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Polish Journal of Chemical Technology,

Pol. J. Chem.
23, 4,
Vol. 10.2478/pjct-2021-0033
23, No. 4, 2021 17

Product diversification from pomelo peel. Essential oil, Pectin and semi-
dried pomelo peel
Le T. N. Huyen1, On T. N. H.1, Tran T. Y. Nhi2, 3, Dao T. Phat2, 3, *, Mai H. Cang1, *
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Nong Lam University, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City,
Institute of Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City,
Faculty of Environmental and Food Engineering, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Corresponding author: e-mail: dtphat@ntt.edu.vn; maihuynhcang@hcmuaf.edu.vn

Currently, agriculture has shifted to green production, in which the recycling of post-production by-products
is a key issue. In the present work, by-products such as pomelos were studied to promote consumption
and enhance the value of pomelo. From pomelo material, essential oils extracted from pomelo peels,
pectin, and drying pomelo products have been diversified. In the extraction process of essential oils,
the hydrodistillation method was applied in conjunction with the response surface method to obtain the
optimal conditions of influence factors. These essential oils were quantified as well as determined for
components by GC-MS. The pectin recognition process was done by immersion method in HCl acid
(pH 2) and the drying process was made with a heat pump dryer under the effects of drying temperature,
drying time and wind rate. The results of the essential oil products reached the highest (0.88 ±0.006 g)
at the material size of 3 mm, the distillation time of 27 min, and the ratio of raw materials/solvents of
1/12 g/mL. The main components found in pomelo peeling essential oils included limonene (71.768%),
γ-terponene (12,847%), α-Phellandrene (2.979%), β-myrcene (2.668%), 1R-α-pinene (2,656%), and
β-pinene (1,191%). The pectin content was the highest under the temperature of 90 oC, extraction time
of 60 min and ratio/solvent ratio of 1:32 g/mL. Under these extraction conditions, 48% of concentrated
pectin content was obtained. Surveying conditions for drying white pomelo peels are capable of reversing:
refunded drying pomelos are drying heat pumps in the following conditions: 50 oC drying temperature,
the drying time of 90 min, and wind rate of 12 m/s. Product with hardness 309.862 N.
Keywords: Citrus grandis, Pomelo peel essential oil, Extract pectin, Pomelo peels products.

INTRODUCTION ±0.05%), 3-carene (0.48 ±0.04%), caryophyllene (0.47

±0.04%) and other small components8. Malaysia pom-
Pomelo (Citrus grandis), which is commonly known
elo peel (Citrus Grandis (L.) Osbeck) contained a high
as Nam Roi, belongs to the Rutaceae family and is
aldehyde content (e.g. octal, decana and citral), while
popular around the world1. In Vietnam, it was grown
firstly in Thanh Tan commune, Mo Cay Bac district, Ben some important compounds were at the trace level (e.g.
Tre province and then spread across the country with β-sinensal, α -sinensal and nootkatone)9. The chemical
many different varieties. Pomelo is one of Vietnam’s composition of essential oil compounds in Citrus species
main fruit trees, according to the report of the General (Venezuela) has been published and the main component
Department of Economic Socio-Economic Reports, the was Linalool (50.31%) and inhibition against Escherichia
General Statistics Office, the pomelo production is 433.9 coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas have been
thousand tons, which accounts for up to 7.5% of total identified. The results of contributing the quality control
fruit production, and focuses mainly in the Mekong criteria of industrial essential oil production in separa-
Delta region. Today, with the advanced development of tors, Venezuela10. The antioxidant ability of 30 types of
science and technology, the peels, seeds, and leaves of Citrus essential oils and 14 antioxidant components have
pomelo have been paid attention to and gradually put been studied (H.S. Song et al., 2001)11. Pectin is a high
into research2–4 in pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics compound polygalactoronic molecule with a single mo-
industries. lecular galactoronic and metylic The enriched content
Pomelo is also known to contain some antioxidants, of Pectin in pomelo peels is used as a glue, thickener
flavonoids and polyphenols, essential oils, and pectin5–6. and emulsification factor in pharmaceutical, and food
Products related to pomelo peels such as pomelo peel products12–13.
powder are being interested in being used as an appe- One of the problems when consuming pomelos is
tizer, anti-toxic, heart stimulation, and stomach tonic7. a very low content of fruit pulp. This is the common
Pomelo peels contain high amounts of essential oils with characteristic of citrus trees as the shells often account
typical fragrances that exhibit antibacterial, pain-relief, for 50% of by-products. Thus, to promote consump-
sedative, and anti-inflammatory activities. The chemical tion and enhance the value of pomelos at the same
composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil time, product development is necessary. Diversifying
from the Shatian pomelo (Citrus Grandis Osbeck) have products from the components of the pomelo and
been reported with sesquiterpene and monoterpene especially recycling the process waste to enhance the
hydrocarbon being the main compound groups with value of pomelos are the potential directions and
96.64% (w/w), in which Limonene accounted for (89.96 construction opportunities for pomelo products. For
±1.64%), β-myrcene (4.49 ±0.38%), α-pinene (0.63 this reason, the study was conducted to examine the
18 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021

conditions of extracting oil and pectin from pomelos,

and the utilization of pomelo fruits to make drying
pomelo peel products.


Raw materials, chemicals and equipment

Material: Nam Roi pomelo peel (Citrus Grandis L.) was
purchased at Thu Duc Market, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet-
nam (latitudes 10°49’36”N and longitudes 106°45’39”E)
in November 2020.
Chemicals: sodium sulphate, ethanol, acetic acid, clohy-
dric acid, calcium chloride anhydrous, sodium hydroxide
purchased from Xilong, China with 99% purity.
Equipment: Heating Mantle heater (Glassco Laborato-
ry Equipment Pvt. Ltd., India); Blender KL-303 (Khaluck.
Home, Vietnam); TA-XT PLUS structure meter (Stable
Microsystem, USA); Meters of PH S220 (Mettler Tole-
do, Switzerland), Memmert WNB.14 Thermostat Tank
(Memmert, Germany), Memmert Unb 40 (Memmert,
German), EBA 200 centrifuge (Hettich, Germany). Figure 1. The essential oil extraction process

Extraction of essential oil separate the pectin extract from precipitates. After the
Pomelo peels were washed, drained, and had the filtration process, the pectin extract was concentrated at
white peel removed prior to the extraction process. a temperature of 60 oC until the concentration has 18.4%
100 g of pomelo peels were placed into a blender with Brix. In this study, the concentrated pectin extracts are
a surveyed water to raw materials ratio. The raw mate- used to determine the pectin content in the solution and
rial after grinding was transferred to a small 2000 mL the quality indicators of the pectin16.
container to conduct essential oil distillation during dif- Estimation for pectin content (%) was completely
ferent periods until the amount of essential oil tended random with single-type factors: material size D (D ≤
to increase (Fig. 1). 1, 1 ≤ d ≤ 5, 5 ≤ d ≤ 20, 20 ≤ D ≤ 25), a ratio of
The experiments were completely arranged randomly raw materials/solvents (1/24, 1/28, 1/32, 1/36 g/mL) and
with the rotating single-type factors: raw material size a completely randomly with variable is hydrolysis time
(5, 3, 2 mm), distillation time (10, 20, 30 min), and raw (60, 90, 120 min) and hydrolysis temperature (50, 70,
material/solvent ratio (1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12, 1/13 g/ 90 oC). The initial condition is pH 2, 1 h and the ratio
mL). Fixed conditions were as follows: 100 g of green of raw materials/solvents is 1/24 (g/mL).
pomelo peels material, distillation time of 30 min, the
ratio of raw materials/solvents of 1/10 g/mL, and water Pomelo peel drying process
as the solvent. Three factors of material size, distillation After washing with water several times, the white peel
time, the best ratio/solvent ratio were arranged in the was separated from the green and cut into the size of
rotating axis (Rotatable Central Composite Design) to 30 x 10 x 5 mm. 5 g materials were soaked in 60 mL of
determine the effects of these factors and optimizations alcohol at different concentrations for 1-5 h. After soaking
of the essential oil distillation process by response surface
with alcohol, pomelo white peel was rinsed with water
methodology (RSM).
many times at 40–60 oC to get rid of the alcohol smell
The crude oils were poured into a 100 mL glass beaker
and remove the residual naringin. Then, the pomelo peel
and then the appropriate amount of Na2SO4 is added to
was blanched at 90 oC in 30 s and then cooled quickly
anhydrous to obtain essential oils. Samples were stored
at 40–50 oC for 15–90 min. The dried materials were
at 4 oC in dark glass bottles until analysis.
stored in zipped bags to avoid environmental damage.
Extraction of pectin Bitterness removal experiment
Pomelo peels were used as the raw materials for The experiment of removing bitterness indicated by
extracting pectin. Freshly collected pomelos were selec- naringin concentration (mg/mL) in pomelo peel was
ted and blanched at 90 oC in 5 seconds14. The material performed completely randomly with single-type factors:
after being blanched was dried on a tray at 58.5 oC for soaking time (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 h), alcohol concentration (50,
4 h. The materials were flipped after the first 2 h to 60, 70, 80, 96%), the temperature of the discharge (40,
ensure that both sides of the materials were completely 45, 50, 60 oC), and the number of discharge (1, 2, 3, 4, 5
dried and achieved 13.8% of moisture. The dried peels times). The initial conditions included 500 mL of water
are sieved into different sizes. At the temperature of for each discharge and the 3 s of mixing time.
50–90 oC (based on previous work by Homa et al.15 and
Salma et al. 201216), different volumes of 0.01 N HCl Moisture content measurement
acid solution were added to 10 g of crushed materials The moisture content of drying materials (%) was
for 60–120 min to extract. A vacuum filter was used to investigated completely randomly with single-type fac-
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021 19

tors: drying time (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 min) and drying In which: M is the mass of precipitate Calcium Pectat
temperature (40, 45, 50 oC). (g); mp is the original sample volume (g); P is pectin
content (%); 0.92 is the conversion factor from Calcium
Survey after drying Pectat to Pectin.
The post-drying process was surveyed completely ran- Determination of naringin content: The white pomelo
domly with single-type factors: soak water temperature peel soaked in alcohol was added with 0.2 mL of NaOH
(room temperature, 50 oC, 100 oC), and soaking time and 0.2 mL of NaOH 4 N. Absorbance was measured at
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 h). 420 nm of wavelength. Naringin’s standard line equation
was applied to estimate the amount of Naringin level
Analysis method that has been removed16.
Moisture index of pomelo peels is determined by drying
method to constant mass, ash defined according to TCVN Data processing
5253: 1990; The pH index of the material is measured Each experiment was repeated 3 times, calculated, and
by adding 50 mL of distilled water to 10 g of pomelo graphed with Microsoft® Office Excel 2013 software.
peels that was grounded and filtered. Quantification of ANOVA statistical analysis and Least Significant Dif-
glucose sugar, saccharose in pomelo shells by Bertrand ference tests are used to compare the effects of factors,
method and acid hydrolysis method (17; the volume of handled with Statgraphics Centurion XV 9 (Statgraphics
pomelo essential oil after distillation was determined Technologies, Inc., USA), and support of JMP statistics
according to TCVN 189: 1993 and components analysis software 10 with 95% reliability is applied to all statistics.
was according to the GC/MS method18–19.
Operating conditions of GC-MS:
Pomelos have an average volume of about 968 g/L
The chemical composition of the pomelo fruit oil was
of fruits, yet the peel accounts for 36.4% of the fruit
determined by GC–MS analysis using GC Agilent 6890
(about 352 g). For each pomelo peel, the green ones
N instrument coupled with HP5-MS capillary column
contain 71.5% of the total essential oil content and the
(30 mm × 0.25 mm × 0.25 mm) and MS 5973 inert.
remaining is contained by white ones, along with high
The carrier gas was He. The split rate was set at 1:50.
pectin content. The physicochemical properties of pomelo
The pressure of the head column was 9.3 psi. 25 mL
peels are presented in Table 1.
of essential oil was added with 1.0 mL n-hexane and
dehydrated with Na2SO4. The flow rate was constant Surveying the distillation of pomelo essential oils
at 1 mL/min. Injector temperature is 250 oC and the Three main factors that affect the extraction process
rate of division is 30. Oven program for samples: 50 oC have been identified as raw material size, distillation
kept for 2 min, then increased by 2 oC/min to 80 oC, time, and raw material/solvent ratio. Figure 2 shows the
continued to increase by 5 oC/min to 150 oC, continued
to increase by 10 oC/min to 200 oC, increase 20 oC/min
to 300 oC hold for 5 min. Spectra compared with the
library of NIST database.
The volume of pomelo peels obtained after the drying
process was divided by the material volume after soaking;
The drying pomelo is stiffened by holding onto the hollow
pillar, then a needle head 15 mm was forced until the
head pinched through the sample. The measurement
was performed in triplicates and data were recorded.
Determination of pectin content by Calci Pectate me-
thod: Pectin extracted from the green peel of pomelo, Figure 2. Effect of materials size on essential oil mass
was quantified by using the calcium pectate method.
The method is based on the Calcium Pectat salt in the
form of a precipitate. A total of 10 g of concentrated
pectin was mixed with 100 mL NaOH for 7 hours. Then,
CaCl2 2 N and CH3COOH 1N were added and the re-
action was allowed for 5 min and 1 h, respectively. The
mixture was then heated for 5 min, cooled down, and
filtered through filter paper to obtain constant mass.
The precipitate was dissolved with hot distilled water to
remove chlorine ions. Finally, the mixture was allowed
to dry at 105 oC to constant mass.

Figure 3. Effect of materials size on essential oil mass

Table 1. The physicochemical property of pomelo peels
20 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021

the ratio of raw materials/solvents affects essential oils

in 95% confidence. The LSD classification test results
indicate a ratio of 1/11 g/mL showed a difference from
the other rates. Therefore, the ratio of 1/11 g/mL is the
most suitable selected to save the used solvent.
From the results of the preliminary survey experiments
of factors affecting essential oil content, the following
center points were selected: the material size of 3 mm;
distillation time of 20 min, and the ratio of 1/11 g/mL.
From the selected elements, the optimal experimental
matrix is set in a rotating type as Table 2.
Figure 4. Effect of material/solvent ratio essential oils Table 2. RSM’s optimal experimental layout

effect of raw material size on the obtained essential oil

content. When reducing the size of 5 mm to 3 mm, the
essential oil volume increases and reaches the highest
value of 0.492 g. However, when reducing the size to
2 mm, the amount of essential oil decreases. Different
raw material size due to the raw material grinding time
in different grinding processes leads to variation in the
level of disruption into cells. At the size of 3 mm, the
cell wall was broken under the force of the grinder so
the essential oil rapidly dissolves into the solvent, thus
resulting in high essential oil content. If the size is too
big, the essential oil takes a long time to dissolve into
the solvent, leading to low quality of the oil. In contrast,
the small size with a long grinding time causes the cell
wall to break completely, leaking the essential oil into
the environment. ANOVA statistical results for P-value
= 0.022 <0.05 show that the size of raw materials affects
essential oils in 95% confidence. The LSD classification
test results indicate the size of 3 mm with a significant Figure 5. The model predicts essential oil
difference compared to the size of 5 mm and 2 mm. So
raw material size of 3 mm was selected to perform the It can be seen from Figure 5 that the p value = 0.0006
next experiments. (<0.05) and RSQ = 0.96 (> 0.8) means the linear pre-
Figure 3 shows that when increasing distillation time diction model is considered good, and suitable to use.
from 10 min to 20 min, the essential oil volume increases Therefore, the equation predicts the essential oil mass:
significantly and reaches the highest value of 0.997 g. Y = 0,8 – 0.07X1 + 0.08X2 + 0.14X3 – 0.09X1X2 –
However, the amount of essential oil decreases as the 0.18X12 – 0.16X32
distillation time prolongs to 30 min. The distillation time In which: X1 is the size of the material (mm), X2 is
is an important factor, in allowing the essential oil to the distillation time (min), X3 is the ratio of raw ma-
separate from the solvent. Statistics ANOVA shows that terials/solvents.
the distillation time affects the number of essential oils Table 3. Optimal and practical conditions
at 95% confidence, confirmed by LSD test. Therefore,
20 min of distillation time is suitable for subsequent
Figure 4 shows that when increasing the material/
solvent ratio from 1/8 to 1/11 g/mL, the essential oil
mass increases and the highest value is 0.905 g. The
When conducting experiments under the above condi-
amount of essential oil decreases when the rates of
material solvent were 1/12 and 1/13 g/mL. Solvents tions, the actual essential oil mass is 0.88 g (Table 3).
are an indispensable component during essential oil The essential oil content is predicted to be 0.89 g, which
distillation that is capable of dissolving substances to is 1.15% different from the actual obtained essential oil
form a solution. A sufficient amount of solvent could content. This proves that this model is meaningful and
dissolve many essential oils, thus reducing waste and suitable to represent essential oils distillation in pomelos.
loss of solvents. The ratio of raw materials/solvents such The components of essential oils were assessed by the
as 1/8, 1/9 and 1/10 g/mL produced the low amount of GC-MS method and evaporative ingredients in pomelo
essential oil of 0.577 g, 0.647 g, and 0.749 g, respectively, peel essential oils are shown in Table 4. A total of 10
as the amount of solvent was not enough for osmosis, components have been identified, accounting for 94.11%
diffusion and dissolving the essential oils. The ratio of the total compounds. As shown in Table 4, the main
1/12 and 1/13 g/mL also produced 0.544 g, and 0.504 g components include: Limonene (71.768%), γ-Terpo-
of essential oils, respectively, due to excessive solvent, nene (12,847%), α-Phellandrene (2.979%), β-myrcene
heat, and distillation time. ANOVA results show that (2.668%), 1R-α-pinene (2.656%), and β-pinene (1.191%).
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021 21

The composition of the remaining four compounds content dropped sharply if D exceeds 5 mm. During
fluctuated 0.501% to 0.767%. A similar result was also the extraction process, small size particles have more
reported by Kenya, SM Njoroge et al.20, where pomelo advantages than large ones when combined with solvents,
(Citrus grandis Osbeck) grown in Kenya was found to as it is easier for them to contact, dissolve into solvents,
contain 98.8% of essential oils compounds and 94.8% and facilitate protopectin conversion Pectin24. For large-
of which was limonene, followed by α-terpinene (1.8%) -sized raw materials, the solvent is limited to grain cells,
and α-pinene (0.5%). In China, pomelo essential oil the time of penetration is longer, so the pectin content
(Citrus maxima) obtained by the steam distillation me- is obtained less. Statistical results ANOVA shows that
thod contained Limonene (46.83%) and β-caryophyllene the size of the material affects the pectin content. The
epoxide (20.17%) as the main components21. The richness LSD table shows that the size 1 <= D <= 5 is diffe-
of volatile compounds in essential oils may be due to rent from the remaining dimensions. So 1 <= D <= 5
the use of different extracts techniques. In addition, the was selected as the parameter for the next experiments.
compound of the essential oil also belongs to the growth Figure 7 shows that when increasing the rate of so-
conditions and harvesting time22. lvents in raw materials, the pectin content increases
and reaches the highest value of 54.802%. However,
the pectin content decreases when the ratio of raw
materials/solvents is 1/36. The proportion of solvents
is an important factor for pectin content as the rate of
increased solvents would increase (1) the surface area
between the raw materials and solvents25, and (2) the
dissolution of solids and solvents as it penetrates deeply
into the material cells, hence enhancing pectin extraction
efficiency. On the other hand, when the solvent reduces
a high amount of the pectin content, causing the extract
to dilute, the pectin content obtained is low. The results
Figure 6. Effect of raw material size on pectin content from ANOVA show that the ratio of material/solvent
significantly affected the pectin content up to 95%.
According to the LSD classification test table, the ratio
1/32 g/mL is significantly different, as compared to the
remaining rates. Therefore, the ratio of materials and
solvents 1/32 g/mL was selected for the next experiments.
The above results are consistent with the research of
Bahare et al.26, the authors have chosen the ratio of
1/30 g/mL when surveying the influence of raw material/
solvent on pectin-extraction performance lemon peels.

Figure 7. Effect of ratio of materials and solvents on pectin


Survey pectin extraction process

Figure 6 demonstrates the effect of raw material size
on the pectin content. The size of the material is an
important factor, changing the exposure surface between Figure 8. Effect of time and extraction temperaturę on pectin
raw materials and solvents. Small-sized particles tend to content
have higher pectin content23. Figure 8 shows the effects of time and temperature
High pectin content when the material is small in on pectin content. Time has been found to play a role
size D <= 5 and the highest is 64,051% when 1 <= in increasing the pectin content26. The temperature ac-
D <= 5. When increasing the material size, the pectin celerates the solvent and diffusion of the solvent into
Table 4. Essential oil analysis results by GC-MS
22 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021

the plant tissues, increasing the pectin extraction pro- extraction efficiency. ANOVA statistical results show that
ductivity27. At a temperature of 50 oC and the time of alcohol concentration and soaking time have an impact
extracting 60 min, the pectin content obtained is 10.715 on Naringin levels at a 95% confidence level. These two
±0.004%. When increasing the time to 120 min at the factors interact with each other. Implementing the LSD
same temperature, the pectin content increased to 31.263 classification test on the concentration shows a distinct
±0.039%, yet the efficiency has not been significantly difference at 50% concentration, as compared to 60, 70,
improved. If the temperature increases to 90 oC and the 80 and 96% concentration. LSD results of time show
extraction time is 60 min, the pectin content is 66.464 that 5 h was significantly different from 1, 2, 3, and 4 h.
±0.003% produced high-efficiency product quality. Therefore, alcohol content of 50% and the soaking time
This result is consistent with the study of Xue et al.28, of 5 h were selected to perform the next experiments.
wherein the process of extracting pectin, acid addition The above results are both similar to the studies of
was kept as short as possible to prevent breaking gly- Zhou et al.31, where 50% and 90 min have been selected
coside and ester bonding. This can negatively affect the when surveying the influence of alcohol content and
molecular weight and glue properties of pectin, reducing extraction time Naringin levels from pomelos. On the
the pectin content obtained. At a temperature of 90 oC other hand, Nguyen Cam Van et al.32 showed that 70%
with an extraction period of 90 min and 120 min, the alcohol concentration in 1 h is suitable for extraction of
pectin content tends to decrease by 33.157 ±0.049% naringin from pomelo by ultrasonic extraction method.
and 18.765 ±0.023%, respectively. Extracting pectin Figure 10 shows the effect of the flush temperature
with high temperatures with extended time can cause on Naringin concentration. High temperature encourages
pectin hydrolysis into short-chain sugar which is unable Naringin to dissolve easily into water, thereby reducing
to precipitate by using normal acids, thus reducing pectin the bitterness of pomelos. When the water is discharged
content22. Statistical results ANOVA shows that P-value at a temperature of 50 oC, the concentration of Naringin
<0.05, indicating that the temperature and time affected 0.0005 mg/mL, which is higher than the 45 oC discharges
the pectin content with a reliable level of 95%. These two temperature with a concentration of 0.0011 mg/mL. When
factors interact with each other. LSD results indicate 60 the soaked water temperature increases to 60 oC, the
min and 90 oC significantly different from the remaining naringin concentration decreases to 0.0006 mg/mL. By
time and temperature. Therefore, 60 min and 90 oC feeling, the sample of pomelo at this temperature has
were selected for the next experiments. Similar results been corrupted, the structure of pomelo is destroyed.
have been reported with Nurul and colleagues29, Foo The appropriate discharge temperature not only increases
et al.30 selected 60 min and 90 oC when surveying the the efficiency of bitter separation but also contributes to
influence of time and temperature on pectin extraction holding the structure of pomelos, ensuring sensory and
performance from sweet potato peels. quality. ANOVA statistics show that P-value = 0.0000
<0.05, indicating that the flush temperature affects the
Surveying the process of drying pomelo Naringin concentration at a 95% confidence level. LSD
table shows that the 50 oC temperature is significantly
Survey removes bitter matter in pomelo different from 45 oC and not different from 60 oC. The-
Figure 9 shows the influence of alcohol concentrations refore, 50 oC is the right temperature to perform the
and soaking time on naringin concentration. Alcohol next experiment. The results are different compared to
is a common solvent that is capable of dissolving fla- the research of Zhou et al.31, who also selected 60 oC
vonoids, especially naringin. In general, when alcohol when studying the effect of extraction temperature on
concentrations increased from 50% to 96%, causing naringin levels from pomelos. By using the ultrasonic
Naringin concentration decreased. This can be explained extraction method, Nguyen Cam Van et al.32 chose 55 oC
because the amount of alcohol is too much-diluted solu- as the optimal temperature for an experiment.
tion, Naringin concentration decreases. When increasing Figure 11 shows the influence of the amount of dis-
soaking time from 1 h to 5 h, Naringin concentration charge on naringin concentration. To increase the bit-
increase and reach the highest value of 0.0178 mg/ml terness effect, the number of discharges is an important
at 5 h and 50%. However, at the same concentration parameter that helps to reduce the smell of alcohol and
of 50% alcohol, 5 h and 4 h soaking time has an insi- to limit microorganisms while eliminating the residual
gnificant difference. Long soaking time causes naringin
to dissolve completely into the solvent, increasing the

Figure 9. Effect of soaking time and alcohol content on na-

ringin content Figure 10. Effect of the water temperature on naringin concentration
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021 23

evaporate faster. So choose the drying time of 90 min

at a temperature of 50 oC as appropriate.

Survey after drying

Figure 13 shows the effects of soaking water tem-
perature and soak time on the ability to complete the
pomelo peels. When changing the water temperature
soaked from the usual temperature to 50 oC, the ability
to reverberate increases and reaches the highest value
of 100% at 3 h and 5 h. However, when increasing the
soaking temperature to 100 oC in both times above, the
Figure 11. Effect of the number of discharges on Naringin con-
ability to refund slightly. At the remaining time, the
ability to revert continues to increase. Statistical results
amount of naringin. Initially, without discharge, very ANOVA indicates that the time with p-value > 0.05
high naringin levels are 2.1 mg/mL. When increasing does not affect the ability to complete, as compared
the number of discharges once up to 3 times, Naringin to the soaked temperature with p-value < 0.05. High
concentration decreased from 0.195 mg/mL to 0.042 temperatures would increase the evaporation rate of
mg/mL. When it adds to the number of discharges to pomelo peels and limit the shrinkage of products, hel-
4–5 times, Naringin concentration decreases but not ping pomelos with high efficiency. However, when an
significantly. ANOVA statistics results show that the overheating water temperature would cause the product
number of discharge factors affects Naringin levels with to be corrupted and destroy its structure of the product.
a 95% confidence level. The LSD shows the difference LSD results show that the survey temperature levels
and contributes to the proven experimental execution
showed no difference between 50 oC and 100 oC, thus
of the number of factors with practical significance.
the soaked water temperature of 50 oC was selected for
The results showed that the first and the second time
saving time and ensuring the structure for pomelo peels
of discharge was different from the remaining times.
after soaking. Therefore, to achieve good efficiency, the
Therefore, 3 times of discharge with water is reasonable
for both saving time and the cost of reducing naringin present study has proposed to soak products into water
content in pomelos. at a temperature of 50 oC for 1–3 h.

Survey drying process

Figure 12 shows the dry curves through 3 basic stages:
The first stage after 15 min we see a quick decrease
in moisture because this is the product heating stage,
moisturizing the surface Fast evaporation. The second
phase is from 15 min to 30 min, which is a stable eva-
poration stage that makes evaporation more stable, the
evaporation of the faces of drying products and the
end-stage is 30 min onwards. At that time, the drying
velocity decreases, gradually moisture with humidity. At
Figure 13. Effect of soaking water temperature and time soaking
a temperature of 40 oC and 45 oC, moisture decreases up moisture
very quickly in the first 15 min but the product storage
time must not belong and the product after drying has CONCLUSION
a brittle crunch. At a temperature of 50 oC, the product
Dried pomelo peels are white, uniformly structured,
retains the structure, long-time, hardness of 309,862 N.
and have a hardness of 309.862 N. The dried fruit can
When the drying temperature, the faster the drying time
be stored for a long time. Appropriate conditions of
is faster because the temperature plays an important role
essential oil distillation are as follows: Raw material
in helping to escape Moisture surface drying products.
size is 3 mm, distillation time is 27 min with a ratio of
When the higher the drying temperature causes the lower
materials and solvent of 1/12 g/mL to achieve essential
moisture, the lower drying agent pushes the surface to
oil efficiency is 89.88%. To extract pectin from pomelos
to be best effective, the size of the material is 1 <= D
<= 5 with the ratio of 1/32 (g/mL) was selected when
the temperature and the extraction time are 90 oC and
60 min, respectively. Approximately 48% of concentrated
pectin was achieved. Before drying, naringin in pomelos
is removed by soaking in alcohol with concentrations of
50% in 5 h and discharge with water at a temperature
of 50 oC for 3 times. Suitable conditions for pomelo
drying are 50 oC in 90 min. Soaked pomelo peels had
an ability to complete 100% in the conditions of soaking
Figure 12. Effect of time and temperature dying up moisture water at 50 oC for 1–3 h.
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 23, No. 4, 2021 24

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