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PBC 2009




PBC 2009

Part I: Name and Office 1
Part II Purpose 1
Part III Statement of Faith 1
Part IV Fundamental Beliefs. 1
Part V Affiliation 6

1.NAME 7




4. Part I: Qualification for Membership 8
5-8 Part II- Cessation of Membership 9

9. STAFF 9

11. Part I: Senior Pastor 10
12. Qualifications 10
13- 15 Appointment 10
16. Duties and Responsibilities 10
17-18 Tenure and Terms of Office 11
19. Part II Associate Pastor 11
20. Qualifications 12
21. Appointment 12
22. Reporting 12
23. Part III: Ministry Pastors 12
24. Qualifications 12
25. Part IV: Retirement 13

26-27. Part 1 Establishment 13
28-34. Part II: Election and Ordination of Deacons and Pastors 13
35-36. Part III: Functions 14
i Oversight and Arbitration Role 14
ii Member Care Role: 14

PBC/Constitution/2009 ii
Iii Proclamation of the Gospel to Believers & Non Believers 15
iv Administration: 15

37-40. Part 1: Establishment 17
41. Part II: Functions 17

43. Part 1: Functions 18
i. Implementation 18
ii. Coordination 18
44-45. Part II: Relations with the Boards 19
46. Part III: Executive Committee of the Church Council 19
47-50. Functions 19

51. Part I: Election 20
52. Moderator 20
53. Vice Moderator 20
54. Church Secretary 20
55. Treasurer 20
56. Part II: Qualifications of Office Bearers 21
57. Part III: Terms of Office 21

58. Part 1: Annual General Meeting 21
59. Notice 21
60. Procedure 22
61. Quorum 22
62. Part II: Business Meetings 23
63. Notice 23
64. Part III: Special Business Meetings 23
65. Procedure 24
66. Quorum 24

69-72. Part I: Branches 24
73-74. Part II: Church Plants 25

75-81. FUNDS 25

82-85. AUDITOR 26

PBC/Constitution/2009 iii


PBC/Constitution/2009 iv
This Constitution May be Cited as Parklands Baptist Church Constitution


Parklands Baptist Church is non-profit organization that is registered and Office
under the societies Act of Kenya, will be further referred to in this
constitution as the “Church”. The Church was inaugurated as a church
in 1976 with a registered congregation of 45 members. The Church is
presently located in Westlands Nairobi, on Rhapta Road and Sport
Road. The Church shall have full power and authority to change the
principle office from one location to another.

The purpose of this Church is to glorify God by obeying the Ten Part II
Commandments and The Great Commission. The process is designed Purpose
to reach every person with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make
disciples of Jesus Christ.

To proclaim the Gospel to every person, raising godly leaders with the
aim of influencing our communities positively through Kingdom principles
of God’s word. [Matt. 22; 36-40, Matt. 28: 18-20, Matt. 4:10, John 4:23-
24, Eph.3:10, 2Peter 3:9,John 13:35, Heb 6:1,Acts1:14, John17, 1Peter

We are a Baptist Church in terms of our beliefs and base our beliefs on Part III
the authority of the HOLY SCRIPTURES made up of the Old and New Statement of
Testaments. We also follow statements in the document called the Faith
BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE. Our final authority is the revelation of
the HOLY SCRIPTURES. II Tim 3:16-17 says,

“All Scriptures is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof,

correction and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be
fully equipped ready for every good work.”

Concerning God Part IV

We believe in the triune God (Elohim) revealed to us through our Lord Fundamental
Jesus Christ. God is revealed to us as God the Father, God the Son, Beliefs.
and God the Holy Spirit. This is the oneness of God that we believe in.
The trinity is involved in the redemption of Man. God is the Source and
the Upholder of the universe. All things begin and end with Him.

PBC/Constitution/2009 1
God is Spirit and is to be compared with no one else. God is
omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. God is unchanging and self-
existent. From everlasting to everlasting God is. God has revealed
Himself through His covenant name of Jehovah—I AM WHO I AM.

[Gen 1:1-3,26,27; John 1:1-4; John 10:30; Heb 1:1-3; Isa 45:5-6; Mal
3:6; Psa 90:1-2; Exo 3:14,Matt. 28:19, 1Peter 1:2]

Concerning Spiritual Authority

We believe that the Holy Scripture is our ultimate spiritual authority in
what we believe and practice. This scripture is revealed to us through
the Holy Spirit who is given to us to guide every believer into all truth.
Therefore, this scripture is to be studied diligently and practised.

[II Tim 3:15-17; John 6:63; Mat 4:4; Psa 19:1-7; John 15:26; II Tim 2:15]

Concerning Salvation
We believe that salvation has come through none other than Jesus
Christ the Son of the living God. Salvation is by grace through faith. It is
a gift to those who believe and confess Jesus as Lord and rely on His
sacrificial act on the cross. We believe that salvation is for here and now
and is available to everyone who puts his trust in the finished work of
Jesus Christ at Calvary.

[Eph 2:4-10; Rom 10:9-13; II Cor 6:2; Rom 1:16-17,Titus 3:5, Rom.
5:1,Gal. 3:26, Rom. 6:23]

Concerning Discipleship
We believe that it is vital for believers to be discipled in their faith.
Discipleship is a process of Christian growth into maturity. It is every
individual attaining the stature of Christ through obedience of His word
and the work of the Holy Spirit in them. Discipleship then results in the
fruit of righteousness and blessing to those around. Discipleship reflects
the character of Christ to the world. Discipleship involves baptizing those
who believe and teaching them to obey all that the Lord has commanded
[Mat 28:18-20; Col 2:6-7; Eph 4:12-16; Eph 5:10-17; Col 3:1-3; II Tim
2:2; Mk 16:15-17; II Tim 2:15]

PBC/Constitution/2009 2
Concerning Worship
We believe in the private and corporate worship of the believers. God
created us to worship Him. God seeks for worshippers who worship Him
in spirit and in truth. Worship may take on many styles of expression.
The important thing is that this worship is primarily directed to God and
seeks intimacy and fellowship with God. Worship also brings the body of
believers together for purposes of fellowship and encouragement and
being equipped for service.

[Mat 6:6-7; Psa 134:1-3; Heb 10:24-25; John 4:20-24; Acts 2:42-47]

Concerning Heaven
We believe in the after life. Believers have their home in the presence of
God, which we call heaven. Heaven is God’s throne and the abode of
the angels and spiritual beings that are in constant worship and
fellowship with God. Heaven is not an achievement but the dwelling
place of those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. Flesh and blood
cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. That is why heaven can only be
accessed through the Lord Jesus Christ for He is the Way, the Truth and
the Life.

[John 14:1-7; II Cor 5:1-8; Psa 110:1; Psa 115:16; I Thes 4:13-18]

Concerning Hell
We believe that hell is the abode of all that is opposed to God and His
righteousness. It is a real place and those who have rejected salvation
offered through Christ find their eternal abode there. Satan and the
fallen angels are condemned to that place. It is a place of eternal
damnation. It was not created for humankind. But those who reject
God’s kingdom shall be condemned to hell the final judgement.

Concerning Mankind
We believe that man is created by God who is an intelligent designer.
Man is created in the image of God. Male and Female He created them
both according to the holy Scripture. We believe all men are equal
regardless of gender, race or creed. We believe Man was created to
glorify and honour God. We believe in the fallen nature of man and that
man needs redemption in order to be reconciled with God. We believe

PBC/Constitution/2009 3
that Man’s only redemption path is Jesus Christ God loves Man and
seeks that Man love Him in return. We believe that God seeks to dwell
in men and women and show Himself Mighty on their behalf.

Concerning the Church

We believe that the Church is the universal Body of Christ. Jesus Christ
is the Head of the Church and its life. This is not a religious body but a
spiritual one made up of all who have believed and confessed Jesus
Christ as Lord and have received eternal life by faith. The church is the
executive arm of the Kingdom of God. It is the ‘ecclesia’ or the ‘called
out ones’ built on the foundation of the revelation of Christ. The church
is expressed locally through believers who come together under one
banner of faith in every community.

Concerning Nations
We have a vision to reach all nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are sent into the world to make disciples and to bring the light of
Christ to every corner.

Concerning Sin
We believe that sin is the falling short of the standard of the Holy God.
Sin is the breaking of the stated moral law of God. Sin brings separation
between God and Man. The wages of sin is death or eternal separation
from God. God has done something about sin by paying the penalty of
this sin with the shed blood of His Son Jesus Christ. Through the blood
we are now reconciled back to God.

Concerning Satan
We believe that Satan is the archangel who rebelled against God and
was cast out of heaven. Satan means adversary or enemy of God.
Satan is the head of the demonic world and the rebellious system of sin
and disharmony in the universe. Satan is a defeated foe who continues
to fight against the purposes of God. Satan's end is already determined
by God and he and all his angels will be cast forever into the lake of fire

Concerning the Kingdom of God

We believe that the Kingdom of God is God’s rulership and domain in the
universe. The Kingdom of God is the righteous system that God has put
in place to rule the universe. The King of kings and the Lord of lords

PBC/Constitution/2009 4
Jesus Christ head the Kingdom of God. Believers are born again citizens
of this Kingdom. This Kingdom of God is characterised by righteousness,
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is the system the God has desires
be established upon the earth. Believers are ambassadors of this
kingdom. In this kingdom believers are a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
a people belonging to God. This is a Kingdom of light and life.

Concerning the End-Time

We believe that the world has the end scheduled for it. We believe in the
Second coming of Jesus Christ, which will be pre-ceded by the rapture of
the saints. This will then bring into play the 7-year tribulation period. It will
be a time of great trouble for the entire world. The antichrist will be
revealed and his reign will come to an end when the Son of God appears
at the end of the 7-year period. The Lord Jesus Christ will then reign for a
1000-year period headquartered in Jerusalem. During this time, Satan
will have been bound in the bottom-less pit for 1000 years. At the end of
this time, Satan will be released for a while. God will then bring upon him
the ultimate judgement and all who rebelled against the rulership of God
will be thrown into the lake of fire. After this the system of the world as we
know it will be destroyed. God will bring a new heaven and a new earth
into being. The new age will then begin.

Concerning Education
We believe in knowledge. The people of God perish for lack of
knowledge. We believe in the importance of everyone on earth to be
educated formally and informally. We believe in education that will
enhance the human race to be a people of responsibility and vision. We
believe in the education that will nurture the whole person—spirit, soul
and body. We believe that this education should mature people to be
responsible citizens at all levels. We believe in education that gives God
his place of honour and respect.

Concerning the State

We believe in the separation of the Church and State. We believe that
God created people to govern themselves according to right moral
principles that are articulated in the Scriptures. These are principles that
honour God, respect every human being, give freedom of expression to all
religions and faiths without discrimination and create an environment that
enhances the well-being of all its citizens.

PBC/Constitution/2009 5
PBC is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, Part V
independent of denominational control. However, in view of the benefits of Affiliation
cooperation with other churches in world mission, this church voluntarily
affiliates itself with Southern Baptist Convention, USA through the Nairobi
Baptist Association and the Baptist Convention of Kenya. We continue
this relationship, believing that it is God’s will to do so.

[Acts 15:2; 21:17-18; 3John 10; Phil 4:15,18; 1John 1:3; Eph 4:3-6].

PBC/Constitution/2009 6
1) The name of the organization is PARKLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH, NAME
(in this constitution referred to as “'The Church”)

2) Any law, rule, regulation or policy in the Church that shall be SUPREMACY
inconsistent with this constitution shall be null and void to the extent
of its inconsistency other than the Holy Scripture as in the Sixty Six
(66) books in the Holy Bible.
3) The objects of the church are non-profit making and non-political in OBJECTS
nature and are as follows: -

i) To promote the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

ii) To teach and train in discipleship with an aim of bringing

about fulfilment and maturity in the Church and thus
having members who profess the living faith. This faith is
rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ who is the same
yesterday, today and forever, whose will is revealed in
the Holy Scripture.

iii) To encourage, support and participate in mission work

both locally and internationally.
iv) To be involved in activities and/or engagements whether
enterprise, educational, benevolent or social, which it
deems proper and advisable for the furtherance of the
Kingdom of God.

v) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or

otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property,
which shall be registered in the name of the Registered
Trustees hereinafter referred to.
vi) To build and maintain Churches, halls and houses or other
buildings acquired by the Church and to alter, improve
and provide the same with light, water, drainage and all
other necessary services and amenities.
vii) To borrow or raise money for any of the above purposes
on such terms and on such security as the church shall
approve by resolution passed at a regular business

PBC/Constitution/2009 7
meeting and by resolution as aforesaid to direct the said
Trustees to execute debentures, mortgages, chattels
mortgages, charges, guarantees, bonds or other security
documents over any property of the Church registered in
the name of the Trustees.
viii) To establish branches with the sole aim of spreading the
gospel of Jesus Christ.

ix) To accept subscriptions, tithes, offerings, gifts and/or

donations whether movable or immovable.

x) To engage in social issues affecting its membership at

whatever forum so long as they are consistent with

4) The Church on recommendation by the Pastors and Deacons Board, Part I:
shall grant membership to persons who meet any of the Qualification
qualifications provided hereunder; for

i) Any person who makes a public profession of their faith in membership

Jesus Christ as saviour and has been baptized by

immersion in water,

ii) Any person who makes a public statement of their faith in

Jesus Christ as saviour in a duly constituted church service
and has been baptized by immersion in water,
iii) Any person who produces acceptable documentary proof
and/or evidence from a Baptist church of like faith testifying
that the person has been a member of that church.

Provided that any person qualifying for membership under Section 4 (i)
& (ii) hereinabove shall prior to admission to membership undergo the
procedure provided herein below;

a) Make a formal application for membership in the prescribed

form to the Church during a duly constituted church service,

b) Attend and complete membership classes for purposes of

PBC/Constitution/2009 8
acquainting oneself with the Baptist doctrines, thereafter,
c) He/she is presented to a Members’ Meeting for information.

Provided further that the Church shall not be limited to enacting other
laws and regulations as to membership provided that they are not
inconsistent with this constitution.

5) Any person who is a member shall cease to be a member if; Part II-
(i) He/she makes a formal application to the Board of Pastors Cessation of
and Deacons renouncing his/her membership,

(ii) He/she is expelled from membership.

6) Before any member can be expelled from the church membership,
the steps hereunder shall be followed which are in accordance with
the biblical principle of “Restoring a Brother” provided for in Mathew
18: 15-17;

(i) A consultative procedure shall be adopted by the Church

as it may deem fit from time to time,

(ii) In the event the procedure in (i) hereinabove fails, the

person shall be presented to the Pastors and Deacons
Board whereupon the proposal for expulsion shall be

(iii) The Pastors and Deacons Board shall then present their
decision to the Business Meeting for information.

7) A member whose expulsion is proposed shall have the right to

address the Board of Pastors and Deacons mentioned in Section
6(ii) above.
8) The Church shall keep a Register of Members which shall be
available for public inspection by any Member upon such Member
giving a fourteen (14) days notice to the Church Office of his/her
intention to inspect the Register of Members.


9) The church shall employ Ministry and Administrative staff as and STAFF
when need arises.
10) There shall be an office of the Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor PASTORS

PBC/Constitution/2009 9
and Ministry Pastors.

11) There shall be a Senior Pastor of the Church, who shall be Part I:
responsible for spiritual leadership to the Church. Senior Pastor

12) The Senior Pastor shall:
i. Be a person of high integrity and qualified to hold office
according to 1st Timothy 3: 1-7

ii. Hold at least a degree in theology or equivalent from a

recognized University.

iii. Have served as either a Senior Pastor in a Church of like

faith and practice or Associate or Assistant Pastor in a
congregation of at least six hundred members for not less
than five years prior to being called to serve at the

iv. Be at least 40 years of age.

13) The Senior Pastor shall be appointed by a Pastor Search
Committee duly constituted by the Board of Pastors and Deacons of
the Church.

14) The person so identified to serve as Senior Pastor by the Pastors

and Deacons Board shall be placed on probation for one year. If the
Board of Pastors and Deacons is satisfied as to his capability, to
serve in the said Office, it shall recommend him for Appointment
and his appointment shall be ratified in a business meeting.

15) The Senior Pastor shall be ordained within 3 months of confirmation

at an official ordination service presided over by the Ordination
Council of the Church.

Duties and Responsibilities

16) The Senior Pastor shall: -
i. Oversee all functions of the Church.
ii. Prepare adequately in prayer and study of the Word of

PBC/Constitution/2009 10
God to provide pulpit Ministry during the public services
of the Church
iii. Be responsible for the performance of the Ordinances of
the Church, which include Baptism and the Lord’s Table.
iv. Be responsible for member care, which include but shall
not be limited to marriages, burials of members and
children of the members, child dedication.
v. Be responsible for the church vision development and

vi. Be responsible to the Church through the Board of

Pastors and Deacons for the performance of the duties of
the Office and will be required to make regular written
reports to the Church business meetings on the state of
the Church.

Tenure and Terms of Office

17) In the spirit of fulfilling the great commission as enunciated in
Matthew 28:19-20, and provided that the Senior Pastor has
satisfactorily performed his duties and obligations, the Senior Pastor
shall serve for a maximum of two terms of seven (7) years each with
one (1) year sabbatical leave taken after the seventh year.

a) The Senior Pastor whose term has expired shall be

offered the option to take up pastoral, ministerial
advisory duties and/or other duties in the Church or in
a branch.

18) The Senior Pastor shall be an employee of the Church and his
remuneration shall be drawn from the tithes, offerings and other
funds of the Church.

19) The Church shall appoint an Associate Pastor who shall; Part II
i) Deputize the Senior Pastor and co-ordinate and Pastor
supervise the Ministries of the Church which include but
not limited to Missions, Member care Magnification,
Maturity and Ministry Identification and,

PBC/Constitution/2009 11
ii) Perform the duties of the Senior Pastor in his absence.

20) The Associate Pastor shall: -
i. Be a person of high integrity and qualified to hold office
according to 1st Timothy 3: 1-7.

ii. Hold at least a degree in theology or equivalent from a

recognized University.
iii. Have served as either an Associate or Ministry Pastor
in a Church of like faith and practice or Associate or
Ministry Pastor in a congregation of at least six hundred
members for not less than three years prior to being
called to serve at the Church.

v. Be at least 35 years of age.

21) The Associate Pastor shall be hired after a thorough review of the
needs of the Church by a Pastor Search Committee duly constituted by
the Board of Pastors and Deacons.

i) The person identified to serve as Associate Pastor shall be

placed on probation for six months before being confirmed.
ii) The Associate Pastor will then be ordained at an official
ordination service presided over by the Ordination Council of
the Church after one(1) year but within two (2) years from the
date of confirmation.

22) The Associate Pastor shall be responsible to the Church through
the Senior Pastor and shall be required to make written reports to the
Business Meeting on the functions of the Ministries of the Church.

23) The Church shall appoint Ministry Pastors who shall be responsible Part III:
for various Ministries and shall report to the Associate Pastor. Ministry
24) The Ministry Pastors shall be

PBC/Constitution/2009 12
i. Persons of high integrity and qualified to hold office according
to 1st Timothy 3: 1-7.

25) The normal retirement age for the Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor Part IV:
and Ministry Pastors shall be 65 Years. Retirement

26) There shall be a Board of Pastors and Deacons of the Church, Part 1
which shall consist of Pastors and Deacons of the Church. Establishment

27) A Deacon shall: -

i. Be a man of high integrity, husband of one wife if married,
spiritually mature, a person of sound doctrine, have a healthy
family life and good community reputation according to 1 Timothy

ii. Manage his family and his affairs in ways that promote the
integrity and witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

iii. Have been a member of the Church for at least Five (5)
continuous years provided that ordained Deacons and Ministers
transferring from other Baptist Churches of like faith may be
considered by the Church for service.

iv. Be available and willing to serve in the leadership of the


28) The members shall propose the names of persons to be appointed Part II:
as Deacons to the Board of Pastors and Deacons. Election and
29) The Board of Pastors and Deacons shall then shortlist and train the Ordination of
eligible candidates based on the needs of the church, the diversity of Deacons and
gifts and qualifications as stated in Part I above. Pastors
30) The members of the Board shall thereafter visit the short-listed
candidates at their homes to confirm compliance with Part I above.
31) The names of the Deacons who are nominated to be Members of
the Board shall subsequently be published to the members of the

PBC/Constitution/2009 13
Church. Any nominee whose appointment is rejected by Members with
valid reasons shall not be ordained.
32) The nominated Deacons shall then be ordained within three months
of such publication
33) A Deacon shall;
i Co-operate with the Pastors in the oversight of the church;
ii Be in charge of spiritual advancement and interests of the
iii Be responsible for watch care of the members;
iv Assist the Pastors in the observance of the ordinances of the
34) A Deacon shall cease to perform the duties of a deacon if elected to
the office of either a Trustee or an Office Bearer for the time he holds
that office.

Part III:
35) The functions of the Board of Pastors and Deacons shall include: -

i Oversight and Arbitration Role

a. Guidance to new ministry direction (vision bearing)

b. Ensure Church’s teaching remain true to scripture (doctrinal


c. To oversee the recruitment, termination and/or exit of Pastors and

d. Responsible for church members discipline.

e. To oversee the nominations and elections of leaders of the


f. Appointment of Members to the Ordination Council when need

g. To provide guidance to Ministry Partnerships.

h. To arbitrate any dispute arising in Church in line with scripture.

ii Member Care Role:

PBC/Constitution/2009 14
a. Assimilation and care of Members (diakonia),
b. Ministering to Members in times of crisis,

c. Referring of members in need to qualified sources for assistance,

d. Building Christian fellowship among church members,

e. Guide and counsel errant members and be available to teach,
instruct and minister to the members,

f. Set a good example of Christian life as ordained Christian leaders

and provide personal support to church activities.

Iii Proclamation of the Gospel to Believers & Non Believers:

a. Discipline through teaching and training.

b. Pulpit preaching.

c. Church planting.

d. Identifying new frontiers for ministry.

e. Appoint, select, train and ordain new Pastors and Deacons for the
ministry of the church.

iv Administration:
a. Attend scheduled meetings of the Church and perform assigned
duties emanating there from.

c. Appoint Committees of the Board and set up Terms of References

for the committees.
d. Consider and approve periodic review of ministry policies,
programmes, strategies and activities.
e. Ensure the Church develops and nurtures healthy relationships
through networking and partnerships through: intra-church, inter-
church, other local organizations and government agencies, both local
and international.

36) A Deacon shall hold office for two (2) terms of Seven (7) years
each with a one (1) year sabbatical leave taken after the Seventh year
with an option to offer himself for continued service as a deacon after
the fifteenth year. Provided that the Board of Pastor and Deacons shall
have the discretion to determine when a Deacon may take sabbatical

PBC/Constitution/2009 15
leave to ensure continuity.

PBC/Constitution/2009 16
37) There shall be a Board of Trustees. Part 1:
38) The Board of Trustees shall be constituted by at least Seven (7) Establishment
Trustees and not more than Eleven (11) Trustees. Provided that the
number of Trustees in the Board shall be an odd number at any given
39) A trustees shall be appointed at an Annual General Meeting and
shall be persons of high integrity, walking in obedience to scripture and
shall have been a Member for a continuous period of at least Seven (7)
40) A trustee shall serve for a renewable term of 3 years unless he/she
ceases to hold office by reason of death or is incapacitated by
bankruptcy or otherwise resigns.

41) The functions of the Board of Trustees shall be; Part II:
i. Identification of strategic frontiers for growth subject to approval Functions
by the Church.
i. Representing the church in all legal matters and entering into
all contractual agreements on behalf of the church and ensuring
compliance with the legal requirements by the church.

Provided that the Board of Trustees shall in absolute compliance with

this Constitution and the Laws of Kenya formulate policies on the mode
of execution of any Church document and/or contract for it to be
deemed properly executed.
iii. Acquisition of Church assets both movable and immovable and
iv. Ensuring formulation and maintenance of sound financial
management procedures
v. Presentation of audited accounts and financial statements to
members at an Annual General Meeting;
vi. Ensuring due diligence in acquisition, security and disposal of
property in accordance with the Church vision.

PBC/Constitution/2009 17
42) There shall be established a Church Council whose membership
shall consist of the following persons;
i Moderator,
ii Vice moderator,

iii Church Secretary,

iv Treasurer,

v Senior Pastor

vi Chairperson of Board of pastors and deacons,

vii Chairperson of board of trustees

viii All Departmental , Ministerial and Committee leadership

43) It shall be the responsibility of the Church Council to discharge the Part 1:
following functions; Functions

i. Implementation

a. Maintain sound and responsive governance and management

systems and structures.
b. Ensure that the strategic and operational plans for the church are
prepared in a timely manner, effectively monitored and
periodically reviewed.
c. Ensure that adequate operational policies and systems are
established and are periodically reviewed in response to changes
and developments within the church.

d. Ensure prudent management / stewardship of financial resources

of the church, adequate budgeting and budgetary controls, proper
books of accounts are maintained, and accountability to

ii. Coordination
e. Development and management of church calendar.

PBC/Constitution/2009 18
f. Gathering of all leaders of the various committees, ministries and
office bearers.
g. Identifying policy gaps and assigning the establishment of policies
to address them to either the Pastor’s and Deacons Board or The
Board Of Trustees
h. Harmonizing, adopting and implementing the resolutions of the
Board of Pastors and Deacons and the Board of Trustees and
decisions of Members Meetings.
i. Set up Committees of the Council from time to time and set out
their Terms of References.
j. Generating agenda for Members Meetings.

44) The Council shall not deliberate on matters that concern the boards Part II:
without a prior consultation with the Board of Pastors and Deacons Relations with
and the Board of Trustees the Boards
45) The Council shall isolate cases that affect the different issues of the
church and refer them to the respective Boards according to their

46) There shall be established an Executive Committee of the Church Part III:
Council from the Church Council whose membership shall be; Executive
i. Moderator Committee of
ii. Senior Pastor the Church
iii. Chair – Board of Deacons and Pastors Council
iv. Chair of Trustees
v. Treasurer

47) The Executive Committee of the Church Council shall act as a Functions
rapid response body by performing and making extremely urgent
decisions affecting the Church and its Members as they may
48) The decisions of the Committee shall be ratified by the Church
49) The Church Council shall meet at least once every two months of
the Church Year.
50) The Church Council shall be constituted annually at the Annual
General Meeting.

PBC/Constitution/2009 19
51. The Church shall at an Annual General Meeting appoint the Part I: Election
following office bearers.

52. The Church shall appoint a Moderator whose duties shall be;
i. Preside over the Annual General Meeting and all Business
Meetings of the Church,
ii. In conjunction with the Secretary of the Church prepare the
agenda for Members meetings,

iii. Call and give notice of members meetings.

a. The office of the Moderator shall automatically become vacant if

the person so appointed ceases to be a Member of the Church.

Vice Moderator
53. The Church shall appoint a qualified member to be the Vice
Moderator at an Annual General Meeting who shall be the deputy to
the Moderator and whose duties shall be to perform the Moderators
duties in his absence or any other duties bestowed upon him by the
Church Council from time to time.

Church Secretary
54. There shall be Church Secretary who shall;
i. Be responsible and custodian of all Church Records and for the
minutes of all Members’ and Council Meetings
ii. Prepare agenda for the Church Council in conjunction with the

55. There shall be a Treasurer who shall
i. Keep books of accounts and financial statements in
accordance to accepted accounting standards,

PBC/Constitution/2009 20
ii. Draw cheques for payment of bona fide and duly authorised
expenditure of the Church and issue receipts;
iii. Give monthly reports of all income and expenditure to the
iv. Have the books of accounts audited by an appointed external
Auditor, the Audited reports will then be presented to the

56. The persons to be elected to be Office Bearers of the Church shall; Part II:

i. Be persons of high integrity, sound doctrine and good moral Qualifications

of Office
ii. Have been a Member of the Church for not less than five (5)

57. Office Bearers shall hold office for two (2) years and shall be eligible Part III:
for re-election unless removed from office by vote of members in a Terms of
Business Meeting. Vacancies so created shall be filled by persons Office
elected at a Business Meeting constituted for that purpose.

58. The Church shall within two (2) months of the beginning of the Part 1:
Church Year hold it’s Annual General Meeting in addition to any Annual
other meetings to be referred to as the Annual General Meeting General
(AGM) to be held at such time and place as the members shall Meeting
appoint. Not more than fifteen months shall elapse between the
date of one Annual general Meeting of the Church and that of the

59. Every Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Moderator by
at least Twenty-One days' (21) notice in writing. The notice shall be
exclusive of the day on which it is served or deemed to be served
and of the day on which it is given, and shall specify the place, the
day and the hour of meeting

PBC/Constitution/2009 21
i) The Notice shall specify the agenda of the Annual General
Meeting which shall be;
a. Devotion

b. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

c. Adoption of Ministry Reports and Audited Reports

d. Confirmation of the Church budget passed at the Business
Meeting held at the last quarter of the previous Church
e. Appointment of Auditors

f. Election of the Church Office Bearers, Trustees and the

Chair of Trustees

g. Confirmation of the composition of the Church Council,

h. Any Other Business

ii) The Moderator may change the dates of the AGM by giving the
Members a Fourteen (14) days notice.

60. The moderator or in his absence the Vice Moderator shall preside at
every Annual General Meeting. If there is no such Moderator or
Vice Moderator present, the members present shall designate one
of them to preside over the meeting.

61. A quorum shall be those present and eligible to vote and shall not
be less that One Hundred (100) Members.
Provided that, If within two hours from the time appointed for
the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be
dissolved, and in any other case it shall stand adjourned to
the same day in the next week at the same time and place,
and if at such adjournment meeting a quorum is not present
within two hours from the time appointed for the meeting, the
meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next
week at the same time and place and if at such adjournment
meeting a quorum is not present the quorum shall be those
present and eligible to vote

PBC/Constitution/2009 22
62. The Church shall in every quarter of the Church year hold such Part II:
other Members Meetings to be referred to as Business Meetings. Business

63. Every Business Meeting shall be called by at least fourteen (14)
days' notice in writing. The notice shall be exclusive of the day on
which it is served or deemed to be served and of the day on which it
is given, and shall specify the place, the day and the hour of
meeting. The notice shall specify the agenda of the meeting.
i. The Moderator may change the dates of any Business
Meeting by giving the members a Seven (7) days notice.

64) Special Business Meetings shall be called for a specific purpose Part III:
either by, Special

i. The Moderator ,or Business

ii. Board of Pastors and Deacons, or

iii. At least Twenty (20) Members.

i) The 20 Members shall have served the moderator with

a notice of intention to call a Special Business Meeting
and the Moderator has refused and/or neglected to call
for a Special Business Meeting.

ii) They shall then issue the Moderator with a seven (7)
days notice of the Special Business Meeting thereafter
the meeting shall be held within fourteen (14) days of
such notice.

iii) The signatures of the 20 Members calling the Special

Business Meeting shall be appended on the notice
calling the meeting.

iv. The notice calling the Special Business Meeting

shall specify the agenda for the meeting and shall
be given in the manner provided for under Section
50 above.

PBC/Constitution/2009 23
65) The moderator or in his absence the Vice Moderator shall preside at
Business Meeting. If there is no such Moderator or Vice Moderator
present, the members present shall designate one of them to
preside over the meeting.
66) The Quorum for business meetings shall be those present and
eligible to vote and shall not be less than Fifty (50) members.
Provided that, If within two hours from the time appointed for
the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be
dissolved, and in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the
same day in the next week at the same time and place, and if
at such adjournment meeting a quorum is not present within
two hours from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting
shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the
same time and place and if at such adjournment meeting a
quorum is not present the quorum shall be those present and
eligible to vote.

67) The procedure at Members’ Meetings shall be according to

Standard Parliamentary Rules of Conduct.

68) A Members’ Meeting shall be the supreme decision making forum

of the Church.

69) The Church in a mission to spread the gospel shall purpose to build Part I:
its branches as determined by the Board of Pastors and Deacons. Branches
70) Upon identification of suitable location for establishment of a
branch, the Board of Pastors and Deacons will submit their proposal
to the Board of Trustees which shall acquire land to be registered in
the name of the Registered Trustees of the Church for
establishment of the branch.
71) The Board of Pastors and Deacons shall appoint a person of high
integrity and qualified to hold office according to 1st Timothy 3:1-7 to
be the Pastor for the said branch.

PBC/Constitution/2009 24
72) The branches so established shall remain under the umbrella and
support of the Church and this constitution shall be its supreme
governing law. However the branches shall formulate their policies
provided that they are not inconsistent with this constitution.

73) The Church shall in a mission to spread the gospel purpose to plant Part II:
churches which shall remain under the support of the Church for a Church Plants
period of seven 7 years unless the period is extended through a
recommendation of the Board of Pastors and Deacons during a
Business Meeting

74) Upon expiry of the seven (7) years and /or such extended time a
resolution may be passed at an Annual General Meeting through
the Board of Pastors and Deacons that the church so planted can
now function as an autonomous body separate from the Church.

75). The Funds of the Church may only be used for the following FUNDS

a. To promote the objects of the Church,

b. To fulfil such obligations as approved in the annual budget of

the Church,

c. Any other items authorized in a supplementary budget of the

Church in a regular Business Meeting where necessary.

76). The Church Council shall appoint signatories to all Church

77). Petty cash may be kept at amounts to be determined by the
Church Council from time to time.
78). The accounts of the Church shall be open for inspection by any
Member upon such Member giving a fourteen(14) days notice to
the Church Office of his/her intention to inspect the Church

79). All moneys and funds shall be received and/ or paid to the church
through the Treasurer and shall be deposited by him/her in any
bank or banks and only in such accounts as approved by the
Church Council.
80). Based upon the church’s net assets, the Board of Trustees may

PBC/Constitution/2009 25
establish such funds as the operating fund, short-term reserve fund,
an endowment fund, and a long-term reserve fund.
81). The financial year of the Church shall be from 1st January to 31st

82). There shall be an Auditor appointed by the Church at an Annual AUDITOR
General Meeting.
83). It shall be the responsibility of the Auditor to present the Audited
report to the Board of Trustees who shall in turn present it to the
Annual General Meeting. A copy of the Auditor’s report on the
accounts and statements of the Church shall be furnished to all
members at the same time.
84). The Auditor shall examine the Church accounts and statements
and issue an opinion on whether they have been prepared in
accordance with the law, prevailing standards and rules of
85). No Auditor shall be an Office Bearer or Member of any Board of
the Church.

86). The quorum shall be at least 30% of the Members. AMENDMENTS
87). The proposed amendment to this constitution shall be served to TO THE
the Members at least ninety (90) days before the Annual General CONSTITUTION
Meeting in which the amendments are to be approved.
88) Amendments to this constitution shall be approved by at least a two
thirds majority of members present and voting at an Annual
General Meeting.

89). The church shall stand dissolved either by reason of it becoming DISSOLUTION
insolvent or ceases to be a Baptist church.
90). The Church shall not be dissolved except by a joint
recommendation of the Board of Pastors and Deacons, the Church
Council and the Board of Trustees.
91).The recommendation to dissolve the Church shall be tabled in an
Annual General Meeting with a quorum of not less than fifty (50%)
of the Members. Provided that the notice of the Annual General

PBC/Constitution/2009 26
Meeting shall be given to Members Six (6) months prior to the date
of the Annual General Meeting.
92).The resolution to dissolve the church shall be passed by at least
three quarters (3/4) majority of the members present and voting.
93). No dissolution shall be passed without prior consent in writing of
the Registrar of Societies, upon a written application signed by the
Moderator, Secretary and Treasurer.
94). Upon dissolution of the Church and on payments of all liabilities, all
assets both movable and immovable, investments, monies and
securities which have been acquired by the Church shall pass on to
the Baptist Convention of Kenya or as shall be decided by the
Board of Pastors and Deacons and the Board of Trustees.

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