Paper 2
Paper 2
Paper 2
Design and development of Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT
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As water is one of the basic needs of human beings, shortage of water we cannot live on. Water pollution and scarcity, are
current global problems that require modification of water resources, and guiding principles from the international level to
individual wells. Water pollution is the leading cause of diseases worldwide. Previously, water quality monitoring was done
through a physical collection of data; there was no smart sensor system. This led to inefficiency, especially, in real-time data
access, device monitoring, and less accurate collection of data. There is a need to integrate mechanism to monitor water quality
in real-time, to ensure a safe supply of drinking water. Hence, the idea of Internet of Things (IoT) which allows connections
between various devices that can exchange and gather data emerged. To solve these issues, a low-cost real-time that is a real-
time platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT), and LoRa (Long Range) technology is proposed for monitoring water
quality. The platform will measure and collect critical information about water quality. Such quality involves parameters like
pH value, the turbidity, and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. The platform will additionally establish
communication to the end-user, through LoRa Gateway and the internet. It will simultaneously provide data access, accurate
data collection, and supervision of the component, whereby the user will notice if the virtual deviceis not receiving any data at a
given time interval. The developed platform will consist of five different parts: sensor devices, IoT Board, Lora Gateway, cloud
server, and user domain.
The Lora Getaway will transmit the sensor data to the cloud through the internet to the cloud server. The cloud server is
equipped with Matlab analysis and visualisation application which manipulate and analyse the data, to monitor the quality of
the water. In the end, the useful information is visualised from the user domain for any decision-making process. The paper
argues that the proposed platform is important in ensuring a safe supply of quality drinking water for people worldwide.
Key Words: pH sensor, Turbidity sensor, Temperature sensor, LoRa Gateway, Cloud server, IoT.
Water is a very crucial part of life. Without water, we cannot live. Around 71% of the Earth‟s surface is covered
with water-; 96.5% of water is in the sea, and 3% of water is fresh. As only 3% of water is fresh, the provision of clean
and safe drinking water is one of the new real-world challenges Shafi et al., Siregar et al.[1-2]. Reports show that by
2017 at least 2.3 billion people worldwide, do not have guaranteed access to drinking water (WHO,) [3].
Due to the limited drinking water resources, and the growing population, the availability of quality drinking water has
significantly worsened Chen & Han,[4], Meng et al.,[5].
Currently, water pollution increased due to the fast-growing population. In that situation, water quality monitoring in
real-time faces challenges because of global warming and limitedwater resources. It is, therefore, important to search for
a solution for water quality monitoringand a control system.
Hence, there is a need of developing better methodologies to monitor the water quality parameters in real-time. The
water quality parameters, such as pH, measure the concentration of hydrogen ions. It shows if the water is acidic or Page 1
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 8 (3), March -2022
alkaline. The range of pH is 0-14 pH. Pure water has a 7pH value, which means that if the water has less than 7pH then it
is acidic. On the other hand, if the water has more than 7pH then it is alkaline. For drinking purposes, the pH should be
6.5-8.5. Meanwhile, turbidity measures a large number of suspended invisible particles in water. The higher the turbidity
the higher the risk of diarrhea, cholera to the consumers of the water. On the contrary, the lower the turbidity the clean
the water. Besides, temperature sensor measures coldness or hotness of water.
The traditional methods of water quality monitor involved the manual collection of water samples from different
locations. Therefore, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary newconcept that can turn virtually anything “smart”.
A „Thing‟ in this context, is defined as an object such as a cardiac monitor to a temperature sensor. This extraordinary
technology has captured the attention of millions. Why is this so big today? So, imagine a world where machines
function without any notion of human interaction. A future where machines communicate with other machines and make
decisions based on the data collected andindependent of an end-user. IoT is a technology that uses the collection devices
that work together (described as the network of devices) communicate among themselves with the help of a controller. It
has the power to send the data of the surrounding environment. These devices are sensors, embedded systems, and
microchips for data analysis.
This research proposes to monitor water quality through collecting critical information, and establishing
communication to the end-user using LoRa Gateway and the internet. The platform will simultaneously provide data
access, accurate data collection, and supervision of the component, whereby the user will be able to notice if the virtual
device is not receiving anydata at a given time interval. The platform will consist of five different parts: sensor devices,
IoT Board, LoRa Gateway, cloud server, and user domain. The Lora wireless data transmission will be used to transmit the
sensor data to the cloud server through the internet. The cloud server is equipped with Matlab analysis and visualisation
application that can manipulate and analyse data to monitor the quality of the water. The web-based user interface makes
user interact the content that stored on cloud servers via web browsers.
This research is set some sensors that measure the water quality. For water quality analysis, many parameters are
The list of sensors that are mainly used to measure water quality are shown in Table 1 below. In this research, we have
used temperature, pH as well as turbidity sensors to measure the respective parameters.
Table 2: Water quality parameters proposed by WHO and South Africa, DWA [6].
1 pH
6.5–8.5 pH
2 Electrical Conductivity
500–1000 μS/cm
3 Turbidity
0–5 NTU
650–800 mV Page 2
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 8 (3), March -2022
5 Temperature
– oC
6 Free Residual Chlorine
0.2–2 mg/L
7 Dissolved Oxygen
– mg/L
8 Nitrates
<10 mg/L
The quickly growing population has resulted in the deficiency of water and reduction of water quality. People have
had increased awareness in recent years and put effort into water cleanliness manually, but sensing technological
advancement plays a big role in monitoring water quality remotely. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the
technologies used to transmit data coming from sensors for analysis purposes. Our research used WSN to measure the
water quality parameters like temperature, pH, and turbidity using different sensors.
This section reviews other states of art related to this research. narrowly. Weaknesses, as well as strengths of the
reviewed works are also shown:
K. Murphy et al.[7], collected data of water quality parameters from sensors to a remote server using a GPRS network
order to enable the end-users view the data remotely. However, unfortunately, one of the nodes failed to work, and the
course path of data transmission was lost. Satyam et al., [8] on the other hand, proposed the smartphone-based water
quality analysis in which a water impurity warning would be sent to the users via social network sites.In this research, they
proposed a handheld embedded system by connecting mobile applications via a Bluetooth model. One of the challenges
they face is the power consumption in Bluetooth- based localisation. Additionally, MarcoTeránet et al [9] also, showed
that a Bluetooth is alow energy technology.
Zulhani Rasin et al.[10] used Zigbee protocol based on Wireless Sensor Network for water quality monitoring
system. They connected Zigbee ZMN2405Hp module to measure thequality of water. The challenge of this research is that
the researchers implemented high-power Zigbee in their system for small area networks, therefore, there is a necessity for
having data stored in the base station. Azure cloud platform based on water quality monitoring system that uses
NodeMCU microcontroller implemented by Nikhil et al. [11]. The system collected data from sensors. However, their
analysis used Jason format.
Nazleeni Samiha Haron et al. [12], proposed a remote water quality monitoring system using wireless sensors for the
eradication of cost-consuming works of manual monitoring. They implemented a GSM modem. The limitation of this
system is that it is not suitable for long- distance.
Another method was the use of Ubidots, a cloud-based platform - to store the information received from the mobile
sensors Jaime Alonso et al. [13]. The challenge of performance is that the IoT-based communication progressively
decreases the movement from one layer toanother in the IoT network to reach the cloud platform.
A portable smart sensing prototype integrated LoRa activity was developed by Fowzia et al, [14] to surveil water
quality and get results. But a machine learning algorithm is the one that trains the system to determine the temperature, as
well as pH level in all water samples. In our research, we analysised the cloud server to emission the time complexity of
machine learning heavy algorithm. Analyzing their proposed system Mohamed Alshehri et al, [15] gathered data to
provide the maximum efficient approach for water desalination operations. Additionally, Purkayastha et al, [16] showed
an App developed on the Android platform to visualise real-time sensor data that are uploaded in the designed web
server and displayed sensor data on the android mobile.
The sensors data processed by the MCU and updated to the ThingSpeak server Daigavane & Gaikwad,[17] employing
the Wi-Fi data communication module ESP8266 (NodeMCU) to the cloud server. As declared by S. K.M. & S. R.
M.S,[18] the existing water quality monitoring systems mainly use wireless technologies that are short-range and
consume much power, which is not suitable for sensors nodes in WSN. Nevertheless. Page 3
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 8 (3), March -2022
From the above benchmarks we see that WiFi, Zigbee, and BLE have limited range, than theproposed prototype which
has a low cost and long-range for communication and scalable approach. Water quality monitoring using LoRa module is
more efficient than previous existingsystems. In this case, this research will provide new insights on a blue economy era by
insuringan excellent quality of water in promoting tourist activities.
In this proposed system, the complexity reduces, and the performance increases by collecting the data of the water
parameters like pH, turbidity, and temperature. The information collected is updated on the cloud that can be retrieved
from anywhere in the world.
The pH of a solution is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of that solution. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale whose
range is 0 - 14, with a neutral point being seven (7). Values above seven (7) indicate a basic or alkaline solution, while
values below seven (7) indicate an acidicsolution. The system operates on a 5V power supply, and it is easy to interface
with an IoT board. The normal range of pH is 6 to 8.5. To calculate the pH of an aqueous solution, you need to know the
concentration of the hydronium ion in moles per litre (molarity). The pH calculated using the expression: pH = - log
Figure 2: pH sensor Page 4
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 8 (3), March -2022
Turbidity sensor
Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of water. Turbidity indicates the degree to which the water loses its
transparency. A good measure of the quality of water is considered. Turbidity blocks out the light needed by submerged
aquatic vegetation. It can also raise surface water temperatures above normal because suspended particles near the
surface facilitate the Page 5
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absorption of heat from sunlight. Unsafe considered if the turbidity is above five (5) NTU. If water has much mud, then it
will rise up to one hundred (100) NTU. The sensor produces bothdigital and analogue mode output Shafi et al.,[1].
Temperature decides the quality of water. Water Temperature indicates how hot or cold the water is. The range of a
DS18B20 temperature sensor is -55 to +125. This temperature sensor is a digital type that gives an accurate reading. The
temperature range from 10-15 o C is safe for drinking.
Lora is a physical layer proprietary scheme for LPWAN for communication technology. It is primarily based on a
spread spectrum that trades bandwidth for S/N. It achieves long-range wireless data transmission that deep indoor
penetration. It also uses linearly varying frequencypulses, chips, that are motivated by radar signals. It has a high capacity
of a communications channel. According to the device specifications, coverage reaches up to 10 km without any
obstacles. Page 6
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IoT board
The IoT board is a kit and board that combine a microcontroller and processors that have wireless chips and other
components like ADC, RTC (Real-time clock) that all pre-built with wireless chips. LoRa network deployment does not
require the backing of operators. LoRa is healthier for scenarios that require a low budget, longer battery life, as well as
less frequent communications Jia, Y, [19].
Now every MSCM base station with n number of the sensor has their capacity for their communication channel
depending on the effectiveness of transmitted power, data rate, and interference and receiver sensitivity.
4.2 Software
ThingSpeak server
ThingSpeak is an IoT data collection application for the analysis of various sensors, e.g. pH,turbidity, and temperature.
The data collector collects data from edge node devices Das & Jain, [21]. End-users view instant visualisations of live
data from the internet through web browsers as well as mobile applications. To accelerate the improvement of IoT
analytics, Matlab code analyses and visualise new sensor data. In our research, after data from different sensor nodes are
collected, end-users access data by using one of the TTN protocols known as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
(MQTT) through TCP as a transport layer. Security applicable is Transport Layer Security (TLS).
The proposed system of water quality monitoring using IoT, adopted in this research, is presenting in figure 5. The
developed system is designed to determine like pH value, the turbidity, and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.
It consists of an IoT board, water container, and LoRa Gateway as a communication module. The overall block diagram
of the proposed method shows how the sensors collect real-time information of the water quality parameters; pH turbidity
and temperature, in the IoT environment presented.
This proposed block diagram, which consists of several sensors (temperature, pH, turbidity) is connected to the IoT
board. The IoT board is accessing the sensor values and processing them by establishing communication to the end-user Page 7
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through LoRa Gateway and the internet. IoT board is used as a core controller. The cloud server is equipped with a
difficult intelligentapplication that manipulates and analyse the data.
This implementation model used IoT board through LoRa Gateway. Inbuilt LoRa Gateway connects the embedded
device to the internet. Sensors had been connecting to the IoT board for monitoring. The IoT board has an on-chip, ADC
that converts the corresponding sensor reading to its digital value and from that value, the corresponding environmental
parameter will be evaluated.
Turbidity sensor measures the light that can pass through the water at which if the water is clean then the voltage
ranges from 3.90V to 4.55V. On the contrary, if the water is cloudy then the voltage ranges from 2.70V to 3.89V, and
finally if the water is ducking the voltage ranges from 0.01V to 2.69V. Hence, the voltage is normally converted to
Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). The other two sensors also operate under five volts with each proper and fixed
unit calculated to get the required volume.
Therefore, after sensing the data from different sensor devices placed in a particular area of interest, the sensed data
processed by the IoT board is automatically updating to the cloud server using the Lora Gateway communication module
to the server device. Page 8
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As shown above, in Figure 7, the experimental setup consists of an IoT with a sensor network that proceeds samples for
every 10 seconds from the water container and the parameters are displaying on the IoT board serial monitor. For the
real-time monitoring, a LoRa updates the ThingSpeak server every 5 minutes of those diverse parameters.
3 y = 0.9x + 1.34
2 R² = 0.934
20:02 20:09 20:16 20:24 20:31 20:38 20:45 20:52 21:00
15 y = 0.92x + 0.74 Data
10 R² = 0.8073 Linear
(Data) 5
20:02 20:09 20:16 20:24 20:31 20:38 20:45 20:52 21:00
Real-time Page 10
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4.1 Data
4 Linear (Data)
y = 0.88x + 1.08
R² = 0.814
20:02 20:09 20:16 20:24 20:31 20:38 20:45 20:52 21:00
The results obtained above have also demonstrated that the data from the sensor has a significant role for tape water and
proves with the present range the benchmark WHO standardsof water parameters for safe human usable water.
Furthermore, from the graphs above show the Regression analysis for each parameter and conclude that it has some
effect on water quality and validity of the results.
The Regression analysis R>0.8 shows that there is a strong correlation between the variables and two continuous
Table 3. Analytical validation parameters for pH, temperature, and nitrite obtained fromsensor devices.
Real-time pH temperature turbidity
20:10 7 32 3.9
20:15 6.5 32 3.95
20:20 6.4 30 4
20:25 6.35 32 4.1
20:30 5.5 30 4
20:35 5 29 4.15
20:40 5 30 4.2
20:45 5 27 4.4
20:50 4 24 4.3
20:55 7 23 4.25
analysis(R) 0.934
0.8073 0.814 Page 11
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In this research, an efficient inexpensive IoT solution for a smart water quality monitoring system is implemented by
using a LoRa Gateway. The system can monitor water quality automatically, The measured pH value ranges from 6.5 to
8.5. Turbidity sensor measures the light that can pass through the water at which if the water is clean then the voltage
ranges from 3.90V to 4.55V, while if the water is cloudy then the voltage ranges from 2.70V to 3.89V and finally if the
water is ducking the voltage ranges from 0.01V to 2.69V. A web-based application
i.e ThingsSpeak was used to monitor the parameters of pH value, the temperature of the surroundings, and turbidity of the
water through webservers. Water quality testing was found to be more economical, convenient, and fast. The system has
good flexibility. Only by replacing the corresponding sensors and changing the relevant software programs, this system
uses to monitor other water quality parameters. The operation is simple. The time is short, and the cost is low in this
environmental management. It concludes that LoRa technology is widely used for long-distance but with a limited data
rate. The Regression analysis R>0.8 shows that there is a strong correlation between the variables as well as a relationship
between two continuous variables.
In the future, there is a need to upgrade network performance for coverage, by integrating many gateways and sensors
to have a bigger network, by applying Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Big Data techniques to solve different water
pollutions problems in coastal areas. The proposed model is succefully desined and used to determine the objective.
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