Advance Airport Management System
Advance Airport Management System
Advance Airport Management System
Presented by:
Maureen Jepkorir
Presented to:
The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), in partial fulfillment required for the award of
Diploma in Information and Communication Technology.
This is to certify that this research work was carried out by me with the supervision of My
_____________________ _____________________
I declare that this is my own work and has not been submitted or done wholly or in part by anybody
Signature ..................................
My very first thanks should be to God for all that he has given me and the ability to write and
finish this documentation.
I dedicate my research project work to my family and many friends. A special feeling of gratitude
to my loving parents, to my father, who taught me that the best kind of knowledge to have is that
which is learned for its own sake. It is also dedicated to my mother, who taught me that even the
largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. Whose words of encouragement
and push for tenacity ring in my ears, you have been my best motivator.
This research paper is made through the help of many people who include parents, family, friends,
and lectures. Especially please allow me to acknowledge with gratitude the following significant
advisors and contributions.
First and foremost, I thank my supervisor who gave me good advice during the process of
developing the system. Allow me to express the deepest gratitude respect and indebtedness to
who helped me in the language I used to develop my project to develop my project he was there
for me countless of times, who at times we could work on the project at his home. My who
inspired me to take up this project.
The rapid growth of air travel demands a robust and efficient airport management system to
handle increasing passenger volumes and operational complexities. This project focuses on the
development and impleentation of an advanced Airport Management System (AMS) designed
to enhance the efficiency, security, and overall passenger experience at airports.
The proposed AMS integrates various modules such as flight scheduling, real-time tracking,
baggage handling, and passenger information systems. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as
IoT, AI, and cloud computing, the system aims to streamline airport operations, reduce delays, and
improve resource management. The implementation of this system also addresses critical aspects
of security by incorporating advanced surveillance and access control mechanisms.
Key features of the AMS include automated check-in processes, intelligent resource allocation,
and predictive maintenance for airport equipment. The system's design ensures scalability and
flexibility, allowing it to adapt to future technological advancements and changing passenger
This project involved extensive research, system design, and a comprehensive testing phase to
efficiency, passenger satisfaction, and security measures. The AMS represents a pivotal step
towards modernizing airport management and setting new standards in the aviation industry.
Advanced Airport Management System by
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3
1.1 About Project.................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Objectives of the Project...............................................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose of the project....................................................................................................................4
1.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT..........................................................................................................5
Need of Computerisation.....................................................................................................................5
1.5 PROJECT OVERVIEW................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................................7
2. LITREATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................7
2.1 Existing System:............................................................................................................................7
Limitation of existing system:.........................................................................................................8
Every manager faces lot of minor & major problems like:..............................................................8
The four layers of object oriented design are:.................................................................................8
2.2 Proposed System:..........................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................................10
3. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................10
PROJECT MONITORING SYSTEM...............................................................................................10
3.1 Module Description..............................................................................................................10
3.2 An Overview to system analysis.................................................................................................11
3.3 WORKING OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................15
3.4 SDLC...........................................................................................................................................16
3.5 USE CASE DIAGRAM..............................................................................................................18
3.7 ER DIAGRAM............................................................................................................................19
3.8 FLOWCHART............................................................................................................................20
3.9 SYSTEM DESIGN......................................................................................................................21
System Design Considerations:.....................................................................................................21
Processing Techniques:.................................................................................................................23
6.1 DESIGN METHODOLOGIES...................................................................................................23
6.2 STRUCTURED DESIGN...........................................................................................................24
6.3 MODULE COUPLING...............................................................................................................25
6.4 MODULE COHESION...............................................................................................................26
FUNCTIONAL COHESION........................................................................................................26
SEQUENTIAL COHESION.........................................................................................................26
COMMUNICATIONAL COHESION..........................................................................................26
PROCEDURAL COHESION.......................................................................................................26
TEMPORAL COHESION............................................................................................................26
LOGICAL COHESION................................................................................................................26
COINCIDENTAL COHESION....................................................................................................27
6.5 STRATEGY OF DESIGN.......................................................................................................27
Advanced Airport Management System by
Bottom Up Design.........................................................................................................................27
Top- Down Design........................................................................................................................27
Hybrid Design...............................................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 4.........................................................................................................................................29
4.FINDINGS AND DATA ANALYSIS...........................................................................................29
SYSTEM STUDY.............................................................................................................................29
4.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY...........................................................................................................29
4.1.1 Operational Feasibility:........................................................................................................30
4.1.2 Technical Feasibility:...........................................................................................................30
4.1.3 Behavior Feasibility:.............................................................................................................30
4.1 SYSTEM TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................31
4.2 Levels of testing..........................................................................................................................31
4.2.1 Unit Testing or Module Testing............................................................................................31
4.2.2 Integration Testing................................................................................................................31
7.2 Types of testing...........................................................................................................................33
7.2.1 Black Box Testing................................................................................................................33
7.2.2 White Box Testing................................................................................................................33
7.2.3 Acceptance Testing...............................................................................................................33
7.2.4 Alpha Testing.......................................................................................................................34
7.2.5 Beta Testing..........................................................................................................................34
4.4 IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER FIVE...................................................................................................................................36
5.0 CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................36
. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT...........................................................................................................37
REFRENCE BOOKS............................................................................................................................38
WEB REFERENCES............................................................................................................................38
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
To provide accurate information about the addition, deletion and modified movies
To provide, efficient, accurate, reliable, fast, and robust structure that can handle any
Advanced Airport Management System by
The system also allows us to add records when a passenger reserves a ticket.
For data storage and retrieval we use the file-handling facility of C Language. It enables
us to add any number of records in our database. But for intrinsic nature of file handling,
the retrieval process is slow when we search a particular record in the database, because
record is searched sequentially.
Need of Computerisation
A few factors that directs us to develop a new system are given below -:
1) Faster System
2) Accuracy
3) Reliability
4) Informative
5) Reservations and cancellations from anywhere to any place
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
Its operation found it very difficult to handle their customers.
1. It was due to their great customer service and efficient handling of daily operations
That they customer base started growing and in a day, they started to handle lot of
Customer requests. The problem is that in manual airline record keeping system,
Excessive staff employment is required, extremely time consuming process is
Involved, inconveniences to both customers as well as to the manager.
2. Slowly & slowly the count of such customers started to grow very rapidly and the
Airline employees had to devote their maximum time in handling such customers.
3. Slowly, an airline started losing its important or gold customers due to poor response
Times by the employees and them even started losing those customers whose requests
Could not be fulfilled.
4. After this, the management decided to install a system that can effectively &
Efficiently service the request of such customers and can the corresponding work of
Its employees who were overburdened with such tasks.
5. This action was a step towards serving important or fresh customers with a minimum
Possible and improve the response times & efficiency of an airline employees.
Advanced Airport Management System by
An object oriented system draws upon class definitions that are derived from the analysis
model. Some of the definitions will have to be built from scratch but many other can be
reused if appropriate design patterns are recognized. Object oriented design establishes a
design blueprint that enables a software engineer to the object oriented architecture in a
manner that maximized reuse, thereby improving development speed and product quality.
The Class and Object Layer: It contains the class hierarchies that enable the system
to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted specializations.
The Message Layer: It contains the design details that enable each object to
communicate with its collaborators. This layer establishes internal and external
interfaces for the software.
Advanced Airport Management System by
The Responsibility Layer: It contains the data structure and algorithmic design for
all attributes and operations for each object. Monitoring system activity and server
performance is a necessary part of preventive maintenance for the server. Through
monitoring, you obtain data that u can use to diagnose system problems, plan growth
and trouble shoot problems. You can use the monitoring and status tool, diagnostic
logging, extended logging and queue viewer to keep the data up-to-date.
The proposed system is computer based, user friendly, and easy to maintain. It makes
safely storing of records easy and for a very long period of time. It would significantly
improve the quality of work in the airport. The time spent in processing the above
mentioned queries would significantly reduce. The proposed system provides free, easy
and efficient management of the day-to-day activities of the passengers in airline so that
the manual work can be reduced and even minute details can be accessed easily.
Advanced Airport Management System by
1. The first point is where the user enters his account & pin no. This is the most
important part of our application because the information which would be fetched
& is displayed to the user is confidential and it should be displayed only after
proper authentication. So, for security reasons, we have given only one chance to
the user to enter his pin correctly. If he does not, the system issues a warning
through a proper message and exits. The user then again has to swipe his card,
enter his account & pin no. to view the account details or undertake any account
2. The second point where this is implemented is the menu where the user chooses
from a list of options to process his requests. Since this is a menu-driven program,
we expect from the user to input correct option. But if, for some reason, the user
is unable to enter it correctly, we flash a message which requests the user to
enter a correct option.
3. The third point where we have taken care of user input is the place where user
wants to withdraw money from his account. Ideally, the user should not enter the
Advanced Airport Management System by
withdrawal amount greater that his total amount and if mistakenly he does, the
system flashes a user message and inform him about the same.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
And questionnaires are examples. The interview is a commonly used tool in analysis. It
Requires special skills and sensitivity to the subjects being interview. Bias in data
Collection and interpretation can be a problem. Training, experience, and common
Sense are required for collection of the information needed to do the analysis. Once
Analysis is completed, the analyst has a firm understanding what is to be done. The
Next step is to decide how the problem might solve. Thus, in systems design, we move
From the logical to the physical aspects of the life cycle.
The decision to acquire computer hardware or software must be handled in the same
Way as any other business decision. The variety of sizes and types of computing
Resources available puts a burden on the analyst who must select suitable hardware,
Software or services and advise the top management accordingly.
Today, selecting a system is a serious and time-consuming business. The time spent on
The selection process is a function of the applications and whether the system is a
Micro- computer or a mainframe. In either case, planning system selection and
Acquiring experienced help where necessary pay off in the long run.
There are various important factors, which should be considered prior to system
Selection. They are:
Define system capabilities that make sense for the business.
Specify the magnitude of the problem, i.e., clarify whether selection entails a few
Peripherals or a major decision concerning the mainframe.
Assess the competence of the in-house staff.
Hardware and software should be considered as a package.
Develop a time frame for the selection process.
Provide user indoctrination.
This is crucial, especially for first-time users. Selling the system to the user staff, provide
adequate training and creating an environment conductive to implementation are
prerequisites for system acquisition.
Advanced Airport Management System by
The selection process should be viewed as a project and a project team should be formed
with the help of management. The selection process consists of several steps, which are
discussed below:
Requirements analysis: The first step in selection understands the user's requirement
within the framework of the organizations objectives and the environment in which
the system is being installed.
System specifications: System specifications must be clearly defined. These
specifications must reflect the actual applications to be handled by the system and
include system objectives, flowcharts, input-output requirements, file structure and
Request for proposal: After the requirement analysis and system specifications have
Been defined, a request for proposal is prepared and sent to selected vendors for
Evaluation and validation: The evaluation phase ranks various vendor proposals and
Determines the one best suited to the user's requirements. It looks into items such as
Price, availability and technical support. System validation ensures that the vendor
Can, in fact, match his/her claims, especially system performance.
Vendor selection: This step determines the vendor with the best combination of
Reputation, reliability, service record, training, delivery time, lease/finance terms.
Selected vendors are invited to give a presentation of their system. The system
Chosen goes through contract negotiations before implementation.
User can view record about flight by selecting option 1 from the main menu.
User can reserve the seat for view the flight. By selecting option 2.
User can also cancel the reserved ticket for flight by selecting option 3.
Admin can collect total amount. By selecting option 4.
3.4 SDLC
In this project we have followed the Waterfall model.
Advanced Airport Management System by
The waterfall model is the most familiar model. This model has five phases:
Requirements analysis and specifications, design, implementation and unit testing,
Integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance.
1. Requirements Analysis and Specification Phase: The goal of this phase is to
Understand the exact requirements of the customer and to document them properly.
This activity is usually executed together with the customer, as the goal is to document
All functions, performance and interfacing requirements for the software. The
Requirements describes the “what” of a system, not the “how”.
2. Design phase: The goal of this is to transform the requirements specification into a
Structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language.
3. Implementation and Unit Testing Phase: During testing, the major activities are
Centered on the examination and modification of the code. Initially, small modules
Are tested in isolation from the rest of the software product. There are problems
Associated with testing a module in isolation. How do we run a module without?
Anything to call it, to be called by it or, possibly, to output intermediate values obtained
During execution? Such problems are solved in this phase and modules are tested after
Writing some overhead code.
4. Integration and System Testing Phase: The purpose of unit testing is to determine
That each independent module is correctly implemented. This gives little chance to
Determine that the interface between modules is also correct, and for this reason
Integration testing is performed. System testing involves the testing of the entire system
Whereas software is a part of the system. This is essential to build confidence in the
Developers before software is delivered to the customer or released in the market.
5. Operation and Maintenance Phase: Software maintenance is a task that every
Development group has to face, when the software is delivered to the customers site,
Installed and is operational. Therefore, release of software inaugurates the operation
And maintenance phase of the life cycle. The time spent and effort required to keep the
Software operational after release is very significant.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Requirements analysis
& specification
Integration &
System testing
Operation &
Fig. 1
Advanced Airport Management System by
n or
Administrator n of Ticket
of Seats
Advanced Airport Management System by
Fig. 2
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the
interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to
represent three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent
entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to
represent attributes. If the application is primarily a database application, the entity-
relationship approach can be used effectively for modeling some parts of the problem.
The main focus in ER modeling is the Data Items in the system and the relationship
between them. It aims to create conceptual scheme for the Data from the user’s
perspective. The model thus created is independent of any database model. The ER
models are frequently represented as ER diagram. Here we present the ER diagram of the
above mentioned project.
Passenger Reserves
Meal (veg. Or Destination
Advanced Airport Management System by
In procedural language program is started with the first line and follow a pre-define Path.
Flow chart is used to define that pre-defined path and it show the flow of control
throughout the program. The flow charts are used in programming for purpose of
indicating the sequence of Operation of Program. It is very useful tool available for the
programmer to generate method of writing the program and statement of program. It
creates sequence of operations and indicated transfer of control in an effective manner.
The flow charts use symbols or blocks of different shapes for representing statement of
A flowchart is a common type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process,
showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with
arrows. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process
or program in various fields.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
complexity of the problems and solutions thereof since the variety of likely problems is
so great and no solutions are exactly similar. However, following considerations should
be kept in mind during the system-designing phase:
The primary objective of the design: Of course, is to deliver the requirements as
specified in the feasibility report. In general, the following design objectives should be
kept in mind:
Practicality: The system must be stable and can be operated by people with average
Efficiency: This involves accuracy, timeliness and comprehensiveness of the system
Cost: it is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition
that it must satisfy all the requirements.
Flexibility: The system should be modifiable depending on the changing needs of the
user. Such modifications should not entail extensive reconstructing or recreation of
software. It should also be portable to different computer systems.
Security: This is very important aspect of the design and should cover areas of
hardware reliability, fall back procedures, physical security of data and provision for
detection of fraud and abuse.
System design involves first logical design and then physical construction of the system.
The logical design describes the structure and characteristics of features, like the outputs,
inputs, files, databases and procedures. The physical construction, which follows the
logical design, produces actual program software, files and a working system.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Interface with other systems: The new system may require some data from another
computerized system or may provide data to another system in which case the files must
be compatible in format and the system must operate with a certain processing cycle.
Processing Techniques:
The processing options available to the designer are:
Batch processing
Real-time processing
On-line processing
A combination of all the above
You are already aware of these techniques. It is quite interesting to note, however, that a
combination of these is often found to be ideal in traditional data processing applications.
This increases throughput of the system as also brings down the response time of on-line
activities. In most of die business applications, 24-hour data is acceptable enough and
hence it is possible to update voluminous data after office-hours in batch mode.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
procedure prior to conversion. The operating system limits the programming languages
that will run of the system.
System and program test preparation: Each aspect of the system has a separate test
requirement. System testing is done after all programming and testing completed the test
cases cover every aspect of the proposed system, actual operations, user interface and so
on. System and program test requirements become a part of design specifications - a pre
requisite to implementation.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Content coupling occurs when module A changes data of module B or when control is
passed from one to the middle of another.
X and Y perform logically similar operations. Therefore, logical cohesion occurs in
modules that contain instructions that appear to be related because they fall into the same
logical class.
Advanced Airport Management System by
X and Y here no conceptual relationship other than shared code Hence, coincidental
cohesion exists in modules that contain instructions that have little or no relationship to
one another.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Hybrid Design
Hybrid approach has really become popular after the acceptance of reusability of
modules. Standard libraries, Microsoft foundation classes, object oriented concepts are
steps in this direction. We may soon have internationally acceptable standards for
Advanced Airport Management System by
Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The process
followed in making this determination is called a feasibility study. This type of study
determines if a project can and should be taken.
Since the feasibility study may lead to the commitment of large resources, it
becomes necessary that it should be conducted competently and that no fundamental
errors of judgment are made.
Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a
more detailed feasibility study. Feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to
its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use
of resources.
The objective of the feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a
sense of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of
the problem to be included in the system are determined.
Consequently, costs and benefits are described with greater accuracy at this stage.
It consists of the following:
1. Statement of the problem: A carefully worded statement of the problem that led to
2. Summary of finding and recommendations: A list of the major findings and
recommendations of the study. It is ideal for the user who requires quick access to the
results of the analysis of the system under study. Conclusion are stated, followed by a list
of the recommendation and a justification for them.
3. Details of findings: An outline of the methods and procedures under-taken by the
existing system, followed by coverage of the objectives and procedures of the candidate
system. Included are also discussions of output reports, file structures, and costs and
benefits of the candidate system.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
Software testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors
in the code. It is the process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by
manual or by automatic means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements or to
identify differences between expected and actual results. The objective of testing is to
show incorrectness and testing is considered to succeed when an error is detected. An
error is a conceptual mistake made by either the programmer or the designer or a
discrepancy between a computed value and a theoretically correct value. A fault is a
specific manifestation of an error. An error may be cause of several faults. A failure is the
inability of a system or component to perform its required function within the specified
limits. A failure may be produced when a fault is executed or exercised. Other activities
that are often associated with software are static analysis and dynamic analysis. Static
analysis investigates the source code of software, looking for problems and gathering
metrics without actually executing the code. Dynamic analysis looks at the behavior of
software while it is executing, to provide information such as execution traces, timing
profiles and test coverage information.
Advanced Airport Management System by
system qualities). It make use of stubs, test-beds, data generators. It is the phase of
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a
group. It follows unit testing and precedes system testing.
Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in
larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates, and
delivers as its output the integrated system ready for system testing.
Integration testing concentrates entirely on module interactions, assuming that the details
within each module are accurate. Module and Integration testing can be combined,
verifying the details of each module's implementation in an integration context. Many
projects compromise, combining module testing with the lowest level of subsystem
integration testing, and then performing pure integration testing at higher levels. Each of
these views of integration testing may be appropriate for any given project, so an
integration testing method should be flexible enough to accommodate them all.
The System testing is bringing together of all programs that a system comprises for
testing purposes. System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to
evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls
within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the
inner design of the code or logic. Programs are typically integrated in a top-down,
incremental fashion. It is a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully
exercise the computer-based system. It includes the following tests: -
Recovery Testing: - It is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of
ways and verifies that recovery is properly performed.
Stress Testing: - These are designed to confront program functions with abnormal
situations. It executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity,
frequency or volume.
Security Testing: - This testing attempts to verify that protection mechanism built
into a system will protect it from unauthorized penetration.
The system testing is an investigatory testing phase, where the focus is to have almost a
destructive attitude and test not only the design, but also the behavior and even the
Advanced Airport Management System by
believed expectations of the customer. It is also intended to test up to and beyond the
bounds defined in the software/hardware requirements specification(s).
7.2 Types of testing
Advanced Airport Management System by
The customer specifies scenarios to test when a user story has been correctly
implemented. A story can have one or many acceptance tests, whatever it takes to ensure
the functionality works. Acceptance tests are black box system tests. Each acceptance test
represents some expected result from the system. Customers are responsible for verifying
the correctness of the acceptance tests and reviewing test scores to decide which failed
tests are of highest priority. Acceptance tests are also used as regression tests prior to a
production release. A user story is not considered complete until it has passed its
acceptance tests. This means that new acceptance tests must be created each iteration or
the development team will report zero progress.
The application can be uploaded in the AIRLINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. To access
it, the user will just require running the executable file of the software. System must have
Turbo PHP driver. Basically the application is for the recording of the Star Sports
records. As implementation of AIRLINE MANAGEMENT System software fully
automate the existing system. In the designed system implementation was done to replace
a manual system with the computerized one. The objective was to put the tested system in
to operation. Critical aspects of conversion are not disrupting the functioning of the
Advanced Airport Management System by
organization. This phase gives us the clears pictures of our new system and all the points
that have been carefully looked in when designing the computerized system.
Sincere efforts were taken for the implementation of the following goals.
Maximizing the output reliability
Maximizing the source test readability
Minimizing the development time.
Advanced Airport Management System by
Advanced Airport Management System by
Scope of this project is to replace the manual work of movie shop mgmt. system with the
new advanced computerized system. User does not need much training to use this
software, as this software is very user friendly and easy to use. It replaces all the paper
work also. In this software we can store thousands of records. It replaces all the
calculation works also as it automatically calculate and print the bill. Some main
advantages are:-
Advanced Airport Management System by
The ‘C’ Programming language by Kernighan & Ritchie, Prentice Hall Publishing house,
Copyright 1988.