GRJ 4379
GRJ 4379
GRJ 4379
This study was carried out to estimate the important water quality parameters that are
required to be monitored precisely in aquaculture ponds/farms through information and
communication technology (ICT) with all automated smart water quality monitoring
(SWQM) system supported by the Internet of Things (IoT).
The SWQM is a compact device to record various parameters such as temperature, pH,
dissolved oxygen and ammonia. The ATmega328 microcontroller performs aggregation
and transmission of the data stored in the Blynk cloud server. The data can be transmitted
using the ESP8266 WiFi shield and cached in the Blynk cloud for data analytics. A mobile
application using the Blynk application builder was also developed for the SWQM system.
The results were analyzed and stored in a cloud.
The observed and recorded data showed an accuracy of ±0.13°C, ±0.025 mg/L, ±0.03
and ±0.005 mg/L with the mean absolute error of 0.38°C, 0.127 mg/L, 0.101, 0.028 mg/L
for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia, respectively.
The developed SWQM system is to fill the gap in the automated recording of water quality
parameters in aquaculture.It simplified the lab process and minimizes the workload in the farm.
Keywords:Water quality, Aqua-Farms, Arduino, Internet of things, Sensors, Smart water
quality monitoring system.
Aquaculture is a blend of art and science that involves fish culture with scientific applications for profit
and sustainability. It has been practiced for approximately 2500 years and originated in China (Hong et
al., 2021). As described by (Little et al.,2016), it is a husbandry practice, and the culture of aquatic
organisms in controlled and semi-controlled environments has been practiced in approximately 210
countries worldwide (FAO, 2020). Precision aquaculture is a new field that allows farmers to have
better control over aquaculture processes, facilitating decision-making and improving efficiency.
(Borquez et al.,2020) While the inputs are seed and feed, the management of water quality, culture
system and health are essential to ensure profit. Detailed reports on the water quality in aquaculture
systems have been published by Boyd and Tucker (2012).
(Devarayan et al., 2022) reported ammonia and nitarates are the essential water quality parameters to
be monitored digitally.The above reviews and reports indicate that temperature, dissolved oxygen,
pH, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, and nitrites are important basic parameters of concern in tropical
aquaculture systems; therefore, they need to be monitored and maintained at their optimum levels. The
impact of poor water quality management on aquaculture systems has been well-explained by Davies
and Walker (2013), (Doni et al.,2018), and many other researchers. Fish diseases can be prevented by
maintaining high-quality water prices. (Ismail et al.,2020 )
Water quality is generally monitored by collecting samples from ponds or tanks and analyzing them in
the laboratory following the standard procedure of AOAC International (Vasconcellos, 2003). Although
this is the most reliable method and has been widely used for decades, it is laborious and time-
consuming. Many protocols require more than 8 hours to obtain results. The application of sensors and
data-processing tools simplifies this study and has been reported to be helpful to farmers. Electronic
gadgets designed using sensors for specific reactions and elements are useful in obtaining accurate
results. This will save time and help farmers take the necessary quick action in the case of an
emergency situation in a pond or tank. In addition, instantly available results, even if the manager or
decision maker is at remote locations through the Internet, will certainly be an assurance of better
management options. The Internet of Things (IoT) has made these things possible through the
collection, transmission, and storage of data for reference and use at any time. (Prasad et al.,2015)
reported that water quality can be determined using IOT-based remote sensing techniques. (Zhang et
al., 2010) proposed another WSN-based water monitoring system that can measure the pH, water
temperature, water level, and DO. (Orozco-Lugo et al., 2020) developed an architecture for flying ad
hoc networks (FANETs) to enable the monitoring of water quality parameters in shrimp farms.(Parra
et al., 2018) proposed a set of sensors for monitoring water quality and fish behavior in aquaculture
tanks during the feeding process. It can monitor water quality parameters, tank status, feed fall, and
fish swimming depth and velocity. (Faruq et al., 2017) indicated that water quality parameters could be
automatically monitored and controlled using sensors and actuators in a smart monitoring system.
Anand and Regi (2018) used the NB-IoT to remotely monitor the water levels in tanks. Cao and Li
(2018) proposed a data acquisition scheme for the Internet of Vehicles based on NB-IoT transformation,
and deployed and analyzed the network structure. Chen (2018) designed a new temperature-monitoring
system for an electroplating production line with good regulatory performance. Wang and Yang (2018)
designed a smart street light management system based on solar street lights with good stability and
broad application prospects by adopting a multilayer distributed structure and an NB-IoT network.
Danh et al. (2020) presented the design and implementation of a water quality monitoring system for
aquaculture based on IoT technology called the E-Sensor AQUA system. The system offers farmers the
ability to monitor the most important water quality parameters of their ponds in real-time. However,
there are still some suspicions regarding readings and measurements obtained using gadgets, and the
reliability of such data is sometimes questioned. Further research involving gadgets and electronic
instruments is sometimes unacceptable because of suspicion of the collected data. Therefore, it is
essential to crosscheck and validate the utility of such devices in water quality monitoring to widen the
use of IoT-based smart water quality monitoring systems in aquaculture. Therefore, this study was
conducted to determine the level of reliability of such a water quality monitoring system by using a
scientific approach and statistical analysis of the collected data.
Materials and Methods
System design
The most significant advantage of IoT in water quality monitoring and assessment is the possibility
of real-time monitoring (Ighalo et al., 2021 )
The system consisted of four layers: perception, transport, platform, and application. The perception
layer was deployed in the pond and was responsible for collecting data. The transport layer primarily
contains the core network and communication base stations that are responsible for the transmission of
business data. The platform layer saves business data and monitors the system in real-time. The
application layer controls the opening and closing of the bottom module. (Huan et al., 2020). This
section describes the collection, transmission, and storage of data, remote monitoring, and SWQM
system developed for aquaculture farms. The IoT architecture contains four layers, as described by Sethi
and Sarangi (2017): perception, transport, processing, and application, as shown in Figure 1. Singh and
Ahmed (2021)
The perception layer network is composed of several heterogeneous sensor networks and other device
networks. It is characterized by a large number of perception terminals and very large data
traffic (Miao,2022). The core components of this layer are the main Arduino control panel and
communication module unit design. The main control panel collected data from the aquaculture pond
and the communication module communicated it with the base station.
A block diagram of the main control panel design is shown in Figure 2. Temperature sensors
DS18B20, EC-4743 Analog PH Sensor Kit, SENS 0237 dissolved oxygen sensor, and ammonium ion-
selective electrode (NH4-BTA) were used to retrieve temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia
data from an aquaculture pond. The microcontroller unit used in the main control panel was an Arduino
ATmega328, which was used for the data acquisition, processing, and analysis. The main control
board is connected to the node MCU ESP-8266, which is connected to the entire system via Wi-Fi.
The node MCU board had ESP-8266 (WiFi Modules) chips on it, which helped connect the internet
directly to the available libraries. The Arduino sketch is stored in flash memory (Song et al., 2017).
SRAM (Static random-access memory) was used to create a sketch and manipulate the variables during
the run. EEPROM memory space was used to store data over the long term.
The ATmega328P microcontroller comprises an internal storage module that stores the
processed data and sends them to an ESP-8266 Wi-Fi shield. The built-in timer was used to control and
collect the temperature, pH, DO, and ammonia data as signals and encode the processed data as per the
data frame design. Finally, the processed data output was in digital format using an in-built analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) module, sent to the ESP8266 module in the form of serial communication, and
stored in internal memory. Subsequently, the ATmega328P microcontroller sends the data to the ESP-
8266 Wi-Fi communication module, and the channel is broadcast between the sensors and Blynk IoT
cloud. The system was powered by a supply of 3.3V.
A schematic of the communication module circuit is shown in Figure 3. Communication occurred from
the Ardunio UNO ATmega328P microcontroller (Hong et al., 2021)to the pH sensor through the analog
pin A0, which was connected to the outer pin of the pH sensor module. Analog pin A1 was then linked
to the outer pin of the Dissolved Oxygen sensor module. Analog pin A2 of the Arduino Uno is connected
to the output pin of the ammonia Sensor.D4 pin of the temperature sensor is connected to the node
MCU ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module. All sensors linked to the Arduino Uno with digital pins 5, 6, and 7 were
connected to D5, D6, and D7 of node MCU ESP-8266. These modules meet the functional requirements
of the NB-IoT hardware design functional requirements (Song et al., 2017)
The design of the frame format is shown in Table II, which includes a start bit, data frame,
parity, and stop bit. The number of bits occupied by the data part is not fixed and is dependent on the
data transmission. The control word design of Arduino is presented in Table III. The control word
contained one byte and occupied one bit at a time. When the data item value was 00, it indicated an
open measurement, 01 indicated a close measurement, 10 indicated the obtained measurement value,
and the remaining values were reserved. (Deng et al. 2018) If the data type in bit 7 and bit 6 indicates
00, it represents reported data; 01 represents the command to be issued. Bits 5 and 4 represent the
transmitted data related to the pH, and bits 3 and 2 represent the transmitted data related to the dissolved
oxygen module. Bits 1 and 0 represent transmitted data related to the ammonia module. When the
operation type is 00, the corresponding measurement data for pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia are
uploaded, and the remaining ports remain reserved. The content of the control word design was
ESP8266 ( Table IV). The control word of ESP8266 is one byte and occupies one bit at a time. Bits 5
and 4 transmit the temperature data. When the type of operation is 00, there is a need to upload the
transmitted data related to the temperature, and other values are reserved.
Table II Design of frame format
Start D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PB Stop
Operation Temperature
The main purpose of the perception layer is to facilitate the data acquisition process, which is
critical to IoT. The Arduino IDE was used to design the algorithm with specific functions such as data
acquisition, conversion, sending, and receiving. The codes for data retrieval from the sensors were as
Step1: DS18B20.requestTemperatures(); temp = DS18B20.getTempCByIndex(0);
//Get temperature data
Step2: pHArray[pHArrayIndex++]=analogRead(SensorPin);
voltage = averagearray(pHArray, ArrayLenth)*5.0/1024;
pHValue = 3.5*voltage+Offset;
//Obtain pH and convert the pH from analog to digital
Step3: doValue = pgm_read_float_near( &SaturationValueTab[0] +
(int)(SaturationDoTemperature+0.5) ) * averageVoltage/SaturationDoVoltage;
//Calculate the do value.
doValue = Voltage / SaturationDoVoltage * SaturationDoValue (with temperature compensation)
The UART protocol uses asynchronous serial communication with configurable high-speed
Kaur and Kaur (2012). This protocol has no clock signal from the transmitting device to synchronize
the output bits at the receiving end. The two UART signals are the transmitter and receiver of serial
data communication. Data from the Arduino were communicated to the sensors using the UART
protocol. Water quality data were communicated to the IoT cloud for processing purposes. Data from
the node are transmitted and received through Wi-Fi communication. The management of wireless
resources such as data flow, headers, and control data is controlled by a communication base station
built by one or more base stations.
Data from the transport layer of Tekler et al. (2022) were deployed in the Blynk cloud while
the processing layer was built. A user can incorporate an authentication token, Wi-Fi name, Wi-Fi
password, or the Arduino IDE software. Blynk allows the user to create remarkable interfaces for a
project using suitable widgets provided in the coding; limits can also be set up by the user. It can display
sensor data. All the stored data can be exported as a CSV file on the Blynk server for analysis. The
Blynk server is responsible for all communications between the Android phone and the hardware
Arduino Uno and ESP8266.
Design of profile
The IoT system reads water quality data and uploads the same data to the cloud in real-time. The dataset
was visualized in the cloud and downloaded for data analytics and decision making. (Udanor et al.,
2022) In this study, The Blynk Cloud platform provides data storage for different farming ponds. There
is a requirement to establish a mapping profile between the sensors and Blynk cloud. The JSON code
for the sensor data is as follows:
Static Json Buffer <100> Json Buffer;
Json Object& root = JsonBuffer. Create object ();
root["data1"] = doValue;
root["data2"] = pHValue;
root["data3"] = ammonia value.
Taking dissolved oxygen, pH value, and ammonia value as sample json files, json objects and roots
were created for the data from the Arduino UNO. The device can receive data and send commands only
when its profile is uploaded.
The IoT system was monitored using a microcontroller, and the Arduino IDE software was
used to access real-time data of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia in the serial port
Some of the data are shown in Figure 4. A serial object is used in the IDE to communicate serially with
the programming port. All the designed sample codes on the Arduino Uno board used serial
communication. When the Arduino IDE entered the AT commands, the esp8266 was connected to select
the correct port for the tool. The baud rate was selected as 115200, and the required AT commands were
entered. (Muangprathub et al., 2019). Major functionalities in the mobile app are categorized in this layer
are setting display values in the mobile app, displaying sensor values in graphical form
Blancaflor and Baccay (2021)To begin with the Blynk App Builder, the authentication token is sent to
the developer e-mail. An authentication token is required to connect the designed gadget to a smartphone.
The gauge display unit was selected from a widget box.This android based mobile application is used to
monitor the essential water quality parameters from anywhere which works through the Internet (Rahman
et al., 2021) Assign pin V11 to temperature, V12 to dissolved oxygen,V13 to pH, and V14 to ammonia
sensors. To prevent misuse and unauthorized access, the application requires the user to enter an
authentication token sent via e-mails. This is necessary for security. This ensures that only authorized
users can monitor the sensor data. The sensor data monitored by the Blynk application are shown in
Figure 5. The command cache time is set on the Blynk cloud platform (Shi et al., 2018; Salim et al., 2017;
Ma et al., 2015). Blynk has a secure cloud server that is important for communication ( Jan et al., 2022).
The specific functions of Blynk connectivity for sending and receiving data are explained in the
following code:
The developed system was validated with a one-month observation period (December 5, 2019
to 5 January 2020) at the Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation (TNFDC) fish farm,
Thirumoorthynagar, Udumalpet, Tamil Nadu. The unit was deployed and used at different time intervals
(6:00, 12:00, and 18:00) under different climatic conditions (rainy, cloudy, and sunny). Data intervals
were set for the upload every 15 min. The sensor data were compared with manual readings. Manual
readings were obtained using a digital thermometer (Make: Sonnen), pH meter (Make: Systronics), YSI
55 DO meter, and ammonia testing kit (Make: Hanna Instruments). The collected data are listed in
Table V. The actual deployment of the sensor is shown in Figure 6.
In the first pond (pond No. 1),1346 data were transmitted and four frames of data were lost on December
30, 2019. The packet loss was 0.29%. In the second pond (pond No. 2),1420 data were transmitted,
and six frames of data were lost in the connection; hence, packet loss was found to be 0.42%. This
proves that the data communication is reliable, with fewer packets being dropped.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7 Comparison of manually measured and sensor measured data in three different times with
different whether conditions for water quality parameters in first and second aquaculture ponds.
(Sukaridhoto et al., 2015) developed a solution for a river water-quality monitoring system. This
includes the design modification of the radio-controlled submarines. This provides the prospect of
developing a baseline monitoring system for indicators of river-water ecosystems. The design involves
revision of the navigation system by accumulating external motors, GPS, IMU, microcontrollers, mini
PC, and water sensors. The experimental results show that the ROV worked well and was capable of
moving firmly in river water to accumulate information from water quality sensors. (Saha et al., 2018)
investigated water quality parameters, such as pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, and water color.
The data from the sensor acquisition were retrieved from Arduino and processed using Raspberry Pi,
which served as a server device. Photo acquisition was performed using a Raspberry Pi with the help
of a smart camera to detect the color of water. Water quality parameters were measured in a timely
manner using automated sensors to provide continuous data on various water quality parameters that
can be used to identify trends and improve production, thereby increasing the income from aquaculture
(Huan et al., 2020) developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on NB-
IoT. The results for the NB-IoT had an accuracies of ± 0.12℃,± 0.55mg/L and ± 0.09, and average
relative errors were 0.15 %,2.48 and %,0.21 for temperature,Dissolved Oxygen, and pH, respectively.
The present smart water quality monitoring (SWQM) system showed an accuracy of ±0.13°C, ±0.025
mg/L, ±0.03, ±0.005 mg/L with the mean absolute error of 0.38°C, 0.127 mg/L, 0.101and 0.028 mg/L
for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia respectively when compared with the control
measurement procedure.
This study created and implemented a low-cost aquaculture monitoring system based on the Internet
of Things (IoT). Aqua farmers can avoid time-consuming manual testing using an automated IOT-based
monitoring system, which will help them in enormous production and meet supply chain demand.
The absolute errors of the parameters measured with the sensors and the manually measured parameters
were lower. The system was implemented onsite for the trial runs. If x is the manually measured value
and x0 is the value measured using the sensors, then the absolute error value can be calculated using the
following formula:
∆= | − |. (1)
Here, Δ is called an absolute error.
∑ ∆
Mean absolute error = , where n is no. of samples (2)
Table v shows the results of mean absolute error and correlation coefficient for measured with sensors
and manually measured water quality parameters; no statistically significant differences were found
between the first and second aquaculture ponds. The average correlation value for the temperature is
(0.96, 0.95), pH is (0.96, 0.95), Dissolved Oxygen is (0.98, 0.98) and Ammonia is (0.93, 0.94) for
manually measured value (X) and measured value with sensors (X0) of first and second aquaculture
ponds. Correlation value can be calculated using the formula
∑ ∑ ∗∑
= (3)
[ ∑ (∑ ) ]∗[ ∑ (∑ ) ]
Table v Statistically significant difference for water quality parameters at different whether conditions
in first and second aquaculture ponds.
First Aquaculture Pond Second Aquaculture
Whether Conditions Pond
Parameter Mean Correlation Mean Correlation
Absolute (R~(x,x0)) Absolute (R~(x,x0))
Error (Δ) Error (Δ)
Temperature 0.27 0.99 0.24 0.97
pH 0.05 0.97 0.03 0.98
Rainy Dissolved
0.09 0.99 0.20 0.99
(December 5,2019) Oxygen(mgL-1)
Ammonia 0.06 0.92 0.02 0.92
Temperature 0.47 0.95 0.34 0.91
Cloudy pH 0.29 0.91 0.05 0.99
(December22,2019) Dissolved
0.04 0.98 0.19 0.99
Ammonia 0.03 0.87 0.02 0.96
Temperature 0.40 0.93 0.58 0.99
Sunny pH 0.01 0.99 0.17 0.88
(December29,2019) Dissolved
0.07 0.99 0.17 0.95
Ammonia 0.01 0.99 0.02 0.94
The present study showed that an automated sensor-based system can be developed and linked
with clouds to record water quality parameters, such as temperature, DO, pH, and ammonia in a fish
culture pond. This study addressed the design and development of a smart water quality monitoring
(SWQM) system based on the IoT in aquaculture, taking into account the current benefits of smart
technology. This will help farmers remotely monitor the essential water quality parameters using
mobile applications. The developed SWQM system indicated that various water quality parameters can
be automatically provided to aqua farmers during emergencies.
The authors thank the officials of Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation Ltd. (TNFDC) Fish
Farm, Thirumoorthynagar, Udumalpet, and Tamil Nadu for their support in conducting this study.
Authors’ contributions
Amrita and Babiyola wrote and executed the study protocol. Mercy Amrita C framed the study and
wrote the manuscript. Kamalakannan performed the statistical analyses. Stephen Sampathkumar
revised the manuscript. All authors approved the final draft of the manuscript.
Ethical approval
The authors declare that this study does not have any human/animal studies.
This work was financially supported by a junior teacher research fellowship scheme
(U.S.O.NO.293/R2/Edn. /2019 and RC.NO.1100/R2/Edn./2019, dated:22.03.2019) funded by Tamil
Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam, India, to the first author.
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