Motor Examination - Rawan Aldhwaihi
Motor Examination - Rawan Aldhwaihi
Motor Examination - Rawan Aldhwaihi
Always Compare
Ask about pain which may interfere with testing.
As a quick review (motor examination)composed of: inspection →tone→ power →reflex
Power 1) Pt position: for upper limb power :sitting |For lower limb power :supine.
2)Test the muscle strength of upper \lower limb by asking the pt to do: اقوله يسوي هالحركات وأنا احاول اعكس حركته بيدي
,كت كت! ي
اب اشوف قد ايش عضالته قوية وبتقدر تقاوم حر ي واقوله حاول تقاوم حر ي
Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion Elbow extension
Wrist extension
Finger extension Finger flexion Finger abduction Thumb
Hip flexion Hip extension
Knee flexion Knee extension
Ankle dorsiflexion Ankle plantar Great toe extension Ankle eversion Ankle inversion
3) Compare muscle strength on both sides, and grade it on the MRC Scale:
هالنقطه ماتكلموا عنها الدكاتره وماظن مهمه بس لقيتها بالكتاب وخفت يكون عليها درجات بالتشيك ليست
Testing the deep tendon reflexes of the hand.
Hoffmann’s sign. Eliciting a finger
امسك يد المريض نفس, بهوفمن ساين
)الصورة(يد االقزانر هي السمراء
واقوم اخذ االصبع االوسط وأفرك ظفره
طبيعيا بيصير ردة الفعل, رايحه جايه
Adduction of the thumb and
flexion of the index
→ Abnormal findings :An abnormal plantar response is extension of the large toe (extensor plantar or Babinski response).
This is a sign of upper motor neuron damage and is usually associated with other upper motor neurone signs, e.g.
spasticity,lonus and hyperreflexia. Fanning of the toes is normal and not pathological.
If they ask you in the osce to do upper limp examination do It in this way:motor examination sensory
If they ask you in the osce to do upper limp examination do It in this way:motor examination sensory
examinationcoordination Gait
The details of each examination have been discussed separately