Adventist Men Study Viewer
Adventist Men Study Viewer
Adventist Men Study Viewer
K. Resources 22
L. Credits 23
The new man in Jesus Christ needs to be established in his faith. Establishment is
the process of building a man into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and
other Christian men.
Almost the first half of Jesus' public Ministries was spent developing relationships
with men, who would become ultimately the leaders of the church.
His goal was for men to become rooted, established, and built up in the faith. He
desired for these men to have a solid knowledge of Him and to know what it is to
obey Him, trust Him, and follow Him for the rest of their lives.
The Mission of the SCC Men’s Ministries Department flows
from the Mission of the South Central Conference, namely:
Pray for a clear purpose and unity among the men of the church;
Pray for guidance, as this core group establishes the leadership
and direction of the Men’s Ministries for the church.
The Mission statement should specify the organization’s target group, the
geographic domain and philosophy.
a. “Men on target to honor Jesus, love our families, and serve our church
and community.”
b. “The Mission of the Men’s Ministries Department is to enrich the lives of
the men of the church, to bring each man closer to the Lord and help
each man to create a lasting impact in the world.”
c. “The Mission of the Men’s Ministries Department is to get together
because of Christ; grow together in Christ; and go forth together to
serve Christ.”
Examples of Goals:
a. “By December 2015, 70 percent of the men in the church will receive
training in soul winning.”
b. “Fifty percent of men will provide assistance to the church and those in
c. “All the men of the church will understand God’s purpose for their lives.”
The Men’s Ministries Department should define a plan for accomplishing the
mission of the organization.
This survey should identify their needs and interests of the men (see
attached generic Men’s Ministries survey in Appendix I; you may add
or subtract items to the survey items that do not apply to your
specific church);
c. Have a brainstorming session and write down all submitted ideas;
i. Compile ideas submitted from both the brainstorming session
and the Men’s Ministries survey;
d. Review and rank the items on the list;
e. Develop Needs Assessment rubric that determines the type of
program or (treatment) for men for each congregation;
f. Develop programs that satisfy ministries and programs; and
g. Incorporate men’s Ministries training program (see Curriculum)
i. Financial Education
ii. Domestic Violence
iii. Anger Management
iv. Midlife Crisis Identity and Resolution
v. Job Search and Work Ethics
vi. Intimacy /Sex Education (including libidinal urges women/men)
Health Fundamentals
i. Recreational Activities
ii. Mental Health Issues
iii. Homosexuality
iv. Pornography
v. Infidelity Cravings
Spiritual Development
i. Newlywed Adjustments
ii. Leadership Development
iii. Dealing with Homosexuality
Community outreach;
Spiritual gifts analysis and development;
Develop seminars on a variety of topics such as homosexuality,
interpersonal communications, addictions, etc.;
Engage the men in sports activities;
Engage men in activities that will enhance the church’s financial
health; and
Engage men in men’s conferences and retreats.
2. Develop activities for men to bond and share their challenges, weaknesses
and triumphs with other men; and also
3. Develop programs for boys and young men in the church .
4. Implementation plan
The challenge that your Men’s Ministries program will have is to implement
the plans created. The following are some ideas on plan implementation:
Health Fundamentals
i. Recreational
iii. Homosexuality
iv. Pornography
v. Infidelity Cravings
Spiritual Development
i. Bible Studies
ii. Fundamentals
iii. Priesthood
Men’s Ministries
Training (Draft)
i. Man’s behavior as
a result of his
of personal
behavior differ
from the model,
Jesus Christ
iv. Corrective
strategies (how to
move from where
we are, to where
Jesus wants us to
v. Spiritual Gifts
vii. God’s
Expectations and
man’s role
viii. Servant
(Review survey to
identify weaknesses.
Develop corrective
strategies to deal
with these as a part
of the material on
xi. Steps in
becoming a
Change Agent
xii. Skills
(Financial, Bible
Study, Job
Search, etc.)
xiii. Health
xvi. I am My Brother’s
Monthly Schedule
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
At Double 11-13 Rugless Program
Springs near Seed Money
(Ask Pastor
Nixon to speak
for weekend).
Sports: William Williams - Coordinator
5. Reporting Procedures
Men’s Ministries departments are to report their activities to the conference, once
per quarter on the form provided.
Our Men’s Ministries program should target four major facets of a man’s life:
“Christians like snowflakes are frail; but when they stick together, they can stop
traffic.” Vance Havner
One of the first steps in developing the Men’s Ministries is to divide the men of
the church into small groups.
These groups will work as separate units on a variety of projects and programs
including Bible study.
“And let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but
let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
Men today need encouragement. They need a place of refuge and safety where
they can be themselves.
They need to be encouraged when they say, “no” to sin, or when they take a step
of faith.
They need to know that they don’t have to “walk through the valley of shadow of
death” alone.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17
Men are like icebergs: we only see one tenth of their lives!
Below the surface is where much of life takes place, and there are lots of jagged
edges that need to be smoothed out.
Emphasis is on individualism today. Men need someone in their lives asking them
the tough questions – they need accountability. Those rough edges can be
smoothed out in the environment of a small group.
“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that
we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” – Colossians 1:28
The bottom line? We want to become more and more like Christ.
In small groups, we can study His Word and pray for one another. We can look at
how the Word applies to work, family, recreation, and community life.
“A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must
love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love
one another.” John 13:34-35
With over 120 ‘one another’ references in the Bible, where do you start?
i. Accept;
ii. Forgive;
iii. Pray for;
iv. Bear burdens;
v. Build up;
vi. Confess sins;
vii. Etc.
These can only take place in the context of a small group. Our faith can be lived
out in a small group setting as we love and encourage one another. Men can get
more projects done in a small group.
Small groups are a great place to take things you learned at a large event and
put them into practice. Small groups will help keep the fire burning that was lit at
seminar, or retreat, or from a sermon.
a. Bible Study: Number one, if you can make it happen, is to study God’s word
directly. Perhaps you are a Bible teacher, or know someone who is. If not,
consider a study guide or watching the free webcast videos of The Man in the
Mirror Bible Study ( and doing the
downloadable discussion questions.
b. Discipleship Group (or Growth Group): Get men or couples to meet and
work through study guides that help you discuss the Bible by topics.
c. Fellowship: Include opportunities for people to learn about each other, their
families, work, and interests. You can allow some time before and/or after some
teaching time, or you could have a special event like a picnic or backyard
barbeque with children.
d. Prayer: Teach your men how to pray by praying. Ask different men to pray.
Allow some time for prayer needs.
f. Service: I love relationships, but after talking for a couple of hours I need to
get out and do something. Your men probably feel the same way. Organize
projects (versus routine obligations) from time to time, that give the men in your
group an opportunity to serve Christ and bear fruit.
g. Sports: Sports leagues are a great way to get guys together. After all, a team
is a type of small group.
h. Mission Trips: Take your small group on a mission trip into an urban
area or overseas.
i. Adventure Trips: Many men have found a deeper walk with Christ
around a campfire after a long day of hiking or rafting.
j. Father/Child Studies: Five dads took their seven teenage sons on a nine day
boat trip. They planned to spend 30 minutes each day talking about manhood
issues. By the end of the trip the 30 minutes had grown to 90.
k. Mentoring: Men can provide mentoring for younger men. These are young
men from age 5-19.
What you hear here, see here, and say here stays here. I will say nothing that
may be traced back or that could be injurious or embarrassing to my group
members. My group leader will refer me to a pastor if I am contemplating
harming myself or doing harm to others.
I will be as open with my life at this time as I can. I will show myself to you, letting you know who
I am as a person.
3. Unconditional love.
I will love you and affirm you no matter what you have said or done in the
past. I will love you as you are and for what Christ wants to make of you.
4. Voluntary accountability.
I will ask the group to hold me accountable for specific areas of my life. With
my permission you can ask me about the goals I set with God, my family,
personal life and world. I expect you to lovingly not “let me off the hook.”
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17.
On the basis of this verse, I ask you to please share with me areas in my life
that do not reflect Jesus because I want to grow in personal holiness.
I promise to pray for the men in my group on a regular basis, to lift up their
needs to the Lord.
I understand every person in this group is at a different point in their walk with
the Lord. I will accept you the way you are, but encourage you to move on in the
I will have my work completed and my verse memorized each week when I come
to class. I will make every effort to be at class.
I will work to strengthen the goal of my group and provide support for each
group member.
1. Stay focused on the spiritual goal of making men of God. Make prayer and the
conscious presence of the Lord a real part of each event. Even the recreational
and social events should have a rich spiritual ingredient of prayer and Christ-
centered conversation. Always lead on the high road; stay away from trivial,
gossipy dialogue and close-to-the-edge jokes.
2. Ask your church to purchase a few books, DVDs or other materials each
month (or as often as possible) that pertain to the Christian home, worship in the
home, fatherhood and other subjects that specifically address the concerns of
men living a new life in Christ. Carefully screen the material, catalogue it and
have it ready to loan to your men. Occasionally hold up a book or other resource
when the men are together, calling their attention to the quality resources that
are available.
5. Speak frequently about the holy calling of men as priests of the home.
Encourage in positive ways to prepare themselves for this role with daily prayer
and Bible study. Occasionally ask someone to share with your group (or the
whole church) his methods of conducting family worship and how it has blessed
his home. When men are willing to talk about their priestly activities at home,
this positive influence begins to spread throughout the congregation, creating a
powerful force for building godly homes.
6. Keep in mind that men prefer projects that have an “end”. Advertise projects
and programs with specific start and stop times and dates.
7. Men like to “tinker” to make things better. Allow them to challenge the
purpose and efficiency of projects and programs. Don’t be threatened by their
questions and suggestions.
8. Avoid exercises that make the male spirit feel uncomfortable such as sitting in
a circle, holding hands, being asked to share their feelings or read in public. (If
you need someone to read publicly, ask ahead of time.)
11. Deal with the heavy and relevant issues. Address the everyday needs and
questions of today’s Christian man. With the help of experienced and godly
mentors, wrestle with the issues of sexual integrity, work ethics, identity,
controlling anger and building healthy relationships.
12. Remember that men tend to bond through participating in physical activities
– rafting, biking, camping, sports, etc. Don’t be tempted to think you are wasting
time by spending it on such activities with other men. It may be the best
witnessing you ever do.
13. Men and boys learn by observation, and men tend to follow leaders, not
“programs.” Live what you believe in front of the men – without ever being
coarse or rough in word or action. Remember Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens
iron, so one man sharpens another.”
14. Hold up the Bronzed Man of Galilee as a powerful leader of men. Challenge
the men by quoting Jesus’ words: “No one having put his hand to the plow and
looking back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:57-62). In other words, “Do
you have what it takes? Are you fit to follow Jesus?” Call the men to action!
Jesus was not a passive person. He daily confronted the religious order, the
status quo, and the hypocrisy of the Jewish rulers. He walked on water, cast out
demons, healed the sick and raised the dead. Jesus is powerful, bold,
courageous, and dangerous to complacency, confident and, above all, balanced in
all aspects of life. Help the men of your congregation get to know Jesus, the role
model for real men.
(Numbers 6 – 11 are reprinted with permission from “The Missing Men” by Minner Labrador Jr. which appeared in
the February 2008 issue of Ministries.)
sensitive when planning the number and length of activities. It is also important
to offer activities at a variety of times.
9. Men Need Healing. Not many men go to work and hear what a great job they
are doing. When they get home their kids usually don’t thank them for working
long hours so they can have a roof over their heads. And too often their wives
are not lauding their performances as dads and husbands. Men need a refuge
where they can heal and be encouraged in their roles.
10. Men Need Freedom. Men that are taught from boyhood to win develop a
fierce independence. They have difficulty forming friendships with other men.
Often, they would rather stand alone and fight alone than work together. Men’s
Ministries should strive for solidarity while at the same time respecting each
man’s need for space.
11. Men Need To Identify. We live in a time when there is generally a spirit of
brotherhood among men. As Adventists reach out to fellowship with men of
other faiths and traditions, they need encouragement to identify with the unique
message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church leading up to the coming of Jesus.
Men rarely talk about their needs. The Men’s Ministries coordinator, however,
would be wise to consider them when developing Men’s Ministries in the local
church. For each need listed above ask: “How is this manifested in the men we
serve? And how does that impact our plans?”
F. Relational Diamond
In the game of baseball, players move from first base to home base on the
diamond. The small group experience can be described as a “rational diamond.”
To be consistent in meeting
To affirm one another
To pray for one another
To be open
To be honest
To hold confidentiality
Giving permission to be held accountable
This type of relationship provides real freedom and acceptance. Within its
confines, men express their commitment to worshipping God, to being
themselves, and to being shaped into what God wants them to be. This is the
level where significant change and growth takes place.
Father-daughter banquets.
Prayer breakfasts.
Special communion services.
Seminars on the following topics:
Real masculinity
Managing stress
Handling conflict
Witnessing in the workplace
Marriage enhancement
Financial management
Planning for retirement
The duties of the Men’s Ministries coordinator for the local church include:
1. Praying on a regular basis for the men of your church. Pray specifically for
unity and understanding of the purpose of Men’s Ministries.
3. Working with a small Men’s Ministries team to establish goals and plans.
6. Serving as the Men’s Ministries representative from the conference to the local
9. Giving reports to the family ministries committee and/or the church board.
10. Mentoring someone else in this Ministries to develop the spiritual gifts that
are desirable for a Men’s Ministries coordinator, including encouragement,
administration and shepherding.
Retreats: Men’s Conference:
If we would begin to have retreats as part of Men’s Conference What type of seminars would
the Ministries, would you be interested? you like to see at the Men’s Conference? (Check
À Yes À No three)
À Parenting
What type of retreat would interest you most? À Masculinity
À Teaching type À Relationship to wife
À Adventurous (canoeing, camping, fishing, À Work ethics
etc.) À Changing jobs
À Spiritual and personal renewal À Dealing with retirement
À Networking with other men À Balancing work, home, and Ministries
À Finances
And the length of the retreat? À Evangelism
À One night À Growing as a Christian
À Two nights À Other
How far would you be willing to travel for a What are your areas of potential interest for the
retreat? Men’s Conference? (Check all that apply)
À 30 minutes À Publicity
2 hours À Organize events (retreats, golf outings, etc.)
À 3 hours À Work in the kitchen
More than 3 hours À Lead small group
À Do telephoning
Man to Man À Assist with work projects
À Marketplace Ministries
Are you currently attending a men’s Bible study
What do you personally want to accomplish
À Yes À No
through your involvement in Men’s Ministries?
(Check two)
What would you like to see happen in that
group? (Check two):
À Study the Bible À A closer walk with God
À Talk about problems at home and work À Fellowship with other Christian men
À Pray for one another À An outlet to vent problems or frustrations
À Discuss how you integrate your Christian À More involvement in the church
faith into your work and family life. À A chance to meet other men
À Other
How often would you prefer to meet?
À Every week for one hour When the entire men’s program is determined, I
À Once a month for three hours would like someone to contact me so I can
À Every other week become more involved or receive more
When would you prefer the meeting? À Yes À No
À Early morning before work
À Lunch hour __________________________________
À Over the weekend Optional information for us to get in touch with
Name __________________________________
Phone (____)_____________________________
E-mail __________________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
Please send this in on the 1 st Tuesday of the next quarter to: Men’s Ministries Department, South Central
Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, 715 Youngs Lane, Nashville, TN 37207.
Books available from AdventSource at or 1800-328-0525
Steve Sonderman
Catalog #351310
by Group Publishing
Catalog #351670
by Charles Burkeen
2. Men of Power
by Jim Hohnberger.
by Neil McBride.
Available at
by Robert S. McGee.
Available at or
For additional resources visit your local Christian book center or
L. Credits