L496 Wheel End Maintainance Procedure
L496 Wheel End Maintainance Procedure
L496 Wheel End Maintainance Procedure
Trailer Suspension Systems
Standard Service Wheel-end
SUBJECT: Hub Maintenance Procedures
LIT NO: L496
DATE: March 2018 REVISION: I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
Conventions Applied in this Document��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Explanation of Signal Words������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
Important Safety Notices����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
General Service Notes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
During Service:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Contacting Hendrickson������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
Relative Literature��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Preparing Trailer for Service������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
HLS® Hendrickson Long-Life System™ and HVS® Hendrickson Value System™ ��������������������������������������������� 6
HXL Hendrickson Extended-life��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
HXL3® Hendrickson Extended-Life 3-year System™................................................................................. 6
HXL5® Hendrickson Extended-Life 5-year System™................................................................................. 6
HXL7® Hendrickson Extended-Life 7-year System™................................................................................. 6
Tools Required�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
ADB Hub and Rotor�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Inspection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Checking for Seal Leaks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Checking for Smooth and Quiet Rotation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8
Checking End Play�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Removing and Installing Hub��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Hub Removal�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Spindle Preparation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Prepare Hub for Re-Installation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Assemble Hub������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Spindle-mounted Seal Assembly........................................................................................................... 13
Hub-mounted Seal Assembly................................................................................................................ 13
Hub and Outer Bearing Assembly - SF Grease....................................................................................... 14
Hub and Outer Bearing Assembly - Oil Lubricant.................................................................................... 14
Hub and Outer Bearings Assembly - NLGI #2 Grease ............................................................................ 14
Standard Three- or Four-piece Spindle Nut Assembly............................................................................. 15
Castle Spindle Nut Assembly................................................................................................................ 16
Install Hubcap������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Hub Lubrication After Assembly, Oil Only���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Adding Oil Lubricant............................................................................................................................. 18
NLGI #2 Grease Lubricant.................................................................................................................... 19
Completing Installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Additional Information������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Hub SF Grease Dam���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Making a Hub SF Grease Dam.............................................................................................................. 19
Torque Values������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Wheel Stud Removal and Installation Procedure................................................................................. 19w
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
DOCUMENT Links are identified by a dark grey line under the linked
This section explains the techniques used in this text. Internal links allow the reader to jump to a heading,
document to convey important information, safety step or page in this document. External links open the
issues, how to contact Hendrickson and how to apply website or document referenced.
EXPLANATION OF SIGNAL WORDS Proper installation, maintenance, service and repair is
Hazard signal words (such as DANGER, WARNING or important to the reliable operation of the suspension
CAUTION) appear in various locations throughout this system. The procedures recommended by Hendrickson
publication. Information accented by one of these and described in this publication are methods of
signal words must be observed at all times. Additional performing inspection, maintenance, service and repair.
notes are utilized to emphasize areas of procedural
Before you begin:
importance and provide suggestions for ease of repair.
Read, understand and comply with:
The following definitions comply with ANSI Z535.4 and
indicate the use of safety signal words as they appear
• All instructions and procedures.
throughout the publication. • All signal word (CAUTION, WARNING and DANGER)
statements to help avoid personal injury or property
PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. • Company’s maintenance, service, installation and
diagnostic practices.
WARNING: Indicates hazards or unsafe practices • Vehicle manufacturer’s safety instructions when
which could result in severe personal working on the vehicle.
injury or death.
• Vehicle manufacturer’s instructions for recommended
practices not described in this manual.
CAUTION: Indicates a hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in minor • Local safety regulations.
or moderate injury.
NOTICE: Indicates hazards or unsafe practices • Work must be carried out by trained personnel.
which could result in damage to • Sudden release of parking springs (e.g. the spring
machine or equipment. brake part of the brake chamber or the brake return
IMPORTANT: An operating procedure, practice or spring) may cause injury.
condition that is essential to emphasize. • Use recommended tools only.
• Before releasing trailer back into service, perform
Safety alert symbol used to indicate
operational checks and test the trailer to ensure
a condition exists that may result in
brakes are working correctly.
personal injury or harm to individuals. It
must be applied to DANGER, WARNING Hendrickson reserves the right to make changes and
and CAUTION statements, which improvements to its products and publications at any
emphasize severity. time. Consult the Hendrickson website
(www.hendrickson-intl.com) for the latest version of this
Safety and precautionary statements are listed in
Hendrickson literature number T12007 and available at NOTICE: Accessory-type hubcaps, such as
www.Hendrickson-intl.com/TrailerLit. the chrome “top hat” style hubcap,
can potentially increase wheel-end
Warnings and cautions should be read carefully to temperatures during operation and
help prevent personal injury and to assure that proper are not recommended for use on
methods are used. Improper maintenance, service or Hendrickson extended-service wheel
repair can cause damage to the vehicle and other ends.
property, personal injury, an unsafe operating condition
and potentially void the manufacturer’s warranty.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
CONTACTING HENDRICKSON • Any troubleshooting and/or measurements have
Contact Hendrickson Trailer Technical Services for been performed.
technical assistance as needed. To do so, several • Digital photos of suspension and damaged areas.
options are available. Technical Services must be • Special application approval documentation
contacted before performing any warranty related (if applicable).
Prior to contacting Technical Services, it is best to To contact Hendrickson Trailer Technical Services, use
have the following information about the vehicle and the following e-mail address:
Hendrickson suspension available (all that apply):
• Suspension ID Tag information (Refer to Hendrickson HTTS@Hendrickson-intl.com
Literature Number L977 Trailer Suspension and Axle
ID Guide, for ID tag location and details): PHONE
−− Suspension model number Contact Hendrickson directly in the United States at
866‑RIDEAIR (743‑3247). From the menu, select:
−− Suspension serial number
−− Approximate number of suspension miles • Technical Services/Warranty for technical
• VIN plate data. Refer to trailer OEM manual for VIN
plate location. • Other selections include:
−− Trailer Type (van, reefer, flat bed, etc.) −− Aftermarket Sales for replacement parts
information and ordering.
−− Manufacturer
−− Original Equipment Sales for parts inquiries and
−− VIN (vehicle identification number)
ordering for trailer manufacturers.
−− In-service date 1
• If applicable, description of the system problem, part RELATIVE LITERATURE
number and/or part description of the reported non- If you suspect your version of this or any other
functioning part. Hendrickson manual is not “Up-to-Date”, the most
−− Date of problem current version is free online at:
−− Where applicable: location of problem on
suspension / trailer (e.g., road side, front axle,
rear axle, curb side rear, etc.)
Available Hendrickson documentation can be viewed or
−− Symptoms- downloaded from this site.
»» Systems, components or function affected by
the problem. All Hendrickson online documentation are PDF files that
»» When does the problem occur? require Adobe Acrobat Reader to open. This is a free
»» How often does the problem occur? application downloadable from Adobe’s home page
»» Etc. (http://get.adobe.com/reader/).
If the in-service date is unknown or not available, the vehicle date of
manufacture can be substituted.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
PREPARING TRAILER FOR SERVICE one at a time, onto the spindle (or into the hub bore).
Information for trailer preparation, safety and The Standard Service wheel-end includes components
precautionary statements, refer to Hendrickson literature available from Hendrickson, but specified by the
number T12007, available at www.Hendrickson-intl. customer. Whereas Hendrickson’s Extended Life wheel-
com/TrailerLit. ends are Hendrickson specified by RTR (Ready-to-Roll)
model and factory installed at Hendrickson. Each are
NOTE: DO NOT service a suspension or any
delivered as complete subassemblies on a dressed
components that is under warranty without
first contacting Hendrickson Technical Services.
Refer to CONTACTING HENDRICKSON for details. The standard service hub (Figure 1) may be ductile
WARNING: Do not work under a trailer supported iron, aluminum or Dura-Light Hub® and vendors
only by jacks. Jacks can slip or fall include ConMet, Walther EMC, KIC or Webb. Spindle
over, resulting in serious personal types include HN (tapered) or HP (parallel). In these
injury. Always use safety stands to procedures, all hubs are considered conventional hubs
support a raised trailer. that are maintained and assembled similarly.
Hub seal
Inner Bearing
HN spindle
Stemco® PRO-TORQ®
one-piece spindle nut
Standard Service (conventional) hub:
Aluminum, Ductile iron or
Dura-Light Hub® Cotter
Castle nut
Castle nut
Outer bearing
Hub lube fill oil fill port
plug and port,
if included
Air disc brake (ADB)
hub and rotor assembly
3-piece nut system Hubcap gasket
• Inner adjusting nut 4-piece nut system (HN only)
• Lock washer/set screw • Inner adjusting nut Hubcap
• Outer jam nut • Lock washer
• Star lock washer
• Outer jam nut
Figure 1: Hendrickson’s Standard Service wheel-end parts identification
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
NOTICE: Accessory-type hubcaps, such as HXL7® HENDRICKSON EXTENDED-LIFE 7-YEAR
the chrome “top hat” style hubcap, SYSTEM™
increase wheel-end temperatures HXL7 wheel-ends feature ductile iron, aluminum or
during operation and are not Dura-Light Hub®, synthetic semi-fluid grease (Chevron
recommended for use on Hendrickson Delo Synthetic Grease SF) and HP (parallel) spindle
Standard or Extended Service wheel- with Hendrickson's PRECISION320 Nut System. Service
ends. and other applicable information can be found or is
referenced in Hendrickson literature number T72002
NOTE: Hendrickson recommends HP spindle type for Wheel-end Maintenance Procedures.
offset super single tire applications. Refer to
Hendrickson literature number L846 Wide Base TOOLS REQUIRED
Tire Configurations for more details. The HN The following tools may be required during the
spindle design is not approved for use with any performance of some maintenance procedures:
single offset wheel.
Other types of wheel-end assemblies can be found on Dial Indicator, with End-play measurement. Refer to
Hendrickson suspensions for both drum and air disc mounting stand Figure 4 on page 9.
brake (ADB) systems. (resolution to 0.0001",
0.0254 mm)
HLS® HENDRICKSON LONG-LIFE SYSTEM™ Hub-mounted seal Available from seal manufacturer
For service information on these wheel-end types, refer Spindle-mounted seal Available from seal manufacturer
to Hendrickson literature number T72004 HLS® Wheel- driver (Figure 12)
end Maintenance Procedures or T72005 HVS® Wheel- Torque Wrench Used to tighten various plugs, screws
end Maintenance Procedures. (10 - 400 ft.lbs. or and nuts, listed in this table, to the
13 - 542 Nm) specified torque.
/2 inch socket Hubcap fasteners
Hendrickson Extended-Life wheel-ends offer premium 1
/4 or 5/16 inch hex key Lube fill port plug, oil filled hub
performance on Hendrickson dressed axles.
Hendrickson selects premium components which are HUB SF GREASE DAM HUB AND OUTER BEARING ASSEMBLY -
on page 19 SF GREASE on page 14
factory assembled in a controlled environment; allowing
for an extended-service warranty beyond that of a For three- or four-piece nut system
HN spindle
gear oil) and a three-year limited warranty. Spindle 47/8 inch socket Inner Adjusting nut
types include HN (tapered) or HP (parallel) with 4 /8 inch socket
Outer jam nut
Hendrickson's PRECISION240® or PRECISION320® Nut /64 inch hex key
Set screw
System. Service and other applicable information can
be found or is referenced in Hendrickson literature Table 2: List of required tools
number T72006 Wheel-end Maintenance Procedures.
IMPORTANT: Torque (Table 4 on page 19) cannot
® be properly applied with an ordinary
SYSTEM™ wrench. A calibrated torque wrench
HXL5 wheel-ends feature synthetic semi-fluid (SF) must be used to tighten fasteners to
grease (Chevron Delo® Synthetic Grease SF). Spindle specified values.
types include HN (tapered) or HP (parallel) with
Hendrickson's PRECISION240 or PRECISION320 Nut
System. Service and other applicable information can
be found or is referenced in Hendrickson literature
number T72007 Wheel-end Maintenance Procedures.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
ADB HUB AND ROTOR • During brake service and relining when the wheel-
For air disc brake (ADB) systems, the caliper must end will be dismantled enough to easily make these
be removed before removing the hub and rotor inspections. In addition to the inspection at brake
assembly. ADB rotor and caliper mounting is defined in service, always maintain current shop preventive
Hendrickson literature number T71004 Hub and Rotor maintenance and pre-trip inspection practices.
Assembly and Caliper Mounting Procedures. Original
mounting hardware must be discarded, once removed, CHECKING FOR SEAL LEAKS
and replaced with new hardware during reassembly. The hub assembly is filled with the specified lubricant at
the factory during the assembly process. On the inboard
Procedures for service and repair of Hendrickson’s side, lubricant is contained in the hub by the hub seal
MAXX22T™ ADB can be found in Hendrickson literature where leakage can occur (Figure 1 on page 5).
number T72009. For component replacement and
repair of ADB systems and rotors manufactured by other
vendors, links to Bendix, ConMet, Haldex and Wabco
literature is available at
As a general practice, the hub assembly should be
checked for seal leaks and smooth rotation.
WARNING: Prior to performing inspection
Figure 2: Check back side of hub for seal leak
procedures, ensure conditions are
safe by following steps in section To check for leaks, look at the inboard side of the hub,
PREPARING TRAILER FOR SERVICE. (Figure 2). A small amount of lubricant may be visible
NOTE: Recommended inspection intervals are based at the hub seal. This is a normal occurrence and does
on an average trailer usage of 100,000 miles not necessarily indicate a seal leak.
(160,000 km) per year. Higher usage would
require more frequent inspections. Conversely, Hubcap
Hub seal gasket
lower usage would require less inspection.
Refer to Hendrickson literature number L578
Suspension Preventive Maintenance Guide for
more details. Inboard Outboard
side side
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
If the hub seal is leaking, a large quantity of lubricant CHECKING END PLAY
will be present. Oil will be spattered on rim and tires. If
this is the case, the seal and other components may NOTE: If extended service wheel-end (HXL), refer
need to be replaced. Take corrective action as needed. to applicable literature and CONTACTING
HENDRICKSON on page 4 before
Many factors can effect smoothness of rotation. Primary This procedure should be performed:
causes include: • After CONTACTING HENDRICKSON Technical Services
• Bearing wear for guidance relative to suspected wheel end play
• Damaged hub seal movement, before removing the hubcap.
• Moisture • After installing hub and when instructed by spindle
nut installation procedure.
• Unwanted debris
1. If not already done so:
NOTE: A reasonable assessment can be performed
without removing tires and rims. However, this A. Perform PREPARING TRAILER FOR SERVICE on
procedure is best performed with hub only as page 5.
shown in Figure 5. B. Remove wheel (tires and rims).
1. Ensure trailer is secure per PREPARING TRAILER FOR C. Disengage brakes.
SERVICE on page 5.
D. If drum brake, remove drum (recommended).
2. Disengage brakes and, if brake shoes, remove If ADB, remove brake pads per manufacturer's
brake drum (recommended). recommended procedures.
3. While maintaining physical contact, slowly rotate E. If oil lubricated, drain oil from wheel-end (do
hub in both directions at least five revolutions. not reuse).
F. Remove hubcap and discard gasket.
4. During rotation, ensure smooth and quiet rotation.
Bearings should move smoothly. Feel for any IMPORTANT: End play can be checked with brake
resistance in movement. Any debris in bearings drum installed or removed (preferred). If
should be felt as it moves over rollers in bearings. installed, ensure all brake drum wheel
fasteners are installed and tightened
IMPORTANT: Any mechanical system with moving
to manufacturers specifications before
parts is going to experience some wear
checking end play.
between its parts. If rotation feels rough,
sounds noisy or does not rotate freely. 2. Ensure hub hubcap mounting surface and end of
Take corrective action. DO NOT place the spindle are clean and totally free of any burrs or
suspension back into service. debris.
A. If rotation feels normal, return to previous 3. Rotate hub at least 5 revolutions to ensure
procedure or reassemble and restore trailer to bearings are fully seated.
normal operation.
NOTE: The hub MUST be rotated before performing
B. If rotation sounds noisy, check end play. end play measurement. Rotation works the
C. If rotation feels rough or does not rotate rollers into their fully seated positions against
freely, refer to CONTACTING HENDRICKSON on the bearing cone shoulder. Failure to rotate
page 4. hub could result in a false end play reading.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
Rotate and
pull hub
4. Attach dial indicator (Table 2) with magnetic base Figure 6: Checking outward end-play
to flat surface at end of spindle (Figure 4).
9. While still grasping hub (Figure 6), pull hub outward
5. Position dial indicator so its pointer line of action while rotating hub slightly in both directions (15 -
is parallel to spindle axis and touches the hubcap 30° between two holes) until dial indicator reading
mounting surface on the hub. Ensure the plunger remains constant. Record reading.
contacts the hub in an area that is smooth and fully
machined. Any regions with scratches, gouges or 10. End play is the total movement of the indicator.
non-cleanup should be avoided. Calculate difference between recorded values of
Step 8 and Step 9 to determine end play, record
6. Check indicator for free movement in both value.
directions. Lightly push and pull on indicator arm
to verify plunger is free to move at least 0.005" in IMPORTANT: End play should be between 0.001"
each direction. If indicator bottoms out, readjust (0.0254 mm) and 0.005" (0.127 mm).
until it is free to move 0.005" in both directions. If subsequent readings are necessary,
the hub must be rotated at least 5
revolutions to reseat the bearings (refer
to Step 3).
A. If checking after spindle nut installation, return
Rotate and to:
push hub
STANDARD THREE- OR FOUR- Step 10 on page 15
Stemco PRO-TORQ® nut Refer to manufacturer's manual
for installation procedures.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
IMPORTANT: If end play is not within specifications, REMOVE SPINDLE NUT
DO NOT place suspension back into One of four spindle nut systems (Figure 7 through
service without correcting the problem. Figure 8) is used to secure a standard service hub to the
11. Check to ensure, for 3-piece nut system (Figure 15
• Standard three- or four-piece spindle nut
on page 15):
• Castle spindle nut (cross drilled HP spindles
A. Inner adjusting nut is secure. only)
B. Lock washer and tang are properly seated. • Stemco PRO-TORQ® nut system
C. Outer jam nut and retaining set screw are
Each of these spindle nut systems has a different
securely in place.
locking mechanism which must be disengaged before
12. If not already done so, perform CHECKING FOR SEAL spindle nut(s) can be removed.
LEAKS on page 7.
1. Disengage spindle nut locking mechanism as
13. Go to INSTALL HUBCAP on page 18. follows:
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
3. Remove and discard hub seal:
A. If the seal is in the hub - a pry bar can be
used to carefully remove seal from hub bore.
Cotter pin Damage to hub and hub surfaces must be
B. If the seal is on the spindle - Using a brass,
leather or other soft-faced mallet, drive seal off
spindle by carefully striking seal from the back
Before installing hub, follow this procedure to ensure
spindle machined surfaces are clean and undamaged.
Seal journal
Inner bearing
Figure 8: Castle spindle nut system (HP spindles only) journal
Outer bearing
B. Castle spindle nut system, applies to cross journal
drilled HP spindle only (Figure 8) -
i. Remove and discard cotter pin. HN spindle HP spindle
ii. Remove spindle nut(s) and washer or lock
washer (if equipped). Figure 9: Spindle seal & bearing journals
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
The hub and bearings should be cleaned and inspected This procedure assumes field installation of the hub.
prior to installation. Hub assembly includes:
• Hub Seal and inner bearing assembly:
1. Thoroughly clean the hub bore of any dirt, grease,
rust or any other substance that may be present. −− SPINDLE-MOUNTED SEAL ASSEMBLY
2. Inspect hub seal bore for roughness. If needed, use • HUB AND OUTER BEARING ASSEMBLY - SF GREASE on
emery cloth to remove any burrs or old bore sealant page 14
and wipe hub clean.
3. Remove all sharp edges, nicks and burrs from seal LUBRICANT on page 14
bore, hubcap bore and hubcap mounting surface of • HUB AND OUTER BEARINGS ASSEMBLY - NLGI #2
the hub. GREASE on page 14
4. Ensure hubcap mounting surface is smooth and NOTICE: The HUB SEAL CAN BE DAMAGED or
free of debris. prematurely fail if:
5. Using the same lubricant used to fill the hub and • Hub seal is improperly installed.
lubricate hub seal and bearing journals. • Hub seal is rammed into the
IMPORTANT: DO NOT lubricate if Stemco seal. spindle bearing shoulder.
• Hub is not kept supported and
6. If filling with NLGI #2 grease, prior to assembly:
aligned with spindle until the
Cone outer bearing and axle nut are
Cage • Lubricant types are mixed during
Voids between rollers
filled with grease hub assembly.
NOTICE: To minimize fretting and damage to
wheel-end, lubricate all components
Pack from small end until grease purges out the big end and applicable surfaces using the
Figure 10: If packing bearing with NLGI #2 grease same lubricant.
A. Pack both inner and outer bearings with grease CAUTION: For safety reasons, to prevent injury
(Figure 10). and damage to the hub and spindle,
Hub lifting equipment may be required to
lift and support the hub as it is being
installed onto the spindle.
Bearing cup
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
This type of seal is mounted on the spindle before This type of seal is mounted directly to the hub inner
installing the hub. The replacement seal should be bore before installing hub. The replacement seal
same brand and type as originally installed by the should be same brand and type as originally installed
OEM. A recommended installation tool (Figure 12), with by the OEM. A hub-mount seal installation tool, with
instructions, is available from the seal manufacturer. instructions, is available from seal manufacturer.
1. Lubricate seal according to seal manufacturer’s 1. Apply lubricant to spindle, bearing journals.
NOTE: The hub was pre-lubricated during PREPARE
2. Following manufacturer's instructions, place the HUB FOR RE-INSTALLATION on page 12.
seal on the spindle (Figure 12). Ensure the seal is
correctly oriented with "air side" facing inboard and 2. Install pre-lubricated inner bearing into hub against
"oil side" facing outboard. inner bearing cup. Ensure it is properly seated in
the cup.
Drive tool
Drive tool
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
HUB AND OUTER BEARING ASSEMBLY - SF GREASE NOTE: While sliding hub onto spindle, grease is
With seal and inner bearing in place; the hub, SF collected at the spindle seal journal inboard of
(Semi-Fluid) grease and the outer bearing can now be the hub (Figure 3 on page 7). This may be
installed; in that order. later interpreted as a grease leak and should
be cleaned.
page 19 for instructions on making the dam. 9. Continue with STANDARD THREE- OR FOUR-PIECE
NOTICE: When completed, the hub should
be filled to 50% of hub cavity (to 3 HUB AND OUTER BEARING ASSEMBLY - OIL
& 9 o'clock position when viewing LUBRICANT
from end of spindle). Any air bubbles With seals in place, the hub and outer bearing can now
or aeration of grease may result in be installed onto spindle.
insufficient grease quantity, bearing
spalling and wheel-end damage. 1. Gently slide hub onto spindle, taking care not to
damage the seal.
1. Taking care not to damage the seal, gently slide
2. Support and do not allow hub to move off center
the hub onto spindle until the seal is against the
while completing the assembly.
spindle seal journal (Figure 9).
3. Lubricate outer bearing.
2. Support and do not allow hub to move off center
while completing the assembly. 4. Place outer bearing over the spindle and into the
hub outer bearing cup.
NOTICE: If the hub is not properly supported,
the seal could be damaged. NOTE: While sliding hub onto spindle, oil is collected
at the spindle bearing shoulder inboard of the
hub (Figure 3 on page 7).
5. Clean spindle and hub area as needed.
SF grease dam SPINDLE NUT ASSEMBLY on page 15.
outer bearing GREASE
With seals in place, the hub, grease and outer bearing
can now be assembled onto the spindle, in that order.
Figure 14: SF grease dam application
1. Gently slide the pre-lubricated hub (packed,
3. With the hub supported in position as shown in Figure 11 on page 12) onto spindle, taking care
Figure 14, place and hold the SF grease dam so it not to damage the seal.
covers the lower half the hub opening.
2. Support and do not allow hub to move off center
4. Fill hub cavity to the top of the dam (3 & 9 o'clock while completing the assembly.
position when viewing from end of spindle) with SF
grease. 3. Place pre-lubricated (packed, Figure 10 on
page 12) outer bearing over the spindle and into
5. Pre-lube outer bearing with a coating of SF grease. the hub outer bearing cup.
6. Place grease coated outer bearing over the spindle 4. Clean spindle and hub area as needed.
and against the SF grease dam (Figure 14). NOTE: While sliding hub onto spindle, grease is
7. Slide the dam out as the bearing is inserted into collected at the spindle bearing shoulder
the hub outer bearing cup. inboard of the hub (Figure 3 on page 7).
This may be later interpreted as a grease leak
8. Clean as needed to remove grease from unwanted and should be cleaned.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
STANDARD THREE- OR FOUR-PIECE SPINDLE NUT 1. Install inner adjusting nut (Figure 16) on spindle,
ASSEMBLY dowel side out, and tighten to 200 ft. lbs. (271 Nm)
of torque while rotating wheel.
INSTRUCTIONS COULD CAUSE WHEEL 2. Back off inner adjusting nut one full turn.
INJURY. 3. Rotate wheel at least 5 revolutions to seat bearings.
Figure 17: Align adjusting nut dowel with hole in lock washer
iii. Loosen inner adjusting nut so its dowel 3. If four-piece, ensure two tabs are folder over as
aligns with the previous alignment hole in shown in Figure 18.
lock washer.
4. Test for free hub rotation, perform CHECKING FOR
NOTE: If a smaller loosening increment is SMOOTH AND QUIET ROTATION on page 8.
desired, remove lock washer from spindle,
flip it over, reinstall it on spindle and loosen CASTLE SPINDLE NUT ASSEMBLY
inner adjusting nut so its dowel aligns with A castle spindle nut is only applied to HP spindles that
the previous alignment hole in lock washer have been cross drilled to receive the cotter pin. Refer to
(Figure 17). Figure 8 on page 11 for illustration.
iv. Slide lock washer up against inner 1. Install castle nut washer and castle nut onto
adjusting nut and install outer jam nut. spindle.
Tighten nut according to Table 3 on
page 15. 2. Tighten to 200 ft. lbs. (271 Nm) of torque while
rotating hub at least one full rotation.
page 8, starting at Step 3. 3. Back off castle nut until it begins to feel loose. Do
not exceed ½ turn.
11. Secure outer nut position:
4. Tighten castle nut to 50 ft. lbs. (68 Nm) of torque
A. 3-piece nut - install set screw (Figure 1 on
while rotating hub at least one full rotation.
page 5) into an accessible threaded hole
in lock washer (Figure 15). Set screw must 5. Back off nut 1/8 turn.
contact inner adjusting nut. Tighten to 18±2 in.
lbs. (2.0±0.0 Nm) of torque. 6. Insert cotter key, but do not bend at this time.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
7. Perform CHECKING END PLAY on page 8. 9. Check to ensure:
IMPORTANT: End play must be between 0.001" A. Spindle castle nut is secure
(0.0254 mm) and 0.005" (0.0127 mm). B. Cotter key is properly installed and does
A. If end play is within specifications, go to not interfere with TIREMAAX® rotary union, if
Step 8. included.
B. If end play is out of tolerance: C. If not already done so, perform CHECKING FOR
SEAL LEAKS on page 7.
vi. Remove cotter key.
vii. If nut is too loose (greater than 0.005"),
tighten nut by one alignment hole.
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
After hub installation and inspection is complete, the ONLY
hubcap can be installed. For complete lubrication details, refer to:
• Lubricant manufacturer for compatibility among
IMPORTANT: Always install a new gasket when
reinstalling hubcap.
• Seal and bearing manufacturer’s recommendations
NOTICE: Accessory-type hubcaps, such as for compatibility.
the chrome “top hat” style hubcap, • Hub manufacturer for volumes.
increase wheel-end temperatures
• Fleet or OEM for lubricant type and other
during operation and are not
recommended for use on Hendrickson
Standard or Extended Service wheel- For adding lubricant, most hubs have a fill port and
ends. plug (Figure 1 on page 5) located on the side of
NOTICE: Interference between nut system the hub approximately halfway between the bearings.
and hubcap could occur if improper Standard service hubs will be filled with either oil or
components are used. Use only grease, as specified during original trailer build and fleet
genuine Hendrickson or Hendrickson requirements.
approved replacement components. IMPORTANT: If grease, DO NOT add grease through
Refer to RELATIVE LITERATURE the hubcap fill port. Use of improper
on page 4 or CONTACTING lubricants or maintenance procedures
HENDRICKSON on page 4 as can void the wheel-end warranty.
NOTICE: To minimize fretting and damage to
1. Visually inspect hubcap, hub mating surface, screw wheel-end, lubricate all components
holes and new gasket for: and applicable surfaces using the
• Signs of damage same lubricant.
• Debris, such as silicon gasket sealer
• Burrs or sharp edges
Oil lubricant must be added after hub assembly and as
• Cracks needed.
2. Clean, repair or replace as needed. Protect any 1. Remove hub or hubcap lube fill port plug (Figure 1
exposed grease during the process. Replace any on page 5) on the side of the hub or at the
quantity of grease lost during the process. hubcap window plug (if included).
3. Align hubcap and new gasket onto hub and insert Window Oil level
screws. lube fill port indicator rings
with plug
4. Hand-tighten hubcap screws.
Figure 20: Sample oil hubcap with oil level indicator rings
NOTE: Not all hubs have a fill port. In this case, oil
can only be added through the hubcap side or
window lube fill port (Figure 20).
L496 I
Standard Service Wheel-end Hub Maintenance Procedures
2. Fill wheel-end with oil until the oil level is above the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
"ADD" and to the "FULL" indicator ring of the hubcap
window (Figure 20). HUB SF GREASE DAM
Use of the hub SF grease dam, during assembly, is the
IMPORTANT: The oil level should be maintained to the recommended method of lubricating the hub with SF
hubcap full indicator ring (Figure 20). grease. Refer to HUB AND OUTER BEARING ASSEMBLY -
Adding oil above the hubcap full SF GREASE on page 14 for instructions on how to use
indicator ring should be avoided. the Hub SF Grease Dam.
3. Check oil level at hubcap window.
NOTE: Allow sufficient time for oil to settle prior to final To make a grease dam, follow the instructions on the
oil level check (it may be necessary to add oil face of the template (Figure 21 on page 20). Use
more than once to adequately fill the wheel- cardboard, plastic or other flat stiff material.
4. If oil was inserted through the fill port in the hub, Table 4 lists torque values for wheel-end fasteners.
Install fill port plug and tighten to 22±2 ft. lbs.
(30±2 Nm) of torque. TORQUE
If oil was inserted through hubcap side fill port, ft. lbs. Nm
Install fill port plug and tighten to 7±2 ft. lbs. (10±2 Hubcap Hex Head Screws 15±3 21±3
Nm) of torque. Hub fill port plug 22±2 30±2
Otherwise, reinstall hubcap oil plug in window. Hubcap side fill port plug 7±2 10±2
Wheel Nuts 1, 2
475±25 645±30
5. Spin hub more than three revolutions to distribute
oil. page 15
HN outer jam nut 315 427
Adequate NLGI #2 grease must be added during HP outer jam nut 385 522
hub assembly (REMOVING AND INSTALLING HUB on Set screw 18±2 in. lbs. 2.0±0.0
page 10). Once assembled, additional grease will not INSTALL HUBCAP
serve to adequately lubricate bearings. Adjust nut according to procedure listed.
1 These fasteners are incrementally tightened according to procedures
COMPLETING INSTALLATION defined in this manual and superseded by OEM documentation, where
applicable. Refer to decal T70013 Wheel Assembly Procedure.
1. Spin hub more than three revolutions to distribute 2 Re-torque all wheel nuts after 50 to 100 miles of service.
lubricant equally in hub bore.
Table 4: Standard Service Wheel-end fastener torque values
2. If drum brake, Install brake drum
3. If ADB, install brake caliper according to PROCEDURE
manufacturer’s procedures. Refer to Hendrickson Refer to Hendrickson literature number T82006 Stud
literature number T71004 Hub and Rotor Assembly Replacement Procedures for detailed instructions on
and Caliper Mounting for information to reassemble wheel stud removal for both drum and disc applications
ADB rotor and brake components. New caliper
mounting hardware must be used.
L496 I
4. Slide outer bearing over spindle and slide grease dam out while inseting bearing into hub.
2. Make a HN or HP grease dam from cardboard, plastic or other flat stiff material.
3. Use this grease dam when filling hub with semi-fluid grease to 50% full level.
Hub SF Grease Dam
1. Print one template for each spindle type (HN & HP).
Cut out
HP Spindle