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Of The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

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Safety Standards

of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3201.2 (06/96) (incl. rectification from BAnz 129, 13.07.00)

Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors Part 2: Design and Analysis

Komponenten des Primrkreises von Leichtwasserreaktoren; Teil 2: Auslegung, Konstruktion und Berechnung

Previous versions of this safety standard were issued 10/80 and 3/84.

If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.

Editor: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS) Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 18 D-38226 Salzgitter Germany Telephone +49-5341/225-(0) 201 Telefax +49-5341/225-225


June 1996 Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors; Part 2: Design and Analysis KTA 3201.2

Previous versions of this safety standard (10/80 and 3/84) were made public in Bundesanzeiger No. 152a on Aug. 18, 1981 and No. 20a on Jan. 30, 1985 This KTA safety standard was prepared on behalf of Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA) by the Fachverband Dampfkessel-, Behlter- und Rohrleitungsbau e.V. (FDBR) and the Verband der Technischen berwachungs-Vereine e.V. (VdTV)

Fundamentals................................................................................... 5 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 Scope ...................................................................................... 5 General principles ................................................................ 6 Load case classes as well as design, service and test loadings and limits of components ................................... 6 General................................................................................... 6 Load case classes of the primary coolant circuit ............. 7 Loadings levels for components ........................................ 7 Effects on the components due to mechanical and thermal loadings, corrosion, erosion, and irradiation.... 8 General................................................................................... 8 Mechanical and thermal loadings ..................................... 9 Documentation of component loadings ........................... 9 Superposition of loadings and classification into loading levels ........................................................................ 9 Corrosion and erosion ......................................................... 9 Irradiation.............................................................................. 9 Design .................................................................................. 10 General requirements ........................................................ 10 General requirements for components and their welds .................................................................................... 11 Component-specific requirements .................................. 14 Dimensioning...................................................................... 18 General................................................................................. 18 Welds.................................................................................... 18 Claddings............................................................................. 18 Wall thickness allowances ................................................ 19 Wall thicknesses ................................................................. 19 General analysis of the mechanical behaviour.............. 19 General................................................................................. 19 Loadings .............................................................................. 22 Stress/strain loadings........................................................ 22 Resulting deformations ..................................................... 22 Determination, evaluation and limitation of mechanical forces and moments ................................................. 22 Mechanical system analysis.............................................. 22 Stress analysis ..................................................................... 23 Fatigue analysis .................................................................. 27 Brittle fracture analysis...................................................... 29 Strain analysis ..................................................................... 31 Structural analysis.............................................................. 31 Stress, strain and fatigue analyses for flanged joints.... 31 Avoidance of thermal stress ratcheting .......................... 32 Component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour............................................................................. 45 General................................................................................. 45 Vessels.................................................................................. 45 Valve bodies........................................................................ 53 8.4 8.5 9 Piping systems.................................................................... 64 Component support structures ....................................... 78 Type and extent of verification of strength and pertinent documents to be submitted............................. 79

Annexes A Dimensioning ..................................................................... 80 A1 General ................................................................................ 80 A2 Dimensioning of parts of the pressure retaining wall....................................................................................... 81 A 2.1 General ................................................................................ 81 A 2.2 Cylindrical shells ............................................................... 81 A 2.3 Spherical shells................................................................... 84 A 2.4 Conical shells...................................................................... 85 A 2.5 Dished heads (domend ends) .......................................... 87 A 2.6 Flat plates ............................................................................ 91 A 2.7 Reinforcement of openings .............................................. 92 A 2.8 Bolted joints ........................................................................ 98 A 2.9 Flanges............................................................................... 105 A 2.10 Gaskets .............................................................................. 113 A3 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 3.3 A 3.4 A 3.5 A4 A 4.1 A 4.2 A 4.3 A 4.4 A 4.5 A 4.6 A 4.7 B B1 B2 B3 C C1 C2 C 2.1 C 2.2 C 2.3 C 2.4 D Valves ................................................................................ 118 Valve bodies ..................................................................... 118 Valve body closures ........................................................ 124 Bolts for valves ................................................................. 127 Self-sealing cover plates.................................................. 127 Valve flanges .................................................................... 128 Piping systems.................................................................. 128 General .............................................................................. 128 Cylindrical shells under internal pressure .................. 128 Bends and curved pipes under internal pressure....... 128 Bends and curved pipes under external pressure ...... 129 Reducers ............................................................................ 129 Butt welding tees ............................................................. 134 Reinforcement of openings in pipe run........................ 136 Calculation methods ....................................................... 139 Freebody method............................................................. 139 Finite differences method (FDM) .................................. 143 Finite element method (FEM) ........................................ 149 Brittle fracture analysis procedures.............................. 155 Drawing-up of the modified Porse diagram with example ............................................................................. 155 Calculation method to determine the KI values ........ 156 General .............................................................................. 156 Prerequisites ..................................................................... 156 Calculation ........................................................................ 156 Alternative methods........................................................ 156 Regulations and Literature referred to in this Safety Standard ................................................................ 160

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the 50-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was made public in Bundesanzeiger No. 216a on November 19, 1996. Copies may be ordered through the Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger Str. 449, D-50939 Koeln (Telefax +49-221-94373-603). All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 18, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany

Comments by the editor: Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the following agreements are effective: shall shall basically indicates a mandatory requirement, is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard, indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used, shall be substantiated during the licensing procedure, indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice, indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard.

shall normally should may

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KTA 3201.2

Fundamentals (1) The safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA) have the task of specifying those safety related requirements which shall be met with regard to precautions to be taken in accordance with the state of science and technology against the damage arising from the construction and operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para. 2 subpara. 3 Atomic Energy Act), in order to attain the protection goals specified in the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and which are further detailed in "Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and in "Guidelines for the Assessment of the Design of PWR Nuclear Power Plants against Incidents 1) pursuant to Sec. 28 para. 3 of the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) - Incident Guidelines". (2) Criterion 1.1, "Principles of Safety Precautions", of the Safety Criteria requires, among other things, a comprehensive quality assurance for fabrication, erection and operation, and Criterion 2.1, "Quality Assurance", requires, among other things, the application, preparation and observation of design rules, material specifications, construction rules, testing and inspection as well as operating instructions and the documentation of quality assurance. Criterion 4.1 "Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary" principally requires, among other things, the exclusion of dangerous leakage, rapidly extending cracks and brittle fractures with respect to the state-of-the-art. Safety Standard KTA 3201.2 is intended to specify detailed measures which shall be taken to meet these requirements within the scope of its application. For this purpose, a large number of standards from conventional engineering, in particular DIN standards, are also used; these are specified in each particular case. For the components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary the requirements of the aforementioned safety criteria are further concretized with the following safety standards KTA 3201.1 KTA 3201.3 KTA 3201.4 as well as KTA 3203 Monitoring Radiation Embrittlement of the Material of the Reactor Pressure Vessel of Light Water Reactors. Materials and Product Forms Manufacture Inservice Inspections and Operational Monitoring


(1) This safety standard applies to the design and analysis of the components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary of light water reactors made of metallic materials, which are operated up to design temperatures of 673 K (400 C). (2) The primary coolant circuit as reactor coolant pressure boundary of pressurized water reactors comprises the following components, without internals: a) reactor pressure vessel b) primary side of the steam generator; the steam generator calandria including the feedwater inlet and main steam outlet nozzles up to the pipe connecting welds, however excluding the smaller stubs and nipples, shall also fall under the scope of this safety standard c) pressurizer d) reactor coolant pump casing e) interconnecting pipework between the aforementioned components and any valve body installed on this pipework f) pipework downstream of the aforementioned components including the installed valve bodies up to and including the first isolating valve g) pressure walls of the control element drive mechanisms and the in-core instrumentation. (3) The primary coolant circuit as reactor coolant pressure boundary of boiling water reactors comprises the following components, without internals: a) reactor pressure vessel b) pipework belonging to the same pressure space as the pressure containment including the installed valve bodies up to and including the first isolating valve; pipework penetrating the containment shell and belonging to the same pressure space as the reactor pressure vessel up to and including the first isolating valve located outside the containment shell c) pressure walls of the control element drive mechanisms and the in-core instrumentation. (4) This safety standard also applies to the die-out lengths of component support structures with integral connections.
Note: Fo r the lim itatio n o f the d ie-o ut lengths o f co m p o nent sup p o rt structures with integral connection clause 8.5 shall apply. Regard ing co m p o nent sup p o rt structures w ith no n-integral co nnectio ns fo r co m p o nents o f the reacto r co o lant p ressure boundary KTA 3205.1 shall apply.

(3) KTA 3201.2 specifies the detailed requirements to be met by a) the classification into code classes, load case classes and level loadings b) the design and analysis of components c) the calculation procedures and design principles for obtaining and maintaining the required quality of the components d) the documents for the certificates and demonstrations to be submitted. (4) Requirements not serving the purpose of safe inclusion of the primary coolant are not dealt with in this safety standard. Page 5

(5) This safety standard shall also apply to the design of pipes and valves with diameters not exceeding DN 50 where loadings occur which require a fatigue analysis.
Note: Simplified procedures are given in cl. 8.4.1 (6). Requirements for instrument lines are laid down in KTA 3507.

KTA 3201.2

General principles

(1) For the design and analysis the principles laid down in this section shall be adhered to. According to Section 3 "Load case classes of the primary circuit and design, service and test loadings and limits of components" the load cases shall be classified for each specific plant and system due to their different safety-criteria and the related loading levels shall be laid down for each specific component. Depending on this the loadings occurring shall be evaluated and be limited in which case the influence of the fluid (corrosion and erosion) shall be properly taken into account (see clause 4.5). (2) The design shall be made in accordance with the rules of Section 5 "Design". The use of other designs than those specified in Section 5 and Annex A shall be subject to specific verifications. (3) The mechanical strength shall be verified in two steps: a) as dimensioning in accordance with Section 6 b) as analysis of the mechanical behaviour according to Section 7 or 8 or in combination of sections 7 and 8. (4) Within dimensioning the effective sections (wall thicknesses) shall be determined to ensure that internal pressure, external pressure and external forces of all loading levels are withstood to meet the limit values fixed for the primary stresses. (5) With respect to the safety criteria to be satisfied by the component the stability, structural integrity and functional capability shall be verified as explained hereinafter. a) Stability of the component aa) Stability means the safety against inadmissible changes in position and location of installation (e.g. overturning, fall, inadmissible displacement). ab) Stability is mainly proved by a verification of strength of the support, in which case the connection of the support to the component and the anchorage (support, component) shall be taken into account. b) Structural integrity of the component ba) Structural integrity means that the pressure loaded walls withstand all specified pressure and other mechanical loads within the scope of the specified number of occurrences and the service life to an admissible extent. bb) Structural integrity is proved by a verification of strength of the pressurized wall. When verifying the structural integrity, the stability of the component shall also be taken into account. c) Functional capability of the component ca) Functional capability means the capability of the component beyond the stability and integrity requirements to fulfil the specified task at the respective event. This safety standard only considers the requirements for pressure-retaining walls for safeguarding the functional capability of the component. The required distortion limits for pressure-retaining walls are also specified for this purpose.

cb) Regarding functional capability distinction is made whether it is to be ensured during or after the event or during and after the event in which case distinction is also made between active and passive functional capability. cc) Active functional capability ensures that the specified mechanical movements (relative movements between parts) can be made (consideration of the possibility of closing clearances, generating or altering frictional forces). cd) Passive functional capability means that distortions and displacement limits are not exceeded. ce) Active components are components for which mechanical movements are specified to satisfy safety requirements, e.g. pumps, valves. All other components are passive components, e.g. vessels, piping systems. These verifications shall be made in accordance with Section 7 "General analysis of the mechanical behaviour" or alternatively to Section 8 "Component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour". Regarding the functional capability the component-specific requirements shall be met. (6) There is no limitation to the geometry and type of loading with regard to the applicability of Section 7. If Section 8 is applied, the requirements of this section shall be considered. (7) The calculations required for performing the analysis of the mechanical behaviour according to Sections 7 and 8 shall be made using the applicable methods of structural mechanics. (8) The service limits given in clauses 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 and Section 8 generally apply to loadings that have been determined on the basis of linear-elastic material laws. (9) Where the numerical calculation procedures of Annex B are applied, the requirements of this Annex shall be met. (10) The stress analysis may be omitted if it has been demonstrated by means of dimensioning according to Section 6 or in another way that the stresses are allowable. (11) Verifications by means of experiments are permitted to substitute or supplement the analysis of components laid down by this safety standard.

Load case classes as well as design, service and test loadings and limits of components General


(1) Conditions and changes of state of the system result from the events occurring in the total plant and are identified as load cases in connection with the loadings on the component. With respect to their importance for the total plant and adherence to the protective goals the load cases of the primary circuit are classified in system-specific documents into the load case classes as per clause 3.2.

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KTA 3201.2

(2) To each of these load cases a loading level according to clause 3.3 is assigned with respect to the specific component. These loading levels refer to allowable loadings. (3) Where loadings of considerable extent arise due to other load cases (e.g. transport, assembly and repair cases) they shall be verified by means of strength calculation. The allowable service limits shall be determined for each individual case. Accidents (SF) Accidents are incidents having an extremely little probability of occurrence, or are postulated load cases. 3.3 Loadings levels for components

3.3.1 General According to clauses 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 distinction shall be made between the various loading levels of the components regarding the continuation of operation and measures to be taken, with the loading levels being specific to each component. The loading limits pertinent to the loading levels are laid down in Section 7 and 8 and shall be determined such that the integrity of the components is ensured at any loading level for the specific load cases. 3.3.2 Design loading (Level 0) General Level 0 covers such loadings which are due to the effect of design pressure and additional design mechanical loads so that the maximum primary stresses resulting from the load cases under Level A according to clause, including the pertinent stability cases in the components and their parts are covered. The load case data comprise the design pressure (see clause, the design temperature (see clause and additional design loads (see clause Design pressure (1) The design pressure to be specified for a component or part shall be not less than the maximum difference in pressure between the pressure-loaded surfaces according to Level A (see clause (2) For parts where the pressure on the inside is independent from the pressure on the outside, the largest value of the values indicated hereinafter shall be taken as the design pressure: a) maximum difference between internal and atmospheric pressure b) maximum difference between external and atmospheric pressure to take the stability behaviour into account c) maximum difference between internal and external pressure to take the stability behaviour into account. (3) For parts where the pressure on the inside depends on the pressure on the outside, the design pressure shall be the maximum pressure difference. (4) Hydrostatic pressures shall be taken into account if they exceed 5 % of the design pressure. (5) It is assumed that safety valves and other safety devices are designed and set such that the pressure of the primary coolant circuit, in the case of operation as specified, exceeds the design pressure only for a short period of time in which case the Level B service limits (see clause are satisfied.


Load case classes of the primary coolant circuit

3.2.1 General The load cases of the primary coolant circuit shall be assigned to one of the following load case classes: 3.2.2 Design load cases (AF) Design load cases are considered to be load cases which cover the normal operational load cases (NB) according to clause as far as they cause maximum primary stresses in the components or parts. 3.2.3 Specified operation Normal operational load cases (NB) Normal operational load cases are operating conditions or changes in operating conditions intended for the plant with the systems being in a functionally fit condition. They especially comprise start-up of the reactor, full-load operation, part-load operation, and shutdown of the reactor including the transients occurring during these load variations. Anomalous operational load cases (AB) Anomalous operational load cases refer to deviations from the normal operating load cases which are caused by functional disturbance or control error of the component or adjacent components. There are no objections to continue the operation after such load cases. Test load cases (PF) These load cases comprise the first pressure test (component and system pressure test) as well as periodic pressure and leakage tests. 3.2.4 Incidents General Incidents are deviations from specified operation in the event of which the operation of the plant cannot be continued for safety reasons and for which the plant is designed. Emergencies (NF) Emergencies are incidents having very little probability of occurrence.

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KTA 3201.2 Design temperature (1) The design temperature is used to determine the design strength values and shall normally not be less than the highest temperature according to Level A to be expected in the wall at the point under consideration. (2) The design temperature may be taken equal to the respective temperature of the primary coolant; lower design temperatures shall be verified. Where heating due to induced heat (e.g. due to gamma radiation) is to be expected, the effect of such heating shall be considered in establishing the design temperature. Additional design mechanical loads Additional design mechanical loads shall be selected to be at least so high that, when combined with the design pressure, they cover the simultaneously acting unfavourable primary stresses of Level A service limits. 3.3.3 Service limits General The loadings for the various service limits shall be determined and limited within the analysis of the mechanical behaviour in which case the respective actual loadings and temperatures may be used. Level A service limits (1) The loadings resulting from normal operational load cases (NB) shall be assigned to Level A. (2) It shall be verified in accordance with clause 7.7.3 that the stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges are permitted. Level B service limits (1) For load cases assigned to Level B it shall be verified in accordance with clause 7.7.3 that the stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges are permitted. (2) Primary stresses need only be verified if the Level 0 design loadings are exceeded. Level C service limits (1) Only primary stresses shall be considered within the stress analysis for the load cases assigned to Level C service limits. If the total number of stress cycles of all postulated events exceeds 25, the stress cycles exceeding the number of 25 shall be taken into account in the fatigue analysis according to clause 7.8. (2) These sets of Level C service limits permit large deformations in areas of structural discontinuity. Such deformations may necessitate inspection of the respective component.

(3) 120 % of the allowable external pressure according to Level 0 are permitted as external pressure without additional proof of stability. Level D service limits Only primary stresses shall be considered for the load cases assigned to Level D service limits where it is accepted that gross general deformations may occur which may necessitate repair or replacement of the respective component. Level P service limits (1) Only primary stresses shall be considered for the load cases assigned to Level P service limits. If the number of pressure tests does not exceed 10 they shall not be considered in the fatigue analysis. If the number of pressure tests exceeds 10 the pressure tests exceeding the number of 10 shall be considered in the fatigue analysis. (2) The first pressure test of a component not installed in the system shall be conducted with 1.3 times the design pressure for rolled and forged steels, and with 1.5 times the design pressure for cast steel in which cases these pressures shall be designated test pressure p'. The test temperature shall be established according to brittle fracture criteria.
Note: The d eterm inatio n o f the test p ressures and tem p eratures is laid down in clause 3.5 of KTA 3201.4.

Effects on the components due to mechanical and thermal loadings, corrosion, erosion, and irradiation General


(1) All relevant effects on the components due to mechanical and thermal loadings, corrosion, erosion, and irradiation shall be taken into account in the design and calculation with exact or conservative values for each specific component. (2) Mechanical and thermal loadings are the effects on the component resulting from the load cases as defined in Section 3. These effects lead to loadings in the component for which the component has to be designed. Mechanical and thermal loadings may have direct effect on the components and parts and cause the respective loadings. They may also have indirect effect, as for example temperature transients in the coolant which cause temperature differentials in the component and then lead to restraints to thermal expansion. (3) Corrosion and erosion may lead to local or large-area wall thinning. In connection with stresses corrosion may also lead to cracking. (4) The effects of neutron irradiation will lead, in the core area, to an embrittlement of the material and the generation of heat sources by -radiation. Heat sources caused by the absorption of -radiation are a special type of thermal loading.

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KTA 3201.2


Mechanical and thermal loadings

(1) Mechanical and thermal loadings comprise forces and moments, imposed deformations and temperature differentials as far as they cause loadings in the components. (2) The stresses and strains thus caused shall be determined and evaluated within the analysis of the mechanical behaviour in accordance with Section 7 or 8. (3) Mechanical and thermal loadings are the following: a) Loadings caused by the fluid, e.g. by its pressure, temperature, pressure transients, temperature transients, fluid forces, vibrations b) Loadings caused by the component itself, e.g. dead weight, cold-spring, deviations from specified shape due to manufacture c) Loadings imposed by adjacent components, caused e.g. by pipe forces applied due to restraint to thermal expansion or pump oscillations d) Ambient loadings transferred by component support structures and imposed e.g. by anchor displacement, vibrations due to earthquake
Note: Special requirements for seismic design are contained in KTA 2201.4.

(2) Where a loading cannot be established by indicating one unit only, it shall be verified by inclusion of its time history.


Superposition of loadings and classification into loading levels

Table 4-1 gives an example of the combination of component loadings and their classification into loading levels. Plant-specific details shall be laid down in the respective plant specifications.


Corrosion and erosion

Special measures shall be taken to withstand corrosion (e.g. intergranular stress corrosion cracking on austenitic components under boiling water reactor conditions and strain-induced corrosion cracking in the case of unclad components in oxygen-containing high-temperature water) and erosion by selecting suitable materials, dimensioning, design or stress-reducing fabrication measures (cladding or deposition welding of the base material, avoidance of narrow gaps).
Note: Sp ecial requirem ents fo r avo id ing and d etecting co rro sio n are laid down in KTA 3201.4.

e) Loadings due to heat sources caused by -radiation (in the core area of the reactor pressure vessel). 4.3 Documentation of component loadings



(1) The mechanical and thermal loadings including their frequency of occurrence, which have been established or fixed in due consideration of the load cases of the primary coolant circuit, shall be recorded and documented for each specific component.

The embrittlement of the material caused by neutron irradiation shall be considered when assessing the material's brittle fracture behaviour.

Loadings 1) Static loadings Service loading levels Design Design prestempesure rature 2) Pressure Tempe- Dead rature 2) weight and other loads Mechanical loads, reaction forces Restraint to thermal expansion Transient loadings Transient loads (pressure, temperature, mechanical loads), dynamic loading Anomalous loadings (static and dynamic) Test loadings (static and dynamic) Vibration and dynamic loadings Design basis earthquake Effects from the inside Other effects from the outside

Level 0 Level A Level B Level P Level C



Level D


1) In each load case the type of loadings imposed shall be checked. 2) To determine the stress intensity value.

Table 4-1: Example for the superposition of component loadings and their classification into service loading levels Page 9

KTA 3201.2

5 5.1

Design General requirements

5.1.4 Design meeting fabrication requirements Design meeting manufacture and workmanship requirements The following principles apply to design meeting manufacture and workmanship requirements: a) Product forms and materials shall be selected to ensure favourable conditions for processing and non-destructive testing. b) The number of welds shall be minimized accordingly. Welds shall be located such as to consider accessibility during welding (taking preheating into account) and minimization of weld residual stresses. c) The structure shall be so designed that repairs, if any, can be done as simply as possible.
Note: See also KTA 3201.3 regarding the fabrication requirements.

5.1.1 Principles (1) The design of the components shall a) meet the functional requirements b) not lead to an increase of loadings/stresses c) meet the specific requirements of the materials d) meet fabrication and inspection and testing requirements e) be amenable to maintenance. (2) The aforementioned general requirements are correlated and shall be harmonized with respect to the component-specific requirements.


Design meeting functional requirements and not leading to an increase of loadings/stresses Design meeting testing and inspection requirements

Components shall be designed and constructed such as to meet the specific functional requirements. The following principles are based hereupon: a) favourable conditions for component service loadings taking the loadings imposed by the system into account (e.g. actuating, closing and fluid forces) b) favourable distribution of stresses, especially in areas of structural discontinuity (nozzles, wall thickness transitions, points of support) c) avoidance of abrupt changes at wall thickness transitions, especially in the case of components subject to transient temperature loadings (see clause 5.2.6) d) avoidance of welds in areas of high local stresses e) pipe laying at a specified slope.

(1) The shaping of the parts as well as the configuration and location of the welds shall permit the performance of non-destructive tests with sufficient defect interpretation on product forms, welds and installed components in accordance with KTA 3201.1, KTA 3201.3 and KTA 3201.4. (2) The following principles apply to design meeting test and inspection requirements a) Attachment welds on pressure-retaining walls shall basically be full-penetration welds so that non-destructive testing of the welded joint is possible. Clause (4) defines the permissibility of fillet welds. b) Basically, all accessible welded joints on pressure parts shall be machined flush, and attachment welds on pressure retaining walls shall have a notch-free contour. The surface finish of welded joints shall meet the requirements of clause 13.1.3 of KTA 3201.3. c) Single-side welds are permitted if they can be subjected to the non-destructive testing procedures prescribed by KTA 3201.3. d) Forgings shall be so designed and constructed that the non-destructive tests specified by KTA 3201.1, e.g. ultrasonic and surface crack detection tests, can be performed on the finished part or forged blank upon the heat treatment specified for the material. e) Cast steel bodies shall be so designed that non-destructive testing (e.g. radiography, surface crack detection) is principally possible also on the inner surface.
Note: See also KTA 3201.1 and KTA 3201.3.

5.1.3 Design meeting the specific requirements for materials (1) The following criteria shall be satisfied regarding the selection of materials and the product form: a) strength b) ductility c) physical properties (e.g. coefficient of thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity) d) corrosion resistance e) amenability to repair f) construction (minimization of fabrication defects) g) capability of being inspected and tested. (2) The materials specified by KTA 3201.1 shall be used. For special loadings, such as erosion, corrosion or increased wear, "materials for special use" may be permitted. (3) The materials shall be used in a product form suitable for the loadings occurring (e.g. plates, forgings, castings, seamless tubes) (4) The use of dissimilar materials in one component shall be limited to the extent required.

5.1.5 Design amenable to maintenance (1) When designing pressure-retaining walls of components care shall be taken to ensure that they are easily accessible and in-service inspections can be adequately performed.

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KTA 3201.2

(2) The following principles shall be observed: a) Adequate accessibility for maintenance (especially examination, visual inspection, repair or replacement) shall be ensured. The geometries in the areas to be non-destructively tested shall be simple. b) Adequate accessibility for repairs, if any, shall be ensured taking the radiation protection requirements into account. c) Activity-retaining components shall be so designed that deposits are avoided as far as possible and decontamination can be performed. d) Welds in the controlled area shall be located and designed in accordance with the Radiation Protection Ordinance so that setting-up and inspection times for periodic inspections are as short as possible. Attachment welds (1) Attachment welds on pressure-retaining walls shall basically be welded with a length not less than 50 mm. Exceptions to this rule (e.g. pads for piping) shall be agreed upon with the authorized inspector. (2) Corner joints and welding-over of butt joints are not permitted. To avoid such welding-over, unwelded areas shall be left at the junction of brackets and support lugs, excluding parts with a wall thickness s less than 16 mm. (3) Double-bevel butt welds and single-bevel butt welds with backing run according to Figure 5.2-2 are permitted without restriction. Single-bevel butt joints without backing run are permitted by agreement with the authorized inspector in the case of restricted accessibility if the welds are of the full-penetration type and can be subjected to non-destructive testing.


General requirements for components and their welds

Attachment welds ( as-welded )

5.2.1 General Besides the requirements laid down hereinafter additional geometric conditions shall be taken into account when applying special calculation procedures, if any. 5.2.2 Welds Butt welds Butt weld shall be full-penetration welds. Cruciform joints, weld crossings and built-up weld deposits shall normally be avoided. If the thickness of two parts to be joined by butt welding differs, the thicker part shall be trimmed to a taper extending at least three times the offset between the abutting surfaces; the length of the taper, however, shall not exceed 150 mm. Figure 5.2-1 shows single-sided weld configurations.
Note: KTA 3201.3 lays down the requirements where single-sided welds are permitted.



Weld configuration and design of transitions ( also applies to fillet welds )





7- 8

R s 1) 0.5 s 1

30 to 60

rs 5mm

s1 s


Perform with tangential transition

Figure 5.2-2: Examples of single-bevel and double-bevel butt welds for attachment welds (4) Fillet welds shall be welded over the full circumference and are permitted in the following cases:



Prior to welding

Upon welding and subsequent machining

a) on nozzles for measuring, drain and vent pipes with nominal diameters smaller than DN 50 installed as penetration pipe. In this case the pipe is not considered to contribute to the reinforcement. b) where full-penetration welds lead to a clearly more favourable design than it would be the case if fillet welds were used. Page 11

Figure 5.2-1: Examples of single-side butt welds

KTA 3201.2

c) as seal welds (see Figure 5.2-3). d) as attachment welds on austenitic weld claddings (see Figure 5.2-4).





Bore Radius may be omitted if dressing is not possible due to geometric reasons.


Figure 5.2-3: Examples of welds primarily having sealing function

Figure 5.2-5: Configuration of welds on nozzles

5.2.3 Diameter and wall-thickness transitions (1) In the case of diameter transitions care shall be taken to ensure that the stresses are favourably distributed and non-destructive examinations can be performed. Specific radii and cylindrical or tapered transitions shall be provided. (2) Wall thickness transitions shall be so designed that the stresses are favourably distributed. Abrupt transitions shall be avoided. The wall thickness transitions shall be such that the welds can be properly and completely subjected to non-destructive testing. Figure 5.2-4: Examples for attachments welded to austenitic weld claddings

5.2.4 Flanges and gaskets (1) Flanges shall only be of the forged, rolled without seam, or cast type. Nozzle welds (1) The allowable configurations of nozzles, welded joints and transitions are shown in Figure 5.2-5. (2) Welded set-in nozzles shall be back welded where possible on account of dimensions. Single-side welds are permitted if the root has been dressed. Where in exceptional cases dressing of the root is not possible it shall be ensured that the weld can be tested.

(2) Reactor pressure vessel flanges and comparable designs shall be so designed as to favour the distribution of stresses and to meet the functional requirements (e.g. leak tightness even under transient loadings). (3) For other flanges (nominal diameter smaller than DN 300) the following shall be satisfied: a) the face shall be designed to meet the design requirements for the gasket

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b) the transition radii r1 and r2 according to Figures 5.2-6 and 5.2-7 shall be not less than 0.25 sR, but at least 6 mm. c) in accordance with clause 5.2.5 at least 4 bolts shall be provided.

(4) Such designs shall be preferred which ensure that bolted connections inside the vessel or parts thereof cannot enter the circuit in case of fracture. (5) Bolts in reactor pressure vessel flange connections and comparable bolted joints shall be designed such as to make in-service inspections possible.

5.2.6 Nozzles (1) The geometric conditions (wall thickness ratios, weld radii, nozzle lengths) are contained in Table 5.2-1. The definition of the units contained in Table 5.2-1 can be taken from Figures 5.2-5 and 5.2-8. Limitation of wall thickness ratios Figure 5.2-6 Welding necks Nozzle dimensions Wall thickness ratio dAi < 50 mm dAi > 50 mm and dAi/dHi 0.2 dAi/dHi > 0.2 sA/sH 1.3 For exceptions see clause A 2.7 Remark sA/sH 2 sA/sH 2 Remark

Weld configuration requirements Nozzle type Figure 5.2-7 Welding-neck flanges Set-through nozzle Set-on nozzle Gaskets Only combined seals and metal gaskets shall be used as gaskets. The possibility of chemical influences on the base material by the gasket material (chemical compatibility of the material combination) shall be taken into account. Other influences on the gasket resistance (e.g. by ionizing radiation) shall also be considered. 5.2.5 Bolts and nuts (1) Bolts and nuts complying with DIN standards shall be used as far as the design permits. Necked-down or reduced-shank bolts are to be preferred. The effective thread length shall be adapted to the combination of materials (e.g. bolts - body) (see clause A 2.8). Reduced-shank bolts to DIN 2510-2 or necked-down bolts shall be used at design temperatures above 300 C and design pressures above 40 bar. (2) Bolts and nuts for connection with austenitic parts shall be made, if possible, of the same or similar material as the parts to be joined. Where materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion are used, the effect of differential thermal expansion shall be taken into account. (3) Bolts with < 10 M or respective diameter at root of thread are basically not permitted. In special cases (e.g. in the case of bolts for valves) smaller bolts may be used, however, their dimension shall not be less than M 6 or respective diameter at root of thread. Set-through or set-on nozzle Conditions r2 0.5 sH r2 0.5 sH r2 at least 10 mm or 0.1 sH In exceptional cases, e.g. to avoid welding-over of weld edges

Configuration requirements for transitions Transitions shall be smooth and edges be rounded. The transition radius r shall be fixed depending on the design.
r2 see Figure 5.2-5 and Figure 5.2-8 sA wall thickness of branch (nozzle) sH wall thickness of main shell

Table 5.2-1:

Recommendations for wall thickness ratios, welds and nozzle transitions

(2) For nozzles with an inside diameter not less than 120 mm and a nozzle wall thickness sA not less than 15 mm the main shell shall normally be reinforced, taking a favourable distribution of stresses into account. At a diameter ratio qA above 0.8 a stress analysis shall be performed additionally unless this area has been covered by adequate dimensioning procedures, e.g. according to equation (A 3.1-22). The diameter ratio qA is defined as the ratio of the mean diameter of branch piping to the mean diameter of the reinforced area of the run pipe. (3) The wall thickness ratio of nozzle to shell shall be basically selected to be not greater than 1.3 (see Table 5.2-1). This wall thickness ratio may be exceeded in the following cases:

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a) the additional wall thickness of the nozzle is not used to reinforce the nozzle opening, but is selected for design reasons (e.g. manhole nozzle) b) the nozzle is fabricated with reduced reinforcement area (e.g. nozzles which are conical to improve test conditions for the connecting pipe) c) A wall thickness ratio sA/sH with a maximum value of 2 is permitted for dAi less than 50 mm. This also applies to branches with dAi not less than 50 mm where the diameter ratio dAi/dHi does not exceed 0.2.

(5) Nozzles shall be made from forged bars (limitation of diameter depending on analysis), seamless forged tubular products or seamless pipes. (6) Vessel and piping nozzles subject to rapid, high temperature changes of the fluid (transient inlet and outlet flow conditions) usually are provided with thermal sleeves to be designed such that a thermal resistance between fluid and nozzle wall as well as the nozzle transition area to the vessel wall is provided to reduce thermal stresses in this area. Therefore it is necessary to connect the thermal sleeve outside the nozzle area required for reinforcement of opening. 5.2.7 Dished and flat heads

Notations sR sA

The following types of heads shall preferably be used: a) flanged flat heads b) torispherical heads c) semi-ellipsoidal heads d) hemispherical heads.

Configuration of welded transitions see Figure 5.2-5





1. Set-through nozzle

Design 1 > DN 150 Forgings or combination of forged and rolled parts

Design 2 DN 150 Fabricated from forged bars

2. Set-on nozzle

Wall thickness s in mm s 40 s 40 s > 40

Design 1 2 1 and 2

Condition for R in mm R = max.{5; 0.5 s} R = max.{8; 0.5 s} R 0.3 s

Condition for L acc. to KTA 3201.3

3. Set-in nozzle (forging)

Figure 5.2-8: Examples of nozzle designs

(4) Where the nozzle diameter is great in relation to the main shell, the wall thickness ratio shall be reduced. In the case of a branch with qA exceeding 0.8 the wall thickness ratio sA/sH shall not exceed 1.0.

1.5 s

Figure 5.2-9: Allowable designs of welded flat heads Figure 5.2-9 shows permissible types of welded flat heads (e.g. end caps). Design types 1 and 2 are permitted for forgings or parts fabricated by a combination of forging and rolling. Type 2 may also be made of forged bars for diameters not exceeding DN 150. Plates are permitted for flanged flat covers only subject to pressure perpendicular to the surface. For pressure tests blanks made from plate are permitted.

5.3 Component-specific requirements 5.3.1 General The requirements of Sections 5.1 to 5.2 regarding the design apply primarily to all types of components. In the following, component-specific design requirements are additionally given to be met by various structural elements of apparatus and vessels, pumps, valves, and piping systems.

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5.3.2 Pressure vessels Shells, heads Shells and heads shall normally be designed as coaxial shells of revolution of constant thickness and curvature, if practicable, in the meridian plane by using the design shapes given in KTA 3201.1. Nozzles (1) For the design of nozzles on vessels the requirements of clause 5.2.6 apply . (2) The portion of the nozzle calculated as reinforcement of opening shall be considered to be part of the pressure-retaining wall of the vessel. The portion belonging to the vessel may be extended to the first nozzle attachment weld or, in the case of flanged attachments, to the interface between the flanges.






Figure 5.3-1: Examples of tubesheet designs (5) The welded joints shall be arranged according to KTA 3201.1 such that tests and inspections can be performed.


r3 Inspection openings (1) Inspection openings shall be provided to meet the requirements of the Pressure Vessel Order and AD-Merkblatt A5. (2) Nozzles for inspection openings shall meet the design requirements of clause 5.2.6. Covers and sealings (e.g. manhole) shall be so designed that multiple opening for inspection and repair purposes is possible without affecting the tightness; weld lip seals shall be avoided. (3) Vessels filled with radioactive fluids shall be provided with access openings with DN 600, if required by AD-Merkblatt A5. Covers and blanks Permanent covers and blanks (1) The design shapes of flat covers and blanks shown in Figure 5.3-2 are permitted. In addition, the head shapes covered by clause 5.2.7 may be used. (2) The attachment welds shall be full-penetration welded.

r Tubesheets

(1) Figure 5.3-1 shows examples of typical designs of tubesheets with hubs for connection to cylindrical sections. These examples apply to ferritic and austenitic materials. (2) The weld joining the cylindrical section and the tubesheet shall be back-welded, be ground flush on the inside, i.e. it shall, basically, never be welded as final weld. Exceptions to this rule are permitted in the case of small dimensions where access from the inside is not possible. (3) Other designs than those shown in Figure 5.3.1 are permitted if is has been proved that the stresses are allowable and the geometric conditions for performing non-destructive testing are given. (4) The transition radii and angles shall satisfy the following conditions: 0 1 10 degree 0 2 10 degree r1, r2 0,25 s1 r3, r4 0,25 s2

r 0.2 s r min = 5 mm h s

r 0.2 s r min = 5 mm

Figure 5.3-2: Covers and blanks Temporary covers and blanks (1) Temporary covers and blanks are such elements which are only needed for nuclear test conditions of the plant (e.g. for pressure tests).

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(2) The design shapes of flat covers and blanks shown in Figure 5.3-2 are permitted. In addition, the head shapes covered by clause 5.2.7 as well as other comparable shapes may be used. (3) Temporary covers and blanks need not be attached by full-penetration welds.

(3) The taper shall meet the following requirements: a) The sum of inside and outside taper angle shall normally not exceed 45. b) In case of a taper on one side only with an angle of more than 30 the concave edges shall be rounded to satisfy r s2/4 (see Figure 5.3-4). (4) Regarding the transition between flat heads, e.g. between tubesheet and vessel shell, clause shall be considered. Permitted types of combinations and transitions General (1) Regarding the loadings the transitions between the main bodies are designed in the best possible way if the following conditions are satisfied: a) the rotational axes of the design elements coincide at the intersection b) there are no abrupt or sharp-edge transitions at the shell mid-surfaces c) the deformation behaviour or wall thicknesses of the individual elements are matching at the intersection (minimization of secondary and peak stresses). (2) From the above principles the following stipulations are derived to ensure favourable distribution of stresses regarding the design. In addition, further requirements of KTA 3201.3, especially with regard to the possibility of tests and inspections shall be taken into account.


r s 2 /4

1+ 2 < 45

Figure 5.3-4: Configuration of wall thickness transitions Combination of shell elements, head elements and tube plates (1) The elements of vessel shell and heads may be connected without specific requirements as to the shape of transition if the conditions shown in Figure 5.3-3 are satisfied in consideration of the manufacturing tolerances. The restrictions of Figure 5.3-3 do not apply to the connection of flat heads and tube plates.
 (2) If one of the conditions for , e and s according to Figure 5.3-3 is not satisfied, tapers or transition radii or both shall be provided. Heat exchanger tube-to-tubesheet joints Heat exchanger tubes shall be attached to the tubesheet cladding by means of a seal weld which shall be designed to withstand the tube forces. In addition, the tubes shall be expanded or rolled, or expanded and rolled into the tubesheet. Arrangement of nozzles (1) If practicable, nozzles shall normally be so arranged that the following conditions are satisfied: a) The nozzle axis shall be vertical or nearly vertical to the shell centreline, and the angle between nozzle axis and shell normal shall not deviate by more than 15. b) The nozzle is not located in an area where the stresses may combine with other stress raisers. (2) Deviation from these criteria is only permitted for functional or other important reasons.


s s e s < = = < < 30 max ( s1 , s2 ) min ( s1 , s2 ) 0.125 s 1.25 s

(3) The nozzles shall basically be attached to the shell by means of full-penetration welds. (4) Only nozzles as per clause 5.2.2. (4) a) may also be attached by non-full-penetration welds, shrinkage fit or screwing-in. The nozzle may be welded exclusively to the cladding. (5) In the case of shrinkage or screwed joints a seal weld shall additionally be provided.


Figure 5.3-3: Limit values for the connection of shells of revolutions without transition joints

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KTA 3201.2 Attachment of covers and blanks (1) Covers and blanks as per clause shall be attached by a) welding (full-penetration welds) b) bolting or c) flanged joint. (2) In the case of temporary covers and blanks even non-full-penetration weld are permitted.

events occurring in addition to the operational hydraulic loadings. b) The design of the valve body and the pertinent systems shall permit adequate accessibility for maintenance, replacement of wear parts and repair purposes. c) The design of the valve body shall especially provide smooth tapers at cross-sectional transitions.

5.3.5 Piping systems (1) Pipes, bends and elbows shall normally be seamless.

Attachment of parts not covered by this safety standard

(2) The radius of pipe bends and elbows shall be not less than 1.5 DN. Exceptions are permitted in justified cases. (3) Bends shall basically be provided with straight pipe ends.
Note: See also KTA 3201.1, clause 17.1 (2). Load-transferring parts (1) The parts shall be connected to meet the requirements of this standard, if specified (e.g. nozzle connection) (2) The parts for which this standard does not contain design specifications shall be designed as: a) full-penetration welded joint b) bolted joint where the efficiency must be considered c) clamped joint (e.g. reactor pressure vessel internals) d) positive connections where the possibility of plays must be considered in the case of alternating direction of force application.

5.3.6 Component support structures General (1) Component support structures may be designed as supporting structures with integral or non-integral areas. (2) The integral area of a supporting structure comprises the parts rigidly attached to the component (e.g. welded, cast, machined from the solid) with support function. (3) The non-integral area of a supporting structure comprises parts detachably connected or not connected (e.g. bolted, studded, simply supported) having supporting functions as well as those parts with supporting functions of a supporting structure rigidly attached to the component outside the area of influence (see Figure 8.5-1).
Note: No n-integral areas o f a sup p o rting structure shall be classified as structural steel co m p o nents and fall und er the sco p e o f KTA 3205.1, and in the case o f stand ard sup p o rts fabricated in series (with ap proval test) fall under the scope of KTA 3205.3. Non-load-transferring parts These parts shall be connected in accordance with the requirements of this standard. Where this standard cannot be applied accordingly, the parts shall be connected such that inadmissible influences which may reduce the quality are excluded.

5.3.3 Pump casings Pump casings may be of the forged, cast or welded design. The design requirements of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 apply. The following shall be considered additionally : a) The pump casing shall be so designed that the required functional capability is maintained in the event of pipe forces and moments as well as loadings from external events occurring in addition to the operational hydraulic and thermal loadings. b) The design of the pump casing and the pertinent systems shall permit adequate accessibility for maintenance, replacement of wear parts and repair purposes.

(4) For welded integral support structures the same requirements as for the pressure-retaining wall apply. Attachment welds on the pressure-retaining wall shall be full-penetration welded. Vessels (1) Allowable design types are shown in Figures 5.3-5 to 5.3-7. (2) In the case of elevated temperature components the differing thermal expansions of components and support structures shall be taken into account. (3) In the case of horizontal loadings (e.g. external events) lateral supports may be required in the case of vertical vessels to ensure stability. Depending on the design these supports may also reduce vertical forces.

5.3.4 Valve bodies Valve bodies may be of the forged, cast or welded design. The design requirements of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 apply. The following shall be considered additionally: a) The valve body shall be designed to be so stiff that the required stability is maintained in the event of pipe forces and moments as well as loadings from external

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Examples: a) Skirt supports with or without support ring (see Figure 5.3-5) b) Forged ring in the cylindrical shell (see Figure 5.3-6) c) Guide pins (e.g. also use of nozzles or manhole) d) Brackets (see Figure 5.3-7). Pumps For welded component support structures the same requirements as for pressure parts apply (full-penetration welds, test requirements). Valves


For valve supports not less than DN 250, PN not less than 40 bar and TB not less than 100 C forged fittings shall be used.


6 6.1

Dimensioning General


The radii Rs shall be fixed according to Figure 5.2-2. Figure 5.3-5: Example of component support structures with integral attachment of vertical pressure vessels with skirt supports

The transitional radii shall be smooth to avoid stresses Figure 5.3-6: Examples of component support structures of vertical vessels with forged rings

s1 hemispherical head
(1) Dimensioning shall be effected on the basis of the design loading level (Level 0) in accordance with clause 3.3.2 and taking into account the loadings and service limits of the other loading levels according to Section 3.3 as far as they govern dimensioning. (2) Dimensioning shall be effected, inter alia, according to one of the following procedures: a) in accordance with Annex A b) verification of primary stresses c) limit analysis d) shakedown analysis e) strain limiting load method.

(3) In the case of verification of primary stresses the primary stress shall be limited using the primary stress intensities laid down in clause (4) In addition, a proof of stability, if required, shall also be performed (see clause 7.11). (5) Where the dimensioning rules given in Annex A do not suffice to cover the given geometries and loadings, dimensioning shall be performed to the state-of-the-art by other means, e.g. by using the methods specified under Annex B or experimental methods.



Spherical shell







As the welds have to meet the requirements of KTA 3201.1 and 3201.3, they need not be considered separately in the dimensioning of the parts.


For the design types 1 to 4 two webs each per support skirt are provided. The radius Rs shall be fixed according to Figure 5.2-2. The radius R shall be selected with regard to a favourable distribution of stresses. Figure 5.3-7: Examples of component support structures with integral attachment of vertical pressure vessels to bracket supports





(1) When determining the required wall thicknesses and cross-sections, claddings, if any, shall be considered not to be contributing to the strength. (2) The design against internal pressure shall take the internal diameter of the unclad part into account. (3) Deposition weldings on the base metal with equivalent material are not considered claddings.

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Wall thickness allowances

(1) When determining the nominal wall thickness the fabrication tolerances shall be considered by a respective allowance c1 which is equal to the absolute value of the minus tolerance of the wall thickness in accordance with the acceptance specification. (2) An allowance c2 shall take wall thickness reductions due to chemical or mechanical wear into account. This applies both to the wall thickness reduction and the extension of the internal diameter. The allowance c2 may be omitted if no wear is expected or a cladding is provided.

(4) Here, it shall be taken into account that the exactness of the determined forces and moments depends on the ideal geometric shape of the component or part, the exactness of assuming loadings, boundary conditions and material properties as well as the features and performance of the calculation method selected. (5) The analysis of the mechanical behaviour may alternatively be made by means of design formulae if, in the case of sufficiently exact and complete consideration of the loading conditions and geometric shape the objectives of verification according to Section 7 are obtained. If applicable, the design formulae will suffice for dimensioning.

7.1.2 6.5 Wall thicknesses


(1) The nominal wall thickness sn shall satisfy the following condition in consideration of the allowances c1 and c2:
s n s 0 + c1 + c 2


As the welds have to meet the requirements of KTA 3201.1 and KTA 3201.3, their influence on the mechanical behaviour need not be considered separately according to the following clauses.

where s0 is the calculated wall thickness according to Section 6.1. (2) This shall be verified by a recalculation with the wall thickness s0n = sn - c1 - c2; see Figure 7.1-1. (3) When determining the wall thickness by means of the nominal external diameter dan da = dan (6.5-2)



(1) When determining the required wall thicknesses and sections, claddings, if any, shall not be considered to be contributing to the strength. Deposition welds made on the base metal with equivalent materials are not considered to be claddings. (2) For the thermal analysis the cladding may be considered. If the cladding thickness exceeds the wall thickness by more than 10 %, the cladding shall be taken into account when analysing the mechanical behaviour. The stress classification and evaluation shall be made separately for the base material and the cladding. (3) In the brittle fracture analysis to Section 7.9 the influence of the cladding shall be considered properly.

shall be taken and when determining the wall thickness by means of the nominal internal diameter din shall be taken as follows: d i = d in + 2 (c1 + c 2 ) (6.5-3)

7 7.1

General analysis of the mechanical behaviour General 7.1.4 Wall thickness used for analysing the mechanical behaviour

7.1.1 Objectives (1) It shall be demonstrated by means of the analysis of the mechanical behaviour that the components are capable of withstanding all loadings in accordance with the loading levels in Section 3.3 (2) Within the analysis of the mechanical behaviour the loadings and, if required, the forces and moments as well as deformations due to loadings of the component to be analysed shall be determined by satisfying the boundary conditions and taking into account the mutual influence of adjacent components and individual parts in accordance with Section 7.6 including Annex B. The determination may be effected by way of calculation or experiments, or a combination of calculation and experiments, and to the extent required to meet safety requirements. (3) The loadings and deformations thus determined shall be examined for acceptability in accordance with Sections 7.7 to 7.13. (1) For the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of a part the average wall thickness to be effected (or effective average wall thickness) shall be taken as sc by subtracting the wear allowance c2 according to Section 6.4:
sc = sn + c 3 c1 c2 2


where sn is defined in equation 6.5-1, c3 is equal to the plus tolerance, and c1 is equal to the absolute value of the minus tolerance in accordance with Section 6.4; see also Figure 7.1-1. The design wall thickness sc according to equation (7.1-1) shall be fixed such that it lies in the centre of the tolerance field minus the wear allowance c2. (2) Where adequate reason is given, e.g. due to an asymmetrical tolerance field or in the case of forgings, another wall thickness may be taken as sc if it is not less than the required wall thickness (s0 + c2).

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(3) Where the wall thickness tolerances c1 and c3 each are not more than 2 % of the nominal wall thickness sn they need not be considered in the determination of sc. Deviations from internal diameter The deviation from the actual internal diameter in a cross-section - averaged across the circumference - shall normally not exceed 1% of the value specified in the drawing. In addition, the requirements of clause 7.1.6 shall be met.

s0 s0n sn sc





c1 + c3 2 Ovalities (1) Internal pressure

Width of tolerance field

Ovalities and flattenings in longitudinal direction shall not show a deviation > 1 % from the internal diameter up to and including an internal diameter di = 1000 mm. Where the inside diameter exceeds 1000 mm, the value (di + 1000)/(2 di) [%] shall not be exceeded. In this case, the ovality shall be determined as follows: a) Ovality d i ,max d i ,min 100 [%] U = 2 d i ,max + d i ,min Flattenings q U = 4 100 [%] di where q is shown in Figure 7.1-2.

Figure 7.1-1: Wall thicknesses

7.1.5 Deviations from specified shape and dimensions General (1) The deviations from the dimensions and shapes given hereinafter, on which design is based, need not be considered separately up to the specific limit values. (2) Where these values are exceeded a substantiation by way of calculation shall be made to the extent required and be based on the actual dimensions. (3) All values refer to the unpenetrated membrane area of the shell unless defined otherwise. b)



di Cylindrical parts Deviations from wall thickness (1) Deviations of the effective wall thickness minus the allowance c2 from the design wall thickness sc need not be considered separately in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour if they are less than 5 % of sc. (2) For piping systems a deviation of the effective wall thickness minus the allowance c2 from the design wall thickness sc shall only be considered if this deviation lies outside the tolerance field in accordance with a component specification or comparable documents. (3) For thin-walled (sc 5 mm) and multi-layer components the wall thickness of which shall meet further requirements in addition to the strength requirements (e.g. heat exchanger tubes, expansion joint bellows), the values on which the analysis of the mechanical behaviour are to be based shall be fixed for each individual case. This also applies to wall thickness tolerances in areas with structural discontinuity (e.g. penetrated area of a tee).


Figure 7.1-2 : Flattening q

(2) External pressure The ovality U shall not exceed the limit value Umax derived from equation (7.1-4) where shall be taken from Figure 7.1-3.
U = U max = 100 % di

di = internal diameter (3) For pipes the following ovalities are permitted: for internal pressure: for external pressure: 2 %, 1 %.

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KTA 3201.2

1000 800 600 500 400 300 200

Above the curve = 1.0 sc the limitation of internal pressure is governing

(2) External pressure The criteria of clause (2) may be used in which case half the outside diameter shall be taken for l.

100 80 60 50 40 30 25 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0

1.0 s 0.8 c sc = 0.6 = s 0.5 c s = 0.4 c sc =0 .3 sc Conical shells Conical shells shall be treated like cylindrical parts. Ovalities shall be referred to circular cross-sections vertical to the axis of symmetry. For the length l according to clause (2) the axial length of the cone shall be taken.
3 5 10

d a / sc

/ da = buckling length da = outside diameter sc = wall thickness

Figure 7.1-3: Factor for external pressure Pipe bends and elbows Deviations from diameter The requirements of clause apply. Ovalities (1) For ovalities in the bent area of the pipe bend after bending the following applies: Spherical shells Deviations from wall thickness The requirements of clause apply. U=

d max dmin 100 d0



where dmax = maximum outside diameter after bending or forming minimum outside diameter after bending or forming pipe outside diameter prior to bending. Deviations from diameter The requirements of clause apply. dmin = d0 = Ovalities (1) Internal pressure

(2) For internal pressure, U normally shall not exceed 5 %. (3) For external pressure Figure 7.1-3 applies where for l/da a value of 10 shall be taken.

Ovalities and flattenings normally shall not show a deviation from the internal diameter which is greater than one of the following values: (di + 1000)/2 di) [%] and (di + 300)/(di) [%]. The allowable values can be taken from Figure 7.1-4. Ovalities shall be determined in accordance with clause (1).

7.1.6 Misalignment of welds General The limitation of weld misalignments for the purposes of fabrication and inspection/testing is laid down in KTA 3201.3. For the calculation of misalignments the following requirements apply. Misalignments are geometric discontinuities to be considered in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour if the values laid down in the clauses following hereinafter are exceeded. The rules of Section 8.4 are not covered hereby.

4 3
U [%]

2 1 0 0 500 1000 di [ mm ] 1500 2000 2500 Double-side welds (1) Double-side welds need not be considered separately in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour if the maximum misalignment of the inner edges does not exceed the values laid down in Table 7.1-1.

Figure 7.1-4 : Ovalities

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KTA 3201.2

Wall thickness sc in mm sc 12.5 12.5 < sc 19.0 19.0 < sc 38.0 38.0 < sc 50.0 50.0 < sc

Maximum misalignment of inner edges longitudinal welds circumferential welds sc/4 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm sc/4 sc/4 4.5 mm sc/8

(2) The loadings are (primarily) static loadings, cyclic loadings or dynamic loadings. Pulsating loads are considered to be a specific case of cyclic loading. (3) The (primarily) static loadings shall be limited within the stress analysis according to Section 7.7, and among certain circumstances, within the brittle fracture analysis. The limitation of cyclic loadings shall additionally be made within the fatigue analysis according to Section 7.8.

the smaller value of the smaller value of sc/16 and 9 mm sc/8 and 16 mm


Resulting deformations

Table 7.1-1: Maximum misalignment (2) Remaining edges must be ground over. The roughness requirements and transition angles depend on the requirements for the test and inspections to be performed on the weld. Within the weld area the required wall thickness must be adhered to.

(1) Resulting deformations can be determined by means of the integrals calculated for strain and are changes in geometry of the component or the idealized structure due to loadings. (2) Resulting deformations can be described by displacements and values derived therefrom (e.g. twisting). They shall be limited if required such that the functional capability of the component and its adjacent components is not impaired. Single-side welds (1) The following requirements apply to the case where the inside of the components is not accessible. (2) In the case of concentric connections the maximum misalignment on the inside shall not exceed 0.1 sc with a maximum of 1 mm over the entire circumference. (3) A locally limited misalignment shall not exceed 2 mm unless other requirements (see clause 7.1.5) are impaired. To meet these requirements the parts to be welded shall be machined, if required, in which case the wall thickness obtained shall not be less than the minimum wall thickness. (4) Transitions at the weld in the base material should not exceed a slope of 3:1 unless higher requirements are fixed with regard to the possibility of testing and inspection of the weld.


Determination, evaluation and limitation of mechanical forces and moments

(1) The mechanical forces and moments mentioned in clause 7.1.1 shall be determined by way of calculation according to the methods laid down in Annex B or by experiments or by a combination of calculation and experiments. (2) In the case of comparable physical conditions, suitability of methods and adherence to the pertinent requirements the results obtained from various methods can be considered to be equivalent (3) Section 8 contains alternative requirements which completely or in part replace the requirements set forth in this Section 7.5 within the applicability of Section 8. (4) The forces and moments thus determined shall be assessed and be limited such that ductile fracture, fatigue failure and brittle fracture as well as inadmissible deformations and instability are avoided.



Loadings are assumed to be all effects on the component or part which cause stresses in this component or part. The loadings result from load cases of the primary circuit in accordance with Section 3 and are explained in Section 4. They will be determined within the mechanical and thermodynamic system analyses.


Mechanical system analysis

7.6.1 General 7.3 Stress/strain loadings (1) The external loadings (e.g. forces, moments, displacements, temperature distributions) shall be used to determine the influence coefficients (e.g. unit shear forces, unit moments, and displacements) for the points under consideration in the system to be evaluated or at the adjoining edges between component and adjacent component. (2) External system-independent loadings which do not change the behaviour of the system (e.g. radial temperature distribution and internal pressure, if applied) need only be considered when determining and evaluating the stresses.

(1) These are stresses or strains or a combination of stresses and strains and are evaluated as equivalent stress or equivalent strain. In the case of a linear-elastic relationship stresses and strains are proportional to each other. In the stress, fatigue or brittle fracture analysis according to Sections 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 respectively this proportional ratio even when in excess of the yield strength or proof stress of the material shall be the basis of analysis (fictitious stresses). In the case of elastic-plastic analyses the effective stress-strain relationship shall be taken into account.

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7.6.2 Modelling General The modelling of a system shall be made with respect to the tasks set forth and in dependence of the mathematical approach according to Annex B, in which case the requirements of clauses to shall be met.

(3) The distribution of masses shall satisfy the requirements regarding the distribution of unit shear forces and unit moments and the type of vibrations. (4) In the case of essential eccentricity the mass moments of inertia for the rotational degrees of freedom shall also be taken into account. Edge conditions System geometry The system geometry shall comprise the components and parts which considerably influence the structure to be evaluated. The geometry of a piping system may be shown as a chain of bars by means of straight and curved bars which corresponds to the pipe axis routing. Forces and moments and displacements shall be taken into account as edge conditions with respect to their effects for the considered load case.

Subdivision of structures (uncoupling) into sections to avoid interaction of loadings Flexibilities (1) Piping components Piping components shall normally be considered in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the structure with the flexibilities according to their geometry (average dimensions including cladding).
Note: In the case of symmetrical tolerances these are nominal dimensions . Static method In static load cases structures may be subdivided into sections if the edge conditions at the interface between any two sections are considered. If one of the following conditions is met these edge conditions need not be determined and considered: a) The ratio of second moments of area is does not exceed 0.01. b) The ratio of these elements in a flexibility matrix which govern the considered deformations is sufficiently small.

(2) Small components Small components are parts of the piping system (e.g. valves, header drums, manifolds, branches, and special parts). Where these components only have little influence on the flexibility of the total structure, suitable flexibility factors (limit values) (e.g. valves: rigid; insulation: without influence on the rigidity) shall be selected. (3) Expansion joints The working spring rates of expansion joints shall be taken into account. The spring rates of expansion joints having no considerable influence on the system need not be taken into account. (4) Large components The influence of large components (e.g. vessels) shall be taken into account by suitable modelling in consideration of the anchor function of the vessel. (5) Component supports and buildings The influence of component supports and the building shall be considered to the extent required and shall be considered, if necessary, by equivalent models with equivalent stiffnesses (fictitious elements). Dynamic method In the case of dynamic loadings, structures may be subdivided into sections if the interaction between the sections is taken into account or the vibration behaviour is not inadmissibly changed.

7.6.3 Calculation methods (1) The calculation methods to be used depend on the selected mathematical approach according to Annex B as well as on the loading to be evaluated (static or dynamic). When evaluating dynamic load cases the following methods may be used: a) equivalent statical load method b) response spectrum method c) time history method. (2) The requirements of KTA 2201.4 shall be considered specifically for earthquake load cases.

7.7 Distribution of masses

Stress analysis

7.7.1 General (1) The masses in the system comprise the masses of each component or their parts, the fluid, the insulation, and other additional masses. (2) A system with uniform distribution of masses may also treated like a system with discrete masses. (1) By means of a stress analysis along with a classification of stresses and limitation of stress intensities it shall be proved, in conjunction with the material properties, that no inadmissible distortions and especially only limited plastic deformations occur.

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(2) The stress analysis for bolts shall be made in accordance with Section 7.12.2.

7.7.2 Classification of stresses General (1) Stresses shall be classified in dependence of the cause of stress and its effect on the mechanical behaviour of the structure into primary stresses, secondary stresses and peak stresses and be limited in different ways with regard to their classification. (2) Where in special cases the classification into the aforementioned stress categories is unclear the effect of plastic deformation on the mechanical behaviour shall be determining where an excess of the intended loading is assumed.
Note: The d efinitio ns and term s used hereinafter are tak en fro m the theo ry o f p lane lo ad -bearing structures (shells, p lates, d isk s, etc.) and shall be ap p lied acco rd ingly to o ther lo ad -bearing structures and co m p o nents (bars, p ip es co nsid ered to be bars, beam s, bo lts, fittings, circular ring subject to tw isting, etc.). Fo r the stresses m entio ned hereinafter d istinctio n is to be m ad e between the various components of the stress tensor.

dional direction where R is the minimum midsurface radius of curvature and sc the wall thickness according to clause 7.1.4. Discrete regions of local primary membrane stress intensity resulting from concentrated loads (e.g. acting on brackets) shall be spaced so that there is no overlapping of the areas in which the membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 of the allowable general membrane stress. For components for which the above conditions cannot be satisfied or which do not satisfy the above conditions, the local character of membrane stresses may also be verified by means of a limit analysis as per clause 7.7.4. (5) While general primary membrane stresses are distributed such that no redistribution of stresses due to plastification occurs into adjacent regions, plastification in the case of local primary membrane stresses will lead to a redistribution of stresses. Secondary stresses (1) Secondary stresses (Q) are stresses developed by constraints due to geometric discontinuities and by the use of materials of different elastic moduli under external loads, and by constraints due differential thermal expansions. Only stresses that are distributed linearly across the cross-section are considered to be secondary stresses. (2) With respect to the mechanical behaviour of the structure the basic characteristics of secondary stresses are that they lead to plastic deformation when equalizing different local distortions in the case of excess of the yield strength. Secondary stresses are self-limiting. (3) Stresses in piping systems developed due to constraints in the system or generally due to fulfilment of kinematic boundary conditions are defined as Pe. Under unfavourable conditions regions with major distortions may develop in relatively long systems, and the constraints thus occurring will then act as external loads. In addition, it shall be demonstrated for these locations that yielding is limited locally. Primary stresses (1) Primary stresses P are stresses which satisfy the laws of equilibrium of external forces and moments (loads). (2) Regarding the mechanical behaviour of a structure the basic characteristic of this stress is that in case of (an inadmissibly high) increment of external loads the distortions upon full plastification of the section considerably increase without being self-limiting. (3) Regarding primary stresses distinction shall be made between membrane stresses (Pm, Pl) and bending stresses (Pb) with respect to their distribution across the cross-section governing the load-bearing behaviour. Here, membrane stresses are defined as the average value of the respective stress component distributed over the section governing the load-bearing behaviour, in the case of plane load-bearing structures the average value of the stress component distributed across the thickness. Bending stresses are defined as stresses that can be altered linearly across the considered section and proportionally to the distance from the neutral axis, in the case of plane load-bearing structures as the portion of the stresses distributed across the thickness, that can be altered linearly. (4) Regarding the distribution of membrane stresses across the wall distinction is to be made between general primary membrane stresses (Pm) and local primary membrane stresses (Pl) . Axisymmetric primary membrane stresses in discontinuity regions are considered to be local, if the stress intensity does not exceed 1.1 times the allowable general membrane stress in a region remote from the discontinuity and with a length 1.0 R s c in the meridional direction. Two adjacent regions of local primary membrane stress intensities shall not be closer than 2.5 R s c in the meri- Peak stresses (1) Peak stress (F) is that increment of stress which is additive to the respective primary and secondary stresses. Peak stresses do not cause any noticeable distortion and are only important to fatigue and brittle fracture in conjunction with primary and secondary stresses. (2) Peak stresses also comprise deviations from nominal stresses at hole edges within tubehole fields due to pressure and temperature in which case the nominal stresses shall be derived from equilibrium of forces considerations.

7.7.3 Superposition and evaluation of stresses General (1) As shown hereinafter, for each load case the stresses acting simultaneously in the same direction shall be added

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separately or for different stress categories (e.g. primary and secondary stresses) be added jointly. (2) Tables 7.7-1 to 7.7.3 give examples for the classification and superposition of stresses. (3) From these summed-up stresses the stress intensity for the primary stresses and the equivalent stress range each for the sum of primary and secondary stresses or the sum of primary stresses, secondary stresses and peak stresses shall be derived. (4) In clauses and the determination of stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges shall be based on the stress theory of von Mises or alternately on the theory of Tresca.

secondary stress categories, and in case (1) b) taking the simultaneously acting stresses from all stress categories. (3) From the number of service loadings to be considered two service loadings shall be selected by using one fixed coordinate system so that the stress intensity derived from the difference of the pertinent stress tensors becomes a maximum in accordance with the stress theory selected. This maximum value is the equivalent stress range. (4) Where, upon application of Tresca`s maximum shear stress theory, the loading conditions to be considered show no change in the direction of principal stresses it will suffice to form the maximum value of the differences of any two principal stress differences of equal pairs of principal stress directions. This maximum value then is the equivalent stress range (according to the stress theory of Tresca). Stress intensities (1) Having chosen a three-dimensional set of coordinates the algebraic sums of all normal and shear stresses acting simultaneously and in consideration of the respective axis direction shall be calculated for a) the general primary membrane stresses or b) the local primary membrane stresses or c) the sum of primary bending stresses and either the general or local primary membrane stresses. (2) Taking this algebraic sum the stress intensity according to von Mises shall be derived as follows
2 2 2 V , v.Mises = x + y + z x y + x z + y z + 3 2 + 2 + 2 xy xz yz

Limitation of stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges

(1) For each service loading level the stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges shall be limited in dependence of the mechanical behaviour of the material in accordance with Tables 7.7-4 to 7.7-7. The limits fixed in Tables 7.7-4 to 7.7-6 only apply to full rectangular sections, as they are based e.g. on the considered distribution of stresses in shell structures. For other sections the shape factors shall be fixed in dependence of the respective load behaviour. (2) In the case of stress intensities derived from primary stresses and of equivalent stress ranges derived from primary and secondary stresses the limitation shall be based on the stress intensity factor Sm, strain limit or tensile strength minimum values. (3) The Smvalue is obtained on the basis of the temperature T of the respective component and the room temperature RT. For the service levels the respective temperature at the point under consideration versus time may be taken. For the design level 0, however, the design temperature shall be used. (4) Taking these assignments into account, the Sm value is derived as follows: a) for ferritic materials except for bolting materials R p0.2 T R mT R mRT ; ; S m = min. 2.7 3 1.5 ba) for ferritic cast steel R p0.2 T R mT R mRT ; ; S m = min. 3.6 4 2 bb) for austenitic cast steel R p0.2 T R mT R mRT S m = min. ; ; 3.6 4 2 (7.7-5) (7.7-4) (7.7-3)

) (

(7.7-1) (3) When deriving the stress intensity in accordance with the theory of Tresca, the principal stresses shall be determined for each of the three cases (1) a) to c) taking the respective primary shear stresses into account unless the primary shear stresses disappear or are negligibly small so that the effective normal stresses are the principal stresses. In each case the stress intensity then equals the difference between the maximum and minimum principal stress. V , Tresca = max min (7.7-2)

(4) For the three cases (1) a) to c) thus the stress intensity is obtained from Pm, Pl and Pm + Pb or Pl + Pb.

b) for ferritic and austenitic cast steel Equivalent stress ranges (1) To avoid failure due to a) progressive distortion (ratcheting) b) fatigue the pertinent equivalent stress ranges shall be determined from the various stress categories and be limited in different ways. (2) In case (1) a) the required stress tensors shall be formed taking the simultaneously acting stresses from primary and Page 25

For austenite with a Rp0.2RT/RmRT ratio not exceeding 0.5 the value of Rp1.0T may be used in the calculation instead of Rp0.2T if KTA 3201.1 specifies values for Rp1.0T.

KTA 3201.2

c) for austenitic materials except for bolting materials ca) for the analyses according to Sections 7 and 8 R p0.2 RT R p0.2 T R mT R mRT ; ; ; S m = min. 1.1 2.7 3 1.5 (7.7-6) cb) for the dimensioning with design formulae according to Annex A R p0.2 RT R p0.2 T R mT R mRT R p0.2 T ; ; ; , S m = min. 1.1 2.7 3 1.5 1.5 (7.7-7) For austenite with a Rp0.2RT/RmRT ratio 0,5 the value of Rp1.0T/1.5 may be used in the calculation instead of Rp0.2T/1.5 if KTA 3201.1 specifies values for Rp1.0T. d) for bolts Sm = R p0.2 T 3 (7.7-8)

(4) This procedure applies to plate and shell type components and shall not apply to threaded fasteners. Allowable loadings (1) Loading Level A For this loading level F = 1.5 Sm is used as yield stress value for calculating the lower bound collapse load. The use of the Sm value may lead, in the case of non-linear elastic materials, to small permanent strains during the first load cycles. If these strains are not acceptable the value of the stress intensity factor shall be reduced by using the strain limiting factors as per Table 7.7-8. The specified load shall not exceed 67% of the lower bound collapse load.

Permanent strain % 0.20 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01

Factors 1.00 *) 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.73 0.69 0.63

(5) The given stress intensity values also apply to Annex A. (6) The minimum values for strain limit or tensile strength shall be taken from KTA 3201.1 for the respective materials specified in that safety standard. (7) The equivalent stress ranges derived from primary, secondary and peak stresses shall be limited by means of fatigue analysis. (8) The stress limitations for Pm, Pl, Pl + Pb (based on elastic analysis) need not be satisfied if it can be proved by limit analysis or experiments that the specified mechanical and thermal loadings are not less than the allowable lower bound collapse load as per clause 7.7.4.

*) For non-linear elastic materials the Sm value may exceed 67% of the proof stress Rp0.2T and attain 90% of this value at temperatures above 50 C which leads to a permanent strain of approx. 0.1%. If this strain is not acceptable the Sm value may be reduced by using the factors of this table.

7.7.4 Limit analysis General (1) The limit values for the general primary membrane stress, the local primary membrane stress as well as the primary membrane plus bending stress need not be satisfied at any point if it can be proved by means of limit analysis that the specified loadings multiplied with the safety factors given in are below the respective lower bound collapse load. (2) The lower bound collapse load is that load which is calculated with a fictitious yield stress F as the lower bound (lower bound theorem of limit analysis) by assuming an ideally elastic-plastic behaviour of the material in which case any system of stresses in the structure must satisfy equilibrium. Multi-axial stress conditions shall preferably be calculated by means of the von Mises theory. (3) The effects of plastic strain concentrations which are e.g. caused by plastic hinges on the fatigue and ratcheting behaviour as well as the possibility of instability of the structure (buckling) shall be considered in the design.

Table 7.7-8:

Factors for limiting strains for non-linear elastic materials

(2) Loading Level B For this loading level F = 1.65 Sm is used as yield stress value for calculating the lower bound collapse load. The use of 1.1 times the Sm value may lead, in the case of non-linear elastic materials, to small permanent strains during the first load cycles. If these strains are not acceptable the value of the stress intensity factor shall be reduced by using the strain limiting factors as per Table 7.7-8. The specified load shall not exceed 67% of the lower bound collapse load. (3) Loading Level C For this loading level F = 1.8 Sm is used as yield stress value for calculating the lower bound collapse load. The specified load shall not exceed 67% of the lower bound collapse load.

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(4) Loading Level D For this loading level the smaller value of 2.3 Sm or 0,7 R mT is used as yield stress value F for calculating the lower bound collapse load. The specified load shall not exceed 90% of the lower bound collapse load. (5) Test Level P

sulting from primary and secondary stresses due to mechanical loads. The influences of plastification are considered by using the factor Ke according to clause 7.8.4. In lieu of this Ke value other values may be used in individual cases, which have been proved by experiments or calculation or have been taken from literature. Their applicability shall be verified.
Note: The literature referenced in [1] co ntains a p ro p o sal fo r the d etermination of K e values.

For this loading level F = 1.5 Sm is used as yield stress value for calculating the lower bound collapse load. The specified load shall not exceed 80% of the lower bound collapse load.

In addition, it shall be demonstrated that no ratcheting (progressive distortion) occurs. d) General elastic-plastic fatigue analysis While the abovementioned methods are based on linear-elastic material behaviour, a fatigue analysis based on the elasto-plastic behaviour of the material may be made in lieu of the abovementioned methods in which case it shall be demonstrated that no progressive distortion (ratcheting) occurs.
Note: Clause 7.13 co ntains sp ecific requirem ents as to the avo id ance o f progressive deformations.


Fatigue analysis

7.8.1 General Objectives and methods to be used (1) A fatigue analysis shall be made in dependence of the type of component to avoid fatigue failure due to cyclic loading. (2) The basis for fatigue evaluation are the design fatigue curves (Figures 7.8-1 to 7.8-3) based on test carried out at ambient air.
Note: Cf. Section 4, esp. clause 4.5.

(2) For piping the component-specific fatigue analysis of section 8.4 shall preferably be used in lieu of the analysis methods of clauses 7.8.3 and 7.8.4. (3) For valves the component-specific fatigue analysis of clause 8.3.6 shall preferably be used. (4) For the fatigue analysis of bolts section 7.12.2 applies.

Fatigue analysis methods to be used 7.8.2 Simplified evaluation of safety against fatigue failure

(1) The following fatigue analysis methods are permitted: a) Simplified fatigue evaluation in accordance with clause 7.8.2 This evaluation is based on a limitation of pressure cycle ranges, temperature differences and load stress cyclic ranges with regard to magnitude and number of cycles. If these limits are adhered to, safety against fatigue failure is obtained. This evaluation method is based on a linear-elastic stress strain relationship. b) Elastic fatigue analysis in accordance with clause 7.8.3 This analysis method shall be used especially if the safety against fatigue failure according to clause 7.8.2 cannot be demonstrated. The elastic fatigue analysis is only permitted if the equivalent stress range resulting from primary and secondary stresses does not exceed a value of 3 Sm for steels and 4 Sm for cast steel. c) Simplified elastic-plastic fatigue analysis in accordance with clause 7.8.4. This analysis method may be used for load cycles where the equivalent stress range resulting from all primary and secondary stresses exceeds the limit value of 3 Sm for steel and 4 Sm for cast steel, however, these limit values are adhered to by the equivalent stress range re-

The peak stresses need not be considered separately in the fatigue evaluation if for the service loadings of level A of the part the following conditions of sub-clauses a) to f) are satisfied.
Note: Where lo ad cases o f level B are to be analysed regard ing their fatigue behaviour, the same conditions as for level A apply.

a) Atmospheric to service pressure cycles The specified number of times (including start-up and shutdown) that the pressure will be cycled from atmospheric pressure to service pressure and back to atmospheric pressure does not exceed the number of cycles on the applicable fatigue curves (see Figures 7.8-1 and 7.8-2) corresponding to an Sa value of three times (for steels) and four times (for cast steels) to the Sm value for the material at service temperature. b) Normal service pressure fluctuations The specified range of pressure fluctuations during level A Service does not exceed 1/3 times the design pressure, multiplied with the (Sa/Sm) ratio, where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant pressure fluctua-

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tions and Sm is the allowable stress intensity for the material at service temperature. If the total specified number of significant pressure fluctuations exceeds 106, the Sa value may be used for n = 106. Significant pressure fluctuations are those for which the total excursion exceeds the quantity of 1/3 times the design pressure, multiplied by the S/Sm ratio, where S is the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design curve for 106 cycles. c) Temperature difference - start-up and shutdown The temperature difference, K (Kelvin) between any two adjacent points of the component during level A service does not exceed the value of Sa/(2 E ), where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the specified number of start-up-shutdown cycles, is the value of the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion at the mean value of the temperatures at the two points, and E is the modulus of elasticity at the mean value of the temperatures at the two points. For adjacent points the following applies: ca) For surface temperature differences: - For surface temperature differences on shells forming surfaces of revolution in the meridional direction, adjacent points are defined as points that are less than the distance 2 R sc , where R is the radius measured normal to the surface from the axis of rotation to the midwall and sc is the thickness of the part at the point under consideration. If the product R sc varies, normally the average value of the points shall be used. - For surface temperature differences on surfaces of revolution in the circumferential direction and on flat parts (e.g. flanges and flat heads), adjacent points are defined as any two points on the same surface. cb) For through-thickness temperature For through-thickness temperature differences adjacent points are defined as any two points on a line normal to any surface. d) Temperature difference for services other than start-up and shutdown The temperature difference, K (Kelvin), between any two adjacent points is smaller than the value of Sa/2 E , where Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total number of significant temperature fluctuations. A temperature difference fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if its total algebraic range exceeds the quantity S/(2 E ), where S is the value obtained from the applicable design curve for 106 cycles. e) Temperature differences for dissimilar materials For components fabricated from materials of differing moduli of elasticity or coefficients of thermal expansion, the total algebraic range of temperature fluctuation experienced by the component during normal service does not exceed the magnitude Sa/[2 (E1 1 - E2 2)].

Here Sa is the value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant temperature fluctuations, E1 and E2 are the moduli of elasticity, and 1 and 2 are the values of the instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion at the mean temperature value for the two materials. A temperature fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if its total algebraic range exceeds the quantity S/[2 (E1 1 - E2 2)], where S is the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for 106 cycles. If the two materials used have different design fatigue curves the smaller value of Sa shall be used when applying this sub-clause. f) Mechanical loads The specified full range of mechanical loads, excluding internal pressure, but including pipe reactions, does not result in load stresses whose range exceeds the value of Sa obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant load fluctuations. If the total specified number of significant load fluctuations exceeds 106 cycles, the Sa value may be taken for n = 106 . A load fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if the total excursion of load stress exceeds the value of Sa obtained from the design fatigue curve for 106 cycles.

7.8.3 Elastic fatigue analysis (1) Prerequisite to the application of the elastic fatigue analysis is that the 3 Sm criteria for steels and the 4 Sm criteria for cast steel are satisfied in accordance with clause (2) As the stress cycles V = 2 a = 2 ET a in level A and B service assume different magnitudes they shall be subdivided in suitable types of stress cycles 2 ai and their cumulative damage effect shall be evaluated as follows: For each type of cycle ai = Sa the allowable number of cy cles ni shall be determined by means of Figure 7.8-1 or 7.8-2 and be compared with the specified number of cycles ni or number of operation cycles ni verified by calculation.  The sum of these ratios ni/ ni is the cumulative usage factor D for which the following applies within the design: D= n1 n 2 n + +... k 1.0  1 n2   n nk


7.8.4 Simplified elastic plastic fatigue analysis Within the simplified elastic-plastic analysis the 3 Sm limit for steels and 4 Sm limit for cast steel with a stress cycle range resulting from primary and secondary stresses may be exceeded if the requirements in a) to e) hereinafter are met.

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a) The equivalent stress range resulting from primary and secondary membrane and bending stresses without thermal bending stresses across the wall shall be not greater than 3 Sm for steel and 4 Sm for cast steel. b) The value of half the equivalent stress range Sa to be compared with the design fatigue curve acc. to Figure 7.8-1 or 7.8-2 shall be multiplied with the factor Ke where Ke is to be determined for steel as follows: Ke = 1.0 for Sn 3 Sm K e = 1.0 + (7.8-2) for (7.8-3) (7.8-4)

7.9 Brittle fracture analysis 7.9.1 General (1) The safety against brittle fracture shall be verified. The stress intensities referred to in clause 7.7 allow, for levels A and B, for the sums of primary plus secondary stresses incremental collapse as per clause 7.8.3 and under certain conditions limited cyclic plastic deformations (e.g. as per clause 7.8.4). (2) In addition it is possible that in levels C and D limited plastic deformation results from primary stresses. Therefore, it must be ensured that both at new condition and during the whole service life of the component the required deformability is assured. (3) According to this it shall be proved that in zones possibly subject to irradiation, especially in the case of great wall thicknesses and high-strength materials initiation of brittle fracture can be excluded in the heat affected zones of welds. (4) Safeguarding against brittle fracture shall be ensured during the initial pressure test and the in-service inspections by means of suitable pressure test conditions. To this end the test temperature shall be at least 33 K above RTNDT on the basis of the Pellini concept, where RTNDT is the highest temperature of T1 to T3: T1 = TNDT T2 = TAV (68 J) - 33 K T3 = TAV (0.9 mm) - 33 K where TNDT temperature equal to or higher than C the NDT (nil ductility transition) temperature in which case the NDT temperature is the highest temperature at which the specimen fails in drop-weight testing Temperature at which an impact en- C ergy of at least 68 J (lower bound) is determined on ISO-V-notch specimens by means of impact testing (7.9-1) (7.9-2) (7.9-3)

(1 n ) S n 1 n ( m 1) 3 S m

3 Sm < Sn < m 3 Sm Ke = 1/n for Sn m 3 Sm

Sn = Range of primary plus secondary stress intensity In the foregoing equations the 3 Sm value shall be substituted by 4 Sm for cast steel. The material parameters m and n shall be taken from Table 7.8-1. c) The limitation of thermal stress ratcheting shall be demonstrated (cf. e.g. clause b). d) The limitation of the cumulative usage factor due to fatigue shall be in acc. with clause 7.8.3. e) The temperature for the material used shall not exceed the value of Tmax in Table 7.8-1. Type of material Low-alloy carbon steel Martensitic stainless steel Carbon steel Austenitic stainless steel Nickel based alloy m 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.7 1.7 n 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Tmax (C) 370 370 370 425 425

TAV (68 J)

Table 7.8-1: Material parameter For local thermal stresses the elastic equations may be used in the fatigue analysis. The Poisson`s ratio shall be determined as follows: R p0.2 T , but not less than 0.3 = 0.5 0.2 Sa (7.8-5) where:
  T = 0.25 T + 0.75 T

TAV (0.9 mm) Temperature at which a lateral exten- C sion of at least 0.9 mm is determined on ISO-V-notch specimen by means of impact testing
Note: These values are to be determined according to KTA 3201.1.

In individual cases lower temperatures are acceptable if comparable safety is ensured by specific verification. (5) The in-service pressure test shall normally be conducted so that a verification of safety comparable to that of the initial pressure test is obtained. (6) The procedures mentioned in clause 7.9.2 or 7.9.3 shall normally be used to verify the safety against brittle fracture where it shall be taken into account that the nil-ductility transition temperature is increased during operation on account of neutron irradiation. The influence of irradiation Page 29


with  T maximum temperature at the considered load cycle  T minimum temperature at the considered load cycle

KTA 3201.2

(on ferritic steels) shall be taken into account if at the end of design lifetime, the neutron fluency is greater than 1 1017 cm-2 (referred to neutron energies above 1 MeV). In such cases the safety against brittle fracture shall be verified also for all loading conditions of the irradiated parts. For the other areas a verification shall be made for such conditions as are not covered by the initial pressure test.

with KIc T RTNDT static fracture toughness temperature reference nil-ductility transition temperature for the non-irradiated condition temperature shift at an impact energy of 41 J for the irradiated condition reference fracture toughness crack arrest toughness N/mm3/2 C C

7.9.2 NDT temperature concept (1) In the NDT temperature concept according to Pellini/Porse it can be assumed that unstable cracks at temperatures above crack-arrest temperature are arrested. (2) This NDT temperature concept shall be applied to the cylindrical section of the reactor pressure vessel core area because at this area the highest primary membrane stresses are applied and the influence of neutron irradiation must be considered. (3) The NDT temperature concept according to Pellini/Porse leads to a brittle fracture diagram that contains stress intensities depending on minimum temperatures in the form of the modified Porse diagram in which case the stresses occurring in the part shall lie outside these stress intensities under all service conditions. This can be shown by means of a start-up/shutdown diagram.
Note: Annex C 1 co ntains a guid ance to establish a m o d ified Po rse d iagram as w ell as an exam p le w ith an inserted start-up/shutdown diagram.



N/mm3/2 N/mm3/2

Note: Section C 2 contains the design procedure for determining the K I values. Levels A and B (1) For the cylindrical section of the reactor pressure vessel the respective stress intensities shall be determined from the sum of the determined primary and secondary stresses by assuming a surface defect the plane of which is vertical to the highest stress (depth: 0.25 x wall thickness; length: 1.5 x wall thickness; the assumption of smaller defects is acceptable if justified). In this case the stress intensities derived from the primary stresses shall be multiplied with a safety factor of 2. This sum must be less than the reference fracture toughness (KIR) of the material; see examples in Figure 7.9-2. (2) For the other areas of the reactor pressure vessel the stress intensities derived from the primary stresses need not be multiplied with a factor of 2, the assumption of smaller defects with a depth of less than 0.25 x the wall thickness and a length of less than 1.5 the wall thickness is acceptable if this can be justified.

7.9.3 Fracture mechanics concept General conditions (1) By means of the total stress determined normal to the crack plane the stress intensity factors KI (t, T) are established for any time. Unstable crack extension, e.g. brittle fracture, does not occur if this curve does not reach the curve of static fracture toughness KIc (T) or if the crack tip in course of the considered actual transient has been subjected to thermal loading beforehand (warm prestress). If the stress intensity KI (t, T) is less than the crack arrest toughness KIa (T) a global or local unstable crack is arrested. (2) The fracture toughness of the material shall have been determined in dependence of the temperature. For the materials 20 MnMoNi 5 5 and 22 NiMoCr 3 7 the fracture toughness curve to Figure 7.9.1 shall be used. Where values measured on the component and verified to a sufficient extent are available they shall be taken. The influence of irradiation shall be considered by increasing the reference temperature RTNDT by T41 (see definition of transition temperature shift in KTA 3203). The KIc- and KIR values shall only be determined by approximation for the non-irradiated and the irradiated condition by means of the following equations: K Ic = 1153 + 97.51 exp 0.036 (T RTNDT + 55.5 T41 ) (7.9-4) K IR = K Ia = 930 + 42.5 exp 0.026 (T RTNDT + 88.9 T41 ) (7.9-5) Levels C and D For Levels C and D the brittle fracture resistance for the cylindrical section in the core area of the reactor pressure vessel shall be verified by means of fracture mechanics. The stress intensity factor KI (t, T) is the sum of stress intensity factors caused by internal pressure, temperature gradient etc. It shall be proved that a defect with half the magnitude on which the calculation is based can be detected positively. For transients which upon attainment of the load path maximum show a stress intensity being strictly monotone versus time, crack initiation can be excluded for the crack postulated by the calculation if the crack tip has been subjected beforehand to thermal loading (warm prestress) in the course of the actually considered transient. At a stress intensity increasing versus time the KIc value may be exceeded (e.g. in case of an increased portion of secondary stresses, thermal shock to Figure 7.9-3), however, it must be proved that for cracks which may have become unstable (ai from the

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condition KI > KIc) crack arrest will occur in the wall (aa not greater than 0.75 s; aa from the condition KI smaller than KIa; at the RTNDT concept KIa is identical to KIR). Figure 7.9-3 shows the example of thermal shock effect on possible defects.

7.10 Strain analysis A strain analysis shall only be made if specified strain limits are to be adhered to for functional reasons.

7.11 Structural analysis In-service inspections (1) If defects detected by in-service inspections are checked for permissibility, the critical defect size shall normally be determined at these locations as follows: a) for the part to be inspected the inspection areas shall be determined on the basis of the mechanical behaviour analysis in consideration of the basic measurements and former inspections b) the initial defect size shall be determined for each inspection area by means of linear-elastic fracture mechanics which shall be based on the following boundary conditions: Type of defect Where the geometry permits, a surface defect of the shape a/2c = 1/6 is considered. In other cases (e.g. nozzles) the defect shape shall be selected according to the geometric conditions. Inadmissible indications shall be considered to be cracks independently of their origin. Defect location Normal to the maximum stress (principal stress) Fracture toughness Fracture toughness is based on the KIc value of the material used corresponding to the (static) material condition of the respective part for the governing load case. For the materials mentioned in clause the static fracture toughness (KIc) as per Figure 7.9-1, determined on the basis of the RTNDT temperature or according to equation (7.9.1), applies. c) Requirements for defect detection The governing load case is that case leading to the smallest critical defect size. (2) The maximum allowable defect shall be determined with KI,allow = KIc/1.5 where KI shall be determined for the stresses acting in dependence of the crack depth in consideration of the detected crack for the considered period of time and for KIc at the end of this period. (3) This defect must be positively detected by means of the intended test procedure. Where under the effect of pressure loading a sudden deformation without considerable increase in load may be expected, a structural analysis shall be performed.

7.12 Stress, strain and fatigue analyses for flanged joints 7.12.1 General (1) The loading conditions of flanged joints shall be determined for the governing load cases. The verification by calculation of the strength and deformation conditions may be made by approximation in accordance with the simplified procedure of clause A 2.9.5. The exact verification shall be made according to this section in consideration of the elastic behaviour of the structure. Dimensioning may be made in accordance with Sections 2.8 and 2.9. (2) The following shall be included, where required, in the structure: a) identical flange pairs, non-identical flange pairs or the flange with flat or dished cover b) bolts c) the gasket and d) the connected shell. (3) The following load cases shall be examined: a) the bolting-up condition(s) b) the conditions of specified operation c) upset conditions (incidents), if any. (4) The loadings on the flanged joint in the load cases of specified operation and incidents, if any, shall be calculated in connection with the respective bolting-up condition e.g. taking consistent bolt elongation into account (definition see under clause A (2) ). (5) For the flanges, the covers, if any, belonging to the flanged joint and the connected shell a stress analysis and limitation as per Section 7.7 and a fatigue analysis as per Section 7.8 shall be performed. For bolts a stress and fatigue analysis as per clause 7.12.2 is required. (6) The assessment of the gasket loading condition shall be made taking the gasket factors of Section A 2.10 or the verified data of the gasket manufacturer into account. The residual gasket load shall be controlled according to the respective requirements in due consideration of the seating conditions (correlation of gasket seating load, gasket compression load for operating condition and internal pressure).

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KTA 3201.2

7.12.2 Stress and fatigue analysis for bolts (1) When evaluating stress limits for bolts the following stresses are referred to: average tensile stresses, bending stresses, torsional stresses, and peak stresses. (2) A specific fatigue analysis shall be made if the bolts are not covered by the simplified evaluation of safety against fatigue failure of the component in acc. with clause 7.8.2. In this fatigue analysis the material properties and geometric boundary conditions of threaded members shall be considered e.g. when determining the load cycles resulting from pressure fluctuations and temperature differences. (3) The allowable stress limits for bolts are contained in Table 7.7-7 using the Sm value as per clause (4) The fatigue behaviour shall be evaluated on the basis of the range of maximum stress intensity in due consideration of the elasticity of threaded members, in which case the range of normal stress intensity shall be multiplied with a fatigue strength reduction factor of not exceeding 4. The usage factor shall be accumulated and be limited in acc. with equation (7.8.-1). Fatigue strength reduction factors smaller than 4 shall be verified. (5) For bolts with a specified tensile strength RmRT not exceeding 690 N/mm2 the design fatigue curves acc. to Figures 7.8-1 and 7.8-2 apply, and for high-strength bolts with specified tensile strength RmRT above 690 N/mm2 the design fatigue curve for temperatures up to and including 370 C of Figure 7.8-3 applies. These bolts shall be designed as necked-down bolt in accordance with A 2.8.3. The upper fatigue curve of Figure 7.8-3 may be used if without consideration of the notch effect the average tensile strength does not exceed the value 2 Sm and the total tensile plus bending strength does not exceed the value of 2.7 Sm.

7.13.2 Simplified evaluation by approximation formulae Range of application (1) The simplified evaluation may be used for: a) axisymmetric structures under axisymmetric loading conditions, which are located sufficiently away from local structural discontinuities, or b) general structures where thermal peak stresses are negligible (i.e. linear thermal stress distribution through the wall). (2) The evaluations are based on the results of elastic analysis and a stress classification in accordance with clause 7.7.3; here the following stress parameters referred to the elevated temperature proof stress Rp0.2T are used: X = (Pl + Pb/K)max/Rp0.2T Y = (QR)max/Rp0.2T   where T = 0.25 T + 0.75 T (7.13-1) (7.13-2) (7.13-3)

(referred to the respective load cycle considered) with (Pl + Pb/K)max maximum value of primary stress intensity where the portion of bending stress Pb has been adjusted with the factor K (QR)max

maximum secondary stress intensity maximum temperature minimum temperature factor, e.g. K = 1.5 for rectangular cross-sections.

 T K

7.13 Avoidance of thermal stress ratcheting 7.13.1 General (1) Where the equivalent stress intensity range derived from primary stresses P and secondary stresses Q exceeds the value of 3 Sm for steels and 4 Sm for cast steels (see clause 7.8.1), it shall be proved my means of the following stipulations that the distortions developing as a result of stress ratchet remain within acceptable limits. (2) When evaluating the limitation of progressive distortions under cyclic loading the same load cases and combination of these load cases as verified by means of fatigue analysis shall be considered. (3) The evaluation of limitation of thermal stress ratcheting may be a simplified evaluation (clause 7.13.2) using approximation formulae; more exact evaluations require verification of strains by elasto-plastic analysis (clause 7.13.3) or by means of measurements (clause 7.13.4). (3) Where the conditions of clause (1) a) are satisfied, the stress relationships are simplified as follows: X = maximum general membrane stress due to internal pressure, divided by Rp0.2T, and Y = maximum allowable range of thermal stress, divided by Rp0.2T. (4) The use of the yield strength instead of the proportional elastic limit allows a small amount of growth during each cycle until strain hardening raises the proportional elastic limit to the yield strength. (5) This evaluation procedure can be applied as long as the load cycle number to be assessed does not exceed the value  n = n ( 2 S a = R p 0. 2 T ) (7.13-4)

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KTA 3201.2 Evaluation by limitation of stresses (1) If the evaluation requirements are met thermal stress ratcheting can definitely be excluded. (2) When calculating the allowable secondary stress intensity the secondary stress parameter Y may be multiplied with the higher value of Rp0.2T or 1.5 Sm. (3) At given primary stress parameter X the following secondary stress parameter is permitted for the stress intensity range: Case 1: Linear variation of temperature or linear variation of secondary stress through the wall: for 0.0 < X 0.5, for 0.5 < X < 1.0, Y = 1/X Y = 4 (1-X) (7.13-5) (7.13-6)

(3) Where the stress parameters X1, Y1 are determined by using the elevated temperature proof stress Rp0.2T1 at temperature T1 averaged across the wall for condition 1 X2, Y2 are determined by using the elevated temperature proof stress Rp0.2T2 at temperature T2 averaged across the wall for condition 2, distinction shall be made between the following cases when determining the auxiliary values of Zi (i=1,2): a) for b) for Yi (1-Xi) > 1, Zi = Xi Yi (7.13-9)

Yi (1-Xi) 1 and Xi + Yi >1, Zi = Yi + 1 2

(1 Xi ) Yi
Zi = Xi

(7.13-10) (7.13-11)

Case 2: Parabolic constantly increasing or constantly decreasing variation of temperature through the wall: for 0.615 X 1.0, Y= 5.2 (1-X) for X < 0.615, Y (X=0.5) = 2.70 Y (X=0.4) = 3.55 Y (X=0.3) = 4.65 Case 3: Any component geometry and any loading: for X 1.0, Y= 3.25 (1-X) + 1.33 (1-X)3 + 1.38 (1-X)5 (7.13-8) Guide values: Y (X=1.0) = 0.00 Y (X=0.0) = 5.96 (7.13-7)

c) for

Xi + Yi 1,

(4) From this the plastic strain increment for each cycle can be derived in dependence of the auxiliary value Zi and in consideration of the ratio of the proof stress values = R p 0.2 T2 / R p 0.2 T1 Z1 : < Z1 1: = 0 = (7.13-12)

R p0.2 T 1 (Z 1 1) + R p0.2 T 2 (Z 2 1) ET2 (7.13-13) R p0.2 T 1 (Z 1 1) ET1 R p0.2 T 2 (Z 2 1) ET2 (7.13-14)

Z1 > 1:

where in the calculation of negative individual strain portions which may occur at conditions 1 or 2 shall not be rejected. Evaluation by limitation of strains (1) This evaluation shall only be used for conditions as per clause (1) a). (2) When determining the strains, the following conditions identified by the index i are considered: Index 1 the lower bound at extreme value formation of the range of thermal stresses or secondary stresses (low temperature) and with Index 2 the upper bound at extreme value formation of the range of thermal stresses or secondary stresses (high temperature). (5) The sum of plastic strain increments to the end of service life shall not exceed the value 2 %.

7.13.3 General evaluation by elastic-plastic analysis (1) For the determination of plastic strains at cyclic loading an elasto-plastic analysis may be made. The material model used in this analysis shall be suited to realistically determine the cyclic strains.

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(2) Where in the case of strain hardening materials the decrease of the strain increment from cycle to cycle is to be taken for the determination of the total strain, the load histogram shall comprise several cycles. From the strain history determined from the respective load histogram the maximum accumulated strain may be calculated by conservative extrapolation. (3) At the end of service life, the locally accumulated principal plastic tensile strain shall not exceed, at any point of any cross section, the following maximum value: 5.0% in the base metal, 2.5% in welded joints.

7.13.4 Specific evaluation by measurement (1) the cyclic accumulated strain may also be determined by means of measurements. (2) Regarding an extrapolation for accumulated total plastic strain as well as the limits of allowable strain clause 7.13.3 applies.

Vessel Part Cylindrical or spherical shell


Origin of Stress

Type of stress General membrane Gradient through plate thickness

Classification Pm Q Q Q Pl Q 1) Pm

Shell plate remote Internal pressure from discontinuities

Axial thermal gradient

Membrane Bending

Junction with head or flange

Internal pressure

Membrane 3) Bending

Any shell or head

Any section across entire vessel

External load or moment, or internal pressure 2) External load or moment 2)

General membrane averaged across full section. (Stress component perpendicular to cross section) Bending across full section. (Stress component perpendicular to cross section) Local membrane 3) Bending Peak (fillet or corner)


Near nozzle or other opening

External load or moment, or internal pressure 2)

Pl Q F Q Q Pm Pb Pl 4) Q Pm Pb Pl Q

Any location

Temperature difference between shell and head Internal pressure

Membrane Bending Membrane Bending

Dished head or conical head


Knuckle or junction to shell

Internal pressure

Membrane Bending

Flat head

Centre region

Internal pressure

Membrane Bending

Junction to shell

Internal pressure

Membrane Bending

Table 7.7-1: Classification of stress intensity in vessels for some typical cases

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KTA 3201.2

Vessel Part Perforated head


Origin of Stress

Type of stress Membrane (averaged through cross section) Bending (averaged through width of ligament, but gradient through plate) Peak

Classification Pm

Typical ligament in Pressure a uniform pattern


F Q F F Pm

Isolated or atypical ligament


Membrane (as above) Bending (as above) Peak


Cross section perpendicular to nozzle axis

Internal pressure or external load or moment 2) External load or moment 2)

General membrane, averaged across full cross section (Stress component perpendicular to section) Bending across nozzle section


nozzle wall

Internal pressure

General membrane Local membrane Bending Peak

Pm P1 Q F Q Q F F F Q F F

Differential expansion

Membrane Bending Peak



Differential expansion

Membrane Bending



Radial temperature distribution 5)

Equivalent linear stress 6) Non-linear stress distribution




Stress concentration by notch effect

1) If the bending moment at the edge is required to maintain the bending stress in the middle of the head or plate within acceptable limits, the edge bending is classified as Pb. 2) To include all pipe end forces resulting from dead weight, vibrations and restraint to thermal expansion as well as inertial forces. 3) Outside the area containing the discontinuity the membrane stress in meridional and circumferential direction of the shell shall not

exceed 1.1 Sm and the length of this area shall not exceed 1.0 ratio)
5) Consider possibility of failure due to thermal stress ratcheting.

R sc .

4) Consideration shall be given to the possibility of wrinkling and excessive deformation in thin-walled vessels (large diameter-to-thickness

6) The equivalent linear stress is defined as the linear stress distribution which has the same net bending moment as the actual stress distri-


Table 7.7-1: Classification of stress intensity in vessels for some typical cases (continued)

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KTA 3201.2

Piping component


Origin of stress Internal pressure Sustained mechanical loads incl. dead weight and inertial forces Internal pressure

Type of stress Average membrane stress Bending across section (stress component perpendicular to cross section)

Classification Pm Pb

Straight pipe or Location remote tube, reducers, from discontinuiintersections and ties branch connections, except in crotch regions Location with discontinuities (wall thickness transitions, connection of different piping components)

Membrane (through wall thickness) Bending (through wall thickness)

Pl Q Pl Q

Sustained mechanical loads incl. dead weight and inertial forces Restraint to thermal expansion Axial thermal gradient

Membrane (through wall thickness) Bending (through wall thickness)

Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Peak

Pe Pe Q Q F Pl Q

Any Branch connections and tees In crotch region


Membrane Internal pressure, sustained mechanical Bending loads incl. dead weight and inertial forces as well as restraint to thermal expansion Axial thermal gradient Any Membrane Bending Peak Average membrane

Q Q F Pm

Bolts and flanges Remote from discontinuities Wall thickness transitions

Internal pressure, gasket compression, bolt loads Internal pressure, gasket compression, bolt loads Axial or radial thermal gradient Restraint to thermal expansion Any

Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Peak Bending through wall Peak

Pl Q Q Q Pe Pe F F F



Radial thermal gradient 1)


Consider possibility of failure due to thermal stress ratcheting.

Table 7.7-2: Classification of stress intensity in piping for some typical cases

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KTA 3201.2

Type of component support structures Any shell

Location Any section through the entire component support structure Near discontinuity 1) or opening Any

Origin of stress Force or moment to be withstood Force or moment to be withstood Force or moment to be withstood Restraint 3) Force or moment to be withstood Force or moment to be withstood Restraint 3)

Type of stress General membrane, averaged across full section (stress component perpendicular to cross section) Bending across full section (stress component perpendicular to cross section) Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Membrane Bending Membrane Bending

Classification Pm Pb Pm Q 2) Pe Pe Pm Pb Pm Q 2) Pe Pe

Any plate or disk

Any Near discontinuity 1) or opening Any

1) Discontinuities mean essential changes in geometry such as wall thickness changes and transitions between different types of shells. Local stress concentra-

tions, e.g. on edges and boreholes are no discontinuities.

2) Calculation not required. 3) These are stresses resulting from restraints of free end displacements or different displacements of component support structures or anchors, including stress

intensifications occurring at structural discontinuities, but excluding restraint due to thermal expansion of piping systems. The forces and moments from restrained thermal expansions of piping systems are considered to be "forces or moments to be withstood" by the component support structure.

Table 7.7-3:

Classification of stress intensity of integral areas of component support structures for some typical cases

Loading levels Stress category Primary stresses Pm Pl Pm + Pb or Pl + Pb Primary plus secondary stresses Pe Pm + Pb + Pe + Q or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q Pm + Pb + Pe + Q + F or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q + F

Design loading (Level 0) Sm 1.5 Sm 1.5 Sm

Service limits Level A 3 Sm 1) 3 Sm 1) D 1.0; 2 Sa Level B 1.1 Sm 1.65 Sm 1.65 Sm 3 Sm 1) 5) 3 Sm 1) 5) D 1.0; 2 Sa 6) Level P 2) 0.9 Rp0.2PT Level C 4) Rp0.2T

Level D 0.7 RmT RmT RmT

1.35 Rp0.2PT 1.5 Rp0.2T 3) 1.35 Rp0.2PT 1.5 Rp0.2T 3)

Primary plus secondary stresses plus peak stresses

The material strength values shown shall be taken as minimum values. When using the component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour in accordance with Section 8 the values indicated in this section shall apply.
1) If the 3 S limit is exceeded an elastic-plastic analysis shall be made taking the number of cycles into account (see clause 7.8.1). Where the respective condim

tions are given, this analysis may be a simplified elastic-plastic analysis according to clause 7.8.4.
2) If the allowable number of cycles of 10 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 10 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 3) However, not more than 90 % of Level D. 4) If the allowable number of cycles of 25 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 25 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 5) Verification is not required for those cases where the loadings from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level for reasons of

functional capability or other reasons.

6) A fatigue evaluation is not required for those cases where the loading from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level and these

load cases belong to the group with 25 load cycles for which no fatigue analysis is required.

Table 7.7-4:

Allowable values for stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges derived from stress categories when performing a linear-elastic analysis of the mechanical behaviour, using ferritic steels except for cast steel

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KTA 3201.2

Loading levels Stress category Primary stresses Pm Pl Pm + Pb or Pl + Pb Primary plus secondary stresses Pe Pm + Pb + Pe + Q or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q Pm + Pb + Pe + Q + F or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q + F

Design loading (Level 0) Sm 1.5 Sm 1.5 Sm Level A Level B 1.1 Sm 1.65 Sm 1.65 Sm

Service limits Level P 2) 0.9 Rp0.2PT 1.35 Rp0.2PT 1.35 Rp0.2PT Level C 4) 1.2 Sm 1.8 Sm 1.8 Sm Level D 0.7 RmT RmT RmT

3 Sm 1)
3 Sm 1) D 1.0; 2 Sa

3 Sm 1) 4)
3 Sm 1) 4) D 1.0; 2 Sa 5)

Primary plus secondary stresses plus peak stresses

The material strength values shown shall be taken as minimum values. When using the component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour in accordance with Section 8 the values indicated in this section shall apply.
1) If the 3 S limit is exceeded an elastic-plastic analysis shall be made taking the number of cycles into account (see clause 7.8.1). Where the respective condim

tions are given, this analysis may be a simplified elastic-plastic analysis according to clause 7.8.4.
2) If the allowable number of cycles of 10 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 10 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 3) If the allowable number of cycles of 25 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 25 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 4) Verification is not required for those cases where the loadings from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level for reasons of

functional capability or other reasons.

5) A fatigue evaluation is not required for those cases where the loading from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level and these

load cases belong to the group with 25 load cycles for which no fatigue analysis is required.

Table 7.7-5:

Allowable values for stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges derived from stress categories when performing a linear-elastic analysis of the mechanical behaviour, using austenitic steels
Loading levels Design loading (Level 0) Pm Pl Pm + Pb or Pl + Pb Sm 1.5 Sm 1.5 Sm Level A 4 Sm 1) 4 Sm 1) D 1.0; 2 Sa Level B 1.1 Sm 1.65 Sm 1.65 Sm 4 Sm 1) 5) 4 Sm 1) 5) D 1.0; 2 Sa 6)

Service limits Level P 2) 0.75 Rp0.2PT 1.15 Rp0.2PT 1.15 Rp0.2PT Level C 4) Rp0.2T

Stress category Primary stresses

Level D 0.7 RmT RmT RmT

1.5 Rp0.2T 3) 1.5 Rp0.2T 3)

Primary plus secondary stresses

Pe Pm + Pb + Pe + Q or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q Pm + Pb + Pe + Q + F or Pl + Pb + Pe + Q + F

Primary plus secondary stresses plus peak stresses

The material strength values shown shall be taken as minimum values. When using the component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour in accordance with Section 8 the values indicated in this section shall apply.
1) If the 4 S limit is exceeded an elastic-plastic analysis shall be made taking the number of cycles into account (see clause 7.8.1). Where the respective condim

tions are given, this analysis may be a simplified elastic-plastic analysis according to clause 7.8.4.
2) If the allowable number of cycles of 10 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 10 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 3) However, not more than 90 % of Level D. 4) If the allowable number of cycles of 25 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 25 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. 5) Verification is not required for those cases where the loadings from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level for reasons of

functional capability or other reasons.

6) A fatigue evaluation is not required for those cases where the loading from load cases "emergency" and "damage" have been assigned to this level and these

load cases belong to the group with 25 load cycles for which no fatigue analysis is required.

Table 7.7-6:

Allowable values for stress intensities and equivalent stress ranges derived from stress categories when performing a linear-elastic analysis of the mechanical behaviour, using cast steel

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KTA 3201.2

Loading levels Stress category Average tensile stress (due to internal pressure) Average tensile stress (due to internal pressure, required gasket load reaction and additional loads) Average tensile stress 4) (due to internal pressure, bolt pretensioning, temperature influence and additional loads) Average tensile stress 1) 4) (due to internal pressure, bolt pretensioning, temperature influence and additional loads) Total stress 4) (including peak stresses)
The material strength value shown shall be taken as minimum value.
1) 2) 3) 4)

Design loading (Level 0) Sm 2 Sm Levels A and B

Service limits Level P 2) Level C 3) Level D 0.7 RmT 0.7 RmT

2 Sm

2 Sm

2 Sm

3 Sm D 1.0; 2 Sa

3 Sm

3 Sm

In the case of torsion: stress intensity If the allowable number of cycles of 10 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 10 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. If the allowable number of cycles of 25 is exceeded, the cycles exceeding 25 shall be incorporated in the fatigue analysis according to Levels A and B. To be determined by strain analysis (e.g. correlation of gasket seating load, gasket compression load for operating condition and internal pressure)

Table 7.7-7:

Allowable bolt stresses

Allowable half stress intensity range Sa 1) 2) Figure 1101 7.8-1: curve tensile strength 790 - 900 N/mm2 7.8-1: curve tensile strength 550 N/mm2 7.8-2 7.8-3: curve max. nominal stress 3) 2.7 Sm 7.8-3: curve max. nominal stress 3) = 3.0 Sm
1) 2)

 at allowable number of load cycles n

2101 2210 5101 1590 1102 1210 2102 931 5102 689 1103 2103 5103 1104 1.2104 * 2104 5104 1105 2105 5105 1106 538 427 338 303 296 248 200 179 165 152 138


4000 4480 7930

2830 3240 5240

1900 2190 3100

1410 1650 2210

1070 1280 1550

724 938 986

572 752 689

441 614 490

331 483 310

262 407 234

214 352 186

159 293 152

138 259 131

114 228 117

93.1 197 103

86.2 179 93,1

















The values of Sa shown here are based on the respective elastic moduli of Figures 7.8-1, 7.8-2 and 7.8-3. Straight interpolation between tabular values is permitted based upon a double-logarithmic representation: (straight lines between the data points on the  log-log plot). Where for a given value of Sa = S the pertinent number of load cycles n is to be determined, this shall be done by means of the adjacent data points Sj < S < Si and nj > n > ni as follows:

    n / ni = n j / ni

S S log i /log i S Sj

Given: from which follows:

Steel with tensile strength 550 N/mm2, Sa = 370 N/mm2

  Si = 441 N/mm2, Sj = 331 N/mm2, n i = 2 103, n j = 5 103

log /log  n / 2000 = ( 5000 / 2000) 370 331 441 441

 n = 3500

Nominal stress = tensile stress + bending stress

* This data point is included to provide accurate representation of the curve.

Table 7.8-2:

Table of values for the design fatigue curves of Figures 7.8-1, 7.8-2 and 7.8-3 Page 39

KTA 3201.2

10 5 9 8 7 6 5 4

R m 550 N/mm 2 R m = 790 to 900 N/mm 2 E = 2.07 105 N/mm 2


10 4 9 8 7 6 5 4

Values for tensile strengths between 550 N/mm 2 and 790 N/mm 2 may be subject to straight interpolation.


Where the calculated stress intensity range is based on strains with an elastic modulus E T E the calculated stress intensity range shall be multiplied with the ratio E/E T . Remark: The exact values to be used for the relationship between Sa and n i are given in Table 7.8-2.

10 3 9 8 7 6 5 4

Allowable half stress intensity range Sa [N/mm 2 ]

Page 40
3 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 4 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 5 3


10 2 9 8 7 6 5 4


10 4 5 6 7 89 10 6

1.5 2


4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 2

Allowable number of cycles n i

Figure 7.8-1: Design fatigue curve for ferritic steels

10 5 9 8 7 6 5 4

= 1.79

105 N/mm 2


10 4 9 8 7 6 5 4

Where the calculated stress intensity range is based on strains with an elastic modulus E T E the calculated stress intensity range shall be multiplied with the ratio E/E T .


Remark: The exact values to be used for the relationship between Sa and n i are given in Table 7.8-2.

10 3 9 8 7 6 5 4

Allowable half stress intensity range Sa [N/mm 2 ]

Page 41
3 3 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 4 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 5


10 2 9 8 7 6 5 4


10 4 5 6 7 89 10 6

1.5 2


4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 2

Allowable number of load cycles n i

KTA 3201.2

Figure 7.8-2: Design fatigue curve for austenitic steels

KTA 3201.2

10 5 9 8 7 6 5 4

= 2.07 105 N/mm 2


10 4 9 8 7 6 5 4

Where the calculated stress intensity range is based on strains with an elastic modulus E T E the calculated stress intensity range shall be multiplied with the ratio E/E T .


Remark: The exact values to be used for the relationship between Sa and n i are given in Table 7.8-2.

10 3 9 8 7 6 5 4

Allowable half stress intensity range Sa [N/mm 2 ]

Page 42

Max. nominal 2.7 S m stress


10 2 9 8 7 6 5 4

Max. nominal stress = 3.0 S m


10 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 4 4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 5 4 5 6 7 89 10 6

1.5 2


4 5 6 7 89 1.5 2 10 2

Allowable number of cycles n i

Figure 7.8-3: Design fatigue curves for high strength steel bolting for temperatures 370 C

6000 RT NDT = 0 C K Ic K IR




Fracture toughness K Ic , K IR [ N / mm 3/2 ]


Page 43


0 -50 0 ( T - RT NDT ) [K] 50 100 150


For the materials 20 MnMoNi 5 5 and 22 NiMoCr 3 7 all measured KIc values are above the shown K Ic limit curve and all measured K Ia and K IR values are above the shown K IR limit curve so that these reference curves may also be used.
KTA 3201.2

Figure 7.9-1: Fracture toughness K Ic and K IR as a function of temperature

KTA 3201.2

Stress intensity factor K I , reference fracture toughness K IR [ N / mm 3/2 ]

K IR (before irradiation) 5000 T 41

K IR (after irradiation)

Stationary operation

K I = 2 K Im + K It 4000

3000 Stationary operation 2000

1000 K I = K Im + K It 0 - 40 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Temperature [ C ]
Figure 7.9-2: Fracture mechanic analysis: specified operation (Example)

K Ic


crack arrest

[ N / mm 3/2 ]


K Ia

For internal defects: p = 2a / 2 For edge defects: p = a / 2

Stress intensity factor

crack initiation






Crack depth / wall thickness ( p )

Figure 7.9-3: Fracture mechanic analysis: Incidents (Example of thermal shock)

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KTA 3201.2

Component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour General Nozzles subject to internal pressure and external nozzle loadings (1) The opening reinforcement shall first be dimensioned for internal pressure in acc. with Annex A 2.8 to include reserves for external nozzle loadings. To verify the acceptability of external nozzle loads a supplementary stress evaluation shall be made to cover stresses due to internal pressure and external nozzle loadings. (2) To determine the stresses due to internal pressure the methods described in clauses to are permitted. (3) External loads may be considered separately using the method described in clause (4) The calculation methods described in clauses to do not cover stresses in the nozzle wall outside the nozzle-to-shell transition. For nozzles with a wall thickness ratio sA/sR 1,5 according to Figure 8.2-1 or 8.2-2 the stress in the nozzle wall shall therefore be evaluated separately.


(1) The following component-specific analyses and verifications of strength are usually applied calculation methods. Other suitable methods may also be used. (2) The component-specific analyses of the mechanical behaviour are intended to evaluate loadings and replace, fully or in part, the verification by the general analysis of the mechanical behaviour in acc. with Section 7 on the condition that the respective design and loading limit requirements are met as well as the pertinent specified stress limits are adhered to. (3) Where effective loading cannot fully be determined by one of the following component-specific analyses, the stresses resulting from partial loadings may be evaluated separately and be determined accordingly by superposition. (4) As welds have to meet the requirements of KTA 3201.1 and KTA 3201.3 the effects of the welds on the allowable stresses in Section 8 need not be considered separately.

sR sA

8.2 8.2.1

Vessels Radial nozzles subject to internal pressure and external nozzle loadings due to connected piping

dA General (1) Nozzles in pressure-retaining cylindrical or spherical shells including the attachment-to-shell juncture shall be able to withstand all loadings applied simultaneously, such as internal pressure and external nozzle loadings. (2) Depending on the respective service limits, code class and stress category the allowable stress intensities shall be taken from Tables 7.7-4 and 7.7-5. (3) The requirements regarding the design according to section 5.2 shall be met. (4) The methods indicated in clause do not consider the effects of mutual influence by adjacent openings which, however, are to be taken into account if the distance between adjacent openings is less than 2 dHm sH .

Location A







Location C
dHm z

Figure 8.2-1: Nozzle in cylindrical shell

8.2.2 Method of analysis for radial nozzles Stress index method for total maximum stresses due to internal pressure (1) This method deals only with maximum stresses, at certain general locations, due to internal pressure. Stress indices are defined as the respective numerical ratio of the normal stress component under consideration or the stress intensity to the mean circumferential stress (membrane hoop stress mu) in the unpenetrated shell. (8.2-1) i= mu The stress intensity values and ranges determined by using stress indices shall be limited in accordance with Section 7. Nozzles mainly subject to internal pressure Nozzles that are mainly subject to internal pressure, such as manhole, blanked-off and other nozzles not connected to piping shall be dimensioned in accordance with Annex A 2.8 without limitation of nominal size. Analyses of the mechanical behaviour are not required.

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KTA 3201.2

(2) The nomenclature for the stress components are shown in Figure 8.2-3 and are defined as follows: a = stress component in axial direction (in the plane of the section under consideration and parallel to the boundary of the section) t = stress component in circumferential direction (normal to the plane of the section) r = stress component in radial direction (normal to the boundary of the section) and additionally: S = stress intensity at the point under consideration di = inside radius or radius of dishing of head sc = wall thickness at unpenetrated area in accordance with clause 7.1.4.

and shall only be used if the conditions set forth in a) through i) exist. a) Design as per Figure 8.2-4 b) The nozzle axis shall be normal to the vessel wall; otherwise dAi/dHi shall be less than 0.15. c) in the case of several nozzles in a main body, the arc distance measured between the centre lines of adjacent nozzles along the inside surface shall not be less than 1.5 (dAi1 + dAi2) for adjacent nozzles in heads or for shells in meridional direction, and not be less than (dAi1 + dAi2) for adjacent nozzles along the circumference of the shell. When the two nozzles are neither in line in a circumferential arc nor in meridional direction, their centre line distance shall be such that



(l u 2)2 + (lm 3)2 is not less than 0.5 (dAi1 + dAi2), where
lu is the component of the centre line distance in the circumferential direction and lm is the component of the centre line distance in the meridional direction. d) The following dimensional ratios for spherical and cylindrical shells are met: dHi/sH 100 dAi/dHi 0.5 d Ai / d Hi s H 0.8 e) In the case of cylindrical shells, the total nozzle reinforcement area on the transverse axis of the connections, including any reinforcement outside of the reinforcement limits (effective length) shall not exceed two times the reinforcement required for the longitudinal axis unless a tapered transition section is incorporated into the reinforcement and the shell. f) In the case of spherical shells and formed heads, at least 40% of the total nozzle reinforcement area shall be located beyond the outside surface of the calculated vessel wall thickness. g) 0.1 sH < r1 < 1.0 sH. h) the outside corner radius r2 is large enough to provide a smooth transition between the nozzles and the shell. In special cases the following applies: r2 max. {0.5 s H , 0.5 s A , 0.5 s R } if for cylindrical shells for spherical shells dAi > 1.5 sH, dAi > 3 sH, a/b = 2, dAi > 1.5 sH


Figure 8.2-2: Nozzle in spherical shell


Figure 8.2-3: Direction of stress components (3) The stress indices of Table 8.2-1 only apply to the maximum stresses within the nozzle area under internal pressure


a r r t

and for ellipsoidal heads i)

r3 max. 0.002 (d Ai + 2 s A ), 2 sin 3 (s A s R )

The radii r2 and r3 refer to the actual wall thicknesses. If required, the effects due to external loadings or thermal stresses are to be considered. In such cases, the total stress at a given point may be determined by superposition. (4) If the axis of a nozzle makes an angle with the normal to the vessel within the limits given in 8.2.1 (3), the stress indices for tangential stress on the inside shall be multiplied with the following values:

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KTA 3201.2

1 + 2 sin2 1 + (tan )4/3

for hillside branches in cylinders or spheres (non-radial connection) for lateral branches in cylinders (lateral connections) Alternative stress index method for total maximum stresses due to internal pressure In lieu of the stress index method as per clause this alternative stress index method may be used if dimensioning is made in accordance with clause A 2.7.3 and the following geometric conditions are satisfied: a) Design as per Figure 8.2-5

where is the angle formed between branch axis and normal to the vessel.

d Ai


d Ai


d Ai


d Ai






sA sH









d Hi

d Hi

d Hi

d Ai


d Ai


d Ai











d Hi

d Hi

d Ai sA

sA d Ai


Figure 8.2-5: Acceptable nozzle details when using the alternative stress index method b) The nozzle is circular in cross section and its axis is normal to the shell surface.






Figure 8.2-4: Acceptable nozzle details when using the stress index method Nozzles in spherical shells and formed heads Stress t a r S Inside 2.0 - 0.2 - 4 sc/di 2.2 Nozzles in cylindrical shells Stress t a r S Longitudinal plane Inside 3.1 - 0.2 - 2 sc/di 3.3 Outside 1.2 1.0 0 1.2 Lateral plane Inside 1.0 - 0.2 - 2 sc/di 1.2 Outside 2.1 2.6 0 2.6 Outside 2.0 2.0 0 2.0

c) In the case of spherical shells and formed heads, at least 40%8.2-5: Zulssige Ausfhrungsformen fr Stutzen bei of the total nozzle reinforcement area shall be loBild cated beyond the outside surface Spannungsindexmethod Anwendung der alternativen area of the calculated shell wall thickness. d) The spacing between the edge of the opening and the nearest edge of any other opening is normally not less than the smaller of 1.25 (dAi1 + dAi2) or 1.8 dH s H ,

d Hi

d Hi

but in any case not less than dAi1 + dAi2. e) The following dimensional limitations are met: Nozzle in cylin- Nozzle in spherical drical shell shell or head dHi/sH dAi/dHi dAi/ dHi sH 10 to 200 0.33 0.8 10 to 100 0.5 0.8

f) Regarding the corner radii the following requirements shall be met: 0.1 sH r1 0.5 sH r2 d Ai sR or r2 = sH/2;

Table 8.2-1: Stress indices for nozzles (Stress index method)

the greater value shall be used

Page 47

d Hi


d Hi


KTA 3201.2

r3 / 90 d Ai s R or r3 (/90) sR; the greater value shall be used r4 1 / 90 d Ai s R or r4 (1 - /90) (sH/2); the greater value shall be used r5 (/90) sH where the angle is in degrees. (2) This method deals only with maximum stresses, at certain general locations of individual nozzles, due to internal pressure. The acceptability of the total stresses determined by this method shall be proved in accordance with Section 7. (3) Stress indices are defined as the respective numerical ratio of the normal stress component under consideration or the stress intensity to the stress intensity derived from the membrane stresses in the unpenetrated shell. i= V (8.2-2) for spherical shells or formed heads (8.2-3) for cylindrical shells (8.2-4)

and additionally: S = stress intensity at the point under consideration p = working pressure sc = wall thickness in unreinforced area according to clause 7.1.4. (5) The stress indices shall be taken from Table 8.2-2.

Stress index method for primary and secondary stresses due to internal pressure

V = p (di + sc)/4 sc and V = p (di + sc)/2 sc

Note: This m etho d is based o n a p aram eter stud y assum ing id eally elastic m aterial behavio ur. With this m etho d the stress co m p o nents o f m em brane as w ell as m em brane p lus bend ing stresses can be d eterm ined using stress ind ices. These stress ind ices refer to p lanes no rm al to the vessel w all w hich go vern the co m binatio n o f stresses resulting fro m m echanical lo ad s and internal pressure. This m etho d is suited to d eterm ine stresses fo r sup erp o sitio n w ith stresses resulting fro m external lo ad ings. It d o es no t result in p eak stresses and therefo re no to tal stress intensity is o btained.

To determine primary or primary plus secondary stresses in the shell e.g. for cylindrical and spherical shells, the following stress index method may be used: a) Radial nozzles in cylindrical shells The following dimensional ratios shall be adhered to: Diameter-to-wall thickness ratio Wall thickness ratio Diameter ratio 30 dHm/sH 200 0.75 sA/sH 1.3 dAm/dHm 0.6

Nozzles in spherical shells and formed heads Stress t a r Inside 2.0 - dAi/dHi - 0.2 - 4 sc/(dHi + sc) the greater value of 2.2 - dAi/dHi S or 2.0 + [4 sc/(dHi + sc)]dAi/dHi Nozzles in cylindrical shells Stress t a r S Longitudinal plane Inside 3.1 - 0.2 - 2 sc / (dHi + sc) 3.3 1.2 Outside 1.2 1.0 0 Lateral plane Inside 1.0 - 0.2 - 2 sc/ (dHi + sc) 1.2 2.6 Outside 2.1 2.6 0 Outside 2.0 - dAi/dHi 2.0 - dAi/dHi 0

2.0- dAi/dHi

To cover stresses in the transitional area of shell-to-nozzle juncture the stresses at the locations A and C shall be determined and limited in accordance with Figure 8.2-1. The stresses due to internal pressure are determined as follows: = dHm p 2 sH (8.2-5)

The stress indices shall be taken from the figures laid down in Table 8.2.-3 depending on the referred nozzle diameter d Am / d Hm s H and the wall thickness ratio sA/sH. Location A C A Inside C Outside A Inside C Outside Stress category PL PL PL + Q PL + Q PL + Q PL + Q Figure 8.2-6 8.2-7 8.2-8 8.2-9 8.2-10 8.2-11

Table 8.2-2: Stress indices for nozzles (Alternative stress index method) (4) The nomenclature for the stress components are shown in Figure 8.2-3 and are defined as follows: a = stress component in axial direction (in the plane of the section under consideration and parallel to the boundary of the section) t = stress component in circumferential direction (normal to the plane of the section) r = stress component in radial direction (normal to the boundary of the section) Page 48

Table 8.2-3: Assignment of stress indices for cylindrical shells

KTA 3201.2

b) Radial nozzles in spherical shells The following dimensional ratios shall be adhered to: Diameter-to-wall thickness ratio 50 dHm/sH 400 Wall thickness ratio 0.77 sA/sH 1.3 Design method for openings subject to external forces and moments Suitable methods for determining stresses may be taken from a) WRC Bulletin 297 [2] and, if required, from b) WRC Bulletin 107 [3] and c) BS 5500: 1985, Appendix G [4] in which case the respective geometric limits for the design methods and the general requirements according to clause 5.2.6 have to be considered. The acceptability of the total stresses determined by any of theses methods shall be proved.

The stresses due to internal pressure are determined as follows: d = Hm p (8.2-6) 4 sH The stress indices shall be taken from the figures laid down in Table 8.2-4 depending on the referred nozzle diameter d Am / d Hm s H and the wall thickness ratio sA/sH. Stress category PL PL + Q Table 8.2-4: Figure 8.2-12 8.2-13

Assignment of stress indices for spherical shells

Figure 8.2-6: Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

Figure 8.2-7: Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

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KTA 3201.2

Figure 8.2-8: Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

Figure 8.2-9: Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

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KTA 3201.2

Figure 8.2-10:

Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

Figure 8.2-11:

Stress index for nozzle in cylindrical shell subject to internal pressure

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KTA 3201.2

Figure 8.2-12:

Stress index for nozzle in spherical shell subject to internal pressure for PL

Figure 8.2-13:

Stress index for nozzle in spherical shell subject to internal pressure for PL + Q

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KTA 3201.2

8.3 Valve bodies 8.3.1 Design values and units relating to Section 8.3 Notation daA daR diA diG diR e eA eH h m, n p Design value nominal outside diameter of valve in Section A-A, excluding allowances nominal outside diameter of connected piping, excluding allowances nominal inside diameter of valve in Section A-A, excluding tolerances valve body inside diameter as per Figure 8.3-5 nominal inside diameter as per Figure 8.3-1 effective length effective length in branch effective length in main shell height according to Figure 8.3-3 material parameters according to Table 7.8-1 design pressure for design loading level 0 or the respective internal pressure for loading levels A and B internal pressure at the respective load case full range of pressure fluctuations from normal operating to the considered condition Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm N/mm2 C6 D De1 C4 C5 Notation Ca Cb Cp C2 Design value stress index for oblique valves acc. to equation (8.3-14) stress index for bending stress acc. to equation (8.3-11) stress index stress index for secondary thermal stresses due to structural discontinuity in acc. with Figure 8.3-9 stress index for secondary stresses at locations of structural discontinuity due to changes in fluid temperature in acc. with Figure 8.3-8 factor acc. to Figure 8.3-10 stress index for thermal fatigue stress component acc. to Figure 8.3-11 stress index for thermal stresses usage factor diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn entirely within the wall at the crotch region, as shown in Figure 8.3-7 diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn in an area of the crotch on either side of a line bisecting the crotch outside diameter of valve in Section A-A acc. to Figures 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 modulus of elasticity at design temperature axial force axial force obtained from connected piping bending moment bending moment obtained from connected piping resulting moment torsional moment torsional moment obtained from connected piping allowable number of cycles specified number of cycles primary bending stress according to Table 7.7-5 secondary stress from pipe reactions Unit


Nmm4 mm

pB pfi

N/mm2 N/mm2



D0 N/mm2 E mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Fax Fax Mb M b MR Mt M t Ni Nri Pb Peb mm mm

mm N/mm2 N N Nmm Nmm Nmm Nmm Nmm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

pf(max) maximum range of pressure fluctuations pfi r r2 , r 4 r3 ri rt sA sAn sG sH sHn sn mean radius in Section A-A according to Figures 8.4-3 and 8.3-5 fillet radius according to Figure 8.3-2 radius according to Figure 8.3-3 fillet radius according to Figure 8.3-7 wall thickness of branch wall thickness according to Figure 8.3-7 wall thickness of valve body wall thickness of body (run) wall thickness according to Figure 8.3-7 wall thickness of valve (acc. to cl. 7.1.4) in Section A-A according to Figures 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 wall thickness according to Figure 8.3-5 wall thickness of connected piping according to Figure 8.3-4

inside radius according to Figure 8.3-5 mm

sne sR A Ap A

Peb max secondary stress from pipe loadings with full utilization of the allowable stress Plp Pm Q local membrane stress due to internal pressure acc. to equation (8.3-5) general primary membrane stress acc. to Table 7.7-5 resulting transverse force

N/mm2 N/mm2 N

cross-sectional area of valve in Section mm2 A-A acc. to Figures 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 pressure loaded area effective cross-sectional area mm2 mm2

Page 53

KTA 3201.2

Notation Q Qp

Design value transverse force from connected piping sum of primary plus secondary stresses resulting from internal pressure acc. to equation (8.3-13) thermal stress component from through-wall temperature gradient associated with a fluid temperature change rate 55 C / hr thermal secondary stress resulting from structural discontinuity according to equation (8.3-15) minimum tensile stress of connected piping at elevated temperature 0.2% elevated temperature proof stress of connected piping one-half the value of cyclic stress range peak stress design stress intensity according to clause sum of primary plus secondary stress intensities for one load cycle maximum range of primary plus secondary stresses according to equation (8.3-30) fatigue stress intensity at inside surface (crotch region) of body fatigue stress intensity at outside surface (crotch region) of body stress intensity Sm for material of connected piping at design temperature acc. to clause (see Table 8.3-1) design temperature temperature acc. to Figure 8.3-6 temperature acc. to Figure 8.3-6 maximum magnitude of the difference in wall temperatures for walls of thicknesses (De1, sn) resulting from 55 K/hr fluid temperature change rate acc. to Figure 8.3-12 fluid temperature change fluid temperature change in Section i

Unit N N/mm2

Notation WA

Design value axial section modulus at valve body nominal dimension referring to Section A-A in Figures 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 acc. to equation (8.3-8) axial section modulus of connected piping referring to the nominal dimension acc. to equation (8.3-7) valve body section torsional modulus in Section A-A acc. to Figure 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 (Wt = 2 WA for circular cross-section with constant wall thickness)

Unit mm3

WR N/mm2 Wt N/mm2





RmT Rp0.2T Sa Si Sm Sn Sn(max)

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

linear coefficient of thermal expansion 1/degree at design temperature acute angle between flow passage centre lines and bonnet (spindle, cone) acc. to Figure 8.3-4 stress resulting from bending moments stress from loadings in direction of pipe axis stress intensity stress resulting from transverse forces stress resulting from torsional moment degree

b L V a max t

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Sp1 Sp2 SR

N/mm2 8.3.2 General N/mm2 N/mm2 (1) For valves meeting all the requirements of this clause, the most highly stressed portions of the body under internal pressure is at the neck to flow passage junction and is characterized by circumferential tension normal to the plane of centre lines, with the maximum value at the inside surface. The rules of clause 8.3.3 are intended to control the general primary membrane stress in the crotch region, (2) In the crotch region, the maximum primary membrane stress is to be determined by the pressure area method in accordance with the rules of clause 8.3.3. The procedure is illustrated in Figure 8.3-1. (3) The Pm value calculated in accordance with clause 8.3.3 will normally be the highest value of body general primary membrane stress for all normal valve types with typical wall proportioning, whereas in regions other than the crotch unusual body configurations shall be reviewed for possible higher stress regions. Suspected regions are to be checked by the pressure area method applied to the particular local body contours. (4) The use of the methods of component-specific stress analysis described in clauses 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 necessitates that the requirements set forth in clause 8.3.3 regarding the evaluation of primary membrane stress due to internal pressure are satisfied. (5) The stress analysis of valve bodies usually is performed in accordance with the methods of clause 8.3.4. Loadings Page 54

T TDe1 Tsn T


Tf Tfi


Tf(max) maximum change in fluid temperature Tf1 Tf2 Tf3 T1 T2 T3

change in fluid temperature (range of temperature cycles)

KTA 3201.2

resulting from connected pipe are to be generally considered (i.e. by using the maximum possible bending moment of the connected piping). (6) Clause 8.3.5 may be applied alternately or if the conditions of clause 8.3.4 have not been satisfied.

8.3.3 Primary membrane stress due to internal pressure (1) From an accurately drawn layout of the valve body, depicting the finished section of the crotch region in the mutual plane of the bonnet and flow passage centre lines, determine the fluid (load-bearing) area Ap and the effective cross-sectional (metal) area A. Ap and A are to be based on the internal surface of the body after complete loss of metal assigned to corrosion allowance. (2) Calculate the crotch general membrane stress intensity as follows: Pm = A p / A + 0.5 p S m


The allowable value of this stress intensity Sm shall be determined as per clause (3) The distances eH and eA which provide bounds on the fluid and metal areas are determined as follows; see Figure 8.3-1: e H = max. {0.5 diR - s A ; s H } e A = 0.5 r2 + 0.354 s A (d iR + s A ) (8.3-2) (8.3-3)

In establishing appropriate values for the above parameters, some judgement may be required if the valve body is irregular as it is for globe valves and others with nonsymmetric shapes. In such cases, the internal boundaries of Ap shall be the lines that trace the greatest widths of internal wetted surfaces perpendicular to the plane of the stem and pipe ends (see Figure 8.3-1, sketches b, d and e). (4) If the calculated boundaries for Ap and A, as defined by eA and eH, fall beyond the valve body (Figure 8.3-1, sketch b), the body surface becomes the proper boundary for establishing Ap and A. No credit is to be taken for any area of connected piping which may be included within the limits of eA and eH. If the flange is included with A, the area of one bolt hole is to be subtracted for determining the net value of A. (5) Web or fin-like extensions of the valve body are to be credited to A only to an effective length from the wall equal to the average thickness of the credited portion. The remaining web area is to be added to Ap (Figure 8.3-1, sketch b). In addition, the web area credited to A shall satisfy the following condition: A line perpendicular to the plane of the stem and pipe ends from any points in A does not break out of the wetted surface but passes through a continuum of metal until it breaks through the outer surface of the body.

Figure 8.3-1: Pressure area method

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KTA 3201.2

(6) In the case of normal valve body configurations, it is expected that the portions defined by A in the illustrations of Figure 8.3-1 will be most highly stressed. However, in the case of highly irregular valve bodies, it is recommended that all sections of the crotch be checked to ensure that the largest value of Pm has been established considering both open and fully closed conditions.


Figure 8.3-3: Acceptable ring grooves (2) It shall be checked by means of equation (8.3-4) whether the range of allowable primary membrane plus bending stresses in loading levels 0, A and B is not exceeded. Plp + Peb 1.5 Sm r Plp = C p i + 0.5 p C a sn with Cp = 1.5 Ca acc. to equation (8.3-14) (8.3-4) (8.3-5)

8.3.4 General stress analysis (1) This method shall only be applied if the following geometric conditions are satisfied: a) radius r2 0.3 sn 0.05 s n b) Radius r3 max. 0.1 h c) Radius r4 < r2 is permitted d) The edges must be chamfered or trimmed. The radii r2 and r4 are shown in Figure 8.3-2 for the various types of fillet radii. r3 and h are explained in Figure 8.3-3. sn is the nominal wall thickness according to clause 7.1.4 and Figures 8.4-3 and 8.3-5.

Peb acc. to equation (8.3-6). (3) For the purpose of verifying the stress portions resulting from unit shear forces and unit moments of the connected piping, bending stresses in the governing sections acc. to Figure 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 shall be evaluated as essential stress components. (4) The bending stresses are determined from:



Peb = with WR =






d aR 4 d iR 4 32 d aR

) )


WA =

d aA 4 d iA 4 32 d aA


r2 r4

where the following condition must be satisfied: WA WR (8.3-9)

(4) For valve bodies with conical hub acc. to Figure 8.3-5 the Section A-A shall be taken in consideration of the die-out length e. Here, the following applies: e = 0.5 ri sne (8.3-10)

with ri and sne according to Figure 8.3-5.



(5) The stress index value Cb is determined as follows:

2 r 3 Cb = max. 0.335 ; 1.0 sn



with r and sn according to Figure 8.3-7. (6) The SR value in equation (8.3-6) refers to the material of the connected piping. The values of Table 8.3-1 shall be taken. Page 56

Figure 8.3-2: Fillets and corners

KTA 3201.2

Composite materials

Pipe Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite

Valve Ferritic steel forging Ferritic cast steel Austenitic steel forging Austenitic cast steel SR

Pipe Austenite Austenite Austenite Austenite

Valve Austenitic steel forging Ferritic steel forging Austenitic cast steel Ferritic cast steel SR 1.35 Rp0.2T 1.35 Rp0.2T 1.35 Rp0.2T 1.62 Rp0.2T 2.16 R p0.2T min. R mT

Loading level 0 A B C D

Rp0.2T Rp0.2T Rp0.2T 1.2 Rp0.2T 1.6 R p0.2T min. R mT

Rp0.2T , RmT = design strength values of connected piping at design temperature

Table 8.3-1:

List of limit values for SR to be used in the analysis (equation 8.3-6) of the connected piping for composite materials of piping and valve

(7) No greater loadings on the valve shall be considered than are allowed by the stress intensity level in the piping system. Provided that the same pipe materials, same diameters and section moduli of the valve are considered by the design and the valve itself does not constitute an anchor, the valve body side with the smallest section modulus of the connected piping shall govern the maximum loading of the valve. Otherwise, both sides of the valve body shall be assessed to determine the maximum possible loading. (8) For equation (8.3-6) the allowable stresses in the various loading levels acc. to Table 8.3-2 shall be adhered to. When using Table 8.3-2, the following design requirements apply: a) diA diG (see Figure 8.3-5) b) sn sG c) No angle valve is used. The stress intensity Sm shall be determined as per clause

A 2 r i sn

2 r i sn

A 2 r i sn


sn 2 r i sR


2r i


Figure 8.3-4: Critical sections of valve bodies Loading level 0 A B C D Table 8.3-2: Allowable value for Peb 1.5 Sm 1.5 Sm

sG A e


1.8 Sm 2.4 Sm

2r i


Allowable stress in the body resulting from pipe loadings Figure 8.3-5: Critical section at conical valve bodies Page 57

s ne

1.5 Sm

KTA 3201.2

(9) For the calculation of the sum of primary and secondary stresses in Levels A and B the following applies: Sn = QP + Peb + 2 QT3 r Q p = C p i + 0.5 p C a sn with CP = 3.0 (stress intensity) C a = 0.2 + 1 0.8 sin 1 (8.3-14) (8.3-12) (8.3-13)

(12) The verification for loading levels C and D shall only be made if the respective requirement has been fixed in the component-specific documents. (13) Valve and piping system may be classified into different loading levels for specific load cases (see component-specific document). In such a case the SR value for equation (8.3-6) shall be taken with respect to the loading level of the system (see Table 8.3-1). (14) The verification with the equations given here is only permitted if for all load cases the allowable stress intensity level is not exceeded in the connected piping. (15) Where pipe rupture is assumed and no anchor is provided between valve and location of rupture, the calculation shall be made with the effective pipe unit shear forces and unit moments if valve integrity or functional capability is required by the component-specific document.

angle between flow passage centre lines in valve body and bonnet (spindle, cone) acc. to Figure 8.3-4

Peb shall be inserted acc. to equation (8.3-6) ri and sn shall be taken from Figures 8.3-4 and 8.3-5 QT3 is determined as follows: QT3 = E C3 T (8.3-15)


Detailed stress analysis with unit shear forces and unit moments obtained from the calculated connected piping

T De1


(1) The verification according to this clause is only required if, in the general stress analysis to clause 8.3.4, the allowable stress limit is exceeded or the required condition cannot be satisfied in any case. In such a case, the geometric conditions in accordance with clause 8.3.4 (1) shall also be satisfied. Load cases and superposition of loads shall be taken from the component-specific documents. (2) From the calculation of the connected piping the following forces and moments are obtained which act on the two points of attachment of the valve for the various load cases: a) axial forces b) transverse forces c) bending moments d) torsional moments


T = (TDe1 - Tsn) Figure 8.3-6: Determination of T De1 and De2 shall be determined by means of a detail sketch with reference to the original drawing at a suitable scale. (10) For the loading Levels C and D the following applies: Sn = Plp + Peb (8.3-16)


M b M t

Plp is determined from equation (8.3-5) ; for p the respective internal pressure of Level C or D shall be used. (11) In the individual loading levels the stress intensity values acc. to Table 8.3-3 shall not be exceeded in equations (8.3-12) and (8.3-16). The stress intensity Sm shall be determined according to clause Loading level Allowable Sn value Forged steel A B C D 3 Sm 3 Sm 2.25 Sm 3 Sm Cast steel 4 Sm 4 Sm 3 Sm 4 Sm

In accordance with the superposition rule Fax, Q, Mb and Mt shall be determined for each loading level and the stress components shall be calculated from the unit shear forces and unit moments from the connected piping as follows: Stress resulting from loadings in the direction of pipe axis: L = D 0 p B Fax + 4 sn A (8.3-17)

Stress resulting from transverse forces:

a max = 2Q A


Stress resulting from bending moments: b = Mb Cb WA (8.3-19)

Table 8.3-3: Allowable stress intensity values for Sn

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KTA 3201.2

Stress resulting from torsional moment: t = Mt Wt (8.3-20)

When determining A, WA and Wt it shall be taken into account that the wall thickness at the valve body inside is to be reduced by the wear allowance. (3) These individual stresses are simplified to form a stress intensity on the assumption that the maximum stresses all occur simultaneously: V =

These unit shear forces and unit moments then shall not be exceeded within the calculation of the connected piping or varied only such that they do not lead to a higher loading of the valves. In addition, it shall be taken into account whether, with respect to the classification of the valve according to the component-specific documents, a classification into another loading level and thus a reclassification of the unit shear forces and unit moments may be required to perform a verification of the functional capability by way of calculation.

( L + b )2 + 3 (a max + t )2


8.3.6 Fatigue analysis General

(4) For equation (8.3-21) the stress intensity limit values for Pm + Pb according to Tables 7.7-4 to 7.7-6 shall be adhered to in the various loading levels. The stress intensity Sm shall be determined in accordance with clause (5) The primary and secondary stresses shall be determined in accordance with clause 8.3.4. Here the stress intensity V determined according to equation (8.3-21) shall be taken for Peb in equations (8.3-12) and (8.3-16). For Sn the allowable stress intensity values according to Table 8.3-3 then apply. (6) Where at the time of calculation the valve design has already been made and the unit shear forces and unit moments obtained from the calculation of the connected piping are not yet available they may be fixed as follows: a) From equations (8.3-12) or (8.3-16) for Sn a value Peb max is obtained for each individual loading level if the allowable stress is fully utilized. b) Where this value (Peb max) exceeds the allowable stress intensity for equation (8.3-21), Peb max shall be reduced to obtain this value. c) Taking: L = b = 2 ( a max + t ) and
a max = t = b 4

A fatigue analysis shall be made for all valves with the specified number of load cycles - to be at least 1000 - .
Note: The fatigue analysis m etho d s d escribed hereinafter are so co nservative that stress intensificatio ns fo r valve bo d ies w ith m ultip le external co nto urs are co vered by the exam inatio n o f the critical section according to Figure 8.3-7. General fatigue evaluation General fatigue evaluation shall be made for loading Levels A and B in accordance with the methods described hereinafter and shall replace the fatigue analysis according to clause or Section 7.8 if the resulting number of load cycles is greater than the specified number of cycles, however, is greater than 2000, and the conditions of clause (3) a) to d) are satisfied. The maximum total stresses Sp1 on the body inside and Sp2 on the body outside can be determined by assuming a fluid temperature change rate not exceeding 55 K/hr as follows: S p1 = P 2 Q p + eb + Q T 3 + 1.3 Q T 1 3 2 (8.3-26) (8.3-27)


S p2 = 0.4 Q p + Peb + 2 Q T 3 (8.3-23) with Q T1 = C 6 (D e1 ) (8.3-24) in N/mm4 1.3 QT1 (8.3-25) C6


and V Peb max the following is obtained: b = L = p eb max 5


stress component from non-linear temperature distribution stress index for thermal stresses 4.06 10-3 N/mm4 for austenitic steel 1.07 10-3 N/mm4 for ferritic steel.

d) With these values the stress intensity V according to equation (8.3-21) shall be determined, and the reliability of this value shall be checked. e) Where the allowable stress intensity value is adhered to, Fax, Q, Mb and Mt can be determined directly from the values in subclause c). Otherwise, the individual stresses in subclause c) shall be reduced uniformly until the allowable stress intensity value is no more exceeded.

With the larger value of Sp1 and Sp2 taken as Sa the allowable number of load cycles is obtained from the fatigue curves according to Figures 7.8-1 and 7.8-2 where it shall be taken into account that the difference between the elastic modulus from the curves and that of the valve materials at design temperature is to be considered. The Sa value shall be multiplied with the ratio of E (curve)/E (valve) at design temperature.

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KTA 3201.2

R Detailed fatigue analysis

s Hn
s An

Note: The p ro ced ure o utlined hereinafter can lead to no n-co nservative results at temperature change rates exceeding 10 K/min.

(1) To perform a detailed fatigue analysis the pressure changes pfi and temperature changes Tfi with the pertinent number Nri shall be determined for all specified load cycles resulting from operational loadings. (2) If both heating or cooling effects are expected at fluid temperature change rates exceeding 55 K/hr, the temperature range associated with the pertinent number of cycles per load case each shall be determined assuming e.g. the following variations: Example:




20 variations T1 10 variations T2

= 250 K = 150 K = 100 K

heating cooling cooling

D e2 2r

D e1

100 variations T3

Lump the ranges of variation so as to produce the greatest temperature differences possible: 10 cycles Tf1 10 cycles Tf2 90 cycles Tf3 = 150 K + 250 K = 400 K = 250 K + 100 K = 350 K = 100 K



D e2

D e1

(3) Pressure fluctuations not excluded by the condition in subclause a) hereinafter are to be included in the calculation of the peak stresses. The full range of pressure fluctuations from normal operating condition to the condition under consideration shall be represented by pfi. During the fatigue analysis the following load variations or load cycles need not be considered: a) pressure variations less than 1/3 of the design pressure for ferritic materials pressure variations less than 1/2 of the design pressure for austenitic materials b) temperature variations less than 17 K

D e1 sHn

c) accident or maloperation cycles expected to occur less than five times (total) during the expected valve life d) start-up and shutdown cycles with temperature change rates not exceeding 55 K/hr at a number of load cycles n not exceeding 2000. (4) For the greatest pressure fluctuations max pfi = pf(max) and temperature changes max Tfi = Tf(max) the following equation must be satisfied:


D e2

De1 = diameter of the largest circle which can be drawn entirely within the wall at the crotch region De2 = diameter of the largest circle which can be drawn in an area of the crotch on either side of a line bisecting the crotch For De1 < sn the following applies: De1 = sn Figure 8.3-7: Model for determining secondary stresses in valve bodies (crotch region)


pf(max) p

3 S m for forging steel + E C 2 C 4 Tf (max) 4 S m for cast steel (8.3-29)

where p shall be taken from clause 8.3.4 and Qp from equation (8.3-13). The factors C2 and C4 shall be taken from Figures 8.3-9 and 8.3-10, respectively. The stress intensity value Sm shall be determined according to clause

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KTA 3201.2

(5) Sn(max) shall be determined as follows: p S n (max) = Q p f (max) + E C 3 C 4 Tf (max) p Stress index C3 shall be taken from Figure 8.3-8.


0.7 0.6 0.5


Equation (8.3-30) for Sn(max) can be calculated separately for each load cycle. Here pfi and Tfi are then inserted.

2.0 1.8 1.6

r / sn =16 r / sn =100

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

r / sn =8

r / sn =4

r / sn =2

De1 / sn
Figure 8.3-10: Maximum magnitude C4 of the difference in average wall temperatures for wall thicknesses De1 and sn, resulting from a step change in fluid temperature Tf

0.8 0.6 0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(6) The peak stresses Si shall be calculated as follows: Si = p f i 4 Qp + E (C 3 C 4 + C 5 ) Tfi 3 p

De2 / sn
Figure 8.3-8: Stress index for secondary stresses resulting from structural discontinuity due to fluid temperature changes


C5 shall be taken from Figure 8.3-11. (7) The half-value of the cyclic stress range Sa for determining the allowable number of cycles Ni shall be calculated as follows: a) for Sn(max) 3 Sm

r / sn =100

0.9 0.8
r / sn =16

Sa =

Si 2


0.7 C2 0.6 0.5

r / sn =8

b) for 3 Sm < Sn(max) 3 m Sm S 1 n Sn 1 i S a = 1 + n( m 1) 3 S m 2 (8.3-33)

r / sn =4

r / sn =2

0.4 0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Here, the value of Sn(max) or the value Sn determined separately for each load cycle may be used in lieu of Sn. Where in individual load cycles Sn does not exceed 3 Sm, the method of subclause a) shall be applied. The material parameters m and n shall be taken from Table 7.8-1. c) for Sn(max) > 3 m Sm
Sa = 1 Si n 2

De2 / sn
Figure 8.3-9: Stress index C2 for secondary thermal stresses resulting from structural discontinuity


For cast steel the value of 3 Sm shall be substituted by 4 Sm in the conditions of subclauses a) to c).

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KTA 3201.2

The allowable numbers of load cycles Ni shall be taken from the fatigue curves in Figures 7.8-1 and 7.8-2 where it shall be taken into account that the difference between the elastic modulus from the curves and that of the valve material at allowable operating temperature (design temperature) are considered. The Sa value shall be multiplied with the ratio E (curve)/E (valve) at allowable operating temperature (design temperature). (8) The fatigue usage (usage factor) D shall be determined as follows:

D =

Nri i



where Ni is the allowable number of load cycles and Nri the specified number of cycles according to the component-specific documents.


Other methods of stress and fatigue analysis

Where the allowable limit values are exceeded when applying the clauses 8.3.4 to 8.3.6 the verification may also be made in accordance with Section 7.7 and 7.8, if required.



Austenite Ferrite














0 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3

De1 in mm
Figure 8.3-11: Stress index C5 for consideration of thermal fatigue stresses resulting from through-wall temperature gradients caused by step change in fluid temperature

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KTA 3201.2

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Ferrite = Austenite = 30 T = 55 sn 2 3 E De1 -1 sn


( E = 42580 mm 2 / K ) ( E = 16775 mm 2 / K )


T [ K ]

10 9 8 7 6 5 4

.5 .5
e1 / s n =2 e1 / s n =6 e1 / s n =5 e1 / s n =4 e1 / s n =3 e1 / s n =2 e1 / s n =3 e1 / s n =1


e1 / s n =6

e1 / s n =4 e1 / s n =3

e1 / s n =5

e1 / s n =2 .5

e1 / s n =2

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 sn [ mm ]
Figure 8.3-12: Maximum temperature difference in valve body (area De1/sn), associated with a fluid temperature change rate of 55 K/hr

e1 / s n =1

e1 / s n =3






70 80 90 100

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KTA 3201.2


Piping systems

I B1, B2 Sm p da

primary stress intensity stress indices, see clause 8.4.7 stress intensity value acc. to Section 7.7 at design temperature design pressure pipe outside diameter where either da = dan or da = din + 2 sc + 2 c2 shall be taken (see Section 6.5)

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 mm

8.4.1 General (1) Prerequisite to the application of the component-specific stress and fatigue analysis outlined hereinafter is the design of piping components as per clause 5.3.5 and the dimensioning of the piping components in accordance with Annex A 4. Their range of application extends to the tube-side effective length ea of the reinforced or unreinforced nozzle. This limit is not relevant to the modelling of the system analysis according to clause 7.6. (2) The analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the total system shall be used to determine the directional components of forces and moments at various points of the system, which shall be used to evaluate the various piping elements independently of the total system. When determining the stresses the axial and radial temperature distributions as well as the internal pressure shall also be considered in addition to the forces and moments obtained from the analysis of the mechanical behaviour. (3) When applying the component-specific design method in accordance with this clause, clause shall also be taken into account with regard to the classification of stresses from restrained thermal expansions. (4) Where the design stress intensity or allowable usage factor is exceeded or if stress indices for the considered geometry are not available, it is permitted to perform a detailed stress analysis in accordance with Section 7.7 or, if required, a fatigue analysis in accordance with Section 7.8 in lieu of the procedure outline in this Section. (5) The component-specific analysis of the mechanical behaviour described hereinafter applies to piping systems where diameters are greater than DN 50. (6) For piping systems with diameters not exceeding DN 50 the primary stress intensity according to equation (8.4-1) shall be determined in addition to the dimensioning as per Annex A, and the primary plus secondary stress intensity range shall also be determined and limited in accordance with equation (8.4-2). The verifications according to equations (8.4-1) and (8.4-2) can be omitted if the pipe laying procedure ensures that the allowable stress intensities as per equations (8.4-1) and (8.4-2) can be adhered to. Where equation (8.4-2) cannot be satisfied, a complete verification as per Section 8.4 is required.
Note: The stress values I to VI , given in Sectio n 8.4 as stress intensity o r equivalent stress range d o no exactly co rresp o nd to the resp ective d efinitio ns o f Sectio n 7, but are co nservative evaluations of the respective stress intensity or equivalent stress range.


wall thickness without cladding acc. to clause 7.1.4 or measured wall thickness minus corrosion allowance and cladding; regarding the cladding clause 7.1.3, subclauses (1) and (2) shall be taken into account moment of inertia




Nmm resulting moment due to design mechanical loads. In the combination of loads, all directional moment components in the same direction shall be combined before determining the resultant moment (moments resulting from different load cases that cannot occur simultaneously need not be used in calculating the resultant moment). If the method of analysis of dynamic loads is such that only magnitudes with relative algebraic signs are obtained, that combination of directional moment components shall be used leading to the greatest resultant moment.

8.4.3 Level A and B General (1) For each load case, directional moment components shall be determined which always refer to a reference condition. The same applies to load cases under internal pressure and temperature differences. (2) Where a verification of primary stresses according clause is required for Level B, the primary stress intensity shall be determined according to equation (8.4-1) and be limited to the smaller value of 1.8 Sm and 1.5 Rp0,2T in which case p is the operating pressure of the respective load case. If the maximum internal pressure exceeds 1.1 times the design pressure, the primary stress intensity resulting from the circumferential stress due to internal pressure shall be limited as for Level B according to Tables 7.7-4 to 7.7-6.

8.4.2 Design condition (Level 0) For the determination and limitation of the primary stress intensity the following condition applies: I = B1 where da p d + B 2 a M iI 1.5 S m 2 sc 2I (8.4-1) Determination and limitation of the primary plus secondary stress intensity range

The application of the equations given in this clause results in the equivalent stress intensity range where the stresses are caused by operational transients occurring due to changes in mechanical or thermal loadings. Cold-spring, if Page 64

KTA 3201.2

any, need not be considered. The following condition shall normally be satisfied, otherwise clause shall apply: II = C1 da p0 d + C 2 a M iII + 2 sc 2I

Determination of primary plus secondary plus peak stress intensity range

+ C 3 Erl r Tmr l Tml 3 S m where II da, sc I C 1 , C2 Sm primary plus secondary stress intensity range see clause 8.4.2 moment of inertia stress indices, see clause 8.4.7 stress intensity value according to Section 7.7 at the temperature:   T = 0.25 T + 0.75 T where  T maximum temperature at the considered load cycle  T minimum temperature at the considered load cycle range of operating pressure fluctuations average modulus of elasticity of the two sides r and l of a gross structural discontinuity or a material discontinuity at room temperature linear coefficient of thermal expansion on side r (l) of a gross structural discontinuity or a material discontinuity at room temperature resultant range of moments In the combination of moments from load sets, all directional moment components in the same direction shall be combined before determining the resultant moment. Here that combination of plant service conditions of Level A and B shall be selected resulting in the greatest values of MiII. If a combination includes the effects of earthquake or other dynamic loads it shall be based on that range of the two following ranges of moments which results in higher values for MiII: - the resultant range of moments due to the combination of all loads of two service conditions of Level A and B, where one-half range of the earthquake and other dynamic loads shall be considered - the resultant range of moments due to earthquake and other dynamic loads alone. Weight effects need not be considered in equation (8.4-2) since they are non-cyclic in character. K range of average temperature on side r Tmr (Tml) (l) of gross structural discontinuity or material discontinuity (see clause


The stress intensity range III resulting from primary plus secondary plus peak stresses shall be calculated according to equation (8.4-3) and is intended to determine the stress intensity range VI according to equation (8.4-7) III = K I C1 + d a p0 d + K 2 C 2 a M iIII + 2 sc 2I (8.4-3)


mm4 N/mm2

1 K 3 E T1 + K 3 C 3 E rl 2 ( 1 ) 1 E T2 1

r Tmr l Tml + where III

stress intensity range resulting from primary plus secondary stresses and peak stresses


p0 Erl

N/mm2 N/mm2

d a , s c , I, p 0 , E rl , r ( l ), see clause Tmr (Tml )


see clause

r (l)


C1 , C 2 , C 3 see clause 8.4.7 K1 , K 2 , K 3 T1, T2 see clause linear coefficient of thermal expansion at room temperature modulus of elasticity at room temperature Poisson's ratio (= 0.3) 1/K N/mm2



Simplified elastic-plastic analysis Conditions Where the limitation of the stress intensity range given in equation (8.4-2) cannot be satisfied for one or several pairs of load sets, the alternative conditions of a), b) and c) hereinafter shall be satisfied: a) Limit of secondary stress intensity range:
IV = C 2 da M iIV < 3 S m 2I


where IV MiIV secondary stress intensity range greatest range of moments due to loadings resulting from restraint to thermal expansion and cyclic thermal anchor and intermediate anchor movement see clause N/mm2 Nmm

C2, da, I see clause



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KTA 3201.2

b) Limitation of thermal stress ratcheting The temperature difference T1 according to clause shall satisfy the following relation: y R p 0. 2 T T1 C5 (8.4-5) 0.7 E Here, in dependence of p da x= 2 s c R p0.2 T the following values for y apply: x 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 y 3.33 2.0 1.2 0.8 Stress intensity range VI With the primary plus secondary plus peak stress intensity range calculated according to equation (8.4-3) for all pairs of load sets an increased stress intensity range VI compared to III can be determined: VI = K e III where VI Ke equivalent stress intensity range plastification factor N/mm2 (8.4-7)

The magnitude of Ke depends on the value of the stress intensity range II according to equation (8.4-2) and is obtained, e.g. by means of the following relationship: a) II 3 Sm Ke = 1 b) 3 Sm < II < 3 m Sm N/mm2 Ke = 1 +

Intermediate values shall be subject to straight interpolation.

where p

maximum pressure for the set of operating conditions under consideration = 1.1 for ferritic steels, 1.3 for austenitic steels as defined for equation (8.4-2) 0.2 % proof stress at average fluid temperature of the transients under consideration

(1 n) II 1 n ( m 1) 3 S m

C5 , E Rp0.2T

c) II 3 m Sm
Ke = 1 n


where the material parameters m and n can be used up to the temperature T (see Table 7.8-1).

c) Limitation of stress intensity range resulting from primary plus secondary membrane and bending stresses: The stress intensity range resulting from primary plus secondary membrane and bending stresses without stress components from moments due to restrained thermal expansion in the system shall be limited according to equation (8.4-6). d p d V = C1 a 0 + C 2 a M iV + C 4 E rl 2 sc 2I r Tmr l Tml 3 S m where V (8.4-6) N/mm2 Fatigue analysis Detailed determination of the cumulative usage factor The stress intensity ranges III (for Ke = 1) obtained from

equation (8.4-3) or the stress intensity ranges VI (for Ke > 1) obtained from equation (8.4-7) shall be used for the determination of the usage factor according to Section 7.8, where Sa equals III /2 or VI/2 (Sa = one-half the stress intensity). For this purpose, the fatigue curves from Figures 7.8-1 and 7.8-2 shall be used as basis.

stress intensity range resulting from primary plus secondary membrane and bending stresses see clause see clause 8.4.7

Sm C 1 , C2 , C4

N/mm2 Conservative determination of the usage factor (1) Within the component-specific method for the determination and evaluation of stresses the fatigue analysis may be performed in accordance with the following procedure. This method shall be used for a conservative evaluation of a component. Where upon application of this method the allowable usage factor D is not exceeded, no detailed fatigue analysis need be performed. (2) The stress intensity range 2 Sa = III or VI (see clause or shall be determined by means of equation (8.4-3) if the stress intensity defined hereinafter is used for the respective loadings:

d a , s c , I, p 0 , E rl , r ( l ), see clause Tmr (Tml )


Range of moments MiII without MiIV for the considered operating conditions; if MiII was formed as the range of moments of the dynamic loads of one operating condition, half the range of the dynamic load portion of MiII shall be taken to form MiV


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KTA 3201.2

a) As stress intensity range for internal pressure the respective greatest pressure differences of the load case combinations under consideration shall be taken. b) As stress intensity range of the directional moment components MiIII the greatest range of resulting moments of the load case combinations under consideration shall be taken. Here, MiIII shall be determined as follows: M iIII = M12 + M2 + M3
2 2

a) Average range Tm as temperature difference between the average temperatures Tmk and Tmj 1 Tm = sc 1 = sc with Tmj, Tmk average value of temperature through wall thickness sc at point of time where t = j, k
s c /2

s c /2 s c /2

[ Tk ( y) Tj ( y)]dy T( y)dy = Tmk Tmj



s c /2

M1,2,3 range of moments of directions 1, 2, 3 from the load case combinations under consideration c) As stress intensity range of the stresses resulting from temperature differences (T1, Tmr - Tml, T2) the difference of the largest and smallest values (considering the relative algebraic signs) shall be taken for the load case combination under consideration in which case the respective simultaneously acting portions of the temperature differences may be considered. This also applies to stresses resulting from the absolute value of the difference of the products r Tmr l Tml , d) As a conservative approach the number of all load cycles shall be accumulated (cumulative damage) to define the number of load cycles to be used. The allowable number of load cycles can be determined by means of Figure 7.8-1 or 7.8-2. (3) The cumulative usage factor D is found to be the ratio of the actual number of cycles to the allowable number of cycles thus determined. Where the usage factor is < 1, this location of the piping system need not be evaluated further.

Tm may be used to determine the range of moments Mi resulting from restraint to thermal expansion in the system.

sc inside (i) -sc / 2 outside (a) +sc / 2


T(y) T2a T1 /2 Tm

Determination of the ranges of temperature differences

(2) The range of temperature distribution T(y) for location y is found to read: T(y) = Tk(y) - Tj(y) with y radial position in the wall, measured positive outward from the mid-thickness position - sc/2 y sc/2 Tj(y) temperature, as a function of radial position y from mid-thickness to point of time where t = j Tk(y) temperature, as a function of radial position y from mid-thickness to point of time where t = k (3) The full temperature distribution range is composed of three parts as shown in Figure 8.4-1. Index a refers to the outside and index i to the inside. (4) For the determination of the pertinent stress ranges the following relationships apply: Page 67 (8.4-9)

Figure 8.4-1: Decomposition of temperature distribution range The relationship (8.4-10) with the respective indices also applies to the ranges of average wall temperatures on sides r, l of a structural discontinuity or material discontinuity. Tmr = Tmrk - Tmrj; at point of time where t = j, k, Tml = Tmlk - Tmlj; at point of time where t = j, k.


T1 /2

(1) The determination of the ranges of temperature differences Tm , T1 and T2 shall be based on the actual temperature distribution through the wall thickness sc to the points of time under consideration.


KTA 3201.2

These magnitudes may be inserted in equations (8.4-2) and (8.4-3). For cylindrical shapes Tmrk, Tmrj shall normally be averaged over a length of (dir sr)1/2 and Tmlk, Tmlj over a length (dil sl)1/2. where: dir (dil) the inside diameter on side r (l) of a structural discontinuity or material discontinuity the average wall thickness on a length of (dir sr)1/2 or (dil sl)1/2 mm

shall be taken. Where the maximum internal pressure exceeds 2 times the design pressure, the primary stress intensity for Level D, which is due to the circumferential stress caused by the internal pressure, shall be limited in accordance with Table 7.7-4 to 7.7-6. 8.4.6 Loading levels of special load cases When performing strength calculations Section 3.2.1 shall be considered. The primary stresses according to equation (8.4-1) shall be limited such that the piping and components are not damaged.

sr (sl)


b) Range T1 of the temperature difference between the temperature on the outside surface and the temperature on the inside surface, assuming moment generating equivalent linear temperature distribution. T1 = 12
2 sc s c /2

8.4.7 Stress indices General (1) The applicable stress indices (B, C and K values) to be used in equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-4) and (8.4-6) of this section are indicated in Table 8.4-1. (2) Table 8.4-1 contains stress indices for some commonly used piping products and joints. Where specific data exist, lower stress indices than those given in Table 8.4-1 may be used. (3) For piping products not covered by Table 8.4-1 or for which the given requirements are not met, stress indices shall be established by experimental analysis or theoretical analysis. (4) Stress indices may also be established by means of other rules, guidelines and standards.

sc /2

y [ Tk (y) Tj (y)]dy


c) Range T2 for that portion of the non-linear thermal gradient through the wall thickness T1 T2 a = Ta Tm 2 T1 T2 = max. T2 i = Ti Tm 2 0


8.4.4 Level P (1) The test conditions for Level P loadings shall be evaluated in correspondence with the requirements clause . (2) The stresses shall be determined by means of equation (8.4-1) and limited to 1.35 Rp0.2PT. Only if the load cycles exceed the number of ten, the stresses shall be determined by means of equation (8.4-3), and credit shall be taken of the pertinent load cycles as portion of the total accumulative damage of the material in the fatigue analysis. Definition of stress indices (1) The general definition of a stress index for mechanical load is B, C, K = where e ideally elastic stress, stress intensity, or stress intensity range due to load nominal stress due to loading N/mm2 N/mm2


8.4.5 Levels C and D service limits (1) For the component-specific stress analysis of piping systems the requirements of clauses and shall be met. (2) For Level C the primary stresses are calculated by means of equation (8.4-1), but are safeguarded with 2.25 Sm, and shall not exceed 1.8 Rp0.2T. Here, for p the respective pressure shall be taken. Where the maximum internal pressure exceeds 1.5 times the design pressure, the primary intensity stress for Level C, which is due to the circumferential stress caused by the internal pressure p, shall be limited in accordance with Tables 7.7-4 to 7.7-6. (3) For Level D the primary stresses are calculated by means of (8.4-1), but are safeguarded with the smaller value of 3 Sm and 2 Rp0.2T. Here, for p the respective pressure

(2) The B values were derived from limit load calculations. For the C and K values e is the maximum stress intensity or stress intensity range due to loading of the component. The nominal stress is shown in equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-4) and (8.4-6), respectively. (3) The general term for a stress index due to thermal load is e (8.4-14) C, K = E T where e E highest stress intensity due to temperature gradient or temperature range T modulus of elasticity linear coefficient of thermal expansion N/mm2 N/mm2 1/K

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KTA 3201.2

temperature gradient or temperature range

(3) For pipe fittings such as reducers and tapered-wall transitions, the nominal dimensions of the large or small end, whichever gives the larger value of da/sc, shall normally be used. (4) Loadings for which stress indices are given include internal pressure, bending and torsional moments, and temperature differences. The indices are intended to be sufficiently conservative to account also for the effects of transverse shear forces normally encountered in flexible piping systems. If, however, thrust or shear forces account for a significant portion of the loading on a given piping component, the effect of these forces shall normally be included in the design analysis. The values of the forces and moments shall normally be obtained from an analysis of the piping system. (5) The stress indices for welds are not applicable if the radial weld shrinkage exceeds 0.25 sc. (6) The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 only apply to butt girth welds between two items for which the wall thickness is between 0.875 sc and 1.1 sc for an axial distance of da sc from the welding ends. Conditions for using stress indices General (1) The stress indices given herein and in Table 8.4-1 including the restrictions specified hereinafter shall be used with the conditions of clauses 8.4.1 to 8.4.6. (2) For the calculation of the numerical values of the stress indices and the stresses in accordance with equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-7) the nominal dimensions shall be used in which case between outside and inside diameter the relationship di = da - 2 sc with sc pipe wall thickness according to clause 8.4.2 mm (8.4-15)

shall be taken into account.

Piping products and joints Straight pipe, remote from welds or other discontinuities Butt girth welds between straight pipes or pipe and butt-welded item a) flush b) as-welded Cicumferential fillet weld on socket weld fitting, slip-on flange or socket weld flange Longitudinal butt welds in straight pipe (a) flush (b) as-welded sc > 5 mm (c) as-welded sc 5 mm Transitions
1) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1)

Internal pressure Moment loading Thermal loading B1 0.5 C1 1.0 K1 1.0 B2 1.0 C2 1.0 K2 1.0 C3 1.0 K3 1.0 C4 0.5

0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5

1.0 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.4

1.1 1.2 3.0 1.1 1.2 2.5

1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0

1.0 1.0 2) 2.1 1.0 1.2 1.2

1.1 1.8 2.0 1.1 1.3 1.3

0.6 0.6 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

1.1 1.7 3.0 1.1 1.2 1.2

0.6 0.6 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

(a) flush or no circumferential weld closer than (dRm/2 sRc)1/2 (b) as-welded Butt welding reducers to Fig. 8.4-4 Curved pipe or elbows Branch connections to Annex A 2.7 Butt welding tees to Annex 4.6
1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 6)

0.5 0.5 1.0 4) 0.5 0.5 0.5

3) 3) 4) 5)

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0 1.0


3) 3) 4) 5)

1.1 1.8

3) 3)

1.1 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.0

1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5

1.0 1.0 1.8 1.0

1.0 2.0 4.0









Stress indices shall only be used if the dimensioning requirements of Annex A have been met. In addition, B values can only be used if da/sc 50, C and K values only if da/sc 100.
1) 2) 3) 4)

see clause see clause see clause see clause

5) 6) 7) 8)

see clause see clause see clause see clause

Table 8.4-1: Stress indices for use with equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-4) and (8.4-6) Page 69

KTA 3201.2

(7) For components with longitudinal butt welds, the K1, K2 and K3 indices shown shall be multiplied by 1.1 for flush welds or by 1.3 for as-welded welds. At the intersection of a longitudinal butt weld in straight pipe with a girth butt weld or girth fillet weld, the C1, K1, C2, K2 and K3 indices shall be taken as the product of the respective indices. (8) In general and unless otherwise specified, it is not required to take the product of stress indices for two piping components (e.g. a tee and a reducer, a tee and a girth butt weld) when welded together. The piping component and the weld shall be qualified separately. (9) For curved pipe or butt welding elbows welded together or joined by a piece of straight pipe less than one pipe diameter long, the stress indices shall be taken as the product of the indices for the elbow or curved pipe and the indices for the girth butt weld, except for stress indices B1 and C4 which are exempted. (10) The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 are applicable for components and welds with out-of-roundness not greater   than 0.08 s where out-of-roundness is defined as d - d .
c Connecting welds (1) The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 are applicable for longitudinal butt joints in straight pipe, girth butt welds joining items with identical nominal wall thicknesses and girth fillet welds used to attach socket weld fittings, slip-on flanges, or socket welding flanges, except as modified hereinafter. (2) Connecting welds are termed to be either flush welds or as-welded ones, if the requirements in a) or b) are met, respectively. a) Welds are considered to be flush welds if they meet the following requirements: The total thickness (both inside and outside) of the reinforcement shall not exceed 0.1 sc. There shall be no concavity on either the interior or exterior surfaces, and the finished contour shall not have any slope greater than 7 degree in which case the angle is measured between the weld tangent and the component surface (see Figure 8.4-2).

a) If the cross-section is out-of-round but with no discontinuity in radius (e.g. an elliptical cross-section), an acceptable value of K1 may be obtained by multiplying the tabulated values of K1 less the factor F1a:   da da 1.5 F1a = 1 + 3 sc 1 + 0.455 (d a / s c ) (p / E) (8.4-16) where p  da  da E maximum pressure at the considered load cycle largest outside diameter of cross-section smallest outside diameter of cross-section modulus of elasticity of the material at room temperature N/mm2 mm mm N/mm2


For straight pipe, curved pipe, longitudinal butt welds in straight pipe, girth butt welds, and wall thickness transitions not meeting this requirement, the stress indices shall be modified as specified below:

Figure 8.4-2: Allowable weld contour

b) Welds are considered to be as-welded if they do not meet the requirements for flush welds. (3) For as-welded welds joining items with nominal wall thicknesses less than 6 mm, the C2 index shall be taken as: C2 = 1.0 + 3 (/sc) but not greater than 2.1 where allowable average misalignment according to Figure 8.4-3. A smaller value than 0.8 mm may be used for if a smaller value is specified for fabrication. The measured misalignment may also be used. For flush welds = 0 may be taken. mm (8.4-18)

b) If there are discontinuities in radius, e.g. a flat spot, and   if d a - d a is not greater than 0.08 da, an acceptable value of K1 may be obtained by multiplying the tabulated values of K1 with the factor F1b:  2 s c M R p0.2 T F1b = 1 + (8.4-17) da p where M=2 for ferritic steels and nonferrous metals except nickel based alloys for austenitic steels and nickel based alloys proof stress at design temperature design pressure N/mm2 N/mm2 Welded transitions (1) The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 are applicable to butt girth welds between a pipe for which the wall thickness is between 0.875 sc and 1.1 sc for an axial distance of da sc from the welding end and the transition to a cylindrical component (pipe, attached nozzle, flange) with a greater thickness and a greater or an equal outside diameter and a smaller or an equal inside diameter.

M = 2.7 Rp0.2T p

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KTA 3201.2

a) Concentric centre lines max. mismatch around the joint = 1 mm Pipe Component

 C3 = 0.35 ( s /sc) + 0.25 but not greater than 2.0.


(4) For the transitions according to this Section shall be selected in accordance with Figure 8.4-3. For flush welds and as-welded welds between components with wall thicknesses sc greater than 6 mm = 0 may be taken.

d Rm

d Ri



s Rc

d Ai


 (5) s is the maximum wall thickness within the transitional  zone. If s /sc does not exceed 1.1, the indices for circumferential welds may be used.

If counterboring is not possible

smaller value of sRc or 6 mm Reducers General

b) offset centre lines max. mismatch at any one point around the joint = 2 mm Pipe Component

The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 are applicable for concentric reducers if the following restrictions are considered (see Figure 8.4-4): a) does not exceed 60 (cone angle) b) the wall thickness is not less than s01 throughout the body of the reducer, except in and immediately adjacent to the cylindrical portion on the small end where the thickness shall not be less than s02. The wall thicknesses s01 and s02 are the minimum wall thicknesses for the straight pipe at the large end and small end, respectively.


Figure 8.4-3: Butt weld alignment and mismatch tolerances for unequal inside diameter and outside diameter when fairing or back welding on the inside is not possible



(2) For transitions which on an axial distance of at least 1.5 sc from the welding end have a taper not exceeding 30, and on an axial distance of at least 0.5 sc have a taper not exceeding 45, and on the inside on an axial distance of 2 sc from the welding end have a slope not greater than 1:3, the following applies for indices C1, C2, C3: C1 = 0.5 + 0.33 (da/sc)0.3 + 1.5 (/sc) but not greater than 1.8 C2 = 1.7 + 3.0 (/sc) but not greater than 2.1 C3 = 1.0 + 0.03 (da/sc) but not greater than 2.0. (3) For transitions which on the outside, inside or on both sides, on an axial distance of da sc from the welding end, have a slope not greater than 1:3, the following applies for indices C1, C2, C3: C1 = 1.0 + 1.5 (/sc) but not greater than 1.8  C2 = s /sc + 3 (/sc) but not greater than the smaller value of [1.33 + 0.04 d a / s c + 3 (/sc)] and 2.1 (8.4-23) (8.4-22) (8.4-21) (8.4-20) (8.4-19)


for 30 for 30 < 60 dn / sn (8.4-25) (8.4-26) (8.4-27) (8.4-28) dn / sn

Figure 8.4-4: Concentric reducer Primary stress indices B1 = 0.5 B1 = 1 Primary plus secondary stress indices (1) For reducers with r1 and r2 equal to or greater than 0.1 d1:

C1 = 1.0 + 0.0058

C2 = 1.0 + 0.36 0.4 (dn/sn)0.4 (d2/d1 - 0.5) (2)

For reducers with r1 or r2 smaller than 0.1 d1:

C1 = 1.0 + 0.00465 1.285 (dn/sn)0.39 C2 = 1.0 + 0.0185 Page 71


KTA 3201.2

Here dn/sn is the larger value of d1/s1 and d2/s2 and is the cone angle according to Figure 8.4-4.

C2 =

1.95 h 2/3


but at least 1.5 Peak stress indices (1) The K1 and K2 indices given hereinafter shall normally be used depending on the type of connecting weld, extent of mismatch and thickness dimensions. (2) For reducers connected to pipe with flush girth welds (see clause K1 = 1.1 - 0.1 Lm/ dm sm but at least 1.0 K2 = K1 (3) For reducers connected to pipe with as-welded girth butt welds (see clause, where s1 or s2 exceeds 5 mm and 1/s1 or 2/s2 does not exceed 0.1 K1 = 1.2 - 0.2 Lm/ dm sm but at least 1.0 K2 = 1.8 - 0.8 Lm/ dm sm but at least 1.0 (4) For reducers connected to pipe with as-welded girth butt welds (see clause where s1 or s2 does not exceed 5 mm or 1/s1 or 2/s2 is greater than 0.1 K1 = 1.2 - 0.2 Lm/ d m sm but at least 1.0 K2 = 2.5 - 1.5 Lm/ d m sm but at least 1.0 Lm/ dm sm is the smaller value of L1/ d1 s1 or L2/ d 2 s 2 . 1, 2 is the offset at the large end or small end of the reducer (see clause and Figure 8.4-3). (8.4-33) (8.4-32) (8.4-31) (8.4-30) (8.4-29) Branch connections and butt welding tees General (1) When determining the stress intensities in accordance with equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-4) and (8.4-6), the following conditions shall be satisfied for branch connections. (2) The moments are to be calculated at the intersection of the run and branch centre lines For MA:
2 M A = M1A + M 2 A + M 2 A = resulting moment on 2 3

where R = bending radius rm = dm/2 dm = da - sc h = 4 sc R dm 2

branch For MH:

2 M H = M1H + M 2 H + M 2 H = 2 3


resulting moment on run (8.4-38)

where M1H, M2H and M3H are calculated as follows: Where the directional moment components of the run have the same algebraic signs at intersections 1 and 2 as the moment of the branch which are in the same direction, then the respective components shall be used to determine the resultant moment loading MH which then equals zero. Otherwise the smaller of the absolute values at the intersections 1 and 2 shall be used to determine MH.

M z3 3 M y3 M x3 M z1 1 M y1 1 M x1 0 2 M x2 3 M z2 2 M y2 Butt welding elbows and curved pipes The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1, except as added to and modified herein, are applicable to butt welding elbows or curved pipe a) Primary stress index B2 = 1.3/h2/3 but at least 1.0 b) Primary plus secondary stress indices C1 = (8.4-34)

(2 R rm ) 2 (R rm )


Figure 8.4-5: Designation of moments on branch connection

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KTA 3201.2

(3) For branches the Mi terms shall be replaced by the following pairs of terms in equations (8.4-1), (8.4-2), (8.4-3), (8.4-4), and (8.4-6) : a) In equation (8.4-1) M M B2A A + B2H H ZA ZH b) In equation (8.4-2), (8.4-4) and (8.4-6) C2A MA M + C2H H ZA ZH (8.4-39)

dAa dAi sRc dRa dRm dAm sAc



dAi sRc dRa




dRm dAm

= 90 r2



s Hc



c) In equation (8.4-3) C2A K 2A MA M + C2H K 2H H ZA ZH



for which the following section moduli apply:

Z A = d Rm 2 s Rc 4 ZH = d Hm 2 s Hc 4

dRa dAi dRm

y sRc


dAa dAi


sRc = sAc



sHc sHc /2


(4) For branches according to Annex A 2-7: dRm, sRc, dHm and sHc are given in Figure 8.4-6.

s Hc dHm
Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm degree (8.4-42) (8.4-43) Stress indices for branches complying with Annex A 2.7 (1) Applicability of indices The stress indices indicated are applicable for branch connections if the following conditions a) to h) are satisfied: a) The branch-to-run radius ratio is dAm/dHm 0.5 b) The run pipe radius-to-thickness ratio is limited as follows: dHm/sHc 50 c) The axis of the branch connection is normal to the run pipe surface. d) The requirements for reinforcement of areas according to Section A 4.6 have been meet. e) The inside corner radius r1 (see Figure 8.4-6) shall be between 0.1 and 0.5 sHc. f) The branch-to-run fillet radius r2 (see Figure 8.4-6) is not less than the larger of sAc/2 or (sAc + y)/2 (see Figure 8.4-6 c) and sHc/2. g) The branch-to-fillet radius r3 (see Figure 8.4-6) is not less than the larger of 0.002 dAa or 2 (sin )3 times the offset as shown in Figures 8.4-6 a and 8.4-6 b. h) For several branch connections in a pipe, the arc distance measured between the centres of adjacent branches along the outside surface of the run pipe is not less than 1.5 times the sum of the two adjacent branch inside radii in the longitudinal direction, or is not less than the sum of the two adjacent branch radii along the circumference of the run pipe.

dAm dAa

sAc = sRc + 0,667 y dAi sAc , then dRm can be taken as the 2 radius to the centre of sAc . If
1 0,5

Nomenclature for Figure 8.4-6 Notation dAa dAi dAm dHm dRa dRi dRm sAc sHc sRc r1, r2, r3, y Design value outside diameter of branch inside diameter of branch mean diameter of branch mean diameter of run pipe outside diameter of branch pipe inside diameter of branch pipe mean diameter of branch wall thickness of branch wall thickness of run pipe wall thickness of branch pipe (see Figure) angle between vertical and slope

Figure 8.4-6: Branch connection nomenclature (2) Primary stress indices B2A = 0.5 C2A 1.0 B2H = 0.75 C2H 1.0

Page 73



s Hc

KTA 3201.2

(3) Primary plus secondary stress indices The C1, C2A and C2H indices can be determined using the following relationships: d C 1 = 1.4 Hm s Hc

C 2A

d = 0.67 Ha + 2 sH



d Rm d Hm


s Hc s Rc

0. 382

s Rc r2


but at least 2.0 C2H = C2A (5) Peak stress indices The peak stress indices K2A and K2H shall be taken as: K2A = K2H = 1 (8.4-51) (8.4-50)

(8.4-44) but at least 1.2. If r2/sRc exceeds 12, use r2/sRc = 12 for computing C1. d C 2 A = 3 Hm 2s Hc but at least 1.5. C2H d s d = 1.15 Hm Rm Hc 2s Hc d Hm s Rc
1/4 2/3

d Rm d Hm


s d Rc Rm (8.4-45) s Hc d Aa

8.4.8 Detailed stress analysis General (1) In lieu of the stress analysis according to clauses 8.4.2 to 8.4.5 a detailed stress analysis in accordance with this clause may be made. (2) To determine a normal stress the following relation with N as nominal stress and i as stress index applies: = i N Accordingly the following applies to shear stresses: = i N (3) The following definitions apply to the nominal stresses in this clause: for loading due to internal pressure p N (p) = p di/ (2 sc) for loading due to bending moment Mb N (Mb) = Mb/W for loading due to torsional moment Mt N (Mt) = Mt/ (2 W) (8.4-54) (8.4-53) (8.4-52)


but at least 1.5. (4) Peak stress indices The peak stress indices K2A and K2H for moment loadings may be taken as: K2A = 1.0 K2H = 1.75 and K2H C2H normally shall not be smaller than 2.65. Stress indices for butt welding tees (1) The stress indices given in Table 8.4-1 as well as the indices given hereinafter are applicable to butt welding tees if they meet the requirements of clause A 4.6.1 or A 4.6.2. (2) To determine the stresses resulting from internal pressure and moments as well as the stress indices the diameters
+ (dHa, dAa) and the equivalent wall thicknesses (s+ , sA ) of H the run and branch to be connected shall be used in compliance with clause A or A

(3) Primary stress indices The primary stress indices B2A and B2H may be taken as: B2A d = 0.4 Ha 2 s+ H

(4) For the stress components on the pipe section the following definitions apply in compliance with clause 8.2.2 and Figure 8.4-7: a = stress component in axial direction (in the plane of the section under consideration and parallel to the boundary of the section) stress component in circumferential direction (normal to the plane of the section) stress component in radial direction (normal to the boundary of the section)

(8.4-47) t =

but at least 1.0 B2H d = 0.5 Ha 2 s+ H (8.4-48)

r =

but at least 1.0 (4) Primary plus secondary stress indices The C2A and C2H indices for moment loadings shall be taken as follows

at = ta = shear stress components in circumferential and axial direction (5) With these stress components the stress intensities for the investigation points shall be determined by means of the maximum shear stress theory.

Page 74

KTA 3201.2 Welding elbows and curved pipes (1) The stress indices given in Tables 8.4-2 and 8.4-3 are applicable to elbows and curved pipes provided that the points under investigation are sufficiently remote from girth or longitudinal welds or other local discontinuities. Otherwise, additional theoretical or experimental analyses are required. (2) The nomenclature used for the stress indices can be taken from Figure 8.4-7 where the directional moment components are defined as follows: Mx = torsional moment My = bending moment for out-of-plane Ez displacement Mz = bending moment for in-plane Ey displacement

i4 =

2 sc di Surface Stress direction



Stress index

Round cross-section outside i1 - 0.5 i4 mid inside outside Any mid inside a t i1 i1 + 0.5 i4 i2 i2 i2

Out-of-round cross-section outside i1 - i3 - 0.5 i4 mid inside outside mid a inside t i1 i1 + i3 + 0.5 i4 i2 - 0.3 i3 i2 i2 + 0.3 i3

Direction a z

Ez Mz

Mx Moment loads

Round and out-of-round cross-section outside 0 Any mid - 0.5 i4 r inside Table 8.4-2: - i4


Stress indices for curved pipe or welding elbows under internal pressure

y da sc di t



(4) The stress indices of Table 8.4-3 for moment loading, with
= 4 r sc / d m 1 2 2

(8.4-59) (8.4-60) (8.4-61) (8.4-62) (8.4-63) (8.4-64)



= 2 p r 2 / (E d m sc )

x1 = 5 + 6 2 + 24 x 2 = 17 + 600 2 + 480
x 3 = x1 x 2 6 , 25

y Round cross-section dm = da - sc di = da - 2sc

y Out of round cross-section = - d1 > d2

x 4 = 1 2 (x 3 4 , 5 x 2 )

have the following magnitudes and only apply if 0.2. In the equation for not more than the respective value of the internal pressure p shall be inserted. The following applies to the bending moment My: iamy = cos + [(1.5x2-18.75)cos3 + 11.25cos5]/x4 (8.4-65) itby = - (9x2sin2 + 225sin4)/x4 (8.4-66)

Figure 8.4-7: Pipe elbow nomenclature for detailed stress analysis (3) The stress indices of Table 8.4-2 for internal pressure loading have the following magnitudes i1 = r + 0.25 d i sin r + 0.5 d m sin (8.4-55) (8.4-56)

For the bending moment Mz the following applies: iamz = sin + [(1.5x2 - 18.75)sin3 + 11.25sin5]/x4 (8.4-67) itbz = (9x2cos2 + 225cos4)/x4 (8.4-68)

i2 = 0.5 di/dm

d d2 1.5 cos 2 i3 = 1 3 2 sc 1 + 0.5 1 (d m / s c ) p / E

(8.4-57) Page 75

KTA 3201.2

itmz = - 0.5 (dm/r)cos {cos + [(0.5 x2 - 6.25) cos3 + 2.25 cos5]/x4} (8.4-69)

8.4.9 Flexibility factors and stress intensification factors General (1) Compared to straight pipes individual piping components show an increased flexibility when subjected to bending on account of the ovalization of the pipe cross-section causing an increase of stresses. (2) Where the system analysis for the piping is made to conform to the theory of beams (straight beam with circular cross-section), this increased flexibility shall be taken into account by k values not less than 1 for flexibility factors and C not less than 1 for stress intensification factors. (3) Compared to the straight pipe, torsional moments as well as normal and transverse forces do neither lead to an increased flexibility nor to an increase of stresses.

(5) Table 8.4-4 applies to the classification as per clause 7.7.2 into stress categories of the stresses determined by the stress indices given here. Location Surface Stress direction 1 1 Stress index

for torsional moment Mx Any outside mid at

inside 1 for bending moments My outside mid inside outside mid inside outside mid inside outside mid inside Table 8.4-3: a r a t itby 0 - itby iamy + itby iamy iamy - itby itmz + itbz itmz itmz - itbz iamz + itbz iamz iamz - itbz Straight pipes (1) For the determination of the deflection of straight pipes by bending and torsional moments as well as normal and transverse forces the theory of a straight beam with annular cross-section applies. (2) For the analysis of straight pipes all flexibility factors shall be taken as k = 1 and the stress intensification factors as C = 1.

for bending moments Mz Pipe elbows and curved pipes (1) For the curved section of elbows and curved pipes the deflections which according to the theory of beams result from bending moments (My and Mz according to Figure 8.4-8), shall be multiplied with the flexibility factors ky or kz in which case the system analysis can either be made with average values or values for the point under investigation to obtain the flexibility factors.

Stress indices for curved pipe or welding elbows under moment loading

Origin of stress Internal pressure

Type of stress 1) Membrane stresses Bending stresses Membrane and torsional stresses

Classification Pm Q Pl Pb Q Q


Moments due to external loads

75 % of bending stresses 25 % of bending stresses


Moments due to restrained thermal expansion and free end displacements

Membrane, bending and torsional stresses


1) Referred to through-wall stresses

Table 8.4-4:

Classification of stresses for curved pipe or elbows in case of detailed stress analysis Figure 8.4-8: Direction of moments Branches complying with Section A 2.7 For branches complying with Section A 2.7 the stresses due to internal pressure may be determined according to clause and the stresses due to forces and moments according to clause if the geometric conditions given in clause are satisfied. (2) For the determination of deformations due to torsional moments as well as normal and transverse forces the conventional theory of beams applies.

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KTA 3201.2

(3) The value given hereinafter for the mean flexibility factor km = ky = kz not less than 1.0 applies if the following conditions for pipe elbows and curved pipes are satisfied: a) r/dm not less than 0.85 b) arc length not less than dm c) there are no flanges or similar stiffeners within a distance not exceeding dm/2 from either end of the curved pipe section or from the ends of the elbows. Otherwise, for such pipe elbows and curved pipe sections km = ky = kz = 1.0 shall be taken. km = kp 1.65 ; but at least 1 h 1 p dm X k 1+ 2 E sc
4/ 3

C2y = 1.71/h0.53 C2z = = 1.95/h2/3 1.75/h0.58

but 1 for for for 0 90 0 = 45 0 = 0

(8.4-78) (8.4-79) (8.4-80) (8.4-81)

= 1.0

The values for C2z may be subject to linear interpolation between 90 and 0 , however no value of 0 smaller than 30 shall be used; C2z shall never be less than 1. (8) In the case of system analyses using flexibility factors at certain points under consideration, where the stress analysis is based on equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-6), the bending stress resulting from bending or torsional moments may be determined using the stress indices related to certain points under consideration and moments. Here, the resulting values shall be substituted as follows: - instead of B2 MiI now use

(8.4-70) (8.4-71)

with k p =

d Xk = 6 m 2 sc h= 4 r sc dm

2 r dm




(C 2x M x )2 + (C 2 y M y )

+ (C 2 z M z )



- instead of C2 Mi(II-V)

now use + (C 2 z M z )

(C2x M x )2 + (C2 y M y )


(4) In the case of system analyses using mean flexibility factors the mean stress indices C2 shall be taken in accordance with clause (5) In the stress analysis using equations (8.4-1) to (8.4-6) the bending stress due to a resulting moment on account of bending and torsional moments is determined to obtain the mean stress index. (6) The values given hereinafter for flexibility factors at certain points under investigation kx ky kz apply to pipe elbows and curved pipe sections which at both ends are connected to straight pipes showing the dimension of the curved section and the distance of which to the next curved section is at least two times the outside diameter: kx = 1.0 ky = kp
kz = kp Branches complying with Section A 2.7 with dAi/dHi 0.5 (1) The deflection behaviour of branch connections complying with Section A 2.7 with dAi/dHi not exceeding 0.5 can be modelled according to Figure 8.4-9 as follows: a) Beam in direction of pipe run axis having pipe run dimensions and extending to the intersection of the run pipe centre line with the branch pipe centre line. b) Assumption of rigid juncture at intersection of pipe run and branch axes. c) Assumption of rigid beam on a branch pipe length of 0.5 dHa from the juncture (intersection of axes) to the run pipe surface. d) Assumption of element with local flexibility at the juncture of branch pipe axis and run pipe surface. (2) The flexibilities (unit of moment per radians) of the flexible element with regard to the branch pipe bending moments can be determined by approximation as follows: a) for bending along axis x Cx = with d k x = 0.1 Ha s Hc

(8.4-74) 1.25 ; but at least 1 h

k ; but at least 1 h

(8.4-75) (8.4-76)

with kp according to equation (8.4-71) h according to equation (8.4-73) k = 1.65 for 0 180 k = 1.30 for 0 = 90 k = 1.10 for 0 = 45 k = h for 0 = 0 The values for kz may be subject to linear interpolation between 180 and 0. (7) In the case of system analyses using flexibility factors at certain points under investigation the following stress indices C2m related to certain points under investigation and moments shall be used: C2x = 1.0 (8.4-77)

E IR k x d Ra s d Hc Ra s n d Ha
0. 5


s Rc s Hc


b) for bending along axis z E IR Cz = k z d Ra with k z = 0.2 d Ha s Hc s d Hc Ra s n d Ha

0. 5


s Rc s Hc


Page 77

KTA 3201.2

Regarding the notations Figure 8.4-6 applies with the additional definitions IR moment of inertia of the branch pipe I R = d Ra 4 d Ri 4 / 64 sn value for nozzle wall thickness, i.e. for designs a and b of Figure 8.4-6: sn = sAc, if L 1 0.5 sn = sRc, if L 1 < 0.5


port structures are attached to the pressure-retaining area by welding, forging, casting or fabricated from the solid. Therefore, the portion of the support structure directly adjacent to the component wall interacts with the component (area of influence). For the design of component support structures the distribution of stresses and moments rather than internal pressure loading shall govern. Limitation of integral area (1) The limitation of the integral area of component support structures is shown in Figure 8.5-1. The distance l is calculated as follows: a) Shells (e.g. skirts, tubular nozzles) l = 0.5 r s c where: r mean radius of shell of support structure sc thickness of support structure shell in accordance with clause 7.1.4 b) bars or section l = 0.5 r 2 / 2 where r (8.5-2) (8.5-1)

(d Ai + s A ) s A (d Ai + s A ) s A

for design c of Figure 8.4-6: sn = sRc + (2/3) y, if 30 sn = sRc + 0.385 L1, if > 30 For design d of Figure 8.4-6: sn = sRc (3) With regard to the deflection due to torsional, normal and transverse forces the flexible element shall be considered to be rigid.

x z beam with branch pipe dimensions element with local flexibility rigid length of beam rigid juncture

radius of bar of-one-half the maximum cross-sectional dimension of the section

c) other shapes l = 0.5 r s c where r on-half the maximum dimension of a flange, tee-section, plat or round section or one-half the maximum leg width of an angle section (8.5-3)

sc flange thickness of sections or plate thickness according to clause 7.1.4

Component support structure

beam with pipe run dimensions non-integral integral

Figure 8.4-9: Modelling of branch connections in straight pipe Branch connections with dAi/dHi > 0.5 and butt welding tees Branch connections with dAi/dHi greater than 0.5 and butt welding tees shall also be modelled in accordance with clause and Figure 8.4-9 where, however, the flexible element shall be omitted.



non-detachable connection limit of area of influence of component Building

detachable connection


: die-out length
8.5 Component support structures Figure 8.5-1: Type of attachment of component support structures (2) Where, however, a detachable connection is provided within a distance l, the limit between the integral and non-integral area shall be set at this location.

8.5.1 Integral areas of component support structures General This section applies to the calculation of the integral areas of component support structures which are intended to accommodate loadings. The integral areas of component sup-

Page 78

non-integral integral

KTA 3201.2 Design (1) Integral areas of component support structures are to be considered part of the supporting component. All simultaneously occurring loads shall be taken into account. For component support structures the following forces and moments shall be determined: a) normal force FN, b) transverse force FQ, c) torsional moment Mt, d) bending moment Mb. (2) The effects of external forces and moments on the component wall shall be considered in accordance with Section 7. (3) Accordingly, the stresses shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 7. (4) In the case of pressure loading the stability behaviour shall be analysed.

Type and extent of verification of strength and pertinent documents to be submitted

(1) For the design approval to be made by the authorized inspector in accordance with 20 AtG (Atomic Energy Act) the following verifications of strength for the components and parts of the primary circuit shall be carried out and be submitted in form of a report: a) Dimensioning b) Analysis of the mechanical behaviour (2) The design, report and inspection shall be based on the pertinent sections of KTA safety standards 3201.1, 3201.2, 3201.3, and 3201.4 (3) Each report on design and calculation shall normally contain the following information at the extent required for review of the strength verifications: a) Explanation of design and calculation procedures, especially of assumptions made b) Indication of calculation procedures, theoretical bases and programmes used c) Load data, combination of loads and their classification d) Geometric data e) Characteristic values (mechanical properties) of the materials used f) Input data g) Results obtained including fatigue usage factors h) Evaluation of results and comparison with allowable values i) Conclusions drawn from the results obtained j) References, bibliography and literature.


Non-integral areas of component-support structures

Regarding component support structures with non-integral connections for components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary KTA 3205.1 shall apply.

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KTA 3201.2

Annex A

A 1 General (1) The design rules hereinafter apply to the dimensioning of components in accordance with Section 6 and their parts subject to design pressure and additional design mechanical loads at design temperature. The general design values and units are given in subclause (6). Further design values and units are given separately in the individual sections. (2) The stress intensity (Sm) to be used shall be determined in dependence of the design temperature. Additional loads, e.g. external forces and moments, shall be separately taken into account. (3) The confirmatory calculation of parts with nominal wall thickness sn shall be made within this Annex with the wall thickness s0n = sn - c1 - c2 with sn s0 + c1 + c2. Regarding allowances Section 6.4 applies. (4) The figures contained in this Annex do not include allowances. (5) The requirements laid down in Annex A 2 for general parts of the pressure retaining wall are also applicable, in consideration of the respective requirement, to specific parts of valves complying with A 3 and piping complying with A 4 unless other requirements have been fixed in these Annexes. (6) Design values and units Notation b d h c l p p r, R s s0 width diameter height wall thickness allowance length design pressure test pressure radii wall thickness calculated wall thickness according to Figure 7.1-1 Design value Unit mm mm mm mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm

Notation s0n

Design value nominal wall thickness minus allowances c1 and c2 according to Figure 7.1-1 nominal wall thickness according to Figure 7.1-1 efficiency area modulus of elasticity force second moment of area moment safety factor angle flattening section modulus ovality temperature Poisson's ratio = 0.3 for steel stress longitudinal stress radial stress circumferential stress stress intensity stress intensity shear stress

Unit mm

sn v A E F I M S q W U T l r u V Sm

mm mm2 N/mm2 N mm4 Nmm degree mm mm3 % C N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Signs Indicator at head   Indicator at head Indicator at head Indicator at head  Indicator at head Subscript

Meaning  maximum value e.g. p  minimum value e.g. p mean value e.g.
 fluctuating, e.g.

belonging to pressure test, e.g. p numerical index, e.g. ni

1 N/mm2 = 10 bar = 10.2 at = 0.102 kp/mm2 = 106 Pa

Page 80

KTA 3201.2

A 2 Dimensioning of parts of the pressure retaining wall A 2.1 General The equations given in Section A 2.2 to A 2.10 for dimensioning only apply to the determination of the required wall thickness of the individual parts under internal or external pressure, however, without consideration of the elastic relationship of the entire structure.

A 2.2.3 Cylindrical shells under external pressure A Scope The calculation method hereinafter applies to cylindrical shells under external pressure where the ratio da/di does not exceed 1.7.

A Safety factors A 2.2 Cylindrical shells A 2.2.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.2 Notation da di dm fv fk l n pzul. Z Design value outside diameter of cylindrical shell inside diameter of cylindrical shell mean diameter of cylindrical shell safety factor against elastic instability additional safety factor against gross plastic deformation unsupported length number of lobes allowable pressure design value: Z = 0.5 da/l Unit mm mm mm mm N/mm2 A Calculation A General (1) It shall be verified by calculation according to the following clauses that there is sufficient safety against elastic instability and plastic deformation. The smallest calculated value of pzul shall govern. (2) The buckling length is the length of the shell. For vessels with dished heads the buckling length begins at the juncture of cylindrical flange (skirt) to knuckle. (1) The additional safety factor against gross plastic deformation shall be taken as fv = 1.2 irrespective of the material used. (2) The safety factor against elastic instability shall be taken as fk = 3.0 irrespective of the material used. Where a higher test pressure as 1.3 p is required, fk shall be at least 2.2.

A 2.2.2 Cylindrical shells under internal pressure A Scope The calculation method hereinafter applies to cylindrical shells under internal pressure, where the ratio da/di does not exceed 1.7. Diameter ratios da/di not exceeding 2 are permitted if the wall thickness s0n does not exceed 80. Reinforcements of openings in cylindrical shells under internal pressure shall be calculated in accordance with Section 2.7. A Calculation against elastic instability (1) The calculation shall be made according to E = fk 2 2 n 1 1 + ( n / Z) 2 s0n 2 + da 3 1 2

p zul


A Calculation (1) For the calculation of the required wall thickness of the shell the following applies s0 = or s0 = di p 2 Sm p (A 2.2-2) da p 2 Sm + p (A 2.2-1)

2 2 n 2 1 s0n n 1 + 1 + ( n / Z)2 d a

(A 2.2-4)

where for Z = 0.5 da/1 shall be taken; n is a full number and shall satisfy the conditions n 2 and n > Z and shall be selected such that p becomes the smallest value. n means the number of lobes (circumferential waves) which may occur over the circumference in case of instability. The number of lobes shall be calculated by approximation as follows: n = 1.63 4 da3 l 2 s 0n (A 2.2-5)

(2) For the recalculation at given wall thickness the following applies: di + 0.5 S m V = p s0n 2 (A 2.2-3)

(2) The required wall thickness s0n may be determined in accordance with Figure A 2.2-1 for usual dimensions. This figure applies to a Poisson's ratio of = 0.3. Where the Poisson' s ratio extremely differs from 0.3, equation (A 2.2-4) shall be taken.

Page 81


KTA 3201.2


5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


0.9 0.8



100 s0n

Page 82
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7







valid for = 0.3

0.1 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




p fk E


Figure A 2.2-1: Required wall thickness s0n for calculation against elastic instability







4.0 4.2 4.4






100 s0n

Page 83
0.06 0.1 0.08 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

1 0.9







valid for U=1.5

0.2 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




p fv Sm


KTA 3201.2

Figure A 2.2-2: Required wall thickness s0n for calculation against gross plastic deformation

KTA 3201.2

A Calculation against gross plastic deformation (1) For p zul =

da 5 the following applies: l

A Calculation (1) For the calculation of the required wall thickness s0 of spherical shells with a ratio s0n/di greater than 0.05 one of the following equations applies: s0 = or
s0 = di (C k 1) 2

2 S m s 0n fv da

1 (A 2.2-6) 1.5 U (1 0.2 d a / l ) d a 1+ 100 s 0 n

da Ck 1 2 Ck

(A 2.3-1)

The required wall thickness s0n may be determined directly in accordance with Figure A 2.2-2 for usual dimensions and with U = 1.5 %. (2) For
da > 5 the larger value of the pressure determined l by the two equations hereinafter shall govern the determination of the allowable external pressure:

(A 2.3-2)

with Ck = 1 + 2p 2 Sm p (A 2.3-3)

p zul

2 S m s0n = p fv da 3 S m s0n p l fv

(A 2.2-7)

(2) For the calculation of the required wall thickness of thinwalled spherical shells with a ratio s0n/di not exceeding 0.05 the following applies: s0 = or s0 = di p 4 Sm 2 p (A 2.3-5) da p 4 Sm (A 2.3-4)

p zul =

(A 2.2-8)

(3) Equation (A 2.2-8) primarily applies to small unsupported lengths. Equations (A 2.2-6) to (A 2.2-8) only apply if no positive primary longitudinal stresses a occur. In Equations (A 2.2-6) to (A 2.2-8) Sm shall be replaced by (Sm - a) if a > 0.

(3) For the confirmatory calculation at a given wall thickness the following applies: di 2 + 0.5 S m V = p 4 (d i + s 0 n ) s 0 n (A 2.3-6)

A 2.3 Spherical shells A 2.3.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.3 Notation da di dm Ck fk fv k Design value outside diameter of spherical shell inside diameter of spherical shell mean diameter of spherical shell design value safety factor against elastic instability Unit mm mm mm

A 2.3.3 Spherical shells under external pressure A Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to spherical shells under external pressure where the ratio da/di does not exceed 1.5. A Safety factors (1) The additional safety factor against gross plastic deformation shall be fv = 1.2 irrespective of the material used. (2) The safety factor against elastic instability shall be taken from Table A 2.3-1 irrespective of the material. Where a test pressure > 1.3 p is required then the test pressure shall be additionally verified with fk from Table A 2.3-1. 2 s0 di 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.010 0.1 fk 5.5 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.0 fk 4.0 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.2

additional safety factor against gross plastic deformation stress in confirmatory calculation against elastic instability N/mm2

A 2.3.2 Spherical shells under internal pressure A Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to unpierced spherical shells under internal pressure where the ratio da/di 1.5. The calculation of pierced spherical shells under internal pressure shall be made in accordance with Section A 2.7.

Intermediate values shall be subject to straight interpolation.

Table A 2.3-1: Page 84

Safety factors against elastic instability

KTA 3201.2

A Calculation (1) General It shall be verified by calculation that there is sufficient safety against elastic instability and plastic deformation. The highest value of s0 obtained from subparagraphs 2 and 3 shall be determining. (2) Calculation against elastic instability The required wall thickness is obtained from the following equation: p fk s 0 = da 1.464 E (A 2.3-7)

Notation s1 s2 Ap A 1 2 l r

Design value wall thickness at large end of cone wall thickness at small end of cone pressure-loaded area effective cross-sectional area shape factor in accordance with Table A 2.4-1

Unit mm mm mm2 mm2

semi-angle of the apex of the conical degree section semi-angle of the apex at the large end of the cone semi-angle of the apex at the small end of the cone absolute difference between the semi-apex angles 1 and 2 longitudinal stress transition radius degree degree degree N/mm2 mm

For the confirmatory calculation at a given wall thickness the following applies: k = p da E 1.464 s 0 n fk (A 2.3-8)

(3) Calculation against plastic deformation The required wall thickness is obtained from: s0 = da 2 2 p fv 1 1 2 S m + p fv A 2.4.2 Conical shells under internal pressure (A 2.3-9) A Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to unpierced conical shells under internal pressure where at the large end of the cone the condition 0.005 s0n/da 0.2 is satisfied. The calculation of penetrated shells under internal pressure shall be effected in accordance with Section A 2.7.
Note: For d a - di = 2 s0n the value d a / d i = 1.67 corresponds to s 0n/ d a = 0.2.

For spherical shells with a ratio s0/da 0.05 the required wall thickness may be calculated by approximation from s0 = p d a fv 4 Sm (A 2.3-10)

For the confirmatory calculation at a given wall thickness the following applies: S da 2 0.5 m V = p 4 (d a s 0 n ) s 0 n fv (A 2.3-11)

A General (1) Conical shell with corner welds

A 2.4 Conical shells A 2.4.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.4 Notation da da1 da2 di di1 di2 e e1 e2 Design value outside diameter of conical shell outside diameter at large end of cone outside diameter at small end of cone inside diameter of conical shell inside diameter at large end of cone inside diameter at small end of cone die-out length according to Fig. A 2.4-3 die-out length at large end of cone die-out length at small end of cone Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Conical shells may be welded to each other or to cylindrical shells or sections without knuckle in accordance with clause 5.2.3. (2) Die-out length For conical shells with inwardly curved transitions the wall thickness required in accordance with clause A, subparagraphs (2) or (4) shall be provided over the knuckle area limited by the die-out length e (see Figure A 2.4-1). The following applies: e 1 , e 2 = (r + s 0 n ) tan + 0.8 d a s 0 n 2 (A 2.4-1)

In the case of change in wall thickness within the die-out length the respective wall thickness at run-out of curvature shall govern the determination of the lengths e1 and e2 according to equation (A 2.4-1).

Page 85

KTA 3201.2

d a1 d i1 1 2 > 1 = 2 1

The largest wall thickness obtained from a), b) and c) shall govern the dimensioning. Regarding the circumferential stress for inwardly curved transitions (Figure A 2.4-1) the required wall thickness shall be determined by means of equations (A 2.4-2) or (A 2.4-3) for both sides of the transition. Regarding the longitudinal stresses the wall thickness can be obtained from s0 = da p 4 Sm (A 2.4-6)


Figure A 2.4-1: A Calculation da p ( 2 S m + p) cos di p


Die-out lengths e1 and e2

(1) Wall thickness calculation for area without discontinuity of a conical shell with 70. The required wall thickness of the area without discontinuity of a conical shell (see Figure A 2.4-2) is obtained from either s0 = or s0 = (A 2.4-2)

d i2 d a2 da

where the shape factor shall be taken from Table A 2.4-1 in dependence of the angle and the ratio r/da. Intermediate values may be subject to straight interpolation. The largest value obtained from equation (A 2.4-2) or (A 2.43) and (A 2.4-6) shall be decisive. For the confirmatory calculation at a given wall thickness the following applies: l = da p Sm 4 s0n (A 2.4-7)

The angle is the absolute difference of half the apex angles 1 and 2: = 1 2 (A 2.4-8)

Where the wall thickness changes within the die-out length (e.g. forgings, profiles) the wall thickness at run-out of curvature shall govern the determination of the lengths e1 and e2 according to equation (A 2.4-1).


( 2 S m p) cos

(A 2.4-3)


For the confirmatory calculation at a given wall thickness the following applies: di + 0.5 S m V = p 2 s 0 n cos


(A 2.4-4)


ut tho wi uity in ea Ar cont dis th wi ty ea inui nt co

For da and di the diameters at the large end of the area without discontinuity of the conical shell shall be taken in equations (A 2.4-2) to (A 2.4-4). For da and di there is the relation: di = da - 2 s0n cos (A 2.4-5) Figure A 2.4-2:

Area of shell without discontinuity

In the case of several consecutive conical shells with the same apex angle all shells shall be calculated in accordance with (A 2.4-2) or (A 2.4-3). (2) Calculation of wall thickness of the area with discontinuity of inwardly curved conical shells and 70 The wall thickness shall be dimensioned separately with respect to a) circumferential loading in external knuckle portion b) circumferential loading in internal knuckle portion and c) loading along the generating line of shell section.

(3) Wall thickness calculation for the area without discontinuity of conical shells with outwardly curved transitions and 70 In the case of outwardly curved transitions (Figure A 2.4-3) basically all conditions and relationships apply as for inwardly curved transitions. In addition, the following condition shall be satisfied due to the increased circumferential stress: Ap V = p + 0.5 S m A (A 2.4-9)

Page 86

KTA 3201.2

s 0 = 0.3 (d a r )

p 90 S m

(A 2.4-10)

A 2.4.2 Conical shells under external pressure For cones subject to external pressure the calculation shall be made in accordance with clause A Additionally, for conical shells with not exceeding 45 it shall be verified whether the cone is safe against elastic instability. This verification shall be made in accordance with clause A in which case the cone shall be considered to be equal to a cylinder the diameter of which is determined as follows: da = d a1 + d a 2 2 cos (A 2.4-11)

where da1 diameter at large end of cone Figure A 2.4-3: Conical shell with outwardly curved transition da2 diameter at small end of cone. The axial length of the cone and the adjacent cylindrical sections, if any, shall be taken unless the cylinder is sufficiently reinforced at the juncture in accordance with clause A 2.2.3.

(4) Wall thickness calculation for the area with discontinuity of flat conical shells with knuckle and > 70 In the case of extremely flat cones whose angle inclination to the vessel axis is > 70, the wall thickness may be calculated in accordance with equation (A 2.4-10) even if a smaller wall thickness than that calculated according to equations (A 2.4-2), (A 2.4-3) or (A 2.4-6) is obtained: r/da 0 10 20 30 45 60 70 75 0.01 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.7 4.1 6.4 10.0 13.6 0.02 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.7 5.7 9.0 11.7 0.03 1.1 1.2 1.7 2.2 3.3 5.1 8.0 10.7 0.04 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.0 3.0 4.7 7.2 9.5 0.06 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.6 4.0 6.0 7.7 0.08 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.4 3.5 5.3 7.0

0.10 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.2 3.2 4.9 6.3

0.15 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.8 4.2 5.4

0.20 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.5 3.7 4.8

0.30 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.1

0.40 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0

0.50 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

Table A 2.4-1: Shape factor in dependence of the ratio r/da and A 2.5 Dished heads (domend ends) A 2.5.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.5 Notation da di dAi fk

Notation pB l R

Design value shape factor elastic instability pressure distance of weld to knuckle radius of dishing

Unit N/mm2 mm mm

Design value outside diameter of dished head inside diameter of dished head inside diameter of opening

Unit mm mm mm

A 2.5.2 Dished heads under internal pressure A Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to dished heads, i.e. torispherical, semi-ellipsoidal and hemispherical heads under internal pressure if the following relationships and limits are adhered to (see Figure A 2.5-1): Page 87

safety factor against elastic instabil- ity safety factor against elastic instabil- ity at increased test pressure height of cylindrical skirt height of dished head mm mm

h1 h2

KTA 3201.2

l = 3.0 s0n for semi-ellipsoidal heads.

h1 h 2

Figure A 2.5-1:

a) Torispherical heads R = da r = 0.1 da h2 = 0.1935 da - 0.455 s0n 0.001 s0n 0.1 da

b) Semi-ellipsoidal heads R = 0.8 da r = 0.154 da h2 = 0.255 da - 0.635 s0n s 0.001 0 n 0.1 da c) Hemispherical heads da/di 1.5

A General (1) Height of cylindrical skirt For torispherical heads the height of the cylindrical skirt shall basically be h1 3.5 s0n, and for semi-ellipsoidal heads h1 3.0 s0n but shall not exceed the following dimensions: Wall thickness s0n, mm s0n 50 50 < s0n 80 80 < s0n 100 100 < s0n 120 120 < s0n Height of cylindrical skirt h1, mm 150 120 100 75 50

For hemispherical heads no cylindrical skirt is required. (2) Where a dished head is made of a crown section and a knuckle welded together the connecting weld shall have a sufficient distance l from the knuckle which shall be: a) in case of differing wall thickness of crown section and knuckle: l = 0.5 R s 0 n where s0n is the required wall thickness of the knuckle. b) in case of same wall thickness of crown section and knuckle: l = 3.5 s0n for torispherical heads


0.6 d a di da
Figure A 2.5-2: Dished head with nozzle

(2) Wrinkling of the knuckle

For torispherical and semi-ellipsoidal heads under internal pressure it shall be additionally demonstrated that the head knuckle area is sufficiently dimensioned to withstand elastic Page 88

h1 h 2

di da
Dished unpierced head

However, the distance l shall normally be at least 100 mm. c) The determination of the transition from knuckle to crown section shall be based on the inside diameter. For thin-walled torispherical heads to DIN 28 011 the transition shall be approximately 0.89 d i and for thin-walled semi-ellipsoidal heads to DIN 28 013 0.86 di. These factors are reduced with an increase in wall thickness.

A Calculation (1) Calculation of the required wall thickness of the knuckle under internal pressure. For the calculation of the required knuckle wall thickness the following applies: s0 = da p 4 Sm (A 2.5-1)

The shape factors for dished heads shall be taken in dependence of s0n/da for torispherical heads from Figure A 2.5-3, for semi-ellipsoidal heads from Figure A 2.5-4. In any case, openings in dished heads as per Figure A 2.5-2 shall meet the requirements of Section A 2.7 in which case twice the radius of dishing shall be taken as sphere diameter. In the case of torispherical and semi-ellipsoidal heads, this procedure shall, however, be limited to the crown section 0.6 da (see Figure A 2.5-2). For unpierced hemispherical heads a shape factor = 1.1 applies irrespective of the wall thickness over the distance 0.5 R s0 n from the connecting weld. In the case of pierced hemispherical heads the wall thickness of the reinforcement of the opening shall be calculated in accordance with Section A 2.7 in which case the wall thickness shall not be less than that determined with = 1.1 for the unpierced head.

d Ai

KTA 3201.2

instability (wrinkling of knuckle). This is the case if the elastic instability pressure determined by means of Figure A 2.5-5 is pB 1.5 p.

The safety factor fk shall be taken from Table A 2.5-1. Where a test pressure in excess of p = 1.3 p is required, a separate verification of strength against elastic instability shall be made. In this case the safety factor fk at test pressure shall not be less than the value given in Table A 2.5-1.

A 2.5.3 Dished heads under external pressure For the calculation of the required wall thickness of the knuckle under external pressure the requirements of clause A 2.5.2 with the additional requirements given hereinafter shall apply. The required wall thickness s0 of the knuckle shall be computed by means of equation (A 2.5-1). When computing the required wall thickness s0 the allowable stress intensity Sm shall be reduced by 20 %. In addition, it shall be verified that the head has been adequately dimensioned against elastic instability in the crown section. This is the case if p 0.366 E fk s 0n R

s 0n R



0.001 0.003 0.005 0.010 0.1

5.5 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.0

4.0 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.2

Intermediate values shall be subject to straight interpolation.

Table A 2.5-1: (A 2.5-2)

Safety factors against elastic instability under external pressure

9 0.25 8 0.2 7 0.15 6 5 4





dAi / da

3 2 1 0 0.001 0.005 0.01 s0n / da

Figure A 2.5-3: Shape factors for torispherical heads



Page 89

KTA 3201.2

9 8 7 6 0.15 5 4

0.25 0.2





dAi / da

0.1 0

3 2 1 0 0.001 0.005 0.01 s0n / da

Figure A 2.5-4: Shape factors for semi-ellipsoidal heads



Semi-ellipsoidal head

Torispherical head

( pB / E ) 106

0 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 s0n / da

Figure A 2.5-5: Determination of elastic instability pressure PB Page 90





KTA 3201.2

A 2.6 Flat plates A 2.6.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.6 Notation aD dA dD di dt kl r C CA FD s0n, Pl Design value gasket moment arm opening diameter Unit mm mm

a) Alternative 1: Predimensioning of the plate s 0 , Pl = 0.45 d i p Sm (A 2.6-1)

Predimensioning of the cylindrical shell in accordance with Section A 2.2 Check of stresses in cylindrical shell: 0.82 + 0.85 B 2 / B 3 2 B1 1 3 S m p 6 B 1 2 + B 1 + 1 2 6.56 + 3.31 B 2 / B 3 B1 2 (A 2.6-2) with B2 = B3 = B1 = d i + s0 n , Zyl 2 s0 n , Zyl (A 2.6-3) (A 2.6-4) (A 2.6-5)

mean diameter or diameter of gasket mm contact face inside diameter bolt circle diameter gasket factor transition radius factor factor relating to the calculation of openings compression load on gasket nominal wall thickness of plate mm mm mm mm N mm mm

s0 n , Pl s0 n , Zyl d i + s0 n , Zyl 2 s 0 n , Pl

s0n, Zyl nominal wall thickness of cylinder

b) Alternative 2: Predimensioning of the plate s 0 n , Zyl p di s 0 , Pl = 0.45 0.1 s 0 n , Pl Sm (A 2.6-6)

A 2.6.2 Scope The calculation rules given hereinafter apply to flat plates with and without edge moment under pressure load for the range p s 0 n ,Pl s 0n,Pl 1 0.543 4 ; 3 E di di A 2.6.3 Calculation A Circular flat plate integral with cylindrical section (1) In case of a plate integral with a cylindrical section as shown in Figure A 2.6-1 the plate and cylinder shall be considered a unit.

Predimensioning of the cylinder in accordance with Section A 2.2. Check of stresses in the cylinder: 0.82 + 0.85 B 2 / B 3 2 B1 1.5 S m p 6 B1 2 + 6.56 + 3.31 B 2 2 / B 3 B1 1 B1 + 1 2 d i + s0 n , Zyl B1 = 2 s0 n , Zyl + B2 = B3 = s0 n , Pl s0 n , Zyl d i + s0 n , Zyl 2 s0 n , Pl (A 2.6-7) (A 2.6-8) (A 2.6-9) (A 2.6-10)


For both alternatives it may be required to increase the wall thicknesses obtained from predimensioning for plate and cylindrical shell and to repeat the check of the stresses in the shell at the transition to the plate in accordance with equation (A 2.6-2) or (A 2.6-7). A Unstayed circular plates with additional edge moment (1) For flat plates provided with a gasket and bolted at the edge the deformation shall also be taken into account by using equation (A 2.6-11) in addition to the strength calculation in accordance with equation (A 2.6-14), so that the tightness of the joint is ensured in which case the bolting-up, test and operating conditions shall be considered. (2) The required wall thickness s0 of unstayed flat circular plates with additional edge moment in same direction in accordance with Figure A 2.6-2 will be:

Figure A 2.6-1:

Flat plate integral with cylindrical section

(2) According to footnote 1) of Table 7.7-1 there are two possibilities of dimensioning the juncture between flat plate/cylindrical shell.
Note: Compared to alternative 1, alternative 2 allows for thinner flat plates at greater wall thickness of the cylindrical shell.


Page 91

KTA 3201.2

s0 = C dD

p Sm

(A 2.6-11)

the factor CA. The factor CA shall be determined as follows, where dA is the diameter of the opening: dA 0.1 di 0.1 < dA 0.7 di C A = 14 dA di dA + 1.37 di (A 2.6-16) (A 2.6-17)

dt dD

C A = 0.286


(3) At a diameter ratio dA/di > 0.7 the plate shall be calculated as flange in accordance with Section A 2.9. (4) Off-centre openings may be treated like central openings. A 2.7 Reinforcement of openings

Figure A 2.6-2:

Circular flat plate with additional edge moment

A 2.7.1 Design values and units relating to Section 2.7 Notation dAa dA dAe dAi Design value outside diameter of branch diameter of opening inside diameter of opening plus twice the corrosion allowance c2 inside diameter of opening reinforcement plus twice the corrosion allowance c2 mean diameter of nozzle inside diameter of basic shell Unit mm mm mm mm

The C value shall be taken from Figure A 2.6-3 in dependence of the ratio dt/dD and the value in which case the ratio of the required bolt load to hydrostatic end force on inside of flange is = 1+ 4 m bD SD dD (A 2.6-12)

Here, as a rule SD = 1.2 is inserted and the gasket factor m is taken from Table A 2.10-1. bD is the gasket width according to Section 2.10. The equation given hereinafter leads to the same C value as Figure A 2.6-3: 0.7 1 C = 0.063 + 2 ,6 + 0.125 0.7 1 + dt / d D dt / d D 2.6 ln(dt / d D )

dAm dHi dHm eA eH

mm mm

mean diameter of basic shell at loca- mm tion of opening limit of reinforcement, measured normal to the basic shell wall mm

(A 2.6-13)

It is recommended to check the deflection of the plate with wall thickness s0 in accordance with equation (A 2.6-11) with respect to the tightness requirements by use of equation (A 2.6-14). Where the deflection is limited e.g. to w = 0.001 dD, x = 0.001 shall be inserted in equation (A 2.6-14). s0 3 0.0435 p d D 3 1.05 FD a D + xE xE (A 2.6-14)

half-width of the reinforcement zone mm measured along the midsurface of the basic shell half-width of the zone in which two thirds of compensation must be placed (see Figure A 2.7-10) fillet radii nominal nozzle wall thickness including the reinforcement, but minus allowances c1 and c2 minimum required nozzles wall thickness nominal wall thickness of vessel shell or head at the location of opening including the reinforcement, but minus allowances c1 and c2 mm

e H

l r 1 , r2 , r3 sA

mm mm mm

with the compression load on gasket FD according to Section A 2.8 and the gasket moment arm
d1 d D (A 2.6-15) 2 It is permitted to restrict, if necessary, the deflection within the gasket area by other means. aD =

sA0 sH

mm mm

A Openings in flat circular plates Openings in flat plates as per Figure A 2.6-1 shall be reinforced in accordance with A (2) The required wall thickness s0 of the flat plate with additional edge moment according to clause A is obtained by means of equation (A 2.6-11), by multiplying the C value as per Figure A 2.6-3 or equation (A 2.6-13) with Page 92

sH0 sR sR0

minimum required wall thickness of mm basic shell nominal wall thickness of connected mm piping minus allowances c1 and c2 minimum required wall thickness of mm connected piping

KTA 3201.2

Notation x y Ae A1, A2, A3 F

Design value slope offset distance slope offset distance cross-sectional area of the required reinforcement of opening metal area available for reinforcement

Unit mm mm mm2 mm2

A wall thickness ratio sA/sH up to a maximum of 2 is permitted for dAi not exceeding 50 mm. This also applies to nozzles with dAi greater than 50 mm if the diameter ratio dAi/dHi does not exceed 0.2. For nozzles with a diameter ratio dAi/dHi greater than 0.2 the ratio sA/sH shall basically not exceed 1.3. Higher values are permitted if a) the additional nozzle wall thickness exceeding the aforementioned wall thickness ratio is not credited for reinforcement of the opening, but is selected for design reasons, or b) the nozzle is constructed with a reinforcement zone reduced in length (e.g. nozzles which are conical for reasons of improving testing possibilities) in which case the lacking metal area for reinforcement due to the reduced influence length must be compensated by adding metal to the reduced influence length. Nozzles with inside diameters not less than 120 mm shall be designed with at least two times the wall thickness of the connected piping in which case the factor refers to the calculated pipe wall thickness. Referred to the actual wall thickness the factor shall be at least 1.5. (4) Openings need not be provided with reinforcement if a) a single opening has a diameter equal to or less than 0.2 0.5 d Hm s H , or, if there are two or more ope0.5 d Hm s H , nings within any circle of diameter 2.5 nings shall not exceed 0.25

correction factor acc. to Figure A 2.7- 1 degree angle between vertical and slope (see also Figures A 2.7-2, A 2.7-3 and A 2.7-4) angle between axes of branch and run pipe elongation at fracture degree %

A 2.7.2 Dimensioning of reinforcements of openings in vessels A Scope (1) The scope of the design rules given thereinafter correspond to the scopes mentioned in Sections A 2.2 to A 2.6 and A 4.6. (2) The design rules only consider the loadings resulting from internal pressure. Additional forces and moments shall be considered separately. (3) The angle between the axes of branch and run pipe shall be equal to or greater than 60. A General (1) Openings shall normally be circular or elliptical. Further requirements will have to be met if the stress index method in accordance with clauses to is applied. In this case the design requirements for the stress index method according to clause 8.2.2 shall be met. (2) Openings in the basic shell shall be reinforced as follows. a) by selecting a greater wall thickness for the basic shell than is required for the unpierced basic shell. This wall thickness may be considered to be contributing to the reinforcement on a length eH measured from the axis of opening. b) by nozzles which, on a length eA measured from the outside surface of the basic shell, have a greater wall thickness than is required for internal pressure loading. The metal available for reinforcement shall be distributed uniformly over the periphery of the nozzle. c) by combining the measures in a) and b) above. Regarding a favourable shape not leading to increased loadings/stresses subclause c) shall be complied with. (3) When an opening is to be reinforced the following diameter and wall thickness ratios shall be adhered to:

but the sum of the diameters of such unreinforced ope0.5 d Hm s H , and b) no two unreinforced openings have their centres closer to each other, measured on the inside wall of the basic shell, than 1.5 times the sum of their diameters, and c) no unreinforced opening has its centre closer than 2.5 0.5 d Hm s H to the edge of any other locally stressed area (structural discontinuity).
Note: See clause for definition of locally stressed area.

(5) Combination of materials Where nozzle and basic shell are made of materials with differing design stress intensities, the stress intensity of the basic shell material, if less than that of the nozzle, shall govern the calculation of the entire design provided that the ductility of the nozzle material is not considerably smaller than that of the basic shell material. Where the nozzle material has a lower design stress intensity, the reinforcement zones to be located in areas provided by such material shall be multiplied by the ratio of the design stress intensity values of the reinforcement material and the basic shell material. Differences up to 4 % between the elongation at fracture of the basic shell and nozzle materials are not regarded as considerable difference in ductility in which case 5 shall not be less than 14 %. Where the materials of the basic shell and the nozzle differ in their specific coefficients of thermal expansion, this difference shall not exceed 15% of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the run pipe metal.

Page 93

KTA 3201.2


= 3.0

= 2.5 0.9 = 2.0 0.8 = 1.75 = 1.5 = 1.25 0.7 = 1.0

Page 94

0.6 0.5 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 d t / dD
Figure A 2.6-3: Factor C of flat circular plates with additional edge moment acting in same direction







KTA 3201.2

A Calculation A Required reinforcement (1) The total cross-sectional area A of the required reinforcement of any opening in cylindrical, spherical and conical shells as well as dished heads under internal pressure shall satisfy the following condition: A dAe sH0 F (A 2.7-1) where the correction factor F applies to rectangular nozzles and shall have a value of 1 for all planes required for dimensioning. For cylindrical or conical shells F shall be taken from Figure A 2.7-1 for a plane not required for dimensioning in dependence of its angle to the plane under consideration. (2) Openings in flat circular heads not exceeding one-half the head diameter shall have an area of reinforcement of at least A 0.5 dAe sH0 (A 2.7-2)

A Effective lengths (1) The effective length of the basic shell shall be determined as follows: eH = dAe or eH = 0.5 dAe + sH + sA (A 2.7-4) The calculation shall be based on the greater of the two values. In addition two thirds of the area of reinforcement shall be within the length 2 e (Figures A 2.7-8 to H A 2.7-10), where e is the greater value of either H e = 0.5 d Ae + 0.5 d Hm s H H or e = 0.5 dAe + 2/3 (sH + sA) H (A 2.7-6) (A 2.7-3)

(A 2.7-5)

(2) The effective length for nozzles according to Figures A 2.7-2, A 2.7-3, A 2.7-5, A 2.7-6 shall be determined as follows: e A = 0.5 where dAm = dAi + sA (A 2.7-8) In the case of a nozzle with tapered inside diameter according to Figure A 2.7-6 the effective length shall be obtained by using dAi and sA values at the nominal outside diameters of the basic shell. (3) The effective length for nozzles according to Figures A 2.7-4 and A 2.7-7 shall be determined as follows: sA = 0.5 where dAm = dAi + sA and sA = sR + 0.667 x (A 2.7-10) (A 2.7-11) 0, 5 d Am s A (A 2.7-9)

0.5 d Am s A + r2

(A 2.7-7)

1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75


0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

In the case of a nozzle with a tapered inside diameter according to Figure A 2.7-7 the limit of reinforcement area shall be obtained using dAi and sA values at the centre of gravity of nozzle reinforcement area. These values shall be determined, if required, by a trial and error procedure. A Loading scheme for metal areas available for reinforcement (1) The metal areas A1, A2, A3 available for reinforcement used to satisfy equation (A 2.7-1) are shown in Figures A 2.7-8 to A 2.7-11 and shall satisfy the condition A1 + A2 + A3 equal to or greater than A. (2) Interaction between nozzle opening and cone to cylinder transition shall only be taken into account if 1 < 2.5 (d Hm / 2) s H (A 2.7-12) (A 2.7-13)

Angle between the plane containing the shell generator and the nozzle axis and the plane under consideration through the nozzle axis
Figure A 2.7-1: Chart for determining the correction factor F for nozzles normal to cylindrical or conical shells

where dHm = dHi + sH

Page 95

KTA 3201.2

Ae = dAi

sA sR Offset

Ae = dAi

sA sR Offset
Ae = dAi

sR = sA



= 90




sA /2
dHi s H


sA /2
dHi s H

dHi s H

Figure A 2.7-4


Figure A 2.7-2

Figure A 2.7-3

dAi sA0


dAe = dAi sR = sA
A2 /2 A1 /2


sA /2
A e /2


dHi s H


Figure A 2.7-6

Figure A 2.7-5

sA sR sA
dAi sA0 sA

A3 /2 A2 /2
S A2 /2

bra n

ch a xis











A3 /2

dAe = dAi A1 /2
r 2





dAe eH
Figure A 2.7-7




A1 /2 run pipe axis

Figures A 2.7-2 to A 2.7-7: Allowable nozzle configurations

Figure A 2.7-8: Oblique cylindrical branch

Page 96






A e /2


A1 /2



A2 /2

KTA 3201.2

sR sA


sA sA0 A2 /2

A3 /2 A2 /2

bra nch axis

A3 /2


A1 /2

dAe = dAi A1 /2

A1 /2 sH


A2 /2

Ae /2



eH eH

eH eH

A1 /2 run pipe axis


s H0
d Hm

d Hi

Figure A 2.7-9: Oblique conical branch Figure A 2.7-11: Conical branch in spherical shell

A 2.7.3 Alternative dimensioning of reinforcements of openings A Cylindrical shells



h axis

A3 /2 A2 /2 A1 /2


Where the alternative stress index method as per clause is used, the following alternative rule applies to the calculation of metal areas for reinforcement as per clause A 2.7.2:

d Ae = d

A3 /2 A2 /2 A1 /2

d Ai / d Hi s H 0 / 2 < 0.2 from 0.2 to 0.4 4.05

reinforcement 0 1.81 d Ai s H 0 d Hi s H 0 / 2 d Ai 0.75 dAi sH0






Figure A 2.7-10: Conical shell with reinforced opening



eH eH eH

> 0.4

Figure A 2.7-12 applies to the effective reinforcement area. lc (see Figure A 7.2-12) shall be determined by means of equation (A 2.7-14): lc = 0.75 (sH0/dHi)2/3 dHi (A 2.7-14) ln (see Figure A 7.2-12) shall be determined by means of equation (A 2.7-15): ln = (sH0/dAi)2/3 (dAi/dHi + 0.5) dHi (A 2.7-15) The design values shall be taken from clause A 2.7.1. A Dished heads Where the alternative stress index method as per clause is used, the following alternative rule applies to the calculation of metal areas for reinforcement as per clause A 2.7.2: Page 97


run pipe axis

KTA 3201.2

d Ai / d Hi sH 0 / 2 < 0.2 from 0.2 to 0.4 5.4

reinforcement 0 2.41 d Ai s H 0 d Hi s H 0 / 2 d Ai dAi sH0 cos = sin-1 (d Ai / d Hi )

A 2.8 Bolted joints A 2.8.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.8 Notation a, b, c Design value geometric values for bolt and nut thread in accordance with Figures A 2.8-1 and A 2.8-2 gasket seating width design allowance bolt diameter = thread outside diameter pitch diameter of thread pipe (shell) inside diameter diameter of internal bore of bolt mean gasket diameter Unit mm

> 0.4

bD c d

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm N/mm

Figure A 2.7-12 applies to the effective reinforcement area. The design values shall be taken from clause A 2.7.1. d2 di diL dD

dD1, dD2 mean gasket diameter for metal-O-ring gaskets dK root diameter of thread shank diameter of reduced shank bolt bolt circle diameter gasket factors for metal-O-ring gaskets effective thread engagement length or nut thickness length of fabricated tapered nut thread end (Figure A 2.8-3), compare "l" total engagement length or nut thickness number of bolt holes cross-sectional area of shank section under stress plane of bolt shear area sections plane of nut shear area sections shear area of blind hole strength reduction factors outside diameter of nut/blind hole thread root diameter of nut/blind hole thread pitch diameter of nut/blind hole thread inside diameter of nut bearing surface, diameter of chamfer mean diameter of tapered nut thread end dS dt


sA sR Reinforcement of opening at intersection of cylindrical shell

k , k , 1 11 k 12 l

mm mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm mm mm mm




leff lges



sA sR Reinforcement of opening in the plane normal to the longitudinal axis of cylindrical shell in any plane of dished head containing the nozzle axis
c or n



ASG Bolzen shear area of bolt thread ASG Mutter shear area of nut thread

C 1 , C2 , C3 D D1

s H0

sH d Hi
Figure A 2.7-12: Effective area of reinforcement

D2 Dc Dm

Page 98

KTA 3201.2

Notation Dmax D1 max FDB


Design value maximum diameter of tapered nut thread end (see Figure A 2.8-2)

Unit mm mm

Notation Q RmB RmM RmS Rp0.2T Rp0.2RT RS SD SW

Design value transverse force on pipe tensile strength of bolt material tensile strength of nut material tensile strength of blind hole material 0.2 % proof stress at operating or test temperature 0.2 % proof stress at room temperature strength ratio safety factor width across flats pitch angle friction factor gasket contact surface load for operating condition gasket contact surface load for gasket seating condition lower limit value for B upper limit value for B lower limit value for V upper limit value for V allowable stress as per Table A 2.8-2 N

Unit N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 mm degree N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

required compression load on gasket N for the design condition required compression load on gasket N for the test condition gasket seating load N difference between total hydrostatic N end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange for design condition difference between total hydrostatic end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange for test condition N



Fmax Bolzen ultimate breaking strength of free loaded bolt thread or shank Fmax G



ultimate breaking strength of engaged bolt thread ultimate breaking strength of engaged nut thread total hydrostatic end force additional pipe force resulting from pipe moment additional pipe force resulting from pipe moment for test condition




hydrostatic end force due to internal N pressure additional pipe longitudinal force additional pipe longitudinal force for test condition operating bolt load (general) N N N A 2.8.2 Scope The calculation rules hereinafter apply to bolts with circular and equi-distant pitch as friction-type connecting elements of pressure-retaining parts. These calculation rules primarily consider static tensile loading. The rules may also apply to flanged joints under controlled compression in which case the design diameters and friction factors to be used in the calculation shall be adapted accordingly. Shear and bending stresses in the bolts resulting e.g. from deflections of flanges and covers, thermal effects (e.g. local or time-dependent temperature gradients, different coefficients of thermal expansion) are not covered by this section. A 2.8.3 General Such bolts are deemed to be reduced-shank bolts the shank diameter of which does not exceed 0.9 times the root diameter and the shank length of which is at least two times, but should be four times the shank diameter, or such bolts the dimensions of which correspond to DIN 2510-1. Shank bolts with extended shank length and a shank diameter equal to or less than the root diameter may be used as reduced-shank bolts if their yielding regarding bolt elongation and elastic behaviour regarding bending under the given boundary conditions corresponds to the elastic behaviour of a reduced-shank bolt as defined above with same root diameter and minimum shaft length as specified above. Page 99


operating bolt load for test condition N bolt load for gasket seating condition bolt load for gasket seating condition (lower limit) bolt load for design condition N N N


bolt load for design condition (lower N limit) bolt load for test condition additional axial force for transfer of transverse forces and torsional moments due to friction at a certain value, for operating condition axial tensile force for transfer of transverse forces and torsional moments due to friction at a certain value, for test condition bending moment on pipe torsional moment on pipe thread pitch N N



Nmm Nmm mm

KTA 3201.2

For bolted joints to DIN 267-11 and DIN 267-13, DIN 2510-1, DIN ISO 3506 and DIN ISO 20898-1 a recalculation of the thread loading can be waived if the given nut thickness or thread engagement lengths are adhered to. Otherwise, the calculation shall be made in accordance with A 2.8.4. A 2.8.4 Calculation A Bolt load The bolt load (FS) shall be determined for the design condition (FSB), for the test condition (FSP) and the gasket seating condition (FS0). a) Design condition FSB = FR + FDB + FF (A 2.8-1) The hydrostatic end force FR is the force transmitted from the pipe or shell on the flange. This force is obtained for unpierced pipes or shells from the following equation: FR = FRP + FRZ + FRM where FRP = di 2 p 4 (A 2.8-2)

during operation. The value for m shall be taken from Section A 2.10. If no m value is indicated it shall be taken from the manufacturer's documents or be determined by experimental analysis. The allowable (maximum bearable) compression load on the gasket for the design condition shall be FDBO = dD bD BO (A 2.8-8) The difference between total hydrostatic end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange FF shall be (A 2.8-9) FF = d D 2 d i 2 p 4

This force FF is caused by the internal pressure p and is applied on the annular area inside the flange bounded by the gasket diameter dD and the inside diameter di. The mean gasket diameter shall be taken as gasket diameter dD. For weld lip seals the mean diameter of the weld shall be taken. For concentric double gaskets the mean diameter of the outer gasket shall be taken. If required, an additional force FZ shall be applied on the gasket to make possible transfer of a transverse force Q (normal to pipe axis) and a torsional moment Mt due to friction at a certain value in the flanged joint. FZ shall be aa) for laterally displaceable flanges where transverse forces can only be transferred due to friction at a certain value Q 2 Mt 2 MB FZ = max 0; + FDB (A 2.8-10) dD dD ab) for laterally non-displaceable flanges where transverse forces can be transferred due to infinite friction 2 Mt 2 MB 4 MB FZ = max 0; FDB max ; dt dD dD (A 2.8-11) Where FZ > 0 is obtained from equation (A 2.8-10) or (A 2.8-11), this force shall be added to the required compression load on the gasket obtained from equation (A 2.8-5).
Note: Metal-O-ring gaskets are not suited to withstand transverse forces and torsional moments due to friction at a certain value.

(A 2.8-3)

The additional pipe forces FRZ and FRM consider pipe longitudinal forces FRZ and pipe bending moments MB, where 4 MB (A 2.8-4) FRM = dD In the calculation of bolt stresses the bolt circle diameter dt may be used instead of the mean gasket diameter dD. If required FRZ and MB shall be taken from the static or dynamic piping system analysis. FRZ and MB are equal to zero for flanged joints in vessels and pipings to which no piping or only pipings without additional longitudinal force FRZ and without additional pipe bending moment MB are connected. The required compression load on gasket for the design condition (FDB) is obtained for gaskets, except for metalO-ring gaskets, from: FDB = dD bD m p SD For a simple metal-O-ring-gasket from: FDB = dD k 1 SD (A 2.8-6) (A 2.8-5)

Where no other test results have been obtained the friction factors shall be taken as follows: = 0.1 = 0.15 = 0.25 for graphite-reinforced gaskets for metallic flat contact faces for bonded asbestos gaskets.

and for a double metal-O-ring gasket from: FDB = (DD1 k + DD2 k ) SD 11 12 (for SD a value of at least 1.2 shall be taken). For simple metal-O-ring gaskets the gasket factor k 1 and for double metal-O-ring gasket the gasket factors k 11 and k 12 shall be taken from the manufacturer's documents. The required compression load on the gasket for the design condition FDB is required to ensure tight joint Page 100 (A 2.8-7)

b) Test condition FSP = p F FZ FRP + DB + FF + FRZ + FRM + FZ p SD (A 2.8-12) The values FRZ and FRM correspond to the additional pipe forces at test condition. FZ shall be determined by means of equations (A 2.8-10) and (A 2.9-11) in conside-

KTA 3201.2

ration of the test condition. For SD the same value as in equation (A 2.8-7) shall be taken. c) Gasket seating condition The bolts shall be so tightened that the required gasket seating is obtained, pipe forces FR if any, are absorbed and the bolted joint remains leak tight in the test and operating conditions. To satisfy this 3 conditions the following must be met FS0U FDVU but at least for the test condition FS0U = FSP and for the operating condition FS0U = 1.1 FSBU (A 2.8-15) Here, FDVU is the gasket seating load required to obtain sufficient contact between gasket and flange facing. FDVU = dD bD VU (A 2.8-16) The gasket load VU depends on the type and shape of the gasket and the fluid filled, and shall be taken from Section 2.10. At bolting-up condition the gasket shall only be loaded with FDVO = dD bD VO d) Pre-stressing of bolts The initial bolt prestress shall be applied in a controlled manner. Depending on the bolt tightening procedure this control e.g. applies to the bolting torque, the bolt elongation or temperature difference between bolt and flange. Here - in dependence of the tightening procedure - the following influence factors shall be taken into account, e.g. friction factor, surface finish, greased condition, gasket seating. Where the bolts are tightened by means of torque wrench, the bolting torque shall be determined by a suitable calculation or experimental analysis, e.g. VDI 2230, Sheet 1. A Bolt diameter (1) The required root diameter of thread dK of a full-shank bolt or the shank diameter dS of a reduced shank bolt (with or without internal bore) in a bolted connection with a number n of bolts shall be calculated by means of the following equation: d k or ds = 4 FS + d iL 2 + c n zul (A 2.8-18) (A 2.8-17) (A 2.8-14) (A.2.8-13)

c) the bolting-up conditions according to line 4 of Table A 2.8-2 (To consider the scattered range of forces applied depending on the tightening procedure, the respective requirements of VDI 2230, Sheet 1 shall be taken into account. If required, the upper or lower limit of the initial bolt stress shall be used in the calculation). (2) Upon recalculation of the forces and deformations in a flanged joint in accordance with clause A 2.9.5, the strength calculation for bolts and gaskets for the load cases according to lines 4 and 5 of Table A 2.8-2 shall be repeated with the forces obtained from the recalculation. (3) A design allowance c = 0 mm shall be used for reduced-shank bolts, and for full-shank bolts the following applies: a) for the load cases of loading level 0 according to lines 1 and 2 of Table A 2.8-2: c = 3 mm, if or c = 1 mm, if 4 FS 50 mm n zul (A 2.8-20) 4 FS 20 mm n zul (A 2.8-19)

Intermediate values shall be subject to straight interpolation with respect to 65 c= 4 FS n zul 15

(A 2.8-21)

b) for the load cases of the other loading levels c = 0 mm shall be taken. A Required thread engagement length A General (1) When determining the required thread engagement length in a cylindrical nut or blind hole it shall normally be assumed that the limit load based on the threadstripping resistance of both the bolt thread and female thread is greater than the load-bearing capacity based on the tensile strength of the free loaded portion of the thread or of the shank in the case of reduced-shank bolts. The load-bearing capacity of the various sections is calculated as follows: Free loaded thread: Fmax Bolzen = Rm Bolzen AS Reduced shank: Fmax Bolzen = Rm Bolzen A0 Engaged bolt thread: Fmax G Bolzen = Rm Bolzen ASG Bolzen C1 C2 0.6 Engaged nut thread: Fmax G Mutter = Rm Mutter ASG Mutter C1 C3 0.6 (A 2.8-25) (A 2.8-24) (A 2.8-23) (A 2.8-22)

with zul according to Table A 2.8-2. Here, the following load cases shall be considered: a) the load cases of loading levels 0, A, B, C, D according to lines 1 and 2 of Table A 2.8-2, b) the load case of loading level P according to line 3 of Table A 2.8-2.

(2) The calculation of the thread engagement length shall be made for the case with the smallest overlap of flanks in accordance with the clauses hereinafter. To this end, the smallest bolt sizes and greatest nut sizes (thread tolerances) shall be used in the calculation of the effective cross-sections.

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KTA 3201.2

(3) At a given thread engagement length or nut thickness it shall be proved that the load-bearing capacity of the free loaded thread portion or reduced shank is smaller than that of the number of engaging bolt or nut threads. (4) Standard bolts are exempted from the calculation of the thread engagement length in accordance with the following clauses. The calculation of the engagement length in the clauses hereinafter including clause A does not apply to bolts with saw-tooth or tapered threads. (5) Where, in representative tests, thread engagement lengths smaller than that calculated in the following clauses are obtained, these lengths may be used. A Bolted joints with blind hole or cylindrical nut without chamfered inside The required engagement length l for bolted joints with blind hole or cylindrical nut without consideration of a conical chamfer shall be the maximum value obtained from the equations given hereinafter. The additional consideration of the chamfered thread is made in clause A a) The requirement for threadstripping resistance of the bolt thread leads to the condition (see Figure A 2.8-1): l AS P (A 2.8-26) P 0.55 C1 C 2 D 1 + (d 2 D 1 ) tan 2 2

In the case of reduced-shank bolts the cross-sectional area of shank A0 may be inserted instead of the section under stress AS . For tapered threads with a thread angle = 60 tan 1 1 = 3= 2 3 3

b) The requirement for threadstripping resistance of the nut or blind hole thread leads to the condition (see Figure A 2.8-1) l R mB A S P P R mM 0.55 C1 C 3 d + (d D 2 ) tan 2 2 (A 2.8-27)

In the case of a blind hole the tensile strength RmS shall be inserted in lieu of RmM. c) The condition given hereinafter is based on current practice to read l 0.8 d (A 2.8-28)

The values C1, C2 and C3 shall be determined in accordance with A A Bolted joint with tapered thread area without chamfer The required engagement length l for bolted joints with tapered thread area of nut without consideration of a tapered chamfer shall be determined as the maximum value obtained from the equations hereinafter. The additional consideration of the thread chamfer is made in clause A a) The requirement for threadstripping resistance of the bolt thread leads to the condition (see Figures A 2.8-2 and A 2.8-3): P A S P 0.6 C 1 C 2 l B D m + (d 2 D m ) tan 2 2 l lB + P 0.55 C1 C 3 D 1 + (d 2 D 1 ) tan 2 2 (A 2.8-29) b) The requirement for threadstripping resistance of the nut thread leads to the required engagement length l (see Figures A 2.8-2 and A 2.8-3) according to equation (A 2.8-27) from clause A b).

Plane of nut shear area sections A SGMi

Plane of bolt shear area sections A SGBi


D2 d

P/ 2

P/ 2

D1 d2 d - D2 a= 2 1 3 d2 - D1 b= 2 1 3

c) According to current practice the engagement length l shall satisfy equation (A 2.8-25). The values C1, C2 and C3 shall be determined in accordance with clause A

Figure A 2.8-1: Representation of design values for bolt and female thread

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KTA 3201.2

Detail X
Plane of nut shear area sections A SGMi

SW 2 SW C 1 = + 3.8 2.61 d d

(A 2.8-30)

d2 D1

for 1.4

SW 1.9 d

or in accordance with Figure A 2.8-4. In the case of serrated nuts the width across flats SW shall be replaced by an equivalent value.


b P/ 2

Plane of bolt shear area sections A SGBi Reduction factor C1



D2 d
P/ 2 a



P/ 2

0.7 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Dm 1.015 D1 D1max 1.03 D1 d2

Referred width across flats SW/d

Figure A 2.8-4: Factor C1 for the reduction of threadstripping resistance of bolt and nut thread due to nut extension


d - D2 2

1 3


d2 - D1 2

1 3


d2 - Dm 2

1 3

(2) The factor C2 can be determined by means of equation (A 2.8-35) or according to Figure A 2.8-5. The required values are computed as follows: Strength ratio RS RS =

Figure A 2.8-2: Representation of design values for bolt and female thread (tapered female thread)


(R m A SG )Mutter/Sackloch (R m A SG )Bolzen

(A 2.8-31)


Note: When determining the strength ratio the quotient of the shear areas ASG Mutter/Sackloch and ASG Bolzen shall be formed so that the engagement length can be obtained.



The shear area ASG of the nut or blind hole thread is A SG Mutter/Sackloch = l P d + (d D 2 ) tan (A 2.8-32) P 2 2

B 0.4

D1 Dm Dmax

The size of the shear area ASG Bolzen depends on whether a bolted joint with blind hole or nut with straight thread or a bolted joint with a nut having a tapered threaded portion is concerned. Therefore, the equation of the shear area ASG Bolzen for bolted joints with blind hole or straight nut is: l P (A 2.8-33) A SG Bolzen = D 1 + (d 2 D 1 ) tan 2 P 2 The size of the shear area ASG Bolzen of a bolt for bolted joints with a nut having a tapered threaded portion as shown in Figure A 2.8-3 and in consideration of the relationship lB = 0.4 l shall be:

Figure A 2.8-3: Representation of design values for the nut (with tapered portion)

A Factors C1, C2, C3 (1) The factor C1 shall be determined by means of the following equation

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KTA 3201.2

A SG Bolzen = +

0.6 l P D 1 + (d 2 D 1 ) tan + P 2 2 lB P D m + (d 2 D m ) tan (A 2.8-34) P 2 2 (A 2.8-35)

Detail X
X 45

Dm is obtained from Dm = 1.015 D1 C2 is obtained for 1 < RS 2.2 from equation

(A 2.8-36) and for RS 1 to C2 = 0.897 C2 may also be determined by means of Figure A 2.8-5. (3) The factor C3 is obtained for 0.4 RS < 1 from the equation C 3 = 0.728 + 1.769 R S 2.896 R S 2 + 1.296 R S 3 and for RS 1 to C3 = 0.897 C3 may also be determined by means of Figure A 2.8-5. (A 2.8-37) A Required engagement length for valve bodies Alternately to the procedure given in clause A the engagement length may be checked as follows for valve bodies. Proof is deemed to be furnished if the following conditions are satisfied: a) l 0.8 d and b) l
Stripping of nut thread Stripping of bolt thread



C 2 = 5.594 13.682 R S + 14.107 R S 2 6.057 R S 3 + 0.9353 R S 4

Depth of chamfer on one side

Figure A 2.8-6: Fabricated chamfer of thread in the area of the nut bearing surface


Reduction factors C 2 and C 3




(A 2.8-40)


2 Fmax n d2 Sm l n d, d2 zul Fmax engagement length number of bolts

(A 2.8-41)

0.8 0.4 0.8 Rs 1.2 1.6 2.0


in accordance with Figure A 2.8-7 allowable stress of valve body material for the related loading level FS or FS0 (most unfavourable loading condition according to Table A 2.8-2)

Figure A 2.8-5: Factor for reduction of threadstripping resistance of bolt and nut thread due to plastic deformation of thread A Calculation of the total engagement length in consideration of the thread chamfer Taking the thread chamfer into account the required total engagement length for blind holes (see Figure A 2.8-6) is obtained from: lges = l + (Dc - D1) 0.3 and for a nut chamfered on both sides lges = l + (Dc - D1) 0.6 (A 2.8-39) The diameters of the chamfered portion Dc shall be taken from Table A 2.8-1. Thread diameter D, mm D<5 5D8 D>8 Diameter of chamfered portion Dc, mm 1.15 D 1.12 D 1.08 D (A 2.8-38)



Table A 2.8-1: Diameter of chamfered portion Dc

Figure A 2.8-7: Thread dimensions Page 104

dk d2 d

KTA 3201.2

Ser. no. 1

Bolt loading 1) Average tensile stress due to internal pressure only FS = FRP + FF Average tensile stress due to internal pressure, required gasket load reaction and external loads FS = FRP + FF + FDB + FRZ + FRM Average tensile stress at test condition FSP = FRP + FF + FDB + FRZ + FRM

Type of bolt 2)3)

Loading level 0 1 R p 0. 2 T 3 A, B P C, D


1 R p 0. 2 T 1.5 1 R p 0. 2 T 1.8

1 R p 0. 2 T 1.5 1 R p 0. 2 T 1.8 1 R p0.2 T 1.1 1 R p0.2 T 1.3 1 R p 0. 2 T 1.1 1 R p 0. 2 T 1.3

1 R p 0. 2 T 1.1 1 R p 0. 2 T 1.3

Average tensile stress in the as-installed condition 4) FS0 Average tensile stress due to internal pressure, external loads, residual gasket load, and differential thermal expansion 5), if any, taking the bolts stress and residual gasket load at the respective pressure load condition into account FS = FRP + FF + FDB + FRZ + FRM


1 R p0.2 RT 1.1 1 R p0.2 RT 1.3

1 R p 0. 2 T 1.1

1) See clause A 2.8.1 for definition of notations used. 2) Where the design provides reduced-shank bolts or bolts with waisted shank as per clause A 2.8.3 shall be used. 3) Type of bolts

D = reduced-shank bolts V = full shank bolts 4) The differing application of forces on the bolts depending on torque moment and friction shall be conservatively considered in strength verifications.
5) Consideration of differential thermal expansion at a design temperature > 120 C. This temperature limit does not apply to combina-

tions of austenitic and ferritic materials for flange and bolts.

Table A 2.8-2: Allowable stresses zul for bolts

A 2.9 Flanges A 2.9.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 2.9 Notation a a1 aD Design value moment arm, general distance between bolt hole centre to intersection C-C distance between bolt hole centre to point of application of compression load on gasket FD distance between bolt hole centre and point of application of force FF distance between bolt hole centre and point of application of total hydrostatic end force FR radial width of flange ring loose flange ring I. D. loose flange ring O. D. Unit mm mm mm


Design value

Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm

dD1, dD2 mean diameter for double O-ring gasket dF dL

d L

flange or stub-end outside diameter bolt hole diameter bolt circle design diameter inside diameter of pipe, shell, or flange ring bolt circle diameter

di dt

aF aR

mm mm

d t e1, e2 f h hA hF hL hS Page 105

fictitious bearing surface diameter of mm loose flanges distance to centroid of flange height of flange facing flange thickness height of tapered hub effective flange thickness thickness of loose flange ring flange thickness required to withstand shear stress mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

b d1 d2 dD

mm mm mm

mean diameter or diameter of gasket mm contact face

KTA 3201.2

Notation n r, r1 s1 sF sR sx t A A1, A2 CB CD CM CS FD FDB FF

Design value number of bolt holes transition radius, see cl. (3)

Unit mm

welding-neck flanges, welding stubs, welded flanges and stubs as well as lap-joint flanges and cover flanges. (2) Flanges designed in accordance with the equations hereinafter meet the strength requirements. The verification by calculation of the strength and deformation conditions to ensure the tightness of the joint shall be made in accordance with clause A 2.9.5. A 2.9.3 Construction and welding (1) Vessel flanges may be forged or rolled without seam.

required pipe or shell wall thickness mm for longitudinal force thickness of hub at transition to flange pipe or shell wall thickness wall thickness at section X-X bolt pitch cross-sectional area partial cross-sectional areas according to Figure A 2.9-1 spring stiffness of blank spring stiffness of gasket spring stiffness of flange spring stiffness of bolts compression load on gasket compression load on gasket for operating condition difference between total hydrostatic end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange hydrostatic end force total hydrostatic end force mm mm mm mm mm2 mm2 N/mm N/mm N/mm N/mm N N N

(2) Welding and heat treatment, if required, shall be based on the component specifications. A 2.9.4 Calculation A General (1) The strength calculation shall always consider the interacting parts of a bolted flanged joint (flanges, bolts and gaskets). The flanged joint shall be so dimensioned that the forces during assembly (gasket seating condition), pressure testing, operation and start-up and shutdown operations and incidents, if any, can be withstood. zul test condition Where the test pressure p > p zul operating condition the calculation shall also be made for this load case. (2) The flanges shall be calculated using the equations given in the paragraphs hereinafter. The effects of external forces and moments, if any, shall be considered and verified separately. (3) The flange thickness hF or hL on which the calculation is based shall be provided on the fabricated component. Grooves for normal tongue or groove or ring joint facings need not be considered. (4) The required flange section modulus Werf obtained from equations (A 2.9-1) to (A 2.9-3) and (A 2.9-4) shall govern the flange design. (5) For the determination of the required section modulus for the operating condition of flanges as per clauses A and A in Sections A-A and B-B and for flanges as per clause A in section A-A the following applies Werf = FDB a D + FR a R + FF a F zul (A 2.9-1)



hydrostatic end force due to internal N pressure bolt load bolt load for gasket seating condition operating bolt load factors centroids of partial cross-sectional area, A1 = A2 flange section modulus flange section modulus for section A-A flange section modulus for section B-B required flange section modulus flange section modulus for section X-X N N N mm3 mm3 mm3 mm3 mm3 mm3

Wvorh available flange section modulus

A 2.9.2 Scope (1) The calculation hereinafter applies to the strength calculation of steel flanges which as friction-type joints are subject to internal pressure with the gaskets not being under controlled compression (flange without controlled contact land). It may also apply to flanged joints with gaskets under controlled compression in which case the design diameters and friction factors to be used in the calculation shall be adapted accordingly. The flanges hereinafter comprise

For the mentioned flanges in section C-C the following applies Werf = FSB a1 zul (A 2.9-2)

For the flanges as per clause A the following applies. Werf = FSB a D zul (A 2.9-3)

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KTA 3201.2

For the gasket seating condition the following applies to flanges as per clauses A to A irrespective of the sections Werf = FS 0 a D zul (A 2.9-4)

di B X A 0

sR B


where zul

allowable stress as per Table A 2.9-1.

SP 2
e1 e2

X A 0

The equations (A 2.9-1) to (A 2.9-3) shall be applied accordingly for the test condition. The forces F shall be determined in accordance with Section A 2.8. The moment arms (for gaskets in flange rings without controlled contact land) shall be:
aD d dD = t 2

A2 A1 SP 1


Figure A 2.9-1: Flange cross-section A Welding-neck flanges with gasket inside bolt circle and tapered hub according to Fig. A 2.9-2 The flange shall be checked with regard to the sections A-A, B-B and C-C where the smallest flange section modulus shall govern the strength behaviour.

(A 2.9-5) (A 2.9-6) (A 2.9-7)

d di sR aR = t 2 2 dt dD di aF = 4

For stubs dt may be inserted as bolt circle diameter d (see t Figure A 2.9-3 and A 2.9-5). For lap-joint flanges the following applies: a = aD = d t d t 2 (A 2.9-8)


sR FR aR



1 Wx = 2 A 1 (e 1 + e 2 ) + (d i + s x ) s x 2 s 1 2 (A 2.9-9) 8 Here, s1 is the wall thickness required due to the longitudinal forces in the flange hub, and is calculated by means of the following equation: s1 = FR (d i + s R ) S m (A 2.9-10)

FF dD dt dF

FD aD aF


With e1 and e2 the centroids of the partial cross-sectional areas A1 = A2 (shown in Figure A 2.9-1 as differing hatched areas) adjacent to the neutral line 0-0 are meant, with this neutral line being applicable to the fully plastic condition assumed. The weakening of the flange by the bolt holes shall be considered in the calculation by means of the design diameter d in the following equation: L For flanges with di 500 mm
d = dL/2 L

Figure A 2.9-2: Welding-neck flange with tapered hub The flange section modulus available in section A-A is obtained from:
WA = (d F d i 2 d ) h F 2 + (d i + s F ) s F 2 s12 Werf L 4 (A 2.9-13)

(6) The flange section modulus shall meet the general condition for any arbitrary section X-X (Figure A 2.9-1).




(A 2.9-11)

and for flanges with di < 500 mm

d = dL (1 - di/1000) L

Equation (A 2.9-13) may also be used for the determination of hF. The flange section modulus available in section B-B is obtained from:

(A 2.9-12)

1 WB = 2 (d F d i 2 d ) e1 (e1 + e 2 ) + (d i + s R ) L 4 2 2 (A 2.9 - 14) s R s1 Werf

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KTA 3201.2

The centroids e1 and e2 for flanges with tapered hub are: e1 = e2 = h (s + sR ) 1 hF + A F d F d i 2 d 4 L K L


(A 2.9-15) (A 2.9-16)

A Flanges and stubs with gasket inside bolt circle and cylindrical hub in accordance with Figure A 2.9-4 and Figure A 2.9-5 The flange shall be checked with regard to sections A-A and C-C. The flange section modulus available in section A-A is obtained from:
WA = (d F d i 2 d ) h F 2 + (d i + s R ) s R 2 s12 Werf L 4 (A 2.9.-23)

where: K = 0.5 (d F d i 2 d ) (h F 2 e 1 ) + L h A (h F 2 e1 ) (sF + sR ) + hA2 (s F + 2 sR ) 3 (A 2.9-17)


L = (dF - di - 2 d ) (hF - 2 e1) + hA (sF + sR) (A 2.9-18) L The flange thickness hS required to absorb the shear stress is obtained as follows: for the gasket seating condition h S0 = 2 FS 0 (d i + 2 s F ) zul 2 FSB (d i + 2 s F ) zul zul (A 2.9-19)

The flange section modulus available in section C-C is obtained in accordance with clause A For the calculation of welding stubs d = 0 shall be taken. L


sR FR aR

for the operating condition h SB = where (A 2.9-20)



allowable stress as per Table 2.9-1.

The flange section modulus in section C-C is obtained from: WC = h F 2 (d F 2 d ) h S 2 (d i + 2 s F ) (A 2.9-21) L 4


FD aD aF


In this case, the external moment shall be MC = FS a1 (A 2.9-22)

A Welding stubs with tapered hub according to Figure A 2.9-3 The calculation shall be made in accordance with clause A with d = 0. L

Figure A 2.9-4: Welding-neck flange with cylindrical hub


sR FR aR = =


sR FR aR = =


FF dD d t* dF

FD aD aF

FF dD dt

FD aD aF

Figure A 2.9-5: Welding stub with cylindrical hub

Figure A 2.9-3: Welding stub with tapered hub

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KTA 3201.2

A Lap-joint flanges to Figure A 2.9-6 The required flange thickness shall be hL = 4 Werf (d2 d1 2 d ) L (A 2.9-24)


d L 2 = d t d h L 4

(A 2.9-25) (A 2.9-26)

d = L (3)

n dL 2 4 dt

Thus the following external moments are obtained: (A 2.9-27) (A 2.9-28) (A 2.9-29) (A 2.9-30) (A 2.9-31)

with Werf obtained from equation (A 2.9-3).

MS = FS aS = FS 0.5 (dt - dSP) MR = FR aR = FR 0.5 (dSP - di) 2 d SP (d i + dD ) 4

d2 d1 dL FS

M F = FF a F = FF

MD = FD aD = FD 0.5 (dSP - dD) h M H = FH a H = FR cot F h 2 and the total moment is as follows: M = MS + MR + MF + MD + MH

FS = = d t* dt
Figure A 2.9-6: Lap-joint flange


(A 2.9-32)

(The signs are as follows: positive sign where the moments are applied clockwise)



The flange section modulus is then: W = (d F d i 2 d ) h F 2 L 4 4 Werf (d F d i 2 d ) L

(A 2.9-33)

The required effective flange thickness thus is: hF = (A 2.9-34)

A Cover flange for reactor pressure vessel according to Figures A 2.9-7 and A 2.9-8 (1) The flange may be considered as lap-joint flange. In addition, the circumferential stress resulting from internal pressure must be considered. As this flange joint is a flange-spherical shell connection, the membrane force shall be divided into its components (see Figure A 2.9-7).

(5) The circumferential stress caused by twisting of the flange ring is obtained from the following equation: u1 = (6) M Wvorh. (A 2.9-35)


aR dL as
r 1

The hydrostatic end force on the flange is: (A 2.9-36)

Fi = di hF p


(7) The horizontal force applied by the connected spherical shell is FH = FR cot (8) The resulting horizontal force then is: (A 2.9-38) (A 2.9-37)


FR FH r 2

d SP




Fres = Fi - FH

FF dD dt dF
Figure A 2.9-7: Cover flange of reactor pressure vessel (2) To determine the centroid of flange, the area of bolt holes shall be distributed evenly over the circumference and an equivalent diameter shall be formed:

(9) The wall thickness of the weakened radial width of flange ring is

FD aF aD

b = 0.5 (dF - di - 2 d ) L

(A 2.9-39)

(10) The resulting horizontal force corresponds to an equivalent internal pressure of Fres (A 2.9-40) pq = di h F (11) The mean circumferential stress thus is obtained from the following equation: u2 = p q 0.5 d i b = Fres 2 hF b (A 2.9-41)

(12) The total stress then is: = u1 + u2 (A 2.9-42)

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KTA 3201.2

(13) In addition, the seating stress between cover flange and mating component shall be verified by calculation (see Figure 2.9-8). The facing is considered to be only the face between the internal diameter of the external O-ring-groove and the inside diameter of the mating flange part. The contact face thus is: A = d6 2 d 3 2 d 5 2 d 4 2 4

magnitudes into account, the bolt elongation in the assembly condition E will be consistent for each operating condition x: 2 FE + SE + DE = 2 Fx + Sx + Dx +Wx + Vx (A 2.9-45) In the case of non-identical flange pairs, 2 F is substituted by the sum of deflections of the individual flanges F1 + F2, in the case of flange-cover joints 2 F is substituted by the sum of deflections of the flange and the cover F + B. In the case of flanged joints with extension sleeves the stiffness of the extension sleeves shall also be taken into account. (3) By means of the bolt and gasket loads resulting from the verification by calculation of the strength and deformation conditions for the governing load cases the evaluation of strength of the total flanged joint (flange, blank, bolts and gasket) shall be controlled. (4) The allowable stresses shall be taken from Table A 2.9-1. A Simplified procedure for verification by calculation of the strength and deformation conditions in flanged joints


) (


(A 2.9-43)

The effective seating stress is:

pA F = S max A

(A 2.9-44)

The allowable seating stress shall be verified in dependence of the combination of materials used.

d D2 d D1 di

d3 d4 d5 d6
Figure A 2.9-8: Facing of reactor pressure vessel A 2.9.5 Verification by calculation of the strength and deformation conditions in flanged joints

A General (1) For some cases where internal pressure, additional forces and moments, temperature-dependent changes in elastic moduli, different thermal expansion in the flange and the bolts, as well seating of the gasket occurs, equations are given in the following clauses to determine the bolt loads FS, the compression loads on the gasket FD as well as the deflections F, S and D for the respective conditions. (2) Alternatively, an approximate calculation for verifying the strength and deformation conditions may be made by other procedures for a detailed evaluation of the a) torsional rigidity of flanges b) radial internal pressure c) effective bolt circle diameter d) effective gasket diameter.
Note: Such a procedure is given, e.g. in DIN EN 1591 (E11/94). When using this procedure, however, the additional load due to torsion and transverse forces shall be considered additionally.

Formulae to calculate the angle of flange ring slope are contained in DIN 2505-1 (E04/90) and guide values for maximum angles of slope are contained in DIN 2505-2 (E04/90). A General (1) During start-up and shutdown, the relation between bolt load, pressure load and gasket load in the flange changes due to internal pressure, additional forces and moments independent of operation, temperature-dependent change of elastic moduli, differential thermal expansion, seating of the gasket, especially of non-metallic gaskets. (2) Based on the selected initial bolt stress and in consideration of the elastic deflection characteristics of the flanged joint with consistent bolt elongation the bolt load and the residual gasket load shall be evaluated for each governing load case. In the case of identical flange pairs, consistent bolt elongation means the sum of the deflections of the flange 2 F, the bolts S and the gasket D, in case of temperature effects, of the differential thermal expansion in the flange and the bolt W as well as, in the case of seating of the gasket, in the bolted joint and in the gasket V. Taking these

A Calculation of spring constants A Bolts The elastic elongation of bolts can be calculated from S = FS CS n ES dN 2 4 (l + 0.8 d N ) (A 2.9-46)

For full-shank bolts the following applies approximately CS = (A 2.9-47)

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KTA 3201.2

For reduced-shank bolts the following applies CS = n ES dK dS (A 2.9-48) 4 d K 2 l S + d S 2 (l + l + 0.8 d N )

2 2

with FS0 = FD0 bolt load for gasket seating condition and CB0 spring constant for gasket seating condition dD 2 + FBZ F 4 + Dx CBxp CBxF, and for and for the operating condition (condition x): B x = p (A 2.9-56)

0.4 d N

0.4 d N

where the force FBx on the cover shall be

ds dK dK
0.4 d N



FBx = p and

dD 2 + FBZ = FRP + FF + FRZ 4

(A 2.9-57)

CBxp = spring constant for the loading due to force on cover and C BxFD

C B0

0.4 d N

E = spring constant for the loading due to E 20 compression load on the gasket F Dx

ull-shank bolt
Figure A 2.9-9: Bolts A Flanges

reduced-shank bolt

The spring constants for the various types of loading may e.g. be taken from a) Markus [5] b) Warren C. Young, case 2a, p. 405 [6] c) Kantorowitsch [7] or be determined by suitable methods.

The deflection F of the individual flange in the bolt circle is M (A 2.9-49) F = CM When determining the relation between bolt load, pressure load and gasket load of a pair of identical flanges, twice the value of F shall always be taken CM = 4 EF (h F + h B ) W 3 (d F + di ) a D (A 2.9-50)

A Gaskets The elastic portion of compression (spring-back) of the gasket D can be assumed to be, for flat gaskets F (A 2.9-58) D = D CD where E dD bD (A 2.9CD = D hD 59) Depending on the load case ED is the elastic modulus of the gasket material at seating condition or operating temperature, and can be taken from Table A 2.10-2. For metal gaskets of any type the springback of the gasket is so low in comparison with the flange deflection that it can be neglected. A Differential thermal expansion and additional time-dependent gasket loads The equations for calculating the bolt loads and gasket compression loads according to clause A may also consider differential thermal expansions between flange, blank, bolts, and gasket as well as time-dependent seating Wx = l k S ( Sx 20) h F 1 F 1 ( F 1x 20) h F2 F 2 ( F 2 x 20) h D D ( Dx 20) (A 2.9 - 60)

For flanges with tapered hub W = WA according to equation (A 2.9-13). In addition, the following applies d h B = 0.58 i sF


(A 2.9-51)

For welded flanges where the pipe or shell is connected to the flange without tapered hub, the following applies W = (d F d i 2 d ) h F 2 + (d i + s R ) s R 2 s 1 2 L 4 (A 2.9-52) In addition, the following applies


h B = 0.9

(di + sR ) sR

(A 2.9-53) (A 2.9-54)

For lap joint flanges the following applies W = (d 2 d1 2 d ) h L 2 L 4 and hB = 0 A Blanks

where Wx differential thermal expansion of flange, blank, bolt, and gasket. The indices 1 and 2 refer to the flange and the mating flange or blank grip length (distance between idealized points of effective bolt elongation) time-dependent gasket seating (to be considered for metal groove gaskets only in which case the manufacturer's data shall be taken as a basis).

The deflection B of the blank in the bolt circle for the gasket seating condition (condition 0) shall be: F (A 2.9-55) B 0 = S0 C B0

lk Vx

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KTA 3201.2

A Calculation of bolt loads and compression loads on the gasket A Case of identical flange pairs For identical flange pairs the following applies: 1 1 2 aD 1 FDBx = + + -F F 1 2 aD 1 S 0 CS 0 C M 0 CD 0 Rx + + C Sx C Mx CDx 1 1 a 2 aD a 2 aD + R + F Wx Vx FFx CSx a D C Mx CSx a D C Mx and FSx = FDBx + FRx + FFx A Case of non-identical flange pairs For flanged joints with non-identical flanges 1 and 2 the following applies: 1 a 1 FDBx = + D + F aD aD 1 1 S 0 CS 0 C M10 + + + C Sx C M1x C M 2 x CDx + 1 a a a a aD 1 + + R 1 D FR2x R 2 D -FR1x C M 20 CD 0 aD CM 2x C Sx a D C M1x (A 2.9-61) (A 2.9-62)

FSx = FDBx + FRx + FFx and FR1x + FF1x = FR2x + FF2x A Flange-blank combination

(A 2.9-64) (A 2.9-65)

For flanged joints consisting of a flange and a blank the following applies: FDBx = a 1 1 1 + D + + C Sx C Mx C BxFD C Dx 1 1 a + D + FS 0 CS 0 C M0

1 a a 1 1 + + R D - FRx CB0 CD 0 C Sx a D C Mx

1 a a 1 FFx + F D FBx Wx Vx C Bxp C Sx a D C Mx (A 2.9-66) and FSx = FDBx + FRx + FFx (A 2.9-67)

1 a a a a -FF1x + F 1 D - FF2x F 2 D Wx Vx aD CM2x CSx a D C M1x (A 2.9-63) Ser. no. 1 2 3 Type of stress 1) Stress resulting from internal pressure, required gasket load reaction and external loads 2) FS = FRP + FF + FDB + FRZ + FRM Stress at test condition 3) FSP = FRP + FRZ + FRM + FF Stress at gasket seating 4) 5) FS0 Stress due to internal pressure, external loads, residual gasket load and differential thermal expansion 6) , if any, taking the relation between bolt load and residual gasket load at the respective pressure condition into consideration 7) FS = FRP + FF + FDB + FRZ + FRM

Loading levels 0 Sm A, B Sm 1 R p0.2 T 8) 1.1 1 R p0.2 RT 8) 1.1 1 R p0.2 T 8) 1.1 1 R p0.2 T 8) 1.1 P C, D 1 R p0.2 T 8)9) 1.1


For diameter ratios dF/di > 2 all stress intensity limits shall be reduced by the factor = 0.6 +
1) See clause A 2.8.1 for definition of notations used. 2) If equations (A 2.9-1) to (A 2.9-3) are used.

1 5.25 + (dF / di )

3) If equations (A 2.9-1) to (A 2.9-3) with R p0.2T/1.1 instead of Sm are used. 4) If equation (A 2.9-4) is used. 5) The different application of forces on the bolts depending on torque moment and friction shall be conservatively considered in 6) Consideration of differential thermal expansion at a design temperature > 120 C. This temperature limit does not apply to combina7) In the case of calculation as per clause A 2.9.5. 8) For cast steel 0.75 R p0.2T instead of Rp0.2T/1.1 9) This stress limit only applies if it is not required to verify the tightness of the flanged joint.

strengths verifications.

tions of austenitic and ferrritic materials for flange and bolts.

Table A 2.9-1: Allowable stresses zul for pressure-loaded flanged joints made of steel Page 112

KTA 3201.2

A 2.10 Gaskets A 2.10.1 General (1) The gasket factors shall be taken from Table A 2.10-1 and the elastic moduli of the gasket materials from Table A 2.10-2. The gasket factors apply to the flange calculation in accordance with Section A 2.9 for gaskets in flanges without controlled contact land. The factors given in Table A 2.10-1 are design factors based on general experience, and have to be observed by the gasket manufacturer unless the latter proves the usability of other values. Other gasket factors that have been sufficiently justified may be used.
Note: The values given in Tables A 2.10-1 and A 2.10-2 were taken from DIN 2505-2 (E 04/90) by adhering to the respective position numbers of that standard.

A Upper limit value for gasket seating VO At ambient temperature, VO is the greatest mean contact surface load at which the gasket is still undeformed, i.e. at which it has still its characteristic shape. A Lower limit value for operating condition BU BU is the smallest mean gasket contact surface load required during operation to maintain leak lightness. When the gasket seating load has at least achieved the lower limit value VU, BU shall be proportional to the internal pressure. F BU = DBU = m p (A 2.10-2) AD A Upper limit value for operating condition BO BO is the greatest mean contact surface load at operating temperature at which the gasket is still undeformed, i.e. at which it has still its characteristic shape. A Tabular values (1) Table A 2.10-1 contains factors for the selection of gaskets. The tabulated values for VU apply to gases and vapours. In the case of non-metallic gaskets or combined seals it is possible to use lower values for non-corrosive fluids with a surface tension equal to that of water. These values as well as the gasket factors not contained in Table A 2.10-1 shall be agreed with the manufacturer. (2) Due to the non-linear behaviour of the elastic modulus in dependence of the gasket surface contact load, approximate values for the assumed operating range (between VU and BO) - as far as known - have been given for nonmetallic gaskets and combined seals.
Note: Literature a) Bierl, A. and Kremer, H.: Berechnung der gasfrmigen Leckagen aus Flanschverbindungen mit It-Dichtungen, Chemie-Ing.-Technik 1978 b) Tckmantel, H. J.: Optimierung statischer Dichtungen, 2nd. Edition, Kempchen 1984

(2) The most important condition for the leak tightness of the flanged joint is a sufficient gasket seating with a gasket contact surface load of at least VU . Where, at a given flanged joint, VU is not obtained the following corrective changes are possible: a) Reduction of the gasket area AD by reducing the effective gasket width (strength calculation required) b) Selection of another gasket. A 2.10.2 Gasket factors for design
Note: See DIN 28 090-1 (09/95) for definition of gasket factors.


Lower limit value for gasket seating VU

The minimum gasket contact surface load VU refers to the compression load on the gasket, related to the gasket area AD with land not under controlled compression, on the mean circumference and the gasket width to be used in the calculation. VU = FDVU FDVU = AD dD bD (A 2.10-1)

b bD


b bD


Figure A 2.10-1: Gasket width bD The minimum gasket surface load VU serves to compress the gasket to contact the flange surface such that the compression load FDB for the operating condition then will only depend on the internal pressure.






Figure A 2.10-2: Gasket profiles for metallic gaskets with curved surfaces

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Gasket material Bonded asbestos (It) PTFE Graphite Spiral-wound gasket Grooved metal gasket Mild steel Carbon steel Low-alloy steel Cr-Ni steel 18.8

Elastic modulus ED, in N/mm2 at a temperature of 20 C 1 000 to 1 500 600 647 EDRT 5 000 10 000 20 000 212 000 200 000 200 C 45 (at 260 C) 200 000 186 000 300 C 2 200 194 000 179 000 400 C 185 000 172 000 500 C 176 000 165 000

Table A 2.10-2: Elastic moduli of gasket materials A 3 Valves A 3.1 Valve bodies A 3.1.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 3.1 Notation a, a1, a2 distance b1, b2 c1, c2 dAi dHi l e, l eA eH s0 sA0 sAn sH0 sHn
s H

Subscripts b l r t bending longitudinal radial torsion u m B 0 circumference mean/average operating condition as-installed condition

Design value

Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

clear width of non-circular cross sections wall thickness allowances inside diameter of branch inside diameter of main body length of transition from circular to elliptical cross-section die-out length effective length of branch effective length in main body calculated wall thickness without allowances calculated wall thickness of branch without allowances nominal wall thickness of branch calculated wall thickness of main body excluding allowances wall thickness at transition of flange to spherical shell nominal wall thickness nominal wall thickness of pipe cylindrical portion in oval bodies pressure-loaded area effective cross-sectional area factor for oval cross-sections factor effectiveness of edge reinforcement

A 3.1.2 Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to valve bodies subject to internal pressure. A 3.1.3 Calculation of valve bodies at predominantly static loading due to internal pressure A General (1) The valve bodies may be considered to be a main body with a determined geometry with openings or branches and branch penetrations. The calculation of the wall thickness therefore comprises the main body lying outside the area influenced by the opening and the opening itself. The main body is considered to be that part of the valve body having the greater diameter so that the following applies: dHi dAi or b2 dAi. (2) The transitions between differing wall thicknesses shall not show any sharp fillets or breaks to minimize discontinuity stresses and show a good deformation behaviour. Depending on the chosen stress and fatigue analysis additional design conditions shall be satisfied, e.g. with regard to the transition radii (see Section 8.3). The main body wall thickness sHn and the branch thickness sAn shall be tapered to the connected pipe wall thickness sRn on a length of at least 2 sHn or 2 sAn, respectively. In addition, the condition of clause 5.1.2 (2) regarding the transitional area shall be taken into account. (3) For the total wall thickness including allowances the following applies sHn sH0 + c1 + c2 and sAn sA0 + c1 + c2 Page 118 (A 3.1-1) (A 3.1-2)

nominal wall thickness of main body mm mm mm mm mm mm2 mm2

sn sRn y Ap A Bn CK C

angle between axis of main body and degree branch axis

KTA 3201.2

where sHn and sH0 apply to the main body and sAn and sA0 to the branches. (4) For the recalculation of as-built components the following applies sH0 sHn - c1 - c2 and sA0 sAn - c1 - c2. (A 3.1-4) (A 3.1-3)

(2) The theoretical minimum wall thickness for such bodies subject to internal pressure is obtained as follows: s = 0 p b2 4 Sm B0 2 + Bn 2 Sm p (A 3.1-5)

(3) The wall thickness shall be calculated at the locations 1 and 2 shown in Figure A 3.1-1 for oval cross-sections, since here the bending moments obtain maximum values and thus have essential influence on the strength behaviour. (4) The factor B0 depending on the normal forces shall be for location 1: for location 2: (5) B0 = b1/b2 B0 = 1

A Calculation of the main body outside the opening or branch area and without any influences at the boundary A General The geometric configuration of the main body of valve bodies may be cylindrical, spherical, conical or oval. Accordingly, the wall thicknesses can be determined within body areas remote from discontinuities. A Determination of the required wall thickness s0 of cylindrical main bodies The required wall thickness s0 of cylindrical main bodies shall be determined in accordance with clause A 2.2.2. A Determination of the required wall thickness s0 of spherical main bodies The required wall thickness s0 of spherical main bodies shall be determined in accordance with clause A 2.3.2. A Determination of the required wall thickness s0 of conical main bodies The required wall thickness s0 of conical main bodies shall be determined in accordance with clause A 2.4.2.

Bn shall be taken from Figure A 3.1-2.

(6) The factors Bn depending on the bending moments are shown in Figure A 3.1-2 for oval cross-sections at locations 1 and 2 in dependence of b1/b2. The curves satisfy the following equations: B1 = B2 = 1 k E 2 K 1 2k E 2 6 E 6 1 + kE2 1 kE2 K E 6 6

(A 3.1-6) (A 3.1-7) (A 3.1-8)

b with k E 2 = 1 1 b2

Note: K and E are the full elliptical integrals whose values can be taken in dependence of the module of the integral kE from Table books such as Htte I, Theoretische Grundlagen, 28 th edition, Publishers: W. Ernst u. Sohn, Berlin.



b2 2 Bn 4

A Determination of the required wall thickness s0 of oval main bodies (1) In the case of oval-shaped cross-sections (Figure A 3.1-1) the additional bending loads in the walls shall be considered.




Fig. A 3.1-1




b1 1

Figure A 3.1-1: Oval-shaped valve body






b1 / b2
Figure A 3.1-2: Factor Bn for oval cross-sections Page 119

KTA 3201.2

(7) For the factors relating to b1/b2 0.5 the following approximate equations may be used b b (A 3.1-9) B1 = 1 1 0.625 0.435 1 1 b2 b2 b b B 2 = 1 1 0.5 0.125 1 1 b2 b2 (A 3.1-10)

s0 = s k 0

(A 3.1-14)

(10) The correction factor k shall be obtained, in correspondence to the damping behaviour of the loadings in cylindrical shells, in consideration of experimental test results from non-circular bodies as follows k = 0.48 3 l2 dm s 0 (A 3.1-15)

(8) The factors also apply to changes in cross-section in oval main bodies, e.g. for gate valves according to Figure A 3.1-3, design a and b where the side length b1 from the crown of the inlet nozzles (flattened oval shape) increases over the length l to obtain b2 (circular shape). The value b1 in section B-B at 1/2 shall govern the determination of Bn where l is obtained from d (A 3.1-11) l = H y Hi + s H l 2 with H being a design dimension as per Figure A 3.1-3. For the length l influenced by the inlet nozzle the following applies: l = 1.25 d s n m where d = m (A 3.1-12)

with 0.6 k 1 The function is shown in Figure A 3.1-4 in dependence of l2/ d m s . 0

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

b1 + b 2 (A 3.1-13) 2 in which case b1 and b2 shall be determined at section A-A on a length l from the inlet nozzle. sn is the wall thickness available for l . In general, b 1 and l shall be determined

dm s 0
Figure A 3.1-4: Correction factor k for short bodies (11) For dm dm = (b1 + b2)/2 shall be taken, and s corres0 ponds to equation (A 3.1-5). For changes in cross-section over a length l, e.g. according to Figure A 3.1-3, design a or b, the dimensions b1 and b2 shall be taken from Section B-B (at l/2). Local deviations from the body shape irrespective whether they are convex or concave, shall, as a rule, be neglected. (12) The strength criterion is satisfied if the required wall thickness is locally available provided that the wall thickness transitions are smooth.

by iteration.

d Hi s H


d Hi s H




A Valve bodies with branch

b1 b1

(1) The strength of the body containing a branch shall be calculated considering the equilibrium of external and internal forces for the highly loaded areas which are the transitions of the cylindrical, spherical or non-circular main body to the branch. The diameter dH and the wall thickness sH refer to the main body, and the diameter dA and the wall thickness sA to the branch. The following shall apply: dHi > dAi. (2) In the case of cylindrical main bodies, see Figure A 3.1-5, the section I located in the longitudinal section through the main axis as a rule is subject to the greatest loading with the average main stress component 1 . In the case of nozzle to main body ratios 0.7, however, the bending stresses occurring in the cross-sectional area to the main axis (Section II) cannot be neglected anymore, i.e. this direction has also be taken into account. (3) A recalculation of section II can be omitted if the wall thickness differences within the die-out length of this section and compared to section I do not exceed 10 %.


Design a

Design b

Figure A 3.1-3: Examples for changes in cross-section of oval bodies (9) For short bodies (e.g. Figure A 3.1-3, design a or b) with the length l remote from discontinuity, corresponding to the design geometry, the supporting effect of the components connected at the end of the body (e.g. flanges, heads, covers) may be credited. Thus, the required minimum wall thickness is obtained by using equation (A 3.1-5) to become:


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KTA 3201.2

(4) In the case of non-circular bodies with branches and generally in the event of additional forces acting in the direction of the main axis the greatest loading may be obtained in the section with the average main stress component II (section II).

VI = I III = p

A pI A I

p Sm 2 1.2

(A 3.1-18)

(10) In equations (A 3.1-17) and (A 3.1-18) the stress III acting normal to wall is considered to be the smallest main stress component which on the pressure-loaded side is III = - p and on the unpressurized side is III = 0, that is a mean value III = - p/2. Accordingly, the following applies to the equilibrium of forces in section II (see Figure A 3.1-6) p A pII = II A II The strength condition in this case is VII = II III = p A pII A II + p Sm 2 (A 3.1-20) (A 3.1-19)

and for non-circular bodies S VII m 1.2

dHi b1

(A 3.1-21)



Figure A 3.1-5: Calculated sections for valve bodies with branch (5) In these cases, the calculation shall be effected for both section I and II. (6) The calculation procedure hereinafter applies to valve bodies with vertical branch, see Figures A 3.1-6 to A 3.1-12 as well as with oblique branch if the angle is not less than 45, see Figure A 3.1-14, provided that sA does not exceed sH. Where these conditions cannot be satisfied by certain designs, the wall thickness sA can only be used in accordance with this equation in the calculation of the effective length and effective cross-sectional area A.
Note: In Figures A 3.1-5 to A 3.1-14 the w all thick ness sho w n is the nominal wall thickness minus the allowances c1 and c 2.

A pI









eA2 eA1

Section I
Figure A 3.1-6: Valve bodies

Section II

(7) For the equilibrium of forces in the longitudinal section according to Figures A 3.1-6 to A 3.1-12 the following relationship applies p A pI = I A I (A 3.1-16)

(11) For cylindrical valve bodies with dAi/dHi 0.7 and simultaneously sA0/sH0 < dA/dH the following condition shall be satisfied in section II: d + s d +s dHi + s H 0 p Hi H 0 + 0.2 Ai A 0 1.5 S m sA0 sH0 2 s H0 (A 3.1-22) (12) For non-circular valve bodies the condition shall be: b + s d +s b +s p 25 2 H 0 + 0.25 Ai A 0 2 H 0 sA0 sH0 2 sH0 1.5 S m (A 3.1-23)

where p ApI is the total external force acting upon the pressure-loaded area ApI (dotted) whereas the internal force I A I is the force acting in the most highly loaded zone of the wall with the cross-sectional area AI (cross-hatched) and in the cross-section the average main stress I . (8) The strength condition to be satisfied in accordance with Trescas shear stress theory is: A pI p VI = I III = p + Sm (A 3.1-17) A I 2 (9) In the case of non-circular bodies with branches the following strength condition shall be satisfied to consider those bending stresses exceeding the bending stresses already covered by the calculation of the wall thicknesses according to equations (A 3.1-5) or (A 3.1-14):

(13) For the cases shown in Figures A 3.1-7 to A 3.1-14 the general strength condition applies: Ap = p + 0.5 S m A (A 3.1-24)

The pressure-loaded areas Ap and the effective cross-sectional areas A are determined by calculation or a drawing to scale (true to size). The effective length of the considered cross-sectional areas Ap and A shall be determined as follows (except for spheri-

Page 121


b2 / 2

e A3

KTA 3201.2

cal bodies to Figure A 3.1-11 and branches with oblique nozzles to Figure A 3.1-14). eH = (d Hi + s H0 ) s H0 (A 3.1-25) (A 3.1-26)

cylindrical portion shall be considered for the determination of the area of the opening contributing to the reinforcement.

e A = 1.25 (dAi + s A0 ) s A0

(14) For the design shown in Figure A 3.1-6, section I the following applies: eH = (b 1 + s H0 ) s H0 (A 3.1-27) (A 3.1-28)

e A1 = 1.25 (d Ai + s A0 ) s A0 eA2 in accordance with subclause (21). For section II applies: e = H (b 2 + s H0 ) s H0

(A 3.1-29) (A 3.1-30)

e A3 = 1.25 (b 2 + s A0 ) s A0

(15) At a ratio of nozzle opening to main body opening exceeding 0.8 the factor ahead of the root is omitted in equations (A 3.1-26), (A 3.1-28) and (A 3.1-30). (16) For branches in spherical main bodies with a ratio dAi1/dHi or dAi2/dHi 0.5 the effective length in the spherical portion according to Figure A 3.1-11, design a, can be taken to be: eH = (d Hi + s H0 ) s H0 (A 3.1-31) Figure A 3.1-7: Valve body

however, shall not exceed the value obtained by the bisecting line between the centrelines of both nozzles. For the effective length the following applies:



At ratios of dAi1/dHi or dAi2/dHi exceeding 0.5 the effective length shall be determined in accordance with Figure A 3.1-11, design b, where eA1 or eA2 shall be determined in accordance with equation (A 3.1-32). (17) Valve bodies with oblique nozzles ( 45) may also be calculated by means of equation (A 3.1-17) in which case the pressure-loaded area (dotted) and the pressure-loaded cross-sectional area (cross-hatched) are distributed in accordance with Figure A 3.1-14. Here, the effective length shall be determined as follows: eH = (d Hi + s H0 ) s H0 (A 3.1-33) (A 3.1-34)


eA =

(d Ai + s A0 ) s A0

(A 3.1-32)

eA sA a1 a1


Ap A


right side sH dHi A

e A = 1 + 0.25 90

(dAi + s A0 ) sA 0


In the case of oblique branches the area shall be limited to the pressure-loaded area bounded by the flow passage centre lines. At a ratio of branch opening to main body opening exceeding 0.8 the factor ahead of the root shall be omitted in equation (A 3.1-34). (18) Where flanges or parts thereof are located within the calculated effective length they shall be considered not to be contributing to the reinforcement, as shown in Figures A 3.1-6, A 3.1-7, A 3.1-9, A 3.1-12. (19) Where effective lengths of reinforcements of openings extend into the tapered portion of the flange hub, only the


eH / 2

left side
Figure A 3.1-8: Cylindrical valve body

Page 122

sA eH



KTA 3201.2

(20) Where within the boundary of the effective cross-sectional area A or within the area of influence of 22.5 to the sectional area boreholes (bolt holes) are provided, these cross-sectional areas shall be deducted from A. (21) Metal extending to the inside shall be credited to the effective cross-sectional area A up to a maximum length of eH/2 or eA/2. (22) In the case of a design to Figure A 3.1-13 where a gasket is arranged such that the pressure-retaining area Ap is smaller than the area obtained from the die-out lengths eH or eA, the centre of the gasket may be used to set the boundaries for the area Ap whereas the metal area A is limited by the calculated length eH or eA. In the case of designs with pressure-retaining cover plates where the split segmental ring is located within the die-out length, eH or eA may be used for the determination of the effective cross-sectional area A but only up to the centre of the segmental ring in order to limit the radial forces induced by the gasket and the bending stresses at the bottom of the groove.

Figure A 3.1-9: Angular-type body

Figure A 3.1-10: Valve body

sA2 dAi2 sA2 dAi2



dAi1 sA1



Ap A

Ap A


A Ap



Figure A 3.1-13: Example for cover


Design a Branch in spherical body with dAi1 dHi or dAi2 dHi 0.5

Design b Branch in spherical body with dAi1 dHi or dAi2 dHi > 0.5

Figure A 3.1-11: Spherical bodies

Figure A 3.1-12: Valve body

Figure A 3.1-14: Cylindrical body with oblique branch Page 123

Centre of gasket




sH d Hi

KTA 3201.2

A 3.2 Valve body closures A 3.2.1 Design values and units relating to Section A 3.2 Notation Design value Unit mm

Notation MaB Ma0 Mb mm Mt Q BO VO

Design value


moment of external forces for op- N mm erating conditions moment of external forces for gasket N mm seating condition bending moment torsional moment transverse force N mm N mm N

a1, a2, aD, lever arms in acc. with Figure aF, aH, aS, A 3.2-1 aV b c1 c2 effective width of flange

wall thickness allowance for consid- mm eration of fabrication tolerances wall thickness allowance for consid- mm eration of wall thickness reduction due to chemical or mechanical wear diameter at intersection of flange mm ring and spherical section outside diameter of flange mm

upper limit value of gasket bearing N/mm2 surface load for operating conditions upper limit value of gasket bearing N/mm2 surface load for gasket seating condition lower limit value of gasket bearing N/mm2 surface load for gasket seating conditions friction factor

d1 da
d a


outside diameter of spherical crown mm section mean diameter or diameter of gasket mm contact circle inside diameter of flange mm

dD di
d i

A 3.2.2 Spherically dished heads with bolting flanges A General (1) Spherically dished heads with bolting flanges consist of a shallow or deep-dished spherical shell and a bolting flange. Therefore, the strength calculation comprises the calculation of the flange ring and the spherical shell. (2) (2) According to the geometric relationships distinction is made between type I to Figure A 3.2-1 as shallowdished spherical shell (y > 0) and type II to Figure A 3.2-2 as deep-dished spherical shell (y = 0).

inside diameter of spherical crown mm section bolt hole diameter calculated diameter of bolt hole mm mm

dL d L dp dt hF m
ra ri

centroid of flange when subject to mm twisting bolt circle diameter thickness of flange ring gasket factor mm mm

A Calculation of the flange ring (1) The strength conditions for the flange ring are:: FH Sm 2 b h F Ma FH + Sm 3 b h F b 2 d1 2 2 2 h F + s e s 0 8 4 (A 3.2-1) (A 3.2-2)

outside radius of curvature of sphe- mm rical crown section inside radius of curvature of spheri- mm cal crown section wall thickness of spherical crown mm section compression load on gasket N


compression load on gasket to en- N sure tight joint (gasket load difference between design bolt load and total hydrostatic end force) gasket seating load N

with se = sn - c1 - c2 The wall thickness s0 of the spherical shell without allowances shall be, at a diameter ratio d / d 1.2, as follows: a i s0 = or s0 = ri p 2 Sm p ra p 2 Sm (A 3.2-3)


difference between total hydrostatic N end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange horizontal force N


(A 3.2-4)

operating bolt load (required bolt N load for the design condition) bolting-up condition (bolt load for N gasket seating condition) vertical force moment of external forces N N mm

with d a = 2 ra and d = 2 ri i For 1.2 d / d 1.5 the following equations shall be used a i for calculating the wall thickness s0 of the spherical shell: 2p s 0 = ri 1 + 1 2 Sm p Page 124 (A 3.2-5)

KTA 3201.2

1+ s 0 = ra

2p 1 2 Sm p 2p 2 Sm p

FF = p

dD 2 di 2 4

(A 3.2-15)

(A 3.2-6)


d) Compression load on gasket to ensure tight joint (A 3.2-16) FDBU = p dD bD m SD with SD = 1.2 FDBO = dD bD BO m from Table A 2.10-1 bD is the gasket width according to section A 2.10. e) Horizontal component of force on head FH = p with
r= d i 2

The equations (A 3.2-3) to (A 3.2-6) lead to the same results if ri = ra - s0. (2) The moment Ma resulting from external forces referred to the centroid of flange PS shall be for the operating condition: 4 MB MaB = FS a S + FV + Fax + aV + FF aF + FD aD d1 + FH aH (A 3.2 - 7) The compression load FD on the gasket, in the case of application of a transverse force due to friction at a certain value shall be determined by: Q 2 Mt 2 M b FD = max + ; FDB dD dD (A 3.2-8)

d 2 d1 r 2 i 2 4

(A 3.2-17)

The compression load FD on the gasket, in the case of application of a transverse force due to infinite friction shall be determined by: 2 Mt 2 Mb 4 Mb ; FD = max max ; FDB (A 3.2-9) dD dD dt The moment Ma for the bolting-up condition shall be: Ma0 = FS0 (aS + aD) (A 3.2-10)

For the bolting-up condition, the bolt load FS0 for gasket seating condition shall be the higher value of the gasket seating load FDV or FS x , where FS is obtained from equation (A 3.2-11) and x = 1.1 FDV shall be determined from: FDVU = dD bD VU FDVO = dD bD VO VU, VO according to Table A 2.10-1 (4) The lever arms of the forces in the equations used for determining the moments (A 3.2-7) and (A 3.2-10) are obtained from Table A 3.2-1. Spherically dished head Type I 0.5 (dt - dp) 0.5 (dp - d1) 0.5 (dp - dD) determine graphically aD + 0.5 (dD - di) 0.5 hF Type II (A 3.2-18)

The moments applied clockwise shall be inserted with negative signs in equations (A 3.2-7) and (A 3.2-10). The strength condition in equation (A 3.2-2) shall be calculated with both moments MaB and Ma0 where for the bolting-up condition s0 = 0 shall be taken. (3) The forces are obtained from the following equations a) Operating bolt load FS = FV + FF + FDB + Fax + 4 Mb + FZ dt (A 3.2-11)

Lever arm aS aV aD aH aF

In the case of application of a transverse force due to friction at a certain value FZ shall be determined by: Q 2 Mt 2 Mb FZ = max 0; + FDB dD dD (A 3.2-12)

Table A 3.2-1: Lever arms for equations (A 3.2-7) and (A 3.2-10) (5) The effective width of the flange shall be: b = 0.5 (da - di - 2 d ) L with d = v dL L For inside diameters di equal to or greater than 500 mm v = 0.5 and for di less than 500 mm v = 1 - 0.001 di (di in mm). (6) The centroid of flange dp is obtained from: dp = da - 2 Sa (A 3.2-19)

In the case of application of a transverse force due to infinite friction FZ shall be determined by: 2 Mt 2 Mb 4 Mb ; FZ = max 0 ; FDB max dt dD dD (A 3.2-13) b) Vertical component of force on head
FV = p d i 2 4

(A 3.2-20)

(A 3.2-14)

with Sa = and

0.5 a12 + a 2 (a1 + d L + 0.5 a 2 ) a1 + a 2

c) Difference between total hydrostatic end force and the hydrostatic end force on area inside flange

(A 3.2-21)

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KTA 3201.2

a1 = 0.5 (da - dt - dL) a2 = 0.5 (dt - di - dL)

(A 3.2-22) (A 3.2-23)

Determination of d 1 : d1 d1 = intersection of flange and spherical shell


A Calculation of the wall thickness of unpenetrated spherical shell and the transition of flange to spherical shell under internal pressure (1) The wall thickness s0 of the unpenetrated spherical shell is obtained from equations (A 3.2-3) to (A 3.2-6). (2) For the wall thickness se at the transition of flange to spherical shell the following applies: se s = s0 e (A 3.2-24) The shape factor takes into account that for a large portion of bending stresses an increased support capability can be expected in case of plastic straining. Where the strain ratio of dished heads is assumed, which characterises the support capability, = 3.5 may be taken for flanges with inside bolt circle gasket in accordance with Figures A 3.2-1 and A 3.2-2, a value which is obtained by approximation of = / from Figure A 3.2-3.
9 8

sA a1 dL a2 Fv

dA A

as av Fs



Ps FD FF aF aD


7 6


FH di dD dp dt da

0,03 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5 1,0 2,0 5,0 10,0

intersection with r

, ,

4 3 2 1

b hF 2 di s0 2
Figure A 3.2-3: Shape factor for the transition flange/spherical shell A Reinforcement of opening at gland packing space of valves under internal pressure The reinforcement shall be calculated like for heads with openings according to the area replacement approach method. The strength condition then is: Ap 1 + Sm p A 2 The effective lengths are l0 = l1 = (2 r + s0 ) s 0 (A 3.2-26) (A 3.2-27) (A 3.2-25)

Figure A 3.2-1: Spherically dished head with shallowdished spherical shell (type I, y > 0)

(d A + sA ) sA

with s as actual wall thickness in spherical portion minus 0 allowances c. A 3.2.3 Dished heads The calculation of dished heads shall be made in accordance with Section A 2.5. A 3.2.4 Flat plates Figure A 3.2-2: Spherically dished head with deep-dished spherical shell (type II, y = 0) Closures designed as flat plates are often used as external or internal covers of valve bodies. Here, primarily flat circular

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KTA 3201.2

plates or annular ring plates are concerned as shown in clauses A and A Other plate types (e.g. rectangular or elliptical) are special cases to be referred to in the pertinent literature. In the case of valves, a superposition of load cases may occur resulting from internal pressure loading and additional forces. The load cases then can be considered to originate from individual loadings, as was done before, and be covered by a summation of moments. In this case, however, it shall be taken into account that the maximum moments of the individual loadings will not result in the maximum total moment in any case. In this case, the location and size of the maximum shall be determined considering the course of the load cases. The strength condition is either contained in the wall thickness formulae or is written explicitly as follows: 6 M max (A 3.2-28) r , t = 1.5 S m s2


hv hD

The dimensioning of flat plates shall be made in accordance with Section A 2.6. A 3.3 Bolts for valves Bolts for valves shall be calculated according to Section A 2.8.

bD a s1

d2 dD d1 da

A 3.4 Self-sealing cover plates (1) Design values and units relating to Section A 3.4 Notation a b bD da d0 d1 d2 h0 hD hv h1 s1 Fax FB FZ MB Design value width of bearing width of spacer width of raised facing outside diameter of body inside diameter of body inside diameter of ring groove diameter of cover plate minimum height of bearing surface minimum height of facing thickness of cover plate thickness of lap ring R body wall thickness at location of ring groove axial force axial force distributed uniformly over the circumference additional axial force bending moment Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm N N N Nmm

Figure A 3.4-1: Self-sealing cover plates The axial force distributed uniformly over the circumference is calculated as follows: (A 3.4-1) FB = p d 0 2 + F Z 4 FZ is an additional axial force acting in the same direction (equation A 3.4-3 to A 3.4-8: force applied over cover; equation A 3.4-9 and A 3.4-10: additional loadings applied over the body, e.g. axial force, bending moment). In the case of a bending moment and an axial force, FZ is determined as follows: FZ = Fax + 4 MB d1 + s1 (A 3.4-2)

(4) The minimum width of the pressure-retaining areas on the bearing surface and on the spacer are obtained considering frictional conditions and sealing requirements: a, b FB 1.5 d 0 S m (A 3.4-3)

(5) The minimum thickness of the lap ring R is obtained from the calculation against shear and bending, and the maximum value obtained shall be inserted. Regarding shear the following applies: 2 FB h1 d0 Sm Regarding bending the following applies: h 1 1.38 FB (a + b D ) / 2 d0 S m (A 3.4-5)

(2) The strength calculation is intended to examine the weakest section (section I-I or II-II in Figure A 3.4-1). At the same time, the most important dimensions of the cover plate shall be calculated by elementary procedure, e.g. the ring R inserted in the groove. In the event of dimensions deviating from the geometric conditions shown in Figure A 3.4-1 the formulae given hereinafter may be applied accordingly.

(A 3.4-4)

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KTA 3201.2

(6) The minimum height of the bearing surface (section II - II) is obtained from the design against shear 2 FB (A 3.4-6) h0 d1 S m and against bending h 0 1.13 FB a d1 S m with a = d1 d 0 2 (A 3.4-7)

A 4.3.2 Design values and units relating to Section A 4 Notation dm di da r, R s0i s0a Bi Ba
i a

Design value mean diameter (see Figure A 4-1) inside diameter outside diameter bending radii (see Figure A 4-2)

Unit mm mm mm mm

(7) For the minimum thickness of the raised face the following applies: h D 1.13 FB b D / 2 d2 S m (A 3.4-8)

calculated wall thickness at intrados mm calculated wall thickness at extrados mm factor for determining the wall thickness at the intrados factor for determining the wall thickness at the extrados mean stress at intrados mean stress at extrados depth of wrinkle distance between any two adjacent wrinkles N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm

(8) The minimum thickness hv of the cover plate can be determined by assuming an idealized, simply supported circular plate or annular ring plate (case 1, case 7 or case 8 from Table 5 of DIN 3840). (9) Strength condition for section I - I s FB a + 1 h 0 2 (d a d 0 ) + (d a s 1 ) s 1 2 s 2 2 S m 2 4 (A 3.4-9) and s 2 = FB s1 (d a s 1 ) S m (A 3.4-10)





da da 3

A 3.5 Valve flanges Valve flanges shall be calculated according to Section A 2.9.

A 4 Piping systems A 4.1 General (1) The design rules hereinafter apply to the dimensioning of individual piping components subject to internal pressure loading where the internal pressure is derived from the design pressure. Additional loadings, e.g. external forces and moments, shall be considered separately in which case the rules contained in Section 8.4 may apply to the piping components. (2) Where within dimensioning a recalculation is made of components with actual nominal wall thickness sn , the wall thickness s0n = sn - c1 - c2 shall be used in the calculation in this Annex A4. (3) The figures in this Annex do not show allowances. A 4.2 Cylindrical shells under internal pressure The calculation shall be made in acc. with clause A 2.2.2. A 4.3 Bends and curved pipes under internal pressure A 4.3.1 Scope The calculation hereinafter applies to bends and curved pipes subject to internal pressure where the ratio da/di 1.7. Diameter ratios da/di 2 are permitted if the wall thickness s0n 80 mm.


Figure A 4-1: Wrinkles on pipe bend
Note: The w rink les in Figure A 4-1 are sho w n excessively fo r claritys sake.

si di /2 di /2 sa

da /2 R
Figure A 4-2: Notations used for pipe bend

da /2

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KTA 3201.2

A 4.3.3 Allowable wrinkling Wrinkles the dimensions of which meet the requirements hereinafter, need not be recalculated: a) Depth of wrinkling hm = da 2 + da 4 d a 3 0.03 d m 2 (A 4-1)

Ba =

da r da r 1 2 s0 s0 2 s0 s0 r d a s0 2 s0
2 2 2

(A 4-8)

b) Ratio of distance a to depth hm of wrinkle a 12 hm A 4.3.4 Calculation

r d d a a 1 2 s0 2 s0 s0

(A 4-2)

The factor Ba can be taken from Figure A 4-6 in dependence of R/da and s0/da. (6) Calculation of stresses In the equations (A 4-9) to (A 4-12) either the nominal diameters dan and din in connection with the wall thicknesses s0na and s0ni, respectively or actual diameters in connection with actual wall thicknesses minus allowances c1 and c2 shall be used. The strength condition for the intrados at given inside diameter shall be p d i 2 r 0,5 d i p (A 4-9) + Sm i = 2 s 0i 2 r d i s 0i 2 The strength condition for the intrados at given outside diameter shall be p (d a s 0 i s 0 a ) i = 2 s0i (A 4-10) 2 R 0.5 d a + 1.5 s 0 i 0 ,5 s 0 a p + Sm 2 R da + s 0 i 2 The strength condition for the extrados at given inside diameter shall be a = p d i 2 r + 0.5 d i p + Sm s 0 a 2 r + di + s 0 a 2 2 (A 4-11)

(1) For the calculation of the wall thickness of bends or curved pipes under internal pressure the requirements of clause A 2.1 apply in which case it shall be taken into account that the loading at the intrados is greater by the factor Bi and at the extrados is smaller by Ba than at straight cylindrical shells. (2) The calculated wall thickness at the intrados is obtained from s0i = s0 Bi (A 4-3)

(3) The calculated wall thickness at the extrados is obtained from s0a = s0 Ba (4) Determination of the factor Bi For bends and curved pipes with given inside diameters the following applies: Bi = r r di di r di + (A 4-5) 2 s0 2 s0 s0 2 s0 s0 2 s0

(A 4-4)

The factor Bi may also be taken from Figure A 4-3 in dependence of r/di and s0/di. For bends and curved pipes with given outside diameter the following applies: d r da r Bi = a + + 1 2 s0 s0 2 s0 s0 r d a s0 2 s0
2 2 2

The strength condition for the extrados at given outside diameter shall be p (d a s 0 i s 0 a ) a = 2 s0i (A 4-12) 2 R + 0.5 d a + 0.5 s 0 i 1.5 s 0 a p + Sm 2 R + da s 0 a 2

A 4.4 Bends and curved pipes under external pressure (A 4-6) For bends and curved pipes under external pressure all requirements of clause A 2.2 apply with the following additional requirements: a) The buckling length l shall be determined over the developed length of the bend or curved pipe. b) In the calculation against plastic deformation as per Section A 2 the additional safety factor fv = 1.2 shall be replaced by fvB according to the following equation: r 0.25 d (A 4-13) fvB = fv a r 0.5 da A 4.5 Reducers Reducers shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of clause A 2.4.2.

r d d a a 1 2 s0 2 s0 s0

The factor Bi may also be taken from Figure A 4-4 in dependence of R/da and s0/da. (5) Determination of the factor Ba For bends and curved pipes with given inside diameter the following applies: r di di di r r (A 4-7) Ba = + + 2 s0 2 s0 2 s0 s0 s0 2 s0 The factor Ba may also be taken from Figure A 4-5 in dependence of r/di and s0/di. For bends and curved pipes with given outside diameters the following applies:

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1.6 s0 / di = 0.25 1.5 0.2 1.4

Factor B i


0.1 1.3 0.05 0 1.2


1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r / di

Figure A 4-3: Factor Bi for the intrados at given inside diameter





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KTA 3201.2







s0 / da = 0.25


Factor B i






1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 R / da

Figure A 4-4: Factor Bi for the intrados at given outside diameter





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KTA 3201.2






Factor B a


0 0.05 0.1


0.15 0.2 s0 / di = 0.25




0.75 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r / di

Figure A 4-5: Factor Ba for the extrados at given inside diameter





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Factor B a



0 0.825 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.80 0.2 s0 / di = 0.25 0.775

0.75 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 R / da

Figure A 4-6: Factor Ba for the extrados at given outside diameter





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KTA 3201.2

A 4.6 Butt welding tees A 4.6.1 Butt welding tees forged from solid A Scope (1) These calculation rules apply to butt welding tees forged from the solid as well as bored and turned butt welding tees with nominal diameter not exceeding DN 100. They only consider loadings resulting from internal pressure. Additional forces and moments shall be considered separately. (2) The dimensions a and b shall not be less than the values given in DIN 2615-2. (3) The external transition radius r2 shall be at least 0.1 dAa. (4) A wall thickness ratio sA/sH not exceeding 2 is permitted for dAi not exceeding 50 mm. This also applies to nozzles with dAi greater than 50 mm, provided that the diameter radio dAi/dHi does not exceed 0.2. For branches with a diameter radio dAi/dHi greater than 0.2 the ratio sA/sH shall basically not exceed 1.3. Higher values are permitted if a) the additional nozzle wall thickness exceeding the aforementioned wall thickness ratio is not credited for reinforcement of the nozzle opening but is selected for design reasons or b) the nozzle is fabricated with reinforcement area reduced in length (e.g. nozzles which are conical to improve test conditions for the connecting pipe) in which case the lacking metal area for reinforcement due to the reduced influence length may be compensated by adding metal to the reduced influence length or c) the ratio of nozzle diameter to run pipe diameter does not exceed 1 : 10. A General The weakening of the run pipe may be compensated by an increase of the wall thickness in the highly loaded zone at the opening (see Figure A 4-7) which can be obtained by forging or machining. A Design values and units See clause A 4.7.3 and Figure A 4-7 with respect to the design values and units. In addition, the following applies. Notation dHa dAa s1 s2
+ sA + sH

A Calculation (1) For the calculation of the effective lengths of the run and the branch clause A shall apply. (2) The required area of reinforcement shall be determined according to clause A

dAa s2





(A 4-14) (A 4-15)

Figure A 4-7: Branch forged from solid, bored or turned

A Equivalent wall thicknesses for connection at branch and run pipe outlet
+ + The wall thicknesses s H and s A required by Section 8.4 for

stress analysis are those wall thicknesses obtained for pipes with the outside diameters dHa and dAa if they are dimensioned with the allowable internal pressure p+ for tees. Then, the following applies.
+ sH =

p + d Ha 2 Sm + p

+ + s A = s H d Aa / d Ha

For simplification p+ = p can be taken.

A 4.6.2 Die-formed butt welding tees A Scope (1) These calculation rules apply to seamless tees fabricated by die-forming from seamless, rolled or forged pipes (see Figure A 4-8).

Design value nominal outside diameter of run pipe at outlet nominal outside diameter for branch connection nominal wall thickness of run pipe at outlet nominal wall thickness for branch connection equivalent wall thickness for branch connection equivalent wall thickness for run pipe at outlet allowable internal pressure in tee

Unit mm mm

dAa s2

mm mm mm N/mm2

a a




Figure A 4-8: Die-formed butt-welding tee

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KTA 3201.2

(2) The dimensions a and b shall not exceed the values given in DIN 2615-2. For tees with nominal diameters exceeding DN 300 the following equations apply for the dimensions a and b: a 0.75 dHa and b 0.5 dHa + 0.25 dAa (A 4-17) (A 4-16)

A p1 /cos + A p2 + A p3 + A p 4 V p + 0.5 S m A (A 4-24) (2) With e as maximum value of H

e = 0.5 d Ai + 0.5 dHm s H H e = 0.5 dAi + 2/3 (sH + sA) H e = 0.5 dAi + sA + r2 (1 - sin ), H

(A 4-25) (A 4-26) (A 4-27)

(3) The external transition radius r2 shall be at least 0.1 dAa. (4) At no location shall the wall thickness of the tee be more than twice and not less than 0.875 times the connecting wall thickness s1. Only at the branch outlet the wall thickness may be reduced to 0.875 s2 on a maximum length of 2 s2.

however, not to exceed e = a, and with eA as computed H above the following condition shall be satisfied additionally A 1 /cos + 2 / 3 A p2 + A p3 + A p 4 p p + 0.5 S m V A (A 4-28) The areas Ap and A are shown in Figure A 4-9.

A Design values and units See clause A 4.7.3 and Figure A 4-8 regarding the design values and units. In addition, the following applies: Notation Ap A Design value pressure loaded area according to Figure A 4-9 Unit mm2

dAa sA A or A s02 dAi


effective cross-sectional areas acc. to mm2 Figure A 4-9 upon deduction of wall thickness nominal outside diameter of run pipe at outlet nominal outside diameter of branch connection equivalent wall thickness of run pipe at outlet

dHa dAa
+ sH + sA

mm mm mm


A p3

A p4


A p1 or A p1

A p2
(A 4-29) (A 4-30)

equivalent wall thickness for branch mm connection nominal wall thickness for run pipe at outlet nominal wall thickness for branch connection mm mm

eH or eH




Figure A 4-9: Reinforcement area dimensions for butt welding tees

A Calculation (1) With eH as maximum value of eH = dAi eH = 0.5 dAi + sH + sA eH = 0.5 dAi + sA + r2 (1 - sin ), (A 4-18) (A 4-19) (A 4-20)

A Equivalent wall thickness for connection of run pipe and branch outlet
+ (1) The connecting wall thicknesses sH and s + required by A

however, not to exceed eH = a and with eA as the greater value of eA = 0.5

Section 8.4 for stress analysis then lead to a value S being the greater value obtained from V and , (see clause V A to become p d Ha + sH = 2S + p
+ sA =

0.5 d Am s A + r2

(A 4-21) (A 4-22)

eA = r2 cos however not to exceed eA = b - (r2 + sH) cos - 0.5 dHi the following condition shall be satisfied

p d Aa + = s H d Aa / d Ha 2S + p

(A 4-23)

+ + (2) As S Sm must be satisfied, s H and s A can also be

determined with Sm instead of S. Page 135

KTA 3201.2

A 4.7 Reinforcement of openings in pipe run A 4.7.1 Scope (1) The scope of the calculation rules hereinafter is given in clause A (2) The rules consider the loadings resulting from internal pressure. Additional forces and moments shall be considered separately.

(6) Openings need not be provided with reinforcement if the following requirements are met: a) A single opening has a diameter not exceeding 0.2 0.5 dHm s H , or, if there are two or more openings within any circle of diameter 2.5 0.5 d Hm s H , but the sum of the diameters of such unreinforced openings shall not exceed 0.25 0.5 d Hm s H and b) no two unreinforced openings shall have their centres closer to each other, measured on the inside wall of the run pipe, than the sum of their diameters, and c) no unreinforced opening shall have its edge closer than 2.5 0.5 d Hm s H to the centre of any other locally stressed area (structural discontinuity).
Note: See clause for definition of locally stressed area.

A 4.7.2 General (1) Openings shall be circular or elliptical. Further requirements are to be met when using the stress intensity values according to Section 8.4. (2) The angle (see Figure A 2.7-8) between nozzle axis and run pipe axis shall not be less than 60 , but shall not exceed 120. (3) Openings in a run pipe may be reinforced as follows: a) by selecting a greater wall thickness for the run pipe than is required for an unpierced run. This wall thickness shall be provided at least up to a length eH measured from the axis of the opening, b) by branches which, on a length eA measured from the surface of the run, have a greater wall thicknesses than is required for internal pressure loading. The material required for reinforcement shall be distributed uniformly over the periphery of the branch, c) by a combination of the measures shown in a) and b) above. Regarding a favourable shape not leading to increased loadings/stresses subclause c) shall be complied with. (4) In the case of several adjacent openings the conditions for the area of reinforcement shall be satisfied for be planes through the centre of the opening and normal to the surface of the run pipe. (5) When an opening is to be reinforced the following diameter and wall thickness ratios shall be adhered to: A wall thickness ratio sA/sH not exceeding 2 is permitted for dAi not exceeding 50 mm. This also applies to branches with dAi greater than 50 mm, provided that the diameter radio dAi/dHi does not exceed 0.2. For branches with a diameter radio dAi/dHi greater than 0.2 the ratio sA/sH shall basically not exceed 1.3. Higher values are permitted if a) the additional branch wall thickness exceeding the aforementioned wall thickness ratio is not credited for reinforcement of the nozzle opening, but is selected for design reasons or b) the branch is fabricated with reinforcement area reduced in length (e.g. branches which are conical to improve test conditions for the connecting pipe) where the lacking metal area for reinforcement due to the reduced influence length may be compensated by adding metal to the reduced influence length or c) the ratio of branch diameter to run pipe diameter does not exceed 1 : 10.

(7) Combination of materials Where run pipe and branch are made of materials with differing design stress intensities, the stress intensity of the run pipe material, if less than that of the branch, shall govern the calculation of the entire design provided that the ductility of the branch material is not considerably smaller than that of the run pipe material. Where the branch material has a lower design stress intensity, the reinforcement zones to be located in areas provided by such material shall be multiplied by the ratio of the design stress intensity values of the reinforcement material and the run pipe material. Differences up to 4 % between the elongation at fracture of the run pipe and branch material are not regarded as considerable difference in ductility in which case 5 shall not be less than 14 %. Where the materials of the run pipe and the branch differ in their specific coefficients of thermal expansion, this difference shall not exceed 15 % of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the run pipe metal.

A 4.7.3 Design values and units (See also Figures A 2.7-8 and A 4-10 to A 4-13) Notation dAi dAm dHi dHm dn r1 r2 sA Design value inside diameter of opening plus twice the corrosion allowance c2 mean diameter of branch inside diameter of run pipe mean diameter of run pipe Unit mm mm mm mm

nominal diameter of tapered branch mm inside radius of branch pipe minimum radius acc. to clause 5.2.6 nominal wall thickness of branch including reinforcement, but minus allowances c1 and c2 mm mm mm

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KTA 3201.2

Notation sA0 sH

Design value calculated wall thickness of branch nominal wall thickness of shell, vessel or head at the opening including the reinforcement, but minus allowances c1 and c2

Unit mm mm

A Effective lengths (1) The effective length of the basic shell shall be determined as follows: eH = dAi or eH = 0.5 dAi + sH + sA (A 4-33) (A 4-32)

sH0 sR sR0 y

calculated wall thickness of run pipe mm nominal wall thickness of branch pipe minus allowances c1 and c2 calculated wall thickness of connected piping slope offset distance angle between vertical and slope (see also Figures A 4-10, A 4-11 and A 4-13) mm mm mm degree

The calculation shall be based on the greater of the two values. In addition two thirds of the area of reinforcement shall be within the length 2 e (Figure A 2.7-8 and A 2.7-9) H where
e is the greater value of either H e = 0.5 [dAi + (0.5 dHm sH)1/2] H

(A 4-34)

and e = 0.5 d Ai + H sA + sH sin (A 4-35)

The following notations can be taken from Figures A 2.7-8 and A 2.7-9. Notation eA eH Design value limit of reinforcement measured normal to the run pipe wall Unit mm

(2) The effective length of a cylindrical branch shall be determined as follows: eA = 0.5 [(0.5 dAm sA)1/2 + r2] where dAm = dAi + sA See also Figures A 4-10, A 4-11, A 4-12. (3) The effective length of a tapered branch shall be determined as follows: eA = 0.5 (0.5 dn sA)1/2 where (A 4-38) (A 4-37) (A 4-36)

mm half-width of the reinforcement zone measured along the midsurface of the run pipe half-width of the zone in which two thirds of compensation must be placed mm

e H

A1, A2, metal areas available for reinforcement A3 angle between axes of branch and run pipe

mm2 degree

dn = dAi + sR + y cos See also Figure A 4-13.

(A 4-39)

A 4.7.4 Calculation A Required reinforcement (1) The total cross-sectional area A of the reinforcement required in any given plane for a pipe under internal pressure shall satisfy the following condition: A dAi sH0 (2 - sin) (A 4-31)

For branches with tapered inside diameter dn shall be determined by trial and error procedure.

A Loading scheme for metal areas available for reinforcement The metal areas A1, A2, A3 available for reinforcement used to satisfy equation (A 4-31) are shown in Figures A 2.7-8 and A 2.7-9, and shall satisfy the condition A1 + A2 + A3 equal to or greater than A.

(2) The required reinforcing material shall be uniformly distributed around the periphery of the branch.

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KTA 3201.2

dAa dAi sA sR dRa dRm Branch pipe Offset sR /2 r3 dAm

dAa dAi sR = sA Branch pipe dAm sA /2


dHi s H dHi s H
dHa sH /2 dHm sH /2 dHi s H



Figure A 4-12: Branch


Figure A 4-10: Branch

dAa dAi sA sR dRa dRm Branch pipe Offset sR /2

sH /2

dRa dAi sR Branch pipe dRm

= 90

sR /2





sH /2

dHi s H




Figure A 4-13 Branch

Figure A 4-11: Branch

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sH /2

KTA 3201.2

Annex B
Calculation methods The methods described hereinafter are intended to determine the influence coefficients (e.g. unit shear forces and unit moments, stresses, deformations) characterizing the mechanical behaviour due to loadings. These methods are based on relationships derived theoretically or experimentally for the mechanical behaviour of the structure. The calculation methods to be dealt with differ by the relationships on which they are based, the adaptability to the geometry, the type of loading and the mechanical behaviour of the materials, by the type of approach for solutions and treatment of the systems of equations, by the expressiveness of the results obtained and the extent of methods applied. B 1 Freebody method B 1.1 Scope B 1.1.1 General The freebody method makes possible the calculation of coefficients influencing the mechanical strength (e.g. stresses) and the deformation behaviour (displacements and rotations). The subdivision of the total structure in several elements (bodies) assumes that for each element the relationship between its edge deformations on the one hand and the loadings as well as the unit shear forces and moments acting on its edges on the other hand can be given. When applying differential equations the subdivision into elements is generally made such that the solutions of the applied differential equations apply to the total freebody structure. The freebody method assumes that the distribution of deformations and unit shear forces and unit moments over a certain cross-section can be represented by the respective units in a defined point of this cross-section and from these representative units the local units can be derived by means of assumptions (e.g. linear distribution through the wall thickness). These assumptions shall be permitted for solving the problem. The freebody method is primarily used to solve linear problems. B 1.1.2 Component geometry The freebody method is primarily used for the structural analysis of components comprising shells of revolutions, circular plates, circular disks, and rings subject to twisting moments. Geometric simplifications of the free bodies (elements) and the treatment of given structures by means of differential equations for suitable substitute structures are permitted if this type of idealisation leads to sufficiently exact or conservative results. Regarding the cross-sectional geometry of the elements it is possible to consider anisotropy, e.g. double-walled shells with stiffenings, orthotropic shells etc. B 1.1.3 Mechanical loadings and edge conditions Except for the prerequisites of clause B 1.1.1 the freebody method principally does not further restrict the consideration of mechanical loadings and boundary conditions. However, only in conjunction with rotationally symmetric loadings and boundary conditions relatively simple equations apply to the stress and deformation condition of the various rotationally symmetric freebody elements. Non-rotationally symmetric loadings and boundary conditions may also be considered by the aid of Fourier series; the extent of calculation grows with an increase in the number of the required Fourier coefficients. In addition, initial distortions, such as thermal strains, can be taken into account. B Local distribution of loadings The mechanical loadings can be considered as point, line, area or volume loads. B Time history of loading Any time-dependent loadings can principally be analysed by means of the freebody method in which case the usual methods of dynamics can be applied. B 1.1.4 Kinematic behaviour of the structure When applying the freebody method a fully linear kinematic behaviour can generally be assumed. This means that the deformations are small with regard to the geometric dimensions and the conditions of equilibrium are set for the undeformed element (1st order theory). B 1.1.5 Material behaviour In most cases, linear material behaviour (stress-strain relationship) is assumed, and if required, the temperature dependence of the constants and initial strains is considered. The material is mostly assumed to be homogenous and isotropic. Non-linear material behaviour may principally be considered in which case the extent of calculation generally increases. B 1.2 Principles B 1.2.1 Preliminary remark The principles of the freebody method will be explained hereinafter because they are important for its application and the evaluation of the calculation results. These explanations also serve to define the terms used in this Annex. Like for each thermo-mechanical calculation method the freebody method is based on the physical principles of continuum mechanics. These principles will be satisfied fully or by approximation when applying the freebody method.

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B 1.2.2 Basic terms and physical principles B Fields The continuum theories describe the physical properties of bodies by means of fields (e.g. displacement field, velocity field, temperature field, and others) which at least in pieces can be considered a steady function of the fixed coordinates and of the time, if required. As indicated in B 1.1.1, the fields are only given by representative units assigned to the respective cross-section. B Kinematic relationships Where a structure behaves like a continuum the displacement field in its interior is steady at any time. By kinematic boundary conditions values for displacement magnitudes at the edges of the area to be calculated are prescribed. The steadiness of a displacement field for structures the deformation of which is only described by displacement magnitudes of an area or a line (plates and shells or beams) also means that at any point of the referred section or line not only the displacements but also the rotations about the two axes lying in the cross-section or about the threedimensional axes are steady. Where a displacement field is steady and satisfies the kinematic boundary conditions it is termed kinematically compatible. Examples for kinematic edges are: rigid restraints rigid supports prescribed edge displacement magnitudes.

Boundary conditions prescribing values for magnitudes of force are called static boundary conditions. Examples for static boundary conditions are: edge loaded by area load, line load or point load load-free edge without further conditions condition for frictional forces in free supports condition for freedom from momentum of a hinged support.

At all points with static boundary conditions there will be equilibrium between external concentrated or distributed forces and moments on the one hand and the respective internal forces and moments or stress components on the other hand; here the external forces may be equal to zero. The conditions of equilibrium are equivalent to the principle of virtual work which can be formulated as follows: Where a body is in equilibrium the external virtual work done by the external loading (including volume forces) with virtual displacements is equal to the internal virtual work done by the stresses with virtual distortions. Here, virtual displacements are small kinematically admissible distortions of any magnitude. Virtual distortions can be derived from virtual displacements by means of the usual displacement-distortion-relationships. For dynamic problems the Lagrange-d'Alembert principle applies additionally which is obtained from the principle of virtual work and addition of the inertial forces. Where the structure is also subject to thermal loads (temperature balance) in addition to mechanical loads, the impulse and momentum principle shall be supplemented by the equation of energy to describe a physical behaviour, where the energy equation can be formulated as follows: The change in time of the sum of internal and kinematic energy of the volume element is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of surface and volume forces on the element and the thermal energy added per unit of time. This condition establishes, by incorporation of the impulse and momentum principles, the relationship between the change in time of temperature in the element and the threedimensional derivations of the heat fluxes. Where loadings of a structure are also due to fluidic occurrences (e.g. in piping), the conservation law of mass (continuity equation) shall be satisfied for the fluid in addition to the impulse and momentum conservation laws. The differential formulation of the conservation laws leads to generally partial differential equations for the instantaneous condition of the fields describing the physical system (displacement, displacement velocity, temperature, etc.). B Material laws For the mechanical behaviour of a material the material laws show the linear relationship between stresses and strains, whereas e.g. in the case of elasto-plastic behaviour the material law is non-linear. In the case of elastic isotropic materials the material behaviour can be described by two independent coefficients. Elastic anisotropic materials are principally not considered by the freebody method.

In the case of free supports the condition of zero displacement normal to the free surface, and in the case of hinged supports the condition of zero displacement of the hinges is kinematic (however, not the condition of freedom from stress or forces). The deformation in the proximity of any point of the structure is described by distortions (change in length of a line element, change in angle between two line elements). The prerequisite for a linear relationship between the displacements are small distortions or rotations where the order of magnitude of the rotations is, at maximum, equal to the order of magnitude of the squared distortions; where these prerequisites are satisfied, we can speak of geometric linearity. B Conservation laws For a portion or the total of a structure the impulse or momentum principle as well as static boundary conditions are satisfied. For quasi-steady mechanical events this leads to the internal conditions of equilibrium: a) sum of forces on the (deformed) volume element equals zero b) sum of moments on the (deformed) volume element equals zero.

These relationships connect the volume forces with the derivation of stresses from the coordinates. In the case of dynamic problems the portions of the inertial forces added Additional parameters are required in the case of thermal to the volume forces must be considered. loading (coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal diffusiviPage 140

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ty, temperature-dependent elastic moduli, etc.) and in the case of flowing fluids (heat transfer coefficients, viscosity, etc.). B 1.2.3 Principles of the method B Basic idea The basic idea of the freebody method is to consider the structure to be evaluated a statically or dynamically indeterminate system of partial structures (freebodies) which under the given loadings and boundary conditions are subject to deformation not in dependence of each other, but under the additional effect of mutual mechanical influences. B Mechanical behaviour of the individual body

the aid of the principle of virtual work, but here are applied on the entire freebody system. Depending on the calculation method, the relationships for the unknown forces and deformation parameters form a system of simultaneous equations for all force and deformation parameters of the entire structure or if transfer-function matrices are used, a system of equations for combining the state vectors at the edges (e.g. beginning and end) of the structure. In such a case, the unknown parameters within the entire structure can be determined one after the other if the prevailing boundary conditions and calculated state quantities at the edges of the entire structure are adhered to. B Resulting force and deformation parameters

The freebody method uses matrix relations between magnitudes of deformation and force. These relationships can be determined theoretically or experimentally. The pertinent differential equations shall be derived from the impulse and momentum laws, the kinematic relationship between distortions and deformations as well as from the material law. Besides the given loads (external forces) and the pressure and temperature distributions additional statically determinate forces shall be applied, if required, at one edge or several edges of the considered freebody to obtain equilibrium of forces for this body. These additional forces therefore are also known and shall be applied on the adjacent edge of the connecting freebody element in order to maintain the equilibrium of the total freebody structure. The deformations resulting from the given loads, the pressure and temperature distributions and the known additional forces are called known deformations. Where differential equations are available for the pertinent freebody element describing its mechanical behaviour, analytical or numerical solutions can be developed by integration when the boundary conditions are maintained. These solutions, in the form of matrix relations, will show the relationship between the known physical parameters (forces, moments, displacements and rotations) at any point of the pertinent freebody element. These relationships may also be found by means of other mathematical methods or by experiments. B Mechanical cooperation of freebody elements in the system

The solutions resulting from the system of equations for the unknown force and deformation parameters, together with the known force and deformation parameters, will lead to the resulting force and deformation parameters. Deformations and pertinent stresses shall be evaluated.

B Properties of the solutions The solutions obtained by the freebody method represent approximations for general reasons: a) The differential equations may contain simplifications made either to make an analytical solution possible or to obtain a simplified analytical solution (e.g. continuum regarded as thin shell). The simplifications in the differential equations themselves shall be based on physical geometric conditions which are permitted with respect to the problem finding and calculation method. b) The composite solution of the differential equation may represent an approximation e.g. with respect to the boundary conditions or the loading, or it will only apply in a limited range of definition. c) If the solution of the differential equations is found by numerical integration, the exactness depends on the order of approximation and the step size. d) The system of equations for the elastic cooperation of freebody elements in the system may be conditioned unfavourably, e.g. in the case where the element length is small with respect to the die-out length. B 1.3 Application B 1.3.1 Idealisation B Idealisation of the structure The total structure is substituted, by way of approximation, by a number of adjacent freebody elements the mechanical behaviour of which corresponds to that of the structure as far as required by the intended expressiveness of the results obtained. The meridional lengths of the elements shall be selected in dependence of the approximate character of the differential equations used and their approximate solutions as well as of the die-out lengths of edge discontinuities and the numerical character of the pertinent systems of equations.

Where the individual elements of a system are subjected to given loads and additional forces, each element - seen for its own - undergoes deformations as per clause B The loads and additional forces applied on each element are in equilibrium with each other, however, the deformations of adjacent elements generally do not satisfy the compatibility conditions at first. To obtain compatibility therefore the application of suitable additional indeterminate forces and deformation parameters is required the magnitude and orientation of which shall be determined from the mutual mechanical influences of all elements of the freebody system. The equations of this system are derived by means of equilibrium conditions or by

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B Idealisation of loads At first the individual freebody elements are considered independently of each other and subjected to the given external influences, e.g. pressure and temperature distributions, as well as the given loads (external edge forces and moments). If the physical model used does not make possible the exact consideration of the given load applied, the load may also be substituted by approximation by a suitable statically equivalent system of forces; simplifications made here shall be permitted with regard to the problems to be solved. The distribution of edge loads on the edges of adjacent elements in the common cross-sectional area of which they are applied can be made arbitrarily. Besides the given loads additional statically determinate forces shall apply, if required on an edge or several edges of the element under consideration to obtain equilibrium of forces for this element. Accordingly, the additional forces are also known and shall be applied with inverted signs on the adjacent edge of the connecting element to maintain the equilibrium of forces of the entire structure. B Idealisation of boundary conditions The static and kinematic boundary condition cannot be idealised exactly if the pertinent boundary conditions cannot be dealt with exactly by the approximate calculations applied. This applies e.g. to a) rotationally non-symmetric boundary conditions with slight deviation of rotational symmetry in case of approximate calculations for purely rotationally symmetric loadings b) loadings of areas with little extension in one direction if the loadings are idealised as line loads c) displacements along a curve approximated by draft of traverse (progression). Such approximations shall be permitted for the problems to be solved. B Control of input data A control of the input data is indispensable and should be made, as far as possible by means of the data stored by the program. Routines to check the input data as well as graphic representations of input data, e.g. of the geometry, boundary conditions and loadings are purposeful. B 1.3.2 Programs B General Calculations made by means of the freebody method are generally made by programs on data processing systems. B Documentation of programs Each program used shall be documented. The following items shall be documented or indicated:

a) identification of the program including state of change b) theoretical principles c) range of application and prerequisites d) description of program organisation as far as required for the use and evaluation of the program e) input instructions for program control and problem description f) explanation of output g) examples of application The theoretical part of the documentation shall contain all theoretical principles on which the program is based. If required, the respective literature shall be referred to. In the examples of application part demonstrative and checked calculation examples for application shall be contained. B Reliability of programs In case of extensive freebody method programs it cannot be assumed that all possible calculation methods are free from errors. Therefore the following items shall be considered to evaluate the reliability of the program: a) modular program build-up b) standardized program language c) central program maintenance d) large number of users and extensive use of the program, especially for the present range of application. The program can be expected to operate reliably to the extent where the aforementioned items are satisfied for the respective program version. B 1.3.3 Evaluation of calculation results B General The first step to evaluate calculation results is the check whether the results are physically plain. This plausibility control is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the usability of the results obtained. Therefore, the calculation model, the correctness of the data and the proper performance and use of the program is to be checked additionally. B Physical control For the freebody method the physical control of the results covers the check of the following solution results: a) Consistency conditions b) equilibrium conditions c) edge conditions d) symmetry conditions e) stresses and deformations in locations remote from discontinuities f) die-out of edge discontinuities.

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B Numerical control B Examination of results obtained by numerical solution procedures

Under certain circumstances, the numerical exactness of the calculation may be improved if the number of digits is increased or, in case of numerical integration, the step size is decreased. The quality of idealisation may be examined by comparative calculations with other generally more precise idealisations or idealisations covering the mechanical behaviour of the component more exactly. The theoretical formulation can be examined together with the programming by comparative calculations using programs with other theoretical bases if the same idealisation and number of digits is used. Comparative calculations made with the same or different programs and the same idealisations serve to control the input data if the latter have been established independently B Comparison with calculations made to other calculation methods Where other calculation methods, e.g. the finite differences method (FDM) according to Section B 2 or the finite element method (FEM) according to Section B 3 satisfy the conditions for treating the respective problem, they may be used for comparative calculations. Such calculations then serve to evaluate the sum of all properties of both solutions. B Comparison with results obtained by experiments The evaluation of results obtained from calculations to the freebody method may be made in part or in full by comparison with the experimental results in which case the particularities and limits of the measuring procedure shall be taken into account. The measuring results may be obtained by measurements on the model (e.g. photoelastic examinations) or measurements on the components (strain or displacement measurements) if all essential parameters can be simulated. When using models they shall be representative for the problem to be solved. This comparison especially serves to evaluate the admissibility of assumptions on which the freebody method is based.

A method often used to numerically solve differential equations is e.g. the Runge-Kutta method which, with general other approximation methods to be performed step-by-step has in common that the exactness of the solution strongly depends on the order of the derivations considered and the step sizes selected. Therefore, it is not possible to evaluate the absolute error within the Runge-Kutta method. Where, however, the approximate solutions converge with decreasing step sizes to obtain an exact solution, a relative exactness can be demonstrated by comparison of two approximate solutions obtained by different step sizes. B Check of the calculation method When applying the freebody method numerical errors may occur especially when solving large systems of equations due to the use of numerical solution methods for the individual freebody element (e.g. numerical integration) or due to the application of transfer-function matrices on the freebody system. In such cases, the numerical exactness shall be examined. B Examination of the solution vectors Where the elements of the solution vector are inserted in the original equations, information is obtained on the order of magnitude of the numerical error if the coefficient matrix has been conditioned to a sufficient extent. B Comparison with results obtained from other examinations

B General To evaluate the results from freebody method calculations the following may substitute or supplement other examinations: a) comparison with other calculations made to the freebody method b) comparison with calculations made to other methods c) comparison with experimental results. The selection of the examination method to be used for the comparison depends on where the emphasis of examination is to be placed (theoretical formulation, programming, idealisation, input data and, if required, numerical exactness). For the comparative calculation it is possible to use equivalent or differing programs, operating systems, data processing plants and idealisations. B Comparison with other calculations made to the freebody method By comparison of results obtained from a calculation to the freebody method with results obtained from other calculations made to the freebody method, the theoretical formulation, programming, idealisation, input data, and numerical exactness of the calculation can be evaluated in dependence of the program used and the idealisation selected.

B 2 Finite differences method (FDM) B 2.1 Scope The finite differences method (FDM) makes possible the calculation of coefficients influencing the mechanical strength (e.g. stresses) and the deformation behaviour (displacements and rotations). The requirements laid down hereinafter mainly for problems of structural mechanics can be applied accordingly to problems of heat transfer, fluid mechanics and coupled problems. With this method it is possible to cover any type of geometry and loading as well as of structural and material behaviour. Simplifications for performing calculations with respect to the geometric model, the material behaviour, the loadings

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assumed, and the kinematic behaviour shall be purposefully adjusted to the problem to be solved. B 2.1.2 Component geometry The geometry of the component to be analysed may be onedimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The capacity of the data processing plant or of the individual program as well as the extent required may be limited to cover the entire geometry. B 2.1.3 Mechanical loadings and boundary conditions When applying the finite differences method there are practically no limitations as to the type of mechanical loading and boundary conditions of a component. In addition, initial distortions, such as thermal strains, may be taken into account. B Local distribution of loadings The mechanical loadings may be considered as point, area and volume loads. B Time history of loading Any time-dependent loadings can principally be analysed by means of the finite differences method in which case the usual methods of dynamics can be applied. B 2.1.4 Kinematic behaviour of the structure Kinematic behaviour of the structure can principally be demonstrated in which case large rotations and distortions, if any, as well as plays have to be considered. Generally the method is limited to a kinematically full-linear behaviour of the structure. If required, primary instabilities (buckling) may be considered. B 2.1.5 Material behaviour In most cases, the method is limited to linear material behaviour (linear stress-strain relationship) and, if required, the temperature dependence of the constants and initial strains is considered. The consideration of non-linear material behaviour (e.g. rigid-plastic, linear elastic-ideally plastic, general elastoplastic, viscoelastic) is possible, entailing, however, great expense.

Like for each thermo-mechanical calculation method the FDM is based on the physical principles of continuum mechanics. Depending on the type of discretization method, these principles will be satisfied fully or by approximation when applying the finite differences method. B 2.2.2 Basic terms and physical principles B Fields The continuum theories describe the physical properties of bodies by means of fields (e.g. displacement field, velocity field, temperature field, and others) which at least in parts can be considered a steady function of the fixed coordinates and of the time, if required; in this case fixed three-dimensional or body coordinates may be used (Euler or Lagrange coordinates). B Kinematic relationships Where a structure behaves like a continuum the displacement field in its interior is steady at any time. By kinematic boundary conditions values for displacement magnitudes at the edges of the area to be calculated are prescribed. Where a displacement field is steady and satisfies the kinematic boundary conditions it is termed kinematically compatible. The steadiness of a displacement field for structures the deformation of which is only described by displacement magnitudes of an area or a line (plates and shells or beams) also means that at any point of the referred section or line not only the displacements but also the rotations about the two axes lying in the cross-section or about the threedimensional axes are steady. Examples for kinematic edges are: a) rigid restraints b) rigid supports c) prescribed edge displacement magnitudes. In the case of free supports the condition of zero displacement normal to the free surface, and in the case of hinged supports the condition of zero displacement of the hinges is kinematic (however, not the condition of freedom from stress or forces). The deformation in the proximity of any point of the structure is described by distortions (change in length of a line element, change in angle between two line elements). The prerequisite for a linear relationship between the displacements are small distortions or rotations where the order of magnitude of the rotations is, at maximum, equal to the order of magnitude of the squared distortions; where these prerequisites are satisfied, we can speak of geometric linearity. B Conservation laws and equilibrium conditions

B 2.2 Principles of FDM B 2.2.1 Preliminary remark The principles of FDM will be explained hereinafter only to the extent essential for FDM application and the assessment of the calculation. These explanations also serve to define the terms used in this Annex.

For a portion or the total of a structure the impulse or momentum principle as well as static boundary conditions are satisfied. For quasi-steady mechanical events this leads to the internal conditions of equilibrium: a) sum of forces on the (deformed) volume element equals zero

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b) sum of moments on the (deformed) volume element equals zero. These relationships connect the volume forces with the derivation of stresses from the coordinates. In the case of dynamic problems the portions of the inertial forces added to the volume forces must be considered. Boundary conditions prescribing values for magnitudes of force are called static boundary conditions. Examples for static boundary conditions are: a) edge loaded by area load, line load or point load b) load-free edge without further conditions c) condition for frictional forces in free supports d) condition for freedom from momentum of a hinged support At all points with static boundary conditions there will be equilibrium between internal stresses and forces and the external loadings applied which may be equal to zero. The conditions of equilibrium are equivalent to the principle of virtual work which can be formulated as follows: Where a body is in equilibrium the external virtual work done by the external loading (including volume forces) with virtual displacements is equal to the internal virtual work done by the stresses with virtual distortions. Here, virtual displacements are small kinematically admissible distortions of any magnitude. Virtual distortions can be derived from virtual displacements by means of the usual displacement-distortion-relationships. For dynamic problems the Lagrange-d'Alembert principle applies additionally which is obtained from the principle of virtual work and addition of the inertial forces. Where the structure is also subject to thermal loads (temperature balance) in addition to mechanical loads, the impulse and momentum principle shall be supplemented by the equation of energy to describe a physical behaviour, where the energy equation can be formulated as follows: The change in time of the sum of internal and kinematic energy of the volume element is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of surface and volume forces on the element and the thermal energy added per unit of time. This condition establishes, by incorporation of the impulse and momentum principles, the relationship between the change in time of temperature in the element and the threedimensional derivations of the heat fluxes. Where loadings of a structure are also due to fluidic occurrences (e.g. in piping), the conservation law of mass (continuity equation) shall be satisfied for the fluid in addition to the impulse and momentum conservation laws. The differential formulation of the conservation laws leads to generally partial differential equations for the instantaneous condition of the fields describing the physical system (displacement, displacement velocity, temperature, etc.). B Material laws For the mechanical behaviour of a material the material laws show the relationship between stresses and strains. In the case of linear-elastic material behaviour this relationship is linear, whereas e.g. in the case of elasto-plastic behaviour

the material law is non-linear. In the case of linear-elastic isotropic materials the material behaviour can be described by two independent coefficients. In the case of linear-elastic anisotropic materials up to 21 independent coefficients may be required. The material law for a fluid gives the relationship between physical states, e.g. for an ideal gas, between pressure, density and temperature (thermal state equation). Additional parameters are required in the case of thermal loading (coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal diffusivity, temperature-dependent elastic moduli, etc.) and in the case of flowing fluids (heat transfer coefficients, viscosity, etc.). B 2.2.3 Discretization B Procedure The representation of the structure as a mathematical model is termed idealisation. The base for the FDM are the differential equations describing the problem. These differential equations are solved numerically by substituting the differential quotients by difference quotients thus reducing the problem of integrating a differential equation system to the solution of an algebraic equation system (discretization). According to the type of solution of the equation system distinction is made between indirect and iterative differences methods. In addition, distinction is made as to the type of difference expressions i.e. to the degree of formulation between common and improved differences methods. The system to be examined is considered either a uniformly calculation area or divided into partial areas which are coupled. This calculation area is covered by a mesh of points of supports. In the case of certain methods differing points of supports are used for the various fields because this makes the construction of differential quotients easier. The vector continuously changing according to the infinitesimal theory thus is replaced by a finite set of discrete vectors which are only defined at the points of support of the mesh (junction nodes). Accordingly, continuous fields are approximated by finite discrete sets of functional values (discrete field components) at the junction nodes and, if required, also at intermediate points. The exactness of the solution of differential equations depends, among other things, on the algebraic combination of the discrete field components. Which degree of exactness is to be attributed to a three-dimensional differential quotient can be identified by the fact that the differential operation and the assigned differences operation is applied to a threedimensional wave (Fourier method) and the results are compared. Where the results only differ in square and higher exponent terms of the ratio of the three-dimensional extension of a mesh cell to the wavelength of the mode, this approximation is termed 2nd order approximation. At sufficiently small values of this ratio the 2nd order approximation will suffice in most cases.

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The maximum allowable mesh width depends on the smallest wavelength of the field to be approximated (long wave approximation). This decision aid is not limited to linear problems as in most cases non-linear problems can be approximated piecewise to linear states of change. However, in the case of non-linear behaviour it shall be credited that due to the dependence of the material characteristics (such as modules and density) of the extent of loading the wavelengths are also influenced. With respect to the exactness it can also be said that the smallest wavelength occurring governs the mesh width of the point of support mesh. For the discretization of the time variables at occurrences which depend both on the three-dimensional coordinates and the time, similar criteria can be won by applying the differences equation to a Fourier mode changing threedimensionally and in time. The resulting relationship between dispersion velocity and wavelength (dispersion relationship) depends on the mesh width of the (threedimensional) point of support mesh and additionally from the step in time (i.e. from the points of supports in the time domain). By a suitable selection of the step in time the dispersion relationship can approach the differential equation (at least in certain in frequency areas). Depending on the form of algebraic combination of the discrete field components in the differences equation explicit or implied procedures for the solution of differences equations are obtained. A solution method is termed explicit if the discrete field components at any point of time can be calculated directly from values known for earlier points of time of the components without the need of solving an equation system; if this is not the case, one speaks of implied solution methods. Implied algorithms generally require an increased extent of calculation than explicit methods do; this higher extent may, however, be justified with respect to the exactness and stability of the solutions (see clause B 2.3.2).

b) Stability The difference algorithm shall be established such that the discretization errors do not accumulate. In the case of time-dependent problems a matrix (amplification matrix) can be given for any differences method, which links the error at a certain point of time with the error at an earlier point of time. The stability of the solutions is ensured if the amounts of all eigenvalues of the amplification matrix is smaller than or equal to unity. This requirement cannot always be met (especially in the case of non-linear differences systems) for each range of values of the relevant parameters or parameter functions (time step, cell size, constitutive equations, etc.), but in most cases only for certain limited ranges of these values. In such cases the difference algorithm is only conditionally stable. c) Convergence The solution of the differences equations shall converge against the exact solution if the three-dimensional and time increments tend to zero. Where the differential equations of a problem with correct start and boundary conditions are approximated by consistent differences equations, the stability of the differences solution is required and will suffice for the convergence. Where the shape of the discretized shape clearly deviates from the actual shape of the structure, this may lead to inaccuracies. In many cases the approximation of curved contours changes the discrete field components by piecewise straight or plane elements only incidentially, however magnitudes derived from the field components, such as distortion and stress components can only hardly be interpreted at such artifical kinks. (2) Numerical approximation

For a given physical discretization the numerical solution deviates from the exact solution. This deviation is due to the following two causes: a) Due to the limited number of digits in the data processing system initial truncate errors and rounding errors will occur. This may especially effect systems with extremely differing physical characteristics in the calculation model. By the calculation of conditioning figures which make possible an estimation of the amplification of the initial truncate error by the rounding errors, one can obtain a lower, often very conservative limit for the number of numerically exact digits. b) In the case of certain algorithms, e.g. iterative solution of equation or iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem, one error will remain which depends on the given limit of accuracy. B 2.3 Application of FDM B 2.3.1 Idealisation B Extent of idealisation Mechanical problems may be calculated both globally and in a detailed manner. The requirements for the results to be obtained are decisive for the extent of idealisation. By the selection of the differences approximation, fixation of the three-dimensional and time-based points of support and

B Characteristics of the solutions The solutions calculated by FDM are approximate solutions in two respects: (1) Physical discretization On account of the limited number of possible degrees of freedom due to the discretization of the continuum the problem-relevant physical principles cannot generally be satisfied exactly. The following requirements for a differences method shall be made so that the approximate solutions can reflect the physical occurrences to a sufficiently exact extent: a) Compatibility The differences equations shall bring back marginal transitions to infinitesimal cell extensions and time intervals to the differential equations to be solved. Here it shall be taken into account that there are threedimensional and time step dependent differences equations which among certain circumstances and depending on the selection of increments converge to differing differential equations (inflexible diagram of differences versus flexible diagram of differences).

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idealisation of the boundary conditions the quality of the approximation is influenced decisively. B Differences approximation The suitability of the differences approximation for the problem class and problem-induced boundary conditions (e.g. application of load, distribution of load, support) is to be taken into account with respect to the problem to be solved. B Determination of points of support The location and number of points of support shall be selected such that the calculation result is sufficiently exact for the respective problem to be solved. For the arrangement of the points of support the influence of the differences approximation shall also be considered. Here, the following shall be taken into account: a) Where the calculation problem requires knowledge of strongly varying field components, e.g. strains or stresses, the fineness of the point of support mesh shall be selected accordingly. b) The limits between various governing material characteristics shall be considered. c) Extensive irregularities in the (three-dimensional) arrangement of the points of support as well as differences in the governing characteristics from point of support to point of support may effect the deterioration of the conditioning of the equation matrix. d) Within the problem to be solved the point of support mesh shall make possible an exact representation of the applied forces and other loadings and the boundary conditions. e) For dynamic problems the network shall be so designed that the dynamic behaviour of the structure is made accessible to calculation. The number and type of degrees of freedom shall be selected such that the type of movements which are of interest can be described. f) The structure shall be idealised such that neither local nor global singularities of the stiffness matrix occur. Otherwise, they shall be credited by the solution algorithm. The treatment of local near-singularities (according to the conditioning and calculation exactness) shall not lead to an adulteration of the physical behaviour of the structure. In the case of near-singularities the sufficient numerical exactness of the results shall be checked. g) For physical reasons, e.g. cutting-off of material or penetration, or for numerical reasons (bad conditioning of the equation system, e.g. in strongly distorted meshes in a Lagrange representation) it may become necessary that the points of support mesh is fixed anew partially or in full in the course of calculation operation. B Formulation of boundary conditions The boundary conditions may comprise conditions for external force and displacement magnitudes; they may also consist of conditions for unit forces and moments on imaginary intersections. This is e.g. the case for detailed examinations and when using symmetry conditions; by this the

results however, shall not be changed inadmissibly with respect to the problem to be solved. Boundary conditions with changes in load shall be taken into account especially with respect to non-linearities. B Determination of load and time increments The load or time increments shall be selected such that the course of the discrete field components over the load parameters or over the time is sufficiently covered with respect to the problem to be solved, and that the numerical stability of the solution is ensured. The increments may be changed within the course of a calculation, in which case it will be useful, depending on the problem class and differences approximation, to admit only gradual changes. B Control of input data Due to the large number of input data a control of the input data is indispensable and should be made, as far as possible by means of the data stored by the program. Routines to check the input data as well as graphic representations of input data, e.g. of the geometry, boundary conditions and loadings are purposeful. B 2.3.2 Programs B General Calculations made by means of the finite differences method (FDM) are only made by programs on data processing systems due to the large number of computing operations. B Documentation of programs Each program used shall be documented. The following items shall be documented or indicated: a) identification of the program including state of change b) theoretical principles c) range of application and prerequisites d) description of program organisation as far as required for the use and evaluation of the program e) input instructions for program control and problem description f) explanation of output g) examples of application. The theoretical part of the documentation shall contain all theoretical principles on which the program is based. If required, the respective literature shall be referred to. In the examples of application part demonstrative and checked calculation examples for application shall be contained. B Reliability of programs In case of extensive FDM programs it cannot be assumed that all possible calculation methods are free from errors. Therefore the following items shall be considered to evaluate the reliability of the program:

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a) modular program build-up b) standardized program language c) central program maintenance d) large number of users and extensive use of the program, especially for the present range of application. The program can be expected to operate reliably to the extent where the aforementioned items are satisfied for the respective program version. B 2.3.3 Evaluation of calculation results B General The first step to evaluate calculation results is the check whether the results are physically plain. The better the totality of the results obtained can be evaluated, the more expressive is the check. This plausibility control is a necessary condition for the usability of the results obtained. In addition, the calculation model, the correctness of the data and the proper performance and use of the program is to be checked additionally. As each solution obtained with each discretizing numerical procedure is an approximation of the physical behaviour it shall be checked whether the quality of the approximation is sufficient for the problem to be solved. Where the validity of the discretization and the numerical procedures is to be proved by such checks the latter may be omitted when they have already been performed within other calculations that are directly comparable. Problems are directly comparable where both the structure and the loadings are qualitatively the same and where all parameters strongly characterising the calculation are nearly coincident. B Physical control B Preliminary remark As already shown in clause B the finite differences method leads to components of the considered field units only at discrete locations. If required, this may necessitate an interpretation of the given discrete solution by interpolation or extrapolation (Example: boundary condition or coupling of partial calculation areas). B Steadiness and monotony requirements for discrete field components In most of the problem classes of the considered FDM range of application the field components shall show a steady or piecewise monotonous three-dimensional course and time history in areas with continuous geometry as well as with constant or continuously varying material characteristics and loadings. For some problems this shall also apply to certain derivations of the field components (see clause B Where, in such ranges, the respective discrete field components or their respective derivations show strong oscillations it shall be checked whether instability is present. Exceptions to the abovementioned course of field components are, e.g. extensive discontinuities at certain shells or shock waves.

B Fulfilment of conservations laws and material laws The conservation laws are fulfilled locally and globally by the exact solution, however only globally by the FDM solution except for certain methods. This may be both due to the discretization and the special selection of the differences operations. At least in the latter case it shall be checked whether the error lies within the conservation magnitudes, e.g. in the impulse or energy, at least globally in a range suited to the respective problem. Such a check of the conservation magnitudes shall also be made if during the course of calculation the points of support mesh is defined anew (see clause B g). Where discontinuities are found in the solution, a local check shall be made additionally to the global check the extent of control of which contains the respective discontinuity. In the case of problems with non-linear material laws it shall be ensured that these laws are satisfied.

B Numerical control B Preliminary remark Principally the error is diminished by a finer subdivision of the structure to be examined due to the physical discretization and the susceptibility for numerical error is generally increased. At least in the case of explicit methods an improved discretization in the three-dimensional range also necessitates a decrease of the time or load steps for reasons of stability. Where due to the discretization numerical errors may be expected, the numerical quality of the solution must be checked. (Errors due to the physical discretization are not dealt with in this connection, see clause B The influence of the initial truncate and rounding errors can be dininished if the entire calculation is performed with a higher number of valid digits from the beginning (and not at the time of solution of the system equation)

B Examination of the solution vectors Where the elements of the solution vector are inserted in the original equation system, information is obtained on the order of magnitude of the numerical error in the case of implied differences methods.

B Control for numerical instability Numerical instability due to unsuitably selected discretization generally leads to results which infringe on the monotony requirements laid down in clause B Therefore, numerical instability can be detected easily. In certain problem classes (dissipative systems) hidden instability may occur. This can be checked e.g. by a confirmatory calculation with an improved discretization in which case care shall be taken that numerical methods may also show dissipative characteristics.

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B Control by means of condition figures Condition figures permit the indication of upper boundaries for the magnitude of the entirety of initial truncate and rounding errors, however not for errors in the individual components of the solution vector. B Comparison with calculations made by other methods

examinations) or measurements on the components (strain or displacement measurements) if all essential parameters can be simulated. When using models they shall be representative for the problem to be solved. This comparison especially serves to evaluate the admissibility of physical assumptions on which the idealisation is based.

B 3 Finite element method (FEM) B 3.1 Scope B 3.1.1 General The finite element method (FEM) makes possible the calculation of coefficients influencing the mechanical strength (e.g. stresses) and the deformation behaviour (displacements and rotations). The requirements laid down hereinafter mainly for problems of structural mechanics can be applied accordingly to problems of heat transfer, fluid mechanics and coupled problems. With this method it is possible to cover any type of geometry and loading as well as of structural and material behaviour. Simplifications for performing calculations with respect to the geometric model, the material behaviour, the loadings assumed, and the kinematic behaviour shall be purposefully adjusted to the problem to be solved. B 3.1.2 Component geometry The geometry of the component to be analysed may be onedimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The capacity of the data processing plant or of the individual program as well as the extent required may be limited to cover the entire geometry. B 3.1.3 Mechanical loadings and boundary conditions When applying the finite element method there are practically no limitations as to the type of mechanical loading and edge conditions of a component In addition, initial distortions, such as thermal strains, may be taken into account. B Local distribution of loadings The mechanical loadings may be considered as point, area and volume loads. B Time history of loading Any time-dependent loadings can principally be analysed by means of the finite element method in which case the usual methods of dynamics can be applied. B 3.1.4 Kinematic behaviour of the structure Kinematic behaviour of the structure can principally be demonstrated in which case large rotations and distortions, if any, as well as clearance have to be considered.

B General To evaluate the results from calculations made to FDM the following comparisons may be made to supplement or substitute the examinations made in accordance with clauses B, B, B, B, and B a) comparison with other FDM calculations b) comparison with calculations made to other methods c) comparison with experimental results. The selection of the examination method to be used for comparison depends on where the emphasis of examination is to be placed (theoretical formulation, programming, idealisation, input data or numerical exactness). B Comparison with other FDM methods By comparison of the results obtained from a calculation to FDM with results obtained from other FDM calculations individual or all characteristics of the FDM solution can be evaluated depending on the idealisation selected as well as the program, data processing system and operating system. When checking the program reliability by comparative calculations an independent program and the same discretization shall be used. The numerical exactness may be improved if the number of digits is increased accordingly. The validity of the idealisation may be checked by means of comparative calculations with other idealisations. Comparative calculations made with the same or different programs and the same idealisations serve to control the input data if the latter have been established independently. B Comparison with calculations made to other calculation methods Where other calculation methods, e.g. the finite element method (FEM) or the freebody method satisfy the conditions for treating the respective problem, they may be used for comparative calculations. Such calculations then serve to evaluate the sum of all properties of the FDM solutions. B Comparison with results obtained by experiments

The evaluation of results obtained from calculations to the finite differences method may be made in part or in full by Generally the method is limited to a kinematically full-linear comparison with the experimental results in which case the behaviour of the structure. particularities and limits of the measuring procedure shall be taken into account. The measuring results may be ob- If required, primary instabilities (buckling) may be considtained by measurements on the model (e.g. photoelastic ered. Page 149

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B 3.1.5 Material behaviour In most cases, linear material behaviour (linear stress-strain relationship) is assumed and, if required, the temperature dependence of the constants and initial strains are considered. The consideration of non-linear material behaviour (e.g. rigid-plastic, linear elastic-ideally plastic, general elastoplastic, viscoelastic) is possible, entailing, however, great expense. B 3.2 Principles of FEM B 3.2.1 Preliminary remark The principles of FEM will be explained hereinafter only to the extent essential for FEM application and the assessment of the calculation. These explanations also serve to define the terms used in this Annex. Like for each thermo-mechanical calculation method the FEM is based on the physical principles of continuum mechanics. Depending on the type of discretization method, these principles will be satisfied fully or by approximation when applying the finite element method. B 3.2.2 Basic terms and physical principles B Fields The continuum theories describe the physical properties of bodies by means of fields (e.g. displacement field, velocity field, temperature field, and others) which at least in pieces can be considered a steady function of the fixed coordinates and of the time, if required. B Kinematic relationships Where a structure behaves like a continuum the displacement field in its interior is steady at any time. By kinematic boundary conditions values for displacement magnitudes at the edges of the area to be calculated are prescribed. Where a displacement field is steady and satisfies the kinematic boundary conditions it is termed kinematically compatible. The steadiness of a displacement field for structures the deformation of which is only described by displacement magnitudes of an area or a line (plates and shells or beams) also means that at any point of the referred section or line not only the displacements but also the rotations about the two axes lying in the cross-section or about the threedimensional axes are steady. Examples for kinematic edges are: a) rigid restraints b) rigid supports c) prescribed edge displacement magnitudes. In the case of free supports the condition of zero displacement normal to the free surface, and in the case of hinged supports the condition of zero displacement of the hinges is kinematic (however, not the condition of freedom from stress or forces).

The deformation in the proximity of any point of the structure is described by distortions (change in length of a line element, change in angle between two line elements). The prerequisite for a linear relationship between the displacements are small distortions or rotations where the order of magnitude of the rotations is, at maximum, equal to the order of magnitude of the squared distortions; where these prerequisites are satisfied, we can speak of geometric linearity. B Conservation laws and equilibrium conditions For a portion or the total of a structure the impulse or momentum principle as well as static boundary conditions are satisfied. For quasi-steady mechanical events this leads to the internal conditions of equilibrium: a) sum of forces on the (deformed) volume element equals zero b) sum of moments on the (deformed) volume element equals zero. These relationships connect the volume forces with the derivation of stresses from the coordinates. In the case of dynamic problems the portions of the inertial forces added to the volume forces must be considered. Edge conditions prescribing values for magnitudes of force are called static boundary conditions. Examples for static boundary conditions are: a) edge loaded by area load, line load or point load b) load-free edge without further conditions c) condition for frictional forces in free supports d) condition for freedom from momentum of a hinged support. At all points with static boundary conditions there will be equilibrium between internal stresses and forces and the external loadings applied which may be equal to zero. The conditions of equilibrium are equivalent to the principle of virtual work which can be formulated as follows: Where a body is in equilibrium the external virtual work done by the external loading (including volume forces) with virtual displacements is equal to the internal virtual work done by the stresses with virtual distortions. Here, virtual displacements are small kinematically admissible distortions of any magnitude. Virtual distortions can be derived from virtual displacements by means of the usual displacement-distortion-relationships. For dynamic problems the Lagrange-d'Alembert principle applies additionally which is obtained from the principle of virtual work and addition of the inertial forces. Where the structure is also subject to thermal loads (temperature balance) in addition to mechanical loads, the impulse and momentum principle shall be supplemented by the equation of energy to describe a physical behaviour, where the energy equation can be formulated as follows: The change in time of the sum of internal and kinematic energy of the volume element is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of surface and volume forces on the element and the thermal energy added per unit of time.

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This condition establishes, by incorporation of the impulse and momentum principles, the relationship between the change in time of temperature in the element and the threedimensional derivations of the heat fluxes. Where loadings of a structure are also due to fluidic occurrences (e.g. in piping), the conservation law of mass (continuity equation) shall be satisfied for the fluid in addition to the impulse and momentum conservation laws. The differential formulation of the conservation laws leads to generally partial differential equations for the instantaneous condition of the fields describing the physical system (displacement, displacement velocity, temperature, etc.). B Material laws For the mechanical behaviour of a material the material laws show the relationship between stresses and strains. In the case of linear-elastic material behaviour this relationship is linear, whereas e.g. in the case of elasto-plastic behaviour the material law is non-linear. In the case of linear-elastic isotropic materials the material behaviour can be described by two independent coefficients. In the case of linear-elastic anisotropic materials up to 21 independent coefficients may be required. The material law for a fluid gives the relationship between physical states, e.g. for an ideal gas, between pressure, density and temperature (thermal state equation). Additional parameters are required in the case of thermal loading (coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal diffusivity, temperature-dependent elastic moduli, etc.) and in the case of flowing fluids (heat transfer coefficients, viscosity, etc.). B 3.2.3 Discretization B Procedure The representation of the structure as mathematical model is termed idealisation. According to the finite element method (FEM) the structure to be examined is divided into a number of relatively simple areas, the finite elements (discretization). Each finite element contains an approximation for the fields. By the use of an integral principle the various approximation functions are adjusted to each other so that an exact as possible solution is obtained. Depending on the approach and the integral principle distinction is made between several principles. In clauses B 3.2.3, B 3.3.1 and B 3.3.3 only the displacement method is considered. In the displacement method the approximation refers to the displacement types within the finite elements. Each element type is based on a certain element shape. Example: triangular flat-plate element with six junction nodes: i.e. the three corner nodes and the three subtense junction point nodes. With respect to a possible estimation of errors the displacement approximation of the individual elements should meet the following requirements: a) kinematic compatibility within the elements and across the element boundaries: the latter requirement is fulfilled by suitable assignment of displacement distributions to discrete degrees of freedom, the node displacements: b) the displacement shapes shall exactly describe any possible rigid displacement or distortion of an element, and

the displacements derived from the distortions shall be equal to zero. Now it is assumed that the stresses can be calculated by means of the material laws from the distortions which are derived from the approximate displacements. Thus, the aforementioned element type can describe a linear course of distortions due to the squared displacement approximation and thus also describe a linear course of stresses in case of a linear material law: at a linear displacement approximation the stress would be constant within an element as shown in this example. By the use of the principle of virtual work that approximate solution is determined the external and internal virtual work of which nears the exact values as closely as possible. Here kinematic essential boundary condition are satisfied exactly. The static (natural) boundary conditions and internal loadings are considered to be kinematically compatible (kinematically equivalent), i.e. the respective junction node forces are calculated from the actual loads such that with reference to the selected displacement types, the virtual work of the actual loads and the junction node forces are equal. B Characteristics of the solutions The solution calculated this way is an approximate solution in two respects: a) Physical discretization Due to the limited number of possible degrees of freedom by the selection of finite elements the local equilibrium and static boundary conditions cannot generally be fulfilled exactly. Where the two conditions in clause B are considered displacement approximation in the elements, and disregarding the numerical influences in the first step, the calculated solution represents the best solution for the selected elements with respect to the fact that the virtual work (and therefore the equilibrium to a large extent) are covered as exactly as possible; for the junction node forces assigned to the degrees of freedom the equilibrium condition is satisfied exactly if the displacement approximations contain all rigid body displacements and rotations. The calculated solution leads to a too stiff behaviour representation of the structure. For a given loading it is more likely that the calculated displacement is too small, the calculated inherent vibration frequencies represent upper boundaries. Where elements are selected that are not fully consistent there is no more the danger that the calculated solution is a best possible approximation for the purpose of the abovementioned. The infringement on the kinematic compatibility effects that an overestimation of the stiffness is made, and the solution thus calculated may, in certain cases, lead to more exact solutions, especially for the displacements, than a fully compatible model: the solution thus found, however, does not have the effect to establish the abovementioned boundary. Examples for non-fully compatible elements: Where flat plate elements are connected with several approximations for the displacement components in the element plane and vertically by intersections, the kinematic compatibility is infringed at these intersections.

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Where the shape of the structure idealized by finite elements considerably deviates from the true shape of the structure, this may give rise to incertainties. In many cases the approximation of curved contours by piecewise linear or straight elements does only slightly change the total deformation behaviour, but it is extremely difficult to interprete the local displacements and especially distortion and stress components at such artificial intersections. b) Numerical approximation For a given physical discretization the numerical solution deviates from the exact solution. This deviation is due to the following two causes: Due to the limited number of digits in the data processing system initial truncate errors and rounding errors will occur. This may especially effect systems with extremely differing physical characteristics in the calculation model. By the calculation of conditioning figures which make possible an estimation of the amplification of the initial truncate error by the rounding errors, one can obtain a lower, often very conservative limit for the number of numerically exact digits. Where the elements used exactly cover displacements and rotations of the rigid body (the second requirement of clause B with respect to the element approximation), the exact fulfilment of the equilibrium of the nodal forces is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the exactness of the numerical solution for static problems. In the case of certain algorithms, e.g. iterative solution of equation or iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem, one error will remain which depends on the given limit of accuracy.


Determination of junction nodes

The location and number of junction nodes shall be selected such that the calculation result is sufficiently exact for the respective problem to be solved, in which case the items of clause B shall be considered accordingly. In addition the following shall be taken into account:. a) Where the calculation problem requires knowledge of strongly varying field components, e.g. strains or stresses, the fineness of the mesh shall be selected accordingly. b) At the limits between various governing material characteristics element boundaries shall be placed, if possible, unless a homogenous distribution of the material characteristics can be considered within an element. c) In dependence of the element type selected the influence of the lateral conditions on the conditioning of the system shall be considered. Generally adjacent elements shall also show the same magnitudes of geometry and stiffness, i.e. the transitions from large to small or stiff to less stiff elements shall be gradual, since strong differences in the stiffness from element to element may effect the deterioration of the conditioning of the equation matrix. d) Within the problem to be solved the mesh shall make possible an exact representation of the applied forces and other loadings and the boundary conditions. e) For dynamic problems the mesh shall be so designed that the dynamic behaviour of the structure is made accessible to calculation. The number and type of degrees of freedom shall be selected such that the type of movements which are of interest can be described. This especially applies to the compensation of the degrees of freedom f) The structure shall be idealised such that neither local nor global singularities of the stiffness matrix occur. Otherwise, they shall be credited by the solution algorithm. The treatment of local near-singularities (according to the conditioning and calculation exactness) shall not lead to an adulteration of the physical behaviour of the structure. In the case of near-singularities the sufficient numerical exactness of the results shall be checked. B Formulation of boundary conditions B Types of boundary conditions The boundary conditions may comprise conditions for external force and displacement magnitudes; they may also consist of conditions for unit forces and moments on imaginary intersections. This is e.g. the case for detailed examinations and when using symmetry conditions; by this the results however, shall not be changed inadmissibly with respect to the problem to be solved. Boundary conditions with changes in load shall be taken into account especially with respect to non-linearities. B Kinematic boundary conditions Kinematic boundary conditions shall be formulated directly by the degrees of freedom. Where elements are used that are

B 3.3 Application of FEM B 3.3.1 Idealisation of geometry and loading B Extent of idealisation Mechanical problems may be calculated both globally and in a detailed manner. The requirements for the results to be obtained are decisive for the extent of idealisation. By the selection of suitable element types, determination of junction nodes and idealisation of the boundary conditions the quality of the approximation is influenced decisively. B Selection of element types The elements shall be selected with respect to the problem to be solved. The following items shall be taken into account: a) representation of the geometry in due respect of the problem b) suitability of the element approximation for the problem-related and kinematic boundary conditions (e.g. load application, load distribution, support) c) Type and exactness of the results with respect to the task set

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not kinematically compatible, care shall be taken that these boundary conditions are described sufficiently. B Static boundary conditions The static boundary conditions given at the junction node forces shall be inserted directly as junction node loadings. Point loads not applied at the junction nodes as well as area and volume loads shall be converted to kinematic equivalent junction node forces. Where element types are used the displacement approximation of which is incomplete regarding rigid displacements and rotations, care shall be taken to ensure that the static equivalence is satisfied. B Determination of load and time increments The load or time increments shall be selected such that the course of the displacements and the units derived therefrom over the load parameter or over the time is sufficiently covered with respect to the problem to be solved, and that the numerical stability of the solution is ensured. In the case of material non-linearities care shall be taken to ensure that the material law is exactly satisfied, and in the case of geometric non-linearities the equilibrium conditions shall be taken into account. B Control of input data Due to the large number of input data a control of the input data is indispensable and should be made, as far as possible by means of the data stored by the program. Routines to check the input data as well as graphic representations of input data, e.g. of the geometry, boundary conditions and loadings are purposeful. B 3.3.2 Programs B General Calculations made by means of the finite element method (FEM) are only made by programs on data processing systems due to the large number of computing operations. B Documentation of programs Each program used shall be documented. The following items shall be documented or indicated: a) identification of the program including state of change b) theoretical principles c) range of application and prerequisites d) description of program organisation as far as required for the use and evaluation of the program e) input instructions for program control and problem description f) explanation of output g) examples of application. The theoretical part of the documentation shall contain all theoretical principles on which the program is based. If required, the respective literature shall be referred to.

In the examples of application part demonstrative and checked calculation examples for application shall be contained. B Reliability of programs In case of extensive FEM programs it cannot be assumed that all possible calculation methods are free from errors. Therefore the following items shall be considered to evaluate the reliability of the program: a) modular program build-up b) standardized program language c) central program maintenance d) large number of users and extensive use of the program, especially for the present range of application. The program can be expected to operate reliably to the extent where the aforementioned items are satisfied for the respective program version. B 3.3.3 Evaluation of calculation results B General The first step to evaluate calculation results is the check whether the results are physically plain. The better the totality of the results obtained can be evaluated, the more expressive is the check. This plausibility control is a necessary condition for the usability of the results obtained. In addition, the calculation model, the correctness of the data and the proper performance and use of the program is to be checked additionally. As each solution obtained with each discretizing numerical procedure is an approximation of the physical behaviour it shall be checked whether the quality of the approximation is sufficient for the problem to be solved. Where the validity of the discretization and the numerical procedures is to be proved by such checks the latter may be omitted when they have already been performed within other calculations that are directly comparable. Problems are directly comparable where both the structure and the loadings are qualitatively the same and where all parameters strongly characterising the calculation are nearly coincident. B Physical control In the displacement FEM distinction is made between physical conditions that have been satisfied exactly or approximately. Therefore, the following criteria can be given for the control of the calculated solution. When using kinematically compatible elements, the local equilibrium conditions in the internal and at the edge are satisfied approximately by the method. Criteria for the quality of the approximation are: a) the magnitude of the discontinuities in the stress component calculated for each element of adjacent elements b) correspondence of the respective stress components with applied distributed loading on loaded or free edges. Where non-compatible elements are used, the exactness of the fulfilment of the internal kinematic compatibility conditions shall be checked. Since in the case of non-compatible

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elements the compatibility is only satisfied at the junction nodes, the fineness of the division of the elements shall be selected accordingly. The exactness of the fulfilment of the equilibrium of junction node forces shall be checked in the following cases: a) where elements are used which do not satisfy the condition of clause B with respect to the rigid body displacement shapes b) in the case of local singularities, near-singularities or artificial supports due to suppression of near-singular degrees of freedom. c) in the case of all non-linear problems. In the case of problems with non-linear behaviour of the material it shall be checked additionally whether the material law has been satisfied. B Numerical control B Preliminary remark Principally the error is diminished by a finer subdivision of the structure to be examined due to the physical discretization and the susceptibility for numerical error is generally increased. At least in the case of explicit methods an improved discretization in the three-dimensional range also necessitates a decrease of the time or load steps for reasons of stability. Where due to the discretization numerical errors may be expected, the numerical quality of the solution must be checked. (Errors due to the physical discretization are not dealt with in this connection, see clause B The influence of the initial truncate and rounding errors can be diminished if the entire calculation is performed with a higher number of valid digits from the beginning (and not at the time of solution of the system equation). B Examination of the solution vectors Where the elements of the solution vector are inserted in the original equation system, information is obtained on the order of magnitude of the numerical error. In the case of static problems the condition for a sufficient satisfaction of the equilibrium of junction node forces is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for sufficient exactness of the displacement magnitude. B Control by means of condition figures Condition figures permit the indication of upper boundaries for the magnitude of the entirety of initial truncate and rounding errors, however not for errors in the individual components of the solution vector. B Comparison with calculations made by other methods B General To evaluate the results from calculations made to FEM the following comparisons may be made to supplement or

substitute the examinations made in accordance with clauses B, B, B, B, and B a) comparison with other FEM calculations b) comparison with calculations made to other methods c) comparison with experimental results. The selection of the examination method to be used for comparison depends on where the emphasis of examination is to be placed (theoretical formulation, programming, discretization, input data and numerical exactness). B Comparison with other FEM methods By comparison of the results obtained from a calculation to FEM with results obtained from other FEM calculation individual or all characteristics of the FEM solution can be evaluated depending on the idealisation selected as well as the program, data processing system and operating system. For the comparative calculation it is possible to use the same or differing programs, operating systems, data processing plants as well as the same or differing idealisations. When checking the program reliability by comparative calculations an independent program and the same discretization shall be used. The numerical exactness may be improved if the number of digits is increased accordingly. The validity of the idealisation may be checked by means of comparative calculations with other idealisations. Comparative calculations made with the same or different programs and the same idealisations serve to control the input data if the latter have been established independently. B Comparison with calculations made to other calculation methods Where other calculation methods, e.g. the finite differences method (FDM) or the freebody method satisfy the conditions for treating the respective problem, they may be used for comparative calculations. Such calculations then serve to evaluate the sum of all properties of the FEM solutions. B Comparison with results obtained by experiments The evaluation of results obtained from calculations to the finite element method may be made in part or in full by comparison with the experimental results in which case the particularities and limits of the measuring procedure shall be taken into account. The measuring results may be obtained by measurements on the model (e.g. photoelastic examinations) or measurements on the components (strain or displacement measurements) if all essential parameters can be simulated. When using models they shall be representative for the problem to be solved. This comparison especially serves to evaluate the admissibility of physical assumptions on which the idealisation is based.

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Annex C
Brittle fracture analysis procedures C 1 Drawing-up of the modified Porse diagram with example (1) By means of the reference temperature RTNDT determined in accordance with KTA 3201.1 and the qualitative relationship between critical crack length and stress, which was found by Pellini, the diagram shown in Figure C 1-1 for the non-irradiated and analogously the irradiated condition can be drawn up. According to Pellini brittle fracture need not be expected above the crack arrest temperature TDT at any crack length. This statement leads to the vertical line in the diagram. The lower boundary of the diagram is obtained from the modified Porse concept. The brittle fracture diagram for the irradiated condition may be drawn up under the same condition if the adjusted reference temperature RTNDT is to be used (see KTA 3203). In addition to the brittle fracture diagram Figure C 1-1 also contains a start-up/shut-down diagram (stress as function of temperature) This diagram shows the relationship between temperature and loading in the cylindrical vessel wall. The loading considers the stresses due to internal pressure and the unsteady thermal stresses due to membrane stress on the most highly loaded part of the reactor pressure vessel. The start-up/shut-down diagram shall always be outside the area marked by the Porse diagram.

Figure C 1-1: Brittle fracture transition concept and modified Porse diagram (Example)


Drawing-up of the modified Porse diagram Point 2 T = RTNDT = 0.2 Rp0.2 Point 3 Intersection of T = RTNDT + 33 K with extended straight line 12; Point 4 T = RTNDT + 33 K = 1.0 Rp0.2 Page 155

Basis data: Proof stress Rp0.2 at T = 20 C RTNDT temperature: TNDT = T41 Non-irradiated: Point 1 T = (RTNDT + 33 K) - 110 K = 0.1 Rp0.2

KTA 3201.2

Irradiated: Point 1 T = (RTNDT + 33 K) - 110 K + TNDT = 0.1 Rp0.2 Point 2 T = RTNDT + TNDT = 0.2 Rp0.2 Point 3 Intersection of T = RTNDT + 33 K + TNDT with extended straight line 12; Point 4 T = RTNDT + 33 K + TNDT = 1.0 Rp0.2 C 2 Calculation method to determine the KI values C 2.1 General This Annex shall apply in connection with Section 7.9. The method described hereinafter makes possible the calculation of KI values for effective or postulated internal or external edge cracks on components of simple geometry. C 2.2 Prerequisites (1) This calculation method is based on linear-elastic fracture mechanics. (2) This calculation method applies to plates and shells with little curvature. Where the method is used on components of other geometries, this shall be justified. (3) The KI values are determined from membrane and bending stresses for the crack-free component. (4) In the case of non-linear stress distribution, the stresses shall be determined in accordance with Figure C 2-1, and is as follows: Two vertical lines are drawn at the crack edges and the line through the intersection of this vertical lines showing the effective non-linear stress distribution results in the linear stress distribution. The fictitious membrane stress * is the m value of the linear stress distribution at the location s/2. The fictitious bending stress * is equal to the value of the b maximum total stress of the non-linear stress distribution minus * . m
Note: The fictitious membrane and bending stresses thus determined do not correspond to the definitions as per clause

where * m * b a Q fictitious membrane stress fictitious bending stress half the depth for internal cracks or depth of edge cracks crack shape factor as per Figure C 2-2; here Q is obtained from the geometry of the crack and the quotient of

* m

+ * / R p 0. 2 T b


corrective factor for the membrane stresses; see Figure C 2-3 (internal crack) or Figure C 2-4 (edge crack) corrective factor for the bending stress; see Figure C 2-5 (internal crack) or Figure C 2-6 (edge crack) proof stress at temperature at crack tip



C 2.4 Alternative methods Besides the method described above there are further methods to determine the stress intensity factors. These methods can be applied if the prerequisites for the application of these methods are satisfied.


effective ( non-linear ) stress distribution linearized stress distribution wall thickness


s/2 a crack


s/2 2a



C 2.3 Calculation Where the conditions as per Section C 2.2 are satisfied for a component, the stress intensity factor can be calculated by mean of the following equation K I = a / Q * Mm + * Mb m b

a edge crack
Figure C 2-1: Linearization of stresses

b internal crack

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KTA 3201.2

0.5 ( m + b ) / Rp0.2 T 0.4 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.3 0


a edge crack




0.0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4

b internal crack

Crack shape factor Q

Figure C 2-2: Determination of crack shape factor Q



Point 1


2a/s = 0.65 Point 2 s = wall thickness

Corrective factor M m

1.3 2a/s = 0.55 2a/s = 0.45 1.2 2a/s = 0.35 1.1 2a/s = 0.25 2a/s = 0.15 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

e = eccentricity of crack in relation to the wall Point 1 Point 2

Crack eccentricity factor 2e/s

Figure C 2-3: Corrective factor for membrane stress for internal cracks

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KTA 3201.2

2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 a / = 0.25 a / = 0.0 a / = 0.05 a / = 0.1 a / = 0.15 a / = 0.2

Corrective factor M m

a / = 0.3 s = wall thickness = crack length 0.35 < a / < 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Ratio of crack depth to wall thickness a/s 2a/s = 0.7 2a/s = 0.5 2a/s = 0.3 2a/s = 0.1 Point 1 Side under tension

1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0

Figure C 2-4: Corrective factor for membrane stress for edge cracks

1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6

Neutral Axis

0.5 0.4
Corrective factor M b

Point 2 s = wall thickness e = eccentricity of crack to neutral axis Point 1 Point 2

0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 2a/s = 0.7 2a/s = 0.5 2a/s = 0.3 2a/s = 0.1

Note: Where the centre line of the crack is on the side under pressure the sign of the bending stress shall be negative.

Crack eccentricity factor 2e/s

Figure C 2-5: Corrective factor for bending stress for internal cracks Page 158

Side under pressure

KTA 3201.2

Figure C 2-6: Corrective factor for bending stress for edge cracks

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KTA 3201.2

Annex D
Regulations and Literature Referred To in this Safety Standard (The references exclusively refer to the version given in this annex. Quotations of regulations referred to therein refer to the version available when the individual reference below was established or issued.) AtG Act on the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy and the Protection against its Hazards (Atomic Energy Act) of December 23, 1959 as Amended and Promulgated on July 15, 1985, last Amendment by the Act of July 19, 1994 Order on Pressure Vessels, Gas Pressure Vessels and Filling Plants (Pressure Vessel Order - DruckbehV) of 27 February 1980, amended by the First Order amending the Pressure Vessel Order of 21 April 1989 (BGBl. I, 1989, Page 830), at last amended by the Act of September 14, 1994 (BGBl. I, 1994, Page 2325) Ordinance on the Protection against Damage and Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiation (Radiological Protection Ordinance) as promulgated on June 30, 1989 and corrected on Oct. 16, 1989, at last amended by the Act of August 16, 1994 (BGBl. I, 1994, Page 1963) (06/90) Design of Nuclear Power Plants against Seismic Events; Part 4: Requirements for Procedures for Verifying the Safety of Mechanical and Electrical Components against Earthquakes Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors; Part 1: Materials and Product Forms Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors; Part 3: Manufacture Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors; Part 4: Inservice Inspections and Operational Monitoring Monitoring Radiation Embrittlement of Materials of the Reactor Pressure Vessel of Light Water Reactors Component Support Structures with Non-integral Connections;; Part 1: Component Support Structures with Non-integral Connections for Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Fasteners: Technical specifications: property classes of nuts (previous classes) Fasteners; technical specifications; parts for bolted connections with specific mechanical properties for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C Bolted connections with reduced shank: survey, range of application and examples of installation Bolted connections with reduced shank: metric thread with large clearance, nominal dimensions and limits Steel butt-welding fittings; tees for use at full service pressure Corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners; technical conditions of delivery; identical with ISO 3506 : 1979 Valve bodies; strength calculation in respect of internal pressure Mechanical properties of fasteners; Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs; (ISO 898 Part 1: 1988); German edition of EN 20 898-1: 1991 Dished heads; torispherical heads Page 160

Pressure Vessel Order (DruckbehV)


KTA 2201.4

KTA 3201.1 KTA 3201.3 KTA 3201.4 KTA 3203 KTA 3205.1

(06/90) (12/87) (06/90) (03/84) (06/91)

DIN 267-4 DIN 267-13 DIN 2510-1 DIN 2510-2 DIN 2615-2 DIN ISO 3506 DIN 3840 DIN EN 20 898-1 DIN 28 011

(08/83) (08/93) (09/74) (08/71) (05/92) (12/92) (09/82) (04/92) (01/93)

KTA 3201.2

DIN 28 013 VDI 2230 , Sheet 1 AD A5 Merkblatt

(01/93) (07/86) (07/95)

Dished heads; semi-ellipsoidal heads Systematic calculation of high duty bolted joints; joints with one cylindrical bolt Openings, closures and special closure elements

Literature [1] H. Hbel Erhhungsfaktor Ke zur Ermittlung plastischer Dehnungen aus elastischer Berechnung (Stress intensification factor Ke for the determination of plastic strains obtained from elastic design), Technische berwachung 35 (1994), No. 6, pp. 268 - 278 WRC Bulletin 297 (September 1987) Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings on Nozzles-Supplement to WRC Bulletin No. 107 (Revision I) WRC Bulletin 107 (August 1965, Revision Mrz 1979) Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings British Standard BS 5500:1985 Unfired Fusion welded Pressure Vessels Markus Theorie und Berechnung rotationssymmetrischer Bauwerke (Theory and design of structures having form of surface of revolution), 2nd corrected edition, Dsseldorf 1976 Warren C. Young Roarks Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6th edition McGraw-Hill, New York 1989 Kantorowitsch Die Festigkeit der Apparate und Maschinen fr die chemische Industrie (The strength of apparatus and machines for the chemical industry), Berlin 1955


[3] [4] [5]

[6] [7]

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