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DM Question Bank

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Queshon Ronk
Short Querhen'

Dene Tautolasgy, Cortradicton ond contlyency oa

a) hat te el|-tormed formulo ¢ it preperhe!
Convereverte and Contapohe n the
etatemert d Ccon nse
the tollouoing
the propoe thien 11 you have the fbo then
) Represent in to Symbolle
you nmis the hhal Snamtnaton
Yom and alio neqatton
Vatidty oy he yoloec'ng
gollecchg trgument
5)) Tet tte
th We allll hot haNe a
Jd t Yane today dono have the
Foday y oe
uoe wof ll haVe a pavty
Party today , then then
6hat aae Deved Connecnves Co) nANDa
NoR Connecbve a th Trth Table
e all Conneches 4 ti Treth tabe?
) Roend 4free Notabe)
4) khat Dealty lauo oth
)to) Tranolate each oy theye etatemens inho togicad
Enpiestion! ublng Predscate r Quauhtert ond
tocca Coonnechve
1) Gome-thhg s not in the Qo rect pace
are n the Correot placL
in Encellent co ndiHon and Ce
is An tre Correct pae and in encelMlent cordHan
io An the Correet placa Cnd to n Encetlent

|V) one oy your toel Caond'

tc hon;
nod nhe Conecl plau, but itir
In eneellend Cond/hon

kong Oueahon
DeT the etatement e Tautoleq y

otain PcNe
peN for
ie gocoresctent
u) eT the
P->0, R , PvR, N(Qvc)
(5) R-> Canbe drauon yromn the
premices P (ce->),RVp and
godirect aethod, dedve p trom
P-> (ov,
Sndimeot aethd ot PrsCoy, ST
Le a Natd Conclug'on Yom the
UCe Treh table to shoco that (7DA(04 R)v (0 Ag)Texa
Condet Fetth at tor CDva )Aap)v(1A) =R
(O pT
ottos Anomthe ce o
prermis ey
(R7s), Rvs,s57Q9uting gndireet
dedved trom
trom Be, éB
Gvt can be
(Ave)>A BA
Qse eacuhlalencer to choo that
statements into dogical
(B)Translate coch o Predia,Quanttfers nd
Snprestons ugng s noFin the covet
loaca Conneh'e)Sverythingit tnPlace
he covvect pla
and ae tn Condib
Jae Va tidsty o the tottoeeo'ng
Ostablbh the
abonal numnber. Some
Theregore, evme
Yatonel numbers re

chort ueshn
DDetomihe pauner Set o P `u516?
a) Gve the depnthen and Encles Reylentve
and Lymmetme Relahont , antsm mene tantitive
)Drao the drectd raph tha repreents the
K= ~Cud (2,4) (th 2) (213) i(3) (31) (3 on
) hict Vanbuw operaton pefovmed on te6.
5) Deyne PoCET and Hase Diaqam)
cohat a Yonction ondnj ech'on
uohat ts onto tuncbon fnd the Invrle
04 2t3
(8 Det errmine uoheter D s a tintte
Aqebra Co not
hat e Null Cet ?
16) Dekevmine ouo the Relatony QRe epresentd
Ung Enample
() Detnne Lawalenee Relaton
hogAnsoer Qeueshtory
Da) For ary two lelr A and B Prove the
7ollor Jdentl A-Cnns)=A-B

a parbon A Pind the autvalence

relatton delemh ed byP
the Conguence Olodelo m o an Eaovalente
Relah'on on integevs
Detomhy the funchlon te the Bijechon hrom
Rto R Wf(n) nt1 5

)Draco the Hasse Dbqram vepr eerlg the

parhal orderng (ai5la diuidey b on

Knplan dytevent tp o funchont uoth

on A teo Synorelrk 4 and
eleve iy and ony
A RelatonR on A is
te reylenlNe
B be
B be tuoo teti Chogthod
A and
An (BA)
Use Venn Deram to luhake the reahonsln
hid and Lnplatn Vatout opeateort pevfomed
on Se b

( Cong der the foteong Yelaton n

veflenive lo R ymmele.
( het R be

syrometrie and only 2

(8) R te onnmete and only 1
9 11 Relabor R and e are retlenive , Symneic
and tYanebve. ghoo that
elen'e, Symmetrie and tranesve
Ce Latvalence retaon
relahon on e ,
e an Squlvalene e lahon
) pne to Qn Sqetalene ela hon

(9 het x=S2, 2, u! be aset and R ie a

relabon On the Sesch that R CD,
Ctru) Cun) (u)C22) (212)(2,) (3,3) ?.Drao ith Mlatna
and 9maph. Ase pove
Prore that 2''r an
`qulvalenee Reaton.
het e' and 'be the 4o tlouoing Relahon
con = ay byC,d derned byRta ia)Ca c)lob)
(e, 8caib) 'andS- 3Cb4) cc/c) ccd)c tdia)?

dhovt aueshons
D Dee Crcoepotd? Boolean Eprejlon
) Sod the dual ey the tottoolng
a) Dene the termAbelion
8) op, Sermi-Cvoup

CiroUpoide Cnd olnolds plth Enaple

L Dene
clB and
5) (ohat o attilce, and aleo deyine
Atgebyat &tvcteme also Splan
) ahat ir
it propert'es
propetey o Crope
) Sapian General
state Cnd podove Demogoty
Demeoi theovem.fhe
Haebro, otte leuon
hat Boelean
Aron oj Boolean dtgebra
to) Pand Use kornauyh map to pl y the

Lohat is Boole an toe 'on

2) Eaplan the ternn op and posAtaebre?
in B ookeon
hong OuesHons
D pote thot intysech'on o7 tuoo

T the Copllmen t ot (a.b) is a't

i a divides b Drao Hasse biogYam)

for it and Prove that te a la Hce, hut hot
dictsbetve attice
Speclal ype oy hattces coith
the Boolean
Booean Hqekra
P+ par'+Ce -+
Berkeon tunchenn
(onvert the yottoo'ng junchi ve
4 l , 2 -Cs -y)ata inineis
Nomal tom.

algela (B +,
the Boolean algebra
the Boodean tuncyon.

Drouo -the koaraugh map ond Cmplty

the toloolug mpreltbn.
Represert the fottoutng Beoldan, funchon in
Dlcunc6ve Nomad torm

Find the qeatet loeoer boevd Qnd leatt

copper ound o the let 2,4,12? and
Sotct tn the PoreT
(2t, )
to) losider the pocET A= l|2,
3,516j4e onder
Parhal order ohose Haee Diogram tt choon
beloco. Conder the Cobtet B-,2 and
C= $3,u,5! ot '. find
() A locoer 4 Eipper Bovndy

the pOLeT GNen in the

Jollouolng Hacce Dloqram s alatia.
a)prove that Di-u Dis a complern ente
DoD a Cornplemented lath'e ?


chort uestonc'
D Jn htoco many uoaus Can the lette vt the
ord CoM BINE,Be be arranged sothat
all the never Come toether)

the Nalue o 50 Co
Cnd Podut Rele o1
2stae Cum Reole Cnd
u) nd the Value o1 Yuohen cC1e )clie)
can a Commttee o
hoo many oy
u ctudent be choOC en r0m
55 teachers and
and 5 eudonb
nlht Co.elheent of y'2n
-the propese o1 Pigeon hole Prirdt
Smpah the Dnncipe ot Jncueron and
Heco mant ditteren runbers ying behuseen ton
and ooo ton be tovwned uoith the lytt

haoltronial heoen Phd the rurnber O
gntegers K250 und diti2lsle by 31095oy|
e Sctenthets torrpesed
5- pyehole Cand
many ucayc Con a (ommitfee o4 5 be
-hat kas g-
a Poucho lonct aud
aud d2 -Soerolo
) Chd the numter ' non -negathe ntqrl

a potihve intoer.
B4ate and prove Binomiod theonem
)hat s co. eltcet lol

)There are bo gtudenb 'nn each a the Sentor tor)

juntor clasces- Each Cnd 05

denole Cudenb gn houo many

£ight ftudont commttee be forrned 2o
thee ale tour emale Cud thee juntor
nthe lonte1
6) Hoo many ntea ert betuseen land 3oo a
diviebe by atecy t
De terrnine the loellietent ot ny nthe
eapantton (2n-3yrt 52


) De he nomber ) potihwe
ohich oe dhitbe by 3 oY
Jnteges s100
and uoh
lontainc blac k, blue
nimum numbeY o1
the n choose tn t der
that One need to Soclas of the
to qet
Zarme muyt be
13 chldren there
sere byn 3
Chdren coho
atleost tesomonth
the bme

chort uestiong
D Dene aulhgragh colth Enample 7
Drao a
uolth Verhees oy Degree )l;243)
hat kQttnnm neumhey o raph eolth

Ctate the londh'on jor

tOr ohiehn the araph de
Sad to be tree
5 the indegree. Ot deqree and of otcl
deqree of Each Vevten ot the fotouolng qcph

Cycle , uoalk, Trial Qnd

6) pene path,Cycutt,
(ennechwly? chrnomaAle Nemberand
tohat is Craph CotorngJ
) tour-Color problem.
a Tree uoth emompe 4
Depne Pree oth Eample
) uohat Gponning
lo) Derine
kong Ouertory
D Saplan h detail ahout difestrnt typey )

INolte al the operahlon of a qraph.

Cevt be the Representahon oa9roph
3) De
otth Enample
B-porhte qraph and Conplete
Bparhte qnoph ntith Snanple.
) aloite abat kyrkkab and priim') algonm
Ondetat ao Loth narple ach.
nte the diytevence betoeen krth ball
and prnlm go thn.
he totlrong
the chromatie Aunker o
Phd (h3) tb (omplete B/at
Complele qyoph
Clez, 3)
Reguar qroph Ce3)
stale a Prrove Eule tormdo, Ham;lodan
froph or
4Or a plane Connecked Groph
nplatn a itlertate Brs and Der

Enpain chortest path utng Dijbtdy lgorntm

alhat fesb-qraph and Jomope
qraph aotthnampl e
ottoung he CT
ate graph
ehoon Graph
the BndAnd beloy.
Craphefoltouotng the that shoco (6
Bnplan in Aeto) about
deta) about kuvatous5ki'r theotena
e Pre -ordery Jn-ordcY and
poct-ovder an Eromple.

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