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Mahapurusa Achyutanda

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Mahapurusa Achyutanda, The supreme personality of Godhead BY Raghunath Acharya, Mumbai

Before I dare to attempt to write anything about Shree Shree Mahapurusa, would start with following quote, Visnu charita ke aba barni pariba, Pimpudi parakrame ki parwata teka heba. (can anyone ever describe the glory of Lord Visnu in Words, endeavor is similar to the effort of a mere ant to lift a mountain.) Above is similar, to the attempt to inscribe anything on glory the of Mahapurusa. Who is Achyutanda? Why is HE called Mahapurusa? Why the very chanting of His name brings ecstasy. What is his mission & philosophy? Shree Shree Mahapurasa Achyutanda appeared in this mundane world 550 years ago, at a place called Tilakana (village) in the eastern state of Orissa, on divine instruction from Lord Jagannath. During his life span of 120 years Shree Shree Mahapurasa propagated the cult of Gyana Mishra Bhakti & Pinda Bramhanda Tatwa. HE travelled extensively all over the world, studied different cultures and wrote 1 lac sixty five thousand scriptures an impossible task only possible for a divine soul like HIMSELF. Out of those writings famous are Hari Vansha, Malikas, Gujjari, Rasha, Samhita etc. Through his writings he tried to bring in a spiritual revolution in the life of common man. He travelled all over performing Rasha & naam sankirtan along with HIS disciples and spreading the essence of Bhakti Yoga. We must know about his earlier incarnation to understand the very purpose of his birth as Achyutanda. It is said that whenever Lord Vishnu takes incarnation in this world to relieve mother earth from the clutches of sinners, Mahapurusa Achyutanda also takes birth as his accomplice to help lord achieve His divine objective. This has been going on since every yug. In Satya yug, when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Narasimha to kill the evil Hiranya kashyap, Mahapurusa also took birth as Maharshi Krupajal to help Lord to achieve his objective. Again in Tretaya yug, when Lord incarnated as Sriram, Mahapurusa also incarnated as Nal, who was the commander-in-chief of the monkey army(vanara sena) of Lord Ram, when HE attacked Lanka of evil Ravana, to rescue Devi Sita. Again in Dwapar yug when Lord incarnated as Krishna, Mahapurusa also took birth as Sudama(Sridama), HIS eternal accomplice. During the Maha Rasha lella which the supreme Lord Krishna performed with Gopis, Sudama also participated as he was Lords dearest friend. In Kaliyug when Srichaitanya Mahaprabhu who was the Namavatar of Lord Visnu, incarnated, Mahapurusa appeared as Shree Achyutanda. His divine objective in this birth as Achyutanda was to liberate the disillusioned mankind from the sorrows of Kaliyug and carry them in the path of righteousness to

realise the supreme. During HIS life time Mahapurusa initiated crores of people in this Bhakti Yog and ultimately these devotees attained salvation. However HIS endeavour was incomplete, as still lot of people could not be reformed during this short span. So after Mahapurusa left HIS mortal body(Sunya Samadhi) for heavenly abode, HE has again come back to rescue HIS devotees in form of Sunya Purusa. Through HIS divine pothi Padmakalpa Malika Mahapurusa He is ceaselessly trying to bring the mankind into the path of righteousness and to achieve the supreme Lord Jagannath. Padma Kalpa Malika also known as sunya pothi has appeared in a small village called Jhinti Sasan, near to Bhubaneswar in Orissa, now renamed as Trahi Achyuta Nagar, 25 years ago. Padmakalp Malika is a set of five books in palm leaves written by Shree Shree Mahapurusa five hundred years ago. It contains the details of the lives of all animate beings and inanimate things that existed in past, are existing at present and will exist in future. Normally the leaves appears to be blank. However when a devotee faces the pothi and thinks of a question the answer appears on the pothi automatically. It is a modern day miracle which has become possible due to the supreme cosmic power of Mahapurusa. Through this Padmakalp Malika Mahapurusa is trying insistently to bring back HIS lost devotees from clutches of Kaliyug and leading them to salvation(Kaivalya Mukti). Once attaining salvation the soul will never to come back to this earth again and forever freed from bondage of life & death. With the aim of propagating the spiritual teachings of Shree Shree Mahapurasa Achyutananda Das, Trahi Achyut Trust has been established in Mumbai on instruction of Mahapurusa through Padmakalpa Malika. As Shree Shree Mahapurusas teachings aim at all round development of the whole of mankind and emphasises social welfare as well as spiritual upliftment, to realise Mahapurusas objective Trahi Achyut Trust has established an Ashram at the outskirts of Mumbai city for the benefit of scores of devotees who seek solace at the lotus feet of Lord Jagannath and Shree Shree Mahapurasa. Also the trust is planning to start the construction work of a mega temple (108ft high) dedicated to Lord Jagannath at the Ashram site. Once completed this temple in the ashram will be one of the pioneer Spiritual Centres of Western India spreading the essence of Sanatan Dharma.

Om Vande Mahapurusa Te Charanara Vindam

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