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CSDF Unit 1 Notes by DK?

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NoTE t

Fsepae Unit-II
Unit-I by youselves, I couldn'
Complete t due ta shotaqt af time.
I hare included importa nt topics ham
Unit-T for you to Study


Shot on OnePlus | HASSELBLAD

By Dk I1 September 2024 at 4:07 pm


Tntxaduction To Cuber Secuuty

*Cybexcxime. - Deiniton
The CEime that involves and Uses
an devices and Tntexnetis Rnoun as Computes
Cybencaime Can beammitted in Opposition to an
indiuidual a gzaup3 it can also be Commnited
agdinst gove,nment & psivate CKáanigatians.
may be planned to haxm
physial haam ax mental haam.Sameone'sa xeputation,
The laxqest thseatofCybexcaime
isLon the
financial secuxity af a peison as well as

Cybecaime causes loss in billions, each yeas.

* Types of Cybercxime
T) Cime against an Tndividual -

1 Phishing Spear Phihing

. Phishing & Speax phishing. axe veX4 common foums
of email attacks desianed to yau into peifo1ming
speciic actian - typicaly chicking on maliciaus link
Or attachment.
Phishing emails axe sent to vexy laxqe numbex of
xeipientswth expectation that anlu Small
pexcentagqe wil espond.

eq an
fox eg email masaxaive tom wll knauon deliuex
ompany , Saying that Yaux package hasbeen delayed,
click Hexefox details.

Chck the link and maluaxemiaht be dounloaded

anto youx device x you might go to take mebsite
whexe uu' xe asked ta entex peisonal details
"The intoxmation would then be sold to black maxket
sitused oxfaud Loidentity theft
Speax phishing emails casefuily designed
to qet a single xeceipient to xespand.
Csiminals select individual
taxqtt uwithin an
an individual
axganigation using socalmedia & ather public
infonmation and chaf
aofta fake emailtailoxed
fox that person.

T Caime Against Pxopeaty-n

) Cxedit Caxd
Cxedt Caxd
taud is when Someone uses uoux
Cxedit caxdaccount to make a purchase you
didn't authaige.
This achrty Can happtn in difluent ias
" It uoulose youY Cxedit Cazd 0K hovenit Stolen it
Can be UStd to make puchases Ox other tiansacions,
eitherin peison ox online. ast

Fsqudsteis can also steal your acount number, PIN

and secunity code to make unauthoaigedtiansachons
urthout needing youY CXedit Caxd

a Transmitting Viaus
Vixuses axe piog1ams that attachthemselvesto
Comp utex0X fle then circulate themselves to other
Ales & to othercomputers
affect data Computer, either
They usually
by alteing OX deleing it.
m] Cubex Cime against Oxqanigaion=
Cubex caime against axganization Causes Substatial
danag to Oxganigation
Passuat Saffnq
a) Denial af Seuice (Dos) -
"his is a malicious attack in which an
intsudex Suspends seuices of host by making
netuwoskiìng xesoutces unauailable tousex

Attackex tiesto foodthe victims Sustem uith

humexaus Kequest so that seluer will be buss
inn Seuinq attack sequest not granting
2ons access to qenuine useis

5) E-mail bombing
. E-mail bombing is a Rind of DoSattack
Lohennumerous messages hit the email box at
one time aConsumes al spaceauailable in inbox

Salami Attack -
6Salami attack ae speciicalls xelateduith
Anance sectax

Attackex changes account data but the chanqe

is so Small that it Semains unnoticed

t Cubex Extoxtion

’ A Cubex attack ox thxeat o an attack combined

Usith demand fox maneu OX anothex acthonin
xchange fox pseventingxesalinq
KeSoling the
the assaut is
Cubex extostion

Attackexs sing
ubex extotion attempt to entex
Companys aystems in cxdex
Oxdex to find vuln exable
Ok valuable toxqets.
The nmost populax method of cybex extoxtion is
sansomwaXe ushich is usedbåCubex csminals to
dermand money
Additianaly they
CoDos assaults
deplay distsbuted denial-of-seuice
steal sensittve business intomahon.
and make thxeats to xeveal it

Tipes dt cybex extoation -

Cubex Blackmail -
WhenCubex ciminalsiniltxatea paivate netuoxk
take impoxtant data hostage and demand paunent.
this is Rnown cybex blacRmail.

ulhen Netfix did not. pay the blackmailex in 2a17

hackens pablished unused episodes Gf Nettix seiies
Oxange is the Neu
) Datobase Ransom attac ks -
. Hackers And and take uex datab ases that
emplay vulnexable versions of musAL Hadoap etc
n databose xansom attackS.

i) Denial ot- sevice (Dos)

Assqults that. block access to Seluers and
data T Rnoun as denial - af- Seuce (Das) attacks
pxevalent cubex extoxtion technique

maluaxe that blacks authosiged users fxam
accessing infected devices OX data thes contain,
is discouered on devices of
ot xe vìcims

t Daug Tsaffcking
Online Daug Tatfcking is a caime a sllng
txansposting- oxillegally impoxting unlautul
Contxolled substances Such as ocaine hexoineta
using electxonic means

Doug tsaffckers Ancxeasingly taking aduantage

of Totexnet to sell lleqal substances thaough.
encxupted email.
The incxease in Tnteinet dua txades could alsa
be attibuted to the lack of face -to- face
Such uixtual exchanges allou maxe inti mated
indluiduals to moxe
camfoxtablypuschase ilegal
Online seCXeational dau sales nd plnchases take
place daxknet maxkets.
Recently tiafhc todaxknet.maxketshas incxeased tox
Vazi lts
vaxiety of xeasans. Thepiivacs and secuity that
Comes with using the matketplaces is one of the
main factors.

When usingn Daxknetmaxketplaces theie axe severa

waus tÓ
to lase al ot youxa depasited money & be

Customes and 0endoxs bath take queat Caxe to

Conceal theix identities online.
* Need fox Infoxmation Secuxity

. Thfomatian Secuzity isis needed

)Rsotecting the functionalits of asgdnigatian--

The decieion makex sets policy opeates
obganigation in aqxeement with complex cffecthve
and Capable
capable applications.
n Enablinq the
the safe
safe aperation of applicatians -
An enuixonment i Cxeated using axqanigaion's
IT SIstems that safequads applicahon uhich
sionifcant elements intastucte
im Potecting data that Osganigation
oxganizaton collects and
USe -
ensuses paote ction atrdata in mohon as
0s data in KeSt tox
i) Safegaanding technalagy assets inin axganigatonsS
Encayption methodalagies axe sed ia safeguauding
technolaqy assts in
) Ta data bxeaches -
A data bXeach is xesut in loss of cxithcal
business intomation Such aqs business eciets,
canhdentiol infoumati an which intluence averall graath
ot business
v)Ta ntigate cybex theats fom maliciaus insidess -
Cuakent pxevious emplauge Systtm administato
x an intaudex Can destsay the entixe infoumation
intastuctue manipulate data toL thex pupase.
So it is the
TeSpansibilits a an oxganigation
to take effectires acians to contiol
pxácess and Reus.

* Thxeats to Troxmatian Susttms -

’Thxeat to infoxmaion secuihy Gan take di£feuent
foums incuding saftuaxe atacks identity thef,
sabatage, cdataation , etci

lot af peaple think that

that malwaxe vizuses
all Samething

The anly thing they haue Common is that

they axe all. malicious pxagiammeseach of which
behaues indistinct uways

maluae is essentially defined
defned as hamfu
haumful softwaxe
that can be inuasive Computex code anything
else ceated with intentian of haaming System.
Maluaxe can be cateopiged into t o qups:

4 malwoxe based Lmethod of infection

a) Uius
o Visuses axe able to sepxoduce themseles bu
Connecing an host camputex Cike
musicl vides plauex) K then spseadinq axound Tnte1ngt.
Ale ixuSeG macxo visuSeS stea tth uiduss
axe feuw examples

b) Woxms -
Woxms natuxallssef-xeplicatng but they
do not attach themselves to host computer's

Wams aaxeness ot netucxk is theix pimasy

distncion hom uisuses

nehusoak is paesent they may maue easily

betueen Computers ohile uont Cause much
ohle they uon't
danage they mai slau daun systim by using up
hasd dàue space
2) Malwaxe detexminedbu actions -
a) Spuwate
Spyuwazelsasortuaxe that txacks yaux
Computexactiuity and pxauides data acquixed to
paty uith intexest.

Most at the timeutuses nOaMs etc xeleose

Spyuase Once dsopped they set up shop and
Reepqui et t o Stayundetected.

b) Rasomuaae -
Ransomucse atupe of sotwake that may eithex
encauptyaux fles ox lack youx computex aendeing
it pastially x Completels unauailable.
A sCxeen oill then appear demandpaument
SansominD setuun.

Secusity Rsk Analysis -

Analuging hogadsConnected
hagards conmectad toa cantain achuity
oX cubkenceisknown
OcCuxkence as xisk analy sis

IL psojects secuaity Cancens

any othe situations
usbexe isk may be eraluated an quantitatve&
qualitativebasis ase all subject o isk analysis
Focess steps fox Risk Analysis -
AssesSment Suxvey.
A) Conductign of Risk
Accaxdinq to xisk asseSsment SUVey
depastment's paaticulax zisks ax thxeats should xst
be documented

2) Detexmine the isks -

To oxdex to assess
assess the sisk associated wth
saftuase haxduaxe IT
IT Sta
staf etc An II Sustem
oX othex elements ot an osqanigaian axe eyaluated

3 Analyse the isks

The ziek analysis methad shauld analyge each
bSsk that willD Occux well as establish the
epexcussionsu assocated wth eachisk.

4 Cxeate Risk Manggement Stxateqy

Aftex doing sisk analssis We luguld Cxeate
a Staateqy fox xisk management to qenexate cantaol
suggestians that might bl tiliged to xeduce taantex
auoid the isk

s) Eaecute
Ezecute Risk MangqamentStxateqy -
Tmplementing the achan to elmingte ax mitigate
the xisks identiied in analusis is the main
obyectiveof this stage
Monitox the Risks -
. This stage
stage is in chage af sequloaly manitoing
the secuits isk In odex to xecognige, mangge
add1egss hagan ds.

Regular isk analysis shauld be condacted and

updated to find any neu possible hagads.

Shategic Risk Analysis aids in xeducing futue xisk

hkelihood and haum
* Unit -T Tnpaxtant Topics
- Ioteunet ypes
Hacking zA Cxacking
Difference- Vixus à hloxms.
Different camputex intausion
Backups Axchival Stoxaqe Dispasal af Datoa
in Data Secuzits
Fixewall ’with Diagiam
Tntellectual Pxopeats
Dferent waus to qain access to youx Computex
- VPN secusity

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