Software Engineering Projects in Distant Teaching
Software Engineering Projects in Distant Teaching
Software Engineering Projects in Distant Teaching
Philipp Bouillon
Jens Krinke
FernUniversitat in Hagen
Stephan Lukosch
Software engineering education is most often complemented by a software engineering project
where a team of students has to develop a large software system. At a distance teaching university such projects challenge the students in communication, coordination, and collaboration,
because team members work in different places, many miles away from each other. We present
an ECLIPSE-based unified platform that leverages available tools and solutions and discuss the
problems involved. Besides using plug-ins that support the students during implementation, our
platform integrates a collaborative distant education environment and a software project management system that eases the students collaboration in the software engineering project.
1: Introduction
Teaching software engineering at a university is a multi-level education starting with teaching
programming up to teaching advanced topics. Software engineering education has to be accompanied with hands-on experience, typically in software engineering projects where the students have
to work in teams to develop a complete software system. Such projects have the goals that students
(1) design, validate, verify, implement, and maintain software systems, (2) understand processes
and models, and (3) obtain and improve team and communication skills. A major requirement
is that the projects are realistic, i.e. the system to be implemented is of a non-trivial size and the
students use realistic (or even better, real) tools.
At the FernUniversitat in Hagen, the first distance teaching university in Germany, most software
engineering courses are taught completely as distant learning courses (online or via snail-mail).
However, the software engineering projects in the graduate level have to pay special attention to
problems arising from the distribution of our students, because the students are not working together at the same place, but rather they are all working at home, possibly hundreds of miles away
from the others. At present, the students visit the university in Hagen to form their teams and to
be introduced to the project circumstances. Then they return to their respective homes, implement
their part within the IDE of their choice, and discuss their work and communicate via a system
called CURE (Collaborative Universal Remote Education environment) [6], the CSCL (ComputerSupported Collaborative Learning) platform of the FernUniversitat. To allow for the collaboration
of a group during the project, the group must be supported in terms of communication, coordination, and collaboration. Those areas are often used to classify groupware. Communication
essentially means the exchange of information between the students. Coordination is used to synchronize shared tasks, while collaboration finally addresses the achievement of group goals. From
the description given above, several problems for the FernUniversitat arise:
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than the one found in distant teaching. On the other hand, the cooperative learning platform of the
FernUniversitat already provides support for synchronous and asynchronous communication and
collaboration. This system, called CURE [6], facilitates collaborative learning in distributed teams
using standard browsers over the Internet. CURE is based on the room-metaphor which is commonly used to structure collaboration [5, 8]. Additionally, CURE combines ideas from web-based
working spaces (wiki) [7] with communication and coordination tools. Those tools include an email system, document management and a calendar with an appointment synchronizer. Students
at the FernUniversitat are already used to this system so an integration into our new platform for
software engineering projects is sensible.
Any software engineering project within distant teaching is always distributed software engineering (DSE). DSE is supported by project management or groupware solutions ranging from communication and collaboration support to software-centric solutions typically found in open source
projects, e.g. SourceForge3 or GForge4 . These seem to be a good infrastructure for software engineering projects and indeed, some universities use GForge for that purpose. However, we have
decided to use a commercial variant, CodeBeamer5 from Intland, due to its improved usability and
increased functionality.
The third major requirement is supervision, observation, and grading. The teacher must be able
to supervise the groups advances, guide the students through the project, and quickly identify
problems to offer help or intervene. For this purpose and for the later grading, she must be able
to analyze the communication in the group, the rendered documents, and the developed software.
There exists some support to analyze software inside and outside ECLIPSE which can be used by
the teacher. The JRefleX project [10] provides plug-ins for collaboration analysis and evolution
So, new plug-ins have to be developed and existing plug-ins have to be grouped together and
glued, so that they are aware of each other and facilitate the collaborative working of students in
software engineering projects.
The instant messaging tools still fit on the screen with the students IDE. In contrast, using CURE
always enforced a context switch to the browser. Therefore, we developed an ECLIPSE plug-in that
integrates a CURE View into ECLIPSE. A sample screen is shown in Figure 1. The middle view
shows a page of a room and the tree view on the right shows the rooms currently available to the
user. A software project is mapped to a room, while its pages represent the sub projects, milestones,
and various other topics.
3.2: Project Management
Software projects in distant teaching need a strict project management. Experience shows teams
using CURE for project management had better results than teams using implicit project management. However, project management with CURE is very cumbersome in comparison to project
management tools. For this purpose we have chosen CodeBeamer, a server based software development solution with comprehensive collaborative features for development teams. It is a ready-touse solution with light-weight project management based on trackers. These trackers can be used
to manage requirements, tasks, bugs etc. and can be visualized in diagrams (e.g. gantt charts). This
approach eases the traceability for the participating students and the teacher. The tracking system
is able to present the list of things that have been worked on lately or that have to be tackled with
next. CodeBeamer comes with a plug-in that integrates the trackers with ECLIPSE.7 This service is
provided by a server located at the FernUniversitat and thus it can be accessed by any team member currently taking the software engineering course; besides the plug-in there is no software to be
installed by the student. Figure 1 shows CodeBeamers trackers in the bottom view.
3.3: Phases of a project
Besides the two major components described above, we have evaluated some available plugins for usage in a (distant teaching) software engineering project. There is varying support for
the different phases of a software project, which we will present next. It is worth noting that
the mentioned phases are coarse grained and flexible to accommodate traditional or agile process
models during the project.
Phase 1: The creation of the project. When creating a project, a supervisor must be able to
enter a project description and mark the milestones at which certain parts of the project have to be
completed. A common project description can be put to a project room in CURE, which is accessible
by the project group members. A more comprehensive description, i.e. including milestones, is
achieved by using the task tracker of CodeBeamer, where every task can have an end date. It would
be desirable to automatically enter those dates into a team-calendar which is shared by each team
member, allowing for the addition of team-internal dates. We have not found a plug-in that provides
calendar functionality. The optimal solution for this kind of (simple) calendar would be to integrate
ECLIPSE with MS Outlook or IBM Lotus Notes since these are the applications used by most people
to organize their meetings. Present open-source project management and/or cooperation solutions
provide their own calendars which cannot be synchronized with others. Currently, there are even
two calendars in the universitys platform, one in the administration and e-learning platform and
one in CURE; both are independent and cannot be synchronized. Neither one is used extensively by
the students due to the lack of synchronization possibilities.
We originally planned to use GForge as a free alternative, however, due to its architecture it is not easily integrateable
Phase 2: Requirements analysis. In the beginning of a project, most activities imply discussing
issues and documenting requirements. To allow for a vivid discussion among team members, both,
synchronous and asynchronous communication must be provided and the final requirements document should be produced in the same environment without the need to constantly switch between
applications. Therefore, a chat and mail functionality, as well as wiki-pages where team members
can jot down their ideas is ideal. Most of this is available in CURE where students can discuss the
requirements and can use the wiki pages to produce their resulting document. The CURE plug-in
provides chat, mail, and wiki in the same style as the standalone CURE system. As CURE furthermore provides a document versioning system, it is also possible to retrieve older versions of any
kind of document and thereby reconstruct how they evolved. The student team also has to generate
tasks from the requirement. Together with the milestones given by the teacher, the students have to
plan their project. For each requirement and each task the students have to generate a tracker entry.
This approach eases the traceability for the students and the teacher. The tracking system is able to
present the list of things that have been worked on lately or that have to be tackled next. Besides
CodeBeamer, there are other tracker plug-ins, for example those that integrate BugZilla.
Phase 3: Design. A variety of UML design tools exist. However, none of the available open
source tools allow for collaborative design. Very useful would be a graphical diff-view that directly
shows the user, which changes were made (i.e. by highlighting modified, added, or removed elements in the diagram). Additionally, most UML-tools are not easily usable in a software engineering
project, because they either have not enough functionality or are too complex for the novice user.
Best suited for our needs are Together8 and MagicDraw9 ; other tools are either not integrateable into
ECLIPSE or suffer from stability problems. Furthermore, UML design can be accompanied by a chat
window to support synchronous communication during the work (see discussion above). A promising project named GroupUML [2] is currently being developed at the TU Munchen. GroupUML is
a tool which allows multiple users to create and edit semi-formal UML diagrams. The tool is able to
create standard UML diagrams and on the other hand supports free hand drawing and text editing.
In short, GroupUML combines the aspects of a shared whiteboard with a UML diagram editor. The
key feature of the tool is that it allows all team members to view what is currently being done.
Additionally, a team member can immediately see what has been discussed if she joins the meeting
later, because chat messages between the users are logged and kept persistently with the diagram.
Even better is that those chat messages can be linked to certain elements in the working area so that
a user can easily attribute a message to a portion of the diagram. We will evaluate this project and
see if it can be integrated into our environment. If that is the case, we will further pursue the issue.
Phase 4: Coding and unit testing. ECLIPSE is already excellently equipped for coding purposes
in JAVA. Other languages are not so well supported, yet, but this is hopefully going to change in
the future. For testing (and one way to specify), JUNIT is shipped with ECLIPSE, which our students are required to use. Independent of the programming language, a team interface is integrated
with ECLIPSE which allows for CVS communication, so this collaborative issue is already solved
elegantly in ECLIPSE. To improve this phase, external tools like JML (a specification language for
JAVA) will be provided. We also plan to evaluate the effect of code checking plug-ins like CheckStyle or PMD, debugging aids like delta debugging [1], or others. Of course, discovered bugs are
managed in our setting with the CodeBeamers bug tracker.
Phase 5: Delivery and grading. At last, after the students have delivered the software together
with the required documents, the teacher has the task to evaluate and grade the students. Criteria
for the evaluation can be many fold: (1) cooperation skills, (2) quality of the design and the implementation, (3) accordance of the final version to the documented requirements and design, and (4)
needed time. The key requirement here is traceability. In a traditional software engineering project,
where the group is given a task and delivers the final software system, it is almost impossible to
grade the students individually. This is different with the presented infrastructure: The teacher is
able to extract the needed data from the persistent communication in CURE (chat protocols, mail
archives, all versions of the wiki pages), from the CodeBeamer trackers, and from the documents
and source code stored in the CVS archive. Furthermore, she can use reverse engineering tools to
compare the architecture of the delivered software with the original design. A plug-in specifically
dedicated to this approach is JRefleX [10] which provides collaboration analysis (how has the team
worked together) and evolution analysis (how has the architecture changed over time). We plan to
evaluate JRefleX in our context.
because of the use of CodeBeamer has yet to be determined by a final evaluation. After the initial
phase, the coordination of that group was handled in CURE. The group members argued that for the
initial task assignments, CodeBeamer was valuable, however, after those tasks were clear, a weekly
team chat along with the data stored in the CVS repository sufficed to coordinate the remaining
5: Conclusions
We have presented how we use ECLIPSE as the key environment for software engineering projects
in distant teaching. It mainly consists of the integration of two major components: the standard
cooperation platform of the FernUniversitat, CURE, and the project management solution CodeBeamer. CURE has been integrated by a newly developed plug-in that enables the usage of wiki,
mail, chat, and group calendar within ECLIPSE. CodeBeamer comes with a plug-in that integrates
the various trackers into ECLIPSE.
First experiences have shown CURE and CodeBeamer to support distributed software development by improving the collaboration of the team. Together with additional plug-ins, this platform
will ease the (distant teaching) software engineering project in all phases; students will be able to
collaborate more intensively, manage their project more easily, and deliver higher quality software.
Because of the heavy use of persistent communication, trackers, and version repositories, it will be
easier for the teachers to grade their students individually.
The presented integrated development environment with CURE and CodeBeamer is currently
being used for the first time. We have reported first experiences with the IDE. A final evaluation of
the collaboration of participating groups will show if students need more tools and if they accept
the provided ones.
[1] Philipp Bouillon, Martin Burger, and Andreas Zeller. Automated debugging in eclipse. In Proceedings of the 2003
OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, pages 15, 2003.
[2] Naoufel Boulila, Allen H. Dutoit, and Bernd Brugge. Scoop: A framework for supporting synchronous collaborative object-oriented software design process. In Proceedings of the 2004 ASE Workshop on Cooperative Support
for Distributed Software Engineering Processes, pages 3953, 2004.
[3] Li-Te Cheng, Susanne Hupfer, Steven Ross, and John Patterson. Jazzing up eclipse with collaborative tools. In
Proceedings of the 2003 OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, pages 4549, 2003.
[4] Michael Gnatz, Leonid Kof, Franz Prilmeier, and Tilman Seifert. A practical approach of teaching software engineering. In Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, pages 120128, 2003.
[5] S. Greenberg and M. Roseman. Using a room metaphor to ease transitions in groupware. In M. Ackermann,
V. Pipek, and V. Wulf, editors, Beyond Knowledge Management: Sharing Expertise, Cambridge, MA, 2002. MIT
[6] J. M. Haake, T. Schummer, M. Bourimi, and B. Landgraf. Supporting flexible collaborative distance learning in the
CURE platform. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS-37), 2004.
[7] Bo Leuf and Ward Cunningham. The WIKI way. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 2001.
[8] H. Pfister, C. Schuckmann, J. Beck-Wilson, and M. Wessner. The metaphor of virtual rooms in the cooperative
learning environment CLear. In N. Streitz, S. Konomi, and H. Burkhardt, editors, Cooperative Buildings, LNCS
1370, pages 107113. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
[9] Daniel A. Tietze. A Framework for Developing Component-based Co-operative Applications. PhD thesis, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, 2001.
[10] Kenny Wong, Warren Blanchet, Ying Liu, Curtis Schofield, Eleni Stroulia, and Zhenchang Xing. Jreflex: Towards
supporting small student software teams. In Proceedings of the 2003 OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology
eXchange, pages 5054, 2003.