.
The determination as to whether the standards of comparison are adequate and
Comparison – A process or act undertaken in Q.D.E. in which two or more items appropriate is to be made at the stage of a preliminary examination of a questioned
are set side by side (juxta position) to weigh their identifying qualities, comparison of items documents.
may not only refer to visual but also the mental act in which the element of one item is
related to the counterparts of the other. As a basic requirement, the standards of comparison must contain sufficient
appropriately prepared material or writing so as to indicate not only the individual writing
Collation – as used in this text, the term collation means, ordering or assembling characteristics of the writer but also the usual variations in these habits from one writing to
of detailed results of critical comparison of questioned documents: or a unified result of the other.
detailed comparison between different items or forms of information.
The standards for comparison need not embody all the innumerable characteristics
Opinion – the term "Opinion" is a technical term used by Q.D.E., which may refer of the person's writing, but only those which could occur in material precisely like that in
to the document examiner's conclusion. question or dispute.

Actually, in court, the expert witness does not only express an opinion but Standards of comparison are classified into two groups, as follows:
demonstrates as well the reasons for arriving at this opinion. 1. PROCURED or COLLECTED STANDARDS – those can be obtained from files of
documents executed in the course of a person's day-to-day business, official, social or
Natural variation – the term natural variation, when used about questioned personal activities. They can often serve as the best standards in determining the
handwriting, shall refer to the usual normal deviations found between repeated specimens of genuineness of a questioned signature or writing.
any individual handwriting or in the product of any typewriter. (Kalalang & Kalalang, 2009) 2. REQUESTED STANDARDS – those who are given or made at the request of an
investigator to make a comparative examination with the questioned writing.
Classes of Questioned Documents
Documents are attacked on many grounds and for various reasons, but the great They serve, in addition to collected standards which could be possibly obtained as
majority of questioned papers are included in the following classes: appropriate standards in determining the identity or authorship of anonymous letters (such
(1) Documents with questioned signatures. as libelous or poison notes, extortion notes, ransom notes, letters of threats,
(2) Documents containing alleged fraudulent alterations. etc.(Panganiban, 2016)
(3) Holograph documents questioned or disputed.
(4) Documents attacked on the question of their age or date. POINTS TO CONSIDER IN GATHERING PROCURED OR COLLECTED STANDARDS
(5) Documents attacked the question of materials used in their production. 1. Amount of standard writing available
(6) Documents investigated on the question of typewriting: (a) With a view to ascertaining There is no fixed rule as to the definite number of standards that may be
their source. (b) With a view to determining their date. considered adequate.
(7) Documents or writings investigated because they identify some person through
handwriting: Experience shows, however, that at least seven standards usually constitutes a
(a) Anonymous and disputed letters. sufficient amount of these standards. Still, an effort should not be made merely to comply
(b) Superscriptions, registrations, and miscellaneous writings. with this minimum requirement, but as much as possible, more should be procured, for, as a
rule, ten (10) is better than 7, 15 is better than 10, and 20 is better than 15. More standards
STANDARDS OF COMPARISON provide a wider field for selection of the more appropriate standards.
Standards in questioned documents investigation refer to those things whose
origins are known and can be proven and which can be legally used as samples to compare 2. Similarity of subject matter
with other matters in question. As a rule, like things must be compared. A SIGNATURE cannot be compared with
that of extended writing, neither cursive writing with a block (or hand-lettered or hand-printed)
writing or an extended or conventional (longhand) writing with a block writing.

Therefore, a signature should be compared with a signature, extended writing with

extended writing, and so on.

In this connection, many writers make use of two or more styles of signatures, the
most common of which are:
a. conventional style - one written in the usual longhand writing style.
b. Individualized or personalized style - one in which the signature is made up of certain
designs or patterns, is not usually legible as forms of the letters, but personal to the writer.

The genuineness of a signature of the conventional style cannot be determined on

the basis of personalized signatures and vice versa. A signature must be compared with
standard signatures of the same style.

3. Relative dates of the questioned signature or writing with the standards

The standards must be those executed or affixed on documents with dates,
contemporaneous with, to the date of the questioned. The best standards are those made
on dates, which comes a period of before about and after of the questioned. In some cases,
where the standards do not show radical changes or variations in a few years before or after
the date of the questioned may prove appropriate as standards.

4. Conditions under which both known writing and signature are prepared
Serious illness, intoxication, haste, lack of care or an unnatural writing position as
resting the paper on the knee or magazine or back held with the other hand or writing while
riding in a moving vehicle introduce variations in writings which may render such writings not
appropriate or unsuited standards for comparison with more carefully written material.

Writings made such unusual or unnatural conditions not solely that basis of
comparative examination of writing made or done in a normal condition or position.

5. Kind of instrument and paper used- The kind of writing instrument and paper used
might influence or affect the writing.
Pencil writing, for example, may not entirely show the characteristics of a fountain
pen a ball pen writing.

As a rule, some of the standards, at least, should be those written with the same
instrument as that in the questioned, and as far as possible, the paper used in the standards
should be of the same size, shape, and ruling composition as the one used in the
questioned. (Panganiban, 2016)
MODULE 2: FORGERY DETECTION & SCIENTIFIC HANDWRITING IDENTIFICATION, r. Beard/Embellishment – a preliminary embellish initial stroke that usually occurs in capital
TYPEWRITING IDENTIFICATION & METHODS OF SIGNATURE EXAMINATION s. Buckle/buckle knot – a loop made as a flourish, which is added to the letters as in small
LESSON 2.1: Elements of Handwriting letters "k," "f," or in capital "A," "K," and "H."
t. Terminal stroke – the last element of the letter.
Individual Style or Form of Writing. Every individual writes in some form or style u. Patching/Retouching – going back to a defective portion of a writing stroke. Careful
which is distinct from others despite its close resemblance. The preceding are descriptions patching or retouching is a common defect of forgeries.
and illustrations of individual style or form of writing which describe the preceding w. Pen lift – an interruption in a stroke caused by removing the writing instrument from the
settlements. paper. The pen is frequently raised to get a new adjustment with those who write the
clumsiness or with difficulty. Many writers lift the pen before a, c, t, d, and g. (Kalalang &
Script Writing – any disconnected style of writing in which each letter is written separately. Kalalang, 2009)
Cursive writing – the writing is flowing, running, and the letters are joined.
Block style – letters of the alphabet are capitalized. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Slope or slant – is the angle of inclination of the axis of letters relative to the baseline.
Other Different Individual Characteristics Size of Handwriting – means the relative size of the letters and length of ascending strokes
a. Body – the main portion of the letter remains when the upper and lower projection, concerning another letter's size. The proportion of height to the width of letters. The height of
upstrokes and terminal strokes and diacritics are removed. the initial letter in proportion to the others or the height and length of the ending letter in
b. Diacritics – are elements added to complete a letter; "t" crossing and dots of the letters proportion to the initial one may signify the habit of writing.
"i" and "j". The matras of the Indian script are also known as diacritics signs. The ratio of writing – it is the relation between tall and short letters.
c. Eye/eyelet – a minute or the small loop or curve formed inside the letter; inside the oval
of the letters "a," "d," or "o." Two Groups of Letters:
d. Connection – the stroke which connects two strokes or letters. A. Short – these are letters written entirely between the lines.
e. Foot – the lower part, which rests on the baseline. The small letters "m" has three feet, Examples: a, c, e, I, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x
and the small letter "n" and "h" have two feet. B. Tall – these are the letters with an upper or lower loop or with projected portions.
f. Baseline – an imaginary line where all the letters are supposed to be aligned; the ruled or Examples: d, b, f, g, q, h, j, k, l, p, t, y, z
imaginary line upon which the writing rests. Initial stroke – refers to the initiation or start of a stroke structure.
g. Hiatus or Pen Jump – a failure to complete a junction of a connecting stroke without C. Terminal Spur – a short extended stroke on the terminal stroke.
lifting the pen; a gap is occurring between a continuous stroke without lifting the pen such D. Connecting Strokes – strokes that connect between letters of the word.
occurrences were due to speed. The hiatus may also be stated as a pen jump. E. Hiatus – is defined as the failure to complete the junction between two letters without
h. Hook – it is a minute curve or angle which often occurs at the end of the terminal stroke. lifting the pen.
The terminal curves of the letters "a", "d", "h", "u", is the hook. In the small letter "w," the F. Pen Lift – an interruption in a stroke caused by removing the writing instrument from the
initial curve is the hook; or a hook is a minute voluntary talon-like formation often found at paper.
the commencement of the initial stroke or a terminal stroke. G. Hesitation – is the irregular thickening of the ink line when the writing slows down or
i. Initial stroke – the first element of a stroke. stops while the writer takes stock of it.
j. Loop – an oblong curve such as found in small "f," "g," "l," and letters "h" and "j." A loop H. Lateral spacing – in defining spacing, it should be observed from three points of view: a)
may be formed at the upper or lower part of the letter. It can also be a blind or open loop. A the space between letters; b) space between words and words c) space between lines and
blind loop is usually the result of the ink having filled the open space. lines.
k. Oval – the portion of a letter that is oval. The small letter "a," "d," "g," and "q" contain oval; I. Line Quality – this may refer to the features of the lines and curve of the handwriting.
the portion of the letter which form an oval design. Line quality can be either be good or poor.
l. Retrace – any part of the stroke that is superimposed upon the original stroke; any stroke J. Speed – in writing is executed either fast or rapid, slow or drawn, deliberate or average.
goes back over the same writing stroke.
m. Shoulder/Hump – the outside portion of the top curve; the garland form of the letter as in Principles of test Speed:
small "m" has three shoulders, and the small letter "n" has two; the small letter "h" has one A. Slow – heavy pressure; pen lifts; blunt initial and terminal strokes.
shoulder. B. Very rapid – sloping direction; strokes have a short path from start to finish.
o. Staff or stem – any major long downward stroke of a letter that is the long downward The greater shaded strokes generally reduce speed.
stroke of the letter "b," "g." C. Pen Pressure – defined as the hand or muscles' weight on the pen during the act of
p. Spur – short horizontal terminal strokes mostly found on a small letter, short or initial or writing. The following are its classification:
terminal stroke. D. Shading – it is said to be the difference between the thickest and the finest or thinnest
q. Arc/garlanded – a curve formed inside the top curve or loop, as in small letters "h," "m," strokes. The following are the classification of shading:
E. Alignment – alignment indicates the line of writing concerning the arrangement of letters Somebody's name written by him/her in a characteristics way:
and words. Alignment may be: Straight, Irregular, sloping upward or sloping downward. A distinctive mark, characteristic, or thing that identifies somebody.
F. Rhythm – is defined as the flowing succession of motion, stresses or impulses in
handwriting. The essentials of rhythm are: a) The regularity of slope; b) The regularity of What is a genuine Signature?
size and, c) Regularity of curvature A genuine signature is a combination of a limited number of letters and strokes that
G. Arrangement – is called the relation of the letters and characters with each other. The compose the author/writer's name.
system of arranging the word, sentences, and paragraphs becomes so unconscious and
automatic that it serves to identify a particular person(s). What is Forgery?
H. Retouching – may mean to repeat the contact previously made on the handwriting. Forgery is intent to defraud: a legal term which involves not only no genuine
I. Tremor – defined as a writing weakness portrayed by irregular shaky strokes. (Kalalang & documents but also intent on the part of the maker to defraud.
Kalalang, 2009)
LESSON 2.2: Forgery Detection To determine the genuineness of a questioned signature after if it is compared with
the specimen signature, the following indicators are considered:
Questioned signatures – suspected as being forgeries are the more types of a. Habitual speed of writing
handwriting identification cases and play important roles in many criminal cases. b. The firmness of stroke
c. Degree of skill
A person's handwriting has long been recognized as a form of human identification, d. Fundamental muscular movement
the reason why people are required to sign important documents such as checks, wills, e. Natural variations and
deeds, and contracts. The document in which a person affixed his signature or mark tends d. Rhythm, coordination, continuity and precision
to show and confirms the authenticity, authority, credibility to a document. At the same time,
a typed name does not prove a person's identity. A handwritten provides proof that the EARMARKS (INDICATIONS) OF FORGERY
person wrote or is in agreement with the document. a. Hesitation
b. Unnatural pen lift
When a fundamental habit of one's writing behaviors without a combination of c. Patching, careful retouching
speed, fluency, and rhythm, it could be suspected as good imitation or forgery. The forger d. Tremors
may produce forgery under various processes. It may range in the name's mere writing e. Uncertainty of movement
without any attempt to resemble the genuine signature or simulate or trace to produce a f. Drawn quality devoid of free normal movement
close resemblance of the genuine signature's facsimile. g. Lack of natural variation
h. Blunt initial and terminal strokes
Another type of questioned signature is deliberately altered signature. This type of i. Concealed junction connection
questioned signature is accomplished when a person signs a document making some j. Defective line quality
obvious changes, usually in one major letter form, then claims it is not his signature. k. Presence of indentation and traces of carbon (in case of traced forgery)
l. Presence of intercalations/interlineation
Still, another type of document fraud is the "cut and paste." It is done when the
person takes a genuine signature from a genuine document and photocopies it onto a COMMON TYPES OF NON-GENUINE SIGNATURES
fraudulent document. Simple or Spurious Signature – a fraudulent signature in which there was no apparent
attempt at simulation or imitation. It is a common form of forgery encountered in fraudulent
Signatures are usually the most practiced, and therefore the most automatic or check investigation. The person passing the check depends on the surrounding
habitual of one's writing behavior. A good signature usually exhibits one's best level of circumstances, rather than upon the signature's quality, for his success. (Source: Truth
writing skills and fine motor control. If written with a combination of speed, fluency, and deft Verifier System, Inc.)
fluctuations of pen pressure in that person's customary manner, a well-written signature is
extremely difficult to simulate successfully. The basic principle in signature examination Traced Forgery – any fraudulent signature executed by actually following the outline of a
states that "no two (2) genuine signatures can be exactly alike". But such a statement is genuine signature with a writing instrument. (Source: Truth Verifier System, Inc)
considered true when speaking microscopically because by examining a fret number of
genuine signatures of certain exceptional writers, we can find nearly identical signatures. Simulated or Freehand Imitation Forgery – a fraudulent signature executed purely by
simulation rather than tracing the genuine signature outline can be referred to as a freehand
What Is A Signature? imitation or simulated forgery. A forger in this instance draws, not writing.
A signature is the person's name written by him/her in the document as a sign of
LESSON 2.3: Handwriting examination: Kinds of handwriting, phases and process of Therefore, handwriting is made up of its various elements; it has certain
scientific handwriting examination outstanding, distinctive features. Some of its characteristics are easily seen, and others are
inconspicuous but very significant; it has the qualities, roundness, smoothness, legibility, or
Individual Style or Form of Writing. Every individual writes in some form or style
which is distinct from others despite its close resemblance. The preceding are descriptions For expediency (for want of ready distinctions of any one of the terms "qualities,"
and illustrations of individual style or form of writing which describe the preceding elements and characteristics from the others), the details that serve to identify handwriting
settlements. are termed collectively) characteristics in this course.
Script Writing – any disconnected style of writing in which each letter is written separately.
Cursive Writing – the writing is flowing, running, and the letters are joined. RECOGNITION OF WRITING CHARACTERISTICS
Block Style – letters of the alphabet are capitalized. Before one could make a comparison and proper evaluation of the characteristics
of handwriting, he must first know how to observe or recognize these writing characteristics.
Scientific handwriting examination consists of three essential phases, namely: The following are the writing characteristics (as factors of identification) commonly
1. Recognition (Analysis) of characteristics involved in examining handwriting.
2. A complete comparison of all characteristics
3. Correct interpretation evaluation of characteristics WRITING CHARACTERISTICS
Form – this refers to the shape or design of the individual letters. In connection with the
Process in the scientific method of examination factor of FORM, the following points should be taken into consideration:
Analysis – properties or characteristics are observed or measured, determined. a. Mere similarities in the form are not alone sufficient indication or identity.
Comparison – a process or act undertaken in Q.D.E. in which two or more items are set b. Basic differences in the form of letters are indications of two writings being made by
side by side (juxtaposition) to weigh their identifying qualities. It is the comparison of items different writers.
that may not only refer to visual but also the mental activity in which the element of one item
is related to the counterparts of the other. Properties or characteristics of the unknown System - refers to the particular style or system of writing (penmanship) practiced or learned
determined thru analysis are now compared with the familiar or recorded properties of in childhood. The system of writing leaves an indelible impression or influence on later
known items. writing, particularly in the form of capital letters. Another influence, relative to the system,
Evaluation – similarities or dissimilarities in properties or characteristics will each have a which leaves its stamp on the writing of maturity is the so-called national or radical influence
certain value for identification, determined by its likelihood of occurrence. The weight or where a person migrating to another country carry a foreign aspect of his writing ( from his
significance of each must, therefore, be considered. The identification principle requires that country of birth) just as his long residence in another country).
when two items contain a combination of corresponding or similar and specifically oriented
characteristics of such number and significance as to preclude the possibility of their Problems in foreign hands are relatively few or infrequent, but it well to remember the
occurrence by mere coincidence. And there are no unaccounted for differences, it may be following pointers on the system of writing in handwriting identification:
concluded that they are the same, and their characteristics attributed to the same cause. 1. National, as well as system similarities are not indicative of identity when considered
alone. Other evidence of identity must be sought to corroborate such an indication.
Therefore, the examination involves the recognition, complete comparison, and 2. National or system differences are very significant indications of none-identity between
correct interpretation or evaluation of the elements, features, qualities, and characteristics of two writings.
the handwriting.
MUSCULAR HABITS OR COORDINATION – the pen in writing is usually held between the
As an element or condition of anything, quality is perhaps a better single thumb on the one hand. On the other, the index and middle fingers, which function as a
description term "characteristics" when used as a general descriptive term connected with single unit holding the pen against the cushion of the thumb. In upward strokes, the
handwriting identification. movement impulse originates from the thumb, which pushes the pen against the index and
middle fingers, which yield to the impulse with just a sufficient force to allow the upward
Features – included among the qualities of handwriting are its distinctive features that would movement (muscles involved in this operation. Are the exterior muscles).
more strictly speak.
Element – which refers more to the separate physical parts of a thing, is also an In the execution of the down strokes, the impulse originates from the index's flexor
appropriately descriptive term and, in some connections, preferable to "quality" ( as " quality" muscles and the middle fingers and the thumb yields.
is a more general term and refers to a more extended or pervasive idea than an element.
Characteristics – when defined in its wider sense as anything that may describe or In hand trained to precision, with these three fingers functioning together in smooth
characterize, may be technically correct. coordination, writing so produced shows straight lines intended to be found, and curves will
be informed, smooth are regular.
writing like a signature, is unless the divergence is very pronounced. But if several
Where precision is not attained, because the three fingers are in constant conflict signatures claimed to have been produced at different times are in question (or even two or
with each other producing a discordance, smooth curves, area of tops of the letters and three are under scrutiny). And they are like each other in the matter of size divergence
straight lines may be written irregularly. becomes significant in proportion to its extent, the number of divergent examples and the
number standards.
As the degrees of muscular precision attained are not the same in different writers
because muscular coordination peculiarities are beyond the writer's control. Written results Slant – this refers to the slope of writing concerning the baseline. Slant is a fairly stable
of muscular coordination are of major importance in the identification of any writing where habit, and the average slant varies but slightly, if at all, in writings with natural hand.
they occur. Particularly when they are found to be habitual (that is, where the same
peculiarity is repeated several times on the same type of stroke: up or down, straight or Spacing – spacing between letters in words depends upon the length of the connecting
curved, left to right or vice versa). strokes or links. Short connections result in compact writing; long connections result in
spread-out, extended writing.
Straight Lines – In writing, many strokes are supposed to be straight lines, but this is not
always true to many writers due to different causes, the principal of which is lack of muscular Proportion – Individual characteristics in relative proportions of letters - the proportion of a
coordination. part, of a letter, or the relative height of one letter to another letter-can be found in different
writings. The proportion of letters is one of the hidden features of writing - it is unknown even
To different writers, what is intended to be a straight line (especially in long to the writer.
downward strokes) may be curved to the left or the right, or may contain a double curve or
may even the serious (crooked) Movement – there are three different writing movements employed by different writers,
Generally, straight lines are found mostly in writings executed with speedy forearm 1. Finger movement – thumb, index and middle fingers are used exclusively in the writing
movement, and the most irregular are in writing made with the finger movement. of letters. It is a movement employed by children, or illiterates or generally by those with
whom writing is an unfamiliar process; it is a push and full writing movement. Writing
Curves – writings produced with smooth muscular coordination will show, aside from produced by finger movement is characterized by the following: a) lack of clear-cut, smooth
straight lines, uniform and regular curves. Lack of muscular coordination manifests itself at regular lines; b) contains numerous broad curves; c) the irregular connection between
places of the writing at or near the top or bottom of the letters where movement impulse letters and letter; d) often appears slow and labored, lacks rhythm and; e) shading is
changes from one unit to another. So that instead of curves at the tops or arcs of letters, pronounced
angles may be formed, or abrupt irregularities, angularity or other lack of symmetry in the 2. Hand movement – involves the hand's action as a whole, with fingers playing but a minor
curves may occur. role (their action being limited mainly to forming the smaller parts of the letters). The pivot of
the lateral motion is the wrist. Lateral movement, though a step farther than movement, is
ANGLES – angles are usually serving as a junction between straight lines and curves in still restricted. Freedom in long strokes and continuity of motion is not yet possible. Much of
writing strokes. Among different writers, strokes' junction may range from the approximate the illegible, scratchy, angular writing (of women, especially) is produced by hand movement.
right angle to one so acute is normally curved are habitually made. Some writers, with an 3. Forearm movement – writing is produced by the movement of both hands and arm and
angle, the writing produced would be of the angular style. fingers in some cases. The elbow is the pivot of lateral movement. Forearm movement
writing shows the greatest freedom and speed as evidence in strokes by: a) force continuity
When angles serve as the connection between lines and curves, they imply a of motion is shown by smooth clear-cut, rapid, symmetrical strokes indicative of rhythm; b)
discontinuity of writing movements impulse (a momentary stop of pause with an abrupt Slight shading is produced; c) The radius of lateral motion is longer (than in finger and hand
change of direction). movements) so that fewer shifting of the writing hand to the right is necessary; d) more even
RETRACING – in writing, some writers execute letters with upward stroked moving over or e) uniformity in size of letters and; f) smooth regular long strokes and curves
retracing downward strokes, and these characteristics of retracing are very slight; in others, 4. Whole arm movement – involves the action of the entire arm without rest and is
quite considerable and pronounced. With some writers, still, the junction is a plain angular employed in very large writing, in ornamental penmanship, in blackboard writing, and few
stroke instead of retrace. writers in making all the capital letters. The following are the general classification of writing
movement: 1) clumsy, illiterate and halting; 2) hesitating and painful through weakness or
CONNECTIONS (connecting strokes or links) – it introduces to the strokes of links that disease; 3) nervous and irregular; 4) strong, heavy and forceful and; 5) smooth flowing and
connect a letter with the one following. In signatures, it is a common practice among many rapid
writers to write their signatures with the initials and names connected without lifting the pen.
Line quality – line quality of writing refers to the visible record in the written stroke of the
Size – size as a writing characteristic is somewhat divergent under varying conditions. It basic movements and manner of holding the writing instrument, and this quality of the visible
may have but little significance, when applied to only one example, or to a small quantity of record is derived from a combination of factors including writing skill, speed, rhythm, shading,
pen pressure and pen position. Delicate, controlled pen pressure accompanies developed, a habitual rhythm that gives to
writing its vitality or life.
Tremor – tremor means deviations from uniform strokes of the lack of smoothness perfectly
apparent even without magnification. Pen lift – an interruption in a stroke caused by removing the writing instrument from the
Causes of tremor: paper. Those who write the clumsiness or with difficulty, the pen is raised frequently to get a
1. Lack of skill on the part of the writer new adjustment. Many writers lift the pen before a, c, t, d, and g.
2. Self-consciousness of the writing process
3. Hesitation resulting from copying or imitation Rubric or embellishment – refers to additional, unnecessary strokes, not necessary to the
4. Uncontrollable nervousness of the writer legibility of letterforms or writings but incorporated in writing for decorative or ornamental
5. In illiterate writing, due to clumsiness partly due to lack of a clear mental impression of the purposes.
form being made.
Kinds of tremors: Writing characteristics are classified into:
1. Genuine tremors, such as; a) tremor of age; b) tremor of illiteracy and; c) tremor of 1. Class characteristics – not all characteristics of writing are peculiar to a single person.
weakness Those that are common to a group are class or general characteristics.
2. Tremor of fraud 2. Individual characteristics – highly personal or peculiar characteristic to a particular
writer and is unlikely to occur in other instances is best described as individual
Skill – writing skills are dependent upon many factors, manual dexterity being the most characteristics.
important them. Manual dexterity is either inherent or acquired. 1) Legibility and; 2) Similarities – those features or characteristics common to two writings. They may be mere
Symmetry. Skill is usually classified as poor, medium and good. similarities that are found to be common to a group or writers (class characteristics), or they
may be significant similarities which in combination serve to particularize or individualize a
Rhythm - habitual rhythm in writing in the harmonious recurrence of stress or impulse or certain writer (Individual characteristics).
motion; it is the movement's balance quality, producing a natural and not a constrained or Differences – characteristics of certain writing that diverge from those of another writer in
artificial result. such a manner and degree that the differences cannot be reasonably explained or
accounted for. These differences are more than the trivial or usual variations normally found
A flowing hand (a term used to describe a skillful, artistic writing ability) is a coordinated in any writing for any unusual conditions of the writer or those surrounding him.
succession of movement impulses that glide into each other with a rhythm. Variations – variations in writing a person's writing are partial changes, alterations,
departures, and modifications in the alphabetical characters' normal formations.
Speed – handwriting shows great variation in speed and muscular skill, among different The most common forms of variation in writing developed by use are:
writers, ranging from the clumsy hesitation of illiterate and the palsied (related to paralysis) Abbreviating – taking away or reducing essential parts.
feebleness of age, up to the skillful dash and grace of the adopt. Speed can be classified Embellishment – the extension of easily made strokes and natural outgrowth of speed,
into four divisions: 1) slow and drawn; 2) deliberate; 3) average and; 4) rapid. freedom or individual taste or caprice.
Disguise – any changes or alterations and modifications employed by a person to distort or
Shading and pen position – (pen hold), as related to each other alter his usual or normal writing style and habits to hide his identity.

Shading refers to the more obvious increase in the width of strokes. The consistent Common Methods use in Disguise
variations in width, due to variations in pen pressure, of fine and delicate lines are more 1. Alteration of capital letters
specifically referred to as unconscious emphasis (as differentiated from pronounced, 2. Change of slant
perfectly evident shading") 3. Alteration in size
4. Block (printed) letters are disguises
Points to be considered, with special attention, regarding shading:
1. its form
2. its intensity LESSON 2.4: Typewritting Identification: Kinds of Typewriter; Defects of Typewriters,
3. its frequency Basis of Typewritting Identification, Obtaining Typewriter Exemplars
4. Its skill
Basis of Typewriting identification
Pen Pressure – pen pressure is one of the most personal but somewhat hidden 1. Same type size
characteristics in writing. Pen pressure more accurately describes the proportions of strokes a. standard type sizes
to each other in width as affected by shading and by unconscious emphasis. 1. PICA - 10 characters per inch
2. ELITE - 12 characters per inch wrote or is in agreement with the document.
b. proportional spacing type
Examples: I.B.M. typewriters When a fundamental habit of one's writing behaviors without a combination of
speed, fluency, and rhythm, it could be suspected as good imitation or forgery. The forger
Certain letters or groups of letters are of proportional units of measurements, like 1/3 unit may produce forgery under various processes. It may range in the mere writing of the name
type: without any attempt to resemble the genuine signature or simulate or trace to produce a
f l i t j – 2 units close resemblance of the genuine signature's facsimile.
h r u w – 4 units
m – 5 units Another type of questioned signature is deliberately altered signature. This type of
questioned signature is accomplished when a person signs a document making some
2. Same type design obvious changes, usually in one major letter form, then claims it is not his signature.
a. 8 key letters and other alphabetical characters
b. numerals 1-9 and other signs and symbols Still, another type of document fraud is the "cut and paste." This is done when the
person takes a genuine signature from a genuine document and photocopies it onto a
3. Similar combination of correctly and defective writing characters fraudulent document.
a. alignment defects
1. horizontal alignment defects Signatures are usually the most practiced, and therefore the most automatic or
2. vertical alignment defects habitual of one's writing behavior. A good signature usually exhibits one's best level of
3. character printing "off-its-feet." writing skills and fine motor control. If written with a combination of speed, fluency, and deft
4. tilted characters fluctuations of pen pressure in that person's customary manner, a well-written signature is
b. typeface defects extremely difficult to simulate successfully. The basic principle in signature examination
1. permanent defects – actual breaks on the typeface, like worn-off series, cut states that "no two (2) genuine signatures can be exactly alike", but such a statement is
on shanks, etc. considered true when speaking microscopically. Because by examining a great number of
2. transitory defects – dirty impressions from " clogged" or "dirty" typefaces, genuine signatures of certain exceptional writers, we can find nearly identical signatures.
and incomplete impressions due to poor condition or worn-out, torn ribbon.
What is a Signature?
4. Look for erasure marks. If anything has been erased on the amount line or where the Signature is the name of the person written by him/her in the document as a sign of
payee's name is written, it is quite likely that the payee's amount has been changed even acknowledgment.
though the signature may be genuine. Somebody's name written by him/her in characteristics way:
A distinctive mark, characteristic, or thing that identifies somebody.
5. Look for more than one kind of ink having been used. It indicates that the signature is
genuine; the amount or the payee's name was changed with ink different from that used to What is a genuine Signature?
write the check. It would, of course, indicate fraud. A genuine signature is a combination of a limited number of letters and strokes that
compose the author/writer's name.
6. Compare the handwriting in the signature with that of the endorsement. If the
handwriting appears to be the same that would indicate that the same person wrote both What is Forgery?
names. Forgery is intent to defraud: a legal term which involves not only no genuine
documents but also intent on the part of the maker to defraud.

LESSON 2.5: Signature Identification: Types of Signature, Areas of Signature EARMARKS (INDICATIONS) OF GENUINENESS
Identification, Methods of Signature Examination To determine the genuineness of a questioned signature after if it is compared with the
specimen signature, the following indicators are considered:
Questioned signatures – suspected as being forgeries are the more types of a. Habitual speed of writing
handwriting identification cases and play important roles in many criminal cases. b. The firmness of stroke
c. Degree of skill
A person's handwriting has long been recognized as a form of human identification, d. Fundamental muscular movement
the reason why people are required to sign important documents such as checks, wills, e. Natural variations and
deeds, and contracts. The document in which a person affixed his signature or mark tends d. Rhythm, coordination, continuity and precision
to show and confirm authenticity, authority, credibility to a document. At the same time, a
typed name does not prove a person's identity. A handwritten provides proof that the person
a. Hesitation
b. Unnatural pen lift
c. Patching, careful retouching
d. Tremors
e. Uncertainty of movement
f. Drawn quality devoid of free normal movement
g. Lack of natural variation
h. Blunt initial and terminal strokes
i. Concealed junction connection
j. Defective line quality
k. Presence of indentation and traces of carbon (in case of traced forgery)
l. Presence of intercalations/interlineation


Simple or Spurious Signature – a fraudulent signature in which there was no apparent
attempt at simulation or imitation. It is a common form of forgery encountered in fraudulent
check investigation. The person passing the check depends on the surrounding
circumstances, rather than upon the signature's quality, for his success. (Source: Truth
Verifier System, Inc.)

Traced forgery – any fraudulent signature executed by actually following the outline of a
genuine signature with a writing instrument. (Source: Truth Verifier System, Inc)

Simulated or Freehand Imitation Forgery – a fraudulent signature executed purely by

simulation rather than tracing the genuine signature outline can be referred to as a freehand
imitation or simulated forgery. A forger in this instance draws, not writing.
FRSC 104 QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS EXAMINATION that a different kind of machine was used to write the substituted page. Likewise, ultraviolet
MODULE 3: DOCUMENT ALTERATIONS, PRESERVATION, INKS AND EQUIPMENT’S light may show that a different kind of paper was used. When suspicion arises, the page
IN EXAMINATION, COUNTERFEITING RELATED LAWS AND COURT DUTIES OF should be tested scientifically to established sufficient proof that the page was substituted.
LESSON 3.1: Fraudulent Alterations on Documents 6. Cancellation and Obliteration
Alteration by cancellation is occasionally found in a document of importance, such
1. Mechanical erasure as a will, deed, or contract to eliminate a word. Name or sentence without the necessity of
Mechanical erasures are alteration that produces an abrasion on the paper. The rewriting the entire matter. Using the same written instrument, the writer draws the lines in
abrasion makes the paper porous by disturbing the fiber arrangement and by removing the the form of latticework, or vertical or horizontal lines through the writing to effect cancellation.
coating and sizing from the surface of the paper if an ink creases the erase area though an All these cancellations are presumed to have been made by the writer, but in some
effort was made to repair the damage, the following condition will show plainly that an instances, have shown that cancellation had been made by other persons with the intent to
erasure was made. defraud by changing the language of the documents.
a. The ink line is wider
b. The ink line tends to run or to fader out sideways Cancellation may be determined but the character of the lines in the cancellation. If
c. The ink shows through the back side of the paper. they are inconsistent with the general writing, there is ground for suspicion that some other
persons made the cross lines. Pen or pencil lines vary greatly. Some may be heavy and are
2. Chemical Erasure made with pressure after the writer's habit, or they may be light lines, unlike the habitual
When skillfully done, chemical erasures are difficult to detect by ordinary writing of the testator. Such differentiation may be determined by comparing a line in the
observation, but such observation to leave their mark. Chemical eradicators tend to stain the cancellations with the specimens of writing made other times by the writer of the document.
paper. Chemical eradicators do not remove the writing, but merely bleach out the colon; thus, The kind of ink used may be another factor that shows fraud. Also, the angle of the lines
chemically erase writing may be reproduced using ultraviolet light or infra-red photography. made by the pen may be dissimilar and of a nature that would be impossible to be attained
by the writer of the document.
3. Additions
In this type of case, new pages of writing, typewriting or printing may be inserted.
Perhaps only a few lines are added to alter the original meaning of the document. It LESSON 3.2: Decipherment of Invincible Writing & Ink Examination
becomes the problem of the investigator to establish the authenticity or fraudulence of the
addition. Documents with visible marks, symbols or signs are practical documents whose
marks, symbols or signs are clearly seen and can be readily deciphered by the reader. All
4. Interlineation writings, symbols, marks or signs are vividly legible to the reader.
According to J. Newton Baker, an interlineation in the writing between the lines of
an instrument to add a part to it or correct what has been written. If interlineation has been Other documents contain invisible writings on a writing material that cannot be
done after the execution of the instrument, it may be a material alteration, but if it is done deciphered by the reader unless there is an application of certain chemicals to restore the
without the authority or consent of the interested parties, it may be a forgery. In every writings. The invisible writing on the document could also result from using some substance
instance of interlineations, the question arises as to when and with what intent the as the ink of the writing instrument, which is also known as invisible ink.
interlineation was made. Whether an after writing was made the writer or by another person
at a time, or at a remote time, changing the purpose and value of the instrument, when The most common method to produce an invisible ink is to mix calamansi juice,
disputed, is a matter of action to be satisfactorily explained or provena forgery by expert liquid milk and brown sugar or maybe coffee and brown sugar. These substances can
testimony. provide invisible writings. To decipher the writings, heating process, or chemical reaction in
some ways can be done or moistening or immersing the document in water.
5. Substitution
It is another kind of fraudulent alteration that is committed when an entire page has INK EXAMINATION
been removed from an instrument and replaced by another piece containing matters Some authorities consider that the earliest ink was a form of vegetable varnish.
different from those of the removed page. A substitution does not contain any signature or Undoubtedly, the oldest type of ink was invented by the Chinese thousands of years ago.
seal. The substituted page may also appear to be the same kind, color, brand and The Chinese were given no credit for its invention in the name by which is commonly known
watermarks as the original. On the other hand, the thickness in the grain of the substituted - Indian ink (consisting of amorphous carbon in the form of lampblack made into the cake
paper may differ from those of the other pages of the will. with hiding glue).

The character of the handwriting itself, the place where the will has been The following are some classes of inks:
typewritten, or the character of the type used in a document may be sufficient to cause Printing ink - made by the grinding carbon in vegetable char with a varnish made of natural
suspicion. Or, it may expose fraud. The typewriting may show a different date or may reveal gums and drying oils.
Canceling ink - often contains carbon, and this fact should be borne in mind when it is usually applied to a form of forgery involving money. The right to make a coin and print
required to decipher faint cancellation marks on postage stamps or wrappers. money is limited by law to governments, and most nations prohibit the making of coins of
Iron tannin ink - discovered in a way that when soluble salts of iron were mixed with their own and the making of coins or paper money of other governments. The term
extracts from vegetable materials such as tanbark and nut- galls, which were already in use counterfeit not only described imitating currencies but also frequently describes forged
for tanning hide. This dark liquid was more suitable for use with the contemporary invented documents, clothing labels, software, pharmaceuticals, watches, or more recently, cars and
type of pen, the quill. motorcycles, especially when this results in patent infringement or trademark infringement.
Record ink - this is the term applied to the ink of high quality, which is assured of a long life
under reasonable storage conditions. Definition of the Term
Fountain pen ink - a recording ink which contains about half the normal concentration of Counterfeiting – is the act of imitating money, passports, stamps, labels, etc. , in order to
iron compounds, but an increased proportion of dyestuff. defraud a bank, company and other government agencies.
Colored inks - synthetic dyestuffs form the basis of practically all colored inks, whether
intended for use in fountain pen or not.
Copying ink - is substantially a concentrated record ink that has been added chemicals
such as glycerin or dextrin.
Logwood ink - formerly in extensive use but rarely encountered today. About 80 percent of
writing ink is dyestuff ink, the remainder being iron-tannin.
Stamp pad ink - these inks are very similar to hectograph inks except that they are heavily
loaded with humectants, such as glycerol or glycol, which prevent the pad from drying up.
Some of the quick-drying stamp-pads inks contain solvents such as acetone, methyl alcohol
or ethyl acetate.
Ball-point inks - the success of the ballpoint pen has been bound with the provision of
suitable inks.
Liquid-lead pencil ink - is an ordinary ballpoint pen with a fluid containing finely divided
carbon substituted for the usual dyestuff containing ink.

LESSON 3.3: Counterfeit Identification: Security Features Of Banknotes and Coins,

Examination of Counterfeit Bills and Counterfeits Coins, Related Laws (SPL and RPC)

Counterfeiting is probably is old as money itself. Before paper money was

introduced, counterfeiting was done by mixing base metals (what to be supposed to be pure
gold or silver).

Also, individuals "shave" the edges of the coin so that it weighed less than it
supposed to, a clipping process. It is not counterfeiting, but the exponents could use the
precious metal clippings to make counterfeits. A fourrée is an ancient type of counterfeit coin,
in which a base metal core has been plated with a precious metal to look like its
solidcounterpart. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/counterfeit).

Forgers/perpetrators of counterfeit in early times were dealt harshly by Kings

through death, hanging, drowning or burning. The gruesome forms of punishment were
being construed as "treason" rather than a simple crime. In America, counterfeiting also
used to be punishable by death, such as paper currency printed by Benjamin Franklin often
before the phrase "to counterfeit is death." The theory behind such harsh punishments was
that one who had that skill to counterfeit currency was considered a threat to the state's
safety and had to be eliminated. Features of Central Bank Coins
 Even the flow of metallic grains
Modern counterfeiting begins with paper money. The term counterfeit shall mean  High relief of letters and numerals
an imitation that is made usually with the intent to represent its contents or origins  The regularity of readings and beading
deceptively. It is something made to imitate the real thing and used for gain. The word is
How to Detect Genuine and Counterfeit Money erased with an ordinary rubber eraser or agitating with wet fingers.
Lacework design – lacework designs are geometric patterns which can be found along the
 The portrait appears life-like, and the eyes sparkle. border of both surfaces, embellishing the portrait, value panel and vignette and the legend
 Watermark design is the same as the colored portrait, which is discernible when ANG BAGONG LIPUNAN. They are multi-colored and composed of sharp lines which are
viewing with the aid of transmitted light. continuous and traceable even in the joints. In counterfeit money bill, lacework design is
 The note has a polychrome background with one predominant color for each often blurred, rough on the edges and blotched on the joints, continuity cannot be traced and
denomination. the color appear faded.
 Prefix letters and numbers are printed and have peculiar style and uniformity in size
and thickness. Color of Denomination – genuine notes possess polychrome background with one
 The colored fibers can be picked off using any pointed instrument. predominant color for each denomination, whereas, in counterfeit notes there is an irregular
 Lines are clear and sharp. sputtering of white spots caused by non-registry or breaks of the background tints.

Counterfeit Serial number – in genuine notes, the prefix letter (s) and numbers are clearly printed and
have a peculiar style, uniformity in size and thickness. Spacing of the numbers is uniform
 The paper is generally smooth brought about by straight photographic copying.
and alignment is even. The letter (s) and numbers in counterfeit money are poorly printed,
 Geometric patterns, which is the lacework are blurred, tough on edges and blotted
usually of different style and are not evenly spaced. Poor alignment is obviously observed,
 The metallic thread was printed on the back of the note on the inner side of the thickness ids irregular and in certain cases shaded on the curves.
 When coins, it feels greasy and slim Vignette – in examining the vignette of genuine and counterfeit bills, lines and dots
composing the vignette must be observed. In genuine notes vignette are fine, distinct and
Examination of Genuine and Counterfeit Money sharp and of varying color tone that gives a bold look to the picture while in counterfeit, there
Bank Notes is no variation of color tones so that the pictures appear flat.
Distinctive Feel – In genuine money, the fingers will readily feel the main prints on the front
and back. This is due to the measurable thickness of the ink deposited on the paper, which Cleanness of Print – in genuine notes, the registry of the different printed features are
gives the prints an embossed effect. In counterfeit, the fingers hardly feel the prints because clean and sharp with no blurs cling to the side, while a spurious note exhibits a 'second
it is generally smooth brought about by straight photographic copying. hand' look – dirty due to sputtering of ink on the interior area. Instantly, over ink areas are
visible, the shadings and ornamentations of letters and figures are thick and merge.
Portrait – take note that in genuine money the portrait appears life-size and the eyes
sparkle. The tiny dots and lines forming the details of the face, hair, etc. , are clear, sharp Coins
and well defined and the portraits stands out distinctly from the background. Examine the Genuine coins show an even flow of metallic grains. The details of the profile, the
background which is composed of of multi-colored fine pattern of lines in varying tones and seal of the Republic of the Philippines, lettering and numerals are of high relief, so that it can
shades interlacing with each other. In counterfeit money bill, the portrait appears "lifeless". readily felt distinctly by running the fingers on these features. The beadings are regular and
The face and/or forehead are often unnaturally white or pale due to absence of most details. the readings are deep and even. (Truth Verifier System, Inc.)
The portrait appears pale and as a result, blurred, dull, smudgy, and poorly printed. The
multi-colored prints on genuine notes are extremely difficult to duplicate, counterfeit notes Most counterfeit coins feel greasy and appear slimy. The beading composed of
are usually offcolor and not of the right shade or tone.
tiny round dots surrounding the genuine coin appear irregular and elongated depression
Watermark – the watermark underneath the security lacework on the right hand side of the
note is the same as the colored portrait. Sharp details of the outline or the light and shadow and are not sharp and prominent as in the genuine. The letterings and the numerals are
effect are discernible with the aid of a transmitted light while in counterfeit, coarse or harsh
or irregular are very obvious. low and worn out due to a lack of sharpness of details. The readings are uneven and
Metallic thread – this is a special thread placed vertically on the paper during manufacture show signs of filing. (Truth Verifier System, Inc.)
and on the surface of the paper where the thread is located are patterns of vertical lines. In
the counterfeit bill, the metallic thread is faked using printing on the back of the note or the Related Laws (S.P.L. and R.P.C.)
paper's inner side. Counterfeiting is defined under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines (2005)
as "a crime against" public interest which include:
Colored fibers – colored fibers are scattered at random on both surfaces of the paper and Art. 161 – counterfeiting the great seal of the Government of the Philippine Islands, forging
can be readily picked off by any pointed instrument. In contrast, in the counterfeit bill, the signature or stamp of the Chief Executive, with an imposable penalty of reclusion
colored fibers are simulated by printed lines and cannot be picked off. It can be easily
temporal; pen lift in signature analysis. Using the stereoscopic microscope with proper angle and
Art. 162 – using forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamps, with the penalty of prision intensity of illumination aids in decipherment of erasures, some minute manipulation, such
mayor; as defects in stroke structures, alignment of strokes, tremors, hesitations, pen jumps and
Art. 163 – Making and importing and uttering false coins, shall 1) prision mayor, prision line quality of writing strokes and the sequence of entries clone by different writing
correccional and fines; instrument, discovers overlapping of line, uneven distribution of ink, overwriting, fraudulent
Art.164 – Mutilation of coins. A penalty of prision correccional and fine; addition, interlineations, and pencil outline of forged signatures.
Art. 166 – Forging treasury or bank notes or other documents payable to bearer importing
and uttering such false or forged notes and documents, is punishable by 1) reclusion Shadowgraph Machine
temporal b) prision mayor in the maximum and minimum periods; This machine is useful in both signature, handwriting and typewriting analysis
Art. 167 – Counterfeiting importing and uttering instruments not payable to bearer, a penalty because it enlarges minute details as much as 20x without ocular piece.
of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods.
Transmitted Light Examination
This technique helps the examiner determine the presence of erasures, matching
LESSON 3.4: Care and Preservation of Documents and Its Apparatus in Examination of serration, and some other types of alterations in the document.

General Principles in the Care, Handling and Preservation of Questioned Document Indirect light Examination (Oblique Light Examination)
An oblique light examination is a proper technique to decipher faded handwritings,
From the moment that the genuineness of the document is questioned, it should be erased entries in the document, determination of outlines in traced forgery, embossed
handled and cared for in a manner that will not impair in the slightest degree its evidentiary impressions, and viewing watermark and other characters' elements document.
value. Every part of a suspected document's exact physical condition should be carefully
observed in detail and made a matter of definitely written record. After that, the documents Photographic Examination
should be preserved as far as possible in the same condition as it was first suspected. Reproduction of the document through photograph supplements the microscope by
recording what is seen by the magnifying lens. The uneven distribution of ink in retouching
The following necessary negative direction must be observed: can be visible, erased portion and pen jumps. Relatively, the enlargement of documents in
1. A disputed document should not be cut, torn or in any manner mutilated, in the slightest question is in preparation for a comparison chart for court presentation whenever the
degree. examiner renders an expert opinion.
2. It should not be touched with the eraser of any kind, nor with a pen, pencil, or sharp
instrument of any character. Ultra Violet (U.V.) Examination
3. It should not be folded in any manner The use of ultraviolet light is essential in documents consisting of several pages,
4. It should not be folded and unfolded and substitution is suspected. This is also useful in examining typewriting ribbon and defects
5. It should not be wet, and except by special permission, no chemicals should be applied to between genuine and counterfeit bills, strip stamps, and merchandise labels. This type of
papers of the opposing party in any manner that will injure or deface them. examination is done in a dark room after the lamp has been warmed up to give a maximum
6. Sharp pointed dividers or measuring instruments should not be put upon questioned ultraviolet light output. The duration of exposing the document to ultraviolet light should be to
writing except with the greatest care and only by the skilled in using these instruments. the minimum to avoid fading of some writing ink and typewriter ribbon.
7. Those examining should not be allowed to point closely at letters or any parts of it, with a
pencil. Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA)
8. No one should make a direct tracing at any time. This apparatus is good and useful in detecting indention/indented writings on a
9. It should not be underscored with a pencil. document, and records transparencies of any indentations.

Documents submitted for examination must be given due protection in order to Video Spectral Comparator (VSC)
preserve its original condition. It shall never be regarded as an ordinary piece of paper and This comparator is useful in examining the marked or obliterated text, watermarks,
shall not be threatened to any damage or contamination. To give the document protection, visible fluorescence, paper fluorescence and oblique illumination of indented writing and
the following shall be observed: embossing. Detects variation in the infrared characteristics of inks; reveals alterations by
A folded document of any kind that is being investigated should be unfolded and kept in a eliminating interfering background luminescence. By the use of appropriate filters,
celluloid cover. background or other strokes can be eliminated.
Place it between sheets of thin, transparent celluloid.
Hand Lens Examination
Equipment and Apparatus in Questioned Document Examination In almost all questioned document examination, a hand lens is commonly utilized to
Stereoscopic Microscope examine because it is a convenient instrument to handle. It enlarges the size of the letter of
The use of stereoscopic microscope detects retouching, patching and unnatural character for the view of the examiner.
LESSON 3.5: Court Duties of a QD Expert

Responsibilities of A QD Examiner Serving as Expert Witness

A Q. D. Examiner is responsible for proper examination of questioned and standard
specimens. He is expected to perform his task scientifically and without the influence of
parties interested in the case. The results of his examination shall serve as the basis of the
court in giving resolution to the case; hence, skills, competence, professionalism, trust and
confidence are laid upon him.

The following are responsibilities of a Q.D. examiner who serves as an expert witness in law
1. Strive constantly to improve professional standing - this can be done by associating
with others of the same profession, keeping abreast of the literature, and engaging in
research and development.
2. Must be certain of his technical conclusion - the validity of a conclusion is affirmed by
a thorough examination of the data submitted for examination and additional supporting
evidence in uncovered. Unless our findings meet this test, we should not offer an opinion.
3. Must avoid outside influences - the document examiner must not allow himself to be
influenced by the opinion of overzealous investigators or over-anxious clients. His
conclusions must be based solely and entirely on the findings deduced from the examination
4. Must be fair and impartial on the witness stand - he must present facts as they exist.
All questions from both sides of the counsel table must be answered accurately and without
evasion. Cross-examination by opposing counsel should be welcomed, not feared. More
often than not, the competent expert can establish his position even more firmly during cross
5. Must protect the innocent - by far, the most important decisions we make are made in
the laboratory, not in the courtroom. The examiner must never lose sight of the important
fact that he must not only work to convict the guilty, but he must strive with equal vigor to
clear the innocent.

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