DLL Q2 - SEM 1 Week 1
DLL Q2 - SEM 1 Week 1
DLL Q2 - SEM 1 Week 1
Teacher: CATHERINE D. SORIANO Learning Area: WORLD
S.Y. 2023-2024
Teaching Date/ Time: 6:30 A.M.-12:00 NOON Quarter No.: WEEK 1/ QUARTER 2
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminaries: Preliminaries: Preliminaries: Preliminaries:
presenting new lesson A. Prayer A. Prayer A. Prayer A. Prayer
B. Greeting B. Greeting B. Greeting B. Greeting
C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance
D. Classroom Management D. Classroom Management D. Classroom D. Classroom Management
E. Kumustahan E. Kumustahan Management E. Kumustahan
F. Vocabulary E. Kumustahan F. Recall of the previous
The teacher will conduct the Genre, as defined by Merriam- F. Recall of the previous lesson
following in the class: Webster dictionary, is a category of lesson
artistic, musical, or literary
1. take the number of correct composition characterized by a
responses; particular style, form, or content.
2. identify the least mastered
skills; and Likewise, a literary genre is a
3. a grade consultation type or category of literary
compositions. A literary genre has
three main subgenres, namely
poetry, drama and prose
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will ask students about Identify what popular genre of
lesson their favorite musical genre, and fiction each title of the film belongs.
literary genre. Identify if they are under romance,
adventure, fantasy, horror, mystery,
historical, sci-fi
1. The Avengers
2. The Fault in Our Stars
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. Shakespeare in Love
5. Uglies
Answer: adventure, romance,
fantasy, historical, sci-fi
C. Presenting examples or instances Students will be asked to identify Game: Four pics, one word, Identify
of the new lesson the following songs, films or novels
by naming their titles.
Hunger Games-
Little Prince
One Piece
Romeo and Juliet
D. Discussing new concepts and . The teacher discusses the three The teacher begins the discussion.
practicing new skills #1 main subgenres: poetry, drama, and
prose. 21st Century Literary Genres
IV. Drama
Dramas are stories in verse or
prose forms that are meant to
be performed onstage in front
of an audience. Authors who
write dramas are called
dramatists or playwrights.
Types of Drama:
2. Comedy
3.Musical drama
4. Farce
5. Melodrama
Forms of dialogues:
2. Monologue
3. Soliloquy
4. Aside
H. Making Generalizations and The teacher will call students who The teacher will call students The teacher will call students who
Abstractions about the lessons will complete the prompts below in who will complete the prompts will complete the prompts below in
one or two minutes. below in one or two minutes. one or two minutes.
3 key takeaways. I’ve learned 3 key takeaways. I’ve learned 3 key takeaways. I’ve learned
that…… that…… that……
2 questions. What I want to know 2 questions. What I want to 2 questions. What I want to know
more about the lesson is … know more about the lesson is more about the lesson is …
1 lesson. As a STEM student, I will … 1 lesson. As a STEM student, I will
use what I’ve learned in… 1 lesson. As a STEM student, I use what I’ve learned in…
will use what I’ve learned in…
I. Evaluating learning Orally, students will identify what is Orally, the students will answer Orally, answer the questions given.
being asked in each statement. what is being asked in each 1. In the _____________,the plot,
__________ 1. It is used in poetry to number. setting, and theme showcase magic,
create an impression that the poet 1. A play is written in a form of and characters may
wants to leave to its script that includes the include mythological and neo-
readers. dialogues and the ______ mythological beings.
____________2. It is a poetic genre that 2. A tragic hero has a 2. Classify the following according
tells a story. _______________ that leads to his or to their genre.
____________3. It is a poetic genre that her downfall. • Metafiction
expresses the thoughts and 3. A farce employs _______________ • Manga
emotions of a poet. humor. • Comics
____________4. It is the speaker of the 4. A _______________’s character •Slipstream
poem, but not necessarily the poet exhibits exaggerated emotions 3. Anna’s teacher asked the class to
himself or herself. in various situations. write a story that contains not more
____________5. It is the central idea or 5. When a character does an than 1,000 words. Which genre is
truth that the poem wants to _______________, he or she utters her teacher asking the class to
convey. lines that only the audience is write?
meant to hear.
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Checked by:
Subject Group Head
Observed/Monitored by:
Checked & Approved by: DR. ZENAIDA N. REGODON
Assistant Principal II