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a bed of roses easy and pleasant Life is not alwaysa hed of
situation roses.
a bone of contention a subjectof dispute Kashmiris a bone of
contention betweenIndia
and Pakistan.
a drop in the ocean very insignificant Our knowledgeaboutthe
universeis only a drop in
the ocean.
a hardnutto crack a difficultproblemto solve Hackingis a hard nut to
a painin the neck someoneor something Tediouspapenruork gives
that is veryannoying people a pain in the
a pieceof cake a task that can easilybe Dietingis not a pieceof
accomplished cake.
a wild-goosechase a foolishand fruitless Uneducatedpeopleare
search oftenfound to entera
wild-goose chase for
ABC elementaryprinciplesof a I do not even know the
subiect ABC of dancinq.
abreastof up to date with Peopleneedto be
abreast of the latest
accountfor give a satisfactory Lack of teamwork
explanation of accounts for our defeat.
Achillesheel person'sweak or Everygreatman has his
vulnerablepoint Achilles heel or he would
acidtest severeand finaltest Passingan Englishtest
like IELTS is an acid fesf
for manynon-English
a l li n a l l everything
considering AII in all, there is a strong
need to motivatethe
alongwith in additionto, together My threeothercolleagues
with afsogot promotionalong
with me.

apartfrom l . exceptfor 1. Apart from the ending,
2 . in additionto the film is reallygood.
2. Apart from grammar,
vocabularywill also be
as a matterof fact in reality,actually(usedto Technologyhas affected
add detailsto something our way of living.As a
just said,especially when matter of fact, many of
theseare surprisingor us have becomeslavesof
unexpected) technology.
at a stretch in continuity I can work twelvehoursaf
a stretch.
at anyrate in any case,whatever At any rate, I want to go
happens abroad.
at daggersdrawn in great hostility fndia and Pakistanareat
daggers drawn.
at one'swit's end quitepuzzled,at a He was at his wit's end
completelosshowto act regardingthe solutionof
the problem.
at stake risked We need this contract-
hundredsof jobs are at
back and forth to and fro Many parentshave to
travel back and forth the
backup support The workers backed up
their leader.
bankon relyon You can bank on me for
relatedphrase:count money matters.
be a great hand at be an expertat He is a great hand at
be/getcarriedaway lose self-control(be He is mentallyvery
guidedby emotionsor strong;he will not gef
feelings,not reason) carried away with any
be in the good books havea good impression Brilliantstudentsare
of on always in the good
books of theirteachers.
bearwith toleratepatiently You need to bear with the
inconvenience for some
behindbars In pnson All the criminalsshouldbe
behind bars.

blue-collar job involvingmanualwork Many studentshaveto
(as of a factoryworker) surviveon hlue-collar
lobs abroad beforethey
qet a deqree.
bornwith a silver born in wealthand luxury It is difficultfor people
spoonin mouth born with a silver spoon
in mouth to face real
hardshipsof life.
breadand butter one'slivelihood Poor peoplestruggle
reallyhardto earntheir
bread and butter.
breakdown stopfunctioning My vehicle hroke down
breakout beginsuddenly Malariaepidemichroke
out in the citv.
breakthe ice removethe reserue Hisfrankbehaviour broke
amongpeople the icewiththe iuniors.
bringabout cause They discussedthe
factors that bro ught
about the recentfloods.
bringto light reveal I was the first to bring to
Iight the insidestory of
this forqerycase.
bringin f . introduce 1. He brought in
2. ask someonewith many new faces in
specialknowledge, the governing
skillsetc.to do a body.
particular job 2. CBI was brought
in lo solvethe
bringout 1 . makesomething 1. The spiceshring
easierto notice ouf the flavourof
2. make available to the meat.
publicfor selling 2. We are bringing
out a new bookon
bringup look afterchildrenuntil to
It is a big responsibility
thev are adults brinq up childrenwell.
burningquestion/issue a veryimportant Drugabuseis a hurning
thatmust issue.
be dealtwith
burnone'sfingers get oneselfintotrouble He burnt his fingers by
interferingin his

burstout start all of a sudden The crisisbeganwhen the
war hurst out.
butterup flatterwithan intention Manyof my colleagues
are huttering up the
managerfor promotion.
by fits andstarts irregularly,
unsteadily I do notexpectyouto
workon yourprojectby
fits and sfarts.
by hookor by crook by anymeans,fairor foul By hook or by crook, I
want to be rich.
by leapsand bounds very swiftly Our companyis making
progresshy leaps and
callfor require Your success calls for a
carryon continue
doingsomething You shouldcarry on with
the project.
carryout do somethingthat has India carried out a
been plannedor nucleartest recently.
discussed,or that
someonehas told you to
carryweight havegreatinfluence His opinionalways
carries weight.
cash in on take advantageof He cashed in on his
father'spopularityand got
cat and dog life life of dispute It is betterto get
separatedthan livinga
cat and dog life in a joint
cat'spaw a personused as a tool by He is just a cat'spaw in
another the handsof hisboss.
character bringa bad nameto an Ch ara cter assass i n ati on
assassination importantpublicman of the rivalsis very
commonin politics.
child'splay an easythingto do Do you think it is a child's
play to climb Everest?
closeone's eyes rgnore Many old peoplec/ose
their eyes to family
coin money make muchmoneyquickly He is coining money


come about happen A rift came about in the


come across meet or find bY chance I came across an old

friendwhen I was goingto
the market.
cometo an end cease Finalfy,the war came to
an end.
cometo light get revealed Many new facts about
universehave come to
Iisht recently.
cometo the point come to the chief Partof a Don't profong, come to
matter the point.
come intoplay come into action Dishonestyhas come
into play in business
come up to reachthe expected I want lo come up to mY
cope up with deal effectivelY(with I listenmusicto cope uP
somethinsdifficult) with stress.
cry for the moon wish for something World peace is a cry for
impossible the moon.
cut down reduce He has cut down his
cut off separate Due to heavyfloods,
severalvillageswere cuf
off from the headquarters.
cut one's own throat harmoneselfor one's You have cut your own
lnterests throat by not accepting
the iob offer,
cutshort bringan end fast I wantyouto cut short
the description.
cut-throat competition severecomPetition Thereis a cuf-throat
competitionin thejob
danceto one'stune obey blindly Moderngirls refuseto
dance to the tune of
their hushands.
deal with handle The teacher dealt with
the subiectin detail.
devoidof lacking Orphans are devoid of
parents'love and
dig one's own grave be the causeof one's own Don't dig your own
ruin qrave bv challenging me.

do without managewithout I can't do without a cup
of tea in the mornino.

draw back go back from one's He drew back from the

undeftaking election.
drawthe line fix the limit We decidedto draw the
Iine at six lakhsto sell our
drop in visitcasually I just dropped in to see
how vou are doinq.
eleventhhour lastmoment Somestudentsprepare
for the examsonlyat the
end in smoke cometo nothing All his schemesendedin
everynow and then fromtimeto time Theypartyeverynow
and then.
fair-weatherfriends friendswho are not helpful In our troubletimes,we
in timesof need come to know who are
true friendsand who are
fair-weather friends.
fan the flames increase panic or Many politicalleadersfan
excitement the flames during
communalriotsfor their
featherone'snest make moneyunfairly He is a famousdoctorin
my town, but he is just
feathering his nesf by
this profession.
fed up discontentedor bored I am fed up of your
floraand fauna plantand animallifeof a In Geography,we read
region about the flora and fauna
of everv part of the world.
for the sake of (or for in the interestof He sacrificedhis studies
one's sake) and startedearningfor
the sake of his familv.
fromhandto mouth with a smallincome, Manypeoplein this
withoutany provisionfor country live from hand to
the future mouth.
frompillarto post from placeto place Evenqualifiedengineers
and doctorsare running
from pillar to post
nowadavsto qet a iob.
gainground becomemoregeneral The beliefin efficacyof
vaccinationis gaining
get to the bottomof and
fullyinvestigate He wanted to get to the
explain bottom of the mvsterv.
get along be in harmony Do you get along well
with vour colleagues?
get on one's nerves causeworry The noisychildrenget on
my nerves.
get rid of be freed or relievedof I want to gef rid of my
getthrough etc.) Myfriendjustcouldn't
pass(anexamination gef
gift of the gab abilityto talk convincingly His glft of the gab made
him a publicfisure.
girdup one'sloin preparefor action We have to gird up our
loins to defeatthem.
give a falsecolourto misrepresent The mediagave a false
colour fo the whole
give a free hand give freedomto work as He was given a free
one wishes hand in this iob.
give and take a mutualunderstanding in To maintain a relationship,
which each personagrees therehasto be give and
to do someof the things take.
that otherwants
grveup cease I gave up my effofts to
stop smokinq.
give way 1 . lose all strength 1. He hit the tableso
and break(or fall) hard that it gave
2 . be replacedby way.
something 2. This old building
has to be knocked
down to give way
to a new one.
go about begindoing You shouldgo abouf this
in a properwav.
go through 1" discuss or 1 . We should go through
scrutinise detail this case once again.
2. undergo 2 . She has just gone
through a divorce.
go haywire proceedin a badly lf I am nervous,my dance
disorqanised manner steps qo havwire.
go handin hand be closelyconnected Populationgrowthand
unemployment go hand
in hand.
go withoutsaying be too obviousto need lt goes without saying
mention thatit willbe a difficultiob.

greasethe palm bribe Greasing the palm has
becomevery commonin
many governmentoffices
haveto do with have relevanceto The happiness in lifehas
a lot to do with one's

havethe upperhand have control He has the upper hand

in everythingthe company
havetoo many ironsin be engaged in toomany He has too many irons
the fire enterprises
at the same in the fire, so it is quite
time difficultfor him to handle
havesand have-nots the richand the poor In the eyes of God, there
is no differencebetween
haves and have-nots.
hustleand bustle busy and noisyactivity I cannottolerateany
hustleand hustlewhenI
am studvinq.
in a nutshell in a few words, in brief In a nutshell, the
situationis quiteworse.
in full swing usingfull efforts,in great 1. We are preparing
progress for the exam in
full swing.
2. Electioncampaign
is rn full swing
in hotwater in trouble He displeasedhis boss
and is in hotwater now.
in orderto so as to I joined gym in order to
bringmy body in shape.
in store aboutto happen Life has so manygood
thingsin store: we should
alwaysbe positive.
in theair prevalent Todayis Independence
Day,so the spiritof
is in the air.
I n the lightof considering,
taking ln the light of some new
accountof information,we decidedto
reopenthe case.

in the longrun (or finallY
eventually, Ourprofitsaregoingto
term) increasetremendouslY in
the long run.
in vogue in fashion Loose shirts are in
ins and outs all the details He knows ,ns and oufs of
that affair.
in spiteof notwithstanding ln spiteof puttingbest
effotts,he couldnot
insteadof in placeof lnstead of wastingtime,
we shoulddo some useful
jack of all trades multi-skilled
Person It is good to be iack of all
trades these days.
join hands combinein an action All the partiesioined
hands to bring peacein
the riot-hitarea.
keep an eye on watch We should keePan eye
on the activitiesof our
keep away avoid It is difficultfor him to
keep away from liquor.
keepin touch 1 " be informed 1. He keeps tn
2 . maintaincontact touch with the
developments in
2. Keep in touch
with me through
keep on continue,do continually Pleasedo not keePon
savingthe samething.
keepone'seyesopen be alert Keep your eyes oqen,
the robberis hiding
keeptrack of followthe courseof We should keePtrack of
the technological
development takingPlace
in our country.
keepup maintain You shouldkeeP uP the
qood work.
keep up with proceedwith an equal The countrywillhaveto
pace progressfast if it wantsto
keepup with the world.
killtime wastetime He has nothingto do; he
is iust kiiling time.
kill two birds with one securetwopurposes
at By acceptingnightdttyJ
stone thesametime killed two birds with one
sfone. Now, I can earn
moneyand attendthe
collegein daytime.
kithand kin friendsand relations His kith and kin had
cometo the airportto
knockdown demolish The buildingwas
knocked down as it was
laughingstock an objectof fun That fat girl is the
Iaughing stock of the
leapin the dark daringstep or enterprise He openeda medical
competition. I mustsayit
was a /eap in the dark.
leavein the lurch abandonone when he is When I neededmaximum
in difficulties supportfrom my friends,
they all left me in the
lenda hand,give a help ff you lend me a hancl)
can finishthe work today
let down lower I respectyoua lot,soJ
woufdneverlet you
lick one's boots serye like a slave

live up to fulfil You mustlive up to to*

father'e Y

loavesand fishes personalgains Whenwe@

can see only selfishmen
who are tryingto make
their loaves and fishes.
look after take care of He /ooks after his aged
parentsvery well.
look at consider,examine We must look af the facts
and then decide
lookdown on regardwith contemptor Many rich people |ook
superiority down on t!'tepoor.
lookfor try to find I am looking for my loit

look fonarardto await an expectedevent I am looking forward to
with pleasureor get a favorableresponse
eaqerness from vou.
look into investigate The CBI was askedto
look into the matter.
look up to respector admire I look up to himas mY
loseground becomeless Powerfulor The beliefin witchcraftis
acceptable;retreat Iosing ground.
make both ends meet livewithinone'sincome The cost of livinghas
increasedso muchthat
many peoplefind it
difficultto make hoth
ends meet.
makefun of ridicule,tease All the studentsmake fun
of him.
make hay whilethe seizeopportunities In this competitiveworld,it
sun shines is necessaryto make hay
while the sun shines or
we will laq behind.
makehistory do somethinghighlY The teamhasmade
remarkable history by winningthis
tournament for the first
makeone'smark be prominentlysuccessful He made his mark in
in something poetrywhen he was onlY
17 yearsold.
makeone'smouth temptto eat Her continental dishes
water make mv mouth water.
makeout discern,understand Try to make ouf the
meaningsof the wordsbY
lookingat the context.
makethe best of make use of somethingt n We mustmake the best
the best way ofthis oppoftunity.
makethe most of getthe maximum The companyis trYingto
advantage from make the mosf of the
makeup for compensate It is difficultto make uP
for the lossesthis time.
makeup one'smind decide Now, I have made uP mY
mind to learn French.
messup spoil,muddle He has messed uP the
whole business.

move heavenand makeextraordinary
efforts He moved heaven and
earth earth to stabilisehis
next door in the next houseor room My best friend lives next
door to me.
nip in the bud stop in the beginningitself Badhabitsin children
shouldbe nippedin the
nulland void invalid,havingno legal The courtdeclared the
authority contractto be null and
off and on intermittently It is rainingoff and on
off the rails disorganised, out of order Thingsare going off the
rails after the unexpected
strikeof some employees
of our company.
of late recently Of late,she has openeda
cosmeticshop in the
on one'slast legs closeto deathor the end My grandfathergave me
of usefulness some lessonswhen he
was on his last /eqs.
on the contrary usedto emphasise that It was not a good
the oppositeof whatisjust decision.On the
statedis actuallytrue contrary, it was a
on the spur of the at once,without I cannotgive you a
moment deliberation definitereply on the spur
of the moment.
on top of the world extremely happy When I was selectedfor
the job, I felt on top of
the world.
on the whole considering everything On the whole, the
schemeis qood.
once and for all definitelyand finally Let'ssettlethisissue
once and for all.
once in a bluemoon veryrarely We go for a movie once
in a blue moon.
once in a while occasionally They visit us once in a
one'scupof tea fleldof one'sskill Gettingadmission in llM is
not everybody's cup of

outof date not in use. obsolete This fashionis out of
outof order 1 . not working 1. Halfof the
2 . unacceptable machinesin the
factory are out of
2. His behaviour
todaywas quite
out of order.
out of the question not worthdiscussing, not Forgivinghim is out of
possible the question now.
out of stock not available(forsaleetc.) This brandof rice is ouf
of stock.
paintthe town red enjoyin a showymanner They painted the town
red when their son
part and parcel an essential part Musicis a paft and
parcel of mv life.
passaway die, expire My father passed away al
the aqe of 85.
passout becomeunconscious She passed ouf due to
passthrough undergo He is passrng through a
pavethe way facilitatesomething,make His hard labour paved the
way for change way for his future
payfor sufferor be punishedfor We have to pay for our
(a faultetc.) misdeeds.
pileup heapup
accumulate, We piled up all the
newspapersin the room.
playingintothe hands act in sucha waythat He is playing into the
of someone takesyour hands of his clever
advantage andfulfilhis friends.
playtncks cheat You can't play fricks with
playwith fire take risk,indulgeinto You are playing with Tire
somethingwhichwill by investingsuch a large
causetroubleor suffering amountof monev"
play safe notto takeanyrisk Let's play safe and not go
therewithouta map.
pokeone'snose into pryor intrudeinto He has a bad habitof
poking his nose into

presenceof mind quick,sensible The boss is impressedby
action/behaviourin an your presence of mind.
prosand cons reasonsor considerations Checkthe pros and cons
for and against beforeproceedinqfurther.
pullout depart,withdrawfrom an The army was pulled out
undedaking of the war front.
pullthrough recoverfrom He pulled through all his
difficultiesand became
put an end to stop,abolish We mustput an end to
allthe wrongpractices.
put forward suggestor propose I put my suggestion
forward, and it was
put on gainweight You haveput on
puttwo andtwo draw conclusion
from I put two and two
together known facts together and found that
they were in fact tryingto
h e l ph i m .
rack one's brain make a great mentaleffor1 We racked our brainsto
findoutthe reasonof his
rakeup recallunnecessaryfrom Why are you raking up
the past the issueafterso long?
ratseone's votce protest The peopleof the town
raised their voice against
the municipaldepartment
raw deal badtreatment Old peopleoftenget a
raw dealfrom the societv.
razor'sedge criticalsituation The companyis passing
through a razor's edge
and may soon be
read betweenthe lines lookfor or find hidden You have to read
meaning between the lines to
understandthis letter.
red-letterday day that is pleasantly Marriageis a red-letter
noteworthyor memorable day in everyone'slife.
rollingstone personnot stickingto As he is a rolling stone,
anvthinq thereis no credibilitv.

ruleout exclude The doctorsrule d out the
possibilityof heartattack
as the cause of death.
runa risk exposeoneselfto danger Peopleexposedto
or loss etc. harmfulUV raysfor a long
time run a risk of
runafter pursuewithattraction Everyoneis running after
run for one'smoney vigorousor close They are givingone
competition another a run for their
runout be shott of ln the middleof the
highway,he found that he
had run out of fuel.
run the show controlauthoritatively In this office, I run the
sail in the same boat be in the same condition It is hard time for both of
us; we are sailing in the
same boat.
seeto it ensure I will see fo if that you get
what vou deserve.
sell (or go) likehot be sold (or go) quickly The new book of the
cakes BookerPrizewinner
author is se/ltng like hot
senseof humour abilityto perceive
or I alwayslike peoplewith
expresshumour qood sense of humour.
set up establish He has just sef up a new
shiftone'sground take up a new position(in When he realisedthat his
an argumentetc.) argumentswere failing,he
shifted his ground.
show off displayostentatiously He hasthrownan
show off.
showone'strue revealone'strue character Finaffy, he showed his
colours or intentions true colours by admitting
that he was involvedin
the forgery.
shutdown stopfromoperating (a We had to shuf down the
factoryetc.) factory as the raw
materialswere not
sixthsense abilityto perceivebY My srxfh sense tells that
intuitions we shouldnot trusthim.

sooneror later eventually Sooner or later, we will i
find a solution. i
speakvolumes revealsomethingof great Hereyesspoke i
significance volumes. I
spickand span neatand clean Your room looks spick
and span.
spillthe beans disclose,reveal The traitorwent and
information spilled the beansto the
spreadlikewild fire spreadrapidly The rumourspread like
wild fire.
squaredeal fair bargainor treatment I think it is a square deal,
and there is no injusticeto
stab in the back betrayal(noun),betray I had neverthoughtthat
(verb) my best friendwouldsfab
me in the back.
standa chance havea possibility
(of lf youdon'tpayattention,
successetc.) youdon'tstanda
stand by 1. support(a person) 1. My parentsalways
2. adhereto (a stand hy me.
promise etc.) 2. He sfood by his words
3. to be an observer and helpedme
3. can'tjust sfand by
and let vou suffer.
standon one's own be self-reliantor He had to strugglehardto
feet independent stand on his own feet.
standup for supportopenly I sfood up for the welfare
of the masses.
steala march get aheadof the He sfole a march over
opponents his rivalsand got the
stickto be persistent In spite of everybody's
opposition,he stuck to
his views.
strainevery nerve make utmostefforts He strained every nerve
to solvethe issue.
strikean attitude behaveto makean Striking an attitude does
impression not make you more
intelligent than you really
sugarthe pill usesweetwordsto Don'ttry to sugar the pill,
convevharshness we knowyouwell.

take a back seat give lessimportance Academically brilliant
students often take a
back seaf in
take a stand supporta view firmly You have to take a stand
now and favouronly one
of us.
takeafter resemble(a parentor She fakes affer her
ancestor) motherin nature.
takeby storm be extremely popularor Withhertalent,shehas
successfulin doing takenthe wholefilm
somethinq industrvbv storm"
takefor granted 1. failto appreciate 1. Parentsare often
through taken for granted.
over-familiarity 2" I take it for
2. assumethat granted that he is
something is true absentbecauseof
his friend's
take into account consider We should take
experience into account
for selection.
takeit believe.assume Fromyour behaviour,I
take if that you are not
interestedin the job
take on undertake I will take on this work.
take one'slife in one's put oneselfinto Adventurouspeopleoften
hands lifethreateningdanger take their lives in their
take over take controlof or I have taken oyer the
for manaqer'sduties.
take pains takegreatcareor trouble I needto takeparnsto
take place occur His death took place
takethe bul!by the face a difficultsituation I knew the boss was quite
horns squarelyand boldly upsetwith me, but I
decidedto take the bull
hv the horns.
take the law into one's punishin one'sown way lf all start taking the law
own hands withoutusinglegal into their own hands,
procedure therewill onlv be chaos.
taketo task rebuke,scold The teacher took him to
task for tellinslies.

takeup engagein I have taken up the job of
a reporter.
tamperwith changesomethingwithout Someone had tampered
permission(oftencausing with the switches.
the long and the short the matterin brief The long and the short
of it of it is that the case is
the orderof the day thatwhichis currentor Corruptionin government
commonnow,usual offices is fhe order of the
happening day.
throughthickandthin underallconditions Some of my friendsare
alwayswith me through
thick and thin.
throwa party give a party They arethrowing a
party on target
throwoutof gear disturbthe workingof The strikershave thrown
the factory out of gear.
tightcorner(orspot) difficultsituation I am in a tight corner due
to lack of funds.
time and again manytimes Time and again I have
told you to improveyour
tit for tat doingsomething Our neighbourskept
unpleasantto someone harassing,so we took this
becausehe has done step. lt is a tit for tat"
try one'shand attempt,testone'sability He has tried his hand on
tug of war strugglebetweentwo A tug of war is going on
parties betweenthe two
companiesfor this
turn a deaf ear disregard He turned a deaf ear to
my advice.
turn one'sback upon abandon Her parents turned their
back upon her when she
turn over a new leaf changeforthe Now, one year afterthe
in something shutdownof his company,
newfor betterment he has turned over a
new treaf.

turntail turnroundandrunaway The notorious students
turned fafl whentheYsaw
the principalcoming.
turnthe corner pass the criticalPart The doctorsays the
patient has turned the
turnthe scales decidea result His arrivalturned the
the match.
turningpoint somethingthatbringsa The war of KalingaProved
radicalchange to be a turning Point in
the life of Ashoka.
up to the mark satisfactory Your pedormanceis uP to
the mark.
upto-date modern,latest We use up-to-date
uphilltask very difficulttask Preparingfor IAS was
really an uphill fask for
ups and downs good and bad times My life has gone through
lots of ups and downs.
ways and means the methodsand You have to discoverthe
resourcesfor achieving ways and means to raise
somethinq vour income.
wear off lose effectivenessor Your communication skills
intensitv are wearing off.
wearout useor be useduntil Thisdresshas worn out.
white-collar officejob Everygraduatewantsto
do a white-collariob.
with open arms cordially The guestswere received
with open arms.
wordof mouth information conveYed We got a lot of PublicitY
throughspoken through word of mouth.
workout 1 . solve 1. Work ouf this sum
2 . developin a good till I come.
or specifiedway 2. We need to work
ouf this plan.


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