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Stds and Causing Agents

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1. The Neisseria gonorrhoeae differs from Neisseria meningitidis in that, N.


A. Lacks the capsule

B. Has capsule

C. Ferments maltose

D. Vaccine is not available

E. Portal of entry is respiratory tract

2. The following are virulent factors of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, except:

A. Lipopolysaccharides

B. IgM-1 Protease

C. Opa proteins

D. Porin proteins

E. Lactoferrin receptors

3. The following is True/False about Neisseria meningitidis…

A. Causes meningococcaemia.

B. Normal flora of nasopharynx and brain.

C. Humans are intermediate hosts.

D. Serogroups A and W135 are associated. With disease in developed


E. Can invade directly along perineural sheath of olfactory nerve.

4. The organism clostridia cause infections that vary both in infectivity and

Manifestation, these include:

A. Botulism

B. Food poisoning
C. Tetanus

D. Spasmin

E. Gangrene

5. STDs that cause genital ulcers include:

A. Anal fistula

B. Chancroid

C. Herpes Zoster

D. Syphilis

E. Measles spots

6. Some of the factors that contribute to the spread and progression of STDs
include the following:

A. Each STD presents a challenge in diagnosis, therapy and prevention

B. A large number of biological and social forces are involved in the dynamics
of their transmission

C. They are synonymous with normal infections

D. They are all indolent in nature

E. The duration of their infectiousness is very short

7. The following are some of the complications of STDs in women and


A. Failure to thrive

B. Risk of potentially fatal tubal pregnancy increase

C. STDs can cause spontaneous abortion

D. Women may become infertile

E. Sexually acquired HPV may progress to cervical cancer

8. Acute manifestations of most frequent STDs include

A. Mucopurulency

B. Genital ulcers

C. Dysplasia and cancer

D. Progressive wasting

E. Intermittent vaginal irritation

9.STDs that cause genital ulcers include

A. anal fistulae

B. chancroid

C. herpes zoster

D. syphilis

E. measles spots

10. Infection with the following organisms also predisposes to infection with

A. E. coli


C. P. aeruginosa

D. Bacteroides

E. H. ducreyi

11. Infection with certain agents of STDs such as Chlamydia has its
problems, particularly with duration of infectivity, 1

Is so because:

A. Chlamydia takes long to cause infection

B. such organisms often cause asymptomatic disease

C. carriers may not know that they are infected and thus may potentially
transmit the disease

D. treatment may be delayed and thus be ineffective

E. such diseases are only congenitally acquired

12. The following are some of the complications of STDs in women and

A. failure to thrive

B. risk of potentially fatal tubal pregnancy increases

C. STDs can cause spontaneous abortion

D. women often become blind

E. sexually acquired HPV may progress to cervical cancer

13. In treponemal infections

A. Host immunity responds rapidly to clear the pathogen.

B. Host response clears all the treponems

C. Cell-mediated immunity is more dominant

D Activated macrophages play an important role.

E.In the immunocompromised, it is more aggressive

14. In primary syphilis

A. The syphilitic lesion is a chancre

B. It is characterized by mucopapullary rash

C. The lesion is firm and painless

D. Patient manifests with fever and malaise

E. ncubation period until appearance of lesion is about 3 weeks

15. In neurosyphilis

A. Damage is by degenerative parenchymal changes in the CNS

B. Cortical degeneration of the brain causes mental changes such as


C. Demyelization of spinal nerves causes Tabes dorsalis.

D. CNS findings include neurologic deficits and behavioral changes.

E .The patient manifests with headache, fever, and meningitis.

16. The following statements are true (T) or false (F) of sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs):

A. It is a fact that most are transmitted by women

B. Men are often innocently implicated

C. Majority are asymptomatic at time of acquisition

D. Children manage to clear sexually transmitted infections once their
immunity matures.

E. Nearly half of STDs become lifelong infections.

17. Newer sexually transmitted diseases still has major impact on:

A. maternal and infant morbidity

B. human reproduction and infertility

C. PMCL – Precision measurement and control labaratry.


E. the house of chiefs

18. Differentiate the following STDs by putting C for curable or U for

uncurable in the spaces provided:


B Chancroid

C. Hepatitis B

D. Trichomoniasis

E.Genital Herpes

19. With regard to Neisseria gonorrhoea:

A. they are Gram negative anaerobic cocci

B. they ferment glucose and maltose.

C. they are oxidase positive.

D. they contain proteases which break down IgA .

E. they are sensitive to silver nitrate.

20. Chlamydia trachomatis with serogroups A-C cause:

A. non-specific urethritis

B. trachoma

C. ophthalmia neonatorum
D. adult inclusion conjunctivitis

E. lymphogranuloma venerum

21. The following are true about Clostridium tetani:

A. it is a Gram positive bacilll with terminal spore

B. tetanus can occur weeks after the initial infection

C. the symptoms of tetanus is produced by an endotoxin Fexatoon

D. tetanus antitoxin is ineffective when the toxin enters the nervous tissue

E. gas gangrene can result from Clostridium tetani infection


22. With regard to Treponema pallidum:

A. the bacteria can be found in lesions of primary syphills .

B. the bacteria can be found in lesions of secondary syphilis

C. the bacteria can be found in the cerebrospinal fluid of tertiary syphilis F

D. VDRL is specific for Treponema pallidum infection .

E. It is resistant to penicillin .

23. With regard to chlamydia trachomatis:

A. It contains both DNA and RNA .

B. it can be grown on McCoy cell culture.

C. trachoma is caused by subtypes D to K

D. subtypes A to C are usually sexually transmitted.

E. E. It is sensitive to rifampicin .

(Mwimba! Bacteriology prep doc 3)

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