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Why & What Is Cooperative Learning at The Computer: Teaching Tips

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Why & What is Cooperative Learning at the Computer

Cooperative learning strategies help children work together, sharing one

keyboard, one
mouse, and one
learning strategies
also direct and
integrate the use
of two or more
different programs
in a lesson.
Many of these
other strategies
can be found in
the Teaching
Tipswe distribute
with our software.
Researchers at
John Hopkins, the
University of
California, and the
University of
Minnesota have
studying how
learning is
behavior. They have been able to quantify what many of us have known
experientially for years:
...when students work together they experience better acquisition,
retention and integration of content. Cooperative learning also promotes

positive peer to peer relationships, student self-esteem and the desire to

These benefits are exactly what we're after sharing, valuing, respecting, and
heartfelt learning. If you want these things to happen in your computer lab, then
cooperative learning is for you. It is an added bonus that this approach dovetails
so nicely with rotating students between different pieces of software!
What is "Cooperative Learning?"
Cooperative learning is learning in small groups where each student is
actively engaged in a three-step process: research, discussion, and group
decision making.
Cooperative learning is the process of discovery through
sharing. Cooperative learning creates an objective that requires the participation
of each student in the process. This approach to learning understands that the
whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each member of the group may have
an assignment, something to bring or contribute to the rest of the group. Each
member gets their turn to add to the larger understanding. Leaders and followers
will naturally emerge but the assignment is structured in such a way that all must
Cooperative learning is goal-oriented. Through research and the sharing of
information and ideas, students construct a group understanding or larger
picture which leads them toward new meanings and insights. The group may be
working toward creating a statement or a report, a solution or a completed
project that expresses what the group has learned.
Cooperative learning is not... four kids in front of a computer with one kid
dominating the mouse, keyboard, or discussion. Cooperative learning isn't one
team competing against another team and letting the brightest kids come up with
all the answers. Cooperative means "cooperate."
Cooperative learning is more than telling the class to split into three groups to
"answer these questions." It is a way of learning that the teacher both directs
and models through their words and interactions with their students.
Cooperative learning is an intentional lesson planning strategy that fosters
discussion and facilitates contributions from all participants. In cooperative
learning, the computer becomes a means to an end, --a tool to promote the

sharing of ideas and peer to peer relationships. Cooperative learning helps focus
attention on software content and not just its whiz bang features. Cooperative
learning embodies biblical values of sharing, listening, expressing your faith to
others, and learning from each other.
Cooperative learning strategies have not always been used in traditional Sunday
School. The biggest hurdles have been lack of preparation time and the limited
class time we have for our lessons (typically once a week for 55 minutes --as
opposed to six hours a day, five days a week in public education).
To be successful with your cooperative computer lab strategy, you will
need to do two things:
1) Carefully and intentionally craft your lesson plans. This means taking time to
know your software.
2) Schedule teachers in blocks of weeks rather than intermittently, and allow
them to use the same lesson plan with more than one class in order to allow
them to experiment and improve a single lesson plan strategy week after week.
This will help them be better prepared the next time.
Cooperative learning is a LEARNED habit. So it is a great help to schedule
students in for several weeks in a row. If they are only in the lab once a month,
good habits will take longer to develop and students will have a tendency to want
to "play everything" in their one visit. The computer helps us overcome another
traditional hurdle, irregular attendance. Advertising the computer lab schedule
can be quite an attendance inducement.
Why Computers and Cooperative Learning Are a Great Match
When properly used, the computer can be a wonderful tool to facilitate
discussion. Kids frequently find it difficult to open up and share with their peers,
many of whom they may only see once a week in church. With a cooperative
learning strategy, the computer helps them get around the problem. The reason
is this: kids want to succeed with these tools and this motivates them to
overcome their natural shyness about sharing or working together.
Example: Give out a piece of paper and markers to a group of fourth graders,
ask them to each write a short psalm, illustrate it, and share it, and you will most
likely be met with a fair amount of passive opposition, apathetic effort, and "I
don't want to share mine." But have them perform that same task together in

pairs using Kid Pix (a creative writing and paint program) and suddenly they are
working together, trading off doing the typing and drawing, and proudly
displaying their presentations to the rest of the class. Their desire to use the
computer gives the teacher the leverage to help students move beyond their
boundaries and comfort zones. I'll share more examples in a moment.
There are two other reasons why computers and cooperative learning work
well together.
First, the use of computer software is often task oriented, i.e., moving about in
search of information or using programs in combination with each other. This fits
well with the cooperative teaching methodology described in this guide.
Second, because students approach this technology with varying skill levels and
each program has a unique set of navigational controls, students often need
each other's help. Third, computers can generate a lot of excitement and some
anxiety among the kids.
Cooperative learning strategies can provide a comfortable structure and set of
calming set of expectations. Remember, there are other lesson strategies and
ideas described in our Teaching Tips. Cooperative strategies such as the ones
listed below can be used in combination with many of those ideas. What works
well with one age group, teacher or piece of software, may not work as well with

Lesson 14: The Software as an

Educational Resource
Whenever people think about computers, they are
most likely thinking about the computer machine such
as the television-like monitor screen, the keyboard to
type on, the printer which produces copies of textand-graphics material, and the computer housing
called the box which contains the electronic parts
and circuits (the central processing unit) that receives/
stores data and direct computer operations. The

computer machine






Its more difficult to realize, however, that the

computer hardware can hardly be useful without the
program or system that tells what the computer
machine should do. This is called software.
There are two kinds of software:
1. The system software. This is the operating system
that is found or bundled inside all computer machines.

2. The application software. This contains the

system that commands the particular task or solves a
particular problem.

In turn the applications software may be:

(a) A custom software that is made for specific tasks
often by large corporations, or
(b) A commercial software packaged for personal
computers that helps with a variety of tasks such as
writing papers, calculating numbers, drawing graphs,
playing games, and so much more.
Microsoft Windows
Also referred to as program, Microsoft Windows or
Windows for short is an operating environment
between the user and the computer operating system.
Also called a shell, it is a layer that creates the way
the computer should work. Windows uses a colourful

graphics interface (called GUI pronounced gooee)

that can be seen on the computer screen or monitor
whenever the computer is turned on.
The user can work with on-screen pictures (icons) and
suggestions (menus) to arrive at the desired software.
Windows 95 (now improved with Windows 2003 and
2007) is software designed for Microsoft Windows.
Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating
system which provides
User convenience just click a file name to retrieve
data or click from program to program as easy as
changing channels in your TV screen
A new look fancy borders, smooth and streamlined
text fonts


communications activities (e-mail, downloads etc. in a
single screen icon); adapts/configures the computer
for the Internet.
Plug and play configures the computer with added
components, such as for sound and video.
Instructional Software
Instructional software can be visited on the
Internet or can be bought from software shops or
dealers. The teacher through his school should decide
on the best computer-based instructional (CBI)
materials for the school resource collection. But
beware since CBIs need much improvement, while
web-based educational resources are either extremely

good or what is complete garbage. In evaluating

computer-based educational materials, the following
can serve as guidelines:

Extremely cautious in using CBIs and free

Internet material.
Dont be caught up by attractive graphics, sound,
animation, pictures, video clips and music
forgetting their instructional worth.
Teachers must evaluate these resources using
sound pedagogical principles.
Among design and content elements to evaluate
are: the text legibility, effective use of color
schemes, attractive layout and design, and easy
navigation from section-to-section (such as from
game to tutorial to drill-and-practice section).
Clarity in the explanations and illustrations of
concepts and principles.
Accuracy, coherence, logic of information.
Their being current since data/statistics continually
Relevance/effectiveness in attaining learning
Absence of biased materials (e.g. gender bias or
racial bias).

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