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RN Levels

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**Level 1 (Basic):**


1. What are variables in JavaScript, and how do you declare them?

2. Explain the difference between `null` and `undefined` in JavaScript.

3. How do you create functions in JavaScript?

4. What is the purpose of the `this` keyword in JavaScript?

5. What is the difference between Local storage and session storage?

6. Differentiate between `let`, `const`, and `var` when declaring variables.

7. What are classes in javascript?

8. What is the rest parameter and the spread operator?

9. What is the difference between `==` and `===` in JavaScript, and when would you use

10. Explain how to handle asynchronous operations using callbacks in JavaScript.

**React Native:**

1. What is the difference between functional and class components?

2. How do you pass data from a parent component to a child component in React

3. Explain how to apply styles to React Native components.

4. What is the purpose of the `state` and `setState` in a React Native component?

5. How do you handle user input and form controls in React Native?

6. Describe core components provided by React Native and when to use them.
7. How do you navigate between screens or components in a React Native application?

8. What is the purpose of props in React Native, and how do you use them?

9. Explain the concept of virtual DOM and its role in React Native.

10. What is Props Drilling, and how can we avoid it?

11. Difference between yarn and npm.

12. What exactly happens when we update the state in react?

13. Lifecycle methods of React native?

14. How can we manage styling for mobile and iPad?

15. What is a Higher Order Component (HOC) in React?

**Level 2 (Intermediate):**


1. Discuss the role of promises in JavaScript for managing asynchronous operations.

2. How does JavaScript handle variable scoping, and what is lexical scoping?
3. Differentiate arrow functions from regular functions in terms of `this` binding.
4. What is the difference between Axios and fetch?
5. Discuss function currying and function composition in JavaScript.
6. How to call APIs in React Native? fetch/Axios
7. What is the scope and scope chain in JavaScript?
8. What is an arrow function and a regular function, and what is the difference between
9. What is an anonymous function?
10. How do you handle errors in JavaScript? What is the purpose of the 'try...catch'
**React Native:**

1. Explain the role of React Navigation and React Native Navigation in routing and
navigation in React Native.

2. Discuss communicating with native modules and creating custom native modules in
React Native.

3. Describe the differences between Redux and the Context API for state management in
React Native.

4. Explain the FlatList component and its key features.

5. Explain how to integrate animations into a React Native app and optimize their

6. Discuss the concept of deep linking and universal links in React Native.

7. What is middleware, use of middleware?

8. What is the Difference between Thunk and Saga?

9. Explain the difference between ShadowDOM and VirtualDOM in React Native.

10. What is the purpose of the React Testing Library?

11. What are the custom hooks?

12. What are Pure Components, and why do we use them?

13. What are hooks? Explain in detail.

14. Explain Reducers in Redux.

15. What is the difference between useCallback and useMemo?

**Level 3 (Advanced):**

1. Explain Generator functions.

2. Explain Debounce.
3. How do you manage asynchronous operations using generators and the `yield`
keyword in JavaScript?
4. Explain HOF.
5. What are closures in JavaScript, and can you provide a practical example?
6. What is a temporal dead zone?
7. What is the call stack?
8. What is execution context?
9. Explain the "call()", "apply()", and "bind()" methods.
10. What is TypeScript, and how does it relate to JavaScript?
11. How do you declare a variable with a specific type in TypeScript?
12. What are interfaces in TypeScript? and how do they differ from classes?
13. What is the purpose of generics in TypeScript, and how do you use them?
14. What is a union type in TypeScript, and how is it useful?

**React Native:**

1. How can you optimize the performance of a React Native application, and what
techniques can be applied?
2. Explain the TurboModule system and its impact on performance.
3. Explain how to handle offline data synchronization in React Native apps.
4. What are the advantages of using FlatList over ScrollView?
5. How to prevent animations from blocking the JavaScript thread in React Native?
6. How do you implement real-time data synchronization using technologies like
WebSockets in a React Native app?
7. Explain Lazy Components.
8. Explain the event loop in JavaScript and its role in handling asynchronous code.
9. How to store data in React Native?
10. What is the use of Proguard? What is the default value of Proguard?
11. What is the use of prettier, eslint?
12. What is the use of Babel?
13. What is the meaning of the ^ sign in package.json file? What will happen if we
remove that? Example: "Axios": "^0.24.0"
14. What are the steps for uploading apps on Play Store and app store?

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