Queries 2
Queries 2
Queries 2
Renault Colombia
1. How do you guarantee the amount of grease applied to the threads of the
screw, and how do you check that it is being applied correctly in the right
places? How do you guarantee compliance?
a) We have defined the areas for grease application along with no of
turns/times grease need to be applied for eg :- for screw rod person has to
apply grease 2 times means 2 turns of brushing. This timing/turns
calculation is done based upon qty of grease which need to be applied on
part. Refer attached OPS for further understanding.
b) Since there are defined areas where the grease should be applied as you shared
on the document, and as Control Plan states on item 60.1; It is not evidenced on
the actual parts, as can be seen on the images.
Total grease amount is 5grms & that is being applied on 3 areas as defined in
OPS/Control plan, moreover extra grease from teeth side location & between
slotted washer & thread nut area is being wiped out with cloth to avoid spillage
on part surface & to avoid touching on hands, actually due to sliding/mating
contact area grease from both locations is spreading on part.
c) How are you following the amount of grease stablished on the drawings? How
you spread that amount on the different parts?
No of turns on screw rod as mentioned in OPS/control plan is defined based upon usage
of 5 Grams including one time touch up on other 2 areas (arm teeths & in between
slotted washer and nut) - In totality for 5 grms grease
2. What is the exact force with its tolerance, you apply to the jack to stamp the
rivets, and how often you check this parameter. Where and how did you get
the values?
a) Exact force spec is 5-6 KG/CM2 pressure which we are checking from
pressure gauge mounted on riveting machine. Inspection being done
during set up & patrol inspection. Refer attached OPS for the same.
b) How was that value determined?
Based upon rivet dimensions required considering movement of part
c) How often do you control this value on your process? Please send a
picture of the gauge and the reports of the times you have calibrated
the machine.
There is pressure gauge and value is being checked at set up – report
will be shared for the same
d) What happen to the piece if the pressure goes above the value?
Rivetting issue – dia formation
e) What happen to the piece if the pressure goes under the value?
Rivetting issue – Less stroke – dia formation
4. Do you verify the traceability of the parts you deliver? Do you track parts by
each batch of RANs? If so, how is this done, and where does this process
take place? Since you said the parts are sent to other plant before being
delivered to the ILN
4.1 Do you have traceability for the parts shipped to Colombia? -> Not
answered yet!!!
Traceability system already shared also month & date code is
mentioned on parts Co
4.2 At what stage of the process is the traceability marking applied? Is it
done when the part is fully finished? -> Not answered yet!!!
On base plate during stamping process & date & month coding during final
inspection at MTL Chennai
a) We are tracking the part w.r.t linkage of invoice no and RAN no from all
3 stages means from MTL Ludhiana (tracking invoice no)à MTL Chennai
(tracking invoice no) à ILN (tracking RAN no). Please check attached ppt
for your better understanding.
5. Regarding the closing torque for the rattle noise, there is no evidence where
an agreement between Renault and Moonlight was accorded; the Squall was
abandoned. Also, there is no evidence that this action was cross-applied on
our reference 995500717R. Please share if you have any other document
that supports this action.
a) We have shared presentation against complaint of rattle noise in which
clearly screw rod tight actions are mentioned, now if we are talking
about acceptance then here this point also need to be noted that no
objection also received against the actions submitted. Regarding cross
application in case of XBA then please note down that Horizontal
deployment is the standard procedure for any complaint closure and we
adopted the same.
b) Your answer concerned me. We need a document to support this
action. Renault must agree with it before you proceed. Otherwise, you
are violating the specification.
Actions submitted against the complaint during which there is no
objection received from customer side
c) What worries me the most is, why are there lifting jacks without the
closing torque you mention? Were not you applying this to all the
parts? We have found some pieces with the slotted washer actually
loose as can be seen on the image.
Tightening of thread is manual process as we are not doing any kind of torqueing on the
part for making thread tight so it might happened over a period of time, we will reassure
the thread tightening process
6. Regarding the torque test as plan control states 90.4, please share the
reports for the last month
Will be shared
9. If the packaging is checked as established by the control plan in item 100.1, why do
we receive ripped off and unstitched bags?
Why the control plan does not have any reaction plan to deal with this?
(Squall) What are going to be the actions for this?
This could happen during transit also please share packaging condition of
this particular lot received at your end