Physics Sheet 5
Physics Sheet 5
Physics Sheet 5
4. Kirchoffs Circuit Rules 3. Magnetic Moment a. Gauss's Law is based on the fact that isolated
a. Constraints on the Voltage A magnetic moment, denoted M, is produced magnetic poles (monopoles) do not exist
Them i. For any loop in the circuit the voltage must by a current loop
of the I. Faraday's Law — Electromagnetic Induction
be the same: Sv = SlR a. A current loop, with current I and area A,
a proo ii.The energy must be generates a magnetic moment of strength M: Faraday's Law: Passing a magnet through a current
conserved in a circuit loop M=IA loop induces a current in the loop
b. Constraints on the Current b. Torque on a loop: A loop placed in a magnetic
i. The current must balance at field will experience a torque, rotating the
every node or junction Constraints on loop: T = M • B Faraday's Law
ii.For any junction: Zjl=0
iii.The total charge must be conserved in the
circuit; the amount of charge entering and
leaving any point in the circuit must be -0
equal -0