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27-36 The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness On Cafe Yuma Bandung Purchase Decisions

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Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen

Vol.2, No.3 Juli 2023

e-ISSN: 2962-0813; p-ISSN: 2964-5328, Hal 27-36


Frans Sudirjo1, I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna2, Endang Silaningsih3, Farida Akbarina4,
Muhammad Yusuf5
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang1, Universitas Udayana2, Universitas Djuanda3, Politeknik
Negeri Malang4, STIA Bandung5
email: frans_sudirjo@untagsmg.ac.id1, trisutaguna@unud.ac.id2,
endang.silaningsih@unida.ac.id3, faridaakbarina@polinema.ac.id4,

Abstract. This study employs quantitative and descriptive methods." Customers of Cafe Yuma
Bandung make up the majority of the research sample. This survey comprises a sample of Cafe
Yuma Bandung customers who are at least 18 years old, have social media profiles, and are
familiar with the cafe. Yuma Bandung on social media Purposive sampling was utilised to acquire
data, and 89 participants took the survey. This number exceeds the required value of 0.70,
indicating that the research findings are trustworthy. The overall reliability test resulted in a score
of 0.902 for each of the social media marketing variables (X1), 0.874 for brand awareness (X2),
and 0.902 for purchasing decisions (X3). This study included a quantitative descriptive research
design, descriptive statistics, and PLS analysis. According to the findings of the study, social media
marketing has a favourable and significant impact on purchasing decisions.
Keyword: Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Keputusan Pembelian
Abstrak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan deskriptif." Pelanggan Cafe Yuma
Bandung merupakan mayoritas sampel penelitian. Survei ini terdiri dari sampel pelanggan Cafe
Yuma Bandung yang berusia minimal 18 tahun, memiliki profil media sosial, dan akrab dengan
kafe Yuma Bandung di media sosial Purposive sampling digunakan untuk memperoleh data, dan
89 peserta mengikuti survei. Jumlah ini melebihi nilai yang dipersyaratkan yaitu 0,70,
menunjukkan bahwa temuan penelitian dapat dipercaya. Uji reliabilitas secara keseluruhan
menghasilkan skor 0,902 untuk masing-masing variabel social media marketing (X1), brand
awareness (X2) sebesar 0,874, dan keputusan pembelian (X3) sebesar 0,902.Penelitian ini meliputi
desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, statistik deskriptif, dan analisis PLS. studi, pemasaran
media sosial memiliki dampak yang menguntungkan dan signifikan terhadap keputusan
Kata kunci: Social Media Marketing, Kesadaran Merek, Keputusan Pembelian


According to the marketing agency of the Wearesocial and Hootsuite Marekting Agency, in its
report entitled “Digital 2022: Latest Insights Into the State of Digital” With a population of 274.9
million, 65.8 percent of Indonesians have entered social media, making it the most populated
country in Southeast Asia. In addition, the number of Indonesians active using social media has

Received Maret 26, 2023; Revised April 13, 2023; Accepted Mei 10, 2023
* Frans Sudirjo:frans_sudirjo@untagsmg.ac.id
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness on
Cafe Yuma Bandung Purchase Decisions

increased by 10 million, or about 6.3%, since January 2022. The number of social media users
continues to increase throughout the year, so it can affect the development of business activities in
marketing that currently has reached the various social media platforms.

According to Kotler & Keller (2018: 642), social media is a tool or technique used by companies
to communicate with customers in the form of text, photos, audio, and video. Companies and
government organizations can Use social media as a tool or technique to spread text, photos, audio,
and video to the general public.

On the other hand, social media can serve as a communication medium for those who join a
particular online community. For marketers, this new type of “consumer-to-consumer” and
“business-to–consumer”-interaction on these social media networks is very important. (Kotler &
Armstrong, 2012:141). Using resources from social networks, such as blogs, microblogs, and
social networking sites, marketers leverage social media marketing to enhance consumer
knowledge, recognition, memory, and even actions for brands, products, companies, people, or
organizations. It was published in 2017 (Santoso). Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok are
one of the most popular social networks today. Social media can be an easy way to get acquainted
with a variety of new things with various types of users (Arifin, M. A., & Bahruddin, U. of 2021)

During social media operations, there are four Cs that serve as a success marker for social media
marketing. Solis (in Rizal & Lubis, 2014) writes that, according to Chris Heurer, the creator of
social media and media innovator of the club that has been his emphasis, “social media and club
media innovators are the club’s focus.” According to this quote, the social media marketing signs
are as follows:

1. Context: How to tell a story in a context. To get people’s attention, you need to know how
to communicate with them in a way that attracts their interest.
2. As listeners, respondents, and developers, we must learn how to practice sharing our own
stories with others. Communication between the social media administrator and the user
can be enhanced with the information communicated during the message process.
Together, we can make everything more efficient and successful.
3. Collaboration with the Media
Social is a platform that fosters participation and input.
4. Connection: Maintenance of previously established connections to ensure the security of
those connections.

In addition to social media marketing, there is also a concept of increasing the awareness of the
company’s own brand. Creating brand recognition is a long-term value. The brand itself is used as
an identity or identifier of a product offered among other similar products. (2013: 205). Consumers
can identify or remember brands as part of a particular product category if they have a brand
awareness. (Durianto et al, 2017: 54). When customers get information about various items, the
capabilities and strengths of a brand appear in their minds and how quickly the brand appears in


Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Vol.2, No.3 Juli 2023
e-ISSN: 2962-0813; p-ISSN: 2964-5328, Hal 27-36

the minds of consumers or the public is known as brand awareness. According to (David A.
(1997:22) in Sally Meuthia F, 2018) the Brand Awareness Indicator has a level of brand awareness
that can be used as an indicator of the brand consciousness that is present in the minds of consumers
from the lowest to the highest.

1. Unaware of Brand (tidak menyadari merek).

2. Brand Recognition (pengenalan merek)
3. Brand Recall (pengingatan kembali terhadap merek)
4. Top of Mind (Puncak pikiran).

A purchase decision is a step in a purchase choice when a customer makes a real purchase behavior,
according to Kotler and Armstrong. (2013:20). The study of how people, communities, and
organizations choose, acquire, use, and how products, services, ideas, or experiences meet their
desires and aspirations is referred to as "consumer behavior" by Kotler and Keller. (2018: 194).

According to Kotler & Keller (2012:479) indicators of purchase decision include:

1. Selection of product
2. Selection of purchase channels
3. Time of purchase.
4. Number of purchases
5. Method of payment

As discovered by Muslihah (2018), “63.2 percent of purchasing choices are influenced by

social media marketing, while the remaining 36.8 percent are affected by other factors not studied
in this study. According to Devi Krisnawati (2018), Aqua has a high level of brand awareness
among consumers. This study also suggests that, based on descriptive analysis based on the above,
the aim of this study is to test the impact of Café Yuma Bandung’s social media marketing and
brand awareness on purchasing choices.”


This study is a discryptive analysis study using primary data collection through a questionnaire
covering 89 respondents. Consumers who have purchased the products of Yuma Bandung. The
non-probability sampling approach is used in this study, and purposive sampling is used to
determine the sample strategy. The criteria for respondents to this study is to be at least 17 years
of age or minimum SLTA education or equivalent and have a social media account and know Cafe
Yuma Bandung through social media. The analysis technique uses the Partial Least Square. (PLS).


According to age, 45 respondents are aged between 23 and 26 years, or 42,77 percent. 42
respondents, or 38,22%, have a minimum last education SLTA, which dominates the
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness on
Cafe Yuma Bandung Purchase Decisions

characteristics of respondents who respond to the survey. respondent characteristics based on work
there are the highest results 72 respondents as students/students or in a presentation of 67.34%.
respondents characteristics according to the channel to know Cafe Yuma Bandung there is a
highest score 45 responden.

Descriptive data analysis.

1. Social Media Marketing

Table 1 Responses to Social Media Marketing

Score of Statement
1 2 3 4 5 total
X1.1 4 6 7 40 32 89
X1.2 2 15 19 26 27 89
X1,3 7 2 17 25 38 89
X1.4 1 12 17 38 21 89
Source: The Data

1) The first initiator of Social Media Marketing is Information delivered by Cafe Yuma
Bandung on interesting social media (X1.1). Generates the largest amount of pleasant
feedback, with a score of 40, corresponding to a response rate of 44 percent.
2) The second indicator of Social Media Marketing is the information provided by the social
media account Cafe Yuma Bandung is very clear. (X1.2). The highest score was 5 with a
result of 29 respondents or with a presentation of 32%, which means very agree.
3) The third indicator of Social Media Marketing is Cafe Yuma Bandung providing critical
services and advice in social media (X1.3). The highest score was 5 with a result of 40
respondents or with a presentation of 44% which means fully agree.
4) The fourth indicator of Social Media Marketing is Cafe Yuma Bandung collaborating with
various communities (X1.4). Generating the highest achievement there is a score of 4 with
a result of 38 or with a presentation of 42% which means agree.

2. Brand awareness

Table 2 Results Jawaban Responden Terhadap Brand Awareness

Score Of Statement
1 2 3 4 5 total
X2.1 2 4 15 37 31 89
X2.2 4 7 33 34 11 89
X2,3 0 2 13 29 45 89
X2.4 1 6 9 35 38 89
Source: The Data


Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Vol.2, No.3 Juli 2023
e-ISSN: 2962-0813; p-ISSN: 2964-5328, Hal 27-36

1) The first indicator of Brand Awareness is Coffee, Milk and Tea are some variants of Cafe
Yuma Bandung products. (X2.1). The highest score is in the score, 4 resulted in 37
respondents or with a presentation of 41% which means agree.
2) The second indicator of Brand Awareness is “Coffee Student” is the tagline Cafe Yuma
Bandung (X2.2). The highest score was 4 with 34 respondents with a 38% presentation that
means agree.
3) The third indicator of brand awareness is when asked about the category of coffee shops in
Bandung city, the brand that appears in the heart of the brother is the brand Cafe Yuma
Bandung (X2.3). Generate the highest achievement on a score of 5 with a result of 47
respondents or with a presentation of 47% which means fully agree.
4) The fourth indicator of Brand Awareness is Yuma Coffee is a coffee brand that exists in
the city of Bandung and has developed over several years (X2.4). The highest score was at
5 with a result of 40 respondents or with a presentation of 44%, which means fully agree.

3. The Purchase Decision

Table 3 Results of Respondents' Answers to Purchase Decisions

Score of Statement
1 2 3 4 5 total
Y1 4 5 12 36 34 89
Y2 3 7 12 27 42 89
Y3 4 7 10 29 41 89
Y4 4 11 10 35 31 89
Y5 3 4 6 34 44 89
Source: The Data

1) The first indicator of the purchase decision is that if you want to buy coffee, kekinian drinks
and snacks then you will buy at Cafe Yuma Bandung (Y1). The indicator produced the highest
achievement on the score 4 of 36 respondents or with a presentation of 40% which means
2) The second indicator of the purchase decision is Cafe Yuma Bandung having a comfortable
and spacious place (Y2) obtaining the highest result on a score of 5 with a result of 42 46% of
respondents or with a presentation that means totally agree.
3) The third indicator of the purchase decision is the purchase of the product in the period of a
week once (Y3) obtained the highest result on a score of 5 of 41 respondents or with a
presentation of 45% which means very agree.
4) The fourth indicator of the purchase decision, which is to buy a product with a quantity of
more than one (Y4), obtained the highest result on a score of 4 with an acquisition of 35
respondents or with a presentation of 38% which means agree.
5) The fifth indicator of the purchase decision, Cafe Yuma Bandung, has a variety of payment
methods (Y5) obtaining the highest score on a score of 5 with the result of 44 respondents or
a presentation of 48% which means very agree.
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness on
Cafe Yuma Bandung Purchase Decisions

Data Analysis, Hypothesis Testing and Scalable Model (outer model)

Covergent Validity

It is said that the validity of an indicator is satisfied if the Factor Loading Value of the variable to
the indicator exceeds 0.5 or the T-Statistic value exceed 1.96 (Z value at α = 0,05). The validity
and significance of an indicator is considered to be satisfied if the statistical T-value is more than
1.96 and the load factor is greater than 0.5. Loading factor (original sample) greater than 0.50
and/or significant for all indicators reflected on the variable Social Media Marketing (X1), Brand
Awareness and Purchase Decision (X2) (Statistical T-value greater that the Z value α = 0.05 (5%)
= 1.96), All indicators have met convergence validity or excellent validity in their estimate

Discriminant Validity

Cross loads of reflective markers provide evidence of their discriminatory validity. When
evaluating discriminatory validity, you can also see the square root of the Extracted Average
(AVE) for each variable and the relationship between them. There is a strong discriminatory
validity if the AVE root for each variable is higher than the interconstructive correlation. The
model (Ghozali, 2008). Strong discriminatory validity is shown when the AVE root is greater than
the correlation between other variables.

Table 4 Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Social Media Marketing (X1) 0.694
Brand Awareness (X2) 0.635
Keputusan Pembelian (Y) 0.649

Based on the AVE test for variables X1 (Social Media Marketing), variable X2 (Store Brand
Awareness), and variable Y (Purchase Decision), all three show a value of more than 0.5 which
indicates that the variable in the study is statistically significant. It has a high level of validity.

Composite Reality

Composite reliability is defined as a reliable structure if the compound reliability value is greater
than 0.70, which indicates that the indicator is consistent in measuring the latent variable.


Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Vol.2, No.3 Juli 2023
e-ISSN: 2962-0813; p-ISSN: 2964-5328, Hal 27-36

Table 5 Composite Reality

Social Media Marketing 0.901
Brand Awareness (X2) 0.874
Decisions of the Pembelian 0.902
Source: SmartPLS Output Data

The values of t-statistical significance can be seen at the location of each indicator between the
variable and the indicator, as well as the measurement of the path coefficient placed between the
exogenous and endogenic variables, as seen in this model image

The Result Impact of Social Media Marketing for Purchase Decision

Social Media Marketing has a profitable and substantial influence on the purchase choice
of Cafe Yuma Bandung items, in accordance with the findings of data processing using PLS Social
media marketing in social media, interesting content, and information about Cafe YUMA
Bandung, such as promotion, event activities, and cooperation, all are important indications for
optimizing the use of Social Media marketing by Cafe Yumu Bandung. Cafe Yuma Bandung
should use Social Media Marketing according to such indications in order to influence potential
consumers in making purchasing choices. Thus, the more attractive social media marketing is
received by consumers, it will increase consumer purchasing decisions on Yuma Bandung

Social media marketing has had a good impact on the location of 58900 Pati Post Office,
according to previous research conducted by Imam Kambali and Siti Masitoh. (2021). Social
media marketing features such as context and communication get the highest ratings from
respondents, Each with a score of 315. Alfi Nur'aini's previous research also supports these
findings. He found that the @promodazzle Instagram account had a considerable influence on
accessory purchases made by those who followed him. (2022).

The Impact Of Brand Awareness On Purchasing Decisions

Brand Awareness has proven to have a beneficial and substantial influence on the purchase
decision of Cafe Yuma Bandung items after data processing using PLS. Brand awareness owned
by the brand Cafe Yuma Bandung can influence the purchasing choice of potential consumers. In
this regard, the brand Cafe Yuma Bandung has grown from year to year exactly in 2018 until now
so that the brand Café Yuma Banda has been attached to the society and has an emotional bond
with its consumers so that it can influence the purchase decision on the products Cafe YUMA
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness on
Cafe Yuma Bandung Purchase Decisions

According to Sally Meuthia Febrian’s previous study, this study’s findings are consistent. The test
results of the hypothesis showed that the regression coefficient was 0.569%, with a significance
rate of 0.0000 and Sig less than 5 percent. (0,000–0,05). This indicates that the decision to purchase
Zara products at Sun Plaza Field is influenced by Brand Awareness in a profitable and meaningful

Nadya Egileona Wibowo’s previous research was also consistent with this study. (2017). 71.3
percent of Yellow Truck customers said brand awareness variables influenced their purchase
choices. This figure belongs to the "high" range.


The following findings can be taken from studies conducted using PLS to assess the influence of
factors on purchase decisions:

1) Customer purchasing choices of Cafe Yuma Bandung are positively influenced by their
perception of Marketing of Social Media. The more attractive promotional information
through social media is made to consumers, the higher the rate of purchase decisions on Cafe
Yuma Bandung.
2) Brand awareness perception has a positive influence on the purchase decision of Cafe Yuma
Bandung products. The better brand awareness that is built and developed to consumers, the
higher the level of purchase decision on Yuma Cafe Bandung.

The results of this study offer a variety of recommendations:
1) The perception of social media marketing is very important for the purchase decision on the
product Cafe Yuma Bandung. So for Cafe Yuma Bandung to provide information about
promotions that meanric in social media with some social media marketing methods so that
consumers think to get an interesting offer with social network marketing that has been applied
to consumers to buy products Cafe yuma Bandung and so can increase the number of sales
transactions in the following year.
2) The brand awareness developed by Cafe Yuma Bandung has been quite good and has
produced a positive response from consumers. For the next Cafe Yuma Bandung can improve
and maintain the brand awareness that has been created by the cafe to continue to do activities
that can create a good memory or impression to the consumer so that the brand consciousness
that exists is driven by consumers is better. So that’s in line with the brand awareness created
by Cafe Yuma Bandung. In this way, Yuma Cafe Bandung can influence potential consumers
to make Purchase Decisions and can increase the amount of sales transactions at Cafe Yuma


Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Vol.2, No.3 Juli 2023
e-ISSN: 2962-0813; p-ISSN: 2964-5328, Hal 27-36


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