CSDF Unit 1 Notes by DK?
CSDF Unit 1 Notes by DK?
CSDF Unit 1 Notes by DK?
Fsepae Unit-II
Unit-I by youselves, I couldn'
Complete t due ta shotaqt af time.
I hare included importa nt topics ham
Unit-T for you to Study
* Types of Cybercxime
T) Cime against an Tndividual -
eq an
fox eg email masaxaive tom wll knauon deliuex
ompany , Saying that Yaux package hasbeen delayed,
click Hexefox details.
a Transmitting Viaus
Vixuses axe piog1ams that attachthemselvesto
Comp utex0X fle then circulate themselves to other
Ales & to othercomputers
affect data Computer, either
They usually
by alteing OX deleing it.
m] Cubex Cime against Oxqanigaion=
Cubex caime against axganization Causes Substatial
danag to Oxganigation
Passuat Saffnq
a) Denial af Seuice (Dos) -
"his is a malicious attack in which an
intsudex Suspends seuices of host by making
netuwoskiìng xesoutces unauailable tousex
5) E-mail bombing
. E-mail bombing is a Rind of DoSattack
Lohennumerous messages hit the email box at
one time aConsumes al spaceauailable in inbox
Salami Attack -
6Salami attack ae speciicalls xelateduith
Anance sectax
t Cubex Extoxtion
Attackexs sing
ubex extotion attempt to entex
Companys aystems in cxdex
Oxdex to find vuln exable
Ok valuable toxqets.
The nmost populax method of cybex extoxtion is
sansomwaXe ushich is usedbåCubex csminals to
dermand money
Additianaly they
CoDos assaults
deplay distsbuted denial-of-seuice
steal sensittve business intomahon.
and make thxeats to xeveal it
maluaxe that blacks authosiged users fxam
accessing infected devices OX data thes contain,
is discouered on devices of
ot xe vìcims
t Daug Tsaffcking
Online Daug Tatfcking is a caime a sllng
txansposting- oxillegally impoxting unlautul
Contxolled substances Such as ocaine hexoineta
using electxonic means
maluae is essentially defined
defned as hamfu
haumful softwaxe
that can be inuasive Computex code anything
else ceated with intentian of haaming System.
Maluaxe can be cateopiged into t o qups:
b) Woxms -
Woxms natuxallssef-xeplicatng but they
do not attach themselves to host computer's
b) Rasomuaae -
Ransomucse atupe of sotwake that may eithex
encauptyaux fles ox lack youx computex aendeing
it pastially x Completels unauailable.
A sCxeen oill then appear demandpaument
SansominD setuun.
s) Eaecute
Ezecute Risk MangqamentStxateqy -
Tmplementing the achan to elmingte ax mitigate
the xisks identiied in analusis is the main
obyectiveof this stage
Monitox the Risks -
. This stage
stage is in chage af sequloaly manitoing
the secuits isk In odex to xecognige, mangge
add1egss hagan ds.