English 12122023
English 12122023
English 12122023
English – 12.12.2023
1. What do auditors do?
a) They look after a company’s financial matters.
b) They check a company’s financial documentation.
c) They report financial results to the company.
1. Which of the following does not mean recruiting new personnel?
a) taking on
b) employing
c) dismissing
2. Which part of a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) gives information about your past work record?"
a) Skills
b) Experience
c) Qualifications
1. A picture or symbol associated with a certain brand is called ...
a) a trademark.
b) a label.
c) a copyright.
4. What is a patent?
a) legal protection for inventions
b) legal protection for artwork
c) legal protection for words and symbols
5. If we had patented the design, it would have been safe from counterfeiters. Which statement
is true?
a) The design might be copied.
b) The manufacturer didn't take out a patent.
c) The manufacturer plans to protect his design.
6. What is piracy?
a) stealing other people’s ideas
b) copying CDs and DVDs illegally
c) buying counterfeit goods
8. What is infringement?
a) breaking laws and regulations
b) selling counterfeit goods
c) using the law to protect brands
1. What is supply and demand?
a) the number of goods manufactured
b) buying and selling goods
c) the goods available for sale and the buyers for them
2. What is e-commerce?
a) trading special kinds of goods
b) selling using internet technology
c) c ontacting business partners by internet
6. In the AIDA marketing formula, which of the following could represent the D?
a) getting your product noticed
b) going out and buying the product
c) showing the customer something he really wants
1. What is the purpose of a lobby?
a) to change public and government opinion
b) to force people to accept your opinion
c) to raise money for charity
2. Refusing to buy goods or services from a particular company or country is called ...
a) litigation.
b) a demonstration.
c) a boycott.
3. More than 3000 people have signed the ... against the government.
a) petition
b) protest
c) lobby
5. What is protectionism?
a) allowing poorer countries to develop their economies
b) keeping good relationships between exporting countries
c) using high taxes to stop poorer nations from exporting their goods
6. Everyone ought to eat more fruit and vegetables. Which statement is true?
a) It's a good idea to eat more fruit and vegetables.
b) It's not allowed to eat more fruit and vegetables.
c) It's necessary to eat more fruit and vegetables.
1. What is infoglut?
a) not enough information
b) a flood of information
c) a form of passing on information
3. Which sentence has the same meaning as I'll text you later?
a) I'll send you a fax.
b) I'll send you an SMS.
c)I'll write you a letter.
6. As a form of communication, many people see e-mail as being ... than a phone call.
a) more personal
b) less direct
c) less intrusive
7. Could you please ... as soon as possible?
a) call me back
b) ring up me
c) phone to me
1. What is distribution?
a) getting goods from the factory to the shop
b) buying raw materials from suppliers
c) delivering goods to consumers' homes
3. Where would you find information about which goods are in stock?
a) from a barcode
b) in an inventory
c) on a conveyor belt
4. What is a warehouse?
a) a large building where goods are stored before distribution or sale
b) a large store where customers can buy many different types of products
c) part of a factory where goods are manufactured
7. What is freight?
a) preparing goods for transport
b) transporting goods by rail, air, road or sea
c) loading goods onto transport
9. We’re piloting the system'. Which sentence has the same meaning?
a) We're developing the system.
b) We're trying out the system .
c) We're getting rid of the system.