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REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.











Imperial war museum

Duxford Airfield
CB22 4QR Date April 2015
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Preliminary Matters 3
1.0 Introduction 3
1.15 SITE RULES 16

2.2 Checking/Handling and Site Storage of Materials and Components Error! Bookmark not
2.3 Loading. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.4 Working at Heights Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.5 Proximity to Public
2.6 Method Statements Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.7 Pre-Tender Health & Safety Plan
2.8 Client’s own Safety Representative Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.9 Health & Safety File Error! Bookmark not defined.

Trade Preambles 23


5.3 AWARD CRITERIA (other than price)


REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Preliminary Matters

1.0 Introduction

1.1 An Act of Parliament founded the Imperial War Museum in 1920

following the Great War to act as a National War Museum to collect
and display material relating to that War. Due to the general interest
displayed by the Dominion Governments this led to the title “Imperial
War Museum” (IWM).
1.2 The Imperial War Museum was opened in 1920 at a site in Crystal
Palace, but eventually acquired its current home at Lambeth Road in
July 1936 on the site of the former Bethlem Royal Hospital.
1.3 At the commencement of the Second World War the Museum’s terms
of reference were extended to cover both the Great War and the
Second World War, and again in 1953 to cover all military operations
involving British & Commonwealth forces since August 1914.
1.4 In addition, the IWM provides exhibits of educational and general
interest to members of the public.
1.5 IWM Duxford is a former RAF fighter station originally dating from the
First World War. It has a long and distinguished history from 1924 until
its closure as an RAF Station in 1961 and is particularly famous for its
role in the Battle of Britain in 1940.
1.6 Today, IWM Duxford is one of the world's leading aviation museums,
housing some 200 aircraft ranging from flimsy biplanes to modern day
jets. Many of the aircraft at IWM Duxford still fly. The airworthy aircraft
at the Museum belong to private collectors and operators and are an
important part of IWM Duxford's unique living atmosphere. IWM
Duxford is internationally renowned for its annual programme of world-
class air shows.
1.7 The American Air Museum stands as a memorial to the 30,000
Americans who died flying from bases in the UK including IWM
Duxford, during the Second World War. This outstanding example of
modern British architecture houses IWM Duxford's unique collection of
historic American combat aircraft including the SR-71 Blackbird, the
only one of its kind on display in Britain and the B-24 Liberator. The
arrival of these new stunning exhibits led to the reconfiguration of the
American Air Museum, and the Rededication Ceremony on 27
September 2002, with former president of the US, George Bush and
HRH the Prince of Wales present.
1.8 IWM Duxford is not just about aircraft and the Museum houses an
outstanding collection of tanks, military vehicles and artillery displayed
in walk through battle scenes in the Land Warfare Hall. Two of the
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

most poignant exhibitions are 'The Normandy Experience' and the

'Monty' Exhibition.
1.9 As of 2003, the Imperial War Museum consists of 4 other major public
tourist attractions:
1.0.1 HMS Belfast moored in the Pool of London
1.0.2 Cabinet War Rooms & Churchill Museum
1.0.3 Lambeth Road
1.0.4 IWM North, Trafford, Manchester
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.


1.1.1 Employer

Imperial War Museum

Duxford Airfield
CB22 4QR

1.1.2 Contract Administrator

S J Rogers FRICS
Capital Projects manager
Imperial War Museum
Duxford CB22 4QR

Tel 01223 497220 e-mail sjrogers@iwm.org.uk

1.1.3 Principal designer.

IWM represented by S J Rogers FRICS as above.

1.1.4 General Description of the Works

The works comprise the redecoration of the external steel frame to the Land
Warfare Hall located on the south site at Duxford.

1.1.5 Location and Access to Site

The site is located immediately to the east of the M11/A505 junction in South
Access into the site is from the A505 to the south side and via the staff

1.1.6 Tender Drawings

The following drawings form part of this specification and will become contract

No tender drawings are provided.


1.2.1 Limits of site operations

The contractor shall limit his operations to the immediate area of the works.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

The contractor shall be responsible for storing materials, arranging for

loading/unloading materials and organizing his works in a manner that does not
interfere with other parts of the site and access to same.

1.2.2 Preliminary investigation

The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited and inspected the site and to have
examined drawings (if any) and contract documents and to have adequately
acquainted himself with local conditions, accessibility of the works and site, the
nature of the ground and subsoil, supply of and conditions affecting labour, the
availability and supply of materials, water, electricity and telephones, all in relation to
the execution of the works as no claim on the ground of want of knowledge in such
respect will be entertained.

1.2.3 Abbreviations and references

The following abbreviations, references or terms are used in the Specification.

CP - British Standards Code of Practice

BS - British Standard Specification

The term ‘Contractor’ used throughout this document relates to the Contractor who
is contracted to carry out and complete the works. The contractor shall be the
‘Principal Contractor’ under the CDM regulations.

Reference to CA means the Contract Administrator or other consultant, when

appointed; with authority under the terms of the contract to act is such a capacity.

The reference to Building Inspector means Building Control Officer, District Surveyor
or any other person with authority under statute to require compliance with any
regulation or byelaw.

The terms ‘Approved’, ‘Selected’, or ‘Directed’ means the approval, selection, or

direction of the client/CA.

The term ‘Provide’ means that the item(s) is to be supplied, delivered and fixed at
the expense of the builder.

The term ‘Day Work’ is applicable to the work of an unknown or unforeseen nature
that could not be specified and therefore estimated for during the preparation of the
schedule of works. Such work is usually paid for on a time and material basis with
the Contractor submitting evidence of hours of work and invoices for materials,
plant, etc.


1.3.1 Safety/Health and Welfare

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Allow for complying with all enactments, regulations and working rules relating to
safety, health and welfare of work people.

The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Section 2 of this Specification, which covers

Health & Safety matters specifically.

These works are subject to the CDM Regulations 2015, but is considered not to be

1.3.2 Working Hours

Monday to Friday - 0730 - 1700. Weekend working will only be allowed with the
prior agreement of Employer. The contractor may extend working hours on
weekdays subject to approval of Employer.

1.3.3 Statutory Regulations

The works must be undertaken in compliance with Statutory Regulations, Building

Regulations, Gas Safety Regulations, Water Bye Laws and IEE Regulations.
Contractor is to allow in his tender for compliance, particularly in respect of service
installations, which require contractors design input.

1.3.4 Noise

Fit all compressors, percussion tools and vehicles with effective silencers of a type
recommended by manufacturers of the compressors, tools or vehicles.

1.3.5 Public and Private Services

Adequately protect, uphold, maintain and prevent damage to all services. Do not
interfere with their operation without consent of the service authorities or private
owners or the CA as appropriate.

1.3.6 Existing Features

Prevent damage to existing buildings, fences, gates, walls, roads, paved areas,
other of the site features, which are to remain in position during the execution of the

The contractor shall be responsible for properly making good to the satisfaction of
the C.A. all areas disturbed during the execution of the works. Contractor is to plan
the works and in particular the maneuvering of plant and machinery so as to cause
minimal disturbance to adjacent areas.

1.3.7 Structural Fabric

The contractor is advised the roof of the LWH is finished with a single ply
membrane, laid over approx. 130mm PIR insulation board, and supported by a
troughed metal deck. The roof is designed to accommodate occasional pedestrian
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

access for the purposes of maintenance only. Works must be undertaken in a

manner that does not cause damage to the roof coverings/ fabric of the building.


1.4.1 Supervision

Accept responsibility for co-ordination, supervision and administration of the works,

including subcontractors. Arrange and monitor a programme with each
subcontractor, supplier, Local Authority and statutory undertaker and obtain and
supply information as necessary for co-ordination of the work.

The Contractor is to provide a competent person to constantly supervise the works

and shall inform the CA of the name of such person.

The person is to be able to adequately receive directions given to him by the CA

and is to remain on site throughout the duration of the contract and shall not be
changed without prior approval from the CA.

The person is to implement the requirements of the Construction (Design &

Management) Regulations 20157 as they apply to this project, and must assist the
Principal Designer in maintaining the health and safety file for this project.

1.4.2 Insurances

Before starting work on site submit to the employer (through the CA) documentary
evidence and/or policies and receipts for all insurances which are required to be
taken out by the Contractor.

1.4.3 Programme

As soon as possible and prior to starting work on site, prepare, in an approved form,
a programme for the works that should make allowance for all:

1.Subcontractors works including completion of drawings etc.

2. Work resulting from instructions issued with regard to the expenditure of

provisional sums.

3. Other work concurrent with the contract.

1.4.4 Commencement of Work

Inform CA as least seven working days before proposed date for commencement of
the work on site.

1.4.5 Monitoring
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Record progress on site and keep a copy of the programme on site. Update or re-
draft without delay if circumstances arise which affect the progress of the works with
copies of all revisions to CA.

1.4.6 Site Meetings

Hold regular site meetings as necessary for the proper management and co-
ordination of the contract and as required by the CA. Meetings will normally be held
every four weeks. Attend all meetings and inform subcontractors and suppliers
when their presence is required. Notify all consultants. The CA will take the Chair
and minutes will be taken and distributed by the CA.

1.4.7 Notice of Completion

Give CA at least one week’s notice of anticipated dates of practical completion of

the whole or parts of the works.

1.4.8 Measurements

Give reasonable notice to the CA before covering up work, which the CA requires to
be measured.

1.4.9 Covering Up

Give not less than one working days notice to the CA or Clerk of Works before
covering up.


1.5.1 Accommodation

Provide necessary temporary sheds, offices, mess rooms, sanitary accommodation,

and other temporary buildings required for Contractor’s own and domestic
subcontractor’s use.

Routes from fire escape staircases away from the building must not be obstructed at
any time.

Scaffolding/access platforms must not be placed so as to restrict access into/out of

the building by any of the users, private, or commercial.

1.5.2 Protection

Provide temporary fencing, hoardings, screens, vans, planked footways, guard rails,
gantries and the like as may be necessary for protecting the public and others, for
the proper execution of the works and for meeting the requirements of the Local or
other Authority.

The contractor will be required to fence the works to prevent unauthorized persons
entering into the working area. Plastic mesh fencing held by metal posts, to 1.2m
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

height is considered adequate. Contractor’s materials storage areas will need to be

enclosed by Herras fencing, which is to be secured closed at the end of each
working day.

1.5.3 Scaffolding

The contractor must allow in his tender for providing a safe means of access for
operatives to all areas subject to works. In deciding what access equipment is
necessary, the contractor must fully appraise the works, undertake a risk
assessment and identify the most suitable method of operation.

Scaffolding must be in accordance with BSEN12811-1 (2003).

Unless the scaffold is a basic configuration described in recognized guidance, for

example NASC publication TG20-08 (volume 1), the scaffold should be designed by
calculation, by a competent person, to ensure it will have adequate strength and

If proposing a scaffold that is termed a ‘basic’ scaffold under volume 1 of TG20-08,

the contractor must demonstrate to the CA that the scaffold meets all of the criteria
for a basic scaffold.

Any proposed modifications or alterations outside a generally recognized basic

configuration must be designed by a competent person.

Where the scaffold falls outside the scope of a ‘basic’ scaffold, the contractor must
supply to the CA detailed information to show compliance with the BSEN12811-1
standard. Further advice on what is required is contained in volume 2 of TG20-08.
As a minimum, this must include drawings showing the general scaffold
arrangement, a method statement describing the erection and dismantling
sequence, the permitted platform loadings, restrictions on use and
calculations to show compliance with the standard.

On completion of the scaffold erection, a handover certificate must be issued to the

CA, which should refer to the relevant drawings, permitted working loads, and
restrictions on use. The handover certificate must be issued by a competent person
(by means of experience or assessment, appropriate for the type and complexity of
the scaffold erected).

Where the scaffold is the subject of design the person responsible for the design
shall make an inspection and certify the scaffold is erected in accordance with the
design and drawings.

Regular inspection should be carried out (minimum weekly) also by a competent


Erection, alteration and dismantling of all scaffolds must be under the direct
supervision of a competent person – an advanced scaffolder or design engineer
with the appropriate industry experience.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

The contractor is referred to HSE guidance note for a list of scaffold structures that
need to be the subject of design.

For the avoidance of doubt, the means of access to any particular working
platform must be arranged so that it is outside of the working platforms and does not
obstruct or restrict their use. eg a ladder access tower, or platform steps. (The use
of trap doors within the platforms will not be permitted).

If ladders are proposed for access to scaffold platforms, these must not be used for
bringing materials or tools of any sort to the working platform. A separate
arrangement must be made for bringing material to the platform level – hoists etc.

1.5.4 Water

Water for the works is available on site free of charge. Contractor is to make
temporary arrangements for storing and distributing around the site.

1.5.5 Electricity

The contractor is to make his own arrangements for the supply of power he may



1.6.1 Good Practice

Where and to the extent the materials, products and workmanship are not fully
specified they are to be:

1. Suitable for the purposes of the work stated in or reasonably to be inferred

from the contract documents, and

2. In accordance with good building practice including the relevant provisions or

current BSI documents.

1.6.2 Manufacturers Recommendations

Handle, store, prepare and use, or fix each product in accordance with
manufacturers printed or written instructions/recommendations. Inform CA if these
conflict with any other specified requirement.

1.6.3 Workmanship

The works to be carried out by, or under the close supervision of, experienced
tradesmen, skilled in the particular type of work.

1.6.4 Service Runs

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Make adequate provisions for services, including unobstructed routes and fixtures.
Wherever possible, ducts, chases and holes to be formed during construction rather
than cut.


1.6.5 Products to be New

Unless otherwise specified. Ensure that the whole quantity of each product and
material required to complete the work is of consistent kind, size, quality and overall

Handle, store and fix products with care to ensure that they are not damaged when
incorporated into the works.

1.6.6 Or Equivalent Approved

Means that the products of different manufacturers may be substituted if prior

approval has been obtained, but the CA reserves the right to insist on a named
product(s) the rates or prices will be held to be based on the product(s) specified,
unless agreed otherwise.

1.6.7 Proprietary Names

The phrase ‘or equivalent’ is to be deemed included whenever products are

specified by proprietary names.

1.6.8 Single Source

Where a choice of manufacturer or source of suppliers is allowed for any particular

product or material, the whole quantity required to complete the works must be the
same type manufacturer or source. Do not change without approval. Produce
written evidence or sources of supple requested by CA.


1.6.9 Accuracy



1.6.10 Site administration and Security

Adequately safeguard the site, products, materials, plant, the works and any existing
buildings affected by the works from damage and theft. Take all responsible
precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the site, the works and adjoining
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

1.6.11 Stability

Accept responsibility for stability and structural integrity of the works during the
contract, and support as necessary. Prevent overloading/damage. Details of
design loads may be obtained from the CA.

1.6.12 Inclement Weather

Adequately protect the works from damage by inclement weather and use all
reasonable and approved building aids and methods to prevent or minimize delays
during cold or inclement weather.

1.6.13 Rubbish

Remove rubbish and debris as it accrues and keep the site and works clean and

1.6.14 Drying Out

Control the drying and humidity of the works and the application of heat to prevent:

1. Blistering and failure of adhesion.

2. Damage due to trapped moisture.

3. Excessive movement.


1.6.19 Make Good

Means carry out local remedial work, including the following as appropriate and
necessary to leave the work sound and neat to approval:

1. Remove defective parts of existing finishes and components and around any
stated features.

2. Fill, dress down, piece in, patch, extending existing finishes, make minor
repairs and adjustments.

3. Refix or re-stick.

4. Redecorate.

5. Consequent upon alteration, extension and maintenance work is deemed to

be included in such items.

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

1.6.22 Samples - materials

Where approval of products or materials is specified, submit samples or other

evidence of suitability. Do not confirm orders or use materials until approval has
been obtained. Retain approved samples on site for comparison with products and
materials used in the works. Remove when no longer required.

1.6.23 Samples - workmanship

Where samples of finished work are specified, obtain approval of stated

characteristics before proceeding with the works.

Retain approved samples on site for comparison with the works. Remove samples
which are not part of the finished works when no longer required.

1.6.24 Approvals

Inspection of any other action by the CA must not be taken as approval of materials,
products or work unless the CA confirms in writing the express terms referring to:

1. Date of inspection.

2. Part of the work inspected.

3. Respect or characteristics which are approved.

4. Extent and purpose of the approval.

5. Any associated conditions.


1.6.25 Fixings Generally

Use fixings and jointing methods and types and spacings of fastenings which are
suitable having regard to:

1. Nature of compatibility with products/materials being fixed and fixed to.

2. Recommendations of manufacturers of fastenings and manufacturers of

products/material being fixed and fixed to.

3. Materials and loads to be supported.

4. Conditions expected in use.

5. Appearance - being subject to approval.


REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

1.6.26 Cleaning

Cleaning materials and methods are to be as recommended by manufacturer of

product being cleaned.

In the absence of such recommendations cleaning materials and methods are to be

approved by CA.

1.6.27 Certification

Not required.


1.7.1 Form of Contract

The Form of Contract will be the JCT Agreement for Minor Works 2011 Edition,
together with amendments to date including the April 2015 ammendement
incorporating the CDM Regulations 2015.

The Contractor should include for all costs incurred in compliance with the Terms
and Conditions of the Contract.

The Specification and drawings (if any) will become contract documents.

The Contractor must include for all works shown on the drawings, whether referred
to in the Specification or not, and for all works which are not included in the
Specification, or on the drawings which could reasonably be expected to be
included in the works.

1.7.2 Appendix 1 to these Preliminaries

Appendix 1 at the end of these Preliminaries describes the contractual details that
will be included in the Contract Conditions.


1.8.1 Contingency Sum

Allow the contingency sum of £3000, for works of an unforeseen nature. Such sum
is only to be expended on the authority of the CA.

1.8.2 Provisional Sum

Not used.

1.8.3 Provisional Repairs

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Not used.

1.8.4 Prime Cost Sums

Not used.


Not used


Not used.


Building services and fabric are maintained on the site by an FM contractor

appointed by the IWM. (Cofely GDF Suez). This contractor will be permitted access
to the buildings at all times. The normal activities of this contractor are not expected
to interfere with these contract works.


No specific phasing of works is required.


The works are located at roof level – and as such this provides separation of the
working area from the remainder of the site.

When working from MEWP’s, these must be enclosed by temporary fencing to

prevent public/staff form getting close to the plant.

Any ladders for emergency egress must be tied, and enclosed with fencing fence at
the bottom with warning signs to keep people away. Such ladders will be required to
be taken down at the end of each working day. Any fencing/enclosure should be
arranged so that is does not obstruct pedestrian or staff access/egress from the

Contractor is to provide appropriate warning signs and notices in order to warn the
public or site users.

Contractor/subcontractor advertising will not be permitted.


The Museum operate specific rules for ‘Safe Working Conditions and Protection of
its Staff, Visitors and Collection’.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

These will be made available as part of the contractor’s induction which the CA will
provide pre contract. The contractor will be required to sign the form included in the
booklet to confirm he has read the rules and will ensure all work is carried out in
accordance with same.

The C.A. will carry out a site induction for all contractors’ operatives on the morning
of the first day of starting on site.


All of the contractor’s staff will need to be security cleared prior to undertaking any
work on site. Security forms are available from the guardroom and must be
competed and returned at least 3 weeks prior to commencement.


The successful contractor if not on the museum’s approved supplier system, will be
required to complete a ‘New Suppliers Form (appendix 3) and return it to the C.A.
within 5 days of award of contract.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.



The form of contract will be the JCT Agreement for Minor Building Works 2011
together with any amendments to date.



First. The work required is the external redecoration of steel roof structure, Land
Warfare Hall, Duxford.

Second. Documents comprise the contract specification.

Third. The contractor shall supply a fully priced copy of the specification to the

Fourth. The employer is not a contractor under the CIS rules.

Fifth. This project is considered not to be notifiable under the CDM Regulations

Sixth. Not applicable.

Seventh. Applies, excepting paragraph 5.

Articles :

Article 3 The Contract Administrator shall IWM Duxford

Article 4 Substitute Principal Designer for CDM Co-ordinator.

Article 5 The appointed contractor will be the Principal Contractor under the
CDM Regulations.

Article 7 (and Schedule 1) the arbitration provisions of article 7 and schedule 1


Contract Particulars:

Fourth recital Base date 01 January 2015.

Clause 1.1 4 weeks.

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Beginning on the date of receipt by the

contractor of the tender documentation.

Clause 2.2 Commencement To be agreed


Clause 2.8 Liquidated Damages £ not applied.

Clause 2.10 Rectification Period 24 months

4.3 Percentage is 90%

4.4 Percentage is 90%

At the expiry of 12months after practical

completion, half of the retention percentage
will, subject to making good of defects, be
released. The remaining retention
percentage will become due for payment at
the expiry of 24 months after practical
completion and subject to making good of
any defects that become apparent up to
that point.

4.8.1. 3 months

4.11 Deleted

5.3.2 Contract Insurance required is £10million


5.4A & 5.4B Clause 5.4B applies % addition to cover

fees – 20%

7.2 Nominator shall be President of the RICS

Schedule 1 Appointment of arbitrator shall be the

President of The Royal Institute of
Chartered Surveyors
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.




The works that are the subject of this Specification are subject to the Construction
(Design & Management) Regulations 2015. Specifically Part 4 – General
Requirements for all construction sites. The principal contractor will be required to
comply with the relevant regulations contained in part 4.

The project however is not considered to be notifiable under those regulations.

The Contractor will be required to operate as the ’Principal contractor’ under those
regulations and co-ordinate and manage Health & Safety issues during construction
work, and, liaise with the Contract administrator during the course of these works.

Prior to commencement the contractor must ensure a construction phase health and
safety plan has been produced, and that adequate provision is made on site for
provision of welfare.

The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring that subcontractors employed by him
operate in a safe manner appropriate to the work they are employed to undertake.

Special attention is to be paid to the scaffold work, not only the design of same, but
also the erection and dismantling sequence and methodology.


The following aspects of the work are considered to represent a risk, either to the
person engaged in undertaking that work directly, or to other persons in the area of
the works. These are to be addressed in the Principal contractor’s Construction
Phase Plan.

2.1 Proximity to Public and staff

The work will involve working in areas where public have access around, and into
buildings. Staff similarly will have access to and be in occupation of buildings during
the works.

The principal contractor must consider carefully measures to be employed to

prevent injury to these persons.

Contractor is to organize works such that pedestrian access into and egress from
buildings is not obstructed.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

The museum has 3 major airshows during the year, when the site is particularly

Airshows are scheduled for the following weekends:

May airshow 23 and 24/5/2015

July airshow 11 and 12/7/2015
September airshow 19 and 20/9/2015.

No work will be permitted during the airshows.

2.1 Checking/Handling and Site Storage of Materials and Components

Contractor is to pay particular attention to how paint and associated materials are
handled and stored.

Manufacturer’s COSSH data sheets should be followed and available on site for
inspection by CA.

Some products are likely to be flammable - specific provisions for safe storage and
handling must be identified by Contractor.

2.2 Working at Heights

Much of the work to be executed is at high level.

The contractor is to detail the measures to be taken to ensure safe working access
and platforms.

Details of scaffolding proposals (if any) are to be included in Method Statement.

2.3 Emergency egress.

The steel roof trusses make access and egress to the working area difficult.
Arrangements must be put in place to ensure safe egress from the roof in an
The client will arrange for a temporary alarm sounder to be wired in to the fire alarm
to warn of a fire.
Emergency egress provision should be made such that the distance from any point
of working, to emergency egress ladder/platform is no more than 25m.

2.4 Safe working loads

The contractor is advised the roof of the LWH is finished with a single ply
membrane, laid over approx. 130mm PIR insulation board, and supported by a
troughed metal deck. The roof is designed to accommodate occasional pedestrian
access for the purposes of maintenance only. Works must be undertaken in a
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

manner that does not cause damage to the roof coverings/ fabric of the building and
does not overload the roof.

2.6 Risk Assessments and Method Statements

The Contractor shall provide, with his tender, an outline Method Statement setting
out how the work is to be approached, organized and monitored in order to ensure
the works are undertaken both efficiently and safely.

2.7 Construction phase plan.

Before works commence on site, the Principal contractor must draw up a

Construction Phase Plan. This must set out the health and safety arrangements and
site rules, taking account of the nature of the site and use of the building.

Throughout the construction phase the principal contractor is to ensure the plan is
reviewed, and updated, or revised so that it continues to be sufficient to ensure
construction work is so far as is reasonably practicable carried out without risks to
health or safety.

The ‘Principal Designer’ for this project is The IWM, represented by S J Rogers
Capital Project Manager. The Principal contractor shall liaise and cooperate with the
Principal designer in preparing the plan and providing information for inclusion into
the Health and safety File.

2.9 Health & Safety File

The Principal Designer will prepare the Health and Safety file. The Principal
Contractor is to provide information on request to enable the file to be preapared.
Such information is likely to include, but not be limited to

a. The contractor’s risk assessment and method statements.

b. Copies of manufacturer’s current technical literature and COSHH data sheets

for all materials, plant and equipment selected by the contractor.

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Trade Preambles

To be read in conjunction with Preliminaries

and General Conditions


0.04 Paint for steelwork

Paint for use in the recoating of steelwork is to be as follows.

Intermediate coat – Interseal 670HS. Application to achieve a wet film thickness of t

122 micron to give a dry film thickness 100 micron.

Weathering coat – Interthane 870. Application to achieve a wet film thickness of

134 micron and dry film thickness 75 micron.

The contractor is asked to supply a ‘extra over price with his tender for applying a
different weather coat as follows.

Interfine 979 – Application to achieve a wet film thickness of at least 100 micron to
achieve dry film thickness of 75 micron.

The weather coat Colour is to be BS20C37. The intermediate coat colour is to be a

different shade so that it is possible to easily see where the steel is in intermediate
coat, and where the final coat has been applied.

0.05 Primer

After suitable preparation of surfaces, apply Interplus 256 primer to a wet film
thickness of at least 156micron and dry film thickness 125 micron.

All products are part of a paint system supplied by International Protective

coatings and must not be substituted or modified.
REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.


0.01 Generally

Comply with the requirements of BS 6150 ‘Painting of Buildings’ subject to any

qualifications given below.

Comply also with the requirements of BS 8000 Part 12 1989 ‘Workmanship on

Building Sites’.

0.02 Ordering of Materials

Obtain liquid materials in containers sized to suit the extent of the work and to
prevent deterioration of residual quantities in opened containers.

0.03 Order of Working

Work in a sequence that ensures the finished work is not spoilt by dust and debris
arising from subsequent preparation work. When planning the work consider the
need for cleaning, washing down, heating or drying equipment.

0.04 Initial Preparations of Surfaces.

Prepare surfaces by high pressure water washing with non-ionic detergent to

remove oil, grease, salts, poorly adhered paint and other contaminants. Use a
minimum pressure of 2500psi. All surfaces to be painted must be free of
contamination, and made available for inspection by the CA prior to commencing
application of coatings.

Ensure removal of defective, flaking, peeling and poorly adhering coatings back to a
firm coating or back to the original background.

Note – the preparation of surfaces will require considerable work as the existing
paints finishes are in poor condition.

Use portable power tools to clean welded or bolted joints any damaged areas to St3
ISO 8501-1:1998 (Swedish Standard SIS 05 5900/SSPC-SP3). Feather all loose
and cracked paints to a firm edge.

Apply Interthane Plus to any areas where the steel substrate, or rust is evident.

0.05 Defective Backgrounds

Advise CA of defective backgrounds and seek clarification on how to proceed.

0.06 Preparation of Coatings

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Generally follow paint manufacturer’s specific site instructions in respect of

preparation of coatings prior to application.

This will usually involve thoroughly stirring liquid paints so that all solids are fully and
evenly incorporated. Do not use thinners without the specific consent of the

Take particular care to observe manufacturer’ pot life, timing and queueing
directions when preparing two part coatings.

0.07 Final Preparation of Surfaces

Examine surfaces immediately before painting and where necessary undertake

following final preparation.

Wash, wipe or otherwise remove any dirt or contaminant. (Do not use a brush as
this move dust to another surface.)

Remove any moisture or condensation by drying surfaces and/or applying general

warmth if necessary.

0.08 Unsuitable Conditions

Do not apply coatings when:

(a) Airborne dust and grit is present.

(b) Air temperature is below 4 degrees centigrade.

(c) Relative humidity exceeds 80%.

(i) Temperature of the surface is too low eg. heavy metalwork, plastered
external walls etc.

(d) Substrates have not properly dried out.

(e) Lighting is inadequate.

(f) There is inadequate ventilation.

0.09 Application

Applied specified coatings allowing adequate intervals between coats.

Lightly rub down between coats if necessary by fine wet and dry paper on fully
hardened surfacing.

Apply primers by brush unless otherwise approved.

REF IWM/VPS1292 IWMD LWH External redecoration.

Apply other coatings in accordance with manufacturer’s preferred methods eg

brush, roller or spray for the coating and surfaces involved.

When brushing apply full coat, evenly worked.

0.10 Inspections

CA will make frequent site inspections to judge the preparation and quality of the

The work will be inspected from time to time by a qualified coating inspector who will
check surface preparation and sample paint film thicknesses to establish the work is
compliant with the specification.

0.11 Sampling and Testing

Contractor shall supply samples of paints for analysis at the CA’s request during the
course of the work. The samples may be taken from open tins, or from applied
H3 IWMD External redecoration and repair


Provide suitable access and working platforms, together with all

necessary labour and materials to execute the redecoration work to
the external steel structure and associated steel components,
comprising the following.

 External columns – 36 No, including base plate connections to

beams and trusses.

 External steel roof trusses, spanning north to south, on each

side of the barrel vaulted roof -36No. Include the steel stub
columns that penetrate the roof decking and provide support to
the internal roof purlins.

 Steel trusses spanning east to west located at the western end

of the building 4No. Including all steel connections to columns
penetrating the roof decking.

 Exposed steel eaves beam to the barrel vault at the west end
of the building.

 2No. external columns and steel eaves beam supporting the

barrel vault at the eastern end of the building.

 1No. steel column supporting the boiler flue located at the

eastern end of the building.

 Steel handrail over the Bailey bridge at the main entrance and
the steel guard railing each side of the entrance along the

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Tender Submission

The contractor will be required to comply with the following in order for their tender
to be considered.
If the contractor does not comply fully, then the tender may be rejected by the

5.1 Site Visit

As part of the process the Contractor shall visit site to acquaint themselves with the
site, the extent of the work and the conditions under which it is to be carried out.

The contractor is to contact Mr. S Rogers at the Duxford site on 01223 497220 to
make arrangements.

Two dates are available for site inspection as follows.

27th May 2015 – 2.00pm until 4.00pm.

28th May 2015 – 9.00am until 11.00am.

5.2 Tender Acceptance

The ‘Tender Declaration Form’ included in this specification must be submitted, in

an envelope, by post. Electronic submissions or e-mails will not be considered.

Your tender envelope should be headed TENDER DOCUMENT REF

IWM/VPS/1292, and addressed to:

FM Department
Imperial War Museum
Duxford airfield
Cambs CB224QR
FAO Mr S Rogers.

Envelopes and/or packages should be plain and bear no reference to the tenderer's
name; franking machines that automatically print the company name should not be

Tenders in envelopes that in any way may identify the tenderer will not be

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It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that their tender is delivered no later
than the appointed date and time.

The Trustees do not undertake to consider tenders received after the appointed
date and time unless clear evidence of posting is available (i.e. a clear postmark
and/or certificate of posting).

Late tenders franked with the firm’s own franking machine will automatically be

The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender and reserve
the right to accept a portion of any tender unless the tenderer expressly stipulates
otherwise on his tender. Tenders shall remain open to acceptance by the Trustees
for a period of 6 weeks from the date required for submission.

The Trustees will not accept liability for any expenses incurred in the preparation of
the tender.

5.3 Basis of Prices

All prices must be quoted on the basis of lump sum fixed price based on no re-
measurement, as indicated in the accompanying documents. Quantities given are
for guidance only and prices entered should exclude VAT.

5.5 Supporting Information

The contractor shall as part of tender submission include the following information:

a) An outline Method Statement describing how the work are to be undertaken

and what arrangements will be put in place to manage health and safety.

b) The names & contact details of two references where the company has
carried out similar work.

c) Copy of the company’s Health & Safety Statement

d) This tender document complete, with each page initialed to indicate reading.

e) The schedule of work items priced up.

f) The tender form properly completed and signed.

g) Proposed programme of works.

5.4 Award Criteria (other than price)

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The employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender; when
awarding the contract in addition to price the Employer will have regard to the

h) Accuracy of submission.

i) Compliance with tender instruction for submission of documentation.

j) Suitability of the Method Statement and Risk assessment referred to above.

k) Contractor’s ability to demonstrate his competence in carrying out works of

this nature.

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The following schedule represents the proposed timetable for the appointment of a
consultant and commencement of the contract for the services in relation to various
external building projects as detailed within the tender documents on behalf of the
Trustees of the Imperial War Museum.

CT 1.0 Issue of Tenders: 15 May 2015

CT 1.1 Tender Period 3 weeks

CT 1.2 Tender Submission Date: Tuesday 9th June 2015

CT 1.3 Tender Submission Time: Noon

CT 1.4 Tender Opening Time: TBA

CT 1.6 Tender Evaluation Period: One week

CT 2.0 Contract Award: 15th June 2015

CT 2.1 Contract Lead-in Time To be advised

To be advised.
CT 2.2 Contract Start Date:

CT 2.3 Contract Completion Date: To be advised.

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Tender Declaration; Contract Reference: IWM/FM _________

Project. Land Warfare Hall – Redecoration of steelwork.

To: The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum

I/We having read the following documents delivered to me/us in respect of the
above Contract:

Do hereby offer to execute and complete in accordance with the Conditions of

Contract the whole of the works as described for the sum of: -

£_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (excluding VAT)
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount in words).

Alternatively for the enhanced specification for the use of Interthane 979 as
the weather coat , I/we Do hereby offer to execute and complete in
accordance with the Conditions of Contract the whole of the works as
described for the sum of: -

£_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (excluding VAT)
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount in words).

Company Name:

Tel. No. _____________________
Fax. No. _____________________

Print Name:
In the Capacity of:___________________________________________________

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H3 IWMD External redecoration and repair

(The above named person is duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf
of the Company)

Dated this . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2015


Preliminaries (excluding scaffold). ________

Contin gency sum. _£3000

Section 4 schedule of works ________

Total Tender figure. _________

(Exclusive of VAT)

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