Cooking Utensils Matching Cards
Cooking Utensils Matching Cards
Cooking Utensils Matching Cards
It is a deep-
rounded dish.
bowl People use it for
holding food
or liquid.
It is a tool with a
sharp, thin blade.
knife It is held in your
hand and used
for cutting.
It is a tool with a
It is a flat piece
of wood, plastic,
cutting or glass, and
board people use it for
chopping and
preparing food.
It is a hard, smooth
rolling cylinder. It often
has handles, and
pin people use it to roll
out dough.
It is a utensil that is
often metal. People
whisk use it to beat and
mix liquids when
they are cooking.
It is a spoon with a
long handle and a
ladle deep bowl. People
use it for serving
liquids like soup.
It is a shallow
It is a tray made
of metal or silicone.
People use it for
muffin baking small loaves
of bread in a
tin particular shape.
There are often
12 round areas to
hold the bread.